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Q & A

AIRS Creates Web-BasedSourcing Tool... 3


Andrew J. McKelvey Resigns AsChairman and CEO of Monster Worldwide

Saying that the task of overseeing the company’s stock options grant reviewprocess was becoming too burdensome, Andrew J. McKelvey has resigned aschairman and CEO of Monster Worldwide, the parent company of leading globalonline career and recruitment resource, Monster. Mr. McKelvey, a 39-year veteran ofMonster and the company’s largest single shareholder, will remain on the company'sboard of directors and has been elected chairman emeritus. The company's board ofdirectors has promoted William M. Pastore to the position of CEO and appointedhim to the board of directors effective immediately. Mr. Pastore joined MonsterWorldwide as chief operating officer in October of 2002 and was promoted to presi-dent and COO in February 2006. In these roles, he has directed all of the company'soperations, overseeing strategic planning and tactical execution in North America,Europe and Asia. Monster Worldwide stated that the board of directors has estab-lished an executive committee of independent board members, consisting of SalIannuzzi, chairman of the Monster Worldwide, John Gaulding and Ron Kramer. Thecompany said that the board of directors believes this structure will allow MonsterWorldwide to further benefit from the three independent board members' businessinsight and corporate governance experience. Mr. Iannuzzi is currently president andCEO of Symbol Technologies. Mr. Gaulding has served on the board since June 2001and as a director from January 1996 to October 1999.

CareerMetaSearch Creates NewApproach To Online Recruiting... 4


Kenexa Posts 54 PercentGain In Q2 Revenues ... 11


Trovix Raises $13 Million In Financing ... 8

Saba Adds Varian MedicalSystems Exec To Board ... 10

Vurv Reports 57 Percent IncreaseIn Q2 Revenues; Names COO

Vurv Technology, a provider of windows-based candidate screening andrecruiting software, has recorded a 57 percent increase in recurring revenues for thesecond quarter ended July 31, 2006. This is the 35th consecutive quarter the companyhas increased revenue over the same quarter of the prior year. During the quarter,Vurv welcomed 20 new enterprise clients including Interpublic Group, and MascoCorporation as well as non-US based firms including Liberty Financial, the leadingspecialty finance group in Australia and New Zealand. The company has also formedseveral new alliances, including relationships with Accenture, ARINSO, Google andMonster and furthered its investment in the Asia Pacific region by hiring additionalstaff and opening a data center in Australia. Also during the quarter, Vurv appointedAmy McGeorge as its new chief operating officer and, under her guidance, redefinedand better aligned several service functions to enhance the overall customer experi-ence. Ms. McGeorge previously served as chief operating officer at CitiStreet LLC, ajoint venture of Citigroup and State Street. “The second quarter of our fiscal yearreflects the significant contributions of our team, as well as the market’s continuedconfidence in Vurv,” said Derek Mercer, founder and CEO of Vurv. “We remaincommitted to developing the industry’s most innovative and easy-to-use productsuite that provides extraordinary value to our customers. ”

Online Recruiting Strategist is published 10 timesa year by Hunt-Scanlon Publishing, Inc.Subscriptions are $190 annually.

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REPRINTS OR ADVERTISINGFor reprints or advertising:call (203) 352-2920.Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.

Publisher: Christopher W. HuntEditor-in-Chief: Scott A. ScanlonManaging Editor: Dale M. ZupsanskyGraphics Editor: Diego F. Da Lan


Vol 7. No. 8 October 2006

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AIRS, a provider of recruitmenttraining and information technology, haslaunched SourcePoint CE, a new Web-based sourcing tool for finding andrecruiting talent. Unlike traditionalsourcing applications that specialize in aspecific task, SourcePoint CE offers allthese capabilities in a single, modularplatform. Critical SourcePoint CE featuresinclude: a passive candidate database ofmore than 33 million profiles; theTotalView resume search engine thatenables recruiters to search their internal,external, active, and passive resume data-bases; and AIRS patent-pending ReVoToolBar that automates candidate captureand TalentPool development. "In the lastthree years the sourcing technology mar-ketplace has exploded," said ChrisForman, CEO of AIRS. "Scores of compa-nies have commercialized products thatfocus on solving one part of the sourcingpuzzle whether it be name generation,networking, employee referral, or resumeaggregation. But this proliferation ofniche providers has created a newproblem for recruiters--how to learn, use,and manage an ever-expanding stable oftools. SourcePoint CE was built from theground up to solve this problem.", a Manchester, NH-based provider of integrated recruitingsoftware and services, has formed a part-nership with BizzwithBuzz, a creativemarketing and design company, tolaunch, a one-stoprecruitment website design and hostingservice. Under this agreement,HireAbility’s Recruiter Network mem-bers gain access to’sWeb design solutions. Members ofHireAbility’s Recruiter Network who

sign up on willreceive a Web site with a customized lookand feel, complete with administrativetools and features. By entering theirHireAbility membership information,members receive preferred pricing onBizzwithBuzz Web site services, and alive job feed from HireAbility to theirown Web site. "We met an essential busi-ness need of our expanding network ofrecruiting professionals by supplyingthem with’s vast arrayof Web site designs and marketing andgraphic services,” said Craig Silverman,executive vice president of sales and mar-keting for HireAbility. “It is the perfectsolution for our members’ needs. Ourpartnership with BizzwithBuzz ensuresthat our members have the most pow-erful Web tools available that fit into theirbusiness’ budgets.”

HRsmart, a provider of talent man-agement technology solutions, has releaseda new onboarding module that allows newhires to complete government and com-pany forms online with an e-signature.This new technology also allows the formsto be automatically sent to the corre-sponding departments and feeds the infor-mation directly into the clients’ HRIS. WithHRsmart’s new onboarding solution, allrelevant documents will appear in the can-didate’s career center where the candidatecan complete the pre-populated formsonline. Recruiters are notified of status andcan participate in the process as well.Standard forms with the module includethe I-9, W-4 and applicable state tax formsamong others. “HRsmart wants to remaina leader in the applicant tracking arena, sowe consistently look for new and uniqueways to build upon the robust technologythat makes our products stand out.” saidMark Hamdan, HRsmart CEO. “This func-tionality will save our clients significant

administrative time, while shortening the

time to productivity of any new hires.”

Onboarding comes standard with

HRsmart’s Applicant Tracking Solution

(ATsmart), and is part of HRsmart’s total

workforce and talent management suite of

technology products.

Online careers site Monster and

Philadelphia Media Holdings, LLC, the

owner of The Philadelphia Inquirer,

Philadelphia Daily News and,

have unveiled a new, co-branded job

search and recruitment website

( In addition

to thousands of online job postings, the

new site provides helpful career and job

search tools, including a resume builder,

a salary center, a range of career self-

assessment tests and quizzes, and expert

advice providing insight into myriad

topics ranging from how to make the best

impression during a job interview, to

how to maintain a healthy work-life bal-

ance. "We are thrilled to bring the

number one online job site to

Philadelphia-area employers and job

seekers," said Brian Tierney, chief execu-

tive officer of Philadelphia Media

Holdings (PMH). "Beginning today,'s career center features the

best jobs from the Philadelphia Inquirer

and Daily News, as well as nationwide

job listings and content from the indus-

try's premier online job site, By connecting Philadel-

phia-area employers with the highest

quality job candidates, is posi-

tioned to remain the destination of choice

for employers and job seekers alike

throughout the Delaware Valley."


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AIRS Creates Web-BasedSourcing Tool

HRsmart Launches NewInteractive Onboarding

HireAbility And BizzWithBuzzLaunch

Monster Launches NewCo-branded Job Site

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Q & A

ORS: Please explain CareerMetaSearch.comand what led to its creation.

Gorham: : is anonline passive candidate portal that allowsemployers an avenue to reach passive can-didates where they spend time online. Asthere are over 40,000 job boards that reachactive candidates it’s our mission to reachcurrently employed passive candidates. Icreated the technology Push Postingproduct in 2003. I originally started out asa job aggregator like Indeed and or SimplyHired and that’s why we use the word“metasearch” in our company name.However, I quickly changed the model to apassive candidate portal. Having spent myentire professional career in recruiting andutilization of tools and job boards I wastired of the poor quality of resumes that Ireceived. I didn’t feel as though I got anyROI from these sites and as it took melonger to review and source resumes tofind the quality candidate I wanted. So Iset out to make it a better model thatwould better connect the passive job seekerwith the employer.

ORS: What is Sharkstrike?

Gorham: Sharkstrike Recruitment is a con-sulting firm that provides a complete rangeof online and offline recruitment andrecruiting services to help companiesenhance their total recruiting process. Weare a privately held company that has over10 years in the recruiting industry. Wecombine the best people, processes, andtechnology to achieve excellent results con-sistently. Sharkstrike believes in partneringwith our clients to maximize yourrecruiting efforts while minimizing yourrecruiting budget.

ORS: Can you explain what “Push Posting”is?

Gorham: Push Posting is our patentpending technology that extracts keywordsfrom a job posting and inserts pertinent jobkeywords into numerous search enginepay per click models. The keyword engineis the heart of the product as it under-stands what keywords to “Push” into thesearch engine marketing. After the key-words are inserted into search engines ourteam then creates the advertising that apassive candidate would see. We thenpush the advertisement where passive can-didates spend time online.

ORS: Do you have the percentage of successfulhires that began as passive candidates?

Gorham: We continually work with ouremployers to capture passive candidateprofiles. Our employers are also able topurchase metrics on how we have cap-tured candidates that include keywordsused, advertising impressions, number ofclick on the advertising, and how manypeople applied.

ORS: Are employers using the Internet moreand more to open up a dialogue with passivecandidates?

Gorham: Yes they are. Our sales and com-pany growth show this to be true.Companies are grasping our solution andthe need for our products and services.

ORS: What makes passive candidatesappealing for organizations looking for talent?

Gorham: Finding a perfect candidate is likefinding the holy grail for a recruiter.Passive candidates are employed andvalued within their current company. Theyhave the longevity, experience and typi-cally will transition into their new role withease, as opposed to finding someone thatyou need to train, and bring up to speed.

CareerMetaSearch CreatesNew Approach To Online Recruiting

Jason Gorham is the founder, man-

aging director and CEO of Sharkstrike

and since it's

formation in 2003. Mr. Gorham has

been in the staffing industry for over

10 years. His career highlights include

creating a technical staffing division,

owning his own technical staffing com-

pany, and working in such capacities

as staffing manager, board member,

and technical recruiter. His accom-

plishments include creating a technical

staffing division that grossed over

$600,000 its first year and also created

his own technical staffing company

whose revenues were over $330,000 a

year. Here in an interview with Hunt-

Scanlon Advisors managing editor

Dale Zupsansky, Mr. Gorham dis-

cusses CareerMetaSearch’s unique

approach to online recruiting and how

his company reaches passive job


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Jason Gorham

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ORS: Explain the advantages of rather than your tra-ditional job board.

Gorham: is moreof a methodology and web service thanit is a job board. Traditional job boardsmass market to active job seekers anddrive everyone through a home page.They take clients’ money and brandthemselves whereas we work with ourclients to find passive job seekers and tobrand their company and or their job.As passive candidates don’t spend timeon job boards but they do spend timereading about their job and their jobindustry this is where we reach them.We provide our clients either a passivecandidate job profile or their resume.

ORS: Please describe your client base.

Gorham: Our client base is diverse con-sisting of enterprise clients, SMB clientsand a la carte job posting clients. Ourmodel allows us to reach people that areusing the Internet worldwide. We havehad clients look for technology, entrylevel, and medical candidates. On aglobal basis we have assisted clients inIndia, the Philippines and the UnitedKingdom to reach passive job seekers.Our product will not work for companieslooking for candidates who don’t spendtime online such as truck drivers etc.

ORS: What future trends do you see in howcompanies generate job posting traffic?

Gorham: : I see companies using new tech-nology to reach candidates such as blogs,recruiting video and referral networks. It’snot that you want the quantity of traffic foryour jobs but it’s the quality of the trafficthat should be of concern. We partner withother job engines such as Simply Hired andIndeed, however we show up in the spon-sored listing which is first, thus separatingourselves out to get the quality traffic.

ORS: Does have

plans to offer any additional services or

expand in anyway within the online recruit-

ment industry?

Gorham: Our research and development

team is currently working on a collegiate

product called AlumNet to reach passive

candidates as well as our resume data-

base is expanding and we are increasing

our intellectual property portfolio to

expand our products and services. We are

also in discussion with various partners

that complement our products and ser-

vices so we become the #1 destination for

passive candidate recruiting. With over

80 percent of job seekers turning to the

Internet when searching for employment,

I believe our unique combination of job

boards, technology, automation, and inte-

gration with proven Internet marketing

techniques generate superior recruitment


ORS: Considering where online recruiting is

headed, do you see future HR professionals

needing to have marketing savvy?

Gorham: : Yes I believe that HR profes-

sionals should have some marketing

insight. This will not only increase their

overall value to a company but will add

to their skillset. The HR professionals

that will have this experience will allow

them to hire more qualified candidates

in a shorter span than another HR pro-

fessional who are not marketing savvy.

Candidates have more choices than ever

to work for who they want where they

want, once you become marketing savvy

this will allow you to build your brand

and hire more efficiently to separate

yourself out from the rest of the pack.

“I see companies using

new technology to reach

candidates such as

blogs, recruiting video

and referral networks.

It’s not that you want the

quantity of traffic for

your jobs but it’s the

quality of the traffic that

should be of concern.”

– Jason GorhamFounder, Managing Director


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6 For expanded industry coverage, go to and sign up for our daily Recruiting Industry Newswire email alert.


Fifty-five percent of hiring managers

surveyed for this year's Employment

Dynamics and Growth Expectations

(EDGE) Report said it was difficult to find

qualified candidates 12 months ago; 81 per-

cent said recruiting is equally or more chal-

lenging today. The survey, which was

conducted by Robert Half International

(RHI) and, found that

more than half of hiring managers who are

having trouble recruiting cited a shortage of

qualified professionals as the primary cul-

prit. Nearly two-in-five hiring managers

plan to increase starting salaries in the next

year to attract new talent. Employees them-

selves are still feeling cautious about the job

market and are less willing to negotiate

higher salaries. Four-in-10 survey respon-

dents categorized the job market as difficult

12 months ago and 85 percent said it is

equally or more challenging today. Nearly

one-in-five workers said they are less likely

to ask for more money from a potential

employer in the next 12 months, and the

number of those who were more likely to

negotiate increased compensation dropped

significantly compared to one year ago.

One-in-five hiring managers attributed their

difficulty in finding qualified staff to the

inability to offer competitive compensation

packages, similar to last year's findings. In

2005, 28 percent of hiring managers sur-

veyed said they increased compensation

levels for job offers in the last 12 months. In

2006, that number rose to 36 percent. In

2005, 33 percent of hiring managers stated

they would increase compensation levels

for job offers in the next 12 months. When

asked this same question this year, 38 per-

cent of employers said they plan to raise

salaries, signifying a sustained trend toward

more generous compensation. "Forty-five

percent of workers reported their compen-

sation has increased in the last year, yet a

much smaller number are willing to ask for

a better deal going forward, likely due to

insecurities about the United States economy

and job market," said Matt Ferguson, CEO of "The United States con-

tinues to add jobs and businesses are strug-

gling with a shrinking labor pool. Workers

who are not maximizing the earning poten-

tial of those opportunities are literally selling

themselves short." And Robert Half Release Study On Hiring Trends

Authoria, Inc., a leader in integrated

talent management solutions, has

released the results of a survey that high-

lights a significant shift in the way busi-

nesses are evaluating the hiring process.

The survey identifies an overwhelming

need to augment time- and cost-based

measures of recruiting effectiveness with

metrics that evaluate the "quality of hire"

and fit within the organization. Sixty-

seven percent of respondents to the

Authoria survey cited dissatisfaction

with how their organization evaluates

quality of hire, and 69 percent identified

it as a business imperative to improve.

Among those who indicated a timeframe,

82 percent said improvement in this key

measure should happen within the next

12 months. "Traditionally, the recruiting

function has been judged in terms of

time-to-fill and cost-per-hire metrics,"

said Authoria chairman and CEO Tod

Loofbourrow. "But employers increas-

ingly realize that it's essential to track

and measure the dimension of quality,

through metrics such as the satisfaction

of hiring managers with new hires and

the extent to which candidates in the

recruiting pipeline match the require-

ments of a job requisition. In light of the

positive impact that high-quality hires

can have on bottom-line results, and the

prohibitive cost of bad hires, measuring

quality in the recruiting process is rightly

becoming a priority for forward-thinking

organizations." Respondents to the

Authoria survey also identified a signifi-

cant barrier to more effective hiring: 60

percent graded the collaboration between

their hiring managers and recruiters as

less than effective. The benefits of better

collaboration between these two roles

include higher-quality candidates,

delivery of more "best fit" talent to the

organization, and greater overall satisfac-

tion with the recruiting process. Mr.

Loofbourrow continued: "The recogni-

tion that an organization's talent is a

source of competitive advantage has led

to a new understanding of the challenge

of managing that talent. Instead of

merely automating processes such as

recruiting, performance management,

and compensation, the executives who

responded to this survey are clearly

looking to their talent-management sys-

tems to provide granular insight into the

ability of their workforce to meet busi-

ness objectives, and measurements of

quality that enable them to improve indi-

vidual and organizational performance."

The Authoria survey, conducted in

August 2006, compiled responses from

150 human-resources executives at U.S.-

based corporations. Twenty-three per-

cent of respondents were from

companies with 10,000 employees or

more, and 56 percent were from compa-

nies with 1,000 employees or more.

Nearly 70 Percent Struggling to Measure the Effectiveness of Recruiting

Page 7: Hunt Scanlon Interview

MARKETWATCH’s Hiring Outlook for Q2 2006

Q&A (continued from page 5)

On target. On track. On board.Hire smarter, hire faster, and stay ahead of the competition. Unlike point solutions that onlyaddress a part of the recruiting process, Projectixsupports a continuous hiring workflow that can beeasily configured to your business and scaled asyour needs change.

With global advantages that include the ability to support 13 languages, we can help you attract andretain talent wherever you do business.

That’s good news for your productivity, profits andpeople.

To meet and exceed corporate goals, and begin connecting the right people with the right jobs, call 888-935-1411 or visit:

Hiring Management Systems

is the enterprise behind Projectix.

Page 8: Hunt Scanlon Interview

8 For expanded industry coverage, go to and sign up for our daily Recruiting Industry Newswire email alert.


Online job board

has inked 51job, Inc. as a partner in itsinternational network to bring morerecruitment resources to employers andjob seekers. 51job is China's leadinghuman resource services provider withthe most registered members, the largestresume database and the highest dailytraffic in China. Under the agreement, and 51job will havelinks to each other on their sites as well assell job postings and access to theirresume databases. The alliance will pro-vide job seekers in both countries instantaccess to a multitude of new job opportu-nities in virtually every industry. "Therecruitment landscape has changed dra-matically; employers now need to haveaccess to candidates in multiple coun-tries," said Farhan Yasin, president of theinternational group at"Partnering with 51job will not only intro-duce clients to China'smost influential recruitment site and viceversa, it will allow CareerBuilder.comaccess to the fast-growing Chineserecruitment market."

Trovix, a provider of search tech-nology, has raised $13 million in its SeriesB financing. The financing was led byGranite Ventures, a leading early-stagetechnology venture capital firm based inSan Francisco, and also included partici-pation from Trovix's existing investors,U.S. Venture Partners (USVP) and 3i.Trovix will leverage the infusion of cap-ital to boost new product developmentand market expansion efforts. With theclose of this round, Trovix has raised$18.25 million since inception. The com-pany's initial funding of $5.25 million was

announced in December 2005. Since thecompany's official launch in December,Trovix has signed many notable clientsincluding Stanford University, Palm,Juniper Networks, Sanmina-SCI, andVMware. "The marketplace for employ-ment is inefficient, and anyone who'slooked for a job or tried to hire someoneknows how much time you spendlooking at job listings or resumes that justdon't fit," said Jeff Benrey, CEO andfounder of Trovix. "We've developedtechnology that solves this problem, andour clients use this to identify and hirethe best candidates in their applicantpool. With our investors' backing, we'redeveloping intelligent search technologythat will significantly improve the waycompanies go about identifying andrecruiting the best talent available."

Cytiva Software, a provider ofrecruiting software solutions, hasappointed Jennifer Fray as vice presidentof client services. In this role, Ms. Frayoversees all client services, includingimplementation and support activities,reporting to CEO Jason Moreau. Ms. Frayjoined SonicRecruit’s sales team in 1998where she brought in some of the largestaccounts, including Fortune 500 compa-nies. In her most recent role, Ms. Fraydeveloped, trained and managedSonicRecruit’s client services division.“SonicRecruit’s on-demand availability,flexibility and application level configura-tion make it easy for organizations toimplement and maintain a recruitingsystem custom-tailored to their needs,”said Ms. Fray. “For this reason, it has beengratifying to build a services group thatcan focus on helping our clients quickly getthe most out of their recruiting efforts,rather than constantly having to recode orcustomize the system to meet their needs.”

iCIMS, a Hazlet, NJ-based providerhuman resource software and services, hasformed a partnership with HRchitect, aHuman Capital Management (HCM) andApplicant Tracking Systems (ATS) con-sulting firm. Under the terms of the part-nership, HRchitect will consult with iCIMS'clients interested in integrating iRecruiter,iCIMS' Web-based talent management andapplicant tracking platform, with theirexisting back-office human resource man-agement systems as well as other internallyinstalled or hosted solutions. "As the tech-nology choices available to HR profes-sionals evolve, particularly those gearedtowards the mid-market, it is vital for tech-nology providers to develop platforms thatwork in-sync with third-party systems,"said Colin Day, president and CEO ofiCIMS. "Mid-sized corporations relyheavily on best-of-breed providers as theydevelop a talent management infrastruc-ture, so building interfaces between thesesolutions is often at a premium. iCIMS'alliance with a well-respected specialist likeHRchitect offers yet another resource tohelp our clients address their developingtalent management priorities."

HireStrategy, a Reston, VA-basedexecutive recruiting firm, has named KurtWilkinson as director, executive search.Mr. Wilkinson joins HireStrategy fromImmixGroup, a government businessconsulting firm, where he served fouryears as vice president of the recruitingdivision. Prior to that, he served as vicepresident of recruitment for VeriSign /Network Solutions. "We're very pleasedto have Kurt head our executive searchpractice," said Paul Villella, president andCEO of HireStrategy. "Kurt is a highly-

HireStrategy Hires Director,Executive Search

Cytiva Software NamesVP Client Services

CareerBuilder Expands ToChina With 51job Alliance

Trovix Raises $13 MillionIn Financing

iCIMS Forms AllianceWith HRchitect

(Continued on page 10)

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© 2005 Exelon

Our differences make us stronger.

See the difference?We embrace diversity in all its manifestations; and we celebrateour community’s rich tapestry ofcultures, views and self-expression.

Page 10: Hunt Scanlon Interview

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respected recruiting executive with 26years experience in the search andrecruiting industry. Over the years Kurthas helped more than 900 candidates suc-cessfully find new positions and hasassisted more than 115 clients fill keysenior-level staffing requirements. We'reconfident that Kurt will growHireStrategy's executive search practice.”

Taleo Corporation, a provider ofstaffing management services and solu-tions, has been selected by the Universityof Toronto for its talent managementsolutions to help recruit and assessemployees for all three of its campuses.The University of Toronto is Canada'sleading and most distinguished univer-sity, with approximately 70,000 students,10,000 faculty and staff and teaching pro-grams in 17 academic divisions. TheUniversity selected Taleo to streamline itsrecruitment processes and ensure it con-tinues to hire the most qualified candi-dates from as diverse a pool as possible.The new online system will reduce thetime and 'administrivia' associated withits previous manual recruiting and hiringprocess and will assist the University toreach a broader, more diverse pool ofcandidates. "We welcome the Universityof Toronto to our growing Canadian cus-tomer base and look forward to part-nering with them in their talentmanagement efforts," said MichaelGregoire, president and CEO, Taleo. "Intoday's market, success is increasinglydependent on the ability to assess,acquire, develop and align top talent andnow, more than ever, educational insti-tutes are realizing the importance of this.We commend the University of Torontoas a thought leader and visionary toensure that its talent continues to drivethe performance of the University."

Saba, a provider of human capitalmanagement (HCM) solutions, hasappointed Dow Wilson as a member ofthe company's board of directors. Mr.Wilson is executive vice president ofVarian Medical Systems and president ofOncology Systems. Varian is the world'sleading manufacturer of integrated radio-therapy systems for treating cancer andthe premier supplier of X-ray tubes andflat panel image detectors for filmless X-rays. With $1.3 billion in revenue,Oncology Systems is Varian's largestbusiness unit and the world's largest sup-plier of radiotherapy solutions. Mr.Wilson joined Varian in 2005, following a19-year career with General Electric,where he served as CEO of the $2.5 bil-lion GE Healthcare-InformationTechnologies business, which employed10,000 people. "Dow's extensive experi-ence in running multi-billion dollar,global organizations will be an invaluableasset to Saba as we strive to execute onour growth plans and enhance our man-agement processes and practices," saidBobby Yazdani, chairman and CEO, Saba."Dows' deep expertise in the life sciencesmarket will also be an asset and will pro-vide us with valuable insight as we buildon our leadership in this importantmarket. We are delighted and gratified towelcome him to our board."

AIRS, a provider of recruitmenttraining and information technology, hasreleased it’s PeopleSearch Database,delivering enterprise-wide access to morethan 33 million profiles of talent atAmerica’s top companies. PeopleSearchprovides access to more than 33 millionpassive candidate profiles which can be

targeted using characteristics including

name, title, industry, company, revenue,

number of employees, keywords and

geography. “We’ve seen over and over

again since our first recruiter training

classes in 1997 that one of their biggest

frustrations is the ‘wall’ they hit when

they’ve sourced all the resumes they can,

yet still can’t find the specialized candi-

dates they need,” said Christian Forman,

CEO of AIRS. “That’s where the

PeopleSearch Engine in AIRS SourcePoint

CE can make all the difference. It goes

beyond resumes to help recruiters find

the targeted candidates they are looking


HireDesk , a division of Talent

Technology Corporation, a provider of on

demand recruitment and employee selec-

tion solutions, has been chosen by TEG

International for its recruiting solution.

TEG International is a leading global

executive search firm serving the

advanced technology community. TEG

International chose HireDesk’s recruit-

ment solution for its configurability, scal-

ability and ease of use. HireDesk

streamlines TEG International’s

recruiting processes and enables them to

increase their output per consultant and

revenues. "We really like that we can con-

figure the HireDesk system to perfectly

match our recruiting processes," said Rick

DeRose, TEG International’s president.

"HireDesk matches with how we work

and gives us a structure and framework

to follow; we know when we take the

candidate through our process we’re

doing our job right. We have already seen

a return on our investment with

increased recruiter productivity and a

more efficient and effective recruiting


Taleo Adds University OfToronto To Client Base


Saba Adds Varian MedicalSystems Executive To Board

(Continued from page 8)

AIRS Delivers 33 MillionPassive Candidate Profiles

HireDesk Selected ByTEG International

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Kenexa Corporation, a Wayne PA-based supplier of recruiting services andsoftware, has posted total revenue of$24.7 million for the second quarterended June 30, 2006, representing anincrease of 54 percent over the $16 mil-lion recorded for the second quarter of2005. GAAP net income available tocommon shareholders was $3.3 millionor $0.16 per diluted share for the secondquarter of 2006, compared to a net lossavailable to common shareholders of$(31.3) million, or a loss of $(5.29) perbasic and diluted share for the secondquarter of 2005. "Market awareness fortalent management solutions continuesto grow, and we believe our unique busi-ness model and value proposition aredriving our market share gains,” saidRudy Karsan, chief executive officer.“The combination of strong organicgrowth and well executed strategicacquisitions has helped Kenexa to growprofitably."

PeopleFilter Technology LLC, devel-opers of the PeopleFilter applicant trackingsystem, has named Hans Gieskes, presidentand chief executive officer of andformer president of, to itsboard of directors. Mr. Gieskes brings awealth of experience in leading high-profile

business-to-business and consumer ven-tures to PeopleFilter Technology. He is a co-founder, president and CEO of, acash reward referral-hiring tool designed toidentify relevant candidates within per-sonal and extended networks. He previ-ously served as the chairman, chiefexecutive officer and president of pub-lishing giant Houghton Mifflin Company, a$1.3 billion publishing company. Beforethat, he was the president of,where he oversaw that company's day-to-day management and global operations.

Job Zone has added Jo Johnson to itsboard of directors and Troy Prehar as vicepresident of its newly formed consultingservices division. Job Zone Network is asuite of niche career centers, recentlylaunched Military Job Zone, an onlinecareer center that links transitioning mili-tary members with employers. Mr.Johnson, with more than six years of lead-ership in the professional staffingindustry as well as extensive leadershipand management experience in otherareas, is currently vice president of opera-tions for Kforce. Mr. Prehar, an armorofficer in the Army, most recently servedas director of sales with ConfluentSurgical, which was recently acquired byTyco Healthcare.

Futurestep, the middle-managementfocused online recruitment unit of execu-tive search firm Korn/Ferry Inter-national, has appointed George Puig aspresident of North America. Based inHouston, Mr. Puig reports directly toRobert McNabb, chief executive officer ofFuturestep, and is responsible for over-seeing the operations, strategy and tac-tical execution of recruitment processoutsourcing (RPO) initiatives inFuturestep’s North American regionwhich includes the U.S. and Canada. “Ihave no doubt that Futurestep’s NorthAmerican team will flourish underGeorge’s capable leadership,” said Mr.McNabb. “His solid experience spanningprocess design, business delivery andtotal quality management will ensure thebest possible results for our team and ourclients around the globe.” With more than25 years of experience, Mr. Puig is a busi-ness process outsourcing industry vet-eran with a particular expertise in qualitycontrol. Most recently, he was presidentand chief operating officer of PrecisionResponse Corporation where he drovethe execution and implementation ofbusiness process outsourcing initiativesand corporate growth strategies.Futurestep has also named Terry G. Steinas practice leader for western Canada,based in Calgary. Mr. Stein brings 20years of expertise in human resourcemanagement and development, strategicplanning and financial services. Prior tojoining Futurestep, Mr. Stein was respon-sible for the consulting services practicein the Alberta region of Robert HalfCanada.


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Kenexa Posts 54 Percent Gain In Q2 Revenues


PeopleFilter Adds FormerMonster President To Its Board

Job Zone Adds ToLeadership Team

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