
I am Kelsey and I am in Gust in room 116 and am going to show you a very talented slide show.

Hi, I am Private Eye Investigator, Kelsey, and this is

my trip.This slide show shall not be plagiarized, and it shall be a secret. SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Step 1: The Bus

This is when we were going to Balarat. The bus was suprizingly fun.

The Big Meet

When we got there we had to meet all of our counselors.

We got Jenny, Jordan, and Chelsea

Step 2: The Hike

The Hike was so fun but so long, we all wanted to stop but we all wanted to keep going. It was so weird and fun.

The Bathroom Break

In the middle of the hike some people including me had to use

the restroom, so we stopped and went.

Step 3: The Mystery

There was killing at Balarat.

We had to figure out who did it, what did they kill, and why did they kill it.

The Figuring

We were working in couples. The person who killed the animal was the…. Hippie! The animal it killed

was……a bobcat!

It was a true story.

Step 4: The Cabins

All of the cabins were COLD COLD and without blankets. We all had to bring our own sleeping bag or blankets.


At night we played some games and we got ready for bed. It was

the best night of my life.

Step 5: The Break of Dawn

In the morning we went on a hike, but before that we saw a BEAUTIFUL sunrise.

The Morning Hike

In the morning we took a long, fun and tiring hike. We saw the

sunrise, and we saw the cactus change by the light.

Step 6: The Wall

Some people went on this GIANT wall and started to climb, Mr. Albert went on it too. I was going on it, but when I came down my helmet spun.

The Finale

After that we packed up, did one last chore and got on the bus to

