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Image Restoration ofArbitrarily Warped Documents

Michael S. Brown, Member, IEEE, and W. Brent Seales, Member, IEEE

Abstract—We present a framework for acquiring and restoring images of warped documents. The purpose of our restoration is tocreate a planar representation of a once planar document that has undergone an arbitrary and unknown rigid deformation. Toaccomplish this restoration, our framework acquires and flattens the 3D shape of a warped document to determine a nonlinear imagetransform that can correct for image distortion caused by the document’s shape. Our framework is designed for use in library andmuseum digitization efforts where very old and badly damaged manuscripts are imaged.

Index Terms—Manuscript restoration, document deskewing, image restoration, cultural heritage digitization.


IN this paper, we address the digital restoration of damagedmanuscripts. The goal is to move beyond 2D image

enhancement techniques, which cannot adequately addressdistortions that arise in damaged manuscripts. Shape-baseddistortion, for example, is a common element in damagedmanuscripts that cannot be removed via 2D image enhance-ment algorithms. We achieve results using 3D geometricinformation together with 2D imaging to formulate arestoration framework for removing shape-based (projective)distortion in the image [9], [8], [7]. Our approach uses aphysically-basedmodel of shape andmaterial properties anditeratively computes the transformation thatmaps the erratic,nonplanar shape of the damaged manuscript representationback to its original shape (a plane). The relationship of theresulting “flattened”manuscript to the original shapedefinesthepiecewise imagewarpnecessary to create adistortion-freeimage of the document as it would appear if the original hadbeen planar.

While purely 2D image operations can improve theperceptual quality of the image, they cannot address shape-baseddistortionswithout additional constraints. The pinholecamera is a projective transformation engine andby its naturecreates an image that is systematically projectively distorted.This projective distortion is a function of the distance of a 3Dpoint from the camera: Two points that are far from thecamera appear closer in the image than the same two pointswhen they are nearer to the camera. The unique imagingorientation that does not produce projective distortion occurswhen all points on the object are the same distance from thecamera, as is the case for truly flat manuscripts imaged in anorthogonal orientation to the camera’s optical axis.

Consider, for example, bumps on the surface of themanuscript. The variation in distance to the camera over the

bumpy surface causes a distortion of the appearance of letterswritten on that surface. The bump, which is a 3D shapedistortion, and the imaging process, which produces projec-tivedistortion,areconfoundedin the imagetoyieldacomplex2D distortion of the text of a manuscript that was intendedoriginally to be flat. Fig. 1 shows a real example of this effect.The corner of the Medieval manuscript shown on the leftincludes thedistortiondue to thenonplanarshapeof thepage.The line on the paper frame and the text on the vellummanuscript show the distortion because the page is not flat.The recovered 3D view illustrates the degree of distortion.

Even when a document is completely flat, its image canexhibit distortion if the imaging process did not obeyorthonormal constraints, i.e., if the optical axis was notorthogonal to the plane defined by the manuscript. Thisspecial type of projective distortion is called skew and can besystematically removed by estimating the plane onwhich thedocument was imaged.

Projective distortion is almost universally ignored inmanuscript analysis. In the case of orthonormal imaging,which is satisfied by many scanning setups (e.g., flat-bedscanning), this is justified. When imaging a document that isassumed to be planar but is in reality warped and bumpy,however, projective distortion can be significant. Mostscholarsuse2Dimageenhancementalgorithmstomanipulatethe intensity distribution of the image, but systematicallyignore projective distortion. As a result, the projectivedistortion remains in an image after 2D restoration andenhancement. Because it is difficult if not impossible (exceptunder strict theoretical conditions of lighting and surfaceproperties) to estimate surface shape from a single image,there is no reliable way to identify and remove projectivedistortion via 2D image processing. Image processing algo-rithms cannot, without a priori information, determinedocument shape, which is necessary to solve the restorationproblem.

In this paper, we present a technique that uses a 2D imageof a document togetherwith its 3D shape in order to restore itby removing the projective distortion present in the image.Weshow that this distortion is profound for certain classes ofdocuments that should be flat but have been damaged andnow contain bumps, creases, and warps. Our approachimproves current restoration techniques applied by scholarswho are editing digital collections of manuscripts by


. M.S. Brown is with the Department of Computer Science, Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology, Clearwater Bay, Kowloon, HongKong, China. E-mail: [email protected].

. W.B. Seales is with the Laboratory for Advanced Networking, HardymonBuilding, 2nd Floor, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506.E-mail: [email protected].

Manuscript received 28 Aug. 2003; revised 30Dec. 2003; accepted 2Mar. 2004.Recommended for acceptance by M. Pietikainen.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TPAMI-0252-0803.

0162-8828/04/$20.00 � 2004 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society

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addressing restoration limitations and by providing thefoundation for new types of manuscript restoration basedon digitized geometry. Our new restoration techniquepresents the following advantages:

. Perceptual Restoration: Removing projective distor-tion can improve the perceptual quality and fidelityof an image, which is especially useful for digitizedmanuscripts that exhibit text appearing wavy andwarped because of shape variation.

. Document Analysis Preprocessing: In addition toscholarly study, 2D images are the basic input for anarray of document analysis applications designed toderive high-level semantics from an image. Forexample, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algo-rithms detect alpha-numeric characters in imagery ofa document [19]. Increasingly similar algorithms areemerging to derive features from nontraditionalmaterials such as handwritten documents, music,etc. These algorithms rely on segmentation compo-nents that are task-specific, such as staff-line detectioninmusic and identification of rows/columns of text inhandwritten materials [17], [27].

The implicit assumption in these document analy-sis algorithms is that the original image is of a flatdocument. When this is not the case, projectivedistortion in the image causes adverse results fordocument analysis algorithms. Projective distortionremoval can serve as an important preprocessing stepfor document analysis and can be decoupled from theparticulars of the document domain.

. Image Scale Normalization: Our restoration frame-work can “flatten” damaged manuscripts to recovertheir appearance as if they had been imaged on a flatsurface. By choosing a commonplanar surface for a setof individual manuscripts, the resulting restoredimages are “scale-normalized.” This can be veryuseful when imaging thick bound collections, wherepages near the front of the collection appear slightlylarger than pages near the end because of distancevariations during imaging. It can also be important forcomparing different collections side-by-side in termsof scale and textual analysis. Note that the scalevariation effect is very difficult to remove during thedigitizationprocess since the camerawouldneed tobeslightly (and correctly) repositioned before imagingeach page. Scale normalization is very desirable forconsistency in analysis as well as for addressing thefollow-on problem of mosaicing when damagedobjects are fragmented.


Digital restoration is a manipulation intended to produce animproved digital representation of an object. We defineimprovement as a modification that makes the representationmore like adigitization of theundamagedoriginal. Given thisdefinition, three elements are necessary in order to formulatea restorationprocess: an idealizedor “restored”goal state, theprocess of manipulation, and a metric that measures howclose an object is to its original, undamaged state.

In practice, it is very difficult to design a restorationprocess that objectively defines the goal state, the process,and the metric. Specifically, physical restoration presents thegreatest challenge because the goal is subjective: The trueoriginal condition can only be guessed. Furthermore, thephysical process of restoration can be unpredictable and theresults can vary widely depending on factors such as humanexpertise, materials, environment, and the material nature ofthe damage.

The restoration process can be made somewhat lesssubjective whenmanipulating a digital representation ratherthan a physical artifact. The digital representation admitsmetrics and manipulations that are quantifiable and precise.Digital image enhancement and restoration techniques, forexample, operate through models of the idealized imagetogether with precise definitions of processes that causedamage and a metric that measures improvement. We haveformulated our restoration technique as a quantifiableprocess that uses a digital representation (3D shape andassociated texture), a physics-based model of the allowablemanipulation (shape deformation under the rigidity con-straint), and the exact goal state (flat original).

2.1 Physical Restoration

For certain objects, themost logical solution to the restorationquestion is direct repair of the actual physical artifact.Libraries and museums have trained conservators andarchivists who specialize in precisely this form of restorationand preservation of damagedmaterials. There is always veryserious concern with physical restoration, however. Thematerials to be restored may be rare and singularly unique.Their condition can be so fragile that physical restoration,especially procedures that must alter shape, can pose a greatrisk for further and possibly irreversible damage. Given thisrisk and the subjective nature of the restoration process itself,offering a digitally-based solution becomes very attractive.The risk due to digitization,which is arguablymuch less thanthe process of physical restoration, is a one-time thing: Oncean object is digitized, there is no further risk of damage assubsequent digital manipulations are explored. If the desiredresults can be obtained digitally, the need for physicalrestoration can be postponed until absolutely necessary.


Fig. 1. Damaged manuscript. (a) Bottom corner of original, photographed from directly above. (b) Novel view of the 3D reconstruction of themanuscript page.

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2.2 Perceptual Image Enhancement

Imageenhancementandrestoration techniquescanbeused tohelp increase the perceptual saliency of features in digitizedmaterial, suchascharacters ina text.Thequalityof thiskindofdigital restoration is often quantifiable, and can also besubjectivelyconfirmedwithout risk tooriginals (Fig.2).This isa major advantage that digital representations provide overtheirphysical counterparts:Markings thataredifficultorevenimpossible to detect with the unaided eye can be revealed bymanipulating the intensity values of a digital image [4], [2].

Digital image enhancement procedures have been suc-cessfully applied in a number of contexts on valuablemanuscripts [14], [20]. In one instance, special video imagingtechniques radically improved contrast in badly damagedportions of a manuscript [14]. This processing allowedsubsequent enhancement and processing algorithms toreveal previously obscured textual content.

2.3 Deskewing Algorithm for Document Analysis

Skew is a document analysis term that refers to imagedistortion. The process of removing distortion is commonlyreferred to as “deskewing.” Deskewing is often used as anearly preprocessing step toprovide distortion-free images forsubsequent document analysis routines. Normally, planardeskewing is theonly imagepreprocessing step fordocumentanalysis that attempts to align the document’s textual contentwith the raster representation [18], [12].

Deskewing algorithms almost unilaterally assume aplanar document. Under that assumption, the deskewingtransformation is formulated as a homography, as shown inFig. 3. Techniques that address the correction of nonplanarmaterials can be useful in situationswhere the deformation ispredictable. These techniques focus onbinder-curl,where the

3D deformation can be parameterized by a cylindrical model[25], [10], [28]. These approaches correct the curvaturedistortions present in pages near the binding of a book.While such approaches consider projective distortion, theyare limited to a very specific type of curvature distortion.

Our goal is to provide a general deskewing algorithm forarbitrarily warped documents. Our assumption is that thedocumentswere originally flat, but have becomewarped overtime. The goal is to work from an accurate 3D model of thedocument. Under these assumptions, we can formulate thethree objective components of a restoration process using 3Dshape and associated texture as the basic digital representa-tion. The goal state is to produce a planar (flat) shape. Theprocess tomanipulate the object involves shapedeformationsthat obey physical laws such as rigidity or material elasticity.The metric is an assessment of the progress of the shapetoward the planar goal, which can be objectivelymeasured asan error metric. As we will show, this precise formulationremoves subjectivity from the restoration process andproduces a result that is closer to the original when it isindeed the case that the damaged object was originally flat.

2.4 Physically-Based Modeling

While the result of our restoration procedure is an undis-torted image, the framework begins by manipulating the 3Dshape of the manuscript. Our algorithm employs a deforma-tion model similar to physics-based modeling approaches incomputer graphics. These types of physics-based modelsincorporate classical Newtonian physics into the behaviorof 3D models. Most often, these approaches are applied incomputer graphics applications to determine changes in theappearance of materials undergoing dynamic deformations.The goal in computer graphics is to produce a convincing


Fig. 2. Example of 2D image enhancement. (a) Original image under white light. (b) The result from simple intensity stretching. The enhanced text isperceptually clearer than the original image.

Fig. 3. An example of typical planar deskewing algorithms. (a) An image with content that is not raster aligned. (b) A homography is used to align thecontent with the raster image.

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performance by realistically deforming objects according toexpected physical laws and allowing them to react anddynamically change their geometric structure basedon forcesin a simulated environment.

Of specific interest to the restoration problem areapproaches that involve the deformation of sheet-likemateri-als. In theseapproaches [5], [24], [23], [21],an initial flat sheet isdeformed andwarped under simulation. Typically, a sheet is“dropped” and allowed to collide with various obstacles.Gravity and obstacle collision produce forces that act on thesheet and cause it to deform. These approaches are quiterobust for producing realistic effects for materials such ascloth. The techniques are often used to determine how a clothwould appear if draped over an object or how an article ofclothing dynamically deforms on an animated character.

Our goal for sheet manipulation can be cast as the inverseproblem.Westartwithasheet thathasalreadybeendeformedto a complex shape and must reverse the deformations tomove the shape back to its original planar state. Theunwarpingmust obey a set ofmaterial constraints to simulatethephysicalprocess of “flattening.”Thephysics-basedmodelcan provide a framework for approaching the restorationprobleminthismanner,althoughit shouldbenotedthat this isonly a first-order approximation to the actual physicalphenomena that take place when a material is manipulated.A much more detailed simulation could incorporate higher-order effects, such as specific material properties of thesubstance being flattened (animal skin versus paper), inter-actions of micro-structures in particular materials, and eventhe amount of moisture present in the material. Clearly, forcomplex materials like a decaying manuscript, it may beimpossible toestablishanaccuratemodel that incorporatesallof the physical events that have resulted in its current state.Instead, we are interested in manipulating shape in areasonable and flexible way to obey first order physical laws(rigidity, elasticity) and thereby restore the perceptual qualityof the digital representations. As will be shown by ourcontrolled experiments, constraints imposed by our first-order physics-based simulation are enough to completelyremove distortion caused by rigid deformation.

2.5 Types of Geometric Deformations

Before discussing the distortion removal procedure, weclarify the type of deformation that may occur to thedocument’s surface. These deformations can be classifiedinto two categories: rigid and nonrigid.

2.5.1 Rigid

We define rigid deformation to mean any deformation thatpreserves surface geodesics. The definition concerns theintrinsic properties of the surface, independent of anyembedding. For example, bending and folding a manuscriptpage is a rigid deformation since points on the manuscriptremain the same distance apart when measured on themanuscript. Those points may be closer in 3D since the pagecan fold, but we define rigidity as a metric on the surfacerather than in the space in which the surface is embedded.

Such rigid surface deformations are typical of the damageand buckling caused from decades of handling and mis-handling of documents. Years of folding and unfolding oflarge materials can leave them warped and creased. Othercauses include the natural bending of pages, especially near abook’s binding.

2.5.2 Nonrigid

Nonrigid surface deformations do not preserve surfacegeodesics. Such deformations can cause the overall surfacearea of the document to shrink and/or expand. This type ofdeformation can certainly be found in damaged materials,especially those suffering from fire and water exposure. Forsuch damage it may be impossible to determine the extent ofthe nonrigid deformation without a priori knowledge of thematerial. For example, certain knowledge of the properappearance of written text can lead a scholar to believe thatthe document has undergone shrinkage. This type ofdeformation requires the subjective involvement of an expertbecause the rigid deformation assumption is violated.

Our restoration framework provides a mechanism for thecorrection of the damage due to rigid surface deformations.We do not not address nonrigid effects, although, in caseswhere nonrigid deformations are present, we believe the twotypes of deformations can be addressed separately. The ideais to first correct the rigid component of the deformation andthen address the remaining effects from the nonrigidcomponent. This holds promise for giving scholars a newapproach to the difficult problem of decomposing the rigidand nonrigid components of a badly damaged manuscript.


The primary purpose in developing these digital restorationtechniqueswas to apply themtoaportionof a badlydamagedcollection located in the manuscript collection at the BritishLibrary. With that goal, we first developed and tested therestoration methods on control test data in the laboratory.After that development, we scanned a portion of the manu-script collection at the British Library and applied thetechnique to that data. In order to produce the highest qualityresults,wecarefully engineeredan imagingenvironment thatcould be reliably transported and deployed in a librarysetting. The next sections detail the data acquisition processand the details of the restoration method we applied tolaboratory control data and to the data we gathered of themanuscript collection.

3.1 2D Images

The British Library provided uswith access to its color digitalcamera (Kontron Elektronik GmbH [15]). We used thiscamera,mounted on a gantry perpendicular to thework tablewhere the manuscript was positioned, to obtain high-qualitycolor images (see Fig. 4). The particularmedieval manuscriptwe digitized has a long and interesting history and is thesubject of substantial scholarly study [13]. More importantwithin the context of the restoration framework is themanuscript’s composition and state of damage. The manu-script leaves, made of vellum, are brittle and badly deterio-rated. Makingmatters worse are the acidic paper frames intowhich the leaves were set in the nineteenth century, togetherwith other unfortunate early attempts at conservation such asglue and gauze that subsequently became opaque.

The paper frames are bound and hold the vellum leaves(Fig. 4). Themanuscript is digitized by positioning the boundvolume on the table under the camera gantry. Lighting ispositionedoneithersideof themanuscriptandbothwhiteandultraviolet lightareused to illuminate themanuscript. Severalimages of the manuscript under different lighting conditionsare capturedwithout moving the manuscript, which ensuresthat the multiple images are registered. This image


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registration allows portions from different images to becomposited together to formnew images.After capture,mostimages are enhanced using standard intensity manipulationalgorithms such as histogram equalization and contraststretching.

3.2 3D Data Acquisition

We acquired a 3D reconstruction of each manuscript pageusing a structured-lighting system composed of a lightprojector and the British Library’s digital camera. In ourimplementation, the light source (LCD projector) wasdirected onto the surface of the manuscript using a frontsurface mirror (Fig. 4). Both the camera and projector arecalibrated to obtain their 3� 4 projection matrices, ~PPcam and~PPproj. In order to recover a 3D point,M, on the surface of themanuscript, a correspondence between the camera coordi-nates Cðu; vÞ and projector coordinates P ðx; yÞ must beestablished. Once this correspondence is found, the 3Dpoint can be reconstructed by solving the following system:

½u v 1�T ¼ ~PPcamM

½x y 1�T ¼ ~PPprojM;

where M is the 3D point to be determined, ~PPcam and ~PPproj

are the projection matrices of the devices, and ½u v 1�T and½x y 1�T are the 2D device coordinates of the point M for thecamera and projector, respectively.

Structured-light gives a robust method to establish devicecorrespondences. Turning on a projector pixel P ðx; yÞilluminates a point M on the object surface. The camera canobserve this illuminatedpoint in its imageplaneascoordinateCðu; vÞ, thus establishing the correspondence. This processcanbeacceleratedbystripinga line insteadofasinglepoint. Inour implementation, 3D points are reconstructed in milli-meters. Theaccuracyof the reconstructedpoints isdependenton calibration accuracyand camerapositioning.Mean image-plane reprojection error measurements for known patternpoints vary between 0.1 and 0.3 pixels, which translates into0.1 to 0.5 mm given a typical experimental setup [6].

The 3D points are reconstructed in a coordinate frameestablished on the table, with the positive z-axis in thedirection of the camera. The origin is defined on the table as

shown in Fig. 4. Note that, with this setup, an imagedmanuscript that is completely flat would have depth valuez ¼ 0 for each imaged pixel.

3.3 2D/3D Data Relationship

The acquired 2D and 3Ddata are tightly coupled. Because thecamera is used to capture 2D images and to triangulate the3D points, we have a mapping between each image pixelIðu; vÞ and a corresponding 3D points, M. Thus, each imagecoordinate contains a tuple of data as:

Iðu; vÞ ¼ ðr; g; b; x; y; zÞ;

where r; g; b are the intensity of the red, green, and blue color

channelsandx; y; zare the recovered3Dpoints inmillimeters.

Because the camera’s projection matrix is known, the

corresponding camera coordinate of any 3D point M ¼ðx; y; zÞ can be computed as ðu; vÞ ¼ ~PPcam½x y z 1�T .

3.4 Virtual Flattening

Restoration begins by flattening the 3Dgeometric representa-tion of the document’s structure. Under the assumption thatthe warped shape of the document is due to some rigidsurface deformation (Section 2.5), 3D points on the surface ofthe document are allowed to move. The motion of thesepoints is constrained so that overall surface area is main-tained.Weaccommodate for errors in the recovered3Dpointsby providing a small element of elasticity in the sheet.

We use a physics-basedmodeling approach similar to thatof Provot [21], who used amass-spring system tomodel rigidcloth deformation. Provot’s design has been demonstrated tobe highly effective in modeling rigid sheet deformation andcontains elastic properties. The overall implementation isstraightforward andprovides a flexible framework for futuremodifications.

The approach uses a 3D particle system of point masses.These particles are logically connected by Hookian springsto form a sheet. External forces are applied to the sheet tocause the overall structure to change, while the internal forcesof the springs hold the sheet together, striving to keepparticles equal distance apart while allowing a slight elasticeffect. The slight elastic effect is needed to accommodateerrors in the 3D reconstruction.


Fig. 4. (a) The high resolution camera is positioned on a gantry above the manuscript. (b) The velum is fastened in paper frames, which are boundtogether like a book. (c) Lighting around the manuscript is configurable and 3D surface reconstruction makes use of a mirror-deflected LCD projector.

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3.5 Mass-Spring Particle System

A particle system is governed by the classic second orderNewtonian equation, f ¼ ma, where f is a force, m is themass of a particle, and a is its acceleration. This is alsocommonly written as: €xx ¼ f=m. A particle modeled by thisequation can be described with six variables,

½x1; x2; x3; v1; v2; v3�;where xi represents the particle’s 3-space position and virepresents its velocity. This position/velocity product spaceis referred to as the phase space. The phase space, which is afunction of time, yields the following differential equationdescribing a particle’s motion: ½v1; v2; v3; f1=m; f2=m; f3=m�.This system describes a particle’s mass, position, andvelocity at a given instant in time. Dynamic forces can beexerted on these particles over time and new positions arecalculated at advancing time intervals.

In a basic particle system, individual particles respondonly to external forces and have no influence on otherparticles. This basic system can be extended to incorporateforces between particles. One common extension, referred toas a mass-spring particle system, arises by logically connect-ingparticles together via springs. The resulting forces on sucha system can be categorized into two types: internal, or forcesbetween particles, and external forces. The slightly modifiedequation expressing this is:Fint þ Fext ¼ ma. In the followingsections, we explain the particulars of the mass-springparticle system used in our experiments.

3.6 Internal Forces

3.6.1 Ideal Hookian Spring

The internal forces in our system are from springs used toconnect particles. Using Hooke’s law [22], the equations forforces between two particles, a and b, are:

fa ¼"ksðj~xaxa � ~xbxbj � rÞ þ kd

~vava � ~vbvb � ~xaxa � ~xbxbj~xaxa � ~xbxbj

#~xaxa � ~xbxb

j~xaxa � ~xbxbj; ð1Þ

fb ¼ �fa; ð2Þwhere fa and fb are the forces on a and b, r is the rest lengthof the spring, ~xx and ~vv are the position and velocity vectorsfrom a particle’s current phase space state, ks and kd are thespring stiffness and damping constants, respectively, andj � j is the l2 norm. It is apparent from the equations that, aslong as two particles maintain their initial starting distance,r (the resting length of the spring), the spring exerts noforce. When external forces begin to move the individualparticles from their resting distance, internal spring forcesfa and fb are induced.

3.6.2 Finite Elements

Fig. 5 shows how the springs are logically connected,forming a finite-element of the mass-spring model. Thebasic finite-element is a quadrangle. For each quadrangle,springs are attached. Each element is composed of structuralsprings, which form a quadrangle’s hull, and two shearsprings, which connect diagonally. This particular structurehas been shown to be effective and robust for modelingrigidly flexible sheet materials [21], [16], [26]. More springsmay be used to create additional rigidity if required [21].Fig. 6 shows an example of the finite-element meshesinitialized with a document’s acquired geometry.

3.7 External Forces

3.7.1 Global Downward Force and Damping

A global downward force is exerted on all particles, forcingthem toward theZ ¼ 0plane.1 This force is typicallymodeledas a constant force, such as gravity, and can be represented asf ¼ mg. In addition to a global downward force, a viscous dragis applied in the form f ¼ ��dv, where �d is the dragcoefficient and v is the velocity state of a particle. This forceencourages a particle to come to rest and improves thenumerical stability of the system.

3.7.2 Plane Collision

The goal of “flattening” is to push the 3D shape to the Z ¼ 0

plane. When the x3 phase space component of a particle isequal to 0, it has collided with the Z ¼ 0 plane (or whenx3 < �, where � is a threshold close to zero). The response of aparticle to this collision changes the velocity of the particle.This newvelocity is obtained by separating the velocity at thetime of collision into two orthogonal components: the normalcomponent and tangential component defined by

vn ¼ ðN � vÞN ð3Þ

vt ¼ v� vn; ð4Þ

where N is the collision plane’s normal, v is the collidingparticle’s velocity, and vn and vt are the respectivecomponents. In our case, these components are trivial tocalculate because the plane’s normal vector is ½0 0 1�T ,resulting in the following solutions: vn ¼ ½0 0 v3�T andvt ¼ ½v1 v2 0�T . If the collision is purely elastic, a particle’sresulting velocity will travel in the same tangential directionand the opposite normal direction such that vnew ¼ vt � vn.However, the normal direction can be dampened with acoefficient of restitution, kr, such that vnew ¼ vt � krvn, wherekr is a value from ½0� 1�. At kr ¼ 0, a particle’s normalcomponent will be ignored completely and the particle willessentially “stick” to the plane; alternatively, kr ¼ 1 willcause the particle to reflect elastically. For our experiments,we found kr ¼ 0:1 to be appropriate.


Fig. 5. (a) The ideal Hookian spring with damper acts on two particles.Ks is the stiffness coefficient of the spring and Kd is the dampeningcoefficient. (b) The finite element structure of the particles consists ofstructural and shear springs.

1. In the reconstructed manuscript’s world coordinate frame, the Z ¼ 0plane defines the plane the reconstructed manuscript was placed ontoduring 3D reconstruction. Thus, if the manuscript had been flat, itsreconstructed 3D points would all have Z ¼ 0 coordinates.

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We note that it is possible to set the system’s advancingtime-step, �t, too high such that x3 < 0 for a particle. Thisimplies that the particle has penetrated the collision plane,which is an undesirable effect. In this case, we restore thesystem to the previous time, t� 1, and calculate a new timestep such that �tnew ¼ �tprev=2, until the penetration condi-tion is avoided.

3.8 Numerical Approach

Incorporating the internal and external forces, Baraff andWitkin [1] describe the system with the following generalordinary differential equation:

€xx ¼ M�1

� @E

@xþ F

�; ð5Þ

where E is a function of the internal springs, F is a functionof external forces,M�1 is a diagonal matrix of particles 1=m,and x is the positional state of the particles.

Our objective is to solve the system of equations overtime until all the particles have a phase space with positionx3 ¼ 0 and the internal energy (spring forces) reaches asteady state such that the value of

PjFintj is minimized.

Our implementation solves this objective function im-plicitly in its implementation. For each particle, we have astructure that encodes the following information: theposition in phase space ½x1; x2; x3; v1; v2; v3�, a force accu-mulator ½fx; fy; fz�, and the particle massm, which is set to 1.The particle’s structure also contains a list of all of thesprings connected to this particle. At each advancing timestep in the simulation, the internal, external, and collisionforces on all of the particles are calculated. Once the forcesare calculated, they are integrated to give the currentvelocity of each particle (v1; v2; v3). A second integrationdetermines the new position ðx1; x2; x3Þ of each particle. Theaccuracy of the simulation is tied to the numerical approachused to integrate the system over time. We tested this withboth a simple explicit Euler method and a fourth orderRunge-Kutta integrator. To avoid numerical instability, theEuler method must take small time-steps. Better integratorsexist and can be incorporated [1]. For our purposes, theEuler method proved to be sufficiently fast and numericalinstability was not encountered.

A document model is flattened by initializing the particlesystem with the described finite element structure andinitial conditions. A global force is then applied to drive themodel to the plane. The process is complete when the mass-spring system’s internal energy (spring forces) is minimized

after collision with the Z ¼ 0 plane. Upon completion, thenew position state of each particle is saved.

The mass-spring system has no inherent mechanism tokeepa surface fromfoldingoveron itself during the flatteningprocess. In practice, this problem can be avoided whensurfaces to be flattened are height maps, i.e., one-to-onefunctions from thegroundplane to 3D. If 3Dpoints in aheightmap are projected directly to the Z ¼ 0 collision plane, nofolding or overlap of the quads would occur. Without springinternal forces, the external gravity force vector, which isperpendicular to the collision,would produce the same effectas projecting these points to the collision plane. Theadditional internal spring forces ensure preservation of equaldistances between points as flattening occurs. Since bound-ary edges of the surface are not constrained with any force,they are free to spread and ensure that a surface that begins asa height map under a gravity force will not form a fold.

3.9 Flattening Example

Fig. 7 shows before and after views of a document’s 3Dshape unwarped by the mass-spring particle system. Theseimages were created by applying the mapping, determinedby the mass-spring system, from the initial 3D shape of thedocument to its resulting 2D “flattened” shape.

3.10 Image-Space Restoration

The information from the geometric structure of theflattened document can be used to determine the appro-priate image-space warp necessary to produce a distortion-free image. The following sections describe how this image-space warp can be implemented.

3.10.1 Camera Reprojection

From the 3D acquisition phase described in Section 3.2, weobtained a projection matrix of the camera, ~PP , used tocapture the original image of the manuscript being restored.The pin-hole camera and virtual flattened manuscript are inthe same coordinate frame. This allows us to create a newimage of the flattened manuscript as it would haveappeared when imaged by the same camera that capturedthe image of the deformed manuscript. The followingdescribes how to calculate the new restored image.

Each vertex in the quad mesh of the mass-spring elementsheet stores the coordinates of its initial 3D position, Mi ¼½X;Y ; Z�Ti (½x1; x2; x3� in phase space notation) in the worldcoordinate frame. The camera image’s ðu; vÞ coordinates canbe determined by projecting the 3D point into the camera’sframe by mi ¼ ½us vs s�T ¼ ~PPMi, where ~PP is the camera’sprojection matrix. The matrix ~PP is obtained during the3D acquisition step described in the previous chapter. Afterthe flattening process, each vertex is associated with a new3D point, M̂iMi ¼ ½X0; Y 0; Z0�Ti . These new points are still in theworld coordinate frame of the calibration pattern; their newposition can be computed by projecting them into the cameraframe as before such that m̂imi ¼ ½us0 vs0 s0�Ti ¼ ~PPM̂iMi. Therestored image is created by texturing each finite element(quad) from its initial mi position to the new m̂imi imagecoordinate position. We do not alter the pixel intensities inthe original image and, therefore, do not compensate forshading effects that may have been captured due to thedeformed shape of the document. Fig. 8 shows an example ofthe restoration process. Fig. 9 shows an example of the2D restoration.


Fig. 6. Examples of mass-spring finite-element particle system mesh

initialized with the geometry of a 3D document.

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3.10.2 Orthographic Reprojection

Because we have a full 3D description of the document’sshape, we can create a restored image from any desired viewunder anyviewingmodel.Using the samecamera viewas theoriginal image is a natural choice. Restoring the image fromthe original camera position minimizes the resampling thatneeds to be done to the original image, resulting in a flattenedimage with minimal blurring and aliasing degradation.

For the purpose of visualization, it may be desirable tocreate a restored image from a new point of view. Forexample, a virtual orthographic camera (with center ofprojection at infinity) can be specified such that the cameraaxis is normal to the flattened document and the center ofthe image is the center of the flattened document. For ourapproach, the normal to the flatten document is the ½0; 0; 1�vector since the 3D points have been flattened to the XYplane. In the context of the physical setup, this correspondsto an orthographic view of the calibration pattern.

Using this orthographic projection, only the XY compo-nents, ½X0; Y 0�Ti , of the flattened 3D points, M̂iMi, in the quadmesh are needed. To create a restored orthographic image,theoriginal 2Dpointsmi arewarped to correspond to their 2Dlocation ½X0; Y 0�Ti . Recall that the ½X0; Y 0�Ti points will be in themetric coordinate frame of the calibration pattern. Theirvalues are therefore real metric distances. The user can

specify how they wish to scale these distances into pixelvalues, thus specifying the desired “dpi” in the X and Ydirection. The ½X0; Y 0� coordinates will then be normalizedand scaled to produce an image with accurate dpi such thatmi map to ½sxX0; syY

0�Ti , where sx are sy the dpi scale. Theorthographic image can encode accurate scale that can bestored as metadata within the collection itself. As with theprevious example, the restored image is created by texturingeach quad mesh from its initial mi position to the new½sxX0; syY

0�Ti image coordinate position.Restoration in this manner creates images of uniform

scale. This can be useful if the camera that created theoriginal image was positioned off-axis to the flatteningplane. In this case, the camera itself will produce an imagethat appears slightly skewed (in a planar sense) from theoff-axis projection. This uniform scale can be useful formaking metric measurements and can be applied to theproblem of mosaicing physically fragmented documentsinto an accurate, coherent whole.


We present three experiments that demonstrate the effec-tiveness of the restoration approach. For the first twoexperiments, models were acquired using a Sony TRV1000digital video camera (640� 480 pixel resolution) and anEpson Powerlight (1; 024� 768 pixel resolution) projector.The third experiment uses an Epson Powerlight projectorand the Kontron digital camera at the British library. Thereconstruction accuracy of our structured-light setup isestimated at 0:25mm. The accuracy is estimated byreconstructing several planes at different orientations andmeasuring the mean error from the best-fit plane [9].

The first and second experiments are performed withcontrolled test cases, where printed materials have beenrigidly crumpled byhand and restored. By using a controlweare able to compare the original (before damage) and theresults from our restoration framework. This allows a


Fig. 7. (a) The before image shows the recovered 3D shape. (b) The after image shows the final position of the mass-spring system afterconvergence, textured with the original 2D image.

Fig. 8. Image restoration in the camera’s image plane. Image restorationin the camera’s image plane. Three dimensional points on the surface ofthe deformed document, Mi, correspond to their position in the originalimage atmi. The flattening process moves these points to new locations,M̂iMi. These new points are reprojected back into the camera’s image planeusing the projection matrix, ~PP . This determines how to warp the originaldistorted imagery by moving 2D points mi to new image coordinates m̂imi.

Fig. 9. Example of image-space distortion removal. This figure showsthe effects from warping 2D points, mi, to their new locations, m̂imi,defined by the flattening procedure.

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quantitative analysis of the restoration framework. The firstexperiment providesmetric and image-basedmeasurementsbetween the experiment’s control document and the resultingrestored image. The second experiment provides a qualita-tive comparison betweenwarped andunwarped text to showthe improvement in text readabilitywithout anyassumptionsabout document content. The third experiment applies ourtechnique to damaged medieval manuscripts housed at theBritish library. This experiment shows how surfacemarkings(such as lines drawn on the manuscript) can be restored.

In all the experiments, a mass-spring finite-element meshof quadrilaterals is constructed from 45� 45 samples ofpoints on the surface of recovered documents. Initial springlengths are assigned based on 3D points distances apart andvary according to the surface shape (i.e., the springs do nothave uniform length). The physics-based simulation is thenperformed to flatten 3Dmesh to theZ ¼ 0plane, as describedin Section 3.4, and the resulting restored image is computed.The flattening procedure takes approximately one minute toconverge for each experiment running on a Dell Pentium800Mhz (512 MB RAM).

4.1 Experiment I: Pixel Distance

The first experiment quantifies the ability of the mass-springsystem to restore a rigidly deformed 3D sheet to its original2D planar shape. Fig. 10 shows a 2D image of a flat piece ofpaper with a checkerboard pattern printed on it. The flatdocument is imaged on the Z ¼ 0 plane and removed. Theimage of the document before it is crumpled serves as theexperimental control. The document is then crumpled byhand. The shape of this “damaged” document is acquiredusing our structured-light system. The image is restoredusing the frameworkoutlined in theprevious section. For thisexperiment, we use camera reprojection to create a restoredimage in the camera’s coordinate frame.

After the restored image has been constructed, wecompare it with the original control image. The shadowsand other shading/illumination cues on the 3D surface of thecrumpled sheet are still present. Hence, we make a compar-ison between the control image and the restored image bycomparing features in the two images (instead of pixels). Inthis case, we use the corners of the checkerboard pattern.Because the orientations of the two imageswill differ slightly,the two point sets are brought into alignment by calculating aleast-squares homography between the two point sets.

Fig. 10 shows five trials with their results. The 2D pointsare back-projected onto the Z ¼ 0 plane to provide metricmeasurements in the world coordinate frame. Results fromthis experiment show that the restored image can beregistered to the control image within half an image pixeland within 0:25mm in the world coordinate frame.

4.2 Experiment II: Text

The second experiment uses typeset text as away to comparewarped versus restored letterforms. A document of letters isimaged while flat, as a control image, and afterward iscrumpled. The four experiments shown in Fig. 11 illustratetypical results. The readability of the text improves substan-tially under the flattening transformation. Note that rows oftext become straight lines and individual letters are warpedback into their proper proportion. Closeups show a side-by-sidecomparisonofselectedletters(notedintheRowIoriginalsbya transparentpatch) fromtheoriginal and restored images.The shape of the letters appears corrected. For example, theascender of the letter “L” is lengthened to its proper height.

It is important to observe that no textual or content-basedinformation is necessary in order to perform this restoration.While, in certainproblemdomains, itmaybe important touseconstraints such as “lines of text are straight,” our methoddoes not require any a priori knowledge about the content.With respect to a general restoration process for handwritten,damaged manuscripts, decoupling the restoration from thecontent is a decided advantage.

4.3 Experiment III: Manuscripts

In the third experiment, illustrated by Figs. 12 and 13, weapply the flattening restoration to manuscript data from theBritish Library. We acquired and restored the folios of theOthoB.Xmanuscript,which consists of the front and thebackof approximately 67 badlydamaged folios, each set in a paperframe and bound together as a book. Fig. 12 shows twoselected examples from this extensive application (134 re-storedpages, eachat a resolutionof2; 000� 1; 500pixels). Thefirst example (Fig. 12, Row I) shows the flattened portion ofOtho B. X 18v,which is shown before restoration in Fig. 1. It isclear that the lineonthebottomof thepaper frame,whichdoesnot appear as a straight line in the original imagery because ofshape distortion, becomes linear. Fig. 12 Row II shows theshapeof aportion of the topofOthoB.X22v. Thepronouncedbubble makes the text appear to ride across the page along acurve.After restoration, the lines of text becomenearly linear.

Fig. 13 shows a second manuscript example that makesclear the large changes that occur when the restorationremoves shape-based distortion. The two lines of textshown side-by-side show a pronounced effect in terms ofthe shape of the manuscript letterforms.

4.4 Results Summary

Our experiments demonstrate that we can successfullyremove distortion present in images of rigidly deformeddocuments. The framework manipulates the 3D geometry ofthe document with a physically-based model which uses amass-spring particle system to simulate the process offlattening themanuscript. Themass-spring system iterativelycalculates the results of a force pushing down on themanuscript’s geometric (nonplanar) structure, forcing thatsurface back to a plane. The mass-spring simulationcomputes the trajectory that points on the surface shouldtake in order to deform into a plane. The result is a realisticrepresentation of how the actual text would appear if it wereflattened. The relationship of the final position of the pointsfrom the simulation to their starting positions determines animage-space warp that maps the original, distorted imageonto the restored, flattened image.


Our restoration algorithm starts with the original image andworksdirectly torecover thewarpthatwill removedistortion.There is no correction for image cues such as shading orshadows that may be present in the original image. Shadingcues give the viewer a strong sense of nonplanar shape and,with these cues still present in the undistorted image, at firstglance some restored images still appear to be distorted. Oncloser inspection, however, distortion removal is apparent.When control images are available for comparison, thedifferences are readily quantifiable. This shading effect canbe lessened with image processing or almost completelyremoved at image acquisition by imaging under a range oflighting conditions and positions. Fig. 14 shows an examplethat uses 2D imageprocessing to lessen the shading effect and


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highlight the corrections made by removing the projectivedistortion.

While the algorithm removes projective distortion, itcannot fill in missing intensity information that was lost dueto projection. Therefore, unwarped regions of high defor-mation may appear blurry due to the lack of intensityinformation (Fig. 15). Image processing routines, such assharpening, can help reduce this effect. However, a more

appropriate solution would involve the capture of multipleimages of the original warped document to help fill inmissing intensity information. Research on super-resolutionimaging, where multiple calibrated images are combined toform a composite higher-resolution texture, can be appliedin this situation [3], [11]. In particular, we have donepreliminary experiments with five low-resolution camerasand a super-resolution algorithm for combining their


Fig. 11. Experiment II: Row I shows the 2D images of a crumpled and warped lettered document. Row II shows views of the recovered 3D models.Row III presents the restored (flattened) image. Row IV shows the control image and individual letters from the crumpled document (highlightedletters in Row I) compared with the same letters from the restored image.

Fig. 10. Experiment I: Row I shows the 2D images of a crumpled document. Row II shows views of the recovered 3D models. Row III presents therestored (flattened) images. Row IV shows the experiment’s control image and the pixel and metric distances between corners in the flattenedimages and corners in the control image.

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images into a single texture. This method can potentiallyremove the need for the additional “texture” camera andhas the advantage of supplying data from a number ofcamera locations. The most challenging problem at acquisi-tion time is accurate calibration of the imaging devices sothat their fusion is accurate.


We have presented a new framework for restoring manu-script images by removing the shape distortion that resultsfrom images of damaged (warped and deformed) docu-ments. Our framework uses the 3D geometry of adocument, which can be captured using a number oftechniques, to impose first-order physical constraints suchas rigidity. We use a physically-based mass-spring particlesystem to guide the iterative unwarping process. The

restoration algorithm produces a new image that realisti-cally represents how the manuscript should appear if itwere once again flat. The underlying assumption is that themanuscript was originally flat and that the present(damaged) shape resulted from a rigid deformation process.

The controlled experiments we presented using therestoration algorithm demonstrate that the framework canrestore documents to within 0.25mm of their original shapeand within one pixel in image-space. The real examplesfrom collections at libraries show the results we can obtain“in the field” for real digital editions.


The authors gratefully acknowledge support for this workunder the US National Science Foundation grant IIS-9817483 and the Hong Kong Research Grant Council grant


Fig. 12. Experiment III: Results using damaged manuscripts. Row I shows the flattened portion of the damaged manuscript from Fig. 1. Row II showsthe profound effect that the flattening restoration can create for manuscript pages that are very badly curved.

Fig. 13. Experiment III: damaged manuscript closeup: Row I shows a side-by-side view of a manuscript page and its restoration. Row II shows theeffect flattening has on letterforms. The line of flattened, enhanced text differs substantially from the shape and size of the original. The difference ispurely from removing variation due to shape distortion.

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HKUST6177/03E. They thank David Jacobs, Senior Con-

servation Officer at the British Library, for access and

expertise in handling manuscript collections. They also

thank professors Jim Griffioen and Kevin Kiernan at the

University of Kentucky for collaborative support.


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Michael S. Brown received the BEng and PhDdegrees, both in computer science, from theUniversity of Kentucky, Lexington, in 1995 and2001, respectively. He was a visiting PhD studentat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hillfrom 1998 to 2001. In 2001, he joined theComputer Science Faculty at the Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology as anassistantprofessor.His research interests includeimage processing, document restoration and

analysis, and computer graphics. He is a member of the IEEE.

W. Brent Seales received the BS degree incomputer science from the University of South-western Louisiana and the MS and PhDdegrees in computer science from the Uni-versity of Wisconsin-Madison. In 1991, hejoined the Computer Science Faculty of theUniversity of Kentucky and now holds the postof associate professor. His central researchinterest is in computer vision and imageprocessing, with applications in digital libraries,

medical visualization, and multimedia. He is a member of the IEEE.


Fig. 14. (a) Shadows in the original image are still present afterrestoration. (b) The appearance of these shadows can be lessened by2D image processing routines.

Fig. 15. The restored image is created by flattening the original imageaccording to the imagewarp found through application of themass-springsystem. Deformations in the image can cause blurring in regions with littlepixel coverage. Image processing can help to lessen these effects.
