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    GenesisTech Inc.A research company that fuses human ambition with a bit of the supernatural,in hopes of changing the worlds and fatterning their pockets.

    byCharles PhippsPrologue

    Doctor Conrad Murphys hands trembled. He was unable to move anything but his hands due to fear. The discovery of

    the existence of vampires had been a complete accident. It came from the result of trying to find out commonalities in the

    odd blood samples discovered in some gunshot wound patients. Conrad had made the mistake of sending too many

    queries around. He had been doing a little investigating of his own. The private detective had ended up in the morgue and

    now, the Doctor was already under investigation for mishandling hospital funds.

    But they wouldnt just settle for ruining my career, would they? I know too much, Conrad bit his lower lip while staring

    across from the desk of the pale skinned executive that he d been brought to meet.

    Several tough looking men had arrived at his house, packing arms, and had shoved him into an unmarked black

    limousine. From there, hed been brought to the basement levels of GenesisTech Industries. Bio-research, the perfect

    cover for the undead to perform all manner of perversions.

    I suppose its obvious why youre here, The mans piercing stare was predatory in nature. The kind of look that you

    saw in many executives that didnt care who they stepped on. No use in hiding it. Your little essays are too rich in

    information for you to be ignorant of the truth.

    Conrad knew he was going to die. That provided him more courage than he would have normally possessed under the

    circumstances. It allowed him to speak up You wont silence me! You cant stay hidden forever! Modern technology will

    reveal the world youve kept hidden for so long!

    Strangely, the man merely smiled at that proclamation I absolutely agree.

    Doctor Murphy blinked as the man handed over a large stack of papers in a manilla folder with the GenesisTech helixshaped logo on the front. Taking a second to shake off his confusion, the physician opened the folder to see a contract on

    the inside.Conrad blinked a second before respondingYou want to hire me?

    Vice President of Personnel Mister Shriver then said Were not the supernatural, Doctor. Were the people interested

    in making use of it.

    In the World of Darkness, there are countless people whom have encounters with the supernatural every day.

    The majority of these individuals remain unaware of what they are associating with. Others become aware of

    the true nature of their encounters by skill on their part, carelessness by a supernatural, deliberate revelation or

    some combination of the three.

    Mortal reactions to the supernatural vary wildly. They range between fear, awe, horror, denial, and anger.

    Particularly noteworthy are those mortals whom become intensely curious and ambitious. GenesisTech is an

    association of mortals whom have put their knowledge to use in hopes of making a profit from it.

    HistoryThe history of GenesisTech begins with a small pharmaceuticals firm in Japan. Owned by Hanabishi Hideo

    and his immediate relatives, it was named Hanabishi Medical Supplies. By the late 1950s, the company was

    neither successful nor particularly noteworthy.

    Hanabishi Hideo was an ambitious man, but his heir had proved incapable of managing the firm. Having beenscarred by his experiences during wartime, Hanabishi Sakaki was more interested in pursuing pleasure with

    young women than becoming a businessman. That changed when Sakaki disappeared and was presumed dead

    by his grief stricken father. Shockingly, Sakaki returned home three months later. The young man wore bloody

    rags and had changed completely.

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    Hanabishi Hideo was stunned to silence by his son s wild tales, stories of a vast society of vampires that lived

    in both his country and others. Sakaki had been Embraced by one of the many women of loose virtue that he

    indulged with. However, his creator had been destroyed not long after that. Sakaki had been unable to gain

    control over the raging beast within him and now sought death. The younger man begged his father to kill him,

    to drive a wooden stake through his heart and leave him out for the sun to destroy.This might have been the end of a tragic but common story amongst the Damned, had Sakaki not explained

    entirely too much to his father. Fascinated by the concept of a ghoul, Hideo did stake his son through the heart,

    but then fed upon the vampires blood himself. Finding himself invigorated beyond reason, Hideo removed his

    son away from the coming daylight and took out the stake. Sakaki was already in deep torpor and unable to

    respond. Developing a strong affection for his son that he never felt in life, Hideo laid away his son s body while

    tackling the business world with a renewed enthusiasm.

    By the mid-1980s, Hanabishi Medical Supplies had merged with many other Japanese firms and purchased

    several American ones. Hideos consistent leadership may not have always been the most forward-thinking, but

    it always kept the corporation growing. It was then that Hideo met with Marcus Shriver, an aggressive young

    executive that had a reputation for making business rivals disappear. After several attempts by both Hideo and

    Marcus to dispose of one another, it became apparent that they both had some form of supernatural aid. Hideowas relieved to discover that Marcus was not a vampire or servant of one, but a practitioner of magic.

    The ambitions of the young American were greater than Hanabishi, whom simply wished to indefinitely

    expand his business empire. Nevertheless, it was Marcus that suggested they put the wealth of their two

    businesses together in order to harness the power of the supernatural world for their own benefit. Marcus was

    swiftly given a place on the Board of Directors with dissenting voices quietly phased out. Over time, the re-

    named GenesisTech has become one of the largest concentrations ofinformed mortals in the world.

    Most of the supernatural world would scoff at the idea that such a group could exist without some secret

    puppet master pulling the strings. In truth, human ambition and greed are some of the most powerful moti-vating factors in the world. Enough that even the underbelly of the World of Darkness is capable of being

    rocked by it.

    GenesisTechs GoalsWhy rule the world when you can buy it? -Marcus Shriver, Orientation Seminar

    GenesisTech is an organization that may strike many as shockingly mundane in its ambitions. The primary

    motivation of the corporations executives and management is to make money. Most of GenesisTech s opera-

    tions, both mundane and supernatural-related, are designed around cost-to-profit projections. Its all well and

    good to forward the idea of a virus to wipe out all vampires on Earth, but that s expensive, and how is it going to

    benefit us? The idea of capturing a live werewolf and harvesting blood samples in order to synthesize cures for

    thousands of individual diseases sounds much more profitable.

    Most telling is the fact that GenesisTech tends to run every little piece of supernatural information through

    analysts in order to find uses for it. Its doubtful that any Kindred in history had ever thought about the idea of

    ghouling cattle to manufacture more beef at a cheaper price. Many of the applications of their research aremoronic or impractical, but they are researched, nevertheless. The few applications that do get approval and

    succeed are often sources of great revenue.

    This mercenary truth about the corporation is not always apparent to its employees. GenesisTech is more

    interested in acquiring the services of talented and aware individuals than it is in the truth. Many members ofGenesisTech erroneously believe the organization is serving a far greater cause. They are told that they are

    working to free the world from the control of the supernaturals, to elevate humanity to a higher state of ex-

    istence, or wield their knowledge for control of the world. This placation is kept up for as long as necessary.

    Usually, an employee becomes ensnared by the lifestyle and ceases to care. Other times, the corporation de-

    velops a hook that forces compliance.

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    A rare few GenesisTech employees are those whom rise to power in the corporation yet keep their ideals.

    These beings quietly exploit their positions for their own personal goals, irregardless of the company s own

    plans. In addition to the expected whackos that get off on the prospect of supernatural power bent to their wills

    or those seeking to save humanity from the evils of the night, others are interested in joining one of the factions

    they have become aware of. Transformation into a vampire, becoming a werewolf (whether possible or not), orlearning magic is a desire that drives them. These employees who wish to go native often find themselves

    either eliminated by the company or learn that few supernatural beings take the GenesisTech corporation very

    seriously. Nevertheless, these rogues are distressingly common and a source of much frustration for the com-


    Overall, the corporation exists to gather as much information about the supernatural as possible while fig-

    uring some way to harness the power they discover. They fail as often as they succeed, but have come a very

    long way.

    GenesisTechs ResourcesGenesisTech is a company that employs tens of thousands. It is not yet one of the largest corporations on the

    planet, but its certainly noteworthy to those with their eyes on the market. The company made its initial

    fortune in pharmaceuticals and has expanded its purview to include related fields of agriculture, chemistry,genetic research, and a few other fields. It specializes in developing cutting edge solutions to common industry


    This is where the vast majority of its wealth is generated, and they are more focused on acquiring a substantial

    market share in these than diversifying their control in some kind of economic pyramid scheme.

    GenesisTech employees tend to be well paid, but extremely wrapped up in confidentiality agreements and red

    tape. The true leaders of the corporation, like most in the business world really, are aware that all bureaucracy

    is made to impede outsiders rather than replace actual leadership. Control of information is very important to

    the Board of Directors, and one would be hard pressed to comprehend the full extent of the company s hold-

    ings. This has helped repulse civil-lawsuit-pressing lawyers and the I.R.S as much as the supernatural.

    This web of secrecy allows the real movers and shakers of the company to operate in almost-absolute secrecy.Numerous hidden laboratories are listed on files at the bottom of drawers, and vast amounts of funding are

    distributed to them without anyone recognizing where it goes. Special Employees carry out their experiments

    on captured supernatural beings in these labs. Most are mundane, but brilliant scientists in their chosen field,

    exposed to the amazing possibilities inherent in GenesisTechs research into the unknown. A few attempts to

    recruit powerful supernatural beings have been made but these have usually ended in disaster. Still, a few

    hedge-magicians, psychics, and disgruntled ghouls have found their way into GenesisTech service.

    Slightly more glamorous are Scientific Operative Teams. Selected by Vice President Schiver, they are mostly

    field operatives sent to clean up likely supernatural infestations for trace clues. Newer variants are little more

    than mercenary teams with missions to kill, however. GenesisTech is extremely careful about employing these

    teams in any First World Nation. The operations are usually precise and performed with a considerable amount

    of planning to minimize evidence of their use. A few very bad accidents in the Third World have resulted in thecompany bribing military officials to reduce entire villages to ashes. Most simply assume that it is a matter of

    dealing with disgruntled locals. GenesisTech is not above masquerading as the United States government if it

    thinks that itll get more cooperation.

    In general, it is an organization that is tremendously powerful and amoral. Nevertheless, it is not one that canact too harshly or too openly. Retaliation by any major faction of the supernatural world would be devastating

    to its plans. A crackdown by the United States or the major countries of the United Nations could also lead to

    bankruptcy and dissolution. GenesisTech is eager to avoid both.

    GenesisTech and the Supernatural WorldAlexander King stared at the documents with his pen light. The GenesisTech security guards passed by the Mekhet

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    without even noticing him. It had been a three week investigation on behalf of the Prince. What he read was shocking in

    its implications. Unfortunately, there was a very good chance that nothing could be done about it. The Kindred of a single

    city couldnt even come together for one purpose. What chance did they have of plugging a Masquerade breach that

    spanned several nations?

    The seneschal shook his head and mutteredHeh, that

    s assuming the majority of elders even believed it wasn

    t a trickby their enemies....

    The security guards turned around to flash their lights in search of the noises source. That was the cue for the Kindred

    intruder to make his escape. There was much to consider and precious little time to do.

    Less than 1% of GenesisTech employees truly know about the existence of the supernatural. A few thousand

    do regular research on materials relating to it but are never made aware of its otherworldly nature. Only a

    couple of hundred GenesisTech employees are actively aware that there are more than humans out there. The

    majority of these were brought in by GenesisTech after they d already discovered the supernatural. It is a rare

    and gifted individual that GenesisTech feels will benefit them more by knowing rather than being kept in ig-


    Sadly, information is unevenly distributed amongst employees. The corporation feels it best to limit

    knowledge to a need to know basis in order to minimize the damage from leaks. Thus, Science Officers oftenhave a great deal of practical knowledge about catching and trapping werewolves, but are unlikely to know a

    thing about their esoteric practices. Researches might know a great deal about the recuperative powers of a

    vampire, but next to nothing about its feeding habits.

    The following information represents the accumulated knowledge of the entire corporation on the nature of

    the World of Darkness. Even this, as readers can see, is very incomplete.Vampires

    In part because of Chairman Hanabishis initial conversation with his son about Kindred and a few ghouls

    that defected to the groups service, GenesisTech knows a good deal about vampires. Vampires drink blood.

    They know that they are divided into tribes with some much larger than others. They know that vampires are

    killed by fire, sunlight, decapitation, and being blown to pieces. They also know that a wooden stake can in-

    capacitate one along with a great deal of ammunition. Vampires are also prone to bizarre animalistic behavior.

    A vampire can create a ghoul, or demi-vampire, that possesses few of its weaknesses, but a fraction of its power

    by feeding it blood. The actual mechanism of the transformation process is not very clear, though. Vampires

    possess enhanced strength, durability, and speed, but power levels vary from vampire to vampire. There are also

    reports of stranger abilities that GenesisTech tends to link all to mind-control rather than the genuine capacity

    to perform them.

    Surprisingly, the Kindred also know about GenesisTech. Or, more precisely, some vampires know about

    GenesisTech. Several Princes are aware that the corporation is conducting experiments into the Kindred race.

    Both the Ordo Dracul and Carthians have received semi-complete reports by individual agents sent to infil-

    trate the corporation. Rather than distribute the information, most are content to simply keep the company out

    of their own backyards. The corporation doesnt seem interested in exposing the Masquerade, and most Princesarrogantly assume that some other Lick is responsible for their efforts. The Ordo Dracul is interested in what

    GenesisTech is able to accomplish with modern technology and have taken to protecting them from retalia-

    tion. The Carthians are much more concerned, especially concerning the lack of rights given to many captives,

    and would like to see the group shut down and/or dismantled.Werewolves

    Knowledge regarding werewolves is almost uniformly second hand, from experimentation, or the result of

    interrogating subjects captured during raids. Given that many subjects will tell anything to avoid torture or

    execution, the best source of information is polluted at best. Quite a few werewolves have willingly lied, even

    up to their deaths, in order to protect their kind from the danger that GenesisTech represents. The company

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    knows that werewolves travel in groups, are capable of shifting into various forms between human and wolf,

    with the hybrid form being the most physically formidable. They heal very quickly, but silver weaponry and fire

    damage affect them especially adversely and cannot be healed as quickly. Many werewolves are animists, and

    some hold certain locations to be holy ground. Many werewolves can cause hallucinations of alien beings, and

    are mentally ill themselves with psychotic rage or delusions about reality being a common affliction.Werewolves, largely, have no idea that GenesisTech exists. The Pure are largely blamed for any missing pack

    mates, rather than a simple group of mundane human mercenaries. A few packs have wiped out entire Science

    Operative teams. These events have left the victorious Uratha with a lot of questions and very few answers.

    Most simply chalk up the results to a few extremely well-armed and delusional humans at work. A few have

    paranoid theories about the government, but none have an inkling that there might be a corporation out to

    harvest their D.N.A for medical advancements. The Iron Wolves have, independently, stumbled onto a surreal

    paper trail that indicates a few of their holy places might be monitored. This is probably the Uratha s best lead

    to discovering there is something wrong with the human corporation.Mages

    GenesisTech thinks it knows a great deal about mages. Unfortunately, the majority of its information is in-

    accurate. Its views have been influenced by the psychics, hedge magicians, and parapsychologists in its service.All of whom have brought their own prejudices and theories to the table. The naturally scientific and skeptical

    nature of GenesisTech has led it to try to unravel the mysteries of magic with as mundane an explanation as


    Even if the company were to find out the truth of magic, they would probably dismiss the idea of Atlantis to be

    utterly crackpot. This goes the same for any mage who believes in it. GenesisTech doesnt believe there is any

    difference between Hedge Magic, Psychic Abilities, Thaumaturgy, or the True Magic of the Awakened.

    The companys official byline is that sorcery is the product of psychic abilities. These abilities are then erro-

    neously channeled through superstitions of the wielder. These superstitions might have some psychological

    benefit to focusing magic, but do not actually give any real benefit. They believe mages are normal human

    beings, though perhaps gifted in some way. If there is a source for magic, it must be in the brain, but no one has

    yet figured out how.

    Two Mage groups have expressed interest in the GenesisTech company. Agents of the Seers of the Throne

    have noted their scientific explanations might be able to be used to keep the Sleepers manipulated. However,

    at least one operative of the Silver Ladder is interested in exploiting GenesisTech s research for the greater

    control of the mortal world. Neither has done much more than speculate on the possibilities, at this point.

    GenesisTech employs several hedge magicians and a dozen psychics in its service.Prometheans

    GenesisTech has no real knowledge of Promethean society as a whole. They might investigate stories of

    Mummies, Golems, Androids, and reanimated corpses, but theyre unlikely to draw any sort of commonality

    between them.

    At this point, all GenesisTech has on them is rumors and stories that they are following up at a very slow pace.However, this may not be the case for long. At least some of the researchers of GenesisTech are interested in

    the concept of creating life from the dead. It is quite likely that, if they havent already, it is only a matter of

    time before the Divine Fire is wielded by one of the scientists to create life to the dead.

    Thus far, no Promthean has yet encountered GenesisTech. Most of them would find the idea of a corporation

    researching the supernatural to be simultaneously intriguing and horrifying. A few might attempt to make

    contact with them, before they realize that theyre more likely to be treated as a lab specimen than a partner.Others

    GenesisTech believes in the existence of ghosts and have spent a large amount of research into exploring the

    possibilities of using them. They also believe in aliens, UFOs, and alien experimentation. This later bit is

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    something that many of the scientifically minded of the corporation have an easier time swallowing than most

    of the supernatural things that they encounter. Ironically, the corporation believes it has gathered a very large

    amount of evidence for the existence of extraterrestrials by uncovering the remains of spirits at work.

    A few scientists also speculate on the existence of things like the Yeti, Faeries, Angels, Demons, and the like,

    but most GenesisTech officials give them a wide berth.Using GenesisTech in ChroniclesMister Carlyle took a big puff of his inhaler as he walked up to the residence of David and Wilma Patel. A lawyer for

    the GenesisTech corporation, Mister Carlyle had been through a half dozen meetings with the pair of activists. They

    seemed to honestly have it in for the corporation. Not only had they spent most of their upper class American fortune

    trying to organize protests, marches, and letter writing campaigns against the company, but theyd even helped fundseveral class-action lawsuits against them for maleficence.

    I hate these sort of meetings, Mister Carlyle spit in his hand before rubbing it through his hair. Ringing the doorbell,

    he opened up his briefcase and started rifling through it.

    The door opened to show Missus Patel with a typically contemptuous stare Oh, its you....

    Mister Carlyle removed his silencer equipped beretta and fired three bullets into her chest. The lawyer then stepped over

    her corpse and shot her husband in the back of the head. The fellow had just been turning from the telly. Thankfully, thecouple had no kids. Those were the worst kind of missions to deal with. Nevertheless, it was now his place to rifle through

    their papers before calling in a clean up team. By mid-morning, this entire place would be spotless and the Patels would

    effectively disappear.

    Yes, I need you to take up their voice prints from their phones. Well need to leave messages with all their friends and

    family about leaving town. Also, the paperwork has to be handled and a few actors will be needed to go through the

    motions of their life.... Carlyle paused as he pulled the wooden stake out of his briefcase, putting it to the side before

    taking out a mallet Im now going to disable the vampire in the basement. Be sure to make sure that were clear for UV

    resistant transportation.

    PCs as GenesisTech Agents

    GenesisTech is an organization that could be an excellent base for mortal PCs to start from. The company isone that is morally ambiguous enough that heroic PCs can operate for it while simultaneously being confrontedwith its darker side on occasion. They have enough equipment and information to be able to present a credible

    threat to many supernatural organizations. Also, their goal of finding out more about the supernatural is one

    that can provide numerous adventure hooks.

    Ultimately, a GenesisTech based chronicle is one that should walk a thin line between giving reasons to

    distrust their superiors while reinforcing their loyalty to it. While the obvious route is to have the player

    characters turn against GenesisTech when they discover them to be amoral and evil, a more ambitious ap-

    proach might have them be viewed as the lesser of two evils. GenesisTech has the potential to save billions of

    lives with their supernaturally enhanced medicines, after all. Why not work to reform the organization from the


    A certain element of temptation should also be present. To employees in the know, GenesisTech offers atremendous amount of authority and power. Their lawyers can get player characters out of most jams that dont

    threaten their security. The organization also encourages employees wallow in the wealth and excess that are

    provided them. A scientist that has been an ostracized nerd for much of his life might find it difficult to walk

    away from a job where hes given his pick of beautiful women and other fringe benefits.

    The subtle threat that going against the company is a pointless exercise in futility might also lead many to

    reconsider turning against it. GenesisTech has the protection of most nations that it works in. Those who harm

    the company may find themselves branded as terrorists and hunted down by the authorities unless they can

    prove wrongdoing on a massive scale. Even then, certain governments are willing to look the other way.

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    GenesisTech as an Antagonist

    The more obvious use of GenesisTech in a chronicle is that of an enemy. For supernaturals, nothing may be

    more terrifying than being captured and dragged off to some hidden laboratory for experimentation. The

    company isnt just of the mind to dissect their captured supernaturals, either. The organization has the idea of

    bending individual members into sleeper agents, inserting spies, and field testing their latest experiments ingenetics.

    While GenesisTech is primarily composed of human beings, theres nothing to prevent Storytellers from using

    them as the basis for other creatures as well. Their research has been going on for a very long time, and some of

    their more psychotic members may have taken on a very Doctor Moreau-like bent to their research. This runs

    the risk of making the organization too much of a comic book villain, but can help reinforce that studying thesupernatural can be sanity eroding. Indeed, it may help various types of supernatural beings to see that human

    beings can be just as monstrous as they.

    A less obvious use for GenesisTech is to utilize its purely mundane elements. Supernaturals might become

    concerned when they find out about any of the nasty dealings that the company is doing in their area. Genetic

    testing, chemical run-off, or other real world corporate excesses are all too easily inserted. When the player

    characters use their supernatural abilities to influence the event, they may be shocked to find that they areretaliated against by a group that is aware of their powers and are able to counter them in turn.

    NPCs of GenesisTechHere are some important movers and shakers in the GenesisTech corporation. These, by no means, represent

    the full number of stock holders and employees involved in the affairs of the supernatural. Instead, it is just a

    small sampling of individuals that have their own agendas in addition to those of the company. Were they to

    die or disappear, the GenesisTech corporation would likely go on without them.Hanabishi Hideo (Chairman)

    Hanabishi Hideo is the ninety-seven year old Chairman of the GenesisTech corporation. Not having aged

    since his forties, Hanabishi must live in seclusion and employ his grandchildren to serve as his proxies for most

    corporate decisions. He has not yet come up with a viable solution to resolving the problem of keeping controlover his corporation, while maintaining the appearance of everything being normal. He has offered vast wealth

    to anyone that can provide him a solution for establishing a new identity that would allow him assume control

    of the company once more.

    Hideo is a financial genius that has a tremendous amount of experience to draw from. Most of the vast success

    that GenesisTech has enjoyed is due to his iron fisted leadership combined with favoring long term growth over

    short term success. However, Hideo has not gotten to where he is without a willingness to skirt the edges of the

    law when not outright breaking them. He has changed thanks to his addiction for Kindred blood and themorality eroding effects of being a ghoul. Murder comes naturally to Hanabishi now, and he is not a man who

    would think twice about wiping out a whole family in order to get at one man.

    Despite being an untrained ghoul, Hideo has developed numerous powers on his own. These include the

    ability to mesmerize individuals, to read auras, and the capacity to captivate audiences with his presence. Partof this has to do with his having sampled the blood of several different Kindred, in addition to his torporous son.

    Hideo resists abusing these powers too frequently, lest he become overly reliant on them. Nevertheless, they

    have proven a decisive factor in many business dealings.

    Hanabishi Hideo is only concerned about his dual loyalties to his eldest son and the growth of his company.

    Despite having sired nearly a dozen other children since becoming a ghoul, most of which lean towards either

    insanity or mental deformity, he only has eyes for his eldest. The Vinculum has resulted in him developing an

    idolatrous worship of Sakakis torporous body. Oftentimes, Hanabishi Hideo will visit his son and speak to his

    inert form for hours. Time, mixed with the nature of his work, has eroded Hideo s sanity. Hideo truly believes

    that his son communicates with him telepathically and is an enlightened individual of tremendous wisdom. It is

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    likely hed attempt to turn all of GenesisTech over to his son, should he awaken. This would not go over very

    well with the other stockholders.

    Hanabishi Hideo is a somewhat portly Japanese man with a thin goatee, a penchant for finely tailored suits,

    and slicked black hair. In his rare meetings with outsiders, he often wears prosthetics to appear ancient. Hideo

    has also been known to impersonate his own grandchildren.Marcus Shriver (Vice President)

    Marcus Shriver hails from a small town in New England called Whiteport, Connecticut. Marcus was aware

    that the town was different from most in the world. They conducted the Black Mass, placated the old gods with

    sacrifices, and preserved the ancient wisdom. Indeed, Marcus always thought there was something seriously

    wrong with the rest of the world. Most people seemed utterly unaware of the reality of the dark forces. Marcus

    was an ambitious man that was aware he would become little more than a village high priest if he stayed in

    Whiteport. Having been educated by his father in the power of face sculpting and sympathetic magic, he

    murdered a young student of Yale before taking over his life. Several murders later, Marcus had inherited a

    substantial fortune and managed to just squeak by to graduation. Being a born sociopath, he felt no actual guilt

    for this action.

    The young wunderkind businessman found success in the outside world to be a challenge. Marcus magic gavehim numerous benefits and, in passing his sister off as his wife, the young hedge magician gained the power of

    her Sight to provide insight into business deals. Nevertheless, his chemicals company was developing a bad

    reputation due to the amount of death that occurred to keep it afloat. Marcus decided to take over a Japanese

    business that was already successful, then spend the rest of his life playing golf. Hideo Hanabishi s partially

    inhuman nature protected him against most of the spells worked against him. Marcus also survived several

    mundane assassination attempts thanks to his sisters foresight. Ultimately, Marcus talent of appearing more

    wise in the ways of the supernatural world than he was, convinced Hideo to take on the boy as his second in


    Marcus is the chief party responsible for the corporations expanded portfolio. A rather lousy businessman,

    Marcus is smart enough to surround himself with people who know what theyre talking about. The con man

    can also pick out those who dont. Additional knowledge about the supernatural world is more enticing to Vice

    President Shriver than financial success, but he never lets this slip around the Board. While most of the recruits

    are individuals that cloak occult truths in scientific gobbledegook, Marcus tolerates them since he often has

    anything mystical brought to his personal stores after they finish analyzing it. The magician has grown greatly in

    power since then, though true magic eludes him.

    Vice President Shriver is a pale skinned middle-aged man. Marcus looks like he might suffer albinism, a side

    effect of his face sculpting not being as refined as it could be. He tends to dress in finely tailored suits but his

    predatory nature is such that some suspect hes a vampire. Underneath his suits, Marcus body is covered in

    tattoos and ritual scarification signs. While he still has a decade or two to go in this body, hes already making

    preparations to steal a younger, healthier executive s body in the future.

    Doctor Noland Wilson (R&D Department Head)Doctor Noland Wilson was a geneticist working for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) when he beganinvestigating strange blood samples that were brought to him by a colleague. The colleague would later reveal

    himself to be a werewolf that hoped a cure might be found for his condition. Ultimately, the lack of success in

    discovering a cure resulted in his colleague going into a berserk rage that crippled the scientist for life. This

    would scar Noland mentally, as well as physically.

    Noland Wilson was recruited by GenesisTech after four years of working on various abnormal blood samples

    in order to discover more about the supernatural, and has since become a driving force of the company. He is

    not a believer in the supernatural, instead believing that all the things encountered by agents are merely a

    hidden race of genetically divergent humans. This doesn t lessen his hatred of them or his desire for their

  • 7/31/2019 Hunter: The Vigil - Compact/Conspiracy - GenesisTech Inc


    eradication, however.

    Noland has proven one of the most inspirational figures to new recruits in the corporation. The scientist has

    derived hundreds of insights into everything from pills to nanotechnology, thanks to his research into the

    monsters. Those who have doubts about the corporation often come to Doctor Wilson in order to receive a

    pep talk about the importance of the work theyre doing. Even some of the mercenary employees visit thedoctor for the occasional therapy session.

    One thing that does rattle a few is the Doctors fervent hatred of the supernatural. While he makes excep-

    tions for psychics, Doctor Wilson has personally overseen the disposal of well over a dozen specimens. He has

    a particular hatred of werewolves and privately researches weapons for use against them. Education about the

    nature of supernatural beings has not dulled his loathing for them. Instead, each new fact only seems to harden

    his belief that they should all be destroyed.

    While lacking supernatural abilities himself, Doctor Noland is one of the world s leading authorities on both

    medicine and biology. He is even capable of generating insight into projects outside of his area of expertise and

    personally supervises most special projects. Noland is aware of the importance of keeping subjects educated

    about their work. To this end, he has established lectures and curriculums for new arrivals to become familiar

    with GenesisTechs findings. They even have their own in-house scientific magazine.Doctor Noland is a quadriplegic man in his mid sixties with a neatly trimmed white beard. His motorized

    wheelchair is controlled by voice commands and a breathing tube. Noland privately hopes that there is some

    sort of cure for paralysis found within the supernatural, but a part of him is disgusted by the idea of merging

    himself with such things.

    InspirationsGenesisTech is an attempt to create an organization for the World of Darkness that more realistically rep-

    resents the benefits and limitations of the supernatural used for business purposes. It takes some inspiration

    from the evil megacorporations of Shadowrun, White Wolfs own Pentex and D.N.A, Resident Evil s Umbrella

    Corporation, and the Centre from NBCs The Pretender. While it wont fit with everyones conception of the

    NWoD, Ive tried to make it a group that can be used in a variety of ways
