
Health and Wellbeing

Are you in the know?

Icebreaker ActivityEach item in the Health and Wellbeing Grab

Bag represents a service Pick out an item and discuss what this

service could mean

Health and Wellbeing ServicesHealth and Wellbeing Centre at Old Mill Lane CampusServices on offer:

Nurses and HCAs carry out Chlamydia testing, STI screening and treatment, contraceptives, C-Card sign up, referral for termination, stop smoking

Health Trainer and weight managementCounselling serviceImproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)MidwifeMulti-faith spaceCross events calendarTutorials

Alcohol, Sex and Pregnancy

50% of unplanned sex happens whilst drunk

60% of STDs are transmitted through drunken sex

67% of unplanned pregnancies happen by having drunken sex

You are more likely to experiment drugs and smoking whilst drunk

In Barnsley, the teenage pregnancy rate is 44.1 per cent per 1,000 population.

Access the HWBC if you need support in any of these areas or to sign up for

a C-Card

Facts and Figures about Weight Management

28.4% of adults in Barnsley are overweight

19.7% of children in Barnsley are overweight

Each PSS Health Trainer in Barnsley receives 20 Health Plans a month to support people to lose weight. There are currently 21 Health Trainers in Barnsley

Access the PSS Health Trainers on Thursdays at the HWBC

Mental Health and Counselling

There were 15,809 people with depression recorded on GP practices' QOF registers in 2012/13 in Barnsley

Within Barnsley, there are a wide variety of interventions to build resilience and promote wellbeing for all ages, from birth to older years

Access the Counselling and IAPT service by making an appointment through the HWBC

Health and Wellbeing Tutorials• Tutorials are offered

across college to all learners

• The list of tutorials focusses on the key areas of Health and Wellbeing

• Tutorials are fun, relaxed and informative

• During the academic year the Health and Wellbeing service offers themed tutorials to link in with events such a World Aids Day

• Some tutorials are delivered by specialist agencies

Services at the HWBC

• The implant• Morning after pill• Condoms• Stop smoking• Depo injection• Coil• The pill• Full STI screening• General advice• Pregnancy test• Chlamydia test• C-Card• Counselling• IAPT• Health Trainer
