Page 1: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

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(lSltRU \

Page 2: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

l'piril .\i;lM~

r :xtntct ...




Page 3: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

~osicrucran ~acietn of ~nglanh.

l'h n. •ht H mJmblc Tile l.<•ltll I.\ Ir ..... U.f ·. \l.G., q.h.mll 1-lntrort.

Hight•lo Tl1e E.\JU, o~· B~· nn.:, ~ion. ~rrsillmt.

:Sir Fn U1:n1cK ~f. \\·1LLI \)IS, Hart., ~[. P., I I h Ha rl1t II OJI irahle The E \ltl, OF .TI mu.v, r ~OIT. Uict· 1Jrcsibtnts. r• ) 111 I l~U.\);1 1:-; llCRl>f:rr,

I· r ilN l:111Jt::R1 \\' &NlWUHfll Lir rr,1·:, .Supmnt m.1gus.

Fr t r W1L11 \\I ,fam:~ HUGll.\!>', I Fmt1.·r \\'rLLIA\I H.£:.ltY HullB\Rll,

~rnror ~ubshtutt nlagus, ~11n1or ~ulJstilott ~la911s.

Fratl'r c. H IL JI \llRISOX, m.~ Ulaslcr-6m,r:rl.

Al11liin!1lon Rawi, E.rPfer,

11th .Jnly, 187:!. f'AH8 FRAn:n,

You .tl'<I r!'fiur.~IP.d to ;iqRist in forming the M ...... c*"***' fl[,

th Fr.F.l lfAS0:0-8' TA\'F.RS', c:r.•at CJ11e1•11 Slrelll, 'vs .. on Tliursrl:iy

J:v nm•, tl10 18111 of .July. 1~72, al half-past 'Fivr o'clork prcci rly.

Your,, i11 Fr.itPmity,

frfl I' am Robt ?flood:rz 1n. Jtl.fJ. VIII° ~ mrtar~· l!Jmmtl.

'.!lnstlHSS. :r onhrm Minut""; to enrol c· u1did 1tm1: t.o ronf•·r tho n1te nf

T'.~rfr·•'tio11 on approy,.fi \ft>mlll'r".

Page 4: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


.Stcr.ctaru-Qien.cral' s ;!lep,nrt. ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.

The Quarterly Convocation was held ~t the Freemason'. T.;vern, Great Queen Street, on 'l'hur.oday, April lltb, 1872. Present:-

M. W. Fra. C. R. I\. Harrison, M.G. Frnter Raymond H. Thrupp. ,. ., }{. \\'. Little, SM. P.M.G. J. A. Masey

R.W. ., W.R. \\'ooJmon, lll.D.,S.G. 'l'hlls. W. White. V.W. ,. J. \\'ea,·er, 3 A. ., J. W, Barrttt.

,, ,. Wm Corpenter, 4 A. Jamts Willing, Junr . ., ,, J. Banning 7 A. James L. Thomu.

W. ,, W J. l•erl\'uson, T.B. ,. S. Hosenthal ,, 11 1\lujor E 11. Finney, G. of T. ,. Juhn Bnyd.

,, E. H. FinMy, Junr., A. S. George llutler. Fratur J. Giluert, Acolyte.

The M • • • • • C .. • * • • was duly formed, and the Minutes of the previous Meeting re.d and con6r111~d.

The Master-General tben app iinted the following Assistant Officers:­

Fr~ter Angelo Lewis t, continue cu PN:~entor. 11 T Cubitt, Torch Bearer.

"". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald,

,, E. U. Finney, Junr .• Guardian of Temple. ,. J. Gilliert, Acolyte.

The following Brethren on the !ist of aspirants were duly balloted for, namely, Bros A. Ha-r, The Loao LtNPSAY, C. J. BKRNKns 1>1,KSTOW, C. J. Bvno~ss, W. STONB, D. D. 8t<:CK, C. G. M. HO)lPRAY, K&NlSKTll R. H. MACKKNztt: (IU an Hoiiorai·y Member), together wilh t be following: -

Bro. VAL~CI!, Solicitor, Proposed by Frater l\IAJOR F1N1<EY.

B ro. GKORO& D'Ancl!Y Wine Merchan~, St. lllicbacl's Alley.

Bro. S1KPUEl'I CAREY, Solicitor. Both Proposed by Prater CARPENTER .

.All the ab~ve Brethren bein7 M aster-/tfason! of good .,.,putt and .,..tgularly propo:ed were duly Balloted for and approved a.s Oandidata for the Gradt of Zelator.

Letters of greeting and regretting absence were read from Frater Hugban anJ others and 1here being uo further business, the llI • • •• • C * • * • * was closed in due form, aod tbe Fratres adjllurned to States's Caledonian Hotd, Adelphi where a.n excellent banquet was prv,'ided. Colonel Burdett being unavoidably abient, the the chair was occupied by the !\lust Worthy Frater Harrison, the Master·Gtneral.

S pirit ~gmcy.



The Rosicrucians of the fifteenth an<l sixteenth centuries were men '\Vho 1·ombinerl the stndy of religion with rhe ~r:irrh aft1•r 3«trologicnl

Page 5: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

:.!! :~

1evelul1011s uml c 1c111ical s1;c1eb, tltefr p1·t11m1·y vlij~cl buwg, 1f I may <p10tc Fmt•r Lit: le's woril~ once more. "to elucidate the myi;h ru:s that 1•1H·o11111a-s th in this life, nllll to r• :\'Cl't•ntly rai~e the v~il from th•l5e that uw.1i~ 11 ." .Frater Littlu ~an, "in th!! clr11ufr1{ dominions of 1Je.1th," aml ;uldR, "lnon1i11~ liku awful i;)inllows lht'ough the plt)f.Ju:ul ,di\ ~s••Q or the I 11liuite a111l th·· Elemnl." But it w IS 110

11t"ig11ifi1·a11t J•:trt 11f the primary ohjt'd uf t l11•se Hnsicrncia11;;, as 1111:11

hu\'ing """P c11111•ictin11~ <11' the •·-<n1tial truth~ and gloiiou< pu11 i~es Of the C hri tian S)'Sl~lll 1 to hri11g lhelll"•·lYt•!I i11t11 IJiat t;ile Of lllllld iU

whi..:J1 fl1~111Ji Cl"\'' S ln 1•:.;er1-i-'t' 'l '' d/'1·111/er/ iJ11J.lliUi•m," autf ill which tltl' "awful lmdows" rest in~ on the prof•>1111d ::ih~·,~t·~ of th" iuti11ite .u1•l demnl ,·,u1i,h, ancl lenve the gates •>f immmtalil,y up1:11 l11 the ai;p1r111~ 11irit. "'it Ii tht? re<t of tho-1· •l••voteil stml1:11ts of religion nn<l nf the prof1111 liuus of 11.1tur1·, who111 mnch~rn \\ ritt•r:; inclrnle u111ler th c 111111• 11 d<•-1gnntio11 of )fy-.l!r<. thr·y lwli•·n·d the "l'll'I' • .I I art of 111 rn c· 1p.1bl of lit1:m11i11g so far c111;rncipak•l from tho clu11111wtio11 of l<1w ]' 1 ~11 11 and ~rn-s earthly affr·rtiu11s, t11al it mi~ht rai-" the Vt!il I hnt wrmnL!"S l l1r t wn \\ •ll J.1-. a111l hohl co111nmni<Jn \I it h those who h.tvc l'·" 1•cl iut•) that IJI' rli,1•111hodi .. 1\ ~pirit,;. ~peaking of the hfi» nth ("IJlltUT)-a Cl'lllmy "hid1, wl11le it clo~1;•l the 1111dtllc (1ge!', "'"' pr•·pnr111~ P\'l'f\"Who•re for Eul'ope a Dl'W aclYance in cl\·ili7ttio11, nu I 1 wvl\·al •>f hum.u1 r1•:1'011 l:'r·1f1•>"Snr Ydlain ,[1Ys, "J\11 11.tlure See111cd lO he full of occ11lt p01\'l'IS j of mystf'l'IOUS .sj1irils that h;ll] Cpnver td \'illi 1r.mtols ;" and .!'wino taught the doctrine of the Xro­}>Ja.tomstc;, that tl1c ~0111 111n,r in c·c!>tat'.y attuin to tliviue vi:sion:<, i<ee liPyoud the prcs•·11t, u11<l predict tlw future. .'.\Cad1iaYelli h lieved tho mr \\c l>rcathe to lie lull of spirit:;, who, in compas:;ion tu mortals, forcw trned thPm hy !'iuister om<>n!'; of the e\·ils a Lout to cornt• to pass .

• \mon~sL th•• lbsicrucians, lhc belief in the i11t1:rcommunicahull of tllf• t\\C> wnrl1ls appear~ to lwve 1,cen general. Thu extant work~ of 60ln!' nf them fun11>'h 'IS with ample 1cndence:; of th1:ir expcrieuce,, Ill

v1~i•m1:1, pr.·~1·nt11n1;nt!', su1f~ustious, aud warningfl, as well as in thl) pl1ysical ph .. 11011u·1 a now :sci rom111ou ,1moug,,t those called ~piritualists.

(JI tl1e 1m•u of the t1111es of' which l 1ttn writing, Jerome Cat·dan wa:1 one 111 th1• 111n-;t ill•1slr1nus. ~\.11 ltal1un phy~ician of rn1iuem:e aml a. profouud plulosop.'ln1 he was i;·d:• prolc~sor of mathc111Jtics und 11f uw.Jici111• :tt .'.\lilan, l'awa. an1l Hol11gna. nt·1·ord111~ lo .:\Ir. J lent) Mo1lcy, 011e of hi' 1110,,:raplwr,-, who,-t11ough far from 1·111nptl'hc11<lin~ the t!eptl1s 111' Canhrn's charader, wiilt'.i! of him witli gr<;.'ll admiratiuu, and ha><, al' t.1 .-omt> pha"·s of his <'liar..ictcr, tlonu hi111.u11pl1!j11,.,tic•', :--::ty1<-" 111· was the mnsL !111C'Ccsiiful scientific autlwrof hLS time. llc \\il> 11111 only the }'"}'Illar philn~uph• r. but al-o thu I 1 hio1llll1l1 physician of tl1e six11:c11tli c1•11lury-popt• arnl l'lllf'l•J'ors

so11,,:l1t l1i111 ; kmg:,, pri11f:•·s, ca1cFnal-, aml arrltl1j,.Jiops w1·1·1· ;1111011g 111;, pali•·11t ...• tl11:rc wa• pith in wl1at he "rote, and lus wol'k:; .d w 1) s sp:11 kl1·d, more or lc,.s, w 1th thMe well 1·c111~ic\1·r1·• L n111.l \I dl­Ji••lllt• •I, m wlti•·h limrui·cl a111l u11luanw1l c•J11all.r dd1ght" Hu~ gr•·~ t ly as ~Ir. ;\I orlP,V esti111utes the iult•llecL and ac'l uit'l•Jae11t' of l'1r I 11, h 1lt>r•l·trt, Jtj, rr ..... lnlity •· 'J'ht'fl' Wl.'l'C' oth r phy-i1·i;111s 111

Page 6: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


tho~c dny!-," he en\ , "wi ... e enoni;!h t•• lir. /188 l"red11loua on many 11111111~. hut grMtr.r wi~olom 11i1l nnL win lur tlit·m equal fa111u." Tlus jq the old stor.\'. 1\1 r. :llorlP,\-, JikC' llt:ll1'' of his eoult rnpnrari1•R, cnn Sl'l' notliin~ hut tla· 1 1 ,·id1•11r"~ of <'l'•'<llllit \'in the cou,·i1·tinn '' hirh men likl• C...:111d:m had l•I tit• 11•1litJ ot i-pirit 1;~11 11t·y an•l >-puil u1tcn onr~e :-.;, ' rtbl'le, .... C';ird 111 j,;, ,Jt,r 111..-d a- h1•ing n }•IOfouwl 1111thematil'i.m au I I htlu-or hrr. excdliuo.t in the len111i11g ol tl1e time ... in \1hich he hn: I, und ,.011J11 1ft1 r for ]11 ... P\.l\ 11 in• le 1rn111~ .... uurnl .1u1l~11wut, md ltic:h mm.ii !'11.11.1c11·r, h, the mn't l't111111.:Ht m1•11. \\'h.1t is

de1111111inatc1l l11 1 r1•il11ht.r was.nnt m·ro111pani1·•l ],~·an~· k11ow11 failure of his intc-111•1·111,d po\\ 1•r,:, for l\Ir. l\lorl1·~, writin,_: of u11c uf hi~ latest liuvks (c•n Ci1·il l'n1tl1111·i-} '"y~. "Jn !Iii• work, ll i::. tn lJc ~•·I'll, that, ns a philt)s1Tli 1 .. lrrv1111•\, lac11lti••, H!ll1illl11il 10 tlw lnst rli:al' and li\'<•I\·. Th<"rc j, tho olil ter,.e11e~-. Ill 1l. nnil wore th 111 the 0!11 w1i;dom. Be mni11t11incil, perfecth, thll t 1110 .111d ']•irit of a mau of !{l'11i11~ arnl a ~choh1 •

• lero111e L':ml 111 wn' tho author Ill' mnu\· work ... of gr· 1t ft:'pntc. l'nrdan hi1usclf stat1·~ tlial he hatl pulili.111·.I l;ll l11•11ks, :tllll w:u lrnving hl•hintl 111111, 111 ~rs .. 1 l I 111nn• Jli., collc<·k11 work,; were printt'll at Lyo1 s, I l)l);l, 111 t~n yu}1111ws, fr,)10 In Iii,, Ar.~ ,l/11~111<1 tl1e wholt• doctriu< 11f c11l1ic 1 cprntinus "'·'" tfr,.l publi::.lH'rl to tlw wodcl; and in Hutton's Jfoll P11111ffrul Dii:/1 11artf '' !!in:n a }i,,t of the chief 1mpr(•vemem,, iut1odu L'<I tuto th!! nr. l·r Ciml,111, sixteen in nmnhl.'f. One of the mo,.L curion,., ;111<1. in mau\ r~·-pt:d-. tho mo--t l'Xlmor1li11ary, uf Iii \\ orks j,. the l:u1111111'11l11.rie;; , 11 Sfflll'.,fo.~' f1·1111::se 011 /JttllllliJ, "l1wh Eli11Laz I,,., i proun1111ce;;; to In• n \\ ol'k of womlerl11l Pl'lltbtiou, l111n11g nothing m rc1111111n11 with tht: rulic·ulous hooks to bt• lot111tl m th(·~l' 1lay-., l111t •· tnilh hr-l<>ngiu!.: to tl1<>"e work-; 011 the occult $1·1enct's whiel1 cn11"''"'·1lP the nuion of tlw imtiation" of the old wol'ltl with tl11• 1'\'\ 1 1.itwn of l hri,1ia11ity, .uul alh· the pe1·t..:rt u111ler-t.1mliug 1•f till' -11pr• me pltilo•oph,· '' ith the mo-t com11lcte nud irreproachable orthodox~.''

<'nrdan w.1s on1• llf the 111en who hail thr. moral rournge tn hm;e ri1licul1>, pt!rsecuti1111, 1111priM11unent. awl •11'.tlh, in the uttn,mce of thin~" nf tlw tr1 th nf whicli lw wn'4 >-ali,li1•d, h11t. whirh tlwn, a~ now, uni n11l.Y cxcit~.J tlP1 i...itlll ,md c·1111lc1t1f1t. hut exposc·tl tl1nsP who ll\'owi>il their l1tli1•f i11 1hu11 t•1 rlw irnp11t.1tion of hciug c•itl11:n· ),n:ives 01· 111 },. "[r. ~lorl1•\ l:iuwnt' < n11l.111\ .. rl1•l11,ivn,.," .11111 pl• .11h, as "din" he c.u1 tu t•xt 11 mt1un of rlwm. Hnvin.; an t."Ye tu < anbn':> narmtiv~s of the 111 lll\ , a ..... in which 111 •aw 'Jlirit". ht>anl my- erious noi ... 1·s which uaplil ti .1 .... npcr11;1t111ul .1g1•111·y. hail ol lllost ::.1g11ifieant import, r• r1·i\·r1l warning- of, aml was suatrltt:tl from, immilll'llt perils, anol \\.l ... Wl'.lpt in l·c·stari1'.-. in which he ~aw and hl"trd thiugs whid1 nrl' 11r1L (()he !'\'I'll 11r h«11rcl hy ll1e l111dil.r ~1·11ses­h "·ing an e\·e tD lht· 11·1rr.ttiYe' in wl1ich Gndan n•Lt!t•s tll\'-c and o!h•·r 1uan·Pllou~ thi11~. clu, in hi- fli:l/11'!1 oj JI diiw L•lrrulllrr, a--k.,;, " \\•hn •\·er woul.t .. uppo-l• thuL .1 man more credulous <J,·1·r dream" than all\ -illy ~irl, oh-erdn~ them ,.cr111n1lou Ir in hiru elf a11d 11tli••1 ,, 111.w ,, h·i hPhr.rP•l thnt h" hail thP friN1•l-h1p

Page 7: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

2 i.-.

uf it tle1uo11, who 11y ttt111'n·llou,. ~igns wunwd ham t•f pt:l'il~·-a mnn \\"ho hi111M•lt NI\\ and Ji,•;ml tlt111g- w Hr •1'••11 (11 he.11•1 h,1 an~· i>lh1•r

ruan l']-.1 mau, Ill ~lwrt, uf \I lw111, ii we n•ad 1rnl.\ Clll'l.lin ul !J.i~ work-., wt• -1y tl111 · l " 11 as I he ~1e.1l~-t fool 11 l1u eHr h 1' 1 ; who \\111il1l s111·1~1~e, I -ay. tlmt ,,uch .1 111.111 IHL, :it Llw ~alltt• ti1r1e vt11! ,,f the 11111,,t pupul LI .iml 111<1-l h:rtile gc11i11-c- ltal~ ha- Jlf•11lu,•cd, llll•l that Ji, 11111le 1-.11·e aUtl 111·e,:1u111> dL't't•\'t•ri••,. ill 1m1!11ewut-1cs und iu 111P1lw1ne ! S1•\ t>rlhPl1•'ls, ,,udt "n" I' mlan. I)\· th" cci11les,,10u of those ·wh -peal, of him with tl1t1 1u ,,1 •·011t1 tupt.''

< ',ll'<l 111, tlwn, Was 110 f4111l, 111d 1J1.1t lrn 11 .H uo kl'lll\'e, "''-' hav11 I h mo-t nti-h ing ,., 1•le1wc• ·• If th ·re \\ ,,, tHiu qnalit~· fur whith I .11'1! 111w.1s1111·1•1ui11~11t,"1-;Jt~s :llr. !llnl'IL•\, "ii \\,1s liis ... iuc1•rity; h1; ftf'Orlll I ( tdl l [jp \Y1• Illa~ ·•Cl.'t} I lt ... a IPCt, tlut Ii. alw.ty .. "f"·.ak litc1.d trntli." Hut if' Ul'tth .. 1· J.,111 1101 k11n\'«. 111· 11.1~ 111~ slav•J of·• p l1ill•I•· tl1•lu-i11111> I" 1'11" 11!h i11 ull t hm~-" el-t> 111 f<, ultie• wer·• of the lt1,;l11»t onlir -1!11111,!h 111 w.1,. i1hrnJ:l 11cut1 1 h•nnH!<l. \\1Lt1·, u.wl 'H'e. 1111.J, 'l"iil1i.1L Ji, [,J Iii- l,w11lti"' d(' 1r and l1rt,!ht to the I L,t, •• 1m •UJ UJUl • than I h .. olil '' 1o;du111," lie "·•' tlJ1• nr.till! ot n d1 111-1•111, 11 l1id1 111:11!1• him l1eli,.,·ll not oUI) that hf' l1:ul a :rnnrilian nu!:'cl. '~1 pre-• ut witll hu11, ltut wl11ch 111i.l111•t•1l him to writr k111,_, 111111 dt wilt:.! 1wt·o1111t>1 of w11nil(•rf11l 1·1·s1·11••s frPlll 1la11g1•1-. without aHj ap1 r Ill 1 ··n •1. alHl lta•l pr.·1unu1ti•ll1., •ll' 1IOtu6tit- <JcCllTdl•'b, 11~ the 11) I n 11c~ ol n 11 marks 11f'•)J1 his liu111l m arm, s1u·li as those thnt '~ ·r duh· u:l11uill' I l1nlli here rui•l in ,\tuP111tt1 h1 )fr. h>"L'·I. 1 h mlh k1111w 11 I.ether tit<' n••1l11Ji1 r <JI' tit·ln,.ions ,11t11imte1l tu L'm·1la11 .u1d otltn • if 1 i,;hth- iLtnlmted,' cuul1L hll\'e lwt'U E!f'-'<!ter tlra11 the er duht) vi w}11cl1 th•"'' wliu cli uge Ujlon lii111 thnt <'t«•tlultt,) ur1• ihc111· ~Iv 51 the vwti111s. 'l'hry r;a.11 helier•• in anvrhu1g, lwwt·\•er un rea--01mhl• 1 i111pr•1bal•ll! it muy lm, pro,·id1·<l. 1H1h, tint JL doc:> 110L 1111ph ·i l1el1l\J 111 1•iri1-ag('lll".}.

Let. u h ve cou~ ·, ho\\'cVcr A ~r Ml lr.111_.,. I" I 1ki11g plac·~ in 111 ·11' 111i111I , Ill rel.~li1111 lo :;uch plll.:11u1111•11t1 .1!\ tho"e cif' whicli 1..:a11lan •iv 11 ~rJ rnau1· pu·t1e11lar 11cc1l1111t~. I· i hut 1 ft•\1 r110111h~ ii!Jll't.!

the wholi• 111el1op0 .l11;i11 l'I'""' w.1• ti .. r1·1·!~· "t'l ag11111:-t the "ddus1"11s •)r lT!< kn\ " of :--pint11;1li~h: tlir u1.1j,,rit,\ <11"11111111ci11g ll11' su-••allctl phe11 111 111 '' h11111h111f. attnl111t 1hlf• 1 .. rlw lr11.:k•·n ol tlw 1111·di11111~. ,\ d11J. !Pitt f••lll' i'I 11011 .,],,, 1·\•al1l~· a1111111'..( t n11r t •··L JI 1~·1hk 111 ti Cl •r i:, en J'/,, /,I •tr 11111 11<1\\' \\ 11(<:, i-t't 1011 h 111.nut •111111

i;nrpll Ill•' lh111J" II h•t- ll'll llc•<;1•il '"'" «11111'1·-~··, ii i11 il·ilit\ t•I :l('•~o1111L lor th •111 • uri Pr" fr,,., r 1'q1p1•1, whu •• it 1111• l 'ol~ t• drni{. ml j,.11J,.1l 111d d1·•1'l~• ii ~111rnual1~m. a111I lidd Ill' to uolmm a111l 1·nnl1•111l't tlru,1· Whl prnf 1d lo l1·ht\•' Ill iL. I rll'W f.1\ll ' ;,t th• 1'!!,\Jlltnn JI di, th• ·l 11111rth1L "J'll'il11·il1•lll l~ •· u • 111.11•1•1 !Ital mnst II\' i1ppr111wlwtl 111tl1 • 1ut: n md ,hflid ·ue ·,'' .111d •)Ill.! "11'•, •11 i11.., •I v•·ry cal'Plul uttenu1111.'' ;\tr. l'q 1 ur i• l'I ht 1'1111-1• c111111ut1 11h111111111·11:i ,,J11ch ha1·c ln•f'JI

11•r1•nth 111v ••\l"tit•<l hi :lit. \\'.dl.u:;i:. \Ir. ( ruok1·~. u11d •1thcr jpJlmns •f th H n I ;-,o 1dy, ·l111l 11 Iii ·h ar1• <led.m~d t11 1>11 r1 .d11i1·:. b)

J11•11nl11 r" 111' tlr•· f<'1«·uclt l11stitu1", h1· .\1m·riran j111lgc>1 nn.t ~Pnalor:;, Ii. lllL I\ n11h d .1ud " 11 1111111 1111.:11 •• 11id. a,; .\l r. Pr1p1•l'I' -;1,1 "· lw

Page 8: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


l l,1100,0UU of Jl•'l o<•11- i11 Enrope auil ,\111crin, are J•l.1<'ed ht-H•ml the p.~l·• of <lelnsion, awl atfo cl strong confirmation of tilt' writies of l':inl.rn's nan·aLives and 1·xperience.

I shoulil like to gin.' the f;uhstancl' of Horne of Carclan's 1111rralin'~ an•l experience, but l ha\'c exhausted tlw space allotte<l lo llll't nrnl inusl reserYe it fur a futun· paper.

Ertrad uf a L• f/I r fr11111 L .111/o11, tl11led .Yoe ml1e1· ~O. 11;:!6.

"Tlwrc is a ~turn~· r hath Leen th• e tw<• rear~ in Lu11 1011, nutl. ~olll\l !':lY is the •• 1111c \\ hu, ib hath l1e1•11 l1e1dolorc t·eporlod, told tLe J'nlll:C l'alatiuc, aL thl• hl'giunin;..: Of )11, elect ion l•• t hl• (')'{)\I'll Of Jlohemiti, of all the wi-;tort11111·s an<l rah111iti1·s which hacl b1•f:tlll'll l1i111 since that time; and, llC\'l'l'tht:lcss, n1fris1~1l him to acc1•pl iL. "'hoso­C\'er he he, he yeslenluy sent a lett .. r to onr king, liy l>a\'i<l H:un.,ey, of the cJo,;k, a c >py wh•'l'l'Of we took from th1J orid1ul i1111uc0 li.1td~· after h~ had been with tbe kin~. He ~\'l' )[r. Haui-t•y f.u·thcr iustructiuns, a,- lo tell hi, majc,;ly. if lie pleas.:Hl to !!r.rnt him alluw:incc. he wo11l1l :;r•111l this uexl Suntl:iy, un•l im]'art 111:my thin~<> u11to hi" maj•·sty ol' 1110111e11t and secrecy ; anJ that he woulrl perform it h.r the mouth of a ~·onug chilJ, whum he liml already anoi11l1·d : and 1>11cla like. I iell 1L ~ 011 fut• news; liul for rny part, I hu\ c· Jiu[ n $1lla11 faith in tlie lmsi.1e.,~, snppo,;ing it is eitht•r tiultle Janta,tic.11 folly, ur, if more that it will tend t1• impo"ture.

Le'f r from .llr. Jle11tl to ::;.fr Jf St11t.1 Ile.

( 'hri.;t Cullt•g<', ~ u\'. 2.i, ll'i:?6.

rccdn·d from ;\fr l'l11·y, )n!;t Higlal n 1•i1·c·1• of 111~w:::, wlH'rcof :.ume wa-; \\'011tlro11" str;mg<', (if' it pnn·p true,) nml I i;uppose he \\'l'Plc n tla~· h»fol l' lib time, that he 111iglat lac the fir1:1l rplah•r, tls he w.1~. I will t 1~m-c11lll.I 11i" who),, h·lll r, ju.lgc as y1rn sh,111 see 1c 1,uJ1, when ~ n 1 come .lt it.

ptr. Pory\ 1ette1· j,; datt• l .. L1m1lon, :!\m·1m1l1C'r :!~." 111111 tlll' pnrt 1l'lcn«·1l to j,. 11 l11lJo,,·, :]

Bnt the "'""'< lt·~t m·1r~, like :'lla1"·h-p11nl', I keep for tltt• l11rnrp1et Now the Frenrh a111 h1.;~arlor is dt'JHll'l1·ll, 11 1•1·rt.1in 11cLeroclitc 111t1ba,.;;11-1lor j.; c•imin;,: upon tlw sta;;c, a youth ht• 1.;;, I ht-at', wiLl1 1wrcr a hair 011 111, face; allf the pri1wi1 al by whrm1 Ill' is Sl llt. an1l wlao111 he j,, lo l eprc,ent. Ecs n)n<·cah:1l 111 tbis town, 11111 (111 one wor1l t•1 H•h·e ll1i,; 1i1lillc] j, lhl' 1•resi.ll•11t vf the "SrJCltlY of the Uos,\·-<..:rv-~,'' whose

.1111 a111l1as•a•l111, <•11 S11111la~ altenw '11 1 Ii.1th :1pj•<•111t<>tl tv c·om• l(l thl'

Page 9: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


euurt. "1th tlnrt••••ll coadll'll. Tho prnft~r~ h1· 11; tu make his mnJe;;ty nre n mall 011 to w1t-1f hiR majc t;) '\ill follow his ad\'ic • he will J J'\:'t.:J1tly p11 thr "1111lh1111 • t•iz. tl11rh· hnndr tl thonsan•l punncls mto h1 cu fl,...;;, .1 1 l will tc rh )11111 th ".1~ how l<• :;uppre.,, the l'<>J>e ; 1 '~ to brm~ th catholic k111~ 011 hi- lrne ; how l<• advance l1is own ,, r~ 11 all O\'CI ( lari lt'mlom; lllcl I -th. how to connrt. Turk- .nu! J '\ t l hnstuntt) , th 111 wl11 h ) ou can d -ire no more in thi,; worlrl

J h s h ; nu l promi me .1 lctt r thi ""hat think you I f: r I kn \\ ll!Jl. b ll ti gumc 01 n \'~raty I

,l/r. Po1•t1 to .11 r .• lltt<•l.

London, :::iund 1y, Xo,·emher :?ti, I G:?t>.

I he )<Hlllg ainln .nlnl' of 1111r prt»idP1tt of tho• .. l::io<'u~ty of th•l Ho '' d1 I uoL up1 ca1 tJ11,. alkrno1111 at \n1it1•lt.1l. L they

1,\ ht prollereth Jij, tliri.:u 1uill1ons to Ii(' p:ticl in :\fay n<>xt \\'c• all I~ 1r Ji, \\ill I ro\'1: liut n mou11tcu.111k, and hi,- pr"J' •·t ,1 ,,c-,·oml r.1rt of E11t1 ml'.~ .I !/· llu ~··11t a h·tt••r tt11tn tin· kiug, lhe ropy when•of i!! tl11~ .

Gft r o 1 f'.f .Ir! ·to F1lio. 1 I nri.~ll"u Ovmi11u Cr11'(1/o, lmperatori /Jrzlu ·cu 1/1111/d~cim u~~f/llJJ'llllt /lf·!d:

"1 IH/Gl~HS

·· :ir. 1''t.::-.."

II 1 1 me, th ,. sn.r. i J>hilippus l hhcrtu-; nrnl )us :uub:1::.:;ndw's or rn n •r'- 11.1m..: (\\l1i1·h '"hut. n ~outh) 01tw1:-:rs .

.lfr . .1/tttd fu Sit ;l/. ,'ifflf• !'Ill .

1 'lm-t' I 'ollc.;c. l•e ·ember 2, 1 G!.!G.

Page 10: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


J;totable ~osicruci:nn ~oohs. Br .\1.W. FHATLR \Y1L1,1.rn J.rn:r.:; HuonA'i, S.S.M., P . .;\I.Ci.


London, prinkd by F. ,)/. for Giles (a/url, at the 1.ilack spread Eagle at the \\' est end of /'11 uh. I 6 50."

(Collfinuerl from /ICC[Je 210.)

Umlemeaih the.v hau suh~cribed lltl'LUscve~, 1 Fra: I. A. Fr. G. If elecli011!! Froter11itatis caput. 2 Fr. G. r N. P. C. 3 Fr": R. C. Tu11ior lw::re.< 1:>. «11iriln.<. 4- Fr11: B JI. P. A. f'il'ior ~- Arr11ifrd11s. 5 Fr G. G. .lf. P. I. Cub1tlista.

bl'cll 11di L'ircul i. F1·a · P.A. Successor, Fr· f . 0. ,lfrtt11e11111tic11s.

::! Fru · A Successor, Fra. P. D. 3 Fm: R. S11crsssor pcdris C. R. C. cum <.Jl1rislo tri111n11hanl.

,,\J the end was wriilen, Ex Deo nnscimur, i n Fe:w morim.ur, per spiritum sanctum

revfriscinws. ,,H that time wa-s alread\' dea1l Brother I . (). and Fra: D. hut their

burial place where is it t'o be founu 1 we doubt not but our Fra. Sewor hath th\j same, anJ some especial thinq layd in Earth, and perhaps likewise hiuclcn: we also hope that this our Example will i;tir up other~ more deligeutly to enquire after their names (whom we have therefore publit-hed) :incl to search for the place of their hu1ial; for the mo$t part of t I.em, hy rea,;on nf thrir practice ancl physick, are vet known. and prai,:.erl amo11g very ol<l folk!< : so might perhaps our Gnzri he enlarged, or at le:i·4 b1i hetler cleareil.

Concemiug 111inutum Alundum, WP follnd it kt>pt in another little Altar, tr11ly more finer then can he ima~ined l1y any understanding man ; but we will le~wc him 11111le<c1·ilw1l, nntill we shal truly he a11;;;w ... re1l upou !ht;; our true lwnrkcl F<11wm1 ; nncl so we 11ave coverecl it ag:ii11 with tlw pbles, 111111 "el thP altar thereon, ;.hut the door, and macle it sure, \1 iLh all onr ,,..a]s; lil!"ide<; by i11::;t1 uction and command of om Rota, there are come to ;.ight some books, among which is contained ,1/. (which were 111ar1u i11 st!'.'ld of housholcl care by the praise-worlhy JI. P.) Fin:'llly we dep11.rt..;tl the one from the other, and left the natmal heirs in po~ses~ion of our Jewels. Aud so we do expect the an<:wer and judgnwot of the learned. or nnle:'lrned.

Howheil "'e know after a time there wil now be a geucral reforma­tion, both of 1lh·i11e and humane thing,;, acrorclin~ to our de5lte, and tlte expertation of at.hers: for it's fittinf!, ll1at hefore the r1 ... ing of the Sun, there shonld appear and break forth Aurora, or some clearuess, or divine light in thl· skv : and ~o in the m<>an time some few, which ~ha.II giye thPll' names,· may jo,rn togetlwr. theorebr to mcrea~e the

Page 11: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

11t1111lrnr arad resp•• l •' '"" Fl'Jler 1if!f, .111 I 1111!. ,1 laapp,r and w1-h .. 1l fnr 111 ·111ni11~ ot 0•11· /'Ii lt1i11p/11,.,tf f'11111111s, ]'l'l'-rrihe1l t11 \I'! liv nnr

lirulh• I' fl L'. a11d ''" with us of 0111· tn~asUl'L'" (11!1wl1 111•vn CJll f' . 11r IJ,. w.1st1 II) i11 :ill hu1uiJ1l,. a111l lr\\"tl t1J lie 1·a cd ol' this worlds J,.oor, anti uvt w.ilk i;u bhnoll\ in th•• k11owl1:d~., of t lte wo111l1 r-ful work,. of God. ·

But. tlut al-o ll\ er) < 'hri•-ti.iu m.n know vf wh:it l!clig11111 and bt-l11~f we art:. WI.' eonfL to haYc tlae k111ml1 L· ,.f .Tc,u• l'h1t•I ((ii

tho ":11111' 11011 in tin'"' l.1 I 1I:tv~. am! l'1111 th 111 GP/'11111111/, 11111'L dear .111d pur" j,.. pru(pss1·d, .111d i's nnw adays 1:1 anse1l u111i v11yd of ull 111\'1 l'\'llll{ J<1111pl1•, ll1•1·l'Lirk ... anrl fulst· 1'1•11pl1l'I~.) ill Cl'l'lain a11d noted l'111111l!it,., 111.1i11ui111d, dt•li·11dt>cl at1d pr11p:ig.1t1"l: .\ho 11·,. 11•1• two S.i ftlllltlll". a· rl1ey uno 111«titutetl with all F11r1111..; .t11d < 'ere111u11fr1> of tli ti t re11 .. ,1·e I i•hurrh. fn Pvliti11 \\1: Dt'kuuwled.!e tl1 .. //,111, "' Emp re 11ml Qunrlmn l/1m111clti 11n for our C'hri-tian held, nlhmt W•!

k1101I' w}1:it nltentt1011s b• ut hand. uutl wo 1111 la111 imp:ut tl1e .11nu '' 1tl1 ill our he.1rt:;. Ill 11tl11 r ~odl.\ l1•.t111L0cl 1111.!ll : 11ulwitl1•t 111cl111g u11r l1.111d writi11g wltl!'lt 1 111 our h.rntl•, 1111 111.111 (l'Xn·pl ( ;111! 1110111') can lll'1k1• it <'ot11ruot1, 11111 auy 1111wortlay p1·r~o11 r• 1111!1• l11 l1l'J'!•n1'1• 11~ 11f it. B11L w~ 1iliall lwll' wilh ,t·•·rd ai<l thi!> "" g<111d n 1·au~t'. ns I :ml h.d p nmt 01 hinder us: For 11ur Go1l ts not hliwk a~ tla~ l lt'.Llltcn~ Fort a, l,ut i-. the ! 'hurche:; Ornament, 1111.! the l1l111or vf tl1 • 'J cmple. Our PJ. /..)Sf)phy n}i;o aio tlf)l n new !11ve11t1011, Lut "" ,1dam ufkr Jij,. full h1th recen·e<l it, 111111 a.; JloS•'$ anti SD/1.mw11 u~etl it: al o slu: 011•ht11 Jt much to ho llt1ul1l•~l ot: or 1•011tradwt1-1l h.,. otl1t•r opin1011<1, 11r 11wrni11g-; hut s1•t·i11g tltP lrulh i pt :1n• 1!1!1-. hr1,..f. a111l alw ') .. 1 hku l11•r B• If 111 :ill tl1111gi<, and "'P·{'a:ially 11rPnrd1•d lty with J1•s11.~ 111 1w1111 /lflrl1 (ltarl all Oll'1Jal1i'll!. ,\ 111! olS 11 ... ;~ lli1• true I ll18gl.' vl lh1• I• 1tl1cr, so 1 he hi- I11u1gc; It h:al 11ut hP smcl, ll11s 1s tr11i> a1•corcl111i.: t'J Pit lus 1pl1.'1, but true 1ccord1t1'.! to '/'lie 1/u9i1 : An1l wh .. rcir1 /'/afo, Ar totlt'. Pytlm 1un11 11ul oth~r=- did Int the mark, aml whrrein J.'1wr:l1, A braltam, l/1>Sl'I, Sol111110n 1litl ©:Ld : Lut c-,pec1ally whrru­\\ Jlh tlt::1t wnmlcrful hfluk tbc /l,'bfe aµu·elh. ,\II that ~.1111c l'Otlf'Urrctl1 lo;:t!Lh· r. anJ 1111 kc a Spli•·re or I .Jo1l11•, wh·•~P tot ti p.11·t'J urn ~·rp111l 1ril 111 l from t lw ( 'P1t l1·1', .is he1 "ll mor1• .it. hrge auc I 1r111r1• ('lai 11 eli al 111 "'l"'k~n of iu < 'lari~ti,rnly Co1tl1·r•·1111·

But 11ow "011ee1m11r.: (.md cltietlv i11 this our 11g") tlw 1111i;:udly n11rl aecurs cl G'old-mul in/, wl11ch hath ~~1tlt•11 o mueh the uppt•r h 11111, 'I\ h r. h~ nuder colour ol 1t, nl.tnJ run 1,.: 11•· uml r<rJui-h pt.'(1plc do u~ E?rtil nllauie,,, nud rozi•u 111 I !llms(• th,. 1 ndil whil·h 1s J.!l\'c11 th• m: ~I l 110\1 aclJ.V,; 111111 11 Ul l'l!LJO!a •Jo hold Lia' llTlll lllHl.<ltlull or ;\f1tt11,

io h fh • l1i,:lic.s1 P'" it, 11111! f11.~tiyi11111 Ill f'/11'f11,(111•li!J, Lill:; 111 .ill ll11·ir i11IC'11t, and di·~in" 11111 tli.d. ~~ml w1111ld 111• 11111~(<>Pntllil liy lh<'tn, .1111l l1111111rPd, wlii1•la 1•1111ld 111akP gr1•al. 1dor1• 111 <:ol•l, und in :dt1111d1111<'1', the wluch with tlllJll'l 111 ·clit LI•• pr.1.\crr1, tl11•\' hrcpr· tv ntt.ii11 111' tlie alknowrn~ 1 ;nrl, ual ti· 1r1 lll'r 11f nil hc;uts: we th• refor.- 1!1> lw tht•u pn Ill· t ttfic, !'hat tht true l'/dlc.1c11•her11 are for or anothl•f min it', "'ll'llOlll~ htt)e the mnklllJ.: Of (;nit!. wJ11cl1 i~ fi11t n 111.r"1'.1m, for hi'! 1tl,.c; 1h1t the,· ha\e a Lh1J11sa1ul bett•·r 1J1111gs

Page 12: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


.\11d we i;a.v with om· Jo, in!{ l<'atlwr R. ( '. <.:. l'/ty. c111r•mt 111s1

q11e111tum 1111rum, for unto them the whnl1• 11al11r1• i,; ddecte1L lw doth not n·.1ovce, that hl• c:\11 make Goh!, .in•I th.ti, a-. <:,1ith Clni~t. the denb :tn· olJC1l1111t unto him; lJUt 1s he t>t'< tli th1J Ilean·us op1•11, u11d tlH' .~ngels of Gml ascetlding awl tlc4c1,u11ing, and l11s 1rn1111•

written iu the ho11k of lifo. ,\l-n w1· do testilic that 1ui1ler th~ name of Clt!flllfa llllUIJ books ancl picttm.'" an· Sl't forth in Co11f1w1elwm alol'ire Dt•i, as we 'l'il nn111e tlwrn in lhei1· 1l11e sr•ason. and wil givt• t•> the pm., .... J11·arte1l a Cahlo~ue, or ltegi..;lt·r ol th1•111: "\nil we JtfaY all Jr•rn·nctl 111en to t 1ke h1•1•1l of tln•se lrnl!le nf Books ; for t lie enem.} 11ner rnst<•lh, lmt sowl'tl1 his \\'l•etls, ti! a ill ronger 1111e dot Ii root it uul t-i•) u1·corcli11;: to the wil .11t<l Ill• .111ing of PttJ: U. R (' we hL-. hretltrell l'\'llllii'I a.'-(nin all the lt'arncd m E11r1111e, whu sltal r1•au (sent forth in li\'e Ln11~nagPs) this our F1n1111111 awl f~u1~1i.~~iv11l'l11, that il wo1tlil plcase th• Ill with g<10J tldilw1 .. 1tion to ponch:r this our oiler, and to c.\alllim· most 1warly awi 111nsl r-harply rlw1r .\rt~, .mrl l1Ll1ohl tit,, pn•s1:ml timl' will1 11.ll 1liligem'l'. nrnl to clccl.trt• their mi111l1", eillwr Uumm tnit'•d" co,..~ilio. or >1i11qulali111 11\ l'rint.

Aud alllwu~h at tJ11, ti111c.wc 111akc 1w mention eitlll'r of our 1umt?s. or meetings, ,r'et 1wvrrt lwless l'V<'ry 01ws tlpinion shal assur,•tll~ cunw to 1n1r 11:11111-. i11 what l:lllguag1· :-o l::\'1•1' il lie: nor any Lady shal fail, who so gi,·cs hut l11s 11:11111.' tn s}'c·ak with BOmc of us. 1·ithcr lJy wnrd of moull1, m· clsll if thcr1• he son1e lett iu writing. .\utl thi~ we i:;ay fur a truth. That who.;1wwr ~hall t>arue-.tly, a1ul. from his 1te:trt, hc:;r a11'1·ct1on unto ns, it sb.11 Ut' bc11dicinl to him iu good,;, l1ody nnrl soul ; hut lie is f.dsl:-hear!P<l. or llllPiy g1w<ly of l'iche~. the l>lllUt' first of all shal not lie ahle in au, TTJ.alln•·r of \\'l'•P to hurt tb. hut biin~ him­self to ulh'r ruw" at.d 1hstnH'tio11. Also our Lnildin..: (although one J11111tlred th11u~a111l people had very 1war St>rn an<l llt'hd<l thr. same) shul fur C\'l'I' remain untouched, 1111<lPstro\'C'tl, au<l hitl1lcn to the wickc<l wurl<l, sub umbrt1 afarnm luar11m Jelw1•,;lt,

A Prefw·e of tl1e nmf,.,·~ion fll thr. Rearll'T fClw ts rlt!sirnu.~ •/ ff"is•/om.

Ilt•rc Uentlc Rt·mh·r, you shnl 1lu1lc mcor('nral.etl in our Confess11Jn thii·ty se,·ru l'.t•a!-itllJS of our purpo~e, a111l i11l1•11ti1111, tlw whfrh arcor•l­ini; to thy plrasurc lhou mayst ~1·~·k out antl compar•• r hem togethl'l·: thull ma~·st also coni:;i<l('l' with thy M•lf, if they lw w··ighty, and !'Utlicient e11ough lo 1.iriug nnd JH·r~wariL lh1•£' 1:,r to l'lk1 our part.~. Y 1·ril~- ii r ... 1uirl's nu sm,11 paiu~ to contir111 that whi1•h men h:1\'C IJ!Jt

yet seen, hnt \\lwn it slml once 1·1Jll1 to light w1• tlo11ht not, ln1t. llir•y will thi·n justly be a f'hnme•l nf '<Udt t!o11l1t• ancl i:•,11j1·1·tnr1•s. .\nJ 1-;

wt• tlo now alto •1•th1•r s11•urc·h', lrcch". n111l wllhnut all\' hurl C'lll the Pope of Rome AnLichrist, th~ which lt1•rvtofore was lt~'ltl for a 1lcadly i-.iu, am! ~uch in :ill Countrie~ W••rv put to dP.1lh for tl. :-)n wr km>w <'crtainh-. that the time :.lnl likt'Wi~e rome, that t11:tl whid1 we \ct k1•1•p iu· >l'l'l'et, w1' shal openly, fn•c·ly :rnrl with a lour! V<liCl' pnutish an1l confe.;!\ it before al the wmld: the which f;eutl,. H111d11· wish with us with all thy heart, that it mt\" h.1ppr>n with ~I' 14'

Page 13: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E


( '1):\ J 1~~~111 Ftt.\ rERSITAl'IS,

01· /he Cv111i ••i• 11 of f/16 l1111I1Uc Fnden ity of flie mo,/ l1011ol'abl,.

Ur / .. r of Ilic Hu11ie f'ro·~. wriltf'lt In 1111 /, amcrl o/ };111·01 c.

Page 14: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

I~ mrn<l '' hu w1ll 111.1k1• tlw111-1•hcs kuu\\ 11 1111111 u.-, 1111l • 11111e 111to 1111r brot hurho11il, ;;h:iU Ii mlt· 11lilrt' wnndt•1·t'ul st•et·l'f- Ii\· 11, lln u h1•retoli1r1• the\ tli1l 1tttlin nnto. a111l 1lt l k11uw. 11r ar1• .1hl1• to h l1cw t•t utt r.

\Ylw1·1.furl!, to Ul'l'l n·c l1ricth •llll' l11t:a11111·~ hl'r<'nt'. w" un~ht 111 Ii),,, .. nrefulh lluL tlwrn lie uut 1•11ch .1 w011oleri11,{ at onr 111e1•li11g 111 I :t•lhorlal1011, hut that likvwisv 1•\'1:n 1111L ltlt\' k11nw, th.ti 11Jt]1,,11..:h \I· rlo lii~hh .. ~\,•ctu :l111l rc, ,,11 Li 111· •I• rt,.,· awl,,. 11•t,, w11 11~\·11·th1• le,., ho>ld 1t tit. tlwt thl' k111.nd1 .. Jg,. th1•n•or lie 111ani11',\t>d .11ul r1·\'1ml1·d t IJ Ill ll \ .

Fo1· it I• to lw t 111~hl 1wl li1•li1•w1l, th 1! this uur 1111h11p1•1l \\'111111;.: 11!111· \I il r.tise 111 utY .llld 1li\·pr, 1111111-:ht~ in llllll. 1111tn wh11m ( 1q \i.~1) l1u nnkunwn .1/ 1·t111 /,, ( .rt.1 ,, f 1/i<. (fl' th ••e wl11d1 hr t' · 1-011 of tl11· l'Olll'•L' ol lht· w11rld. t•sl. •1·111 the thin'.!• to r·omr: lik1• unto the J'lt"<CI1f,

.111 I u1e 11111 Ir,•cl tl11 111..:h .di 11111111l·r of 11111•ilrt11111tic- 111 tl11~ th•·tr t1111e, ~" tlut tl11-y lh ,. llll otll!'rll'i><l' i11 tlw w11rl1l, 1111•11 lili111]P 1;mk wltu r.111, in tlw d,•.1r ;:-,1111· .... hin• 1l1n Ji .... l r11 .111<l kuow 1wth111,:. tit n unth 11\ 1't·1•li11.!.

' Xllw l'onc ·1·t1111~ tl11• ti1"t I' 1rt, Wt• 111111 tlu•, th• \h•1ltt 111011 .... ,

knuwlc1L;, .11111 i11n·11t11111 .... uf ttlll' l11d11t.: l lin,,11.111 1'.11hel' (11f all tit ti. wlti ·h fro111 th .. lic:;i11111u~ of th. \1·,1rl1l. lf 11t< n·;,.1 }Ill, ctlhllr tl11011 •Ii l;,, l\ I • ,. ·latiun, or thn111..:h the .... 1·1 \ i1·1• of tlw .\11gds 111111 :-pi1 ih. 01

tln1111;.:h lite ,;h 1rp11 ""' a11il tlc1•11111•-<,., of 1wtl1·r.-t 1111li11..:. 1;r thr(l11..:h 1011..: ob' •n'.1L •n. 11< • an I exp• rien •. h 1th t 11111 l (•Ill . \ll\'1•111 .. d, l11ull..!'ht fu1Lh. co11"·1·tt·tl, n11d Lill nnw h:1tla l1t:t>11 p1·np1;.:al1•d & tr·111:-pl 1utud) arc .... v 1•x<·1·ll~111 wo1rthr .1rnl :::r.• 1l, it ill li11uk~ .... hllu I pe11-h, un•l hr ('.:oJ's .tlrni!!lttr :;nUi.Lnce, all \\'l'iti1tg,;, & 1111 ll' 1l'lli11~ «l11111ltl lw l~-t. yet. t lw po .... t~rity will ht.'. ublt' 01wk t herel•\ h• l 1\· a ll•'W touucl.1-tiv11, ,mil liriu~ trnlh to light u~.1in; till· which petlnp,:; Wl)Ulcl not lw i:;o h ll'll to •lo a'! if 0111• "hu11ld h ·..:iu to pull down nl\11 rh 'troy th•· ••I I i·uinou,; l1uil1l1t1.(, 111<1 th1•11 h··giu t•J <'llL>r~c tlw !01·,. L\mrl, atL1•n\\U'<(s l1riug tl1P I fr:hb ill l lte L11• l,!111 ..:s. :111.t I h1·n rh mg•' the door .... , shpJ,.~ .u11l otht ~ tl1in~s U"t'<mh11g II\ 011r inlt.mti1111.

But tn whom wonlcl 11111 this ht! ll•'<'•'l'l 11'!". li1r t•J liu 111 .. mif1•"t••tl 111

.. ,·en· orlf' r.1tlwr then to h.n'<· it kcpL n111l •p:11<'d, b an l'•j11·1·11l oru.mwnt lor till' app11int1•cl ti1111• t.o 1'111111· I

\\'hcri•fnro .... houl•I we 11111 with .tll our ht'1rt• tl'"l mil r1•m.1in in th· orwly trnth (whh•h 1111:11 tl11ongl 1 so lit.Ill\' t'l'l'i•1t1•11us ,1111) 1'1'1111k1•1\ W:l\ s <lo ~c1•k) if it h.ul 111\t'h plt•:i·t•1l I :11 I \11 li!!hl •n 11nt11 11- th1• -ixtli <'.t11d1lt1l1r1t1nl Wt>l'c it nnt g11t11l 1li.1t Wl' 111•Pil1·d u11l to 1'.ltt•. 11nt to foar hu1q1•1', l'O\'l'l't_r, ><irkn•'"" .iwl .1;;1• I

\\\:re it n 1t .L Jll'L'l'h1u,.. tlnu,!. lht! ,\1111 •ttlll•l alw11·-; It\" '"'• ,,, 1f

You It ul liv'd t'rom Ult' lw..:i11ni11-' 11f \ h · w •rid. and 1111r .. ,1·1·1, .1~ \'P'I "houl1l "til lt\·11 to th• entl th1•1 •11f I \\'1•11• it 11 •t • x1 ll1•11l. \nu .fl\' I in 11111••', n1•ith1•r th1· jlL'Ojllt· wl1ll'h 1lwt>I l11•\1111d th1• l{tHI' U·w1/l'..S in tlw /11d1• < 1·11 tl•l hitl an tlllll!:!, ll•ll' th 1-1• "hi1•h It\" 111 Per// might In• able lo k1•1•p ,.;1•1•r1•1. 1,111 tr l'llllllst•ls lru111 tlu ,. I

\\\·re it nut a pn eion, tl1111~. \ 1111 eu11l1l ...,,, I<' I I 111 fllll' 11n1 h hook, ,rn.t with.d h,\ r1•11cli11g 1111ill'r"t.111tl, 1l1t•l 11 1111·11il11•r all th:11, whit-Ii Ill .tll otJi~r b•J11k" (\\ hi1•h h ·1ct11lvl'I Ii l\'C I, •tll, 111cl oil• 1t11\\, 111'1 h l ·

Page 15: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

11ftc1• -.l1al 1·0111e ont) hath ill'•'ll. j._, arnl ~hal lu• learned, a11rl found out of them l

Jlow pie rnut Wf·rc it, th:'lt yon rould ~" -i11g, that in ,,\parl of stony ft> ks \"Oil ' 11Jd 1!mw to l!t1• (ii'•llh and f·l't'•'I •U" StO!ll'•, Ill -.t .. ad of "111 heast!<, ~pi1·ih .11111 i1hlea1l of hdli-h P/1110, mo' o 1 Ji,. mighty l'tllll't·:; of t 111• 1rorl1l 1

11 Y•I J•t'"PI'" ( :n.[s C<HLLh<'I i~ for .. 1 lll'rw1:;l', who Ital h 1·011clnc1t,1l 11 '' t en 1 - • u11l l• tlir 111111ilwr 11f our Pmfernily, lht: wl1ieh '' "1th 1mch j ' Ji1,·c 11111lc·1·t 1kr11, ·•"we h:n-1' hel'ctoforc 11hlni11eJ thi;; gr 1t. tNa ur "ithout our 11wri1.:i, Y~ 1 wit ,rny our h11pe<, aml th 011,..l1t : nnd p111p1>"<i with Ilic likP lid1•lity to put th• i;:une in r•ract1c . that Jlt•ither the CfllllJlll~Sion ]IOI' I i1y of Olli' O\\'ll children (wli.1,.J1 ,,nru1• nl ns in 1lw Frnff'.r nil!f han•) i;lwl 1lraw u~ frnm it, htt 11•c 11 e k1111\\' I hat these 11nl1n111'<l It•!' :.;11n11' caimot lJ1• iuheritecl, 11 1 bv h 1111 • he 11ht.1i11<·d.

If th t~ ht• "t>me hocly now. which on the oth •r side wil l·n111plain of our cli-1·r tu•u, th 't we otl1·r mn· Trca,.1111' sn freely, and without 1111) d11fcn:ncf• to 111 me11, nwl du nut mll11•1· r1• an1l r<'spt·ct mnre tl1(1 H" I Iv, l1•,m1t·cl, wise. or pri111·ely per~nns, tht·n the cmnmnn people; thn •we 1lo 111•t <·n11tr;11licf. s11·i11·~ it i~ uot 11 ,,[i~hi awl ea"h· 11111\ter; but with Ill "l i~niti~ ~o n1111·lt, <rnr A,.,. 11u1 or ~l'<Tds will no w \" he com111011. ,1111! g,ncrally ma1lc kuown: .Hthough tlu: }am•t he

t t rth 111 fi,.,.. lanl-,'llage-<, 111111 i- maJ1ii'e-t1 ii tu ••Vl!ry 0111., ypt we •I<> JI rt.Iv \en· W• 11 k11uw, tltat !!ti' cmleanwtl 111Jtl gro,.s wits will not re• 11\'I', ntir n·g.11·11 the same; 11~ ubo tlw worfhinc~s of thmw who shall h 1ccc•pte1l iuto nnr Fmt• rnity arc not e~ll'l'lll<'d an•l k11n1Y11 of us by Mans I 'nrPfuh11· , l ut l.y tlw 1:111..: of om· Hl·vdation an I .'.\laniii,stn­ll n \Vh<'r• ~, .... ii the 1111wo11hy 1·ry a111l 1'.111 a thonsa111l time:', or if UH•)· ~h.11l 11ffi:1· .1llfl pr•''l'lll tl1P11;s1•lies to 11>• a tliou"aml tillll'"· yet God l111th comm rnrlutl our 1·.1r-, I h:ll tlwv s!toultl hear 11m1t· CJf them : .\" 1, 1 :Cl1l ll'lth ,;o 1•11m11~iss1·1l 11,., ah11ut '~ith hi~ Clouds, that m1to us Iii~ 1•1'\"1111,, 110 Yiolcncu or fore" l'an he done or comrnitl1•d: wl1erefore w ni•ithPl' r:rn lw !'•'ell n1· k111J\l'lt l1y auy hn.Jr, l'X<'ept he· h.111 the t-yes of 11 Enc:JP. It hath heen ne1·t.,.,,iry tlut the• Pam" :-lwulil he set tort h in (fH!l'Y onr.,, >Inthr·r Tow,ruc, 1..·1'.111:-e tho:.<e ,.Jioul1l not he <l f1auded of tlw knowlc·d~ tlwrrol, whom (although tl!"')' h .. unlearned) C:od ha1h not 1•xrlml1~d frum lltP happirn•ss if this .FrntPrnity; the whwh .•h:ill t .. il1ncll0d anti 1'·t1'11•d into rertai11 dPgrr.o•$; a'! those• which d\\t'IJ in th I 11\ Drimrar in Aralno. who Itani ,1 for dilli·w11t politick 111.Jer from th· nt hrr A ruhlf111H. For thtrn clo g11\•pm nnl \' wi-t• imd und ·r-twd111g mcu. who h,1· tlw King,. pPr111i:<,..io11 make. parti1·ular 1.uw~: .1cc .. 1d111~ uuto wlw h 1•:xample abo 1!11· Gover1111w11t ,.Jiall l.w 111~t1Lnt1·1! 111 l•:nrr11•'' (wlwrt·uf \l'l• !1ave a d1°H·l'iption i-1.'L ilnw11 h~ our ( '111 i•ti.111ly F.11111 r) wlll'n fir~t j, 1ll!HP and 1·111ttl' tu pa-.s that. 1d11ch is to pr 1•f'rl • \11d tl11,ucelinll1 11111 Trt!llljll'I shall puhh11u1•lj i;ountl \nth 11 101111 0111111, atHl ~11~t 11oi<P, wlwu n:1111dy the ~:uni! (which at tin pre~rnl 19 ::lwwecl ll\' fi w, :mil j.; l't:rc·tl), a,. a thin;.: lo t'ome, decl:lreJ 111 F1~11r•·s a111! l'id nrt·~) ~hall lw frN and p11l1h1pwlr pro <'him• tl, anrl 1111• wliolr· \\'orl1l h~ fillP<I wi1h:lll. F.vPu in ~111·h mnnnPr

Page 16: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

.b hl'l'eto1fv1· .. mau) ;;udly l"'''f'le h,t\ l' ..... ,·1·c::dj .1ml llltug<.:tLc1 de•J1l'l.tld,\• pusht at thtJ Pop•·s 'f\mnny, which nt'krwnnt~ with gr<'at rnnll' ... t, nrul f'sp1·1·ial ,,, .. iJ in C•r11u1t1!/ w., ... thrown lrn111 his ... 1·at, a111l tmd•lt>n 1t1111el'· toot, wlto'" ti11al foll j, 1ll'l,\y1·1l. nutl kept for 01.r ti111e". wh .. 11 he a),p sl1all lie ::.cratrhed iu pi\•c1•s wit11 nails, and a11 l'llU L,• 111;11lc 111 h1:-1 Asst>s t'l'_\. liy a Uf'\1' Vll_\'<'f': 'fft., which Wt• k1111w is 1thl'<1rly 1·easu11 d1h 111:111if;•,,L .l11tl kuown to mnnr l1·:uned 111eu i11 U1 rm1111!f, a>: tlt1•i1 \rritiug~ and "e•·td C 'r111;.:1.ll11lat1utt~ rlo ... 111til-i1•111 lr witrwss tlre ::,11111 ... '''l· cuultl h1•r1· Jt•latt> n11d d<·rlan: \\'hat all tlte ti11ll', from 1111' year of' our Lnnl l:J;S. (i11 wl11d1 \'•'.ti' 1111r Chri ... ti.111 }'.ttlll'r was Imm) till now, l1:1th h.1pp1·11· ti, wlu·11· we might rPlw1r:w what alter 1hn11s }rn hath ;;cpn in tire \\"11d1L tlll•so• one l111111lred six \'l'a1·...: ol' hi...: lit'<-. wh1eh It" hath l<'ft to our l:rethr1•n arnl 1,.. :dlt'I' !tis rL1•t:c.1sc to p1m1>-1· • llut l1r,.\·il\·, whi1·h we illl 00~1•1 \'l', will not pt>nuit nt thi« prese11t to 111akH 1 .. }11.,usal of it. till a mnn~ lit ti111t1: .\\this tim1· it i;i <'llllll~h 1'01· tl11•s1i

W It it• b do not rlt~~Jli"• 11nr tl el'i<tl'Hli1111, h:l\·i 11\X lhet·el'nl ~ hri,..lh· f 011rh1•r l i·, tlwrd•\ lo prep.tto lht> way for tlrl.!ir 11c1111.1i11ta111•f' nIHl hi• url,J1ip 'Y'I h II>'.

YPa. to whom il j;; per111itf1•rl, tl111 !ti' mar st'I'. mill f111• hi, i11..tru1·­ti1111 llSI' th11s1· ~n"tl L••tters .1111! ( 'ln11·,11•le1'-. whi<'h I h1• L1ml I :nil hath writll'n m11l imprinted in Tlenvcn a111l E.1rtlt~ E1l1fi<'t'. rhro11J1 the al!t-r:iti1111 11! ( ;ov1 rn111t:nt, winch It.1th ll!'l'll fro111 time ah1·r.·1l amt 1·1·111•\\',·11: I ho· sarnP j,. ahl'mly (:ilthnuglr a:s ~ l'I unknown tu himsdf) ours: Anrl .ts WP know he will nnl rl1·~pi-..t• our invit111,; and callin~. so none •hall fear an\ tlc-1·1-it ; for \\t' prmui'" ,ud up1111~· say. That no 111n11s upl·i;.:htuess anti hopl'$ shaU cl1·1·t'i\'e hi111. wl10,;u1·v1·r ,;hall makt· l1i111,::1•lf known unto u.;; undPI' tlw :-l1•al of :-l•·•T<'L\", awl d1·sir1• our Fmh•rnit\'. ·

n 11 to !ht: false Hypocrite,;, and to those· tliat lW•·k otltt•r thu1~s tlwn \Vis<lom, Wl' suy autl wiLn<'S-" hy tltcs1• pn~seuts pul1likdy. we c:m11ot br m.1rle known. and he 11etmvcd unto tlwm; awl mudi J..,, they >-h.1LI he ahl1• to hurt us 1111,: m mnn of way witlwnt tht> Will ol (io1l ; llllt they shall Cl'rt~inl~· hP partak~·rs or nil the punishment sp<Jkcn of in our Frm1r1 , sn t hl'ir wick1•1l Co1rns1•ls shall li~ht upon llwmsdn•,;, and our Tr1.,1sm·,•s shall r1•11mm u11t<1u~he<l

allll unstirr•<I, until tlw Lion dot!t come, who will ask them for his u:;;e, antl i111l'l11.v them fnr th1· ('l)tlfirmalion arnl 1•stablisli 1111'11~ of his Kin"dum. \\'<' ou~ht th<'refort· lwrc In ohserw w1·ll, .rn•l mak1~ it kno;n unto f'\'PJT ~ 0111'. that Ciod hath ccrt.1i11lv aml In'ht. a"s111·cdly C"111wlu1k•d to scn<l nntl gmnt tn t,lw \Vorhl liefore l11•r e11d, whirh pres1·11tl,\· tlwr1 npnu slmll ensue such a Truth, Lt!:!ht. Lifr. aml Cl11n'. as till• tir"t lll.ln Arlrrm Jud. whicl1 lw lo::.t in J>ar.1cli-e. afhr tht> ~\ hid1 Ins sucr .. ~sor~ Wl.'1'1' put, an•l clri\·•·u willt l11m I• tni:<t'ry: \\'lwreforo lh<'re shall cea•<' nll ;;crvitudc, folslroorl, lyl's, and illlrkne.i;, wl111·h lff little a111l little, with th<' ~rent \\'orld-. H• \•olnt1°111, wa~ <"tept into <Ill _\.l't'. "'orks, an•l C:nYl'l'lllltc'llt~ ol ,I .. n, :11111 haYe <larkcned t11e most part of tl11 m. J•'or from \ ll('llt:t: at'l' proeut·cl1·<l an i11n1111\erahl" !'<ort of .Lll m.1n11<'t of;1• Op111i11ns a11cl ll1·1·c:-ic'. that <or 111·1• thP. wi~ec:t nf 111 w;i... :ihlt> to k111•W whnqc Do1•tr11w 1111d I >pinion

Page 17: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

lit' ... ltould f11llow u111l e111br:11: .... :mil r•uu!.I 11ot wtdl anu 1·asilr lie tlisr••med ; se1·i11!.{ on the OU!l part tlwy W€'1'e dPtain,.fl, hind~rl'tl. .mil brought into Error,. tl1rough the resp1•1·t of the P!ti)u,.oplu:N am! leanwd Ill 11. au•l un the otlwr part through trm· experiem·u. .:lll the wlueh, wlu:11 it sh lll nll<'l' he .tl•olislwd anti removed, anti in ,..t~a<l tl1l'J·e11f" ngl1t and tme H11l1• in,,tihtted. tl1l'1t l11l·rt will remain thanks untu th1·111 wlti1•h have hk1·11 pains lhen•m; lmt lltu ·work it self sh 111 ho 1Urih•tl,.1l to tl1•• 1:1t• ... ,.e.J11es-< 111' mu· ,\,.:e .

• \ « w • 111\1· ''illiu~ly •!Ont•··"· that 11nu1\' pnncipal mf'n hy their \\·ritm~'S \111! 111• a ! furtlwnmce unto thi,. Heformation whic·h i~ to ··orne: ~'' \1•· de~ire 1111L to lun-e this ho:1011r a,,cdlll·cl to 11,,, as if suc11 wo1 k "'' 1e only 1·111111n:1111h•1l arnl i1uposi:1l upon us; lmt w<~ r· .. 11h«s, uwl witnrss open I,\· with the Lord ,fos11s Chris1, tliat it shall f,r t hiLpp•'11 f t.he ,;!11111·~ ,,Judi aris!', nwl offer their st•1·vii·1', he fort• !litre •liall lie uuy w1111t nf Exeeutors awl .\ccompli,,!tt•1s of God's < 'ut 11 d : yea, the L <•Nl (;ml afr,·a.Jy ::-ent h.,•forc cert., in 'illt• ~ •. u_,.r,,, ·wl1ich s11ould 11·-tific his ""ill, to wit, sOllll' lll'W >L ... fo

which <141 upp~:ir and 1m· st:l'll in tl11~ Firiua1uent rn S1·r1J1'1darw urnl Cy91111, wl1it'l1 "igoifil· a11cl give th1•111:Wll'f·s known l11 (•vrry on<-', tlt ::it tho.:,\· .11P JU•werful Siy11111·ula of gt••at wc>ighty mattn;;. 80 th n, t111 .. t<cc1t t hi1l "'tiling- a111l Ch~m•et•·r.; are ruo:.t Ol·cu..,qar~· for nll ucl1 thing .. which are found vut ll\' )fon : Although that :.,.rreat II uk of .\'cllt1rt i:; 0111•11 to all ::II1•11, yl't thPre :lfl' fmt ft.w 1 hit can l'l 1d 11111 nmln.-t.11111 tlw ~allle. For as tlwr1· is given to i\I H1 twn in. lr111nr-11ts to l1ear, likew1~e two to ime, nHd two to swell, l111l rrnh 11111• tn s11cak, 11111! it wt·re hut vnin to c.xpcr.l :;pee"h lrum the (• 1r,, or he:uing, from thP en,. So t}ll're hnth l11·1•n .Ag1·s or I'im ,, which have ,.,., n, tlwrc have al,.o 11een • \g1 s tli:1t havr heard, .-n elt) ntul tast1:'1 : uow tlu:re r"ruains yet that whirl1 iu short um~. l1onou1 shnll hC:l likewi ~t' glYen to the Tougur, am! hv the •a11w; wh 1t lwf()re time~ hath l1een srell, heard. and :-;rnclt, now hn:dlv :-liall he· :;poken aucl 11tk1·cd forth, riz. when thl· WMld shall uwnl,tJ out nf h• r heavy anrl •lruwsie slo·cp, awl with an opPn heart b:m·-hcad n11rl h.1re-ti.iot, ~1t.1ll merrilj ancl joyfully tm·c·t the now nri 111~ • 1111.

'l !Je,.c C'hat'llf'f•·t.• a11<l L··tl.<' r,., .1s Goll hath here and tlwn· incorpor­al1·.J thr·111 i11 l111• holy l-irri11t111·1· tl1C' Bihh. 1'11 hath hf' i111print1«l them most app.11'1•11th into th .. wunclt>rful l'r<'aliou of' He;t\'Pll nn1l Earth, \'• 1 111 all B1· 1-b So th.rt likl' a' tlw J[11fhe11u~fi1·iwt or J>1fr11nmn1•1· ~111 11111~ h('li11P sl"' aJ11I k1111w till' Eclip«·s \1ltich arc to c·o11w, so we rrt3\ H:rily fon .. know anti fun ""''l' the u.1rk11p,.,. of Oh~c111~1tions of th~ <'hurdt, 111<l how l1111g they ~11all la:c>t: Fr .. 111 the wi!i"11 Ch.nado•rs m·• r.:; w .. )ia\'(• l1onowcd 011r .lfagick writ in~ and haYc found out, ,111d 111a1l1• a ll!'W la11guagt• 1'111· our scl v1•:<, in the whil'l1 withnll i:< r•xpre~-o·ol nud 1l•·d:m•!I the Xntnrr of all Thingi;: ~o lhat it i~ no wur11ler th ti \1'1· Ill'•' not :-;o clr><111t'!11t in ollwr I~111~u.1g1::<, the whid1 WP k11ow that the\ alt alto'.;('lllf't• tlk1gret·ing to the L·mguagr.~ of our for, futhcra, A./11111 .1nil E11och, and Wl'H' through the Bahylonical C'r1ufu,jr,n whnl]\· h11ltl<'ll,

Page 18: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E

Hut \\I' mu-I nb•1 Id )Oil u111J .. rstn111l, th.1t tl11 re :n .. ~,.t so111c f.'uyleJ J'rnllnr,, i11 0111" way. the wliid1 1l.1 hi11dn •Jill" p11111 't: 'Vln.:l"dorc w1~ 1lo a1h11111ii,Ji "'"cry one f11r 111 rf'acl d1h.,f·ntly awl 1 u11ti11unll_\ tlw linlr H1Uu: !cir hc tl1at t 1kcth all lsiti l'l• a-llfl'" therc·i11, ho shall know 1 li.1t 1111 pr<:parcd for liimsi•ll a11 1•xc1·lll'11! wa~· ln •'C•Jll(• 111 to our fhdrnill!f For 11'> tlii~ i~ tlw whnl" s\llll <llld !'Ot1fM1t nl' 1111t Hnh·, That 1•v1•ry LL·t lt>l' <1r < 'hnra<"h•r wl11!'!1 is iu tlrn \Yorld 1111ght tn lil· )1•a1111•d <1J11l l'eg1mll'1l Wl'J1 j Ml IJio~r> Ul'I' )·kc llJltO HS, 111Hl :\l"C Y!'l"Y

111•:11 :tlly.-rl 1111tu us, wlw clo 111ak1• tl1e holy Bilil1• a Ht1ll' 111' tlu•i1 lift•, uncl an .dm awl entl nl ,di l hl'll shtdi••:-; }'l'il tu let it he ;t Cn11111e111li11111 nwl (;11nteut of the wliL1l1· "\1rl1l: .\111111ot onh' to have it l""ntinuallv i11 tlu• tllc'lllth. hnt to k1.ow how lo •'PJ•I\' ancl • dir, ct the tnw u111lcr· i:t l1t1ling of it to all ti111e,-< 1111cl ,\ge, ul llu~ ,,. odd. .\1:-o it. is not our ( 'u,l<>tn In p1·•)"1ituttt awl 111.1kc f:11 c111m111111 the hoh- Scrij1lu1·,~; for 1111·11' ar1 i111111111<1-al1le E:q11111111for, of the ,.arue: ~·1111r .illctlgi11g a11tl \1 ti',fi11~ it !11 s1·1'Yr fo1 tl11·11 01·inio11, !>11111e to ,;c.mdal it .. 1nil 111o~t \\'I( J;,.,lJy clo liktm it In a ~n-1• nf "·.ix. whicl1 alike :;honlcl i:1•1\'o tho 1Ji1•i11f8: f'h ilo.,·opl!ers, Ph !/i<ir'ia 11s a111 l ,I/ <1f /t. 1111tlici<m.~. aga 111,.1 :d I t lie whi!'li wt• 110 npeuly wihw~s allfl ;wlrn11wl1-rlg, Tl111.t frolll th•· lir•l,(illni11i; of lhl' \\'11111! there hath uot lw111 gn•,•11 uulo Men a rnnrr• wo1·lli\•, a mnr1• l'X<'l•llcnl, an1l rnon• admirnhl1• awl whnle~om Bonk thr•11 tlll' iwly JliUe: Hlt·!"~c1l is he that hatli llw 1<:1111e, n·a more li!c,.,.\'cl is ht who w:rtl~ it 1lili~l'lltlv. but nw::t h],.,~rd of all i,·he that truly u11tlcr,.t:1nclPLh tlw ,.,1mc, tnr most like to C:utl, and doth come lll~•"t 1war to him. But whnt:-11"n·r hath ht·en ,.;1id in the Fa11111 conct>111i11~ lhe J>l•Cc•in r~ against the Transmutation oi ,l/Ptfo/j, awl the highc,t .lfolici11P. in the \Yorltl, the "amt' is tlnh 111 lw 1111tl<'r,toorl, tl1.1t tlu" "" gilt of l .ou we do in no ma11n1ir ~et at nuu~ht, nor dcspisr it. Bui hl·c.1w•e s]w hringrth not w:ith her alway;; l he kuowledg tif NCJl11r1', hut tht~ hl'it1gdh fnrth nnt only llfulir·1111" hut ;ihiu nrnketl1 manifr·st and npc·n m1to 11s innnmrrable Secrets nut! Himrlers; Tuerefnr<' it is rP<JlltsitP, that wr lie enmest to attain ln the uudcrstandjng ancl k11uwl1·dg of J'l11lo.~011lty. And moreoYer, 1~xcc·ll1•11t 'Yits onghl nut. tn hi' tlnmn to the Tinctlll'<' of .1.lletlols, lwforc they b1• rx<•rriseJ wc·ll in tl11• know· l1·tlg nf .1.''af11n. Ile mu~t neecls he an unfatiahle C1·eat11w, who i!l rome sn 1.11·. that neit]1t'l' l'n' 1;:1 ty 1111r • irkne"" can hurl him: yc•a, who j;; exalted ahon! all 11tlH·1· 1111•n, nncl hath Rule o\"er that, the which doth angui::-h, trnuloll.' a111l 11:1i11 otL~·r::, w·t will gh•• him-df ngain to iJh.• thing;:, as tu hnild hc.uM·:;, make War,.., aml llS<' all 11ta1111i:r of Pride, because lw h.11 h of' 1';r1(.l .111tl Siker iufiuik ,.111r1•.

(Tu br ('or1ti111ud.)

11'1• 11C11•e !frertf plca.~111·1' i11 "1111u11111•i11g that a 11w.~t 1·v{1111b/t' lt'ork

lry l•'RATE£( W. J. HtrGtUN, on lhP "<.ll.f> C'TlARGES OF BHI1'18H FREID1ASOXS" is 11011• 1·eudy, prite 6 · FRl.TER Lt'ITI"t will /JP '"'Jll'!I fo 1·P.r11re fltP 1utmr.~ of s11/..~1·rilwr., n/ fmre, n.~ fl11• r1liti'n11 ;s I 1' n11 I ul.

Page 19: I (lSltRU - IAPSOP T Cubitt, Torch Bearer. "". J. Ferguson, I' 0:1d uctor of Novices. 0. R. Still, Organist. Mnjor E. H. Fiune~·, Herald, ,, E



l~ -- ' Li l lle Britain, Londo n.

Hbnuf.trfurrr of

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I,ist of Prices for Rosicrucian Je\vels. l\lctal <i1lt J1.:11el anrl ca~c, 11itho11t \l11n:

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