Page 1: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the



1 REGD. GOA-S I Panaji, 31st December, 1981 Wausa 10, 1903} SERIES II No. 40



Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms


. No. 4/17/74-PER (Vol. III)

Smt. Kiran Dhingra, who is functioning as Secretary to . Government vide order No. 4/17/74-PER (Vol. ill) dated

19·9-81 is apPointed Secretary to Government and shall con­tinue to look ~r the work alloted to Secretary (Health) Under Notification No. 14/3/78-SA&C (Part F'.le) dated 9th November 1981. Smt. Dhingra shall hold addl. charge of the post of Director of Social Welfare.

2. The appointment of Smt. Kiran Dhingra as Secretary to Government shall be shown against the post vacated by Shri s. Regunathan consequent upon his appointment as Collector, Goa.·

3. Sr. No. 7 of the Schedule attached to the aforesaid Noti­ficatibn- dated 9th November 1981 shall also be referred to.

By order a~d in the name of th~ A8ministrator of Goa, Daman &; Diu.

O. H. Mqscarenhas> Under Secretary (Personnel).

Panaji, 24th December, 1981.

• Secretariat Administration and Coo,rdination -Division


No' 17/10/81-SA&C

The Administrator of Goa, ',Daman and Diu is pleased to appoint Shr1 Som Prak~; Assistant Engineer, P.W.D. on deputation as Liaison Officer w cum w Assistant Engineer. Group'S' in the pay scale of Ro. 650-30-740'35-810-EB-35--880-40-1000-EB-40-12oo in the office of Special Commissioner, New lS'elhi, vice_ Shri C. R. Nagaraj, with effect -from the date of his taking charge.

2. The above appointment is made against the post created vide Order No. 17/10/81-SA&C dated 22-9-1981 and shall be governed by standard terms and conditions of deputation laid down by Government of India from time to time as incorporated in Appendix 31 of C. S. R. Vol. n ..

3. The expenditure is debitable to the Budget Head "252~ . Sectt. General Services, A·Secretariat (Non-Plan), A.1-De­

partment of Personnel & A.R., A.l(l)-Salaries". 4. With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som

prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the post of Liaison Officer-cum-Asstt. Engin~er in the Office of Special Com­missioner and repatriated to his parent office of P. W.O.

5. Shri 80m Prakash also will be relieved w. e. f. 31-12-81 and proceed to take, up his new assignment.-

By order and in' the name of. the Administrator of Goa, Daman' and D~u.

Jose Philip> JOint -Secre~.

Panaji, 26th December, 1981.

Works, fducation and Tourism Department


No. 13/3/81-WET-LME-CV

Shri c~ Vijayan is hereby appointed as Lecturer in Mecha­nical Engineering in the Government Polytechnic, Panaji with effect from 30-11-1981 (F. N.) on an initial pay of Ro. 700/­p. m. in the pay scale of Rs. 700-40-900-EB-4;0-1l00-50-13oo plus the usual allow.ances admissible from time to Ume.

2. The appointment is- subject to the conditions specified in this Office Memorandum No. 13/3/81-WET dated 2-11-1981 and the rules and regulations laid down by Government from time to time.

3. The appointment is purely on adwhoc basis and will not bestow ,on him any claim for regular appointment, prom()... tion to a higher post· and seniority and will be liable to be tenninated by one month's notice or with payment of one month's salary in lieu of the notice.

4. The appointment is further subject to the condition that in case he is found, to be having bad character/reputation or antecedents his serviCes will be terminated.

5. Shri C. Vijayan is found to be fit for appointment by the Medical Board.

By order and in the name of the Administrator. of Goa, Daman and Diu.

N. D. -VenguTlek(J,r~ Planning Officer .

Panaji, 28th· December, 1981.

--_._ ...... ------

forest and Agriculture Department


No. 2-7-78/FSH

On the recommendation of the Union Public Service Com­miSsion Shri Santosh C. Ver.enkar is apPointed on temporary basis as Refrigeration Engineer in the Directorate of Fishe~ ries, Panajl in the pay scale of Ro. 650-30-740-35-810-EB-880-

. -·10-1000-40-1200 with effect from 18-6-1981.

His pay will be fixed according to Rules .

The . apPOintment is -subject to the terms and conditions mentioned in the, Memorandum of even number dated 4-8-1981 and the rules and regulations laid down by the Go~ernment from time to time. He has heen medically exa~ mined and found fit by the MediCal Board, Goa MedieaI College, Panaji.

By order and In the name -of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu. '

N. P. Gaune1car> Under Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Panaj!. 26th December, 1981.

Page 2: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

422 SERIES II No. 40

local Administration and Welfare Department


No. 6-2-77-LSG(68)Part

In Government Notification of eve~ number-' dated 13th August, 1981 ,for '''Secretary (Revenue)"- appearing at Sr. No. 3, "Secretary~Planning-cum-Development' Commissioner'~ is substituted as Member.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, . Daman and Diu. .

,AZexandre Pereira, Under Secretary (Revenue).

Panaji, 21st December. 1981.



In exercise of the powers confelTed by Sub-Section (1) of­seetlon 22 of the Goa, Danian and, Diu 'Village Panchayats Regulation, 1962 (9 of 1962) and in .supersession of the Noti­ficatiop.1! No. 1-15-76-LAWD(2) and No. 1-15-76-LAWD(3) dated the 22nd Dece'mber: 1977, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Darnan and Diu hereby specifies the MamlatdarS as the -officers before whom the members of the Panchayats, includ­ing those who are eleded as Chainnen and vice-chairmen of the Panchayats, ~hal1 take the oath of Office.

By order and in the, name of the r .... t. Governor' of Goa, Daman and Diu. .

. Alexamdre Pereira, Under 'Secretary (Revenue).

Panaji, 21st December, 1981.

---_ .... -.. -----

Revenue Department


No. 22/111/81-RD

'WhereaS it appears to the Appropriat'e Government (here­inafter referred to' as lithe Government") ,. that the. 'land specified in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to. as the "said land") is needed for publiC. purpose for Settmg up Industrial Estate of the Industrial Development ~rpo~ ration of Goa, Daman and Diu (Company) at Honda Satan (additional area). '

And Whereas in the ~9pinion of the Government the provi­sions of sub-section (1) of Section 17 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the '''said Act") are applicable, Therefore th~ ,Government is pleased to,·~otifY under Section 4 of the said Act that the sa1d land is needed for the purpose specified above.

The qovernment Is pleased to direct under sub-section (4) of Section 17 of the said Act that the provision of .Section 5A of th.e said Act shall not apply in respect, of the said land.

2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor Ol'

other persons employed upon the said land for the purnose of the said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of said land by sale, lease, m~rtgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay commenced or improvement made there9n without the sanction of the Collector after

the date of publication of this Notification will under clause (seventh) of Section 24 of lhe said Act, be disregarded by the Officer assuming compensation for such parts of the said l~d as may·, be. acq~red.

3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose a declaration to that· effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the Official. Gazette, in the due course. If the .acquisition 18 abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will·be duly notified in the Official Gazette. .

4 ... 'The Government is further pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act, the ny. Collector (L.A.O.), Panaji to perform ,·the functions of the Collector under the said Act in respect of the said land' and direct him to submit his report l:lDder Rules 4(1) of Land Acquisi~ tion tQoll.1panies) Rules 1963.

5. The Government 1s alsp. .pleased to authorise under Sub-Section (2) of Section 4 of ,the said Act, ,the following officers . to do I the acts, specified therein iIi respect of thp' said land. . .

L The Collector of. Goa, Panaji.

2. The Deputy Collector (l.!.A.O.), Panaji.

3. The Chief Executive Officer, Industrial Development Corporation, Panaji. .

4. The Director of_ Land Survey, panaji.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection in the office of the Deputy Collector (L.A.O.), Panaji from the date of this Notification.


(Description of the said land)

. Taluka Village Survey No. Sub-Div. No.

1 ·s 4

Satan Honda 99 o

Name of the persons believed 10 be interested


H: Custodian of Evacuee Property~ L: Shri Francisco Xavier da Silva Correira of

Ponda and at present in the Custody' of custodian of Evacuee Property.


North: Survey No. 74/1, Survey No.· 71 & Survey No. 100/3.

South: Survey No. 101. East: Nala & Village b01mdary of SaleH. west: Survey No. 98/1 & 3 &

SurVey' No. 100/3 & 4 .

. Total

By order and in the name of the Lt. 9overnor. of Goa, Daman and Diu.

B. Regunathan, Secretary (Revenue).'

Panaji, 1st December, 1981.

Approximate area in .sq. mts.



Page 3: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the



~ ,

31ST DECElJ{~ER, 1981 (PAUSA 10, 1903)


No. 22/155/80·RD

Where"as' it appears to the Appropriate Government (here­inafter referred to as' "the Government") that the land specified in the schedule hereto (hereinafter r~e.rred to ~ the "said land") is likely to be needed for public' purpose VIZ. fQ1' Widening and Improvement of CUfchorem, Sanguem r:qad.

Therefore the Government is pleased to notify uride;r sub~' -section (1) of Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act. 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") that the said land is likely to be needed for the purpose specified above.

2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed upon the said land for t11;e purpose of the' said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of the said land by sale, lease, montgage, assignment,· exchange or otherwise, or any outlay cpmmenced or improvements made thereon without the -sanction of the Collector appointed in paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publi~tion of this Notification, will under clause (seventh) of Section 24; of the said Act, be disregarded by him while' assessing com­pensation for such parts of the said land as may -be finally. acquired.

3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to. that effect

423 -------~---~ ---.~-- ...

under Section 6 of the said -Act will be published in the Official Gazette, in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will be notified.

4. The Government is further pleased to appoint under ,clause (c) of the section 3 of the said Act the Land Acqui- .

sition Officer, P.W.D. (Cell), Altinho, 'Panaji, to perform the fWlCtions of a Collector under the said Act, in respect of the said land.

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under sub­'-section (Z) of Section (4) of the said Act, the following

officers to do the acts, speCified therein in respect of the said land. '

1. The Collector of Goa, Panaji.

2. The Land Acquisition Officer, P.W.D. (Cell), Altinho, Panaji.

3. ,The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI, P.W.D., Fatorda, Marga?

4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji.

6. A rough plan of the said land is available' for inspection in the office of the Land Acquisition Officer. P.W.D. (Cell), Panaji,- for a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.


(Description of the 'said land)

Sr. No. Taluka. VillagelWa.rd Plot No. Suniey No.

t 2 3 4 5

Quepem Curchorem 1 180

2 179

Cacora 3 5/6

4 5/8

5 5/1

6 5/2


8 5/5

Names of the pel'SpUS belie\'ed to be interested

• Kashinath Kakodkar.

North: Road. South:, Village Boundary of Cacora. East: Road. West: Survey No •. 180.

Land already acqui~ed.

North: Road. South: Village boundary of Cacora' East: -do-West: Road.

Kashinath G. S. Kakodkar.

NOlth: Village boundary of Cacora. South: East: Road. West: Kashinath G. S. Kakodkar.

Augusto Estaves.

North: Kash"inath G., S. Kakodkar. South: Anastacio de Souza. ' Erust: Road. West: Augusta Estevas.

N Ol'th: Augusto Estoves. South: Manilal Shet Gonsalia. East: Road. . West: Anastacia de Souza.

Manilal Shet Gosalia.

North: Anastacio de Souza. South: Government. Elu;;t: Road. West: Manilal Shet Gosalia.


.. North: ManUal Shet Gosalia. South-; Rama Ye~u Sawant. East: Road. West: Government.

Rama· Yeku Sawant.

North: Government. South:. Yekti Sawant. East: Road. West: Rama Yeku Sawant.

Approxi~ mate area in sq. mb!l.


. 57.00









Page 4: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the


424 SERIES II No. 40

-1 2 3 • 5' 6 7

Quepem Cacora ·9 10/5 Ranta Yeku Sawant. , 180.00 North: RaIna Yeku Sawant. South: Ramesh B. Sawant. East: Road. West: Rama Yeku Sawant.

10 10/8 R3.mesh B. Sawant. 90.00

North: Rama Yeku Sawant. South: Mahadev Devasthan. East: Road. West: Ramesh B. Sawant.

11 11/9 Shri Mahadev Devasthan. 110.00 T: Ramesh Dattaram Dessai.

North.: Ramesh B. Sawant. South: M~dev Devasthan. East: Road. West: Mahadev :Qevasthan.

12 1()/10 Shri Mahadev Devasthan. 228.00 "-T: Naguesh -Sagun Shirodkar.

.-r North: Shree Mahadev Devasthan. South: ~do-

East: Road. "West: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

13 10/12 Shree Mahadev Devasthan. 162.00 T: Satmlo Naik Bandokat.

North: Shree Mahadev Devasthan. South: -do-

. East: Road. West: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

14 10/13 Shree Mahadev -Devasthan. 48.00 T: Jangdo'Naik Kakodkar.

North: Shree Mahadev Devasthan. South: -do"-East: Road~ West: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

15 10/14 ,Shree Mahadev Devasthan. 48.00, T: Baburao Naik Bandekar. -Korth: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

South: -do-'-East: Road. West: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

16 122/G ,Shree Mahadev Devasthan. / 56.00 T: Babusaheb Kust Naik.

North: Road. South:- Shree Mahadev Devasthan. East: Road. '\V'est: Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

" 17"'$ 122/7 Shre~ Mahadev Devasthan. 182.00

T: Vishnu Tilu Naik.

North: Mahadev Devasthan. ";\\. South: -do-

East: Road. " West: Mahadev Devasthan.

18 122/8 Shree Mahadev Devasthan. 60.00 T: Gopi Sheddy Vasta~

-"'.' , North: Mahadev Devasthan. '-"-,:' South: Com~dade of Cacora.

East: Road. West: Mahadev Devasthan.

19 122/16 Comunidade of Cacora. 300.00 T: 1. Vishnu Bicaro Sawant.

2. Ramesh Bicaro Sawant.

North:- Mahadev Dev:asthan. South: Han Kurado. East: Road. West: ComWlidade of Cacora.

20 122/17 Shree Hali Kurado. T: . Suresh Vithoba Sawant.


North: Comunidade of Cacora. South: Shree Han Kuroda. East: Road. West: Hari Kurado.

Page 5: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

3:PilT,DEOEMBER, 1981 (PAU,SA 10, 1903)

1 2 3 4 5

Quepem Cacora 21 138/5

22 138/6


23 138/7

~ ... 24 138/11

25 138/12

26 138/18

27 138/20


29 138/22


30 138/27


( .. 31 138/28

32 , 14.1/5


• Shre.e HaIi Kurado. T: Suresh Vithoba -Sawamt',

North: Hart Kurado. South: Shivnath SanvordekaT. East: Road .. West:, Shree Hart Kurado.

Shivnath Sanvordekar. T: Rama Narayan Sawant.

North: Hart Kurado. South: Santobab Sanvordenkar. East: Road. West: Shivnath Sanvordekar.

Santobaba Sanvordekar. T: PundaJik Tilu N aik.

North: Shivnath Sanvordenkar. South: -do-

. East: Road.. West: Santoban Sanvordekar.

Santobab Sanvordenkar. . T: Mohan Lazeman. Porab.

North: Santobab Sanvordekar. South: -do-East: Road. West: Santobab Sanvordekar.

Shri Sanvordenkar. T: Vijaya Niik.

North: Shri Sanvordenkar. South: Jlwaji Sanvordenkar. East: Road. West: Sanvordenkar.

Jiwaji Sanvordenkar. T: Kr:ishna Bicaro Naik.

North: sIni Sanvordenkar. South: Vino KarmaJi. I.

East: Road. West: Jiwanji Sanvordenkar.

Vino Karmali. ~orth: Jiwaji Sanvordekar. South: Venkatesh Curchorkar. East: Road. West: Vino Kannali.

Venkatesh Curchorkar. T: Antonio

North: Vino Karmali. South: Venkatesh CUrchorkar. East: Road. West: Venkatesh-CUrchorkar.

Venkatesh Curchorekar.








, 140.00


T: Jij~ya Naik. 118.00 North: Venkatesh CUrchorkar. South: Sarvottam CUrchorkar. East: Road. I West: Venkatesh CUrchorkar.

Sarvotp.m Ctu·chodkaJ.'. 22.00 T: Vijaya Naill:. .

North: Venkatesh Curchorkar. , South: Shri Bbangi

East: Road. West: Sarvottam Curchorkar.

Smt.Srutabal ~ 132.00 T: Rita Mendes>.

"North: Sarvottam Curchorl{ar. South: Road. East: Road. • West: Shri Bhangi.

Comunidade of caCora., T: Govmd MurariSawant.

North: Road. South: Fulu Dessal. East: Road & West: Comunidad. Of Cacora.

. Fulu Dessai. North: Comunidade of Cacora. South: Manik" Joshi. East: Road. West: Fulu Dessai.



Page 6: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

426 SERIESJI No;,40'

] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

'Quepem carom 34 . 141/9 _Naik. 48.00 T: Vithu B. Sawant.

North: Fulu Dessai. South: Rama Sada Parab. East: Road. West: _ Naik;

; '~ ~ 35 141/10 RaIna Sada Parab. 30.00 . North: _ Nalk.

South: Comunidade of carom. East: Road. West: RaIna Sada Farab.

36 141/11 Comunidade of Ca.cora. 75.00' '.' ! k T: Anant Bhicu Prabhu.

North: RaIna Sada Farab. South: Rauji Kakodkar. East: Road. West: Comunidade of caro:ra.

37 141/15 Rauji Kakodkar. 85.00-

North: Road. South: Prakash Shauu Prabhu Dessai East: Road. West: Rauji Kakodkar.

38 141/18 Prakash Shanu Prabhu Desai. 110.00· , . ' T: RaIna Sada Parab.

North: Rauji Kakodkar. South: Purushottam Vithal Prab Desai. East: Road. West: Prakash -Shanu Prabhu Desai.

39 115/1 Rama Sada. Parab. 420.00 • ::; .:~. i North: Road.

South: Krishna Paudurang Kama.t. East: RaIna Sada Parab. West: Road.

40 113/1 Krishna PandW'ang Kalllat .. 115.00

/; ;.'f'j , North: RaIna Sada Kamat. South: Road. East: Krishna Paudurang Kamat. West: Road.

41 14Z/1 Purshottam Vithal Prabhu Desai. 2811.00 , .-. North: Prakash Shauti Prabu Desai.

South: Mary Fernandes. East: Road. West: Purshottam Vithal Prabu Desai.

42 142/2 Smt. Mary Fernandes. 140.00 T: Shautaram Saulo Naik.

North: Purshottam Vithal Prabhu Desai. . '." South: Mary Fernandes .

East: Road. West: Mary Fern~des.

" 48' 142/3 Smt. Mary Fernandes. 15.00

T: Krishna Ganesh Naik.

North: Mary Fernandes. South: -do.-East: Road.

, West: Mary Fernandes •

44 142/4 . Smt. Mary !i'ernandes. 65.00 T: Ganesh Vithal Naik.

-:: 'J: North: Mary Fernandes. South: -do-East: Road. West: Mary Fernandes.

45 142/7 Smt: Mary Fernandes.. 3S.00

North: Mary Fernandes. South: Road.

. East: Road. West: Mary Fernandes.

46 143/1 Anil Hari Prabhu Desai. 8.00· Purshotam Vithal p. Desai.

;"J,:::: Vinayak Kannali.

North: Mary Fernandes. South: Road. East: Road. West: Ani! Hari Prabhu ~


Page 7: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

81ST DlMJ1iiJffBJiIR, :l98:l(PAUEA 10, 1903) \ t. ," .".. ; :.~"

1 3 • 5

caco:ra 47A 144/1

47 . 144/10

48 144/13

49 144/20

50 145/18

51 99/1

52 99/1


54 98/6


55 145/21

5£ 145/20

57 147/19



Vinayak Gop! Karmali. North: Road .

. South: Oomunidade <Yf Cacora.

. East: Road. West: Vinayak GopiKarmalJ.

1 .. ·Comunidade of CaCora. 2. Gurudas Timb!o. Timblo.

NOrth: VlnaYak Gop! KarmaIJ. South: Road. East: Road. West: CoxJlumdade of Caoora.

GOvernment Road.

. North: Comunidade' <Yf Caoora.

.. ; South: Ann ·Hari Prabhu .Dee<IaI, East: ·Road. West: Road .

.Ani! Hari P. Desai.

North: Road. South: Road. East: Road. West: Allil Hart Prabhu Desai.

Sachidanand Kakodkar.

North: Road. South: Anil Hari P. Desai. East; Road . . West: Road.

Anil HaT! P. -. Desai.

North: Anil Han P. Dessaii

South: Purshottam v. P. Desai. East: Allil Harl P. De8saI. West: Road.

1. Anil Hari P. Desai. 2. Prakash ShrulU Prab'o Desai.

North: Anil Hari Prabhu Desa;i. South: Purshotam V. P. De"sat East: -do-West: Road.

1. Ani! Han P. Desai. 2. Prakash Shanu Prabhu Desai.

North: Purshottam V .. P. Desai. South: Mahadev Deva.sthan. East: Purshottan V. P. Desa\. West: Road.

Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

N~rth:' -PUl'~.hottam V. P. D~~j. South: Mahadev Devasthan. East: -do-" West: Road •

. Comunidade of Cacora.

North: Road. South: Mahadev Devasthan. East: Road. We~t: ComWlidade of CacOrcL

Shree Mahadev Devasthan.

North: Comunidade of CacOl'a. South: Vasailt P. Dessai. . Ea.c;t: Road. West: Mahadev Devasthan.

Vasant P. Desai. T: Esteves Fernandes.

North: Mahadev Devasthan . . South: Vasailt P. Desai. East: Road. West: V~~nt P. I?esai.

Vasant, P. DeSai. T: Antonio Fernandes.

·North:· Vasant. P. DeSai. South: ·-do-East: -do-West: -do-















Page 8: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

1 • 3 • 6

59 ... ~ Quepem 147/28

,i-.• · .~

60 147/22

6~ , ' , 147/23 ,:;.\;-' . ,'"

62 147/24 : .....


64 148/


e& 15111


;": ....

67, 151/3

,': .. -; .

68 8511

, 84/2

70 8\>/1,

) ,

1. Valiant P. Des .... , . 2. :Yesso P. Desai.

T: -Esteves Fernandes.


North: Vasant P. Desai. South: -do-East: ~;do-West: -do"":

Valiant P. Dessai. T: Nicilau Fernandes.

North: Vasant P. Desai. South: -do-East: -do-West: ~do-

Vasant P., Dessai. ,T:, Cudtodlo Fernandes.

North: South:

, East: West:

Vasant P. Desa.i~ -do--do--do"':""

Vasant P. Desai.

North: Vasant P. Desai. South: -:-do-East: -do-West: -do-

Vasant P. Desai.

North: South: East: West:

Vasant P. Des3.i. -do­~do­


vas~t P. Desai. North: Vasant P. Desai. South: -do-East: -do-West: -do-

Comunidade of Cacora.

North: Vasant p. Desai. South: Church. East: Road. ,

:West: Comunidade of Ca.cora.


North: Comunidade of Cacora. South: Road, East: Road. West: Church .

. Comunidade of Cacora.

North: Road.

, '~";

South: Govind Mahadev Naik. Karmali. East: Road. . west: Comunidade q.f Cacora,..;

Covind Mahadev N aik Karmali.

N orih: Comunidade of Cacora . . South: Road .. East: Road .

-West: Govind M. N. Karmali.

Comunidade of Cacpra. .Govind Guno Dessa.-i.

North-: Comunidade of Cacora. Soutli: Govind M. N. "Karmali. East: Comunidade of Cacora, West: Road,

GoviIid Mahadev Naik Karmali.

North: Oomunidade of, Cacora. South: FranciSco Figueraido.­East: Govind M. N. Karmali .

. West: Road. .

Francisco Figuereido

North: Covind M. N. Karmali. SOuth: Frru;tcisco >Figuereido. East: -00-, West: Road.













Page 9: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

JIST Dj}J(jf!:JW:WfiJR, 1981 (PAUSA 10,1903)

1 3 2 5 i

., .. : Quepem Cacora 71 82/1

".' . ....

72 '81/i

73 8112


.75 81/4

, .


77, ,81/7

78 81/8 . '

, 79 81/9 "

. ' 161/2,


82 80/1

83 SO/2


. Franciso Figuereido.-

North: Franciso Flguereido. South: ~d()-East: -do-west: Road.

Franciso Flguer!do/ T: Jose. Fernandes.

North: Franclso Flguereldo. South: -do-East: -do-west: Road,

Franciso FiguereidoJ T: .Antonio Joao MesquIta.·

North: Franclso Flguereldo. South: -do- ' East: -do-West: Rl>ad.

Franciso Figueredo.· T: Augustlnho Costa.

North: Francisco Flguereldo. South: -do-East: -do-West: Rl>ad.

Franciso Figuereido~ T: Antonio Joao Mesquito.

North: Franc.iso Figuereido. South: -do,-East: -do-West: Road.

Franciso Figuereido. T: Agustinho Costa.

,N(;n-th: Francisco Figuereido. South: -do-East: -do-West: Road,

Franciso FiguerE}ido. T: Jose Fernandes ..

North: BTanciso FigueretdO'. South: -do-East: -do-West: Road.

Francisa Figuereido.

. -North: Francisco FiguereldO . South: -do-East: -do--West: ROad.

-tranCisco Figuereido.

North: FranCisco South: -do-

'East: ~'do-West: Road .

Ramakant R S, Kakodkar,

North: Road. Sputh: -d?:"\7 .. Eaat: -do-West: Ramakant R S. Kakodkar,

Ramakant R. S. KakodkaT. '-North: Road . . South: Janu Kurchorkar .. . East: Road .. vy~st: Raqutkarit R. S. K3kodkar,

Francisco FigiJereido.

North: Francisco Fegu_da. South: Comunidade of caoor... East: Francisco Figuereldo. West: Road .

. . ri. Comuuidade of Qacora.

Noi1:h: Franci.sOO Figuereldo. South: COmunidade of Cacora. East: -do-West: Road.















Page 10: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

'~O Binllff.J E8 11 No, ,,0-, -_'~)f-

1 ~ 3 • 5 6 7 -------

'Q"",pam -Caf'A)l'ft. 84 162/1 Sushilaba Shripad SaJlzguri, <65,00 Shripad Sinai' SaJlzguri.

North: Ra.makant H, S, K8.k_, . ~ :!.~ ..

South: Janu Kudchorkar. East: Road. West:Janu Judchorkar. \

'7S/1 ComUnidade of cacora. 160,00 T: Saulo PhOndo Ga";"km'. '

North: ComUnidade of cacom. South: KudchOdkar. East: ComUnidadeof cacora. West: Road.

86 ·78/8 Janu Kudchodkar. 300,00

North: ComUnidade of CJacom.' South: Road. East: Janu KudchOdkar. West: Road.

87 Public road, 120,00 ~~

North: Janu KudchOdkar. South: Comunidade of Cacora East: Road. West: Road.

77/3 ComUnidade of cacora, 12SO.00 North: Road, South: Village Boundary of cacora. East: Comunidade of cacora.

~ West: Road. 89 165/1 KakOdkar, 560.00

North:· Narottam ColtOdkar, South: Village boundary of ~ East: Road. West: Narottam KakOdkar.

9() 2!5/1 Vassant Nadkarul. 696.00 North: Village boundary of 0B00m. South: Road, East: Road. West: Vassant Nadkarni.

91. 26/1 Dlnanth Nadkarul. 388,00

:North: Village boundary of cacora. South: Bhaskar Sadashiv N_ East: Dlnanth Nadkarni. West: Road.

92 26/1 1. Bhaskar Sadashiv Nadkarni. '160,00 2, Sadashiv Bhaskar Nadkarni. 3. Sunil Bhaskar Nadkarni.

North: Dlnanath Nadkarni. South: -dO--': East: Bhaskar Sadashiv N_ •

" . West: Road.

!Ill 26/1 Dlnanath Nadkarni. 338.00 North: Bhaskar Saflasbiv -Nadkanxt. South: Vasant Nadkarni. East: Dlnanath Nadkarni. -4 , West: Road,

'94 27/1 l, Dlnanth Nadkarm. 170.00 2. Narsblv Nadkarni.

North: Dlnanth Nadkarni. " South: -do-

East: -dp-West: Road.

9!; 27/3 J..':'Dlnanth Nadkarni. 355,00 ~'I.' Narshiv Nadkarni.

". ~ .'." North: Dinaoath Nadkanii, South: -do-East: Road, West: Dllianath Nadkal'rii. .,

96 'rI/,4 1. Dlnanth Nadkarni. r.: 2, Narshiv Nadkarni, 10,00

North: Dinanath Nadkarni. South: -do-East: Road. ! . West: Dlnanath Nadkarn;, I


Page 11: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

31BTDECEPltlJER, 1981 (PAUBA 10, 1903) 4S1

~ ..

1 2 '3 . 4 6 6 7

Quepem Cacora 97 29/17 1. Dlnanath Nadkarni. , '100.00

2. Narshiv Nadkarni

North: Dina:nath Nadkami. South: -do-East: . Vasant Nadkarni. West: _

Sanguem CotarU 98 29/18 Dinanath Nadkami. 90.00 Narshiv Nadkarni. T: Joao Masca.renha.

North: Dlnanath.Nadkarni. South: -do-East: _ West: Dlnanath Nadkami ..

98A 29/10 Dinanath Nadkami. 78.00 . Narshiv Nakarnl.

~ •.. North: Dinanth Nadkarni. South: -do_ East: _ West: Dinanth<t~:adlmrni.

99A 27/8 Din.a.nath ',Nadkarni. 60.00 T: 1. Bablo Lina..

2. Piedade Vaz. 3. Pedro Mascarenhas. 4. Joao Mascarenha.

North: Road. South,: Dinanth Nadkarni. East: -do-West: -do-

100A 27i9 Dinanath N adkarni. 68.00 T: Joao M8.scarCmha.

North: ROM. South: Dinanath Nadkarni. East: :-00-West: -do-

~. lOlA 27/10 Dlnanath Nadkami. 45.00 North: Road; South: Dirnlnath Nadkarni. East: -do-West: -""do-

W2 29/22 Dinanth Nadkarni. ~ 72.00 Narshlnv-- Nadkarni. T: Tadelina Monteiro.

North: Dinanath NadkarnL South: -do-East: Road. West: Dinanath Nadkarni .

103 29/23 . Dina,nath Nadkarni. 480.00 " NarshinV' Nadkarni.

T: Lourence Lina. I

North: Dinanath Nadkruni. ~outh: -do-

11last: Road. West: Dtnanath Nadkarni.

104 ·29/25 Dinanath Nadkarni. 65.00 Narshinv Nadkarni.

North: Dlnanath Nadkami. South: Village 'boundary of Sanguem. East: Road. West: Dinanath Nadkarni.

Kflllguem 105 35/ Deu Na~im. 555.00

, ':j North: Village boundary of Cotarli. South: Jose Delabe. East: Deu Nadkarni. West: !load.

Cotaru 106 27/34 Prabhakar Nadkarnl. Shivaji Nadkarni.


Udya Nadkarni.

North: Road. South: Bhaskar Rao Masurkar. East: Village boundary of Sanguelll. West: Prabhakar Nadkarni.

Page 12: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

432 SERIES II No .. 40


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sanguem Sanguem 107 34/ Jose D'Lobo. 30.00 L;".< . ' ·T·:- 1. Minguel Mascarenha .

2. Antonio Lima. 3: Pedro Carvalho .

. North: Road. South: Saya Raghoba Nadkanti. East: ;rose D'Lobo. West: Road. "'

108 149/ Bhaskar Rao Masurkar. 30.00 Dinanath S. Masurkar.

North: Road. South: Road. East: Road. ,West: Bhaskat: Rao Masurkar.

109 33/1 Bhaskar Rao Valaulikar. 671.00 Smt. Saya Raghoba S. Nadkarni. Shivaji Datta S. Nadkarni. Jose D'Lobo. Manguesh P. Sinai Nadkarni. . ').

North: Jose D'Lobo, I

South: Road. East: Saya Raghoba S. Nadh:arni. West: Road.

110 150/2 Manguesh Sanzguiri. 30.00

North: Gopu Carpe. South: Manuel Fernandes. East: ROad. West: Manguesh Sanzguiri.

111 150/:, Manual Fernandes. 147.00

North: Manguesh Sazgui~. South: Road. East: Road. West: Manual Fernandes.

112 151/1 Smt. Chandrabai Sangekar. 65.00

North: Manual Fernandes. South: Maria Damicio Canesto.· East: Road. West: Chandrabai Sangekar.

113. ·151/2 Maria Damiao Canesto. Gondessadaus de Amorate.


\Ramaldo Fernandes.

North: Chandrabai Sa;ngekar. South: Road. East: Road. West: Maria Damiao Canesto.

114 152/8 Raghuvir Vitltoba Chari. 10.00 North: Road. South: Raghuvir Vithobha Chari. East: Marl Damiao Femande. West: Raghuvir Vithob1t Chari.


115 33/1 Smt. Saya Raghoba Nadkami. 250.00 Shivaji D. Nadkarni. Lobo. Mang:uesh P. B. Nadkarni.

North: Road. South: Laxman Gop; Nail<.

~ . East: Saya Raghoba S. Nadkarni. • West: Road.

116 33/3 Laxman- Gopi Naik.

North: Saya Raghoba'Nadkami. South: Road. East: Laxman Gopi Nail<. West: Road.

117 32/1 Dinanath Nadkami. 10.00

North: Laxman Gop; Nail<. South: Pilomena Talez. East: Dirianath Nadkarni West: Road.

118 32/2 Smt. Filomina Telez. 65.00

North: Dinanafu NadkaXm. South: Road.

d East: Fil6mina Telez. west: Road.

.- \

~ !L. __ _

Page 13: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

SlST DECEMBER, 1981 (PAUSA 10, 1903) 433

~, 1 2 3 4 6 I 6 7

Sanguem Sanguem 119 154/1 Shankar D. Nadkarni. 50.00

North.: Road. South: Prafulla. Chandrakant Raikar. East: Road. West: Shankar D. Nadkarni.

120 154/2 Smt,' Praiulla C. Raikar. 18.00

North: Shankar D. Nadkarni. South: Prafulla C. Raikar. East: Road. West: PrafUlla C. ,Raik,ar.

121 154/3 Smt. Prafulla C. Raikar. 10.00 Prakash D. Nadkarni.

North: Prafulla C. Raikar. South: Prakash D. Nadkarni. East: Road.

~. West: 'Prafulla C. Raikar.


122 154/1 Prakash D. Nadkarni. 30.00

North: Prafulla C. Raikar. , South: Cai.tan Gonsalves. i; East: Road. West: PrakaSh D. Nadkarni.

123 154/5 Caitano Gonsalves. 45.00

North: Prakash D. Nadkarni. South: Marciano Rodrigues. East: Road. West: Caitano Gonsalves.

124 154/6 Metciano Rodrigues. 50.00 North: Caietano Gonsalves. South: Government. East: Road". West: Merciano- Rodrigues'.

125 154/7 Goverrunent. 20:00" ~". North: Merciano Rodrigues.

South: Vecento Rodrigues. East: Road.

. : ::' ·West: Government .

126 154/8 Vecento Rodrigues. 60.00 North: Government. South: Dinanath Nadkarni. East: Road. West: Vicento Rodrigues.

127 154/9 Dinanath Nadkarni. 0.00 North: V1Cento Rodrigues. South: Sanguem Municipality. East: Road:

" West: Vicento R:odrigues.

128 154/10 Sanguem Municipality. 10.00 North: Dinanath Nadkarni.

~ South: -do-; -, East: Road.

West: Dina'nath Nadkarni.

129 154/11 Dinanath N adkarni. 344.00 . North: Dinanath Nadkarni.

South·: Shandkar D. Nadkarni. East: Road. West: Dinanath D .. Nadkarni.

130 154/13 Shankar D. Nadkarni. 35.00 Prakash D. Nadkarni.

North: Dinanth Nadkarni. South: Shivaji Datta Sinai ,Nadkarni. East: Road. West: Shankar D. Nadkarni.

131 154/12 Shivaji D. Nadkarni. 70.00

North: Sha.nka~ D. Nadkarni. South: -do'-East: Road. West: Shivaji Datta Sinai Nadka~.·

132 154/13 Shankar D. Nadkarni. 280.00 Prakash D. Nadkarni.

~ ,i._

Page 14: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the


1 2 3 • 5 6

North: Shivaji Datta Sinai Nadkarni. South: Road. East: Road. West: Shankar D. Nadkarni.



sa:nguem .. Sanguem 133 31/ B~skar S. Nadltarni. 281).00

North: Road":. South: Udya Nadkarni. East: Bhaskar S. Nadkarni.­West: Road.

134 . 30/ Udy~ Nadkarm. 230.00

North: Bhaskar. S. Nadkarni . . South: NaJa. East: Udya Nadkarni. West: Road.

Total ................. . 26,999.00

By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and ,piu.

S. Reu.wnathan,~ Secretary (Revenu~Y!·

P·anaji'. 2300 November, 1981.


No. 22/170/81-RD

Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government (here­inafter referred to as "the Government") that the land speci­fied in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to' as the "said ~d") is needed for public purpose for Residential Development under Integrated Urban Development Pro­gramme at Corlim, Tiswa,di.

. And Whereas in the opinion of the Government the provisions of Sub-Section (1) of Section 17 of the Land Acqui­sition Act 1894 (hereinafter referred to as the Hsaid Act") are applicable. .

Therefore the Government is' pleased to notify unger Section 4 of the said Act that the said land is- needed for the purpose specifieq above. -'

The Go.vernment ·is pleased to direct under Sub-Section (4) ~ of Section 17 of' the said Act that the provisions of Section

5A of the said Act shall not apply in respect of the said land.

2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby warned not to obstruct or interfere with. any Surveyors or other pel'sons employed upon the said land for the purpose of the said acquisition. Any contracts for the disposal of said land by sale, lease, mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay commenced or improvements made thereon without the sanction of the Collector after the date of publi-

I "

cation of this Notification will Wlder clause (Seventh) of Section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded by the Office!'" assessing compensation for such parts of the said' land as may be finally acquired.

3. If the Government is satisf.ied that the said land is needed for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to that effect under Section 6 of the said Act will be published in the Of­ficial Gazette, in due course. If _ the acquisition is aban­doned w:holly or in part, the fact will be duly notified in the Official Gazette .

4. The Government is fUrther pleased to appoint under Clause (c) of Section ,3 of the said Act the Deputy Collector (L.A.O.), 'Panaji to perform the- functions of the Collector under the said Act in respect of the said land.

5. The Government is also pleased to authorise under Sub­-Section (2) of ,Section 4 of the said Act, the foIlowiI(g Officers to do the acts, specified therein _ in respect of the said land.

1. The Collector of Goa, pana:ji.

2. The Deputy Collector (G.A.O.), Pana.ji. 3. The Chief Town Planner, Town and Country Plan­

ning Department. Panaji.

4. The Director of Land Survey. Panaji,

6. A rougJ::l plan of t.he said land is .available for inspection in the Office of the Deputy Collector (L.A.O.), Panaji from the date of this Notification.


(Description of the said land)

Ta,luka, Village Plot No. Survey NO.

1 2 3 4

Tiswadi Corlim 21

Name of the persons believed to- be interested


1. -Joaquim Francis Fernandes. 2. Anant Rama Adkonkar.


North: Survey. No. 22, Sub-Diy. No, 24, 25, 26, ?:T. 28 & 29.

SOuth: Survey No. 20, Sub-DiY. No,. 3 & ~ (Pond).

East: Road. west: Survey No. 23.

Total- ......... , ..... ".

By order and in the name of' the' Lt. Goyernor. <>:f.Qoa., Daman and Diu;

S. Regunathan, Se~refB:rY (R~v~u~) ..

Pa:naji, tSth Oecember, 1981.

Approximate area iD. sq. mts.




Page 15: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the

.. ~

.• ~.


31ST DECEMBER, 1981 (PAUSA 10, 1903) -,-,.---~.-----.--;-----.-


No. 22/33/81,RD

Whereas by Government Notification No. 22/33/81-RD dated 6-6-1981 published on page 130 & 131 of Series II, No. 12· of the Official 'Gazette, dated 18-6·1981 it was notified under Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act,. 1894 (hereinafter referred to as "the said Act") that the land, specified in the schedule appended to the said Notification (hereinafter referred' to as the "said land") was likely to he needed for the public purpose viz. Construction of access road to Suh­-Market yard at Mapusa.

And Whereas the- appropriate Government (hereinafter referred to-as "the-Government") is satisfied after considering the report made under sub-section (2) of Section 5A of the


said Act, _ ina t the said lal;ld specified in the schedule hereto is needed to be acquired for the public purpose specified above. ' ~

Now, Therefore, 'the Government is pleased to declare under the provisions of Section :6, of the said Act th.~t the said land is required for the public purpose specified above.

2. The Government is also pleased to appoint under clause (c) of Section 3 of the said Act, the Deputy Collector, Goa North Division, Panaji} to perfonn the functions of a Collector for all proceedings hereinafter to be taken in respect of "the s_aid land, and to direct him under Section 7 of 'the said Act to take order for the, acquisition of the said land.

3. A pran of the said .land can be inspected at the office of the said Deputy Collector, Goa North, Division, Panaji. till t~e gward is made under Section 11.


(Description of the said land)

\ Sr. No. Taluka VillagiVWard P.T.S. No.

ChaItaNo. Survey N.,. Names of the persons believed to be interested

Approxi­mate area

in sq. mts.:







2 • 4

Bardez Mapusa 156. 144. 145, 315

-do- ~do~ 501 (Part) 156

1 (Part)

-do- ~ do --- 162 8 (Part)

-do-'-- -do-·- 162 9 (Part)

-do- -do-' 163 1 (Part)








H: Comunidade of Mapusa. T: Vishnu Arjun Ambre.

H: Comunidade of Mapusa. T: Vishnu Arjun Ambre.

H: Comunidade of Mapusa.· T: 'S'onu Banu Kudnekar.

H: Comunidade of Mapus:.l. T: Sonu Babu Kudnekar.

H: Comunidade of Mapus&. T: Sonu Babu Kudn'ekar.


Bo'Umilaries .'

Chalta No. 501

P. T. S. 144. 145. 157 _144 to 148

P. T. S. 156 & Nala.

Chalta No. 143

P. T. S. 156

South: Nala, Land already acquired by the same Department. Chalta No .. 6, 7

P. T. S. ]69. East: Road, ChaIta No. 1 Chalta No., 1

West: P.T. S. 156

Chalta No. 501

p, T. S. 163. Ct)a.lta No.8

P. T. S 144. 145. 157 P. T. S. 162.









By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

S. Regunathan.) secretary (Revenue)."

Panaji, 18th December, 1981.

Public Health Department


No. 45/2/80-PHD (Vol. II)

1. Authorised druggists/chemists should malntain a separate register, the specimen of which may be obtained from the Directorate of Health Services and also a separate cash memo book. '

Government is pleased to declare the following additional Pharmacies/Medical Stores as approved druggists/Chemists for the p;urpose of ,reimbursement of Government sen~-ants subject to the conditions specified below with immediate effect.

2. The prescribed register book and the cash memo· shall be preserved as records from a period of 3 years from the date of sale of the drug:.

3. No other book or cash memo shoUld be used by the approved chemist/druggist to record prescription issued by the Authorised Medical Attendant to the Govern­ment employees or their dependents for the purpose of medical claims reimbursement. 1. Mhambrey PI:tarmacy, Ribandar, Goa.

2. Rajesh Medical Stores, Nani-Daman.

3. M/s. Wagle' Medical Stores, Druggist and Chemist, St. Ines, Panaji.

4." Pharmacies and Chemist and Druggist shops declared approved Chemist for the purpose of Medical Reimburse­ment to Gov~rnment employees, shall be liable to perform

I""'"""" ......... ---;.......--.......... -----------:--~ .. ~---~-----


Page 16: I OFFICIAL With effect from the date of taking charge by Shri Som prakash, Shri C. R. Na,.-garaj is relieved of the


day and night sale and dispensing of drugs by way of rotation as prescribed by the Drugs Controller from time to time.

The Authorised Medical At.tendants whilst signing E; C, attached to the medical claims should -endorse a certificate to the effect that medicines '. were purchased from the approved druggist/chemists. -

The Government reserves the right to remOve the. name of the· approved druggist/chemists -from the panel without assigning any reason in ·the event ·of the failure to. follow the conditions prescribed by the Government from tIme to time. The medical attendant prescription book as well as cash memo shall be produced before. the Inspectorate staff from the office -of the Drugs Controller whenever demanded.· The Government also reserves _ the right to delete the names from the panel of approved" "druggists/chemists for any contraventions of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the rules made thereunder so as also nOl}~submisSio"n of income tax returns regularly.

By order and in the "name of the Administrat~r of Go~ Daman and Diu. .

M. ,So Sail, Under Secretary (Health).

Panaji, 10th D~cember, 1981. ... Industries and labour Department


No. 21/3/80-ILD

On recommendation of the Departmental Promotion ComM mittee "the Administrator" of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to" promote Shri B. B. Naik, Labour Inspector, to the post of Assistant Labour Commissioner in the office of" the Coznmis.. sioner Labour and Employment in the pay-scale of &s. ~30-_740_35_810_EB_35_880_40·1000_EB_40-1200 on regular· and temporary basIs w.e.f. 17M9~19~1.

Shri N aik, is appointed against the vacant post created vide Government Order No. 1/170/73-LAB/437 dated 30-3-1974.

Shri Naik will be on probation for a period of two years with effect from 17-9-1981..

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.

S. D. Sadhale, Under Secretary (Industries & Labour).

Panaji, 18th December, 1981.

Notification "

No: 4-1-79-ILD

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 read with section 4 Goa, Daman and Diu Khadi and Village Industries Board Act. 1965 (Act No. 20 of 1965) the Government hereby establishes the Goa, Daman and Diu Khadi and<l Village In~ dustries Board for the Union territory of Goa, Daman and Diu with immediate effect and appoints in consultation with the Khadi and Village Industries Commission, the following members namely:

1) Shri A; N. Naik, Minister for Industries and Mines -Chairman.

2) Shri Chandrakant S. Keni, Margao-Goa (Non~Offi­cial) - Vice-Chairman.


3) Smt. Sulochana Katkar, Bandora, Panda-Goa (Non­-Official) - Secretary.

4) Shri Jaikrishna Shirqdkar, Siroda~Goa (Non-Official) - MeJ;llber.

5) Shri Mario Va"z, MLA, Cuncolim ",(Non-Official) -Member.

6) Shri Shantaram L. Naik, Advocate, Comba, Margao­-Goa" (Non~Official) - Member •.

7) Secretary (Industr~es and Labour) (Official)­Member.

S') Director of Industries and Mines (Official) -Mem­ber.

9) State . Dir.ector of"Khadi and Village Industries .Com­.lnission, Goa (Official) -Member.

2. Shri A. N. Naik, Minister for Industries and Mines, Shri Chandrakant S. Kern and Smt. Sulochana Katkar shall

" be the Chairman, the Vice~Chairman and the Secretary, res­pec::tively of the said Board.

By order and i~ the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu.,

S. D. Sadha!e, Uncler Secretary (l. & L.).

}>anaji, 22nd' December, 1981 .

• •• Law Department (Establishment)


No" 4-25-81/LD

The following Notification No. JCC/ A-Misc-72/81/75 dated 11-12-19.:81 from the Registrar, Judicial Conunissioner's Court, P~ji is hereby publish.ed for general 1nformation.

R. V. Durbhatkar, "Un<!:er Secretary (Law).

Panajl. 24th December, 1981.

,Judicial C.ommissioner's Court


No. JCCiA-Misc-72/S1/75

Whereas Dr. EUlico da Silva, District and Sesstons "Judge, SOuth Goa, Margao, woqld ~e on leave;

And Whereas it is expedient to make arrangements for the disposal or urgent matters;

The Judicial' Commissioner's Court in exercise of the power vested in it under Section 9 Cr. P. C. hereby appoints Shri V. P. Shetye, J. M. F. C., Vasco da Gama as Addl. Sessions Judge of South Goa, Sessions Division with effect from 17-12-1981 to 31-12-1981 for the purpose of disposing urgent criminal work arising in the said Sessio~s Court ..

And further the said Shri V. P. Shetye, Civil Judge, Senior Division, is hereby kept incharge of the District Court, South Goa., Division dur1ng the absence of the District "Judge from' 17~12-1981 to 31-12-1981, in addition to his own duties as Civil Judge, Senior Division, Vasco da Gama.

By Order,

E. P. Lobo, Regist,rar, Judicial Commissioner's Court.

Panaji, 11th December, 1981.


(lmprensa Na.clooal - Gpa)

PRICE - Rs. 1-65 Po,

