  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    IELTS Question2


    By mark

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Introduction The title

    Thinking time

    Brain storming The topic sentence

    The topic paragraph

    The supporting materials One paragraph-one idea

    Three supporting ideas

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Introduction 2 Linkage words

    The conclusion

    The word count

    Editing and proof reading

    Final reading.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    The titleThe choice of title: For this demonstration, I

    have chosen the following topic:

    The use of computers has made it easier for

    people with learning difficulties to access

    higher education. In what ways do you

    agree with this statement.You should write 240 words

    You are required to write to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the subject. You

    should draw on personal experience and relevant evidence to support you argument.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    We have our title

    Thinking time!

    What do we understand by the question?

    Is it to argue, inform, describe, or compare

    Take a few minutes to think of what youknow from personal experience.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Brainstorm ideas! You have about forty minutes to answer

    this question, so a few minutes writing a

    memory map is time well spent.

    For this exercise you need to think of three

    key ideas, this is a good plan regardless ofthe question; for each idea another linkedtheory, statistic, or contrast.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    What can we come up with in five

    minutes. Computer aided learning

    Dyslexia and dyscalculia

    The fun of animated learning Making things more interesting with hands on learning

    Student centered

    Legible handwriting Left-handedness and other writing difficulties

    Cut and paste essay theory

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    You are now ready for the first

    sentence. The topic sentence needs to be almost the

    same as the question, you need to rewrite

    using the key meanings from the questiontopic.

    From this sentence, your whole essay is togrow, without changing.

    Our topic disability and educationalaccess using computers

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Computers are an excellent tool for

    disadvantaged people with learningdifficulties, because

    My topic sentence leading to my topic

    paragraph I need to introduce the question theme in

    about 30 words, with one key idea frommy brainstorming.

    I also need to consider the word limit andthe linkage of ideas.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Computers are an excellent tool for people

    with learning difficulties, because, theyhelp with the ability to communicate clearly

    and effectively, without the need to write

    using a pen, or wade through pages of dryand boring text to understand difficult

    concepts. They have also added a student

    centered way of learning, where students

    can study in an interesting way in the owntime.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Supporting paragraph 1 This topic paragraph leads nicely on to

    our first argument, that is computer aided

    learning for dyslexics and people whohave trouble with maths.

    A definition of dyslexia and an explanationof how in your opinion this technologycould help sufferers.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Supporting paragraph 2 Compare and contrast the traditional

    models of learning with the animated and

    entertaining way that computergenerated, edutainment has madelearning a fun process.Also, look at theway the environment is now student

    centered, rather than the old-fashionedmodel of teacher dictatin!

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Supporting paragraph 3 How important is handwriting? Think of some

    anecdotal evidence as to the importance of hand

    writing and how it can severely affect a personschances of gaining entry to higher education.

    Furthermore, consider cut and paste

    technologies to enhance the production of long

    essays, and simplifying the editing process.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Use those linkage words.






    Firstly,secondly finally

    On the other hand

    In contrast



    Even though


    Use them sparingly, but use them.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    Editing/proof reading and the word

    count By rule of thumb the word count of 240 words is

    approximately two thirds of an A4 page, and

    requires about three to four paragraphscontaining two to three key themes withsupporting ideas. ((dont write more than this)Wasting time).

    As for the proof reading, read through twice, lookfor words that dont appear right, try and usesimple effective language.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    The essayComputers are an excellent tool for people with learning difficulties,

    because, they help with the ability to communicate clearly andeffectively, without the need to write using a pen, or wade throughpages of dry and boring text to understand difficult concepts. Theyhave also added a student centered way of learning, where studentscan study in an interesting way in the own time.

    The most useful aspect for people with learning difficulties is the abilityit offers to people who have trouble writing, reading and doing basicmathematics. Previously, these were often marginalized andstruggled to meet even the most basic levels of education,furthermore, traditionally, it was not considered discrimination toexclude these people from the educational system.

    By making the learning process more interesting, the repetitive natureof acquiring knowledge has been replaced with the fun experientialway of computerized learning, where even disadvantaged

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation


    students can learn at a pace that suits them. By repeating difficultconcepts and theories with the help of animation or simulation,

    learning is now in the grasp of many disabled people.

    Another issue is that of handwriting and legibility. Many peoplesuffering from dyslexia in particular have trouble with written script.With type fonts and printers, they can always hand in legible essaysand written material. The only time this becomes obvious is during

    exams, even there arrangements can be made to access acomputer for legibility.

    The final issue is the option of cut and pasting your essay into a puzzle.By changing your mind a day or two after you wrote it, on paper it isset in stone, on a computer you can keep moving sections arounduntil you are happy with the result.

    In conclusion, the evidence for the use of computer aided learning forstudents with disabilities is overwhelming. I am sure there arenegative considerations, but thats for another essay.

    310 words in 35 minutes.

  • 8/8/2019 IELTS Questions 2 Preparation



    We have looked at:

    The title

    Brain storming

    The topic sentence The topic paragraph

    The supporting materials

    Linkage words

    The conclusion

    The word count
