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Humanoid RobotsDefinition:Human-Robot has recently received considerable attention in the academic community, in labs, in technology companies, and through the media. Because of this attention, it is desirable to present a survey of HR to serve as a tutorial to people outside the field and to promote discussion of a unified vision of HR within the field. The goal of this review is to present a unified treatment of HR-related problems, to identify key themes, and discuss challenge problems that are likely to shape the field in the near future. Although the review follows a survey structure, the goal of presenting a coherent "story" of HR means that there are necessarily some well-written, intriguing, and influential papers that are not referenced. Instead of trying to survey every paper, we describe the HR story from multiple perspectives with an eye toward identifying themes that cross applications.A humanoid robot is a robot with its overall appearance, based on that of the human body , allowing interaction with made-for-human tools or environments. In general humanoid robots have a torso with a head, two arms and two legs, although some forms of humanoid robots may model only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots may also have a 'face', with 'eyes' and 'mouth'. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically resemble a human. A humanoid robot is an autonomous robot because it can adapt to changes in its environment or itself and continue to reach its goal. This is the main difference between humanoid and other kinds of robots. In this context, some of the capacities of a humanoid robot may include, among others: self-maintenance (like recharging itself) autonomous learning (learn or gain new capabilities without outside assistance, adjust strategies based on the surroundings and adapt to new situations) avoiding harmful situations to people, property, and itself safe interacting with human beings and the environmentLike other mechanical robots, humanoid refer to the following basic components too: Sensing, Actuating and Planning and Control. Since they try to simulate the human structure and behavior and they are autonomous systems, most of the times humanoid robots are more complex than other kinds of robots.

Advantages:1)Many advantages can occur from these robots. Once they are perfected they could do amazing things that even people could not do. Some robots can now sing and dance and look almost like a human when doing so. There are other humanoid robots that look identical to their human counter parts. They are still perfecting what the robot can actually do. Once they are able to make these robots walk and move around independently, barriers will be broken!2) The first main advantage that Humanoid Robots bring to the table is that they can do things that people can do and even things that people are unable to do. The sale and development of these Humanoid Robots will also help increase the economy. Having these robots can make companies more efficient in their work and also spur the economy with their revenue growth! DARPA has created a robot challenge where many different groups and organizations are coming together to build the best humanoid robot possible to help the military3) Another advantage that results from Humanoid Robots is that they do not make mistakes! This is a great value to some countries hence why Japan is so much more advanced when it comes to this technologyDisadvantages:1)There are also some disadvantages that are produced by Humanoid Robots. Disadvantages are hard to be avoided because with every emerging technology comes a disadvantage you cannot just change things without an effect on something else.2) One main disadvantage that results from Humanoid Robots will be that many people are going to lose their jobs.3) Another disadvantage would be that this implementation of robots into peoples lives will cause a shift in their social ability and willingness, in other words, people are going to become more introverted.4) As there is always a disadvantage to an advantage there are a few that result from having Humanoid Robots interact with autistic children. Humanoid Robots are not yet perfected andcannot react in the same way humans doApplications of Humanoid Robotics:1)Humanoid robots are being developed to perform numerous tasks in the human environment. We are currently developing humanoid robots for medical applications to provide assistance in rehabilitation and training and to advance our understanding of the human body through modeling and simulations.2) The latest model, the WL-16, can carry humans or heavy loads of virtually any configuration weighing up to 80 kg.3) Tracking an nonspecific human face in a cluttered background Determining roughly the direction of the human face being tracked Tracking objects with salient color and texture, e.g. toys Pointing to or reaching out for the object or face by using the arms and torso Gazing alternately between the face and object Vocalizing canonical babbling with lip-synching.
