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SNUGGLEInformation Architecture


CONTENTS 1 Idea Development2 Concept Statement3 Consistency4 Persona5 Scenario6 Flow


Projection mapping

Our team’s intention was to use projection mapping in order to create an atmosphere where people could sympathize, and to give citizen a certain natural vibe apart from hectic lifestyle.


Projection Mapping / Media Facade use everyday video projectors, but instead of projecting on a flat screen, light is mapped onto any surface, turning common objects of any 3D shape into interactive displays. More formally, projection mapping is “the display of an image on a non-flat or non-white surface”.


Some Ideas

Idea 1 Interactive Advertisement

Idea 2 Visual Representation of Communal Garden

Idea 3 Projection mapping on the nature



1 Goal of the project was very obscure

2 Needed working prototype (unfamiliar technology)

3 Downtrend technology

4 Problems with installation including time of the day


Modern day people who are accustomed in using current technological devices. Under some pressure from work or study who need to relieve their stress.

Target Users

To provide simple visual and auditory experiences through device application to relieve people’s stress level.


I love fur game -


Modern society becomes more and more competitive as it faces the waves of development. Students would spend more time in academics and invest more money on better education in order to enroll to good colleges. Employment got really hard and the demands for quality work in short period of time in companies add pressure and burden to the workers. In such situation, modern day people feel great stress in various aspects of their lives and want things that could bring stress-relief. Nowadays it became a trend for people to look for things that will bring “healing” in their lives. There are many ways in which people could participate in stress relieving activities such as travelling, playing sports, doing simple artworks(color book) and even participate in 멍때리기 competition. But sometimes those require much time and money which is not easily affordable. We thought of small things we do in our daily lives(gestures) that could bring relaxation subconsciously without us giving much effort or time into it. The feeling of you running your hands through a pet’s fur could give you a pleasing sensation and the sounds of a cat purring will enhance that pleasure one step further. Unlike other applications, such as sleeping aid or meditation application which is just a mere representation of sound, Snuggle makes an interaction with user that could be a motive to make them use the app more often and personify those interactions on their own. We hope even small experiences like these will play a role in relieving the stress people get everyday.


Snuggle has a very striaghtforward and easy to operate features that enable the user to enjoy the experiences provided by the application without much trouble. Snuggle can be run on any device that has touch -recognition capabilities, namely smartphones. Application is available on both android and ios that could be downloaded for free.


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19, single(Family of 4, Father, Mother, Older Brother, herself) Graduated highschool recently

DescriptionShe loves animal. She wanted to have a pet ever since she was very young, but because of her brother's health issue, she was not allowed to have one. The only pet she had was goldfish, which doesn't have any fur. Her father and mother also do not like animals. She spends her free time watching youtube videoes that are related to pets or games.

StressShe is very stressed because of entrance exam / interview that is coming soon. she is spending all day in academy to prepare. Although she enjoys seeing her friends, it is hard to make time to meet them. Also, she is getting a lot of pressure from her family that she should get in to a good college.

Tech-friendlinessAs a teenager in 21st century, she is very familiar with technology. Her smartphone is always in her hand. She is not that active in SNS, but she likes to see what other people upload, and interact with them.

“I want pet”



33, single(Family of 3) Currently living alone. Works in LG(strategic planning department)

DescriptionHe recently moved to a single-room apartment by himself because his home is way too far from the company. Dosong is genuine and hard working person, which leads him overwork all the time. So he doesn’t have much time to take a rest from hectic life. Whenever he tries to take some rest, he likes to hear ASMR from youtube which makes him totally relaxed.

StressHe is youngest in the department, so he has to do all kinds of minor stuff. He feels lots of pressure from his boss, Jinri, so he tries not upset and get her nerve all the time. Also, living apart from his family became a lot of stress. He gets tired after work, but he is neat freak so he needs to clean his place and take care of his bills even after he got tired from his work.

Tech-friendlinessDosong is not much a fan of sports only sport activity he likes is riding a bicycle but there’s not much of a chance to do that because of his busy lifestyle. Dosong likes new technology and cool electronic devices and play with them. He is very tech-friendly person who is ready to adopt new technology with embrance, however he is not such a big fan of SNS, rather likes to explor many different applications

“I need some rest”



Yeon goes to a college prep academy in Shinchon. After her class ends at 11pm, she quickly heads down to catch her 7611 bus to head to home in Yeoido. On her way home, she checks her facebook timeline on her iphone. That day, many of her highschool friends tagged her in various pet-related pages. Looking at videos and pictures of cute dogs and cats, Yeon suddenly reminisces on her days in the US where she used to live in a house where they owned different pets ranging from a kitten Balinese to full grown Rottweiler and she would spend a lot of time playing with them. Sadly in Korea Yeon couldn’t own any pets in her home due to her brother’s allergy towards animal fur. Such restrictions makes Yeon a bit distressed, and she tries to gain satisfaction through watching videos or pictures of her favorites pets. On one of the facebook pages that she got tagged on, Yeon finds information about a newly-released application with visually represented textures of various things that a users could run one’s fingers on to get the “feel” of the texture. Yeon realized that there are some animal fur textures in that application and immediately downloads the app and runs it on her phone. There were only 4 options of fur type to choose from and other more interesting textures needed to be purchased. Yeon tries the cat fur texture and realizes that she also hears purring sounds of a cat as she rubs the fur. This is a new experience for her because it reminds her of the interaction with her pets in a more intimate and interactive way. Yeon could feel satisfaction to some extent that she could get from just watching videos and photos of pets.



33-year-old man Dosong woke early in the morning not to late his swimming class. He recently enrolled early swimming class before work, because he wanted to stay in shape and given the circumstances at work it is not possible to work out after his work. After the swimming class he went back at his apartment and get ready for the day. He lives in Yeongdungpo-gu where the place is pretty close from Headquarter of LG located in Yeoido. He is one of the first person who gets to the work since he is the youngest among his colleages and he has to do all the minor choirs at the office. When his boss Jinri arrives, Dosong gets really busy. After his busy morning filed with loads of work to do, finally he thought he could get some rest since it’s lunch break. However, his boss and colleages persuaded him to go for the lunch together. He had Gamja-tang which is his boss’s favorite. After the meal he went to the cafe near the office and tried to get some rest. He got 10 minutes left until he goes back to work, so he opened an application(snuggle) to do his usual favorite routine which is popping a bubble wrap to release his stress out of his boss and colleages. Today, like always, he couldn’t avoid his overwork until 9pm because he had too much work to do as usual. On his way home, he stopped by convenience store to buy a beer, and drank it with pizza he had from last night. After finishing his meal, he took a shower and jumped into his cozy bed which is his favorite moment of his day. On his bed, he finally caught up with his friends through Kakao, and checked out what’s new with facebook and instagram. And then, Dosong fixed up an appointment with his friends on this weekend. Now it’s almost around midnight and he had to go to sleep for the work tomorrow. Now that it is time to go to bed, Dosong wanted to have a peaceful and resting moment before sleep. So Dosong turned on his application ( snuggle ) and played one of interactive ASMR which is flipping pages of huge, and old book. Finally we went to sleep with a sense of tranquility.

simple wireframe (ios)
