Page 1: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies

IBMathStudiesSummerAssignmentGreetings!WearesoexcitedthatyouhavedecidedtoembarkuponanexcitingjourneythroughIBMathStudies. Makenomistake,theroadaheadwillbechallengingandperhapsoverwhelmingattimes.However,ifweworktogetheritcanbebothafunandrewardingexperience.Here’sthedeal:WehavealreadycoveredmuchofthematerialthatwillbetestedontheIBMathStudiesTestinMay–viaAlgebra1,GeometryandAlgebra2.Wewillcovertheremainingmaterialnextschoolyearandcontinuetoreviewthemajorprinciplesalongtheway.Wewillalsowalkyouthrough the process of completing the written project. You will stay focused, listen and askquestions when needed. Most importantly, you will PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Fairenough?...Wethinkso.Ok,herewego…For thesummer,weask thatyoucomplete the followingreviewproblemson looseleafpaper. Itshouldbeneat,withallworkshownwhereapplicable, stapledandready tobehanded inon thefirst day of classes. You’ll have to pick up the IBMath Studies textbook fromMs.Motta orMs.Lemmoninthelibraryeitherthisweekorduringtheexamweeks.BesuretobringyourIDcardsothatitcanbescanned. p6 #10 p45 #1,2,3,12 p419 #10‐18,22,23,26,29,34,36,38,40,43,44,54,55,58,59,63,66, 72(regulargraphpaperisfine),81‐84,89–92,96,100,103 Let’sworkhardandstayfocusedandpositive.Haveagreatsummer.SEPMathDepartment

Page 2: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 3: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 4: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 5: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 6: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 7: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 8: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 9: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 10: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 11: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 12: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 13: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 14: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 15: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 16: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 17: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 18: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 19: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
Page 20: IB Math Studies Summer - Edl · PDF fileIB Math Studies Summer Assignment Greetings! We are so excited that you have decided to embark upon an exciting journey through IB Math Studies
