






Introduction Quality Teaching Techniques VAK Learning Styles Activity Example Conclusion

Quality Teaching Course

Refreshed my teaching practices Took me out of my comfort zone Gave me new ideas Allowed me to use and adapt new

techniques; allowing deeper results

Techniques I use Board Division Keywords Lesson time allocation Aim of lesson (What you will learn) Similarities & Differences Charts Hypothesis Pre & Post Tests VAK Profiles Direct Feedback

_______________________________________________________ POP Sticks Talk Tokens Lesson Evaluation


Divide board into quarters 1st section Keywords 2nd section Aim of lesson

(what they need to learn)

3rd section Time breakdown 4th section Homework

WHAT WORKS IN THE CLASSROOMAffect size less than 0.2 very small; 0.5 medium, 0.8 large

Categories of Instructional Strategies that Affect Student Achievement

Category Average affect size

Identify similarities and differences 1.61

Summarizing and note making 1.00

Reinforcing effort and providing recognition 0.80

Homework and Practice 0.77

Non linguistic representations 0.75

Cooperative learning 0.73

Setting objectives and providing feedback 0.61

Generating and testing hypothesis 0.61

Questions cues and advance organisers 0.59


A VAK Profiler helps you understand how you learn,

how you think, how you communicate.

Answer the questions as spontaneously as you can. When you have answered all questions add them up and your profile is provided.

Question A B C

Which do you find easier? Making something Writing a letter or story Drawing a picture or plan

When spelling a word, do you Write down a few versions to see which feels right

Say it to yourself and then spell it

Picture the word in your mind and then spell it

When learning something new do you prefer

Being involved in group activities and role plays

Being presented with a talk or lecture or group discussion

Watching slides, videos, charts

If you are trying to find something lost do you

Physically retrace what you have done

Ask yourself or someone else whare it might be

Visualise your actions trying to see where you last saw it

When you read a book do you Experience the emotions and feelings in the story

Think about what is being said and how it is said

Picture scenes in your mind like you are watching a movie

When you get angry do you Throw things around to let off steam

Raise your voice and talk about what makes you angry

Remain silent but replay the scene in your head

Which do you find easier to remember

Something you have done like a sport or dance

A speech or talk A diagram or a plan of some sort

What motivates you the most The feeling you will have when you complete the job

Verbal reminders of what you must do

A clear image of what needs to be done

When you are concentrating what distracts you the most

Physical discomfort, being too hot or too cold

People talking, loud music

Your surroundings, a messy room or desk

How do you think most often By weighing things up in terms of feelings and actions

Talk over the issue with yourself out loud to yourself

Visualise what you are thinking about – see the picture

When someone asks you a question do you

Become very aware of how you feel about the issue

Repeat the question to yourself and think about it

Try to get a clear picture in your mind about what it is about

When describing things to others do you use words like

This feels right to me “ I can handle it : “ it makes me feel sick inside”

“lets talk it over” “Listen to this”, “that sounds great”

“I see what you mean”, I can picture that”, “ I not clear what you mean”

When you meet someone new what do you remember most about them

What they did What they said or their name

What they looked like

Question A B CYou know you understand something when

You are able to put it into practice

You can explain it to someone else

You can see it clearly in your mind

When you are telling someone about a show you have watched do you

Get up and act about what happened

Repeat the conversations from the show and talk thru the actions

Describe the scene in detail and what they were wearing and characters look like

Are you a person who most often

Uses hand gestures and body movement when you are talking

Enjoys talking, often repeating points to emphasise them

Talk sparingly but when you do you get your message across easily

Which group of subjects do you like the most

Drama, PE, Art, Electronics

English ,Legal Studies, Languages

Art Music

When making a very important decision do you

Rely on how you feel

Talk over the options with yourself or someone

Visualise the problem and each of the solutions

Which career group appeals to you most

Carpentry, building, electronics, word processor, military

Teaching, law, counselling, sales

Artist, photography, computer programmer

Which would you most prefer

Playing sport Listening to concert

Watching a movie

Total of those ticked

Your preferred style is A or B or C

VAK Profiles (Knowledge) Activity Students completed a VAK profile

Aim Students learn how they take in information best

Results Selective kids, very even ; VisualGifted; even, AudioMainstream; big swing to

Kinesthetic Learning Knowledge; list, describe, find, tell

Comprehension; explain, describe, interpretApplication; show, use, illustrate, classify

What did I do with the Information

Visual Students, away from windows front of room

Kinesthetic Students, sit in middle of room Audio Students to sit at the back Structure group activities accordingly. Student communicate to teacher using

style (Visual)

Venn diagrams can be used to display or infer relationships by highlighting similar and

different aspects of concepts




Group structures their own Hypotheses of what a design process is.

E.g. “The design process is a series of steps, in order, that if you follow you can make something”“The design process is a line of

headings that have smaller headings that need to be evaluated at each step so you can make something.”


Pre Test and Post Test Results