  • 8/6/2019 I know Now what I didnt know then


    I now know what I didnt know then

    by Mr.Tod A.Parker

    A dear friend of mine shared a bit of wisdom about youth. People could not believe she was the mother of two children when she was in her mid thirties.When aske

    d what was her secret to remaining youthful looking she replied, Always maintainsome of your immaturity in the childlike,silly sense ,and it will aways keep youyoung. Well you dont have to tell me twice about how to remain young. When we wer

    e all younger I do believe we used to say we couldnt wait til we grew up so we could do grown up things like use profanity. It was fun back in the day when we used to sneak and do it. It took s lot of practice to get it right so we had to find ways to sneak and use it around our parents. Remember sugar,honey ice ,tea? It was so grown up to use profanity .And use it well too. Every time you droppedthe F bomb on the playground around your friends you became cool. Come on now you know that the curse words are the first ones you learn when you are around lets say Puerto Rican people (I know all of the cuss words in sign ). And they learn ours and we both get them mixed up to the point where they re funny and dont so

    und at all like they were meant to.Then we all grow up and do the things that grown ups do , but that kid side kicks in sometimes and I chose to embrace mine .Entirely. Seriously. Oh and did I mention imagination? At my age x8 years old Istill find that kid like immature humor so funny. There is only one other pers

    on who gets it, and she just so happened to be the wise one who reminded me to maintain some of that immaturity. Needless to say we could spend hours on the phone talking about absolutely nothing yet laughing about it the whole time and cracking 5th and 6th grades jokes on each other .I believe her children are now almost the age we were when we met. Shes also a mathematician she can calculate accurately anything or any time frame .And a tomato grower (and tickler, too)I didnt know at that time that the friend I made 30 some odd years ago would still tothis day still be my closest and dearest friend.

    I think one the gr8est gifts that one could share with another is the gift of friendship. Along with that gift comes the joy of laughter which creates a smile.That is another fact that is true 100% of the time. It really is true! Try to laugh without smiling!! (please do not try this at home.) I know this can be difficult . Especially if you have ever been in an awkward situation whereas you haveto suppress the laughter and or smile with some other awkward gesture which is

    even funnier. Im jus sayin. That thought in itself is hilarious when you think about. And as for that bit about it being the best medicine.I definitely agree .Ithink network news is starting to catch on. If they deliver the hard-hitting news stories the way I do ,(with a new twist on the dull and mundane) I think wellget the dose of laughter we need. But just in case the regular news doesnt do it,dont worry I see a story about to brew.

    I mentioned awhile back about how news makers make news . By news makers I meanthe people in the new news. Atl has really gotten itself in the news lately. The horrors of the cheating scandal have been revealed and the truth is finally out. Im glad its out and Im sending a hats off to those who are coming forth to expose the truth. Teachers are leaders .They are in charge of leading the lives of the children that are placed under their tutelage. They are basically a childs front line to education and the worlds future. Theyre in charge of educating the mind of what could be the next Dr , President or teacher or actress . How many times has a teacher seen his or her student reach goals and feel in someway responsible for helping mold that mind.Without a fair education that child has more ch

    ances of ending up in the prison system, which is what the cheating scandal( hadit not been found out) would have been setting the students up for. After all t

    here is more money being spent on building prisons to house inmates than there a

  • 8/6/2019 I know Now what I didnt know then


    re good schools to educate children. Im jus sayin .Im lucky enough to say I wentto a public school in NJ and I must say I had gr8 teachers. I can remember mostof their names because I always had to ask him or her to help me with math. Andthey did. Never got more than a C because English was my strong point. I enjoyedwriting and it was my English teacher Ms S., who took the time to help me writebetter compositions.Still couldnt conjugate a verb properly or locate the prepo

    sition( nor do I have the desire) But I was able to create very colorful and ela

    borate stories back in the late early 70s when homework called for a 400 wordessay on what the future would look like in the year 2000. First I wanted to know how old I would be in the year 2000. But remember, math was not my strong point. Since science fiction really became science fact , I have to say I wasnt that far off. The cars in my science books back in 1969 are actually on the road now. I think I drive one .The cities of the future (as depicted in the 60sversion of the millennium) are really here. With amazing leaps in science doctors are able to diagnose patients the same way Dr Spock did. I hope the science fiction of Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green dont become facts. Im jus sayin. The technology that we only read about as kids is actually what educates the future generation. I remember reading in my science book about the invention of the computer. Now this was in 1970. It had an artists rendition and it looked a lo

    t like what Capt. Kirk used to communicate with. I would sit in awe and wonderwhat the world would be like if those things were real and now look, I can communicate with someone across the globe via Skype instantly. Now what the future looks like 20 years from now, well its the children who grow into adults that create that. They rely on a good support unit . Family (parents , hopefully, yet somany are being raised by grandparents) teachers clergy (when reliable) to help n

    urture the precious young minds into what will eventually mold the future of many other people. I know now what I didnt know then but the teachers who were the hardest on me were the ones who saw potential in what I took interest in . Particularly music and writing. There still are good teachers out there .They need toteach the ones who are setting up children to fail what education and the titleteacher is all about. As for the rest of science fiction turning itself into sc

    ience fact, well youre just gonna have to let my imagination runaway with you !