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IBM and Node.js: Old Doge, New Tricks

Dejan Glozic, Full-Stack Architect, IBM Bluemix DevOps

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Show Us Your Stack

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About MeIBM Canada Toronto Lab

Full-Stack ArchitectIBM Bluemix DevOps


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What I Work On

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Part 1Motivation for change

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Enterprise productsYearly release cycle, moves at the speed of the slowest component.

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Large teamsComplex coordination, large change sets, difficult to get a good stable build.

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Products run on premiseManaged by customer admins, limited control over hardware choices.

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Enterprise stacksJava Enterprise Something Something, WS*, Apache, SQL

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Overindulgence in JavaScript‘Extreme Ajax’ - Dojo/Dijit pushed well beyond sane limits

desktop != server != client

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A Need for a Reset

• Complexity and crud built up over time

• Apollo 13: sooner or later you hit 12 amps

• Solution: turn everything off and and start from scratch

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• New attractive stacks built for humans

• The need to bring the fun back

• The need to built ‘fit for cloud’ software

• The need to ‘do it right this time’

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Evolution of Thought

• 12-factors

• Netflix

• Reactive Manifesto

• Micro-services

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Part 2From Dojo/Dijit to jQuery/Bootstrap/MV*


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Client Side ResetSwapping Dojo/Dijit for jQuery/Bootstrap. No point arguing with gravity.

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BootstrapWe love the emphasis on HTML5/CSS and away from JavaScript.

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After jQuery?

• Sometimes jQuery is too big

• Alternatives for newer browsers: zepto, jqLite

• Or nothing?

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Part 3From Java to Node.js


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Now The Server SideNothing much wrong with servlets and JSPs, but we wanted more.

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Sitting on the Node.js Fence

• We watched cautious companies like Walmart and PayPal jump in.

• After plugging the ‘Walmart leak’, it looked like Node.js was ready.

• We were ready to jump ourselves by January 2014.

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‘Control Your Urges’ RuleWe will use a new technology to solve a real problem, not as an excuse to play

with the new hotness.

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Our Case for Node.js

• We wanted to build a UI for a delivery pipeline

• The pipeline had a number of moving parts

• We didn’t want to poll the server to the ground

• Solution: Node.js + WebSockets (via

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Unlocking New Opportunities

• With Node.js, we could run JavaScript templating engine for the V of MVC

• We chose Dust.js because LinkedIn, PayPal, Yahoo, Netflix

• Bonus: we can now run Dust partials on the client as well (demo spoiler)

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Part 4From a monolith to micro-services

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Tackling the Hard ProblemsSo far we upgraded our stack but didn’t handle any of our systemic problems.

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Architectural ImpasseIf monoliths were pain for on-premise products, they were killing us in the cloud.

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Cloud Imposter RuleStanding up a traditional product in a VM does not mean you ‘solved the cloud’.

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Putting Manifestos To WorkThis is where the principles of micro-services, reactive manifesto and 12 factors

come into play.

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How Micro-Services Help

• Many micro-services instead of a monolith

• Deploy micro-services independently

• Communicate using message queues

• Cluster locally

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This Is Not A Micro-Service TalkThere are others at this conference, and tons of material online.

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Part 5From REST to REST+Messaging

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What Monolith Giveth, Micro-Service Taketh Away

In-process, we just add event listeners to objects. Between processes, we need a distributed event notification.

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Event Collaboration• Instead of polling using REST, react to


• Instead of peer to peer, publish without knowing your subscribers

• Message broker smooths out throughput mismatches

• Message broker can hold onto messages

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REST/MQ Mirroring• Yin and Yang of micro-service communication

• API services own state

• MQ broadcasts stage changes on matching topics

• Example:

• DELETE /v1/projects/ffya14

• Subscribe to: /v1/projects/+ (MQTT)

• Message body:{ “event”: “deleted” }

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Messaging and Clustering

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Part 6From SQL to, well, NoSQL (duh)

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Our Data is AggregateIt is a pain to join data from a number of tables using foreign keys

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Our Integration Points Are API Services

Persistance is implementation detail.

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JavaScript All The Way DownWith Node.js, JSON-based NoSQL DB like CouchDB is a natural choice.

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Pulling It All Together

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Part 7No free lunch - micro-services introduce new problems.

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Latency Needs MitigationKeeping micro-services in co-located VMs, strategic caching (combined with MQ


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Guards Against BrownoutsCircuit breakers, using ‘last good values’, exponential back-off. See Netflix libraries

for ideas.

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AuthenticationWe need to stay authenticated as we transition between micro-services.

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UI CompositionIncluding page fragments is easy in monoliths using partials. In micro-service

systems, we need distributed solutions.

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Part 8Lessons from the trenches

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Legal Hates Us

• Hundreds of modules to scan licenses and content

• Torrent is now turning into a trickle (phew!)

• Occasional spike (e.g. express 4, 1.0)

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Ops Hate Us

• Operational complexity

• Many firewall rules for service to service links

• Many proxy_pass rules

• Unknown new platforms and tools (what is ‘PM2’?)

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IaaS Too Low for Micro-Services

• Sweet spot - highly customized back-end systems

• Node.js services are a shoe-in for a PaaS

• DBaaS takes away storage management headaches

• We are moving to a PaaS now (Cloud Foundry/Bluemix)

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–Dejan’s Razor (in honour of William of Ockham)

“Use the simplest solution you can get away withTM.”

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Dejan’s Razor

• If server-side MVC does the job, use it

• If jQuery + Bootstrap do the job, use them

• If adding Backbone.js helps, do it*

• If you really need Angular.js, use it**

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*Use Client-Side MVC

• If highly dynamic behaviour is needed and…

• You promise to use pushState (no # or #!) and…

• You promise to send initial content from the server…

• You promise to watch the client JS size

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**Use Angular.js

• If all the rules for client-side MVC apply and…

• You promise not to leave us to maintain 1.3 when 2.0 comes out

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Micro-Service BenefitWe can apply Dejan’s Razor on each service independently. Each service can be

only as smart as needed for the task at hand.

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The Devil Is In The PuddingNginxNginx

HomeHome IsomorphicIsomorphic Server PushServer Push Angular Seed

Angular Seed HeaderHeader

RedisRedis RabbitMQRabbitMQ


/ isomorphic /server-push /angular-seed


OAuth2 provider

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How To Follow

• Source code on GitHub:

• Hosted on Bluemix:

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Thank you!Follow me on Twitter: @dglozicRead my blog:
