Page 1: Ideas on representation within my video

Ideas on Representation within my videoRepresentations are shown by stereotypes and countertypes. In my video there will be a stereotype for the protagonist of a working class young adult. This will be shown as him being quiet, mysterious and aggressive. I will show this by the actor’s actions and clothes. My Victim will be shown to be a binary oppposite or the Protagonist but the victim will also be a young adult. He will be shown to be a coward and defenseless and this will also be shown by his actions and clothes.

As you can tell, the age representation will be limited as my only 2 actors will be in the same age group but by using young adults then I’m relating to my audience as they will be the same age group of my Target audience.There will only be one gender represented as my two actors are male. This is to show the male dominated world and to show the threatening and scary life of some individuals.