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Hi, thanks for reviewing my essays. What I always want to know is are my points make sense and what I should improve in writing as essay.

First of all, I will organize my time to ensure that there will be enough time to be with my family in order to build a strong bond or relationship between us. In addition, chatting with my parents is one of the happiest moments in my life as I could see their smiles in the conversation. As a matter of fact, that is mainly because I am studying away from my hometown. Therefore, my family cherishes every moment having to chat with me, so do I. Besides that, I would spend my time with my siblings as we share almost the same interests and hobbies. Since young, we used to play badminton, chess, and ping pong with them. Having sports not only makes our relationship closer, but also build our bodies healthier ad stronger. To summarize, having time with my family is one of the most important thing in my life.

Secondly, part of my time will be spent with my friends. I do believe that every one of us has friends. However, not all of us know how to cherish this precious relationship. For me, I would choose to meet my friends at least three times a week to have a chat on anything. Moreover, we could chat of any problems we face in our lives to our friends too. A true friend will help us anywhere and anytime. For instance, when I feel bad, I would choose to ask for my friend's opinion on what I should do. At the same time, some of my friends will ask for my opinions when they face some difficulties in their lives. In short, friends can be a great force to drive us in our lives.

Last but not least, I would organize my time to ensure that I could carry out my responsibilities in life. What are my responsibilities? For a student, I have to study and I should not disappoint my parents with a rotten results. In addition, I should always keep in mind that a great result can ensure a brighter future in my future life. In addition, as the eldest brother among my siblings, I should always do my best to set a good example for my brothers and sisters. It means that I have to behave and act in a positive way. In short, every one of us has our own responsibilities, and we should organize our time well to accomplish all these challenges.

In conclusion, organizing my time balance on my family, friends and studies is the reason why I strongly believe that I am well organized.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habits.We are constantly surrounded by advertising, from bus stop benches to television commercials. Some people have advertisements associated with the current unhealthy eating habits of many people. Although advertising is indeed partially responsible for unhealthy eating habits, it does not follow that advertising is the only cause.

Admittedly, some advertisements should be blamed for unhealthy eating habits. The reasons are twofold. For one, the advertisements of junk foods are often designed quite tempting in order to attract consumers. For example,

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the commercial of KFC is typically a combination of melodious music, fancy pictures, and a slogan of “We do chicken right”, consequently luring people to purchase the unhealthy food. For another, some advertisements just tell consumers nutritious pills, drinks, or cereals, can provide daily vitamins or fiber, so some people assume that those can replace having actual food and fruits.

However, it is an overstatement to assert that advertising is the only reason, since other factors play no less or even more important role in causing unhealthy eating habits. On the one hand, heavy workload keeps people from having their meals regularly. Nowadays, people have to work really hard to survive and succeed in the highly competitive society, so they barely have time to eat regularly. For instance, instead of eating at the table, many people, including students, have their breakfast while driving or even running to work and school; instead of going to dining halls or restaurants, many people order takeouts and eat whilst working; and instead of cooking a delicious and nourishing family dinner, many people just pop a frozen dinner into the oven.

On the other hand, some so-called junk foods are so tasty and attractive that some people just cannot resist. For example, fried chicken, cheese burgers and cola, are indeed more delicious, especially for children. Commonly, fried chicken wings are usually spicy and crisp compared with the blend and mild taste of vegetables, so it is easy to understand why those junk foods can soon become popular among young children. However, the fried wings, some cereals, and chips are too oily or sweet, containing excessive fat and even some poisonous ingredients, all of which do harm to people’s health. So I believe the special taste and flavor explain why people love those unhealthy foods.

In sum, it is inappropriate to reckon that advertising is the only cause of unhealthy eating habit because heavy workload and good taste of junk foods are another two reasons. I hope everyone can say no to the junk foods, reduce working hours and enjoy a more healthy life.3.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Car has a greater influence on our society than the plane has.

Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, the transportation system has expanded quickly and influenced our lives from different aspects since cars and planes came into being. However, when it comes to whether cars are more influential than planes to our society, the answers vary from one person to another. From my point of view, even though planes promoted the world to become an integrated group, I insist that car has a greater influence on our lives. MY reasons and examples are listed above.

There is no denying the fact that planes decreased the distances of the world’s continents, make it possible for people to communicate with others from all over the world. When flying is just a dream of human beings, people spend several months on crowded and pokey ship to cross the Pacific.

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Several years later, then, here comes the plane, turn the tedious and exhausted long voyage to a few hours comfortable and enjoyable trip.

However, cars are more influential than planes, for the simple reason that cars are related more closely with everyone’s daily life. It directly influenced our everyday work and study.

To begin with, cars have already become integral part of people’s routine life. We go to schools by school buses, commute to work by cars and drive hundreds of miles to enjoy vacations. Most people in a country do not need to fly to a distant place, even if they take air travels, it is not very often. However, a family in America can hardly involve in regular social activities if they can’t use a car, even if only one day.

Besides, cars are more convenient if people travel in a relatively shorter distance. With the highly developed highway system, people can drive their cars at a faster speed to get to another city or state, and they don’t need to suffer the traffic jams of the airport expressway and the troublesome safety inspection. In addition, they can schedule their plans more flexible, since they don’t need to catch a plane or worry about the plane behind the schedule.

In conclusion, although planes do have positive impact on our society, it is not related with our daily life as intimate as car is. So, I agree with the statement that car has a greater influence on our world.


TOPIC:Some people think children should study and play. Other people think children should help with household chores. Which do you think is better?

In today's contemporary, it seems that children are surprisingly busy due to the increasingly fierce and brutal competition. They have to accumulate knowledge in a diversity of fields to perfect themselves, and this is where the controversy arises. Some people hold the opinion that they should play freely once they have leisure time, others who strongly disagree with this cite that no matter how busy they are, helping with household chores should be an essential part in childhood. In my perspective, the latter one is more reasonable.

There are a considerable number of reasons to consolidate my viewpoint, that is, doing some household chores will benefit children a lot, but also their parents. In the first place, during this process, we could learn something interesting and practical, which can not obtain from classes. Let me take myself for example. When I was a little girl, I always helped my mother water flowers and feed golden fish, I learned how to attend those cute little creatures and found life is so full of beauty. What's more, by preparing meals with my mother, I learned how to select various fresh vegetables and fruits in a supermarket, and then gained a lot of useful common sense. Since then I amazingly realized, besides the knowledge from our books in school, there are an assortment of stuff for me to learn in daily life! Life is like a box of

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chocolate, what we should do is keep full of vigor and taste it.

Another aspect that cannot be ignored is that, by doing some household chores, we could lighten our parents’ load to some extent, but also please them, since they have to face tremendous issues from work and are usually exhausted. Sometimes, I would wash dashes after dinner and wipe the floor on weekends with my mother, every time I could feel a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction in both myself and my mother – I enjoyed the time together with my parent; she was proud of herself as having such a cute girl – thus our relationship had been strengthened unconsciously as well. More importantly of all, I, a childish teenager, gradually began to be aware of the necessity of assuming responsibilities and obligations as a family member.

In case of daily life, it does own its own philosophy and value for us to experience and, undoubtedly, doing household chores is definitely one of the best approaches for young teenagers. Therefore, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that children should help with household chores.


Thank you for correcting my last essay. I am keeping on writing an essay every day. I have written this new one. Can you take a look to see if these is and thing that need to be improved.

Do you think that television programs, movies and video games influence young people’s behavior? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

At first glance, television programs, movies and video games seem to have a lot of advantages to young people because they help young people relax. However, after pondering from deeper angles, these things can have bad effects on young people’s behavior if they abuse them. For example, these things can make young people less active, more aggressive and less sociable.

First of all, many young people become less active because they spend too much time to watch television programs, movies and play video games. Both watching and playing games are passive activities, the subjects do not get enough exercises. Instead of walking around to chat with their neighbors, they just sit at home and witness the whole imaginative world happing in a movie. Rather than gathering with friends to play sports, some young people sit in a small room to play soccer game.

Secondly, these things can make young people more aggressive. Usually, there are many scenes of fighting and killing in a movies or video games. The more people witness them, the less sensitive to these things they will become. Thus, if they watch these scenes too much, maybe they will consider beating a person or fighting with other people as normal actions. Probably, some days, they will act similarly to these things.

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Finally, these things also make young people less sociable. The young people seem do not have any time to go to the real world if they get addicted to these things. Probably, in the morning, they watch a television programs, then at noon, they play some computer games and in the afternoon, they watch movies. Instead going out to keep in contact with other people, they just sit at home and admire some heroes in a movie who can save the whole world.

In conclusion, television programs, movies and video games are the things that help us relax when we have stress. However, if young people abuse them, there will be many bad effects. They can make young people more bellicose, less active and less sociable. Thus, we should control ourselves to avoid these bad effects.


TOPIC:Some people think children should study and play. Other people think children should help with household chores. Which do you think is better?

In today's contemporary, it seems that children are surprisingly busy due to the increasingly fierce and brutal competition. They have to accumulate knowledge in a diversity of fields to perfect themselves, and this is where the controversy arises. Some people hold the opinion that they should play freely once they have leisure time, others who strongly disagree with this cite that no matter how busy they are, helping with household chores should be an essential part in childhood. In my perspective, the latter one is more reasonable.

There are a considerable number of reasons to consolidate my viewpoint, that is, doing some household chores will benefit children a lot, but also their parents. In the first place, during this process, we could learn something interesting and practical, which can not obtain from classes. Let me take myself for example. When I was a little girl, I always helped my mother water flowers and feed golden fish, I learned how to attend those cute little creatures and found life is so full of beauty. What's more, by preparing meals with my mother, I learned how to select various fresh vegetables and fruits in a supermarket, and then gained a lot of useful common sense. Since then I amazingly realized, besides the knowledge from our books in school, there are an assortment of stuff for me to learn in daily life! Life is like a box of chocolate, what we should do is keep full of vigor and taste it.

Another aspect that cannot be ignored is that, by doing some household chores, we could lighten our parents’ load to some extent, but also please them, since they have to face tremendous issues from work and are usually exhausted. Sometimes, I would wash dashes after dinner and wipe the floor on weekends with my mother, every time I could feel a strong sense of happiness and satisfaction in both myself and my mother – I enjoyed the time together with my parent; she was proud of herself as having such a cute girl – thus our relationship had been strengthened unconsciously as well. More importantly of all, I, a childish teenager, gradually began to be aware of the necessity of assuming responsibilities and obligations as a family member.

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In case of daily life, it does own its own philosophy and value for us to experience and, undoubtedly, doing household chores is definitely one of the best approaches for young teenagers. Therefore, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that children should help with household chores.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Car has a greater influence on our society than the plane has.

Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, the transportation system has expanded quickly and influenced our lives from different aspects since cars and planes came into being. However, when it comes to whether cars are more influential than planes to our society, the answers vary from one person to another. From my point of view, even though planes promoted the world to become an integrated group, I insist that car has a greater influence on our lives. MY reasons and examples are listed above.

There is no denying the fact that planes decreased the distances of the world’s continents, make it possible for people to communicate with others from all over the world. When flying is just a dream of human beings, people spend several months on crowded and pokey ship to cross the Pacific. Several years later, then, here comes the plane, turn the tedious and exhausted long voyage to a few hours comfortable and enjoyable trip.

However, cars are more influential than planes, for the simple reason that cars are related more closely with everyone’s daily life. It directly influenced our everyday work and study.

To begin with, cars have already become integral part of people’s routine life. We go to schools by school buses, commute to work by cars and drive hundreds of miles to enjoy vacations. Most people in a country do not need to fly to a distant place, even if they take air travels, it is not very often. However, a family in America can hardly involve in regular social activities if they can’t use a car, even if only one day.

Besides, cars are more convenient if people travel in a relatively shorter distance. With the highly developed highway system, people can drive their cars at a faster speed to get to another city or state, and they don’t need to suffer the traffic jams of the airport expressway and the troublesome safety inspection. In addition, they can schedule their plans more flexible, since they don’t need to catch a plane or worry about the plane behind the schedule.

In conclusion, although planes do have positive impact on our society, it is not related with our daily life as intimate as car is. So, I agree with the statement that car has a greater influence on our world.


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Please point out my mistakes and give your advices!Thank you in advance

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print innewspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do webecome used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news wasreported?

These days the Mass-Media is well-known as the forth branch of government. The media has large influence to people and the way they are thinking. There are many television programmes, newspapers and magazines providing us with the latest news. There are some factors determines the editors decisions what to be posted in the newspapers and what to be telecasted on television. This essay examines the causes influence on these editors’ decisions .

The editors have to give the public the latest news and actual events, the information has to be very well-presented and easy to understand. Their role is to show us the reality whatever it is. The main purpose of the editors is to find out suitable topics, interesting to the audience, and emphasize these ones in order to attract viewers attention. For example, teenagers would like to read articles and watch programmes with their favourite pop idols or actors and everything related with their interests.

The basic aim of editors is to sell customers as many newspapers as possible. As a result, they exaggerated and embroider the truth in their articles in order to arose curiosity in their readers. It is a dishonest way to earn money at the expense of another person. There are people who believed those stories and buy newspapers to keep up to date with latest news and rumors relating their idols and ect.

In my view whatever news we are exposed, bad or good we have to know the truth about the things happening around us. There are enough sources of information so the choice is yours what sort of information to look for.


Hello Kitosdad,

Hope everything is hunky dory with you. I have written another essay which has been shot through with overwhelming lies. Thank you very much for your help.

Topic: Subjects such as art, music, and drama should be part of every child's basic education.

Art, music and drama have gained a momentum over the last few decades. As a result, these subjects are on the forefront of public debate insofar as some has put forward that they should be a part of every child's basic education. Speaking for myself, I disagree with this mentality. My reasons and examples listed below will bolster my point of view.

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In the first place, there are other things that are more important than art ,music and drama. We should teach students things that they will need in the future. In this world, children should learn how to treat with other people who live in their milieus.Furthermore, it is needless to say that subjects like math and chemistry are more conducive to human life. Accordingly, we should not neglect things that can have profound effects on our lives, and stick to things that are kind of futile to learn.To put the discussion into a wider context, picture someone who does not know anything about art . He/she can sustain his/her life without getting into serious problems. On the other hand , he/she can research into a new method for helping the blind to recover their vision ability.

In the second place, children should be prepared for their future lives by learning a skill on which they can make money. In my country, people do not value any kind of art. As a corollary to this, people who master art in any form of it, are not well-paid inasmuch as most artists, if not all, pass away in sidewalks because they do not have money to have any refugees to sleep. Consequently, there would not be any benefits to learning things such as music and drama. To illustrate this point, once I wanted to become a singer. However, my father who knew that by my becoming a singer, I will die of hunger, forced(kicked?) me out of our house so as to I could experience my future life at that moment. I had to sleep in parks at chilly nights with my peers. As a result, I could sense the difficulties of being an artist in my society so that I gave up my devastating goal.

To put all in a nutshell, I reckon that there is no warrant for teaching any bread of art in schools because these things not only can distract students from their main missions, they can also spoil children's future lives.

Do you think that I can write things like what I wrote here in the TOEFL?


Hello Kitosdad. Thanks for reviewing my essay.

Nowadays, people travel to different countries for different reasons, such as education, business, etc. Due to this, there is a huge controversy among many people over following a new custom, or keeping their own customs. From my point of view, when living in another country, following a new custom can be very beneficial to us. My reasons and examples listed below will strengthen my point of view.

In the first place, when we follow a new custom, we learn more about people’s lives, lifestyles, and their ways of thinking. To illustrate this fact, during my years of education in India, I started following Indians lifestyle. For example, Indians have the habit of using their hands instead of (using) cutlery in order to eat their meals. They think that the food will taste better, and can also be a good way to force people to wash their hands before and after sitting down to(for?) a meal. Although in my country this way of eating is not acceptable, and is considered uncultured and uncivilized, I decided to eat with my hands

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so as to respect their culture. As a result, I was able to make more friends, and nobody looked at me as a stranger anymore.

Secondly, following a new custom can help us have a comfortable life. For instance, when I was living in India, I changed my clothing style. I started to wear what is known as ”Salwar Kameez”, which I found really suitable for the type of weather in India. By wearing these extremely great Indian clothing, which are made of delicate textile, I got less irritated by the hot weather. Washing them was also easier compared to jeans and shirts.

To put all in a nutshell, I think that people who want to settle down in a new country need to adapt themselves to new customs, since they can have a more comfortable and successful life.


#1 (permalink) Thu Nov 11, 2010 13:33 pm   Who make choices? Parents of Children?


Parent is the first teacher of an individual. What they teach and tell plays an important role in individuals' entire lives. However, it is better for them to be mentors, but not dictators. And the decision of children's own future should be made by themselves.

It is parent’s responsibility to guide children, teach them how to behave properly and supervise them make the right decision at each conjunction of life. Children, especially young kids, are hard to tell what is right and what is wrong. As adults, parents should make clear for them, help them to do the proper things, but not let them choose whatever they want. For instance, if a teenager is fascinated about computer games, he puts most of his time in the artificial world and what he wants to do in the future is to be an expert in games. Should parents simply let him make the obviously improper choice? I think no responsible parents would ever do that.

However, when children are mature enough to tell the right and evil, parents should let them go, and find their own life paths. Children are independent people, not the property of parents. They have their own rights to decide what to do, how to do, and where to go. However, it is always difficult for parents to understand this point since they feel that I give him the birth and I know him from head to toe. But that is not true! As a child myself, I truly understand how hard it is to be the property of parents. My parents always want to make the big decisions for me, such as the hobby I have to cultivate, the major I have to study. They think they know me. But it turns out that the hobby I have is want they like, and the major I study is what they think is prosperous. When I understood that I have the right to fight against that, I have already wasted much time.

Besides, I believe that mistakes help children to grow up. Sometimes, even parents know that it is unlikely for the children to achieve their dreams. It would be wise for them to let the children fail, lose and learn. This should be

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the way of growing up. Mistakes will give the impressive lessons for the children, so they will not make the same one again. If children just passively accept the ideas from their parents, they would always be thinking about their initial choices. They may have some regrets when growing old and the parents are possible to take the blames.

To sum up, parents are teachers, but also learners. They should teach the proper life value for the children, and guide them to make their own decisions. At the same time, they should also learn to give away the control of children, and free them to find their own ways. --------------Thanks for your help, Kitos!!Happy Bachalor Day~haha!!Aili




The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more. Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

You should write at least 250 words.

In a world of increasing environmental awareness improved public transport represents the way of the future. Although people do enjoy the convenience and privacy of traveling in their own private vehicles, in my opinion they may choose public transport if it fulfills certain conditions. These conditions fall into three broad categories: attitudinal, financial and logistical.

From an attitudinal perspective, people must first be convinced of the benefits of public transportation. An educational or public relations campaign must be launched to sensitize those who might have disregarded this possibility before. People should be familiarized with the environmental, social and personal benefits for present and future generations. This is one step.

From a financial perspective, public transportation must be a clear and viable benefit to consumers. In other words, it must be more affordable than driving to work every day. For example, if people know that by using bus and subway, they can save enough money to take a free holiday each year, many more individuals would be persuaded to travel in this way. This is another critical step.

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From a logistical perspective, public transportation should be convenient for commuters. City planners and transport officials must ensure that frequent and reliable public transportation is available for each citizen. For people to make the habit of traveling by bus or subway, they must know that they will be able to get to various places on time. Transport vehicles must be well maintained, subway and bus drivers should be customer-oriented and service must be punctual and efficient. This is an additional important step.

In conclusion, through a multi-pronged approach, it is possible to increase the use of public transportation. City officials and politicians can lead the way by utilizing these forms of transport themselves and bringing about change through personal example. Then, more citizens will follow suit and we may all hope to live in a cleaner, less polluted environment.

(316 words)


Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have a greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your answer.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

You should write at least 250 words.

A child is born to two parents – a man and a woman. Both sexes play a crucial role in raising the child. Although fathers can make excellent parents, in my opinion, mothers are in reality better parents based on their natural intuition and compassionate tendencies.

Firstly,for a wide variety of socio-cultural reasons, women tend to have more intuitive intelligence than men. It is this intuition that enables the mother to know when her child needs her.In addition,women often know how to read non-verbal signals in human behavior, which can alert them to issues and problems in the child’s life. All of these “perceptive skills” play a major role in making the mother a close, responsible and responsive parent.

Secondly, most mothers share a inimitable bond with their children. Perhaps this bond arises during the nine months of pregnancy; perhaps it is reinforced through the act of breastfeeding. Whatever the cause, there often appears to be a lifelong silver chord or psychic connection between mother and child. As a result, the mother is able to evaluate the child’s actions from the viewpoint of his/her intentions, and not just results. This empathy is priceless and cannot easily be replicated. Although fathers may form deep loving bonds with their children, they may not be able to match the depth of closeness shared by mother and child.

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In conclusion, although both parents are certainly capable of caring for the child, the mother often makes a better parent. Anyone who has experienced the unconditional acceptance of a mother’s love can bear witness to this reality.

(260 words)


What factors are related to academic success in high school students?

Write at least 250 words.

High school is a critical time in the life of young people. On the one hand, teenagers are eager to enjoy their freedom and independence. On the other hand, they must be disciplined enough to keep their priorities straight. In my opinion, three social institutions impact high school students the most at this vulnerable time – the family, peer group and school.

First, the family plays the central role by providing the backdrop in a young person’s life. A positive family environment provides love, support and encouragement for the student to do his/her best. Simultaneously, the family aims to instill discipline and ambition in the child. The influence and expectations of family members remain paramount at this time and throughout a young person's life.

Second, as a child turns into a teenager, the peer group begins to play an increasingly important role in his/her life. The friendships one develops at this highly sensitive stage can affect ones attitude to studies, authority, society and the world. In the right company, young people can get involved in positive activities that support their academic performance. With the wrong crowd, teenagers could develop a host of unhealthy and dangerous habits which impact not only their grades but all aspects of their lives.

Lastly, the school itself is a deciding factor in the student's academic success. A variety of elements determine how the students feel about school: the teachers, the staff, the facilities, the subjects, the text books, the method of instruction and more. All of these have a significant impact on the young person’s motivation to excel.

In conclusion, high school success is the product of various influences. We are all fortunate that, aside from a few unfortunate exceptions, the majority of students worldwide aspire to do well and grow up to become active and healthy participants in the world around them.

(309 words)


Foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten. Discuss.

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Write at least 250 words.

According to a famous saying, “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Indeed, the ability to speak several languages is considered one of the hallmarks of a cultured person. From this perspective, foreign language instruction should begin as early as possible in order to achieve near-native fluency. The reasons behind this approach are intellectual, social and professional.

Intellectually, learning a foreign language at a young age enables children to develop their brain. At this age, children’s minds are like sponges and their capacities are limitless. They have less inhibition or biases against learning different subjects. They can learn one, two or three languages without confusion; it would only serve to expand their minds. Therefore, it is ideal to start teaching a foreign language in kindergarten.

Socially, learning a foreign language enables the young child to enter a wider cultural world. By learning to speak, think and understand a different language, the child develops greater cross-cultural awareness. This critical ability enables the child to make friends with, identify with and empathize with others who speak the additional language.

Professionally, by learning a foreign language in kindergarten, the child expands his/her future career horizons. In today’s increasingly globalized world, bilingual and multilingual individuals are in high demand. The child who achieves this fluency naturally and easily at a young age already has an edge over others in the job market.

In summary, numerous benefits flow from teaching a foreign language from kindergarten. The child will most likely grow up to thank those who made such a learning experience possible.

Speaking topics:YOU

Describe yourself.

FAMILY Describe your family? Do you have a large or small family? How much time do you spend with your family? What do you like to do together as a family? Do you get along well with your family? Are people in your country generally close to their families?

WORK What do you do? What are your responsibilities? How many hours do you work each day?

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Do you enjoy your work? Is there some other kind of work you would rather do? If you could change your job or profession, what would you do? Describe the process of getting a job in your country. Describe the company or organization you work for. What is your position? What do you like about your job? What do you dislike about your job?

EDUCATION Describe your education. What kind of school did you go to as a child? Did you go to a co-educational school? What was your favourite subject as a child? Who was your favourite teacher? What is the education system like in your country? Do you think your country has an effective education system?

STUDIES What are you studying now? What is your area of specialization?

HOMETOWN Describe your hometown. What’s special about it? Where is your hometown located? Is it easy to travel around your hometown? What is it known for? What do people in your town do? What are the main industries in your hometown? What problems face your hometown? What languages are spoken in your hometown? What are the advantages of living in your hometown? What are some problems faced by your hometown? Compare your hometown with another city. What are some environmental problems faced by your


WEATHER What’s the weather like in your country? Does the weather affect your mood? How do rainy days make you feel? What’s your favourite season of the year? What do you like to do when it’s hot? What do you usually do in the winter? How many seasons does your country have?


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Describe your home. What kind of building do you live in? How long have you lived there?

WEDDING Have you ever been to a wedding? Whose wedding was it? Where was it held? What clothes do people wear? Describe the wedding ceremony. What sort if gifts do people buy for the bridal couple? What kind of clothes did the bride and groom wear?

TRAVEL Do you like to travel? What kind of places have you visited in your life? Which place would you really like to visit? Why? What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?

COMPUTERS Do you think computers help society? Do you think computers are bad for health? How do you think computers have changed the world?

INTERNET Do you use the Internet much during the day? What do you usually do on the Internet? What are some advantages of the Internet? What are some disadvantages? Do people in your country use the Internet a lot? Do you do any shopping on the Internet?

EMAIL Do you send and receive email regularly? Who do you usually communicate with? How often do you check your email? Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened

people’s writing skills? What are some disadvantages of email?

FRIEND Describe a friend. How long have you known each other? What do usually do together? What do you like the most about him / her? How often do you see each other?


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Describe a place you like to go. Why is this place special to you? When did you first visit this place? Where is this place located? What language is spoken here? Do you speak this language?

SMOKING What do you feel about smoking in public places? Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes?

MARRIAGE What is the attitude toward marriage in your country? Do most young people plan on getting married in your country? What are some of the advantages of marriage? What are some of the disadvantages? Is the divorce rate high in your country? Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?

HOBBIES Do you have any hobbies? What are some of your hobbies? When did you first develop tis hobby? What are some of the advantages of having a hobby? How much time do you spend on your hobby?

FILMS Do you enjoy watching movies? What’s your favourite film? Who are your favourite actors? How often do you watch films?

SHOPPING Do you enjoy shopping? How do you feel about shopping? Do you like shopping on the Internet? Do you have any favourite stores? What don’t you like about shopping? Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?

SPORTS Do you like sports? Do you enjoy watching sports? Do you enjoy participating in any sports? Which sports are most popular in your country? What’s your favourite sport/ When did you first become interested in sports? How often do you participate in sports? What equipment do you need for your favourite sport?

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FOOD What are some of your favourite foods? What foods are popular in your country? What are some of the famous dishes of your country? Do you enjoy cooking?

FESTIVAL What’s the most important festival in your country? How do people celebrate this festival? What special food is associated with this festival? What special activities are associated with this festival? What do you enjoy most about this festival? Do you think festivals are important for a society?

TELEVISION Do you watch television a lot? What do you usually watch on television? How many hours of television do you usually watch? What are the most popular shows in your country? What kind of shows do you like to watch? What are some advantages of television? What are someof the disadvantages of television? What did you last watch on television? Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?

TOURISM Which places would you recommend to a visitor to your country? Do a lot of tourists visit your country? What do they usually do there? How has tourism changed your country? Is your country expensive for most tourists? What are some famous landmarks in your country?

DAILY ROUTINE Describe your daily routine. What do you usually do? What do you do on the weekend? What is you typical weekday like? Does your life change much from week to week? Do you have any free time during the week?

YOUR COUNTRY Describe your daily routine. What do you usually do? What do you do on the weekend? What is you typical weekday like? Does your life change much from week to week? Do you have any free time during the week?

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CLOTHES What type of clothes do you like to wear? What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear? How important is fashion to you? What kind of clothes do you dislike? Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of

clothes? What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country? Are clothes expensive in your country?

GOING OUT Do you like going out or staying at home? What do you like to do when you go out? How often do you go out? Do people in your country go our a lot? How and where do people in your country usually socialize? What kind of entertainment is popular in your country?

GAMES Do you enjoy playing any games? What kind of games do you play? Do you think adults should play games? What do children learn from games? What kind of games did you play when you were a child? What games are popular in your country today? What kind of games were popular when you were young? Do you think mental games like chess are good for you?


Do you have a favourite colour? What are your country’s colours? Do you think colours affect our moods? Can you learn anything about a person from the colours he / she

likes? Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were a


MUSIC Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? When do you usually listen to music? What kind of music did you like when you were younger? What kind of music is popular in your country? Do you play any musical instruments? Do you wish you could play any musical instruments? Which is your favourite instrument?

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IELTS Speaking Module - Part 2 - Sample Topics

In Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking Module, you need to give a short talk, of about 1-2 minutes, on a simple topic. The questions do not require any specific knowledge, but are based on personal experience. You are handed a card with the topic and you have one minute to prepare your talk. You can make notes and use these notes during your monologue. The examiner will not ask you any questions during this part of the test, so you must know how to answer all parts of the question you are given and speak fluently for a few minutes by yourself. Sample IELTS Speaking Module topics (for Part 2) are given below. It is quite likely that you will be given one of these topics or something very similar, so make sure you can speak confidently and clearly on each one.


Describe an artist or entertainer you admire.

You should say:

Who they are and what they do How they became successful How you found out about them And explain why you admire them


Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school.

You should say:

When and where you started studying it What lessons were like What made the subject different from other subjects And explain why you enjoyed the subject

Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.

You should say:

When you had this choice What you had to choose between Whether you made a good choice And explain how you felt when you were making this choice

Describe a job you have done.

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You should say:

How you got doing the job What the job involved How long the job lasted Describe how well you did the job

Describe an area of countryside you know and like.

You should say:

Where it is What its special features are What you and other people do in this area And explain why you like it

Describe an object you particularly like.

You should say:

What it is and what it looks like What it is made of What it is for And explain why it is special for you

Describe a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading.

You should say:

What kind of newspaper / magazine it is Which parts of it you read regularly When and where you read it Explain why you enjoy reading it

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.

You should say:

What you do Where you do it Who you do it with And explain why you think doing this is healthy

Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.

You should say:

What kind of sport it is Who you play it with Where you play it

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And explain why you enjoy playing it

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

How this person is related to you What this person looks like What kind of person he/she is And explain why you like this person

Describe a museum or art gallery that you have visited.

You should say:

Where it is Why you went there What you particularly remember about the place.

Describe an enjoyable event that you experienced when you were at school.

You should say:

When it happened What was good about it Why you particularly remember this event.

Describe a song or piece of music you like.

You should say:

What the song or music is What kind of song or music it is Where you first heard it And explain why you like it

Describe a festival that is important in your country.

You should say:

When the festival occurs What you did during it What you like or dislike about it And explain why this festival is important

IELTS Speaking Samples

The following IELTS speaking samples will give you an idea of how to get a high score on Part 2 of your IELTS speaking test. This part of the test is also known as the long turn. This is where you need to speak by yourself for 1-2

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minutes on a given topic. Make sure you cover all the points mentioned on the card you are given. In addition, you should develop the topic into a well-structured answer. Please look over our list of free IELTS speaking topics for parts 1 and 2. Then, familiarize yourself with the type of topics, and practice as many of them as you can. This way you will be more comfortable, relaxed and confident on the day of the exam.


Sample IELTS Speaking Topic 1: Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing.

You should say:

What kind of sport it is Who you play it with Where you play it and explain why you enjoy playing it

Sample IELTS Speaking Response:

I enjoy playing various kinds of brain games online. There are a number of different websites I visit on a regular basis in order to play these games by myself. The objective of the games is to exercise different areas of your brain so that you preserve and enhance your memory and also expand and develop your brain capacity.

The games are of various kinds. Some enable you to practice your verbal skills. Others test logical reasoning, spatial skills and visual memory. I can keep track of my scores, so that each time I play, my goal is to do better than in the past – to outdo myself, so to speak. In addition, if I want, I can compare my scores to others who play online. This aspect is intriguing, but frankly it doesn't interest me much. I don&'t regard this as a competition with anyone else. It is something I do simply to sharpen my mental abilities and improve myself.

In fact, one of my favorite games is supposed to be the best for brain fitness. It involves solving a number of simple math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as quickly as possible. I really hope these games will enable me to preserve my intellect and my memory into old age.

Sample IELTS Speaking Topic 2:Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:

How this person is related to you What this person looks like

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What kind of person he/she is and explain why you like this person

Sample IELTS Speaking Response:

The person in my family I really like and also love is my mother. She is a very special person and I cannot imagine what I would be without her.

Physically, my mother is petite. She is only about 5 feet tall, and weighs about 110 pounds. She has fine, black hair and a fair complexion. One thing people often notice is that my mother always takes pride in her appearance. Even now, at the age of 80, my mother is a well dressed, well-groomed and elegant woman, with her fine choice of clothes and matching accessories, jewelry and shoes. 

Intellectually, my mother always loves learning. Even after her busy day, she won't go to bed without reading the newspaper. She was one of the few members of her family that completed university. She also has many creative and cultural interests such as literature, music and dance. Through her own enjoyment, she passed on this love of culture to all her children, including me.

Emotionally, my mother has a heart of gold. All her life, she has been ready, willing and able to help anyone who needs anything, with a smile on her face.  She is of the old school - she remembers to wish friends and relatives on their birthdays and anniversaries, she attends their weddings, dinners and parties, and she visits them when they're hurt, unwell or in mourning. In fact, my mother has always been a kind soul and people of all ages love her as soon as they meet her. I think this is because she is good-hearted from her core, and her authenticity is what everyone relates to. She has taught me the meaning of being compassionate, loving, kind, helpful, supportive and so much more. In fact, thanks to the unconditional love of both my wonderful parents, I  feel I've been truly blessed in this lifetime.

IELTS Letter Topics - Formal

1. Asking for InformationYou live in an English speaking country and you want to do some voluntary, unpaid work in a developing country. Write a letter to a company called Cultural Expeditions, which organizes such trips. In your letter:

Explain why you want to do the voluntary work. State what your skills and experience are. Indicate where you would like to volunteer and for how long.

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

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2. Applying for a JobYou have decided to apply for a job as a Spanish instructor that was advertised in the April edition of the magazine Teaching Professional. This ad was posted by Mr John Sullivan, director of the Spanish department at The Language Institute of Great Britain in London, England. In your letter to Mr Sullivan:

explain why you are writing describe your qualifications and experience explain how they can contact you

Write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 )

3. Making SuggestionsYou eat at your college cafeteria every lunchtime. However, you think it needs some improvements. Write a letter to the college magazine. In your letter:

explain what you like bout the cafeteria say what is wrong suggest how it could be improved

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

4. Applying for a JobYou are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter:

introduce yourself explain what sort of job you would like say what experience and skills you have

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

5. Complaining to a BankYou have received a letter from your bank, asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card. However, the card was missing from the envelope. Write a letter to the bank's head office. In your letter:

explain why you are writing express concern about the missing card ask them what they intend to do

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Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________,

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Action Plan for IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell)

6. Informing an AirlineLast Tuesday you flew from New York to Paris. When you arrived home, you discovered that you had left your cabin bag on the plane. Write a letter to the airline. In your letter, you should explain:

where and when you lost your bag what your bag looks like what its contents were

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 )

7. Applying for a JobYou have seen an advertisement for part-time work in a hotel for three months over the summer. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter:

say what experience you have ask what the work involves enquire about conditions

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Action Plan for IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell)

8. Making RecommendationsYou normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter:

say in general what you like about shopping in your area say what is wrong with the facilities suggest how they can be improved

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

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You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

9. Applying for a JobYou would like a temporary job working in the summer camp which runs sports and outdoor activities for children and young people next summer. Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter:

explain what sort of job you would like to do describe your personality say what experience and skills you have

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir / Madam

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

10. Complaining about a ProductYou live in a small university town. Last week, you drove to a big city about two hours away to buy a new laptop at a good price. You worked on the laptop all week and finished writing a long assignment that is due shortly. However, this week, the laptop doesn't even switch on. Write to the store. In your letter:

tell the store where you live & what happened explain the problem with the laptop state what action you would like the store to take

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

IELTS Letter Topics - Semi-Formal

1. Arranging AccommodationYou are being sent on a one month work assignment in San Francisco, California. You need a place to stay while you are there. Write a letter to the Maury Samson Real Estate Agency. In your letter:

explain the situation describe the kind of accommodation you would like provide the dates you will need it

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Samson,

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You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

2. Asking for PermissionYou are studying overseas. You need to return to your country before the end of the semester for a family event. Write a letter to your supervisor. In your letter:

Request time off Explain why you need to leave early Reassure him / her that your studies will not suffer

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms _______(Question taken from Action Plan for IELTS )

3. Complaining to a LandlordYou have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved in who has loud parties several times a week. Write a letter complaining about this to the landlord. In your letter:

explain the situation describe why it bothers you suggest a solution

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms _____________,

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

4. Making a SuggestionYou exercise regularly and have been a member of many different gyms. Recently, you moved into a new neighborhood and joined a new gym. You have noticed that people at this gym do not bother to wipe down the machines after use and often leave dirty towels on the benches in the change rooms. Write to Mr Koto, the manager. In your letter:

explain who you are describe the problem exactly make suggestions to improve the gym

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Koto,

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

5. Booking AccommodationYou are going to take a short holiday in Singapore and you want to rent a holiday apartment while you are there. Write to the tourist information office. In your letter:

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explain what you need say when you plan to be there ask for information about prices

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms __________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

6. Explaining to a NeighbourYou are having a graduation party next Saturday night. You have invited 50 people to celebrate at an outdoor barbecue evening, which may continue into late into the night. Write a letter to your elderly neighbour. In your letter:

explain what will be happening offer your apologies in advance invite her to join the celebration

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr / Ms _________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

7. Asking for permissionYou are supposed to hand in a mid-term project for your psychology class by November 1st. However, your brother is getting married in Hawaii at the same time and the entire family is traveling there for the occasion. You would like an extension on the due date for submitting the project. Write to your professor. In your letter:

explain the situation remind the professor of your fine academic record to date ask for an extension of the due date

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

8. Making a SuggestionYou live in a high-rise building, which has a communal laundry room. There are many washers and dryers there, but even more residents. Sometimes people don't come in time to empty the machines and other residents have to wait for a washer or dryer. You think the building management should purchase 10 extra laundry baskets and make them available for such times, so the machines can be freed up. Write to the Property Manager, Mrs Williams. In your letter:

explain how long you have been a resident describe the problem

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propose your solution

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mrs Williams

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

9. Asking for PermissionYou have received a job offer for a position you have wanted for a long time. You are expected to start on July 1st. However, you can only start a week later due to personal reasons. Write a letter to Mr Jackson, your new boss. In your letter:

show your enthusiasm for the job offer explain the problem suggest what you can do

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Mr Jackson,

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

IELTS Letter Topics - Informal

1. Inviting a friendYou are studying English at a private language school attended by many international students. You are planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who has been feeling particularly sad and homesick. Write to another classmate and invite him / her to the party. In your letter:

explain the reason for the party give the date and time of the party suggest what the classmate could bring to the party

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

2. Advising a friend about a holidayAn English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

offer to find somewhere to stay give advice about what to do give information about what clothes to bring

Begin your letter as follows: Dear _______

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You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

3. Apologizing to a friendYou borrowed an important textbook from a classmate last term. You now realize your classmate had returned home overseas and you still have the book. Write a letter to to him / her. In your letter:

apologize for the mistake find out how important the book is to him / her say what you will do

Begin your letter as follows: Dear _____________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Action Plan for IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell)

4. Thanking a friend for a holidayYou have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn't seen each other for a long time. Write a letter to the friend. In your letter:

say how you felt about the visit refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him / her invite your friend to visit you

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Action Plan for IELTS by Vanessa Jakeman and Clare McDowell)

5. Advising a friend about workAn English-speaking friend is coming to study in your town next year and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

Offer to find a place for him / her to live Give advice about how to find a part-time job Give information on where he / she can learn your language

Begin your letter as follows: Dear __________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.(Question taken from Instant IELTS by Guy Brook-Hart)

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6. Forgetting something at a friend'sYou stayed at your friend's house when you participated in a conference in Australia. You left a briefcase with important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend. In the letter:

thank your friend for the stay describe the briefcase ask him/her to return it to you by post

Begin your letter as follows: Dear _________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

7. Reminding a FriendA year ago, you lent your favorite book to a friend who you thought would enjoy it. Unfortunately, your friend has forgotten to return it. The book has sentimental value to you as it had been presented by your grandmother. Write a letter to your friend. In the letter:

ask how he or she is doing remind him / her about the book explain why you need it back

Begin your letter as follows: Dear ________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

8. Congratulating a FriendYour best friend just had her first baby. You are currently overseas but will be returning to your hometown in a week. Write to your friend. In your letter:

congratulate your friend tell her when you will be returning home ask when you could drop in to meet her and the baby

Begin your letter as follows: Dear _________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

9. Requesting HelpYour parents will be celebrating their 40th anniversary next month. You are planning a big celebration, but you are not sure how to make the occasion really memorable. Write to your best friend, Joan, who is a professional event planner. In your letter:

explain why the occasion is special ask for her assistance

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set up a time to meet at your friend's convenience to discuss your plans

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Joan,

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

10. Admitting a MistakeYou attended an old friend's wedding in another city, about 3 hours away, a week ago. It was an outdoor wedding held on a rainy day and you had taken along a rather expensive, elegant umbrella. When you returned, you were tired and went straight to bed. You had a very busy week.This weekend, when it started to rain, you realized you had the wrong umbrella. You must have taken someone else's umbrella, which was very similar to your own, when leaving the wedding reception. Write to your friend who got married. In your letter:

congratulate him / her on the beautiful wedding explain the situation ask how you can return this umbrella and locate your own

Begin your letter as follows: Dear Joan __________

You should write at least 150 words. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
