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    ( Reaffirmed 2004 )

  • 7/30/2019 I S 4464 - 1985 %282004%29



    Indian StandardCODE OF PRACTICE FOR


    Geological Investigation and Subsurface ExplorationSectional Committee, BDC 49Chairman Representing

    SHRI B. RAMACHANDRAN Geological Survey of India, CalcuttaMembers

    SHRIB. ANIJ AIAH Andhra PradeshEogioeering Research Labora-tories, HyderabadSHRI G, A. BAKSHI Cemindia Co Ltd, BombaySHRI D. J . KETKAR ( Alternate )CHIEF ENGINEER, MUKHERIANHYDEL PROJ ECTDESIGN Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab,ChandigarhSUPERINTENDING ENGINEER/PROJ ECT CIRCLE ( Alternate )SHRI K. R. DATYE In personal capacity (44, S. Bhagat SinghRoad, Colaba. Bombay )DIRECTOR Central Water and Power Research Station,PuneDIRECTOR Irrigation Research I nstitute, RoorkeeDIRECTOR ( FED ) Central Water Commission, New DelhiSHRI V. L . GORIANI Larsen and Toubro Ltd, BombaySHRI V. GUPTA ( Alternate 1SHRI S. K. KANSAL Centr;llI&&ing Research Institute ( CSIR ),

    SHRI M. R. SONEJ A( Alternate )SHRI P. N. KHAR National Hydroelectric Power CorporationLtd, New DelhiSHRI M. R. BANDYOPADHYAY Alternate )SHRI A. M. NARURKAR Asia Foundation and Construction ( P ) Ltd,BombayDR N. V. NAYAK ( Afternate )( Continued on page 2 )

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    5s : 4464 - 19854 Cont i nued from page 1 )

    M embers Represent i ngDR P. S. NIQAM Irrigation Department, Government of UttarPradesh, LucknowSHRI G. PANT Geological Survey of India, CalcuttaSHRI N. K . PI LLAI Voltas Ltd, BombaySHRI A. N. INDURKAR ( A l t ernat e )SHRI S. N. PRADHAN Irrigation Department, Government of Orissa,~SHRI D. S. REDDY.RF~FARCH OFFICER, MERI

    BhubaneshwarMineral Exploration Corporation, NagpurIrrigation Department, Government of Maha-rashtra, BombaySHRI RAVENDRA NATH ( Al t ernat e 1SENIOR GEOLOGIST Irrigation Department, Government of Karna-taka, Bangalore

    SHRI C. SLJ DHINDRA Central Soil and Materials Research Station,New DelhiDEPUTY DIRECTOR ( RICK~MECHANICS ( Alternate )SUPERINTENDI NO ENGINEER, CD0 Irrigation Department, Government of Gujarat,GandhinanarSUPERINTENDING? ENGINEER( GEOLOGY ) ( Al t ernat e )SUPERINTE~DINO ENGINEER Roads Wing, Ministry of Shipping and Trans-( BRIDGES > port, New DelhiSHRI G. RAMAN, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-offi ci o M ember )Director ( Civ Engg )

    Secret arySHRI K. K . SHARMA

    J oint Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1


  • 7/30/2019 I S 4464 - 1985 %282004%29


    IS, : 4464 - 1985Indian Standard



    ( First Revision )0. FOREWORD

    0.1 his Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the IndianStandards Institution on 20 November 1985, after the draft finalized by theGeological Investigation and Subsurface Exploration Sectional Committeehad been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.0.2 With the increased number of river valley projects and other majorcivil engineering works being undertaken in the wake of planned deve-lopment of the country, tremendous amount of coring type of diamonddrilling is being carried out. Each organization handling the individualprojects is maintaining a record of the drilling data in its own way. Insome cases ( specially in the case of small works ) it also happens thatno record of the drilling data is maintained at all. As drilling is a verycostly process,, it is of utmost importance that full information from theholes drilled should be maintained in a standard way for reference andutilization on a future date, should the need arise.0.3 This Indian Standard was first publisedin 1967. Based on experiencegained through the use of the standard,present revision has been prepared.Major changes include:

    a) numbering system of sheets in the proforma;b) addition of systematic rock description, rock weathering classifi-cation, discontinuity spacing and rock strength; andc) addition of a new proforma for consolidated drilling log.

    0.4 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given tointernational coordination among the standards and practices prevailingin different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in thefield in this country.3

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    IS : 4464 - 19851. SCOPE1.1 This standard gives recommended proformas for keeping drill records,and for presenting drilling information relating to foundation investi-gations for river valley projects. General guidance for core descriptionand for giving details in the proformas is a!so given.2. STANDARD PROFORMA FOR KEEPING DRILL RECORDS2.1 This proforma ( see Appendix A ) is expected to provide an accurateand comprehensive record of the geological conditions encounteredtogether with any other relevant information obtained during drilling.2.2 One sheet of the proforma should be used for one shift of drillingonly, and should be filled by specially trained core observers, who shallbe present whole time on the drilling job. The number of core observersrequired to cover a drilling machine will thus depend on the number ofshifts the machine is running.2.3 The proformas, duly filled, together with the cores should beexamined at site by the engineering geologist of the project for prepara-tion of the geological log of the ho!e.2.4 Where an engineering geologist is not readily available, the infor-mation should be recorded by the core observer in the drilling log bookat site, the proforma of which is given in Appendix B, so that fieldobserva:ions are readily available in one register.3. STANDARD PROFORMA FOR PRESENTING DRILLINGINFORMATION3.1 Proforma - The proforma which should be used for presentingdrilling information is given in Appendix C.3.2 Paper

    3.2.1 Size of Payer - The overall width of the paper may be so chosenas to avoid wastage of printing paper. The length of the paper may bechosen to accommodate a log of 30 m or 60 m length of the hole as foundnecessary. It is found from experience that except for deep holes, mostof the holes on construction projects are within this depth. For deeperholes, two or more sheets may be used.3.2.2 It is desirable to use tracing paper for the proforma as this willenab!e prints beirg tbken directly frcm the original log and will removethe necessity of tracing the same.

    3.3 Scale - In the metric system a scale of 1 : 100 may be used forrepresenting the depth in the bore ho!e.4

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    1s : 4464 1985NOTE - As a vast number of drilling equipment in use in the country are stillin the fps system, a length of paper to accommodate entries for a 30 m ( 100 ft )or 61 m ( 200 ft ) hole to a scale of 1 : 120 may be used.

    3.4 Width of the Columns - The recommended width of each column forconvenience of record of geological log of a drill-hole is given inAppendix C. These have been kept at the minimum required for legiblefilling of the data therein.3.5 Thickness of the Lines of the Column - The main lines of thecolumns may be drawn in black ink so that they may come out veryprominently on the print. The other lines, which may be drawn in pencil,will come in fainter shade and are meant to serve only as guides forplotting purposes.3.6 Details of the Columns

    3.6.1 General - The columns in the proforma are intended to beexhaustive so as to incorporate the full details which can be had from thecores. The number of holes should be prominently given in the rectangleat the right hand top corner. If there are more than one sheet used inone hole, these may be numbered as 16 ( sheet 1 of 3 ). 16 ( sheet 2to 3 ), 16 ( sheet 3 of 3 ), etc. The procedure given in 3.6.2 should befollowed for filling up the proforma. ,3.6.2 Standard M et hod of Core Descri pt i on It is endeavoured to incorporate as much information in thecolumns, as is conveniently possible, without making the proforma toocumbersome. The general principle adopted is to present the data ingraphical form but in some cases where it is not possible to give graphi-cal representatio.n, resort to tabular representation may be made. The horizontal columns on top of the proforma are selfexplanatory. The detailed procedure for filling the vertical columns aregiven below:a>


    Elevation - The depth mark at every metre be shown, whileevery 3 metre is to be written in the description column. Ahorizontal line should be drawn and its R. L. written, corres-ponding to every significant entry in the subsequent columns, forexample, at the, start and at the end of a litho unit or a majorshear zone (the same may be shown in sample log also ).Lithology - After the cores have been examined carefully, thedescription in regard to their lithology should be entered in thiscolumn using accepted symbols. In cases where many subdivi-sions of a standard rock type have to be used suitable derivativesfrom the accepted symbol may be evolved and used but explained.


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    IS :4464 1985A horizontal line should be drawn in the description and logcolumn at every change of the lithology of the cores and thusonly one symbol would be used in the log column between twohorizontal lines. Corresponding to this entry in the log column,the name of the rock type should be entered in block lettersagainst it in the description column of the lithology. Belowthis line in brackets and in small letters should be entered thedepths of the hole between which the particular rock type is met,for example ( 10 to 15 m ). If necessary a brief geological des-cription of the rock type, such as colour, grain size or any otherfeature ( for example, greyish white, fine grained and calcareous)may be given in the column observation and interpretation. Careshould be taken that all the entries are accommodated within thevertical space available against the respective log column.

    c) Systematic rock description - The following standard sequenceof systematic description is proposed:i) Weathered state,

    ii) Structure,iii) Colour,iv) Grain size:

    a) subordinate particle size,b) texture,c) alteration state,d) cementation state as relevant,

    v) Rock material strength,vi)(a) mineral rock type as relevant, and

    vi) rock name.It is considered that the qualifications are more importantin core descriptions than the actual rock name and, for thisreason, the name should be placed last. Such a system is appro-

    priate to an engineering description where classification bymechanical properties is more significant than classification bymineralogy and texture. The description for each litho unit metwith should be written under the columns Special Observationsand Interpretations of the Proforma. The following examplesare provided for illustrative purposes.6

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    IS : 4464 1985Fresh Foliated Dark Coarse Very Hornblende GneissGrey Strong

    i ii 1..111 iv V vi (a) viModerately Thickly Cream Medium- Strong Dolomitic Limestoneweathered bedded grained

    i ii . . .111 iv V vi (a) viCompletely Thinly Mid-grey Very coarse Perphyritic Kaolinizedweathered flowbanded

    i ii . . .111 iv iv (b) iv (c)Weak Tourmaline Granite

    V vi (a) viWeathering classification - The following system of weathering classifi-cation should be followed:I tem Description Grade

    Fresh No visible sign of rock material weathering; perhapsslight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces.Slightly Discoloration indicates weathering of rock materialweathered and discontinuity surfaces. All the rock materialmay be discoloured by weathering and may besomewhat weaker externally that in its fresh condi-tion.Moderately Less than half of the rock material is decomposedweathered and/or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolouredrock is present either as a continuous framework or

    as core stones.Highly More than half of the rock material is decomposedweathered and/or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh or discolouredrock is present either as a discontinuous frameworkor as core stones.Completely All rock material is decomposed and/or disinte-weathered grated to soil. The original mass structure is stilllargely intact.Residual All rock material is converted to soil. The masssoil structure and material fabric are destroyed. Thereis a large change in volume, but the soil has notbeen significantly transported.








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    IS: 4464-1985---&I



    Si ze of core pi eces -As the main interest on engineering projectsis the evaluation of the physical condition of the rock type, thiscolumn is of great interest. A 100 percent core recovery may onone hand be consisting of big rods of cores while on anothermay be composed of small broken pieces of less than 10 mm each.The entry in this column should be in a graphical manner togive a visual idea of the condition of the core. If the core piecesare bigger than 150 mm each, it means that the rock is massiveto blocky and as such 150 mm and above core pieces have beenincluded in one column. On the other hand core pieces of lessthan 10 mm size are included in one column. As in general thecores are broken in small pieces the lower ranges have been givenmore representation and the column is divided into IO mm, 10 to25mm, 25 to 75 mm, 75 to 150 mm and above 150 mm groups. Ahorizontal line should be drawn at each change of the size ofcore entered and the zone from the zero size line to the size linerecorded should be shaded by inclined pencil lines.St ruct ural condit i on - In this column the structural condition ofthe cores should be entered, for example, heavily sheared andcrushed, moderately sheared. blocky, etc. Suitab!e symbolsshould be entered in the log column with horizontal lines sepa-rating each entry and their description or name with the depthsentered in the description column, in the same manner in whichthe lithology column is filled. Special features, like major jointplanes, fractures, faults, etc, may be graphically plotted with theiractual amount of dips in the log column here. Other usefuldetails, such as the condition of weathering may also be recordedin this column with suitable symbols as indicated in spacing - Considerations of discontinuity spacingshould lead to an appraisal of rock mass structure; this may beassisted by field observation. In the case of sedimentary rock,where bedding may be the dominant discontinuity, it is possibleto recognize and define a bedding spacing from borehole cores.This system has the advantage that the sca!e is related to thatused in the mechanical analysis of soils. The following classifi-cation should be followed:Classi fi cat i on Bedding Pl ane Spaci ng Soil GradingVery thickly bedded 2 m 1Thickly bedded 06 to 2 m F BouldersMedium bedded 02 to 06 m JThinly bedded 60 to 02 m CobblesVery thinly bedded 20 to 60 mm Coarse gravelLaminated 6 to 20 mm Medium gravelThinly laminated

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    IS : 4464 - 1985For igneous and metamorphic rocks the separation of theintegral rock discontinuities ( such as foliation, flow-banding,etc ) may be described by adaptation of the bedding planespacing scale given above, for example, medium foliatedgeneiss. It is suggested that close and very close are appliedto that part of the scale where a sedimentary rock would bedescribed as laminated or thinly laminated.Terms such as blocky, intact, uniform, etc, may be used provi-ding these terms are defined in the preamble to the bore-holerecords and are based on in -s i tu inspection of the rock mass orby deduction from several boreholes.

    Core recovery - In this column the core recovery should beplotted in graphical form. A horizontal line should be drawnat the interval of each run of drilling and the line representingthe percentage of core recovery entered should be shaded byinclined pencil lines. The percentage of core recovery may alsobe written in the column, in addition.Rock qual i t y desi gnat i on ( RQD ) - This classification is basedon a modified core recovery procedure, which in turn, is basedindirectly on the number of fractures and the amount of softeningor alteration in the rock mass as observed in the rock cores froma drill hole. RQD shall be based on IS : 11315 ( Part 11) - 1985*.Fracture frequency - RQD, given above, however, does nottake into account the joint opening and condition; a further dis-advantage being that with fracture spacing greater than 100 mmthe quality is excellent irrespective of the actual spacing. Thisdifficulty is overcome by using fracture frequency. The rockquality relation between RQD and Fracture Frequency is givenas under:

    Description of RQD, Percent Fract ure FrequencyRock Qual i ty per mVery poor o-25 Over 15Poor 25-50 15-8Fair 50-75 8-5Good 75-90 5-lExcellent 90-100 Less than 1

    Size of hole - A horizontal line should be drawn at the changeof the size of the hole and a vertical line with arrow heads with*Method for quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses: Part 11Core recovery and rock quality.


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    IS : 4464 1985


    the size of the hole ( NX, BX, etc ) written in the middle of itshould be drawn in the entire portion of the column, representingthe particular size of the hole. Thus if the entire hole is of NXsize only one vertical line will be drawn from top to bottom ofthe column with arrow heads on both the ends with NX writtenalong it, midway. But if there is a change, one portion, with thetwo arrow heads, will have NX written in it, while the other willhave BX; and so on for AX and EX.Casing - Each vertical column in this heading is meant fordifferent sizes of the casings normally used during drilling. Theblank column is meant to cover any special size which might havebeen used in some cases. A horizontal line should be drawn ineach column at the depth to which the respective sizes of thecasing have been lowered and as all of these have to extend upto the top, vertical line from top to the horizontal lines drawnbelow with arrow heads on each end should be drawn in each ofthe columns. Horizontal lines may further be drawn within thecolumns to indicate the stages in which the individual type ofcasing was lowered to its final depth.

    n) Depth of w ater l evel - The depth of the water level as observedduring drilling should be recorded in this column. A horizontalline should be drawn at the depth to which the hole hadprogressed when the reading was taken and just above this line,the depth to water level from surface should be entered. Forexample, if the depth to water in the hole was 25 m when thehole had been drilled to 30 m depth, a horizontal line should bedrawn in this column at 30 m depth and 2.5m should be recordedjust above it.p> Dri l l w ater loss - The loss of drilling water should be recorded

    graphically in this column. A horizontal line should be drawnseparating the different drilling runs. The percentage of waterloss in individual runs should be entered by vertical lines corres-ponding to the respective losses and the portion between the zeropercent loss and the line representing the loss in the run shouldbe shaded by inclined pencil lines. In case the losses are givenin qualitative terms rather than percent of loss, for example,complete, partial or no water loss, 100 percent, 50 percent and0 percent values respectively, as shown in the title of the columnmay be used [ see also Note under (s) 1.

    q) Permeability - The permeability of the material of any section,as calculated, may b: entered in this column. The permeabilityvalues should either be entered in Lugeons or mm/s.10

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    IS:4464- 1985




    NOTE - A Lugeon unit cf permeability is a water loss of one litre perminute per metre of drill hole at a pressure of IO atmospheres maintainedfor 10 minutes.Penet rat i on rat e - The rate of penetration is primarily dependenton the type of the rock. It, of course, depends on many otherfactors like the intensity of joints, nature of infilling material,degree of weathering of the rock, etc; even then it is very usefulin interpreting the geological conditions together with otherdetails. It is, therefore, suggested that a suitable vertical columnfor the graphical or numerical presentation of the rate of pene-tration in mm/minute may be provided. The number of coreboxes ( for example, l/3, 2/3, 3/3 ) housing the cores of differentdepths can be recorded suitably in the proforma.Speci al observ at i ons and i nt erpret at i ons - This column is meantfor recording the interpretations drawn on the basis of factualdata recorded in the previous columns. The physical conditionand quality of the overburden and rock, causes as to breakingup of the drill core, presence of confined or free ground waterconditions, and record of grouting done, if any, and results ofpercolation and permeability data should be detailed in relationto the foundation features. In addition to the tests specifiedabove it will be desirable to carry out standard penetration test(see IS : 2131-1981 ) specially for weathered rock for assessingits bearing capacity.

    NOTE - In interpreting water losses caution should be exercised to elimi-nate the effect of water losses occurring at a horizon other than that forwhich the observation is recorded. In this connection interpretation on thebasis of a combined study will be advantageous.Conclusions - The entries in this column should be restrictedto the specific results for which the exploratory hole was drilled.Dependent on the requirements of the civil engineering structure,significant data and interpretations may be drawn for thefollowing:1)2)3)4)5)6)7)

    Nat&-e and depth of overburden material;Depth and elevation to fresh and sound rock;Depth of recommended stripping/foundation level;Permeability of foundation rocks and need or otherwise ofgrouting;Nature and depth of ground water table ( free, confined orperched >;Results of tests conducted on cores/weak zones, etc; andPossible implications of significant weak zones and methodsof remedial treatment, etc.

    *Method of standard penetration test for soils (fir st revision ).11

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    IS : 4464 - 19853.6.2.3 General .a) If data for filling any column has not been observed or is notavailable, the respective column should be left blank;b) Details of all the reaches of the cores recovered should be entered

    even if they may belong to the overburden zone. In many casesthe classification and composition of the overburden assumesgreat significance both for the project and for academic purpose;c) Endeavour should be made to record all the information whichcan be had from the hole, though it may look irrelevant for thespecific job in hand. Drilling being a very costly affair, thisinformation will otherwise be lost forever; andd) Strength - It will be desirable to indicate iin the final present-ation of drilling data the strength characteristics of the rockmass. For this purpose, a scale of strength, jbased on uniaxialcompressive tests, is recommended as under:

    Strength, N/mm2up to 12.5

    125 to 55 to 125

    125 to 5050 to 100

    100 to 200200

    TermVery weakWeakModerately weakModerately strongStrongVery strongExtremely strong


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    ProjectDrill No. and type:Screw feed/hydraulic feed:Collar elevation:Ground elevation:Date:Shift: From . . . . . . h to . . . . . . h:Depth of water level:At start of shift:At end of shift:



    LengthDrilledmm ay,p,SizeofHole


    3 4. 5



    _ -

    Type Waterof LossSoil/ withRock Depth





    FeaturePump No.:Capacity and pressure used:Hole No.:Co-ordinates:Bearing of hole:Angle with vertical:Depth drilled during the shift:From To

    Core Recovery

    Length Per- Sl No.cen- oftage Cores---

    8 9 10p-p


    - .

    Rate RemarksofPenet-rationmm/min

    --+11 I 12-1

    I I

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    I S : 4464- 1985

    Bits Usedupplies

    Petrol Diesel Mo- Mist toroil

    1 ~-A

    Casing Lowered


    Size Fromdepth


    Drill Foreman/Supervisor OperatorOfficer-in-Charge Drill ObserverDRILL OBSERVERS REMARKS





    - -

    Type Fronand deptlsize


    Water loss during drilling may either be recorded as:

    lep9h Old ornewwithnumber

    (i) complete when no water is coming out; partial; or nil waterloss; or (ii) in percentage of return water [ 100percent loss whenno water is coming back and no water loss ( 0 percent ) when allthe drilling water is coming back 1.Penetration speed in special zones ( soft or broken zones ); andother details of drilling like heavy vibration recorded duringdrilling.Reasons for heavy core loss as integrated with speed of drilling.Any special conditions not recorded; for example, depth at whichblasting was done while driving casing, depth at which hole wasgrouted, artesian water conditions ( if any observed ) duringdrilling.If water flows are encountered at the collar of the drill, then the-pressure head and discharge at the collar should be recorded.On completion of the hole, the pressure decline over a period.of time should also be recorded.


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    AIPPENDIX C( ~Cl auses 3.1 and 3.4 )


    k SHEET NO.--_GEOLOGICAL LOG OF DRILL HOLELOCATION ____ ____ ______ CO-ORDINATES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FEATURE _____-____-__BEARING OF HOLE _____ _ _____ ANGLE WITH HORIZONTAL - _ _ _ __,__ ____. TOTAL DEPTH ___-___ ____-

    COLLAR ELEVATION_ _ _________ GROUND ELEVATION _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ TYPE&l OF CORE BARREL ___ ____STARTED _____________ COMPLETED _____- ________ _ DRILLING AGENCY_ _ _ _ _ _ _-


    DESCRIPTION L[ - -IG 1 1; 1; I$1 1 DESCRIPTION 1 LOG 1

    ORGANISATION _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ __ _ LOGGEDBY_____-_____DEPARTMENT_----_-,--__. APPROVEDGOVERNMENT OF_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ CHECKED BY----------_ l RAWINGNO ______DATE _________

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