Page 1: IEMS – Institut déconomie et management de la santé Executive Education programs 19.11.2012

IEMS – Institut d’économie et management de la santé

Executive Education programs


Page 2: IEMS – Institut déconomie et management de la santé Executive Education programs 19.11.2012


Our programs: current situation

• Self funded:– Executive MBA in Healthcare Management– MAS en Sciences et Organisation de la Santé (formerly MASHEM)

• CAS en Management de la Santé

• CAS en Économie de la Santé

• CAS en Santé Publique (formerly basic module)

• Funded by SSPH+– International Doctoral Courses and Seminars in Health Economics

and Policy


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Executive MBA in Healthcare Management

• Level : MAS – 60 credits ECTS• Organisation : HEC Lausanne + IEMS• Participants profile :

– Journalists, lawyers, biologists, economists, engineers, medical doctors, veterinarians, pharmacist, etc.

• Duration : 15 months. Healthcare specialisation after completing general management modules with all the other specialisations (Finance and Technology)

• Tuition Fees : CHF 34’500.– • Language : English• Average nb of participants : 13 students (in a general class of 75)• Funding after 2014 : In the global budget of the execMBA of HEC

Lausanne: Self funded



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MAS en Sciences et Organisation de la Santé

• Level : MAS – 60 credits ECTS• Organisation : IEMS (1 CAS can come from a recognized University)• Participants profile :

– managers of hospitals and other health facilities – employees of federal and cantonal administrations– medical doctors and other health professionals – employees of health insurance – employees of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries

• Duration : 3 CAS of 5-6 months, max. 6 semesters• Tuition Fees : CHF 22’000.– (CHF 6’500.– /CAS UNIL & CHF 2’500.–

seminar)• Language : French• Average nb of participants : First year (beg. 2013)• Funding : Planned to be self funded. Possible losses covered by IEMS




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CAS en Management de la Santé

• Level : CAS – 15 credits ECTS

• Organisation : IEMS

• Participants profile :

– managers of hospitals and other health facilities

– employees of federal and cantonal administrations

– medical doctors and other health professionals

– employees of health insurance

– employees of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries

• Duration : 6 months (August to January)

• Tuition Fees : CHF 6’500 .–

• Language : French

• Average nb of participants : 22 students. Class of 2012-2013 : 31 students



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CAS en Management de la Santé

• Funding : Self funded. Help to cover losses of other CAS

• Last year results : 31 participants


Revenues Expenses

Registrations CHF 201’500.– Speakers salaries

Salary of coordination



Institutional Overheads 20%

CHF 57’600.–

CHF 30’000.–

CHF 15’000.–

CHF 17’800.–

CHF 40’300.–

Results CHF 40’800.–


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CAS en Économie de la Santé

• Level : CAS – 15 credits ECTS

• Organisation : IEMS

• Participants profile :

– managers of hospitals and other health facilities

– employees of federal and cantonal administrations

– medical doctors and other health professionals

– employees of health insurance

– employees of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries

• Duration : 5 months (February to June)

• Tuition Fees : CHF 6’500 .–

• Language : French

• Average nb of participants : 15 students. Class of 2012 : 18 students



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CAS en Économie de la Santé

• Funding : Self funded. Losses compensated with the surplus of “CAS en Management de la Santé”

• Last year results : 18 participants


Revenues Expenses

Registrations CHF 117’000.– Speakers salaries

Salary of coordination

Promotion (shared with « CAS en Santé Publique »)


Institutional Overheads 20%

CHF 55’900.–

CHF 30’000.–

CHF 7’500.–

CHF 11’300.–

CHF 23’400.–

Results CHF -11’100.–


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CAS en Santé Publique

• Level : CAS – 15 credits ECTS

• Organisation : IUMSP in association with IEMS

• Participants profile :

– managers of hospitals and other health facilities

– employees of federal and cantonal administrations

– medical doctors and other health professionals

– employees of health insurance

– employees of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries

• Duration : 5 months (February to June)

• Tuition Fees : CHF 6’500 .–

• Language : French

• Average nb of participants : First year (beg. Feb. 2013)

• Results for IEMS : Annual retrocession of CHF CHF 10’800 .–

• Funding : Responsibility of the IUMSP



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International Doctoral Courses and Seminars in Health Economics and Policy• Level : PhD courses. 3 credits ECTS / course

• Organisation : SSPH+ & IEMS

• Participants profile :

– Students registered at one of the Swiss Universities (Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lugano, Neuchâtel, St. Gallen, Zurich) as a regular PhD student.

– PhD students from universities outside Switzerland can attend courses of their choice among those offered with the agreement of these universities to include them in their doctoral program.

– Researchers with a PhD in economics or in a related discipline.

• Duration :

– Courses : 3 x 1 week

– Seminars : 2 to 4 days / seminar

• Tuition Fees :

– EUR 300.– / course (Student) – EUR 600.– / course (assistant)



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International Doctoral Courses and Seminars in Health Economics and Policy



• Language : English

• Average nb of participants :

– Average : 10 / course

– 30 / PhD seminar

– 20 / Doctoral workshop

• Funding :

– Courses : SSPH+ CHF 100’000.– (2012)

– Seminars : FNS CHF 205’760.– (from 10.2011 to 10.2014)

– UNIL : Participation mobility CHF 15’000.– / year (until 2014)

• Future of funding : SSPH+ until 2014
