Page 1: I BRING ON THE POINTER GO I :,!,fl GREAT .GAME CLOSES THE ... · i l_~asket bring on ball the pointer armistice da~ number let's go basket ball i series :,!,fl vol. viii no. 3 stevens





BASKET BALL I Series :,!,fl Vol. VIII No. 3 Stevens Point, "\Vis., November 11. 1926 Price Five Cents



. I Recept10n to be Given at Hotel Th e morning after th e ni g ht b c-'l'he a nnu~ \\' C. A Ca ndle Whiting Tomorrow Evenmg fo1·c t he Dorm clientelc awoke to Squad Ends Season With Luck

Heavy W estern Team spoils Pomt Light Ser\'l cC "as held 111 th e . 1

h f 11 . fm,i' a rtwgcd substantia lly built I Agamst Them A11 cl 1t ormm \\" edncsclay. October l m l' I' 1 c a uspices O 1 . 18 dum > wa~on :rncl a healt hy sized

Record. 25 Maloney. loc,tl rc:;en t t he . tac- ·I \ ·t O d both of which looked !Jady !Juck played foot ball R1 ve1· F'a lls has a.-..ain \\Oil the II ~\ 11 of the members "er e dress.- ult y . an<l t he H ~tcl \Vh1tmg ~~ ; ~o~~g1;1ntl'i ey had been nn ncxccl ,a~a i11st the Point m t he las t game

" ed Ill ,, hi te am] holdm g Jirrhted ma 11 ag-emcnt, an m fo1 ma l r ccep- r ti f 11 .,. rounds reposinrr of the scuson, when \Vlu tcwntc 1·

annua l i'ootba ll t u:~sle fro m Ste- candles Tue; marched do" ~ t he t1on for ~) r ,md ~Irs B;1lch~,m o~~11~1si,!!1 ,ab~r~rc the' main en~ defeated t he Purple tcnm 21 to J 2 vens Pom t. ,vork mg a five man I msle s iiig inrr their son rr "Follow \\ ill be g' I\ en at H otel \\ h! t m g t. t )ti e Dorm 'rh c ga me w Hs nbout evenly dt•fc nsc arou nd t he ball "henever the Gleam' ? Af t er ti1 cy were ton:01~1·ow c, c11_111 g1 ,f.rom eigh t-

1~ ~~~et~n c\n the w·ce sma ' hours dl\i<l cd' between th e t wo teams.

1t \\as put int o motion, the seated , a quartc~ comprised. of thn t\.unt.JI cle, cn ° clocJ' n · . t- th e:se t wo imposm g ob.J ee~~,;; fo und H? th tca.~ s scor 111g ~s th• 1esult western tea ,\i J! rushed the P oint I :.\f r and Mrs. S teiner. )lrs Bibby A g:_1; ~1 e~~l c~m1mttec o h .n ee their way fo th e pla ce which they of th e e11 ors of their opponent s.

: , . a nd ?\fr ?ifill er san g: a g roup of ors "' It 1 • r . o~ers . ~is c fi ll'ma n I Otcn ie LI "hen the Dorm girls Two \\7J11te \\af c1· sco res we re defense until the last fe " m111u tes hymns. has chc1 1 ge ~f t he a ffnu:. Other saw f he f ll'st light of ·aay a fter I th e l' C'sult of th e Poi n t fumbles, of pl,1y. wh en t he local sc1uad R 11 11 t k d I mcmb,·is o t t ins comm1lt ce a rc 11 11 , Alth otwh it has a nd th e Purple sco 1·cs \\C l'C made

] 0 ca "as ..i ·en an enc 1 i\J' 1 l d f'il 1, Stein er u owe en o cl · h

soh ·ed t he chffi cnlt y, ant ~1 0- g irl stood up to sig-n1 fy her p1·es- l' l:s~ : t~ :sscy an ' (T f the been said that no definite clues on .. a n mt t•1c.cpt c "1 !tewater ceeded to hold th e ers twhil e lme- 1e 11ce and rcmamcd sta nding t o i ll :,;:-; CtdstC'n f~f c~at °C / H O ha , c been d1scovercd as to the \,~rs and a fumhlc bch111d the crackers to ve ry few ynrds ga in . rcai th e pledge. Th e c~nclles ~



1; ; ~~:.1~:~nt 1~nll°'::\h~ ident ity of th e culprits, ~t is 1~t c \\'ate r ,goa_1 .

S t evens P oiu t's only score was "ere t l.1 en blown out a nd lighted ,·cfre~hu~ent s . suspected th at n 1'!1 ovem~nt is .on Whitewater s f1f5t scoring_ play 1 1 " II k " 13 1 1 a~a m l rom th e 1,u·ge ca ndl e as I \ ll f Is of th e Norm a l foot to accept th eir con [css1ons. caught the Pomters nappmg.

mac C )Y a n~ n~rn ac 11

W l O tl~c g irl s marched a cross the ~cl~ool 11t~r11~\~mmu111t lllHI state A punt l'o rnrn t ion fo olctl th e

p1ckc~I u p n i; al b f umble an d r?st rum ~111g ing- " Onward Chris- arc nr rrC"d to att end [111s r cccp· WORLD FAMOUS CHORUS loca l squ ad, a nd \Vh1 tcwatcr r?n s ixty ya rds -fo r a touchdown, tian Solchers". I t ion. '"' passed t h irty yai·ds. The en d ~1dccl by MacDon~ld. who formed :\l a r eYa Ly nn ll'a vc a sho1·t TO ENTERTAIN HERE who rece ived 1hc p;i ~s Aook th e mtc1·fe rcnce aga 111st th e F alls ta lk a ucl introduced R ev. R eetz EDUCATION WEEK OBSERVED · ball ten ynrds bei'oref' stoppin g s~fe ty. Th_e F all ~ team was well wh o spoke on the mea n111 g of con- r N tiv Ukrainians Have Varied \Vhit .. cwut~r th en ~lunged ovct· mgh ~s ~c1 fee t ~s ~ te~ m ca n be secr,lt 1on I Th e [11·st nll't fo r th e N 1.1 t ional o. e Program th c, l111 c w1t J1 hard lin e plays. on offense. H o,\C,\ er , its The mect m g was c:losed by a :- . I n ~Vcck rorrra m was I . Clia1· lesworth took an enemy was _penet ra_bl e. ~[acDona!cl r<lll prayer a nd 8 hymn sung by the . ~d.t~Ccl~r 1 No,~ mber 8th at The conung of t h~ Ukram1an p. unt on the ten ya rd lin e, hut had of[ some m cc ga ms, makin g as . t I 01' en - one H) ' •

1 1 Choru s to Stevens Pomt on No v- th e misfortun e to drop the ball

much us fo rt y a nd fi fty ya rds, con~n ega ion th e regul ar •~ssembly pel'~C t ember 17 nt the Hi gh School whi ch , vhitcwutcr recovered' lwsid('s completin g J)HfiSes. Dr l3aldwm opened t e prlok- Aud1torm:n should be ha iled ns \\' hi te water nirain drove fo r th ci1:

, ,..,. r 1111 with an mt roduct ory ta ' t· ' f t ~ EDITOR ANNOUNCES I e ' ti d · t one of the most mteres mg, 1 no second touchd ow n. F alls ' Atta<:ks Solved.

on ic meanm g an mms 0d th e most int crestinfl' e,·cnts of the rrh e Cirst Point score came in ~he Poin t's game was eharac- 1: FINAL IRIS STAFF !~circa\~~;\ ~V1e~1c~ ~o:

0t~!1oa~eh local mu sical seaS~l This year , the second c1ua rt r r. when Pa ~kert

t ~l' IZ~d througho~t t~e battle by a ,.~( ,C1~ I r .e:\l t l" a JOrticu}at~y the COllCCrt progra m~ Of thlS Caught. a flyer a nd wen t :t orty

f 1gh t111 g detcrm111at1on to stop ~ c clc,C:,,, t Id 1 0 t i \1

t world fam ous Chorus will have, m ya 1·ds for the sco re. The oth c t· t he queer offcn'se th rown out by 1 Pl d b t book ~nJ° comp.1 'j180nt'wi 1

1C ancien addition to t he pi cturesque music Poin t scol'c came wh en , vhi tc-

borrowed the style of play p op- \V ork on th e ll'ls 1s now 111 full . a f s . ' d . e can folk songs, arranged by Pro- went s traight up rn to the air , f ull-River Falls. The Falls coach an to pro uce es year · · t~: 11


Je; ~,?1~~onwho has been I of Ukra ine, a number of .Amer1- wa te1· pu.ll cd a ~ad punt1

. which

ul ar twenty yea rs a go, a nd used it swin g The contracts have Ucen f~1"~,.:~l i°:~e,l~SIC ,~1: /a; ·~r~ ~~~fc1 f essor Koshetz, the composer -con- i,~~ to th.c g round. behind the

to g reat ad van tage. The Falls' a\\ard ccl a nd staff members a re ll S "r a e 1~· g th 1 ~d and duetor k1ekc1·. A l ter bouncmg about the wedges a nd mass att acks were hu sy gettin g- 111 t heir mat errn l and ittmgt ta p on}i[ e c 11 L I A duchess, three priestst a por- ball rolled across the goa l li ne new to the home team a nd were Judgmg by th e pep and _en- '~11/1 ~SOC Jall~onr1 ' ~n n~~:acon~;~~ trait pamt cr , two mcchanic~l .cn- R ~l d F'o!'S fe ll on !t. 'rh c P oint !lot successfully stopped,. op~n- thus iasm that the staff JS puttmg t d I cc f t0

11 ~~~ iion al rit}'h ts with gmeers, a ba.nker! a phys1crnn, k ick fail ed each t im e.

m g. lanes thr~ugh th_e P ~mt lme in to its work , the " 1927 Iris" t~, -. ~ti no s Th e ro ~am was and. two un~vers1ty professors, Point Suffers in InJ·ured whi ch were hned with 111terfer- e uct O · P g , . . arc 111cludcd m the personnel of . . ence, g ivin g t he ba ll free way promises to be t he best yet. r.:01.1 cl.udecJ by H elc~1,e Knopc s l~- this "human orchestra ''. · Pict? r- SeY~ra l players ,~·~ ,·~ l!1J~1 r?d . until st opped by th e Poi nt sec- The follo win i is a list of the 1e1,r1 et 11,t,1 on of. 'l'hc . P er fect iall , colorful in th en· native Ben\\ eronk e hnd his hip lllJU1 cd ondary defense. The fin al score members of the sta ff and the de- 1'nbute. , a r_eadmg, which. h eld cosfum es ancl uni fied into one so sc t·1ously that he has t~ een un­was 40 to 7. partments in which ihey are most the audience 111 suspense until t he mi ht instrument under the a ble t.o a ttend school. H e a lso

interested: las t word had been utter ed. ,,,1!.ar cylry of tlie·11, coiiduct o r t hey his nose brol<e n. Craney and Poi nt line-up: \ Vcronke, e; ,. R h 1 I Kleese, Richardson, guards; Fors, F acultv Advisor ... . Mr. Rogers FACULTY ATTENDS wil l paint for us t heir glorious 1c ar, son. we1·c a lso . 1urt, Precou r t, Bannach, t ackles; Edi tor· Grnal H e1·rick tone-pictures envisioning th e life th o.ugh, It J~ thought. , not qwt~ so Boone, Bid well , Shum way , K enn- Business Mgr. Donald Vetter ANNUAL MEET of t he Ukra ine, fro m its t rag ic se ri ously. Mac D01rnl~I went 111to edy. ends: Cha rl esworth , qua r- Advertisin g :Mgr ... Keith B erens . wars to the merry or gossipin g the. gam e with a shf f ri ght le.g te ,· ; Pauk er t, fullba ck ; Harold Assista n t Edi to1· .. J ean 1fainland All but seven of t he faculty of chi t-cha t of its peasant fo lk over which somew h11 t hampered Ins Holm es. Ma rsh , halves. Understudy Editor th e SteYens Point State Teacher 's I wint er fires or in summer door offe nse. bu t he, 11cv~1·-t he-lcss,


On Thursday eve1ting October 28, students a nd fa cul ty of the Sta te Teachers' Coll ege enjoyed a Ha ll owe 'en dancing party sponsored by Rural Life Club. Th e coll ege gymnasium, dec­ora ted in the proverbial hallow­e'en colors, wit h witches, black cats, co rn shocks and pumpkins, li ghts dimmed by goblin shades, together with th e excell ent music of Ray J acobs orchestra, made t he guests feel spiri ted and spri te­like as they entered . Dancing continued until eleven o'clock.

The par ty was a social a nd fi n. a ncial success in every way. The Rura l Life Club thru the Pointer wishes t o thank all t hose who helped make the party so co plete a success.


.. :Marga ret Larson Coll cg-c att ended th e a nnual ,vis- yards. played n strong defens ive gam e. Asst Adver t is in g l\'1g r consin Tea cher 's Associat ion con- · Still a11othcr feature of th e Big Season Next Year _ Arthur ?\f cN0 \111 , All en :McVey ,·er.1t ion at Mil waukee rrhurs<luy, 1926-27 tour ~v ill be the _ a ppe~r- ; Of th e regn la r team but three

Underst udy Bu,sm ess Mr; 1·. . F r1da,v a nd Sa t.,urday ~f last ance of t.he lt11l.ant American VIO· 11 will be lost by g rndun t ion nex t .. ..... . . " 11l rn m Richa rdson 1' \ ~ck. Session~ " ~re held m th e Jamst , Max l olla~rnf f. . cornm encemckt. Cn pt. Cra ney ,

Litera ry Editor . . . )[1l wa.ukee auch tormm. . . The Ch orus ,'8 ma km:; o~ly Hay Boo ne, a nd Leland Crosb.Y Bea t r ice Swa ncutt B~)Std es t he regula r bus rn~ss three stop_s m \\ isconsm a nd Ste- I will go. 'I'hc rest of t he team 1s

Photo Ed itor Margaret I.arson sesswn~. a number 0 ~ a t t ractive vens Po111 t has been lucky expected back next fa ll. \\'i th Art Editor . ... ... Velma Davis ~'.1~.c1:t~,m1~1en ts ~vcre g1~·cn for t he enough to secure them for one of I the cx per il'nee th ey ha v~ had thi.s Athl etics Edi tor . . . : 1s1tm l') teachers. T~ur sday eve n- th ese engagements. seaso n, th ey sh ould be III a pos1-

Keith Berens, El eanor Booth lll g t he fam om; Rn ss,a n Sympho- ti on to dictutc some scores next Organization Editor ny. Choir prese nted a concert. ORGANIZED ycm·. 'l'h c team has p layctl a

. . . Margaret Collins Ti11s fea tu re was sponsored by, the MEN'S , CLUB TO BE good season, not ch11 rac tcri zcd by Depa r t ment a l Editors Mil ll'auk ec Assoe13!10n °.f Com- a ny terribl e defea ts. except by

Gramma r Adeline Getzski me.r ec 1•11 ronJunc~ion wit~ .th e F....oll owing th e asembly period the s t rong River Falls aggrcga-Hi gh School Helen \Veaver ,visconsrn Teacher 8 Associat wn. on :.\Iondny, November 1st , Coach lion. \Vi t h this excellent pros-Ru ral . .. Edna F isher Facul ty members re1iort that t he H un t ing call ed II meeting of t he peel befo re t hem, t he Co ll ege can Prim ary ... Lorraine H etzel ~oncer t was a very fm e a n<l p leas- student male element for th e pur- look fo rward to a team which H ome E e Mar jo ri e ·McKinley mg one. . pose of gettin g a n ex pression on wi ll be well toward the top in

·Mus ic .. , .. .. . . Julia Van H ecke Th~ rcgul.~r session ~hursday the forming of a new men 's non- next yea t·'s con fe rence. F orensics Irvin g Gordon mo~nm g enJoyed 8•11 mterlude denominat ional club. , Society J essie Dingee h~H-houi· concer t g iven by t he Mr. Hunting expluin ccl the , place shortly wh en Mr. ]l[cK ee, F ea tures . . . Bernice Vmkle J" ashmgton lli gh School orches- nature of the club, to ld its pur- representa tive of the Y. M. C. A., S naps . . . . . . . Gladys Nelson t i·a of }[ il\\'a ukee. Sim il a r per - pose, and cited the feas ihility of wi ll come here to conduct the Cartoons . . . . . . " Rusty" Lewis fo rma nccs were ~ivcn Fnday it. The proj ect met with an en· fo rma l Ol'ganiza tion. Mr. Steiner ,

Ri chard, Barnesdale morning by t he Milwaukee, Vo- t hus iastic creception, and a unan- ~Ir. Wa tson a nd Mr. Hunt ing Ty pists . . . . El am e Osmandsen jca tiona l ~chool band, and Satur- imous vote was cast in it s f a vor . comp r ise t he committee appointed

... . . Ar lene Ca rl sten ~~~h m8;~~~f ;:;0

~he W auwautosa Election of officers will take 10 supervise the club project.

Page 2: I BRING ON THE POINTER GO I :,!,fl GREAT .GAME CLOSES THE ... · i l_~asket bring on ball the pointer armistice da~ number let's go basket ball i series :,!,fl vol. viii no. 3 stevens


Vol vm. THE POINTER Serlesv. f

Pubhshod b1 monthly by the ,t udcnts of thu Stevens Pornt State Tcnchcrs l College, Stc,·cns P ornt W1scom1111.

Member of Wisconsin lntcrcollcgiate P ress Association.


INTIMATE i ii !W I SOCIETY I !W SLANTS 1111~~~~,~~~~~~~I

~===============· ~ 1 FACULTY GUESTS !RURAL LIFE CLUB

Editor-in-Cliief i\ ssistant Editor . News Editor }'cnturc Writ er ..... . .... . .

THE STAf'F W e wonder just who the bcnut­,\ ruold ~~s!~fi11~~~:.~! ifu l youn g lady is rt hat inspires . ....•.. Helen Knopc n Bull ·Montana '' l\.le~se t.o run ....... Keith Berens out to the football field m the . .................. · 1 di-ippin :.r rain, when all th e other

AT HOME EC TEA MEETS AND FEASTS L shou l,l su ,· we do like our fa c­

ulty and w~ l' ll joy heing with them, too. \V itness the Faculty Tea µ i,· cn by th e l' oods V Class.

Th e Rurnl Li fc Club met for its regular meetin g · November 1st. 1' hc progrnm commi ttee had a ,· cry pleasing program prepared , so t hat the time would not drng on om· hands.

Dcpnrtmcnt:i.1 Edi tors

H igh chool . .. .. . Bernice Vink le foot ball fe llows we r e snugly ··i1e11rictta Timm<' cnsconcl'd in the 11 ~ym ''. After

The ten was given rJ'hursday () ·tohti\· 28 fro m fou r o 'clock un­ti l five thirty o'c lock in the Home El·o nomics rooms. It was v~ry \\'t• II Htt end ed, ns on1 1· one lnm-

H ome Economics . ... , .•.... Gr:tmmnr .. .. : . . ..••••. .JMn .lfoinlnnd this you will kee p yo111· mind on Son:.:-s Oencrnl .Assembly

.. . Fran l"i~ Homan · football. won't von Kl eese! Sylvia Libakkcn... · ~'lute solo ........ Marion Hnrt Hur:11


13usincss Ma nager Advertising Manager Circulation l\[nnngcr Jt a cully .Advisor

··;· ChnrlC's Jla bct·k

Velma Dads Allen 1reVcy

. . . • T. J . Rollahan

-------\V e wish we were all as lucky d rc<~ g~ests tame ,fol" tea. . .

So n:;?S \Vht.•11 Jrish E~·cs al'c Smiling,

.. Edna Fisher , E ileen .L eahy The Little Reel School-house,

. .. ... . °E:Yit Sha mbcou , Jhln L eer Pianis t ...... Blanche 131atchley

as Norine Valentine. who ac- . \\' c JUSt 1.:ouldn t help tec li_ng a ciuired O frnieruity pin . o,·cr b~t p1·ot1<.l .,~·h en our new fu.rmtu.~e Homecomin g week-encl. Give us I" ns adm11icd, nncl we a1 e ~lso a littl e <.fopr 011 your methods, very gra te £ul to t he ca pable g irls

ARMISTICE DAY Norine. and we will be grat eful und er whose management the ten ~i ght yrars ag-o today t he "'orld , var was brought to an end by fo r li fe. was mnclc a success.

R.n ral conditions, . .. ~Ir. Collins Minut es . . . . ...... H arold Foss

the si::nin~ of un llJ!l'l'Cment bet ween the 1.\1lies and Germnn~·. Thus By t he way, i rr . D elzell was the After th e· minutes of th e last ended tlw most fr ii;?htful wnl' whicl1 has ever been fo ught. Frightful I first man th ~rc, ~ncl Ull'. ~Io~t meeting hncl been accepted, form-because of th C' horribl e dcalh 5. devised by t he combatant s. Gas. It's au ill wind that blows no- came clownsta1rs right fro m his uli ty wns dispensed wi t h, 'O.nd on e phosphorous bombs. explosi ve hull ets. torpedoing of passenger l in ers. body i:ood . says the adage. So :chooli·oom duties and t hen had . of th e mnin c,·cnts of th e meeting horribl e hlistr rin g- liquids. seventy fin• mile gun!,. - all th ~ is ~onei a lso saycth Thelma Kroll , who to wai t for h is wife. Y ?s, fellows, took p ince, namely th e consump-a nd with th r go in g- ha s co me an e ra of peace ancl prosperity to t he was agreeably surprised the other we heard what you sa td. tion of n box of f ine eat ing Unit ed Sta tes. night by a messenger from Mon- a 1lples. As you nll know, Uural

This country ha, prospct·e,I as no oth er count t·y hus ncr pros- tana. W e'd stay home from a REV. GEORGE WJEX Life won the prize for having the pored. Unemployment is a thi11µ nnhcn ad of. "\Yagcs are high. !iv- dance too, Thelma , if every fellow SPEAKS ON "VESTMENTS" best unit in the H omecoming in" co nditions excell ent. labor troubles little thought of. The other was as !!OOdlooking as Cnrol. Parade. The box of appl es came beligl'Tants ha,·e not fa ,:cd so well , it i~ true. Surpris ingly, Get·mnny as a reward fo r t heir efforts , and is the best off of t hose wh o were pnrt.icipants in the struggle. · Ger- 'l'hc Loyola Club was pleasantly was dona ted by the City Fruit many's credit is good. her people at work, her facto ries turn in g out It really could n ot be helped entertained by an unusually ~:;xchangc. As Miss H anna an­prochll'c a nd fas t .is.<-um in g a p1·ewar product ion. England has f!trc<l th at the Point team had to leave splendid address given by Rev. nounced she did not want a'ny <pi it c well, although her wn:,!'c r arne rs arc too many for her J~bs. River F alls so soon aft er the Geo rge ,veix. of St. Stephen's apples left, the empty box tcs­Francc has pas."iccl through mnny governmental tui-novers, hanng game, but we wonder what ~d parish1 at a recent meeting. H e t ified to th e success of the meet ­sa\·ccl her fore ig n credit by a miracle. Through all these upheavals Groh will do a bout that ulttm- spoke on "Vestmen ts", and illus- ing. a nd a lso to the d eparture of a n~l petty dissensions the Uni ted States has passed untouche~, ~nd ntum , " three times and out"T t rated their use with linens and th e students. for all the screa ms of the reform ers a nd the groans of t he pess1m1sts1 vestments from St. Stephen's vcs- --------stnnds without parall el - th e best country to live in on the globe. try. H e has except iona l speaking HOME ECS PLAN YEAR'S EVENTS

Mnny well rcmcmher th e wild abandon with wh ich t he news of Whatever Emily Post th inks ability nncl personality, and in-th e ~ig-nini, of the Armistice wn: received. New York" ent crazy. about tooth-picks means n othing clnclecl many humorous inc idents The H ome E conomics Club held a nd fi lled th e ca nyons bet ween the great bu ildings with nil manner in the life of the Pie House girl- in his talk.

1 f

111 d

of noise, bits of pope,·. ticker ribbon ancl miscell aneous trash . Chica- ish clement, at least so th e quar- Even thou gh th e Loyola Club its r egu a r mce mg on on ay f!O sta~ed nn enormous d emo nstrati on, and the rest of t he country tctte presages. did not r eceive the f irst prize for evening, Novemb~r 1 8 ~ seven showed it's rcliof from th e ncn·ous tens ion, ncording to t he ingenu- th e best floa t in th e Homecoming thirty o 'clock . T e mect•ig bwas

. , fl h t d parade, it was decided they cle- an important one as muc us-ity of th e local populat1on. I· lag~ were . own . g-nns s of '1 pakradfs H ave you noticed how clouds served a t reat of som e sort , and in ess was transacted. held . schools dismissed. speeches made and everyone ct in Y and sunshine reflect on Arnold •s d Mr. Rogers was v ery quickly towanl his ncighbot· f • W e wonder if Wrights- apples wer e accordin gly serve to elected our faculty advisor.

Now e1~ht yea rs have passed It 1s [1ttmg and proper that we nc,1~

1 has an thin to do w ith the members in attenclcnce. The f "d

should remember t hose who went away and dtd not r eturn. They to , 1

Y g meet ing t hen adjourned to meet There has been plenty O ev, encel that ,-rno d late r al th e Rural dnncc in the , to show everyone what a loy_a were not many. compared to oth er nat ions, yet they were onr coun- , ~ ' · supporter of the Home Ee~. he 18 .

t r:i,m rn Th ey ga,·c the ir lh·es that th e rest of us might live Ill com- - ------ " J?ym". :Miss Cornelia Iverson was fo rt Thry came from all "alks of li fe, and they went as heroes 11 Th ere's music m the a ir " elect ed ns the departmental re-should µo - unafraid to meet their Mnkcr Let us remember quoth Minnie Van W yck, to her MARGARET ASHMUN CLUB porter to t he Stevens Point

roomie as th e boys ser enaded her . · Journal. THE F OREIGN LANGUAGE CRUX

" One <>f th e unin rsal plaints of schoolboys, and one of the commonest f! rowls from th e :iverage man, is: ' " That good is a11 this [Ja t in and Greek? ~o one e,·C'n ta lks t hese clea<l languages!' 11 is an excerpt from the October 23rd issue of the Liberty magazine dealin g with thr problem of foreiJrn languages. L ea rnin~ of fore ign lang­uages has h C' <" Olll c one of the most vit:11 fea tures of mod ern education, yet it is rc;wnlcd disdain fully by most students. That the average Am erican con only spea k En~lish - and that less than tol erably well - does not seen inndcc1uatc to him until h e learns t hat the Polish J ew, for in..;ta nee. hccause of his f{eo~raph ica l location, must know nt' least six lung-ua ~es to succeed in hus incss; t he Dutchman, five; the Sw iss, four . and most of the CJthcr }~uropeans, two or three. The writer of t he Libct·ty ed it ori al quotes tha t "more than 65 per cent of the words •xe use tra ce back to the TJatin root" wh ich, just for t he ;akc of En rrlhih. - to say noth ing- of fo reib'Tl langua ges - justifies an intense ;tucly o( that language. L anguages are as important tb a well roundr,1 an<l cultural personality as arc History, Literature and the Scienc("::; . H ow blis~ful a nd arro::a nt we Americans ar e in our ,elf-sufficiency!

So t hat's the reason you prefer a PLEDGES NEW MEMBERS 'l'hc treasurer , L eota Andrews, room, second fl oor , front, Minnie. made a defini te r eport as to our

Th e Margaret Ashmun Club finan cial status. It shnll not be has chosen ten students for n ew · t d h ·t Id b f no It is reported that W al t Spring- prm c ere as ' wou e o

Cr 's moth er was very angry when members. Th ey arc wi thout ex- J?reat interest except to arouse

d h h cept ion from t he Senior Class, the envy of th e oth er depnrt-)Ir Burrou ghs informe er t nt and represen t excellence in Eng- mcnts. her son was at the ~?0

\ df t~c lish, S peech and Dramatics, from W e have lrnd discussions in class 13ut '~~It ?' c ~ e cYcry department. prcvions meetin gs of nffilinting troubled waters by mformmg I 'fh is week is pled ge week, a nd with the Stnte nnd Notional he_r th at they taught th e same unt il next W ednesday ev ening, Associa tions, furth~r discussion thmg at both ends. the students arc under strict was held and a finnl vote tak en .

orders E,·ery member is rcspon- The vote · was in favor of the Joyce Swanson is the shining I s ihl e for one pl cdi;e, but th e Club a ffiliation.

ltght of Geography class. When as a "hole may gi ve any order Then we hod quite a l engthy i\[r. Watson inquired what sort of and involved discussion of plans

eornst11reh. . rhcrc 1s an 1mmecl intc n eed for a -----· case of th at sort to hon g awny the

star ch they '?ade out of_ potatoes, I PRIM ARJES SPONSOR , for .fi!'ancing the purchase of an she blithely inform ed h,m ,t was SERIES OF PARTIES I ~xlub,~ case_ for t_hc department.

. . Report has it thnt the Juniors completed garm ents and k eep THIS RENTING OF TE X T BOOKS Is it necessary for the pl edges nnd t he critic teachers were royal-1 them in the best condi.tion, and

Much i, lost in the pres•nt system of renting text-books. A of the llfargar et A_shma~ Club to ly entertained by the Seniors at a availabl e for exhibition at the complete record ot' books. taken a nd returned , must be kept in the blaze their ·wa_Y mto ,ts sacr_ed H allowc'cn party gi ven Monday some time. Th e final plan was to library. Thi;. procre<ling 1H·c•ssari ly tokes a considerable pa r t of the portals? Judgml! from t he m,~- evening, November 1st. Ghosts d ivide th e deportment into g roups Libra rian 's time. Tim e that could be used to a much better ad- night oil burned m the hal!s this and other horrors lurk inµ in th e of fonr iiirls ench ; each girl in the vantage. Keeping- the library open in the evenin g fo r instance. week. we wonld presume so. darkness were the stimulus to group is to be r esponsibl e for

Morco 1·cr , en'ry few years the l ibrary becomes glutted with old, many S<: ren ms and icy chills. $2.00 at the end of the 'ycar mak-worthlcss bnr,ks. Books that a re wo rn out, or, wh nt is wo rse, books Rumot· has it th a t J ohn Pral- Duri~g th e games mu~h of the ini, each group r esponsible for that arc out of date. :l[aterial is constantly changing. A class can- guski has al ready begun work cntcrtnmm cnt was fur nished by $8.00. . . . not do its best whil e us ing old and new ed itions of books wri tten by .for a ber th on the track team. the teachers who responded to re- Then the lr)als nncl tr,bulat,ons the same author. because of tlw difference of the materia l. The Eng- At !cost he was seen last Friday quests to do odd ancl clever encounter ed m th e management lish JI class a nci probably oth ers are laboring under that handicap at night doing the mile in something !stunts. . . \ of a departmen t as important as prese nt. lt should be up to the school to help its studen ts ,::ct th e flat. n ow about it J ohn I Speak mg of pnrltcs, the school ours were forgotten with th e ad- . best of knowleclge. This cannot be done by issueing wvrking mater- was tl ,e scene of _many m erry- fourn ment of the business mcet-ial which is ou t of date. making affa irs last week. One ing. A short social hon• was pro-

The twenty-four dollar rent which each student pays annually According t o Jo. Porath Teac~- was given in the Trai ning School claim ed and we enjoyed the priv-for text-hooks would nearly, if not complete ly, cover th e cost of new er's Con ventions were made 1n fo r t he Primary children, in ilege of h earin g 1\fiss L eona . books. The student, having purch ased them, fee ls a responsibility Heaven, to . enable poor, hard- which fittin g Hallowe'cn games Kremhs read two sel ection~. of O\Vnership, wh ich is more than the a veragi, of the~ feels now. worked Norma) Girls t_o .t?ke 10 and stun ts we_re arran ged fo r Apples were served. Yes, and ,t Finally to many students such text-books would be highly valued, I the Homecoming festiv1t1es at them. Th e ch,ldrcn mode t heir was a Home Ee. meeting too. Oh not alo~e Ill! .texts, but also as keepsakes after the student has ac~ev- Carroll . Even so, why were you own c~ps ·ancl decorations for th e no! W e don '.t cook all of th e ed the lofty position of graduate. George .Schriver. so ti r ed Monday, Jo i occass,on. tim e.

Page 3: I BRING ON THE POINTER GO I :,!,fl GREAT .GAME CLOSES THE ... · i l_~asket bring on ball the pointer armistice da~ number let's go basket ball i series :,!,fl vol. viii no. 3 stevens




SYLVE 'TEU PYM, an impression· :ahh.• youth froin Cluney\'i ll c, bent on i;:~ttiug :rwny from the home bond& mHI th(• narrowuriss of his childhood :tnd

Th::~~rO: ~~~ :A:ER: gl~e 1, LYRICA!~tR:JESTIC strel show" in a verv fow THEATRES club is going to put on a umin-1 weeks ''. · 11,-------------

l!;;;============iJJI e:1rl:· youth, goes away to sl'hool in order tlrnt he might live his life as he wants to Jiyc ii .

" Aren't those little Prosh caps I I watch The cute ! Certa inly would like to 1 ,

haYe a p icture of some of the I gi rl:, wandering around with t hem on. 11 Marmaduke, in t he L a Crosse RAQUET.

~fr. W:itson - Duriu~ your recent travel by motor, Mr. Highhell, whnt ~f~~r did : ·ou fiull to h~ the most pop- Journal

for Ne-w--Mr. Rightsell - The student dLtour

hctwccn the .Ent Shop and here, •lu 1+1g .nssembly, Ii.ts 11e,·cr been cxct•lled .

Tn order to kcc1> 11 buggy­ridi11g0 ,dthin the couf iucs of parenta l su1-.crdsio11, the J:11tcr­t1atio11al oeiety for Pre\'eu­tion of Collegia te Crime, in· c,). operation with )fiss Hussev, hns been seriously c:011t~ mpla


l· ing the installntion of hnllocm equipped wht'<'ls 011 nil dormi ­tory divans.

PA)fEl.u\ KELSEY, a co·cd at . th C' s:1 me sdtool, (·O mcs into his life and exer ts :1 pot ent iuflucucc over Sylv('S· ter 's llctcrmin::ition. He :tllows him­self to fe<'I the ccstac,· of iufatu:t· li on. On meeting Pamcltl he is un cere­moniously snubbed hy her, which atti-tude he is uuahlc to uull crs t:tnd.

ELLY!\ ·po LKES is dcliihtetl at Sylvcstcr'H i11vit:1tion to the I:fallowc'eu party. As ·Sylvester is preparing for the c,·ent the trlcpho11e rings. Pamela is c:i lliug l1i111.

Stout wns injured wh en playing golf recent ly. Re fractured his PICTURES

President Bu rton E. Nel ·on of



ankle, when he sli pped on isome 1111------------­new-fallcn snow and rolled into a ravine.

Now go 00 with the story. Stou t has un ice f;kating rink on 'yh-:cs ter wondered if Pam th e campus.

. .Mr. Spin<ller (:1dcl~ess i11g da8!t i.11 Log­ic) - T:tke, fo r rnstnnr<', the fnct that all mcu at(' Ii:ns, or all women h:rp­ot rites, or an y oth<>t 9f t hose co 111111011 -ly ilcceptcd truths. .

could hea r that th umping of his · heart th rough Inc phone. He thought he was qu iver ing by t he very force of h is heart beat , and he knew he cou ld not th ink in terms of anyt hing but intenog­ation points.

"You mustu 't be so excited From out of the darknrss it about . it, Sylvester. Especially

came, 011 All Sniut's ~ight; a since w e haven 't had n. real chat huge, hulki 11 g object ot un - since, - since that nigh t on the

. f.7":i!~i:;m~~l~~e~i(r:1t~:~~r.~ veL"an<la , IJ came Pam 's liquid

igences-feurful in its <'n ilous ,·oice.

Milwaukee Norm al held a beer referend um durin11 ascm bly on Oct. 28. A debate was held (and we suspect a typical Milwaukee verd ict was returned ) by the de­bate classe .

Though Normal clays Have their deligh ts,

'rhey can't compare ,v ith Normal n ights - EXPONENT, Platteville

ii!<liffercnce hl t he weight it Sylvester was too happy to ask ,•1sit ecl upon the shoulders of ridicu lous questions. J ust as he Eau Claire is . to have a new the gronning.. men beneat h. At. thought , · it ·had been a mistake., at hletic field , graded and inclosed ~i'~~e;h~~1 ~~~~d th

1~':a";; 11 ~:;!ti Pamela coul dn't do that sort of b_v a wire fence, which will be from bcucnth its :1 rchiteetur- thing - pass him up like t hat. decorated wit}t sh.rubs and vines. nl mnss ngainst the .John Everyth ing was a ll r ight . His ~!~e\sup~~::~:;r t~t1

~1fa 11;;n,~d; thoughts dazed him i he scar cely Contract has been let for a new

with cnst.o rs. knew what she was saying. training school at Oshkosh. The . " Smely, surely," he was assent- building will be 208 by 104 feet,

Mr Chnse (adclretJs iug prnd.icc st.u- ' 1 I knew you woul d• under- basement . It will be buil t of the

Take adn111t:tge of otir Old Time Price Night -- Every l\Iond:iy


Every " 7cdncsdnr--Bnrgnin Night

Adults 15c Kids 10c

r Where Your Dollar

Iii · Buys More

i I Satisfaction Guaranteed I, [Ir.HE LEWIS STORES co. I

J,anotuitf s The Store For Women


ing vaguely. and three stories high with a high

dent) - Ton),·, show the_ how to stand S. ,·h·ester an d now that all sa me type . brick as the present use the wortl

1 1 ca ,·ort '' 111 a sentenc·e. that ;illy rot of 'being a pledge is main build ing.

ot !r1~ - l[y mud11(,r \"llllt~ n en vort l passed, yon must come over, be- - --'------ I cause I really have been dying to FRIENDS OF s p T C CEARY HAT SHOP talk to you. Someone told me · · · ' ,

. Ha~e nny of you ovo, ,,.. you had a elate with E llyn Pl ease patronize the merchants For Exclusive Millinery ttced t~e profoun! look of a.- Foulkes, but t hat isn 't so, is it T

11 t hat adver t ise in your p aper. :~~~ult, :J~etr;fccihe il~:~~~r;~: Some dum bell had told her · blu ffer whenever his unpre- that! But he had: he had a date Show them that you appreciate suming clnrts score a bull's- with E 11yn! I n twenty-five their help and tha t it will pay eye! minutes ! But he eoulcln 't tell them to have au ad in The Point­

Pam that. Maybe he ought to, er. CHAS. W . HABE CK

Business Manager Zngcr - Alas. All I',,e got t o me though. He wasnJt a to be blessed 11oul is what you 9',·e me, Pre- trifled wit h. Teach her a lesson! ,ou,t. Couldn't go back on E llyn like -~~~~~~~~~-I

Prel':ourt - 'N you irnvcn 't got. that that. BHt E llyn - he had n ever preciatecl his coming to town -either. been out with her. Didn't know that sort of th ing. That is what

! Home M~~~ Candj


anymo re about her than that she he had done: called her up five French Campbell & Co. said she w.ould be "delighted". minutes bcforC he wus to call for Punny thing for a girl to say. He her to say that he would not be Studetlt · Supplies




To Know The Dlffereoce

Your Photo will make an ideal

_ XMAS GIFT Its not too early to have' them


The Kennedy Studio On The Ground Floor

'V anitp ~eautv s,,f)oppe PF,RM ANEN'f WAVING

Perfect Marcel Guaranteed Unt il H air Growd Out.

Exvcrt Hair Shingling by Male Attendant.

Phone 1340 Room 6 "Over Krembs Main Str\!et Drug Store"




I Wisconsin Shoe Shop

I Where QuallEf Counts


Pure Drugs - --

Fine Stationery and Books ---

Eastman Kodaks

Tn French elass Inst week , Miss Gru\" instructed her bc11-e,·o leut · lambs to "turn over." Ju our mind, the true significnncc of the commnncl is still r:itl1cr obscured.

knew P am .t hough. That is, able t.o take her to the Hall ow- 449 Main St. Phone 98J · better. That night on the veran. e'en party. L ies ! Ye gods, one 1~"""""""""""""".-""" ... """'"""""""';;;/III III da ! I a ftcr another ! 1


and Supplies

"No!" he said, explosively. Sylvester listened to Pamela , . ... L 1'hcre, he had said it.! R ael said sny that she had been in vi tea to



1!~ i:oi~; 11f!1\iofct~f;!~~ that he had no date with E llyn, a Hall owe'en party over at Gro­

rette from his trousers from sheer force and in twenty-five minutes.. . ... v~r's and that if he did n 't mind t habit ; '' eurio! itr is a cu rious ' ' You' ll come over then . won 't they would go over t here rather

M. C. BERRY Exclusive Ready-to -wear

For Ladies and Misses 426 Main St. Stevens Point · bing." · you Sylvester !" · than stay at home. '!'he party I

S~·Jvestcr felt weak. Confound was just a makeshift affa ir. Del- ~::::::::::::: His brain wns torn with the it! He was in it now. He ta Grover had call ed up a few rt

inward :1izony of uncxpres"ed eonldn't te ll her. But E llyn was "kids" and invited them over to ~;~oct~Ol~f ~1!: r~:~!f1~e:C:tf brl~: waiting for him. No use saying make merry. Sylvester fel t like soul. His lips ,vere dry, nnd as "no" without agreeing with it , a condemned man hearing the he conti11u a lly muttered unin - but Ellyn........ . death sentence passed l\pOn him, tclligible e.x pleth·cs, fillecl the 11 1 guess you don't want to/' but he couldn 't ""fcfnsc. Then she


' Sheaffer Life-time Pens :~~~~r~1it~r::C):,·\~.1~s\\~c;;;~i~~ Pam offered dolefully. woul~l know ... . an ultimntum 011 tlio Ri\•er

11 Oh, yes indeed." burst ill Syl. I Before t hey were within a half -Fall, game! wster. "I'd be delighted to come block they could see orange lights , I

.,,. o_,·er." That blasted word "de- , \lllcl hear tantalizing melodJ:' flow- jflc~uliffe <.torset ~{lop I

lighted"! mg f rom a graphaphone m the I There nrc t.wo kincls of flat tires. Grover home. The party had al- For Lingerie, Hosiery, Handker-

Tahs'f.ifact;;~;!i. ,·ariety :,re much more lt had been a wretched business ready started. They could hear chiefs Gift Novelties squir min~ ou.t of his plans with laughi ng and singing; t hey could ,,....,....,...,...,,..· "'"""""""""""""""'""'..!II


"If I can only make the }rnll," The snow-swept victim cried , "If I ('nn on ly gain the J>Orch And get me safe inBide, lL I c:Ln only tnrry there From out this b li zzn rcla s trife -I'll live to learn, because I'll A "Neleon" hold on life."

Ellyn. She had been suspicious. see couples swinging around in ·• Sylvester felt sour and dull in-· cadence, dancing. side, thinking of it . He knew Sylvester slipped into the spi ri t that principles had to be flexible, j of it , and linking arms with Pam and all that, but this, really, had ran lightly up the steps. '!'hey gone too far. Well, he had rang the bell, and waited one demonstrated to Ellyn that he short moment expectantly. was ignoble and petty. He winced The door opened simulta neous­when he thought of it. He ly with II greeting of, " Hi kids!" had told her in a feeble and in- Sylvester gasped. The girl an-

• effective way · that hfa cousin had swering the door was E llyn

THIS must really be said about the man without a bank account-he is headed nowhere and is sure to

get there..

FffiST NATIONAL BANK Capital l) Surplus $250;000

Largest in Portage County

---<fngrabtb 1:Jiuitlitg ~rbs

---Remington Portable

Typewriters --- u

H. D. McCulloch Co.

I Service first---Quality Always

Phone 47

L 324-326-328 Main Street -


The Students _Haberdashery

~ The Home of

HART, SCHAFFNER & l\lARX. CLOTHES R~~ta~, to:;or:;w~~coi~!de':::e1igu~:; I suddenly dropped in to see him, Foul kes.

tive rope ot a formidable a11eignmcnt, and that he would have to enter- I .E'ollow Sylvester through in the next "we will take Poe's life." tain his -show him tha~ he a p - ipue. ii:;,_ ... ___ ,_,_ _____ ,. 1 ... -----------'""

Page 4: I BRING ON THE POINTER GO I :,!,fl GREAT .GAME CLOSES THE ... · i l_~asket bring on ball the pointer armistice da~ number let's go basket ball i series :,!,fl vol. viii no. 3 stevens



SYL\"l::8Tl·:H 1-'Y)f. an i111pn•!i!!'lio11 · ahll• y oulh from l 'lun<'yvi ll (', b(' llt ,, u J.! C' ltinn :1w:1y from the' hom e houds :111,l l hl• 11:1rrow1tl'SS of hi s (•hihlhoo1l and

l!;;;============~Jlc:1rly youth, i:::ocs aw:1y 10 sdrnol in

)Ir. Watson - Duriug your recent travel hy mtJ tor, ;\lr. Hightse ll, what :!r:~f r tlid you fiud to be the most pop•

Mr. High he ll - Th e s tudent ch.t.our

:.·:~~~~;~, ltt;~:i~:~~ ('~~·~\~:.\~' ~:~::1,~~:·i •1g

orth•r that he ulight lin· his li ft• a !il hl' w:1.11t s to Jin• it.

P.\~I F:I.A 1.;:1:;1.SEY1 a i'O ·cd :1 1 th e s:1111 (' St.° houl, co mes iut o hi~ li fe arul rxcrts :1 pot en t iu flucnc.> c o,·,_. r Sy lv C's­tcr's 1ktcrmi11ati o 11. Hr all ow,,c him ­s.;>lf to fet·l the Ct.'S t:il·,· of infatua ­t ii'1 1. 011 mCl'tini;: Pamcl:; hl' is tlll l'l' rll· mouious ly snub lJctl hy h(' r, whid1 atti -tude Ill' is unahll' to u111h•n1t:111d.


'l'h eF:~\~r

0:r~~ :A:E~ ~lee I club is g-o ing- to put on n ~';in- 1 st l'CI show' ' in a ,.l'l'Y r,•w 11· .. ck, ._ I

" Ar,•n ' r ihose littl e ps 1


<·utc? Ce rtninly would like to ii ha,·t• a picture of some of the ['J ~i l'l s wanderin~ arou nd wi th !hem on. '' ~farmadukc, in the La I Crosse HAQ UE'!' . ,,

Prcs idf'nt Murt on E. Nelson of .



Watch The


for New



To Know T he Oif.fe rence

Your Photo will make an ideal

XMAS GIFT I lta not too early to have them

lu ordf'r to k eep 1ehuggy· ridi11g" with in the 1· ou fin cs of parent:al supcrdsio11, 1.hc Tull'r-11atio1111l SodC'r,.· fo r .Pre\'c·11-tion of «?olh.·l,!i :t i e Crime, in l'O·-

r:J.LY'.\" FO U l , KES is delig-ht\•d at Sylve~ter's i11\'itutio11 t o th o Hallowl' ' e>11 p:1rty. As Sylv(•St C' r is pn•p:1ri11J.! f o r

:!a~:t~;;~/~t 11

\111,~- tclC'ph o1n• rings. Pamela

Stout was ·injm·cl.1 when p laying I golf rcl.'cnt ly. He fractured his an kle. when he slipped on some 1 ncw-fullen snow and roll ed into n ravine.

PICTURES Take adrnutage of our Old 'l'i me

Price Night -- E\·crr Monday II


I IIJ The Kennedy Studi:J

· Ill On The Ground Floor

~~::r~~:,:1 s;:~~1~sl;

1 ~~nt~•\.~;>~~~ '.

ing the ins tn llalion of ba\10011 cquipJ>cd whl'l'l!I on n il dormi · to ry iliv:t11 s .

Mr. Spi11lllcr ( ulllress ing class in Log ­ic·) - 'f:tkc>, for instnn1·c>1 th e fad thn_t nil mcn are linrs, o r nil wom(•n hyp­oC'rites, or auy other of those to 111111011 -Jy :iccept ed truths.

Now go on with the st ory. Stout has an ice skatiu :; rink on Syh:cstcr wondered if l ' am t he ca mpus.

l'Ottld hear that thumping of his -----heart thl'ough the phone. H e ) [ il"·aukt'C Normn l held a \1eer thought he was quivering by the referendum during- ascmbly on very l'orcc of his hea rt beat, and Oct. 28. A debate was held (a nd he kn ew he cou ld not th ink in we suspect a typi cal 'Milwaukee terms of .:1 1wthino, bnt intcl'l'O"- ,·e1·dict wils returned ) by the de-atio n points.· ~ , I:"' bntc classes.

' ' Yon mustn't be so excited about it, SylYCster. Bspeeially 'I'h oug-h Norma l days sinrc we haven't had a real chat H a Ye their d eli ghts 1


.E\'c ry \ \1ed11 esday--Bnrgai 11 Night.

Adults 15c Kids toe .J

i 11

Where Your Dollar

1- Buys More since, - since that 11 igh t on the 'rh ey can't compare ,·ernnda." ca me Pam's liquid With Norma l ni ghts Satisfaction Guaranteed ,·oice. - BXPO EN'r, Platteville 1

Vanitp j!Jeautv 35lboppe PlmMA NENT WAVING

Perfect. Marcel Guaranteed Uutil H air Grow.:1 Out.

ExJ)ert Hair S hinglin g by Male Attendant..

Piton..: 1340 Room G · 'Over Krembs Alain Street Drug Store" F'rom out of th l• darkn C'!IS it

l'3.11H', OU All S:iint,'s ~ight ; a huge, hulking object of uu ­f:imiliar outliHC' - l" Umhcrous in mo vc mcut--<kvoicl of iut cll · igenl·cs-fr:1rfut in it s (•all ous indi ffe rcn ('e to the weigh t il \'isited upon lhc s houlders of the gron ni11g men licnenth . AL

Syh·este r was too happy to ask . _ ridiculous quei;.tions. Just as he Hau Cla ire is to have a . new THE LEWIS STORES CO. WHEN WE RE-

!1!.;;;;;;;;;......, ............................... ~1 BUILD YOUR OLD SHOES-WE

!i~~t8th~t11 ~i:~ttl ui'~';~~=n~~;~~\~i from beneath its :irchitcctur· al m:iss agniust th e John Weeks Lumber Company for not s uppl~·iug ticket st.1rncls with e:istors.

th ought. it. had been a mistake.


Hthl eth· _field , grueled ~nd in~losecl Pam ela couldn ' t do t hat sort of h~· n w ire frncc, wlu ch will be thing - pass him up like that. deco1:,g,.t ecl with shrubs a nd vines. E,·eryt hing was a ll righ t. His thought s dazed him ; he scarcely , qo~tract has been let for a new knew what !-.he was sayi ng. trn m111g school at Osh kosh. The " Su rely, surely," he was assent- bu ilding will be 208 by 104 feet, · I ing vaguely. and three stories high with a high

)Jr Chase {111Mrcssing pr:u·titc s lu - HI knc\\' you wou ld under- basement. It ,:•ill be built of the den t) - Tony, show Urn. cl nss how to sta nd Sd ,·ester. and now that all same type brick as t he present use the worcl "c:wort " 111 a senten ce. that ;ill ,Y rot of being 8 pledge is main building. Q

of !f1~~- - )Iy mucldc>r va11ts a cnvort l passed . you must. come ove!·, be-cause I rea lly have been dym g to FRIENDS OF S. P. T. C. talk to you. So meone to ld me

_ Have nn.r of you evC r no- you had a date \\"ith E llyn Please patronize the merchants t1ced t~e profound look of a- Foulkes. but that isn't so, is itY" that advertise in your paper . :~:~~ult ~~~e:r:fce~1?: i~~~1:~r;~~ Some cl um bell hacl to lcl h er Lluffcc · whenever 1,;, unpre- that.! But he had: he had a date Show them that you appreciat e 811 ming dnrts se.orc a hull's· with Ellyn! In twe nty-five their help and that it will pay eye! minutes! Bu t h could n 't tell them to have an ad in The Point­

Pam t hat. Maybe he ought to, er. Zager - Alas. All I've got to me though. He wasn't a man to be

hlessed soul i ~ whnt you owe me, Pre- trifled wit h. Teach her n lesson! Couldn't go back on Ell yn li ke

CHAS. W . HABECK Business Manager

t' ourt .

. Pr<'court - 'N you hann 't got th:it that. But Ellyn - he had never prcc· iatcd hi8 comin g to town -either. · been out with her. Didn' t know that sort of thing. That is what

Ti1 Trench <' inss Inst week, l\li!ls Gr:iy ins truded hl'r bcn­evo le11t lambs to ''turn over." Jn our minll, t he trut' s ignific:incc of the co111m:rnd is still rnther ohscurcd.

anymore about he t· thnn that sh e l1t• had done: ca ll ed her up five i:;,1 icl she w.onld be 11 del ighled ". minut es be fore he was to call for l~unn_v thin g for a gir l to say. He her to say that he would not be knew Pam thouf!h. That is, uble to tak e her to t he Hallow­bcttcr. Thnt ni;tht on the veran . . e'en par ty. Tiies! Ye :;rods, one

i J,anotuitf 1, I The Store For Women

GEARY HAT SHOP For Exclusive Millinery

I Home Made Candy -AT -


French Campbell & Co. Student · Supplies

449 Ma in St. Phone 98J

da ! · I after another! "No!' 1 he sa id. t•xploRivcly. . yh-cst er listened to Pamela I

M.C. BERRY Exclusive Ready-to-wear

For Ladies and Misses of hnlnt 1 11<• uri os1ty 1s :i curi ous '' You'll come O\'(' r then won't they wou ld go over there rather

426 Main St. · Stevens Point

"Certniulv,"-~d the graduate 'l' hcre, he had sa id it! _H ad~ sa id say that sl11c had been in vited to

fl ick ing thc{;.t/r f ... ;~111 his \·i olct c iga/ that he had 110 dat e with E lly11.


a H all owe en party over at Gro-rctte from lus trouse rs from sheer-force and 111 t.,, enty-f1ve minutes .. .... \'l' r's and that if he d idn 't mind I thmg

11 you Sylvester ! " · than stay at home. Tlw party I Syh·est c1 fe lt \\ eak Confound was just a makesh ift a ffa11· . Del- ~ .... ...,..., .... ..,.. .................... ..., ....

Ill s IJra.111 \\ ,ls to rn with t he it! H e was in 1t now. He tn Grover had call ed up a few n't"'""'""' .... ""'""'""'""'""' ........ ""'""" urn:ird :1gony of unexpressed C'Ouldn't t ell hc1· Hut E llyn was

11k1ds" nncl 111v1te cl them over to '

~:k~t1t '~f 1;1~: r~~~:~r~c[e~tf br

1:: waiting fo r him. No use say in g make merry. Sylvc~tcr felt like

so ul. His lips were dry, nud 38

" no" w ithout agreeing with it , a condemn c<l man hearing t he he co nti1111:1lly mutte red unin - hut l~1lyn.... . . . . . death sentence passed upon him,


Sheaffer Life-time Pens tc lligiblc cxpletins, fillecl t he '' I guess you don't want to.' ' but he eou ldn ' t 1·efusc. Th en she :~~~~;


1~l~.11 ~r~~;eti,~l~s"~c/;;1ri~!~ Pam offered dolefu lly. would know .. . _ :.111 ultima tum 0 11 the Rive r "Oh, yes indeed," bursl in Syl- J Rcfore t hey were withi n a half .,,,._,...,..., ........ ...,...,..,. ... ...,..., .... Fnlh, g:une! ,·ester. "I 'd be delighted to come block they could see oran ge lights ,I ii'

O\ 'C!'." 'J'hat blasted word "de- !l a nd hear ta ntalizing melody flow- jH[~Ulifft ({orstt ii>bop There are two kinds of flat tires.

rho pnt C' lrnble \·ari etr arc mu ch more nsily ehanged. ·


"It I c:in only make the hall," Tho snow-swept victim c ri ed, • 'If J cn n onl y gain tho porch And ge t me safe inside, If I e:in only tnrry the re From ou t this bl izzards strife -I'll livo to lea rn, becnusc I'll · A O N elson" hold on life. 11

lig-h tcd" ! in g- from H graph a phone in the r. ro,·e 1· hom e. '!' he party had al- For Lingerie, Hosiery, Handker-

lt hud been a wretched business 1·e11dy sta rted. Th ey could hear c~iefs, Gift Novelties

squirming- out of his plans with lau~hing' and si nging ; th ey could ,::::::::::::::::: E llyn. She bad b een suspicious. sec couples swinging a round in Sylvester felt sour and dul.l in- radencc, dancing . side. thinking of it. He knew Sylvest er sl ipped into the spirit that principles had to be flexible, I of it. 1111d linking- arms with Pam an d all that, but this , really, had run liE?htly up the steps. They i,onc too far. Well , h e had ran!? the bell , and waited one demonstrated to Ellyn that he short moment expectantly. was ignobl e and petty. H e winced The door opened simultaneous­when he thought of it. He ly with a greeting of, "ID kids!" had to ld her in a feeble and in- Sylvester gasped. The girl an-

, effective way that his cousin had swering the door was E ll yn

THIS must rea lly be sa id about the man without a bank account-he is headed nowhere and is sure to get there.

FffiST NATIONAL BANK Capilal c} Surplus $250;000

Larges t fn Portage County


R:l;~hnn~, to;;or;; w~~coitl:~en;~:e~igu~: I suddenly dropped in to see him, Foulkes. · tivo rope of n formid~blo naaignment, an.d t~at he would. have to enter -I Follow Sylvester through in tho next 11 wo will take Poe 's hfe." . tam his -show him that he ap- isaue. ir..,....,..., ___ ,_,.,....,,....,....,111




Wisconsin Shoe Shop

Where Quality Counts in

Pure Drugs ---

Fine Stationery · and Books ---

Eastman Kodaks and Supplies ---

<fngrabeb Visiting ([arb!! - --

Remington Portable Typewriters


H. D. McCulloch Co. Service First---Quality Always

Phone 47

324-326-328 Main Street


~ The Students Haberdashery

~ The Home of


Page 5: I BRING ON THE POINTER GO I :,!,fl GREAT .GAME CLOSES THE ... · i l_~asket bring on ball the pointer armistice da~ number let's go basket ball i series :,!,fl vol. viii no. 3 stevens


1 'Twas last \\' l'Clnesclay nig-ht at

'fhat th(·~' sa unt l' r('d to th e show,


A. M. Young Shoe Shop The Store for Snappy Sboe::J

For Studen ts

Shoe Repairing 119 S. 3rd St. r


I From wht.•Jltl' thC'y ('ame and why ,,......, .... ..,....,,,,,... .... ..,

thcv wC'nt ll,;;,;;;;,;;;;,,;a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;~

11 real\,· do not know. "1""' .... ...,...,. .... ..,,.. ....



~rn~-~it~i~;cned to much criti- ·1 ·Twa, \\' t·d n,•_sda_v nii.rht iii 10:15 11 Ringness Shoe cism o l your paper, a little of , I :-aw that pa11· once more. C \\'hieh I admit is justified, but a I Thi'." didn't stop to look at me 11 ompany whol e lot of it is uncalled for. A But holtcd for the door. school paper is supposed to reDcct Leaders In Footwear th e school lit'? both in its connec- j ~ht.· fai rly fil'w a l~ng th e .street t ion with active school work ·and I But stopped once 111 a wh1lc, with the school r elation to the out To tur n at·ound and see if .he side world. In order to put ll ad made th e last long n11lc. out a succe sful paper it is 11 ec­


To Satisfy The lllost Fas tidious

essary to have news. I would ,~ rrhr.v tore up Normal A venue lik e to ask some of these knockers Aml crossed the campus mad ly where tha t news is coming fro m n 1 hope, " lw panted out t he if there is none hnnded into the I breath , [ Pointer office. Most of these '.' HtllTy," she \\'hispcrcrl sad ly . Phoenix Silk and I knockers a nd habitual kiekct·s cou ldn't write 8 passable news ,Soo n on the• steps oE .Nelson Hall wool Hose articl e. 'l'hey think all there is They stood. hut not fo1· long,


Wilson Music Company Our New Location · · Opposite Lyric Th'eatre


Hannon Bach Phy. Inc. 431 Main St.


Meyer Drug Co. 305 Main St.

to the editing of a paper is the " \\"e made it deal', " he wh ispered $1 00 handinO' it out to them. If they ·rh rn ~fiss Hussey 1·an~ the gong. • ~ - ~

have s~me helpful criticism to 1:r offer, if they ha Ye some news to ff CJ th• c I GROSS' BARBER SHOP 116

Public Squar e offer, iE they have some good THE PATH OF PROGRESS egg O mg ' o. 1 1 WE SPECIA LIZE IN YOUNG PJ<:OPLES Fl ,~~:ti~


suggestions to offer , I 'm sure t hat they would be welcomed and l!a,a.,... .... ....,'=' .... ..., .... ,...""' .... ....,.....;~ I Bobbing Shingle 40c accepted by ye Editor. (Editor':i Note - If you have :111y 1

1 have heard criticism of your original poems s<'ud them in to the ""' .... ...,..,. ........ a;;,;; ........ ..,....._ .... ~ ,

ti~~\~\;;~;.{t~!:/j ~t~~~:;;;;;;~~~i~:~"'"' . D~~~\~~~!:.~0-I i itW:rr= T~ti1~r!;~P with a few good commercial to cry· I ~"'"'""'"""""""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' ........................ ..,. ........ ...,..,.. .... ..,,,,...,...,...,,,..iJ jokes. \\' hat's the use oE wasting your Where Your Dollar

I have also heard er itieism of time like that - Bu'/!S More your athletic news. I think that I lfa,·e you forgotten how to try? it cou ld be better and more bountiful. Does the path see m long and .

Finally. to" the "knockers", thick with briers -habitual kickers, and "critics " I Will no one help you through? o.f the Pointer: P lease don't go Cu n 't J''OU blaze a tra il or set ab.out ~chool. knock ing- ev~r?"· a Pace thrn g, m clndm g school sp1r1t, For others to fo ll ow toot athletics, and th e Pointer. I[ you ' show rea l, true loyalt y for. S. P. Is the s~tn ob:c-urecl in a mist

Shoes, Clothing, Mens Furnishings

j'i:"""'"""'"""'""""""'"""'""""""" .... - 1 I STATE NORMAL


Stevens Point, Wis. I N. yon will !!Oto the people _con- oE grey! , cerned (m this case the Echtors 1· Arc .your days all spent in of the Pomter), and g ive them pining! your suggestions. Just try that . . once and see if it doesn't help Brac~lr~I my friend, r emember

Easily Accessible I Expense Relatively Low I

Location Unsurpassed For Healthfulness

matters along a lot. If you 8 ·

hnppen to have a bit of news give it to a reporter of the Pointer Staff.

Let's all work for a bigger S. P. N.

Yours for a better Pointer , . T. G.

'l'he sun st ill shines after the hardest storm, The clouds stil.1 roll away, 'l'hen, still t ry on, dear fri end

of mine, A ncl you 'II find sunshine at the

close oE day.

An Influence u Well as a School

Credits Accepted At All Universities

Degree Courses in Home Economics and Rural Education Effective Now


Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevena Point, Wisconsin

Dry Cl~aning


NORMINGTON BROS. Launderers and Dry Cleaners

Phone 380

Main Street Office, 440 Main St.

Two Doors West of Majestic Theatre


To S. P. N. Armistice is a thing most

blessed: it has its reverend place. Kathryn Thompson. I !f. .... ..., .... ....,...,...,..,. ................ .W 1111



~bt l9ob:Jbtr -'«ff j'Seautp ~bop

H eaven f?rb~d. any subjugation of l Oon Vetter has joined the ts true s1gn1[1eancc. soothsayers of the Red Cross. Ile

But this column is no flag of hns agreed to appear at th e down­trucc-no dish-towel in the hands town theaters to appea l for a big­of Myra Dietz. It is devoted to ger and better enrollment . the promotion of hot-studential .,,.....,.-..., .... ..., .... ..., .... ..., .... ..,....,...,.,

1 war. It is the one legal zone I proYidcd by our school for sizz. WISCONSIN STATE BANK ling outbursts ; white-hot differ­ences; worthy resolutions. A melting pot for personal opinion, it surrenders a composite view­point to the jurisdiction of the entire student body.

Don't be a r ecluse. Don't smother your viewpoint in abject hermitage. Voice it democratic­ally in a contribution to this de­partment.

Dear Editor-

Stevens Point, Wis.

A Growing Institution

Latest Sheet lllusic Brunswick Records &

Radio Supplies Jacob's Novelty Co.

IF YOUR FATITER HAD OPENED A SAVINGS AC­COUNT FOR YOU AT YOUR BffiTH and deposit­ed one dollar each week un­til you attained the age of twenty years, at 3% interest compounded semi-annually, you would r eceive $1,523.04.

Start an account today at the


"The Bank That Service Built".

Her e we are with a four year course, and Frosh and all the fixin's for g reen caps and such as goes with 'em and whotta we did about it I Ain't it about time for some brite guy to spring up and offer a good idea! I see by the

I s:n'J·.f;:;.c::.• RICHMAN'S CLOTHES A1t•~~'-s'M1J••

Our Clothes are Guarauteed--You must be satisfied or Mouey Back See Berglin over Taylor's Drug Store, or call 7881 for appointment

River Falls paper that they got ,;aae..., ........ ""' .... "'"'"""""""'"'""'""" .... ...,...., ........ ..._...,...., ................. ~ BOARD EAT AT ROOMS

The HOUSE OF HOLDERREGER 801 Normal Ave. Phone

·-.11, em <.ouutlor"


Telephone 625 , .......................................... _1= .................................... '""il , cooK srumol CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE

Fruits and Vegetables Phone 5 1 4-57 Main St.



1Drp ~oobs anb I.allies FOR luabp ®I Uear EVERYBODY


I Frances Beauty Parlor and A PLACE TO EAT


25S N. Second St Phone 1040 4-14- Malo St. Phone 95

green caps and so why shonldn 't we have 'em T I mean t he Fresh- I

ies. Just think wouldn't it be I nice ii the Freshies went home to eat toikey with nice riew bonnets I I'll say yabetcha ! - J . I . L. ~ .... ....,....,...,....,...,...,...,....,...,...,...,,......,;..,....,...,..., .... ...,..,....,.....:i 11,-.,. ..... -...,..,....,_....,.,..,-1 ~-... --------..:i •

