Download pdf - Hurling

  • Javier Suardaz Gutirrez

    This Irish sport comes from the Celts and has been played for more than 3000 years. Shares the

    principal characteristics of multiplayer team sports such as soccer, rugby and more specific

    division lines as the Gaelic football. It is played on big rectangular grass fields. The players use a

    stick to kick and hold the ball called Hurley, a ball which name is sliotar and can also hit,

    catch and hold the ball with the hands. The Hurling does not only remain to Irish grounds, It is

    also played in North America and Argentina where Irish communities have gone to live.

    Hurley Sliotar

    The Hurling is a contact sport. But with beginners there will be some rules to limit this contact.

    Lets see how we will play:

  • Beginning with Hurling

    Materials/equipment: Handmade Hurleys and little soft balls. Two little goals.

    Space: Soccer field

    Number of participants: All class group divided in two teams.

    Duration: 10-15 min

    Task description: All the participants by their way will have to find the best way to drive the ball while running. Then in a limited area, they will have to hit the ball of the rest outside the area. If your ball is out you will have to design an English rule which will be written on a blackboard. At the end, a match will be played with two teams based on the rules written. The one who makes a fault on any rule will have to play without the freehand, with a smaller Hurley or with black glasses (can not see). Norms/rules: Also there would be some general rules: Anyone can hit other players with the stick. Holding the ball with the freehand you can not move. Alternatives: Smaller field 3x3 tournament. Two sticks each one so the ball can not be catched by the hands.

  • Graphic explanation:

