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  • 8/8/2019 Ielts A



    What do you know about IELTS?What do you know about IELTS?

    Zhao Xiaoyuan, graduate student,the University of Memphis

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    On March 22 2007,On March 22 2007, 2626 yearyear--old Chen Xiajiong tookold Chen Xiajiong tooka special IELTS Test. He became the first blinda special IELTS Test. He became the first blindperson in northeast part of China to took the IELTSperson in northeast part of China to took the IELTSTest.Test.

    the Testing department of the British consulatethe Testing department of the British consulate

    general in shanghai, China says from now on, anygeneral in shanghai, China says from now on, anyblind person who wish to take the IELTS test canblind person who wish to take the IELTS test canapply for this kind of special test. The examinersapply for this kind of special test. The examinerswould arrange the test according to the differentwould arrange the test according to the differentsituation of each individual testsituation of each individual test--taker.taker.


    In the case of Chen, the examiners expand the testIn the case of Chen, the examiners expand the test

    time from 3 hours to 7 hours. The Difficulty level istime from 3 hours to 7 hours. The Difficulty level isthe same as normal IELTS test. The test is alsothe same as normal IELTS test. The test is alsodivided into 4 parts: listening, speaking, reading anddivided into 4 parts: listening, speaking, reading andwriting. But the paper is specially designed for blindwriting. But the paper is specially designed for blindpeople with Braille .people with Braille .

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    Basic FactsBasic Facts


    International English Language Testing SystemInternational English Language Testing System(IELTS)(IELTS) is a test ofEnglish language proficiency. It isis a test ofEnglish language proficiency. It isjointly managed by University of Cambridge ESOLjointly managed by University of Cambridge ESOLExaminations, British Council and IDPEducationExaminations, British Council and IDPEducationAustralia. Candidates may choose either theAustralia. Candidates may choose either the

    Academic Module or the General Training Module:Academic Module or the General Training Module: The Academic Module is intended for those who wishThe Academic Module is intended for those who wish

    to enroll in universities and other institutions ofto enroll in universities and other institutions ofhigher education.higher education.

    The General Training Module is intended for thoseThe General Training Module is intended for thoseplanning to undertake nonplanning to undertake non--academic training or toacademic training or togain work experience, or for immigration purposes.gain work experience, or for immigration purposes.

    IELTS is accepted by most Australian, British,IELTS is accepted by most Australian, British,Canadian, Irish, New Zealand and South AfricanCanadian, Irish, New Zealand and South Africanacademic institutions, by an increasing number ofacademic institutions, by an increasing number ofacademic institutions in the USA, and by variousacademic institutions in the USA, and by variousprofessional organizations. It is also a requirementprofessional organizations. It is also a requirementfor migration to Australia and Canada.for migration to Australia and Canada.

    Cost: 90 in UK and differs in every countryCost: 90 in UK and differs in every country

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    Purpose of IELTSPurpose of IELTS

    The purpose of the IELTS test isThe purpose of the IELTS test is

    to quantify the English languageto quantify the English language

    proficiency of nonproficiency of non--nativenativespeakers who intend to study orspeakers who intend to study or

    train through the medium oftrain through the medium of

    English or to emigrate to anEnglish or to emigrate to an

    English speaking country.English speaking country.

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    Testing StepsPicture1.wmf

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    IELTS characteristicsIELTS characteristics

    The IELTS incorporates the following features:The IELTS incorporates the following features:

    A variety of accents and writing styles are presented inA variety of accents and writing styles are presented intext materials in order to minimise linguistic bias. The testtext materials in order to minimise linguistic bias. The testfocuses on "International English", which includesfocuses on "International English", which includes BritishBritishEnglishEnglish,,American EnglishAmerican English and other varieties. But theand other varieties. But theTOEFLTOEFL only concernsonly concerns North American EnglishNorth American English. The. The

    results are therefore considered more authoritative thanresults are therefore considered more authoritative thanTOEFL by some people and organizations (especially theTOEFL by some people and organizations (especially theones outside theones outside the United StatesUnited States). Although apparently the). Although apparently theTOEFL ibt incorporates British and Australian listeningTOEFL ibt incorporates British and Australian listeningexercises.exercises.

    IELTS tests the ability to speak, read, listen and write inIELTS tests the ability to speak, read, listen and write inEnglish.English.

    Band scores are used for each language subBand scores are used for each language sub--skillskill(Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing). The Band(Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing). The BandScale ranges from 1 ("Non User") to 9 ("Expert User").Scale ranges from 1 ("Non User") to 9 ("Expert User").

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    Test ResultsTest Results

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    Interpretation of ResultsInterpretation of Results

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    Locations and test datesLocations and test dates

    There are around 300 test centres worldwide. TheThere are around 300 test centres worldwide. Thenumber of candidates has grown from aboutnumber of candidates has grown from about100,000 in 1999 to about half a million in 2003. The100,000 in 1999 to about half a million in 2003. Thetop three locations in which candidates took the testtop three locations in which candidates took the test

    in 2003 werein 2003 were Mainland ChinaMainland China,, IndiaIndia and theand the UnitedUnitedKingdomKingdom for the Academic Category, andfor the Academic Category, and IndiaIndia,,Mainland ChinaMainland China andandAustraliaAustralia for the Generalfor the GeneralTraining Category.Training Category.There are up to 48 test dates available per year.There are up to 48 test dates available per year.Each test centre offers tests up to four times aEach test centre offers tests up to four times amonthmonth depending on local demand.depending on local demand.

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    All IELTSAll IELTS--related research activities are coordinated under arelated research activities are coordinated under aframework for ongoing test development and validation. Activitiesframework for ongoing test development and validation. Activitiesare loosely divided into areas which are the direct responsibilityare loosely divided into areas which are the direct responsibilityof Cambridge ESOL, and work which is funded and supported byof Cambridge ESOL, and work which is funded and supported byIELTS Australia and British Council.IELTS Australia and British Council.

    Routine analysis of test data is conducted on test materials andRoutine analysis of test data is conducted on test materials andtest takers performance to ensure that IELTS remains fair andtest takers performance to ensure that IELTS remains fair andunbiased regardless of nationality, background, gender orunbiased regardless of nationality, background, gender orlifestyle, and that IELTS encourages, reflects and respectslifestyle, and that IELTS encourages, reflects and respectsinternational diversity. The internal research and validationinternational diversity. The internal research and validationagenda is complemented with work carried out through externalagenda is complemented with work carried out through externalgrantgrant--funded studies.funded studies.

    Comprehensive information on how IELTS is marked and whatComprehensive information on how IELTS is marked and whatthe band scores mean and how they should be interpreted canthe band scores mean and how they should be interpreted can

    be found in Score processing, reporting and interpretation A clearbe found in Score processing, reporting and interpretation A cleardescription of how IELTS test material is produced is alsodescription of how IELTS test material is produced is alsoprovidedprovided herehere. Versions of the band descriptors for the Writing. Versions of the band descriptors for the Writingand Speaking modules can be foundand Speaking modules can be found herehere ..

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    The relationship of IELTS with the other Cambridge ESOL testsThe relationship of IELTS with the other Cambridge ESOL testsand with the Common European Framework of Reference isand with the Common European Framework of Reference israther more complex; IELTS is not a levelrather more complex; IELTS is not a level--based test (like FCE orbased test (like FCE orCPE) but is designed to stretch across a much broaderCPE) but is designed to stretch across a much broaderproficiency continuum. So when seeking to compare IELTS bandproficiency continuum. So when seeking to compare IELTS bandscores with scores on other tests, it is important to bear in mindscores with scores on other tests, it is important to bear in mindthe differences in test purpose, measurement scale, test formatthe differences in test purpose, measurement scale, test format

    and testand test--taker populations for which IELTS was originallytaker populations for which IELTS was originallydesigned. Figure 1 in the Research Notes 15 articledesigned. Figure 1 in the Research Notes 15 articleacknowledged this complex relationship by maintaining aacknowledged this complex relationship by maintaining adistance between the IELTS scale (on the far right) and the otherdistance between the IELTS scale (on the far right) and the othertests and levels located within the conceptual framework.tests and levels located within the conceptual framework.

    Since the late 1990s, Cambridge ESOL has conducted a numberSince the late 1990s, Cambridge ESOL has conducted a numberof research projects to explore how IELTS band scores align withof research projects to explore how IELTS band scores align withthe Common European Framework levels. In 1998 and 1999the Common European Framework levels. In 1998 and 1999

    internal studies examined the relationship between IELTS andinternal studies examined the relationship between IELTS andthe Cambridge Main Suite Examinations, specifically CAE (C1the Cambridge Main Suite Examinations, specifically CAE (C1level) and FCE (B2 level). Under test conditions, candidates tooklevel) and FCE (B2 level). Under test conditions, candidates tookexperimental reading tests containing both IELTS and CAE orexperimental reading tests containing both IELTS and CAE orFCE tasks. Although the studies were limited in scope, resultsFCE tasks. Although the studies were limited in scope, resultsindicated that a candidate who achieves a Band 6.5 in IELTSindicated that a candidate who achieves a Band 6.5 in IELTSwould be likely to achieve a passing grade at CAE (C1 level).would be likely to achieve a passing grade at CAE (C1 level).

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    A comparison between IELTSA comparison between IELTS

    and TOEFLand TOEFL

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    official website:official website:

    Preparation resources:P

    reparation resources:


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