
Ideas and Activities to Differentiate Instruction

through Lesson Preparation

When students are provided with specific information about what they will learn and are expected to do in each lesson, their understanding of content concepts is enhanced.

When English learners are provided with

specific information about how they are developing knowledge of English during each lesson, their language proficiency is enhanced.

Effective SIOP lessons require careful

planning with specific content and language objectives for each lesson so that students know precisely what they will do and learn. These objectives are derived from a variety of sources, including state and district standards, TESOL standards for English learners, the SIOP lesson planning checklist, and colleagues’ ideas.

Content Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and Reviewed with Students

Content Objective:

Usually relates to a State Standard.

Language Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and Reviewed with Students

Language Objective:

Concrete Language Objectives identify what students should know and be able to do.

Content Concepts Appropriate for Age and Educational Background

Supplementary Materials Used to a High Degree

Examples of Supplementary Material Hands on Manipulatives Realia Pictures Visuals Multimedia Demonstrations Related Literature Hi-lo Readers Adapted Text

Adaptation of Content to All Levels of Student Proficiency

In many schools, teachers are required to teach from textbooks that are too difficult for English learners to read. When we “water down” the text to a point where all students can read it the important content concepts are frequently lost…therefore we must find ways to make the text and other resource materials accessible for all students, adapting them so that the content concepts are left intact.

Adaptation can be used throughout the lesson….

Pre-reading instructional strategy As an Aid during reading Post-reading method for organizing newly

learned information

Examples of Adaptations Graphic Organizers Outlines Leveled Study Guides Highlighted Text Taped Text Adapted Text Jigsaw Text Reading Marginal Notes Native Language Texts

Meaningful Activities That Integrate Lesson Concepts with Language Practice Opportunities

Ticket Out What are the

three most important ideas that you have learned about lesson preparation.
