Download ppt - Hypertext System hwstwo

Page 1: Hypertext System hwstwo

Dwitiya Agneyastri

Herlin Widasiwi s.

Syafrizal Fuady



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning


Page 2: Hypertext System hwstwo

The concept of hypertext is initially pioneered by Vannevar Bush, who is known as the “grandfather” of hypertext, in 1945. He described the first hypermedia system, named memex (memory extender). He wrote about it in his article “As We May Think”.

Ted Nelson (1967), one of the pioneers of hypertext, created a project called Xanadu. It was stimulated from the Bush’s idea about the memex.

Anzel, et al, (1992:124) state that “the recent interest in hypertext concepts in computer science can be explained by the fact that we can now support non-linearity with computers, thus making it much easier and faster for reader to follow up cross references. Modern computers, furthermore, allow us to expand the notion of text to include not only texts and pictures as in printed texts, but also sound, music, animation and video in a single hypertext system.”



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 3: Hypertext System hwstwo

In general sense, hypertext means non-sequential reading and writing. A hypertext system allows a user to link information together, by creating trails through associated materials. A link connects words or sentence in one electronic document to relate information in another document (Karen: 1998)

Lucarella defines hypertext as a system to manage a collection of information that can be assessed non-sequentially.







Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 4: Hypertext System hwstwo

The term “Hypertext” implies that the system is related to plain text. The term “Hypermedia” sometimes used since there’s a possibility of connecting hypertext with other media, such as graphics, animation or sound.

As a matter of fact, hypermedia is similar to hypertext. The only distinction is that instead of linking just text, by using hypermedia, users can link to other media, such as graphics, video, spreadsheet, animation or sound.

In short, users of hypermedia systems can link together information of any media type provided by current technology (Smith, 1988).



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 5: Hypertext System hwstwo


Multiple Paths of Inquiry /exploration

Individual learning opportunities

Reader control

Non-Linear information Structure

Updating Information

Critical Thinking

Embedded text

Asynchronous communication



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 6: Hypertext System hwstwo

Our sentences work best when they have a subject, object, and verb. Our stories work best when they have an ending. As we surf the Internet, we're in danger of forgetting this basic truth.

With hyper-text, endings are irrelevant, because no one ever gets to one. Reading gives way to surfing, a meandering peripatetic journey through a maze of threads. The surfer creates his or her own narrative, opting for the most seductive link immediately available.

As a research technique, this is superb. As a mode of thought however, it has serious deficiencies. Faster is not always better and segmentation is not always smarter.



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 7: Hypertext System hwstwo

Due to the capability of the hypertext system as a computer medium (this enables users to navigate and browse information), the application of hypertext is, now, being developed. Some of hypertext applications are listed below:


Information resources

Personal learning



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 8: Hypertext System hwstwo

Its interactive capability and flexibility

Its ability to allow the teacher or designer to expand the notion of text including pictures, sounds, music, animation and video

Its ability to give individual attention to a learner or user, at the console and replies to the system

Its ability in enabling students or users to choose and learn any topic of his or her own interest



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 9: Hypertext System hwstwo

The increasing interest to apply hypertext system for language learning and teaching purposes is due to the capability of hypertext-interactive capability and flexibility-as a computer medium .

As a matter of fact, hypertext system can be implemented inlearning of all languages skills – listening, speaking, reading,and writing – and also language aspects (components), such as vocabulary or grammar.



Concept of Hypertext

What is Hypertext?

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Advantages of Hypertext

Problems with Hypertext

Hypertext Application

Hypertext in Education

Hypertext in Language Learning

Page 10: Hypertext System hwstwo

