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Daniel Martin KatzMichigan State University - College of Law

Complex Systems Models in the Social Sciences

(Lecture 8)


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How Complex is a Particular System?

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This is an Important Question Considered

in the Field

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For an OverviewSee Chapter 7

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Lots of Potential Candidate Measures

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“1. How hard is it to describe?

2. How hard is it to create?

3. What is its degree of organization”

Questions Typically Considered:

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Algorithmic Complexity

Minimum Description Length

Fisher Information

Renyi Entropy

Chernoff Information


Fractal Dimension

Lempel--Ziv Complexity

Code Length (prefix-free, Huffman, Shannon-Fano, error-correcting, Hamming)

1. Difficulty of Description(Typically measured in bits)

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Computational Complexity

Time Computational Complexity

Space Computational Complexity

Information--Based Complexity

Logical Depth

Thermodynamic Depth


2. Difficulty of Creation(Typically measured in time, energy, dollars, etc.)

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Metric EntropyFractal DimensionExcess EntropyStochastic ComplexitySophisticationEffective Measure ComplexityTrue Measure ComplexityTopological epsilon-machine sizeConditional InformationConditional Algorithmic Information ContentSchema lengthIdeal ComplexityHierarchical ComplexityTree-subgraph diversityHomogeneous ComplexityGrammatical Complexity

3. Degree of organization(a) Effective Complexity

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Algorithmic Mutual Information

Channel Capacity


Stored Information


3. Degree of organization(B) Mutual Information

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Measuring Complexity:An Applied Case

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Measuring the Complexity

of Legal Systems

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Optimal Precision in Legal RulesKaplow (1995) Tullock (1995)

The Complexity of the Law is Canonical Question

Applied Scholarship -- Tax, Environmental Law, Admin Law, etc.

Legal and Political TheoryJustifications for Law and the State

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Aligns Incentives / Channels Behavior

Offers Focal Points / Coordination Mechanisms

Encourages Actors to Internalize Costs

Maintains Monopoly on Legitimated Violence

Protects Individual Rights and Liberties

Law as a Means of Solving Social Dilemmas

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Complexity of Society & Complexity of the Law

Economic Exchange

What conditions must be met for law to Achieve these Ends?

Legal Rules Should Reflect The Nature of:

Social Interaction

Political Behavior

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Applying the Tools of the ‘Big Data’ Era

A Perspective on the Scope of Law in a Modern Society

Using an Important Corpus of Written Law

This Paper is an Effort (Albeit Imperfect)to Measure the Complexity of the Law

That is Large and Cross Cutting

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This is the United States Code

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Compiled Version of Federal Statutory Law

This is the United States Code

Drawn from the U.S. Statutes at Large

Does not Include Fed Admin Regulations

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The 50 titles in US Code

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How Complex is the Code and its Components?

How has its Composition Changed Over Time?

Some Potential Questions

Can we understand if those changes Scale to changes in the complexity of broader Society?

How Large is the United States Code?

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How Large is the United States Code?

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How Large is the United States Code?

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How Large is the United States Code?

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How Large is the United States Code?

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~Title 29 - Labor

How Large is the United States Code?

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How Large is the United States Code?

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This is the United States Code

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The Case for a Computational Approach

The United States Code is Large ...

Computational Methods are Arguably Required

Need Tools and Methods that Scale to the Size and Scope of this Body of Information

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Computational Approach to the Measurement

of Complexity

(2) Generate a Measurement Strategy for that Object

(1) Provide a Mathematical Representation for an Object

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A Mathematical Approach to the Study of the United States Code

389 Physica A 4195 (2010 Forthcoming)

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Additional Treatment Available Here

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The US Code as a Mathematical Object

Hierarchical Structure

Title 26

Subtitle A

Chapter 1

Subchapter F

Part I

Section 501

Subsection (c)

Paragraph (3)

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Hierarchical Structure


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Hierarchical Structure


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Linguistic Content

United States CodeFeatures

13 Million tokens


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Measuring the Complexity of the United States Code

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Knowledge Acquisition Framework

Knowledge Acquisition

Subfield at Intersection of Computer Science and Psychology

Interested in protocols used bysubjects as they acquire, store and analyze information

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Interested in Mirroring the “Protocols”Used by a Hypothetical End User

Costs of Executing the Protocols Are Driven by the Complexity of the Object

We Consider an Individual Engaging in a Knowledge Acquisition Process

Measuring the Complexity of the United States Code

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Protocol for United States Code Knowledge Acquisition

(1) Select an initial element of the Code corresponding to a concept of interest

(2) Beginning from this initial element, recursively assimilate the content of all sub-elements

(3) When a citation is encountered, apply this protocol recursively to the cited element

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The Complexity of Knowledge Acquisition

3 Factors Influence Complexity ofExecuting the Protocol

Structure Language Dependence

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Toward a Composite Measure

Multidimensional object--> Composite Measure Full Code and Individual Titles

Weighted RanksImperfect but a good start

A Positive Feature of weighted ranks (1) Change Weights(2) Add Additional Dimensions

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Two Forms of Weighted Ranks

Unnormalized Measure

Considers the Complexity of reviewing a full title

Normalized Measure

Considers the Average or Emblematic Provision within the Title

Thus, we control for title size

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The Unnormalized Measure

Structure Language Dependence

Unnormalized Measure

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The Unnormalized Measure:Structure



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The Unnormalized Measure:Structure


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The Unnormalized Measure:Structure



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Net Flow


The Unnormalized Measure:Net Flow

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The Unnormalized Measure: Language



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The Unnormalized Measure: Language


Entropy Uniform Random

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The Unnormalized Measure: Language




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The Unnormalized Measure: Language


Entropy Title 42 - Public Health & Welfare

LeprosySocial Security National Flood Insurance US Synthetic Fuels Corp Intl Child Abduction Remedies

Entropy ≈ Diversity

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The Unnormalized Measure

Structure Language Dependence

Unnormalized Measure

Vertices EntropyNet Flow

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The Unnormalized Measure

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The Normalized Measure

Structure Language Dependence

Normalized Measure

Mean Depth Entropy

Net FlowPer


Tokens Per



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The Unnormalized Measure

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Offered a framework designed to Measure the Complexity of the Law

Designed to open a dialogue regarding Legal complexity and its measurement

Demonstrated measurement principles that are potentially applicable to other classes of legal documents


Highlighted what computation might be able to offer to empirical legal studies

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SupportingMaterials Available Online!

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