Page 1: ICE FLOES IN COLLISION* · RESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-axial de la station de l'Etude Pilote AIDJEX ... in which W Z equals 2gA,/sAz where g represents

] oumal 0/ G/aciolog)', Vol. 20 No. 82, 1978


By J. R. W E B E R

(Ea rth Physics Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and R esources, Ottawa KIA oY3, Canada)

ABSTRACT. A n event recorded by a biaxial tilt-meter during a storm a t the camp of the AIDJEX Pilo t S tudy loca ted on the pack ice in the Beaufort Sea in 1972 is in terpreted as a n a cceleration caused by the collision of a faster drifting ice floe with the sta tion floe. I t is es tima ted that the acceleration lasted between 20 and 40 s a nd resulted in a velocity increase of between 84 a nd 120 m/h . The energy imparted per squa re kilometer to the sta tion floe during collision is estima ted to be between 5.7 a nd 8. 1 MJ.

The sta tion was equipped with a n acoustic bottom reference (ABR) sys tem with a sampling ra te o f one minute. H owever, the pos itional sca tter is too large and the sample ra te too low to be able reliably to identify the collision event fro m the ABR data a lo ne.

R ESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-a xia l de la sta tio n d e l'Etude Pi lote A IDJE X situee sur la ba nq uise d a ns la mer d e Beaufort a enregistre e n 1972 pendant une tempete un evenem en t que l 'on interpn':te comme une accelera tion causee par la collisio n entre une masse d e glace flottante de rivant plus ra pidement avec celle porta nt la station . On pense que l'accelera tion a dure d e 20 a 40 s et a provoque un accroissement d e la vitesse comprise en tre 84 et 120 m/h. L 'energie communiquee par kilometre carre a la glace flotta nte porta nt la station au cours d e la collis ion est es timee en tre 5,7 e t 8 , 1 MJ.

La sta tion eta it equipee d 'un sys tem e d e reference acoustique de fond (ABR) a vec un pas d e te mps de m esure de une minute. Cependant l' incertitude sur la position est trap for te et le pas de temps t rop g ra nd pour qu'on puisse identifier de fa<;on certa ine l'evenemen t collision a partir d es d onnees de l'ABR seule.

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Zusammellsloss von Eisschallell. Von einem zweiachsigen Neigungsmesser in einem L ager des AIDjEX-U nternehmens a uf d em Packeis del' Beaufo r t-See wurde wa hrend eines Sturms im J a hre 1972 ein Ereignis a ufgezeichnet, das a ls Beschleunigung infolge d es Zusammenstosses einer schneller driftenden Eisscholle mi t d er Sta tionsscholle zu in terpreti eren ist. Schatzungsweise d a uer te die Beschleunigung zwischen 20 und 40 s und bewirkte eine Geschwindigkeitszuna hme zwischen 84 und 120 m pro Stunde. Die a uf d ie Stationsscholle bei dem Zusammenstoss ii bertragene E nergie liisst si ch auf 5, 7 bis 8, 1 MJ a bscha tzen.

Die Sta tion war mit einem a kust ischen Grund-M esssys tem (acoustic bottom reference = ABR) ausgeriistet, dessen Einschaltfrequenz eine Minute betrug. Die Lageversetzung ist j edoch zu gross und die Einschaltfrequenz zu niedrig, als dass d el' Z usammens toss zu verlassig aus den ABR-Daten allein nachgewiesen werden konnte.

O N 4 April 1972 the AIDJEX (Arctic Ice Dynamics J oint Experimen t) camp, located on the pack ice of the Beaufort Sea, experienced a number of shocks that felt like earthquakes and shook the buildings . One of these shocks, occurring at 10 .21 G .M.T . , was recorded on a bia xia l tilt-meter used to m easure ocean and ice tilts.

The tilt-meter consisted of two hydrosta tic levels, each 120 m long, oriented perpendicular to each other. The displacement of the fluid in the pots a t opposite ends of each level were sensed with floats a nd displacement transducers a nd were recorded on strip cha rt. The d ynamic response of the fluid was such that the system was critically d a mped. The theory of hydrostatic levels and description of the appara tus is g iven in Weber (1974) and W eber a nd Erdelyi (1976). T he sudden apparen t tilt changes recorded by the tilt m eter during the event (Fig. I) are proba bly due to a rapid horizontal acceler a tion or decelera tion of the sta tion floe. T he deflections are bo th positive a nd correspond to apparent downward tilts of 29. 1 [J.rad to the east and 27. 3 [J.rad to the south . T he records therefore indicate an apparent tilt of 39.9 w ad caused by either an accelera tion of a north-west (317°) drifting floe, or by a decelera tion of a south-east (137°) drifting floe. From NavSa t positions recorded on 4 A pril at 00.00 G.M.T. (la t. 75° 01.5' ., long . 148° 24. 1' W .) a nd a t 13.00 G. M.T. (la t. 75° 02. I ' N ., long. 1480 32.6' W .) it was determined that the sta tio n was drifting in the direction of 285° clockwise from north a t an average speed of 325 m /h. A t the time of the event the wind was blowing to the wes t-south-west (242°) at 5.2 m/so The pa ra meters a re illustra ted in F igure 2.

* Contribution from the Earth Physics Branch No. 683 .


Page 2: ICE FLOES IN COLLISION* · RESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-axial de la station de l'Etude Pilote AIDJEX ... in which W Z equals 2gA,/sAz where g represents


--r I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q N '" " '2 '2 '2 Q

EVENT APR.4 , 1021 GMT


':1 '0


o 0 0

o "''' Q Q Q

':11 '0

Fig. I. East-west and north- south componmts of ice tilt measured with all orthogonal pair of hy drostatic levels. Positive tilt (dowllwards on the chart ) is caused either by the dowllward tilt of the ice j/oe to the east and south, respectively, or by hori­zontal accelerations to the west alld north, respectively. The , vent at 1 0.21 G.M.T. is interpreted as having been caused by a faster driftillg ice j/oe collidillg with the AIDJEX statioll j/oe.

Because the drift direction is to the north-west and in the same general direction (west-north­west) as the apparent tilt axis (north-west), it is thought that the shock was caused by a sudden acceleration, preceded by collision of a faster drifting ice floe with the station floe . The records show that the displacement of the floats in the pots due to the collision lasted less than two minutes after which the floats resumed their former positions.

The magnitude of the acceleration can be estimated by considering the differential equation of motion of the vertical displacement h(t ) of the fluid column in the pots of the hydrostatic level.

(Weber, 1974, equation 9) where AI and A z represent the cross-sectional areas of the tube


-:::"<--- ---E


Fig. 2. Average drift direction betwem 00.00 and 13 .00 G. M.T. and wind direction at collision time. Direction of acceleration (or deceleration) of stationj/oe determined from the tilt-meter.

Page 3: ICE FLOES IN COLLISION* · RESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-axial de la station de l'Etude Pilote AIDJEX ... in which W Z equals 2gA,/sAz where g represents


(1.27 X 10- 4 mZ) and the pots (16.9 X 10- 4 mZ) respectively, and a represents a constant horizontal acceleration in the direction of the level axis. Assuming that the acceleration lasts for a duration T and has the shape of a box-car pulse of magnitude ao, then for

t < 0,

0 < t ::;;;; T ,

t > T,

a = 0,

a = ao, a = o.

By substituting the apparent tilt a(t ) for h(t ) /s where s represents the level length ( 120 m ) and by using Laplace transforms, the following solution for the equation of motion is obtained:

ao a (t ) = - {I - exp ( - wt ) ( I + wt)},

2g 0 < t < T,

ao a (t ) = - {exp [- W(t - T)] {I + W(t - T)}-eXp (wt) ( I + wt )},

2g t > T, }


in which W Z equals 2gA, /sAz where g represents the gravitational acceleration (9.82 m /sZ). A plot of Equation (2) with T as parameter is shown in Figure 3. From the records (Fig. I) it can be seen that for the east- west component the pulse width is 120 s at the most. For the north- south component the pulse is easier to interpret and its width lies between 72 and 96 s. Comparison with Figure 3 shows that this corresponds to a pulse with an acceleration of duration T betwee'J 20 and 40 s. For T = 20 s the maximum tilt change of 39.9 (Lrad corres­ponds to 68% of the value ao/2g. Therefore

39.9 X 10- 6 S = 0.68ao/2g,


ao = 1 1.5 X 10-4 m/so

The velocity increase t1 V over the time period T = 20 S is

t1 V = aoT = 2.30 X lO- Z m/s = 83 m /h.


01 (1): ~ . I.O i----------==r==~.._--....,...--"""­x O . 9 4 t------~

60 80 100 120 140


160 180 200 (S ECONDS )

Fig. 3. Apparent tilt with time a (t ) of a tilt-meter caused by a cOl/stant acceleration ao of duratioll T in the directi~1l of the illstrument axis.

Page 4: ICE FLOES IN COLLISION* · RESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-axial de la station de l'Etude Pilote AIDJEX ... in which W Z equals 2gA,/sAz where g represents


For T = 40 s the maximum tilt change is 94% of ao/2g. The corresponding figures are ao = 8,33 X 10-4 m/s2 for the acceleration and ~V = 3.34 X 10- 2 m /s or 120 m/h for the velocity increase.

The energy imparted to the AIDJEX fl oe during the collision process is equal to the difference between the energy lost by the faster drifting fl oe and the en ergy dissipated by deformation (break-up, rafting, and formation of pressure ridges). We can estimate the energy imparted per square kilometer of floe area to the AIDJEX floe. If m is the ice mass, Vo is the average drift velocity and ~ V is the velocity increase, the energy ~E imparted per unit area is

I::!.E = m Vo~ V.

For an average floe thickness of 3 m and an ice density of 0.9 Mg/m 3, the mass m is 27 X IOs

kg. For an acceleration lasting 20 s the imparted energy is S.6 X 106 J or 1.6 kWh and for a 40 s acceleration the corresponding figure is 8.1 X 106 J or 2.3 kWh. In other words, the energy imparted per square kilometre of ice-floe area during the collision was about equa l to the energy used to supply to AIDJEX camp with electric power for five minutes.

w+, 0950



Fig. 4. Station position fixes at minute intervals betweetz 09.50 and [ 0.40 G.M.T. determined from acoustic bottom. reference system, and average drift direction over the same time period.

The station was equipped with an acoustic bottom reference (ABR) system that sampled the positions once every minute (Thorndike, 1973). The ABR position fixes for the period from 09.30 to 10.40 G .M.T. surrounding the event are illustrated in Figure 4. The scatter of the position points is caused partly by the geometrical configuration of the transducer­transponder array and pa rtly by variations in the sound velocity of the water. In reality the drift path ought to be an a lmost straight line. The average velocity over the So min period is 286 m /h in almost exactly the same direction (286°) as the average velocity over the 13 h period determined from the avSat fixes (28SO) .

It would be in teresting to see whether the velocity ch a nge caused by the collision process could be detected in the ABR data. In order to minimize the effect of the scatter, the position fixes were first projected onto the average drift direction and the drift speed variations calcula ted at one minute intervals. The angle of projection was then chosen for minimum velocity scatter (in this case 49°, Fig. 4 ) . The drift speed , as a running average over 4 min periods, was determined and is plotted in Figure S, lower graph. The scatter is still large and it is of the same magnitude as the velocity change we are trying to d etect. These values were averaged a second time over 7 min intervals (upper graph) and show that the average

Page 5: ICE FLOES IN COLLISION* · RESUME. Collisions entre glaces flattantes. Un inclinometre bi-axial de la station de l'Etude Pilote AIDJEX ... in which W Z equals 2gA,/sAz where g represents


""1 " 0

' 00


~ 200



0 w W Q.

35 0 (f)


' 00 Cl:: 0



Fig. 5. Drift speed computed from the positions determined from the bottom riference s)'stem with one minute fGmpling rate. Bottom curve: 4 mill Tltllning average; top curve : 7 mill rUllning average of bottom curve.

speed increases, reaching a maximum at collision time a nd then decreases slowly over the next twenty minutes. The result is not entirely convincing . T he velocity increase is probably, but not necessarily, due to the collision . The scatter of the position points is too large and the collision event is too short to be detec ted reliably. This example demonstrates tha t it is impossible from the ABR data alone to detect, much less m easure, a velocity change caused by a collision event unless the sampling rate is much increased and the geometrical configura­tion of the transducers- transponder a rray is more favoura ble.

MS. received 8 June I9 77

REFEREN CE S Thorndike, A. S. 1973. An integ ra ted system for measuring sea ice motions. Ocean 73: 1973 IEEE IlItemational

Conference 011 Engineering in the Ocean Environment. New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, P·490 - 99·

Weber, ] . R . 1974. H yd rosta ti c levelli ng on floating ice. AIDJEX Bulletin, No. 27, p. 9 1- 107. Weber, J . R ., and Erdelyi, M. 1976. l ee and ocean tilt measurem ents in the Beaufort Sea. Journal of Glaciology,

Vo!. 17, No. 75, p. 6 1- 71.
