  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List



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  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List





























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  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    Human Rights Law Case Digest: OpposaV. Factoran (1993) .R. !o. 1"1"#3 July 30 !""3

    Lesso#s $%%licable& rig't of Fili%i#os to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology i#ter(ge#eratio#al

    res%o#sibility i#ter(ge#eratio#al )ustice

    Laws $%%licable&


    +etitio#ers Mi#ors duly re%rese#ted a#d )oi#ed by t'eir res%ective %are#ts agai#st origi#al

    defe#da#t Fulge#cio S, Factora# Jr, -Secretary of t'e .e%artme#t of /#viro#me#t a#d atural

    Resources 1./R2 w'ic' 'e 'olds i# trust for t'e be#efit of %lai#tiff mi#ors a#d succeedi#g


    %etitio# to %reve#t t'e misa%%ro%riatio# or im%airme#t4 of +'ili%%i#e rai#forests a#d 4arrest

    t'e u#abated 'emorr'age of t'e cou#try5s vital life su%%ort systems a#d co#ti#ued ra%e of

    Mot'er /art' ( gra#ted timber lice#se agreeme#ts 15TL$5s52 to various cor%oratio#s to cut t'e

    aggregate area of 3,6" millio# 'ectares for commercial loggi#g %ur%oses t'us at t'e %rese#t

    rate of deforestatio# i,e, about 700000 'ectares %er a##um or 78 'ectares %er 'our t'e

    +'ili%%i#es will be bereft of forest resources after t'e e#d of t'is e#sui#g decade if #ot earlier,

    clear a#d co#stitutio#al rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology a#d are e#titled to

    %rotectio# by t'e State i# its ca%acity as t'e %are#s %atriae

    +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#tal +olicy w'ic' i# %erti#e#t %art states t'at it is t'e %olicy of t'e

    State& 1a2 to create develo% mai#tai# a#d im%rove co#ditio#s u#der w'ic' ma# a#d #ature ca#

    t'rive i# %roductive a#d e#)oyable 'armo#y wit' eac' ot'er91b2 to fulfill t'e social eco#omic a#d

    ot'er re:uireme#ts of %rese#t a#d future ge#eratio#s of Fili%i#os a#d9

    1c2 to e#sure t'e attai#me#t of a# e#viro#me#tal :uality t'at is co#ductive to a life of dig#ity a#d

    well(bei#g, 1+,., !!8! ; Ju#e !"> of t'e *o#stitutio#29

      b, 4%rotect t'e #atio#5s mari#e wealt',4 1Sectio# 7 ibid29

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      c, 4co#serve a#d %romote t'e #atio#5s cultural 'eritage a#d resources 1sic24 1Sectio# !?

     $rticle =>@ id,29

      d, 4%rotect a#d adva#ce t'e rig't of t'e %eo%le to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology i# accord

    wit' t'e r'yt'm a#d 'armo#y of #ature,4 1Sectio# !; $rticle >> id,2

     Secretary Factora# Jr, filed a Motio# to .ismiss t'e com%lai#t based o# 7 grou#ds#amely& 1!2 t'e %lai#tiffs 'ave #o cause of actio# agai#st 'im a#d 172 t'e issue raised by t'e

    %lai#tiffs is a %olitical :uestio# w'ic' %ro%erly %ertai#s to t'e legislative or eAecutive bra#c'es of

    over#me#t ( gra#ted furt'er ruli#g t'at t'e gra#ti#g of t'e relief %rayed for would result i# t'e

    im%airme#t of co#tracts w'ic' is %ro'ibited by t'e fu#dame#tal law of t'e la#d,

    S%ecial civil actio# for certiorari u#der Rule ;8 to set aside dismissal order 


    o !, w'et'er or #ot t'e mi#ors 'ave locus sta#di ( yes

    o 7, DE t'e TL$ s'ould be ca#celled

    H/L.&+etitio# is gra#ted

    7, es, D'ile t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology is to be fou#d u#der t'e

    .eclaratio# of +ri#ci%les a#d State +olicies 1GT Bill of Rig'ts2 it does #ot follow t'at it is less

    im%orta#t t'a# a#y of t'e civil a#d %olitical rig'ts e#umerated i# t'e latter,

    Suc' a rig't belo#gs to a differe#t category of rig'ts altoget'er for it co#cer#s

    #ot'i#g less t'a# self(%reservatio# a#d self(%er%etuatio#(t'e adva#ceme#t of w'ic' may eve#

    be said to %redate all gover#me#ts a#d co#stitutio#s,

     $s a matter of fact t'ese basic rig'ts #eed GT eve# be writte# i# t'e

    *o#stitutio# for t'ey are assumed to eAist from t'e i#ce%tio# of 'uma#ki#d,

    /A%licitly me#tio#ed i# t'e fu#dame#tal c'arter because of t'e well(fou#ded

    fear of its framers t'at u#less t'e rig'ts to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology a#d to 'ealt' are

    ma#dated as state %olicies by t'e *o#stitutio# itself t'ereby 'ig'lig'ti#g t'eir co#ti#ui#g

    im%orta#ce a#d im%osi#g u%o# t'e state a solem# obligatio# to %reserve t'e first a#d %rotect a#d

    adva#ce t'e seco#d t'e day would #ot be too far w'e# all else would be lost #ot o#ly for t'e

    %rese#t ge#eratio# but also for t'ose to come,

    T'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology carries wit' it t'e correlative

    duty to refrai# from im%airi#g t'e e#viro#me#t,

    eve# before t'e ratificatio# of t'e !"6< *o#stitutio# s%ecific statutes already

    %aid s%ecial atte#tio# to t'e 4e#viro#me#tal rig't4 of t'e %rese#t a#d future ge#eratio#s -Ju#e


  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    all lice#ses may t'us be revoked or resci#ded by eAecutive actio#, >t is #ot a

    co#tract %ro%erty or a %ro%erty rig't %rotested by t'e due %rocess clause of t'e *o#stitutio#,

     $ timber lice#se is a# i#strume#t by w'ic' t'e State regulates t'e utiliatio#

    a#d dis%ositio# of forest resources to t'e e#d t'at %ublic welfare is %romoted, $ timber lice#se is

    #ot a co#tract wit'i# t'e %urview of t'e due %rocess clause9 it is o#ly a lice#se or %rivilege w'ic'ca# be validly wit'draw# w'e#ever dictated by %ublic i#terest or %ublic welfare as i# t'is case

    t'e co#stitutio#al guara#ty of #o#(im%airme#t of obligatio#s of co#tract is

    limited by t'e eAercise of t'e %olice %ower of t'e State i# t'e i#terest of %ublic 'ealt' safety

    moral a#d ge#eral welfare

    /:ually fu#dame#tal wit' t'e %rivate rig't is t'at of t'e %ublic to regulate it i#

    t'e commo# i#terest,

    Dit' res%ect to re#ewal t'e 'older is GT e#titled to it as a matter of rig't,


     Labels: 1993, Case Digest , environmental law, G.R. No. 101083, human rights, human

    rights law,human rights law case digest ,  July 30, ooso v !actoran

     $urispru%ence: .R. !o. 1"1"#3 $u&' 3"1993 / B$*

    ,R, o, !0!063 July 30 !""3

      JC$ $TG>G $$ RGS$R>G a#d JGS/ $LFGSG all sur#amed G+GS$ mi#ors a#d

    re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts $TG>G a#d R>I$L>$ G+GS$ RGB/RT$ >*GL/ S$.>C$ mi#or

    re%rese#ted by 'er %are#ts *$L@> a#d RGB/RT$ S$.>C$ *$RLG $M$.$ S$LC. a#d

    +$TR>SH$ all sur#amed FLGR/S mi#ors a#d re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts /R>*G a#d >.$

    FLGR/S >$>$ .>T$ R, FGRTC mi#or re%rese#ted by 'er %are#ts S>R>. a#d .GLGR/S

    FGRTC /GR/ >> a#d M$, *G*/+*>G all sur#amed M>S$ mi#ors a#d re%rese#ted by

    t'eir %are#ts /GR/ a#d MR$ M>S$ B/J$M> $L$ @, +/S>$ mi#or re%rese#ted by 'is

    %are#ts $TG>G a#d $L>*/ +/S>$ JG@>/ M$R>/ $LF$RG mi#or re%rese#ted by 'er %are#ts

    JGS/ a#d M$R>$ @>GL/T$ $LF$RG M$R>$ *G*/+*>G T, *$STRG mi#or re%rese#ted by

    'er %are#ts FR/./>L a#d J$/ *$STRG JGH$$ ./S$M+$R$.G

      mi#or re%rese#ted by 'er %are#ts JGS/ a#d $/L$ ./S$M+R$.G *$RLG JG$C> T,

    $R@$S$ mi#or re%rese#ted by 'is %are#ts R/GR>G >> a#d *R>ST>/ *H$R>T $R@$S$

    M$, M$R$R>T$ J/SCS >$*>G M$, $/L$ a#d M$R>/ $BR>/LL/ all sur#amed S$/I

    mi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts RGB/RTG a#d $CRGR$ S$/I KR>ST>/ M$R /LL/

    M$ GL.$ M$RTH/ a#d .$@>.>$ all sur#amed K> mi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts

    M$R>G a#d H$.// K> .$@>. FR$*>S*G a#d TH/R/S/ @>*TGR>$ all sur#amed

    /.R>$ mi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts B$LT$I$R a#d T/R/S>T$ /.R>$ JGS/ M$,

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    a#d R/>$ M$, all sur#amed $B$$ mi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts $TG>G a#d

    M$R>*$ $B$$ M$R>L> M$R>G JR, a#d M$R>/TT/ all sur#amed *$R.$M$ mi#ors

    re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts M$R>G a#d L>$ *$R.$M$ *L$R>SS$ $ M$R>/ $/L a#d

    >M// L all sur#amed G+GS$ mi#ors a#d re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts R>*$R.G a#d

    M$R>SS$ G+GS$ +H>L>+ JGS/+H ST/+H/ JGH a#d >S$>$H J$M/S all sur#amed C>+>Tmi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts JGS/ M$= a#d @>LM> C>+>T BCH$D *>/LG *R>S$TG

     $$ .$>/L a#d FR$*>S*G all sur#amed B>B$L mi#ors re%rese#ted by t'eir %are#ts

    FR$*>S*G JR, a#d M>L$RGS B>B$L a#d TH/ +H>L>++>/ /*GLG>*$L /TDGRK >*,



      TH/ HGGR$BL/ FCL/*>G S, F$*TGR$ JR, i# 'is ca%acity as t'e Secretary of t'e

    .e%artme#t of /#viro#me#t a#d atural Resources a#d TH/ HGGR$BL/ /R>B/RTG C,

    RGS$R>G +residi#g Judge of t'e RT* Makati Bra#c' ;; res%o#de#ts,

      G%osa Law Gffice for %etitio#ers,

      T'e Solicitor e#eral for res%o#de#ts,


    .$@>./ JR, J,&

      ># a broader se#se t'is %etitio# bears u%o# t'e rig't of Fili%i#os to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful

    ecology w'ic' t'e %etitio#ers dramatically associate wit' t'e twi# co#ce%ts of 4i#ter(ge#eratio#al

    res%o#sibility4 a#d 4i#ter(ge#eratio#al )ustice,4 S%ecifically it touc'es o# t'e issue of w'et'er t'e

    said %etitio#ers 'ave a cause of actio# to 4%reve#t t'e misa%%ro%riatio# or im%airme#t4 of +'ili%%i#e

    rai#forests a#d 4arrest t'e u#abated 'emorr'age of t'e cou#try5s vital l ife su%%ort systems a#d

    co#ti#ued ra%e of Mot'er /art',4

      T'e co#troversy 'as its ge#esis i# *ivil *ase o, "0(m%leaded as a# additio#al %lai#tiff is t'e +'ili%%i#e /cological etwork >#c,1+/>2 a domestic #o#(stock a#d #o#(%rofit cor%oratio# orga#ied for t'e %ur%ose of i#ter alia

    e#gagi#g i# co#certed actio# geared for t'e %rotectio# of our e#viro#me#t a#d #atural resources,

    T'e origi#al defe#da#t was t'e Ho#orable Fulge#cio S, Factora# Jr, t'e# Secretary of t'e

    .e%artme#t of /#viro#me#t a#d atural Resources 1./R2, His substitutio# i# t'is %etitio# by t'e

    #ew Secretary t'e Ho#orable $#gel *, $lcala was subse:ue#tly ordered u%o# %ro%er motio# by t'e

    %etitio#ers, ! T'e com%lai#t 7 was i#stituted as a taA%ayers5 class suit 3 a#d alleges t'at t'e

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    %lai#tiffs 4are all citie#s of t'e Re%ublic of t'e +'ili%%i#es taA%ayers a#d e#titled to t'e full be#efit

    use a#d e#)oyme#t of t'e #atural resource treasure t'at is t'e cou#try5s virgi# tro%ical forests,4 T'e

    same was filed for t'emselves a#d ot'ers w'o are e:ually co#cer#ed about t'e %reservatio# of said

    resource but are 4so #umerous t'at it is im%racticable to bri#g t'em all before t'e *ourt,4 T'e mi#ors

    furt'er asseverate t'at t'ey 4re%rese#t t'eir ge#eratio# as well as ge#eratio#s yet u#bor#,4 ?*o#se:ue#tly it is %rayed for t'at )udgme#t be re#dered&

      , , , orderi#g defe#da#t 'is age#ts re%rese#tatives a#d ot'er %erso#s acti#g i# 'is be'alf to

      1!2 *a#cel all eAisti#g timber lice#se agreeme#ts i# t'e cou#try9

      172 *ease a#d desist from receivi#g acce%ti#g %rocessi#g re#ewi#g or a%%rovi#g #ew timber

    lice#se agreeme#ts,

      a#d gra#ti#g t'e %lai#tiffs 4, , , suc' ot'er reliefs )ust a#d e:uitable u#der t'e %remises,4 8

      T'e com%lai#t starts off wit' t'e ge#eral averme#ts t'at t'e +'ili%%i#e arc'i%elago of

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    co#structed a#d o%erated for t'e %ur%ose of su%%lyi#g water for domestic uses irrigatio# a#d t'e

    ge#eratio# of electric %ower a#d 1k2 t'e reductio# of t'e eart'5s ca%acity to %rocess carbo# dioAide

    gases w'ic' 'as led to %er%leAi#g a#d catastro%'ic climatic c'a#ges suc' as t'e %'e#ome#o# of

    global warmi#g ot'erwise k#ow# as t'e 4gree#'ouse effect,4

      +lai#tiffs furt'er assert t'at t'e adverse a#d detrime#tal co#se:ue#ces of co#ti#ued a#d

    deforestatio# are so ca%able of u#:uestio#able demo#stratio# t'at t'e same may be submitted as a

    matter of )udicial #otice, T'is #otwit'sta#di#g t'ey eA%ressed t'eir i#te#tio# to %rese#t eA%ert

    wit#esses as well as docume#tary %'otogra%'ic a#d film evide#ce i# t'e course of t'e trial,

      $s t'eir cause of actio# t'ey s%ecifically allege t'at&

      *$CS/ GF $*T>G


  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    %aragra%' ; 'ereof are already bei#g felt eA%erie#ced a#d suffered by t'e ge#eratio# of %lai#tiff


      !?, T'e co#ti#ued allowa#ce by defe#da#t of TL$ 'olders to cut a#d deforest t'e remai#i#g forest

    sta#ds will work great damage a#d irre%arable i#)ury to %lai#tiffs es%ecially %lai#tiff mi#ors a#dt'eir successors w'o may #ever see use be#efit from a#d e#)oy t'is rare a#d u#i:ue #atural

    resource treasure,

      T'is act of defe#da#t co#stitutes a misa%%ro%riatio# a#dEor im%airme#t of t'e #atural resource

    %ro%erty 'e 'olds i# trust for t'e be#efit of %lai#tiff mi#ors a#d succeedi#g ge#eratio#s,

      !8, +lai#tiffs 'ave a clear a#d co#stitutio#al rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology a#d are

    e#titled to %rotectio# by t'e State i# its ca%acity as t'e %are#s %atriae,

      !;, +lai#tiff 'ave eA'austed all admi#istrative remedies wit' t'e defe#da#t5s office, G# Marc' 7

    !""0 %lai#tiffs served u%o# defe#da#t a fi#al dema#d to ca#cel all loggi#g %ermits i# t'e cou#try,

      $ co%y of t'e %lai#tiffs5 letter dated Marc' ! !""0 is 'ereto attac'ed as $##eA 4B4,


  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      70, Furt'ermore defe#da#t5s co#ti#ued refusal to ca#cel t'e aforeme#tio#ed TL$5s is

    co#tradictory to t'e *o#stitutio#al %olicy of t'e State to

      a, effect 4a more e:uitable distributio# of o%%ortu#ities i#come a#d wealt'4 a#d 4make full a#defficie#t use of #atural resources 1sic2,4 1Sectio# ! $rticle =>> of t'e *o#stitutio#29

      b, 4%rotect t'e #atio#5s mari#e wealt',4 1Sectio# 7 ibid29

      c, 4co#serve a#d %romote t'e #atio#5s cultural 'eritage a#d resources 1sic24 1Sectio# !? $rticle

    =>@ id,29

      d, 4%rotect a#d adva#ce t'e rig't of t'e %eo%le to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology i# accord wit'

    t'e r'yt'm a#d 'armo#y of #ature,4 1Sectio# !; $rticle >> id,2

      7!, Fi#ally defe#da#t5s act is co#trary to t'e 'ig'est law of 'uma#ki#d t'e #atural law a#d

    violative of %lai#tiffs5 rig't to self(%reservatio# a#d %er%etuatio#,

      77, T'ere is #o ot'er %lai# s%eedy a#d ade:uate remedy i# law ot'er t'a# t'e i#sta#t actio# to

    arrest t'e u#abated 'emorr'age of t'e cou#try5s vital life su%%ort systems a#d co#ti#ued ra%e of

    Mot'er /art', ;

      G# 77 Ju#e !""0 t'e origi#al defe#da#t Secretary Factora# Jr, filed a Motio# to .ismiss t'e

    com%lai#t based o# two 172 grou#ds #amely& 1!2 t'e %lai#tiffs 'ave #o cause of actio# agai#st 'im

    a#d 172 t'e issue raised by t'e %lai#tiffs is a %olitical :uestio# w'ic' %ro%erly %ertai#s to t'e

    legislative or eAecutive bra#c'es of over#me#t, ># t'eir !7 July !""0 G%%ositio# to t'e Motio# t'e

    %etitio#ers mai#tai# t'at 1!2 t'e com%lai#t s'ows a clear a#d u#mistakable cause of actio# 172 t'e

    motio# is dilatory a#d 132 t'e actio# %rese#ts a )usticiable :uestio# as it i#volves t'e defe#da#t5s

    abuse of discretio#,

      G# !6 July !""! res%o#de#t Judge issued a# order gra#ti#g t'e aforeme#tio#ed motio# to

    dismiss, < ># t'e said order #ot o#ly was t'e defe#da#t5s claim t'at t'e com%lai#t states #o cause

    of actio# agai#st 'im a#d t'at it raises a %olitical :uestio# sustai#ed t'e res%o#de#t Judge furt'er ruled t'at t'e gra#ti#g of t'e relief %rayed for would result i# t'e im%airme#t of co#tracts w'ic' is

    %ro'ibited by t'e fu#dame#tal law of t'e la#d,

      +lai#tiffs t'us filed t'e i#sta#t s%ecial civil actio# for certiorari u#der Rule ;8 of t'e Revised Rules

    of *ourt a#d ask t'is *ourt to resci#d a#d set aside t'e dismissal order o# t'e grou#d t'at t'e

    res%o#de#t Judge gravely abused 'is discretio# i# dismissi#g t'e actio#, $gai# t'e %are#ts of t'e

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    violated t'e terms of t'e agreeme#t or ot'er forestry laws a#d regulatio#s, +etitio#ers5 %ro%ositio# to

    'ave all t'e TL$s i#discrimi#ately ca#celled wit'out t'e re:uisite 'eari#g would be violative of t'e

    re:uireme#ts of due %rocess,

      Before goi#g a#y furt'er De must first focus o# some %rocedural matters, +etitio#ers i#stituted*ivil *ase o, "0(

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List



      $fter a careful a#d circums%ect evaluatio# of t'e *om%lai#t t'e *ourt ca##ot 'el% but agree wit'

    t'e defe#da#t, For alt'oug' we believe t'at %lai#tiffs 'ave but t'e #oblest of all i#te#tio#s it 1sic2 fells'ort of allegi#g wit' sufficie#t defi#ite#ess a s%ecific legal rig't t'ey are seeki#g to e#force a#d

    %rotect or a s%ecific legal wro#g t'ey are seeki#g to %reve#t a#d redress 1Sec, ! Rule 7 RR*2,

    Furt'ermore t'e *ourt #otes t'at t'e *om%lai#t is re%lete wit' vague assum%tio#s a#d vague

    co#clusio#s based o# u#verified data, ># fi#e %lai#tiffs fail to state a cause of actio# i# its *om%lai#t

    agai#st t'e 'erei# defe#da#t,

      Furt'ermore t'e *ourt firmly believes t'at t'e matter before it bei#g im%ressed wit' %olitical color 

    a#d i#volvi#g a matter of %ublic %olicy may #ot be take# cog#ia#ce of by t'is *ourt wit'out doi#g

    viole#ce to t'e sacred %ri#ci%le of 4Se%aratio# of +owers4 of t'e 3 co(e:ual bra#c'es of t'e


      T'e *ourt is likewise of t'e im%ressio# t'at it ca##ot #o matter 'ow we stretc' our )urisdictio#

    gra#t t'e reliefs %rayed for by t'e %lai#tiffs i,e, to ca#cel all eAisti#g timber lice#se agreeme#ts i#

    t'e cou#try a#d to cease a#d desist from receivi#g acce%ti#g %rocessi#g re#ewi#g or a%%rovi#g

    #ew timber lice#se agreeme#ts, For to do ot'erwise would amou#t to 4im%airme#t of co#tracts4

    ab'ored 1sic2 by t'e fu#dame#tal law, !!

      De do #ot agree wit' t'e trial court5s co#clusio#s t'at t'e %lai#tiffs failed to allege wit' sufficie#t

    defi#ite#ess a s%ecific legal rig't i#volved or a s%ecific legal wro#g committed a#d t'at t'e

    com%lai#t is re%lete wit' vague assum%tio#s a#d co#clusio#s based o# u#verified data, $ readi#g of

    t'e com%lai#t itself belies t'ese co#clusio#s,

      T'e com%lai#t focuses o# o#e s%ecific fu#dame#tal legal rig't t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d

    'ealt'ful ecology w'ic' for t'e first time i# our #atio#5s co#stitutio#al 'istory is solem#ly

    i#cor%orated i# t'e fu#dame#tal law, Sectio# !; $rticle >> of t'e !"6< *o#stitutio# eA%licitly %rovides&

      Sec, !;, T'e State s'all %rotect a#d adva#ce t'e rig't of t'e %eo%le to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful

    ecology i# accord wit' t'e r'yt'm a#d 'armo#y of #ature,

      T'is rig't u#ites wit' t'e rig't to 'ealt' w'ic' is %rovided for i# t'e %recedi#g sectio# of t'e same


      Sec, !8, T'e State s'all %rotect a#d %romote t'e rig't to 'ealt' of t'e %eo%le a#d i#still 'ealt'

    co#scious#ess amo#g t'em,

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      D'ile t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology is to be fou#d u#der t'e .eclaratio# of

    +ri#ci%les a#d State +olicies a#d #ot u#der t'e Bill of Rig'ts it does #ot follow t'at it is less

    im%orta#t t'a# a#y of t'e civil a#d %olitical rig'ts e#umerated i# t'e latter, Suc' a rig't belo#gs to a

    differe#t category of rig'ts altoget'er for it co#cer#s #ot'i#g less t'a# self(%reservatio# a#d self(%er%etuatio# a%tly a#d fitti#gly stressed by t'e %etitio#ers t'e adva#ceme#t of w'ic' may eve#

    be said to %redate all gover#me#ts a#d co#stitutio#s, $s a matter of fact t'ese basic rig'ts #eed #ot

    eve# be writte# i# t'e *o#stitutio# for t'ey are assumed to eAist from t'e i#ce%tio# of 'uma#ki#d, >f

    t'ey are #ow eA%licitly me#tio#ed i# t'e fu#dame#tal c'arter it is because of t'e well(fou#ded fear of 

    its framers t'at u#less t'e rig'ts to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology a#d to 'ealt' are ma#dated as

    state %olicies by t'e *o#stitutio# itself t'ereby 'ig'lig'ti#g t'eir co#ti#ui#g im%orta#ce a#d im%osi#g

    u%o# t'e state a solem# obligatio# to %reserve t'e first a#d %rotect a#d adva#ce t'e seco#d t'e day

    would #ot be too far w'e# all else would be lost #ot o#ly for t'e %rese#t ge#eratio# but also for

    t'ose to come ge#eratio#s w'ic' sta#d to i#'erit #ot'i#g but %arc'ed eart' i#ca%able of

    sustai#i#g life,

      T'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology carries wit' it t'e correlative duty to refrai# from

    im%airi#g t'e e#viro#me#t, .uri#g t'e debates o# t'is rig't i# o#e of t'e %le#ary sessio#s of t'e

    !"6; *o#stitutio#al *ommissio# t'e followi#g eAc'a#ge tra#s%ired betwee# *ommissio#er Dilfrido

    @illacorta a#d *ommissio#er $dolfo $cu#a w'o s%o#sored t'e sectio# i# :uestio#&

      MR, @>LL$*GRT$&

      .oes t'is sectio# ma#date t'e State to %rovide sa#ctio#s agai#st all forms of %ollutio# air

    water a#d #oise %ollutio#N

      MR, $I*C$&

      es Madam +reside#t, T'e rig't to 'ealt'ful 1sic2 e#viro#me#t #ecessarily carries wit' it t'e

    correlative duty of #ot im%airi#g t'e same a#d t'erefore sa#ctio#s may be %rovided for im%airme#t

    of e#viro#me#tal bala#ce, !7

      T'e said rig't im%lies amo#g ma#y ot'er t'i#gs t'e )udicious ma#ageme#t a#d co#servatio# oft'e cou#try5s forests,

      Dit'out suc' forests t'e ecological or e#viro#me#tal bala#ce would be irreversiby disru%ted,

      *o#formably wit' t'e e#u#ciated rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology a#d t'e rig't to 'ealt'

    as well as t'e ot'er related %rovisio#s of t'e *o#stitutio# co#cer#i#g t'e co#servatio# develo%me#t

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    a#d utiliatio# of t'e cou#try5s #atural resources !3 t'e# +reside#t *orao# *, $:ui#o %romulgated

    o# !0 Ju#e !"6< /,G, o, !"7 !? Sectio# ? of w'ic' eA%ressly ma#dates t'at t'e .e%artme#t of

    /#viro#me#t a#d atural Resources 4s'all be t'e %rimary gover#me#t age#cy res%o#sible for t'e

    co#servatio# ma#ageme#t develo%me#t a#d %ro%er use of t'e cou#try5s e#viro#me#t a#d #atural

    resources s%ecifically forest a#d grai#g la#ds mi#eral resources i#cludi#g t'ose i# reservatio#a#d waters'ed areas a#d la#ds of t'e %ublic domai# as well as t'e lice#si#g a#d regulatio# of all

    #atural resources as may be %rovided for by law i# order to e#sure e:uitable s'ari#g of t'e be#efits

    derived t'erefrom for t'e welfare of t'e %rese#t a#d future ge#eratio#s of Fili%i#os,4 Sectio# 3

    t'ereof makes t'e followi#g stateme#t of %olicy&

      Sec, 3, .eclaratio# of +olicy, >t is 'ereby declared t'e %olicy of t'e State to e#sure t'e

    sustai#able use develo%me#t ma#ageme#t re#ewal a#d co#servatio# of t'e cou#try5s forest

    mi#eral la#d off(s'ore areas a#d ot'er #atural resources i#cludi#g t'e %rotectio# a#d

    e#'a#ceme#t of t'e :uality of t'e e#viro#me#t a#d e:uitable access of t'e differe#t segme#ts of

    t'e %o%ulatio# to t'e develo%me#t a#d t'e use of t'e cou#try5s #atural resources #ot o#ly for t'e

    %rese#t ge#eratio# but for future ge#eratio#s as well, >t is also t'e %olicy of t'e state to recog#ie

    a#d a%%ly a true value system i#cludi#g social a#d e#viro#me#tal cost im%licatio#s relative to t'eir

    utiliatio# develo%me#t a#d co#servatio# of our #atural resources,

      T'is %olicy declaratio# is substa#tially re(stated it Title =>@ Book >@ of t'e $dmi#istrative *ode of


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      Sec, 7, Ma#date, 1!2 T'e .e%artme#t of /#viro#me#t a#d atural Resources s'all be %rimarily

    res%o#sible for t'e im%leme#tatio# of t'e foregoi#g %olicy,

      172 >t s'all sub)ect to law a#d 'ig'er aut'ority be i# c'arge of carryi#g out t'e State5s

    co#stitutio#al ma#date to co#trol a#d su%ervise t'e eA%loratio# develo%me#t utiliatio# a#dco#servatio# of t'e cou#try5s #atural resources,

      Bot' /,G, G, !"7 a#d t'e $dmi#istrative *ode of !"6< 'ave set t'e ob)ectives w'ic' will serve

    as t'e bases for %olicy formulatio# a#d 'ave defi#ed t'e %owers a#d fu#ctio#s of t'e ./R,

      >t may 'owever be recalled t'at eve# before t'e ratificatio# of t'e !"6< *o#stitutio# s%ecific

    statutes already %aid s%ecial atte#tio# to t'e 4e#viro#me#tal rig't4 of t'e %rese#t a#d future

    ge#eratio#s, G# ; Ju#e !"

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    sufficie#cy of t'e facts alleged i# t'e com%lai#t itself, o ot'er matter s'ould be co#sidered9

    furt'ermore t'e trut' of falsity of t'e said allegatio#s is beside t'e %oi#t for t'e trut' t'ereof is

    deemed 'y%ot'etically admitted, T'e o#ly issue to be resolved i# suc' a case is& admitti#g suc'

    alleged facts to be true may t'e court re#der a valid )udgme#t i# accorda#ce wit' t'e %rayer i# t'e

    com%lai#tN 70 ># Milita#te vs, /drosola#o 7! t'is *ourt laid dow# t'e rule t'at t'e )udiciary s'ould4eAercise t'e utmost care a#d circums%ectio# i# %assi#g u%o# a motio# to dismiss o# t'e grou#d of

    t'e abse#ce t'ereof -cause of actio# lest by its failure to ma#ifest a correct a%%reciatio# of t'e facts

    alleged a#d deemed 'y%ot'etically admitted w'at t'e law gra#ts or recog#ies is effectively

    #ullified, >f t'at 'a%%e#s t'ere is a blot o# t'e legal order, T'e law itself sta#ds i# disre%ute,4

      $fter careful eAami#atio# of t'e %etitio#ers5 com%lai#t De fi#d t'e stateme#ts u#der t'e

    i#troductory affirmative allegatio#s as well as t'e s%ecific averme#ts u#der t'e sub('eadi#g *$CS/

    GF $*T>G to be ade:uate e#oug' to s'ow %rima facie t'e claimed violatio# of t'eir rig'ts, G#

    t'e basis t'ereof t'ey may t'us be gra#ted w'olly or %artly t'e reliefs %rayed for, >t bears stressi#g

    'owever t'at i#sofar as t'e ca#cellatio# of t'e TL$s is co#cer#ed t'ere is t'e #eed to im%lead as

    %arty defe#da#ts t'e gra#tees t'ereof for t'ey are i#dis%e#sable %arties,

      T'e foregoi#g co#sidered *ivil *ase o, "0(>> of t'e *o#stitutio# states t'at&

      Judicial %ower i#cludes t'e duty of t'e courts of )ustice to settle actual co#troversies i#volvi#g

    rig'ts w'ic' are legally dema#dable a#d e#forceable a#d to determi#e w'et'er or #ot t'ere 'as

    bee# a grave abuse of discretio# amou#ti#g to lack or eAcess of )urisdictio# o# t'e %art of a#y

    bra#c' or i#strume#tality of t'e over#me#t,

      *omme#ti#g o# t'is %rovisio# i# 'is book +'ili%%i#e +olitical Law 77 Mr, Justice >saga#i $, *ru

    a disti#guis'ed member of t'is *ourt says&

      T'e first %art of t'e aut'ority re%rese#ts t'e traditio#al co#ce%t of )udicial %ower i#volvi#g t'e

    settleme#t of co#flicti#g rig'ts as co#ferred as law, T'e seco#d %art of t'e aut'ority re%rese#ts a

    broade#i#g of )udicial %ower to e#able t'e courts of )ustice to review w'at was before forbidde#

    territory to wit t'e discretio# of t'e %olitical de%artme#ts of t'e gover#me#t,

      $s worded t'e #ew %rovisio# vests i# t'e )udiciary a#d %articularly t'e Su%reme *ourt t'e %ower 

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    to rule u%o# eve# t'e wisdom of t'e decisio#s of t'e eAecutive a#d t'e legislature a#d to declare

    t'eir acts i#valid for lack or eAcess of )urisdictio# because tai#ted wit' grave abuse of discretio#, T'e

    catc' of course is t'e mea#i#g of 4grave abuse of discretio#4 w'ic' is a very elastic %'rase t'at

    ca# eA%a#d or co#tract accordi#g to t'e dis%ositio# of t'e )udiciary,

      ># .aa vs, Si#gso# 73 Mr, Justice *ru #ow s%eaki#g for t'is *ourt #oted&

      ># t'e case #ow before us t'e )urisdictio#al ob)ectio# becomes eve# less te#able a#d decisive,

    T'e reaso# is t'at eve# if we were to assume t'at t'e issue %rese#ted before us was %olitical i#

    #ature we would still #ot be %recluded from revolvi#g it u#der t'e eA%a#ded )urisdictio# co#ferred

    u%o# us t'at #ow covers i# %ro%er cases eve# t'e %olitical :uestio#, $rticle @>> Sectio# ! of t'e

    *o#stitutio# clearly %rovides& , , ,

      T'e last grou#d i#voked by t'e trial court i# dismissi#g t'e com%lai#t is t'e #o#(im%airme#t of

    co#tracts clause fou#d i# t'e *o#stitutio#, T'e court a :uo declared t'at&

      T'e *ourt is likewise of t'e im%ressio# t'at it ca##ot #o matter 'ow we stretc' our )urisdictio#

    gra#t t'e reliefs %rayed for by t'e %lai#tiffs i,e, to ca#cel all eAisti#g timber lice#se agreeme#ts i#

    t'e cou#try a#d to cease a#d desist from receivi#g acce%ti#g %rocessi#g re#ewi#g or a%%rovi#g

    #ew timber lice#se agreeme#ts, For to do ot'erwise would amou#t to 4im%airme#t of co#tracts4

    ab'ored 1sic2 by t'e fu#dame#tal law, 7?

      De are #ot %ersuaded at all9 o# t'e co#trary De are amaed if #ot s'ocked by suc' a swee%i#g

    %ro#ou#ceme#t, ># t'e first %lace t'e res%o#de#t Secretary did #ot for obvious reaso#s eve#

    i#voke i# 'is motio# to dismiss t'e #o#(im%airme#t clause, >f 'e 'ad do#e so 'e would 'ave acted

    wit' utmost i#fidelity to t'e over#me#t by %rovidi#g u#due a#d u#warra#ted be#efits a#d

    adva#tages to t'e timber lice#se 'olders because 'e would 'ave forever bou#d t'e over#me#t to

    strictly res%ect t'e said lice#ses accordi#g to t'eir terms a#d co#ditio#s regardless of c'a#ges i#

    %olicy a#d t'e dema#ds of %ublic i#terest a#d welfare, He was aware t'at as correctly %oi#ted out by

    t'e %etitio#ers i#to every timber lice#se must be read Sectio# 70 of t'e Forestry Reform *ode 1+,.,

    o, # Ta#

    vs, .irector of Forestry 78 t'is *ourt 'eld&

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      , , , $ timber lice#se is a# i#strume#t by w'ic' t'e State regulates t'e utiliatio# a#d dis%ositio# of

    forest resources to t'e e#d t'at %ublic welfare is %romoted, $ timber lice#se is #ot a co#tract wit'i#

    t'e %urview of t'e due %rocess clause9 it is o#ly a lice#se or %rivilege w'ic' ca# be validly

    wit'draw# w'e#ever dictated by %ublic i#terest or %ublic welfare as i# t'is case,

      $ lice#se is merely a %ermit or %rivilege to do w'at ot'erwise would be u#lawful a#d is #ot a

    co#tract betwee# t'e aut'ority federal state or mu#ici%al gra#ti#g it a#d t'e %erso# to w'om it is

    gra#ted9 #eit'er is it %ro%erty or a %ro%erty rig't #or does it create a vested rig't9 #or is it taAatio#

    13< *,J, !;62, T'us t'is *ourt 'eld t'at t'e gra#ti#g of lice#se does #ot create irrevocable rig'ts

    #eit'er is it %ro%erty or %ro%erty rig'ts 1+eo%le vs, G#g Ti# 8? G,,

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      *or%, 76 t'is *ourt stated&

      T'e freedom of co#tract u#der our system of gover#me#t is #ot mea#t to be absolute, T'e same

    is u#derstood to be sub)ect to reaso#able legislative regulatio# aimed at t'e %romotio# of %ublic

    'ealt' moral safety a#d welfare, ># ot'er words t'e co#stitutio#al guara#ty of #o#(im%airme#t ofobligatio#s of co#tract is limited by t'e eAercise of t'e %olice %ower of t'e State i# t'e i#terest of

    %ublic 'ealt' safety moral a#d ge#eral welfare,

      T'e reaso# for t'is is em%'atically set fort' i# ebia vs, ew ork 7" :uoted i# +'ili%%i#e

     $merica# Life >#sura#ce *o, vs, $uditor e#eral 30 to wit&

      C#der our form of gover#me#t t'e use of %ro%erty a#d t'e maki#g of co#tracts are #ormally

    matters of %rivate a#d #ot of %ublic co#cer#, T'e ge#eral rule is t'at bot' s'all be free of

    gover#me#tal i#terfere#ce, But #eit'er %ro%erty rig'ts #or co#tract rig'ts are absolute9 for

    gover#me#t ca##ot eAist if t'e citie# may at will use 'is %ro%erty to t'e detrime#t of 'is fellows or

    eAercise 'is freedom of co#tract to work t'em 'arm, /:ually fu#dame#tal wit' t'e %rivate rig't is t'at

    of t'e %ublic to regulate it i# t'e commo# i#terest,

      ># s'ort t'e #o#(im%airme#t clause must yield to t'e %olice %ower of t'e state, 3!

      Fi#ally it is difficult to imagi#e as t'e trial court did 'ow t'e #o#(im%airme#t clause could a%%ly

    wit' res%ect to t'e %rayer to e#)oi# t'e res%o#de#t Secretary from receivi#g acce%ti#g %rocessi#g

    re#ewi#g or a%%rovi#g #ew timber lice#ses for save i# cases of re#ewal #o co#tract would 'ave as

    of yet eAisted i# t'e ot'er i#sta#ces, Moreover wit' res%ect to re#ewal t'e 'older is #ot e#titled to it

    as a matter of rig't,

      DH/R/FGR/ bei#g im%ressed wit' merit t'e i#sta#t +etitio# is 'ereby R$T/. a#d t'e

    c'alle#ged Grder of res%o#de#t Judge of !6 July !""! dismissi#g *ivil *ase o, "0(

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List



    Se%arate G%i#io#s


    F/L>*>$G J, co#curri#g

      > )oi# i# t'e result reac'ed by my disti#guis'ed brot'er i# t'e *ourt .avide Jr, J, i# t'is case

    w'ic' to my mi#d is o#e of t'e most im%orta#t cases decided by t'is *ourt i# t'e last few years,

    T'e semi#al %ri#ci%les laid dow# i# t'is decisio# are likely to i#flue#ce %rofou#dly t'e directio# a#d

    course of t'e %rotectio# a#d ma#ageme#t of t'e e#viro#me#t w'ic' of course embraces t'e

    utiliatio# of all t'e #atural resources i# t'e territorial base of our %olity, > 'ave t'erefore soug't to

    clarify basically to myself w'at t'e *ourt a%%ears to be sayi#g,

      T'e *ourt eA%licitly states t'at %etitio#ers 'ave t'e locus sta#di #ecessary to sustai# t'e bri#gi#g

    a#d mai#te#a#ce of t'is suit 1.ecisio# %%, !!(!72, Locus sta#di is #ot a fu#ctio# of %etitio#ers5 claim

    t'at t'eir suit is %ro%erly regarded as a class suit, > u#dersta#d locus sta#di to refer to t'e legal

    i#terest w'ic' a %lai#tiff must 'ave i# t'e sub)ect matter of t'e suit, Because of t'e very broad#ess

    of t'e co#ce%t of 4class4 'ere i#volved members'i% i# t'is 4class4 a%%ears to embrace everyo#e

    livi#g i# t'e cou#try w'et'er #ow or i# t'e

      future it a%%ears to me t'at everyo#e w'o may be eA%ected to be#efit from t'e course of actio#

    %etitio#ers seek to re:uire %ublic res%o#de#ts to take is vested wit' t'e #ecessary locus sta#di, T'e

    *ourt may be see# t'erefore to be recog#ii#g a be#eficiaries5 rig't of actio# i# t'e field of

    e#viro#me#tal %rotectio# as agai#st bot' t'e %ublic admi#istrative age#cy directly co#cer#ed a#d

    t'e %rivate %erso#s or e#tities o%erati#g i# t'e field or sector of activity i#volved, D'et'er suc'

    be#eficiaries5 rig't of actio# may be fou#d u#der a#y a#d all circumsta#ces or w'et'er some failure

    to act i# t'e first i#sta#ce o# t'e %art of t'e gover#me#tal age#cy co#cer#ed must be s'ow# 14%rioreA'austio# of admi#istrative remedies42 is #ot discussed i# t'e decisio# a#d %resumably is left for

    future determi#atio# i# a# a%%ro%riate case,

      T'e *ourt 'as also declared t'at t'e com%lai#t 'as alleged a#d focused u%o# 4o#e s%ecific

    fu#dame#tal legal rig't t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology4 1.ecisio# %, !?2, T'ere is

    #o :uestio# t'at 4t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology4 is 4fu#dame#tal4 a#d t'at

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    accordi#gly it 'as bee# 4co#stitutio#alied,4 But alt'oug' it is fu#dame#tal i# c'aracter > suggest

    wit' very great res%ect t'at it ca##ot be c'aracteried as 4s%ecific4 wit'out doi#g eAcessive

    viole#ce to la#guage, >t is i# fact very difficult to fas'io# la#guage more com%re'e#sive i# sco%e a#d

    ge#eralied i# c'aracter t'a# a rig't to 4a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology,4 T'e list of %articular

    claims w'ic' ca# be subsumed u#der t'is rubic a%%ears to be e#tirely o%e#(e#ded& %reve#tio# a#dco#trol of emissio# of toAic fumes a#d smoke from factories a#d motor ve'icles9 of disc'arge of oil

    c'emical efflue#ts garbage a#d raw sewage i#to rivers i#la#d a#d coastal waters by vessels oil

    rigs factories mi#es a#d w'ole commu#ities9 of dum%i#g of orga#ic a#d i#orga#ic wastes o# o%e#

    la#d streets a#d t'oroug'fares9 failure to re'abilitate la#d after stri%(mi#i#g or o%e#(%it mi#i#g9

    kai#gi# or slas'(a#d(bur# farmi#g9 destructio# of fis'eries coral reefs a#d ot'er livi#g sea resources

    t'roug' t'e use of dy#amite or cya#ide a#d ot'er c'emicals9 co#tami#atio# of grou#d water

    resources9 loss of certai# s%ecies of fau#a a#d flora9 a#d so o#, T'e ot'er stateme#ts %oi#ted out by

    t'e *ourt& Sectio# 3 /Aecutive Grder o, !"7 dated !0 Ju#e !"6@ Book >@ of

    t'e !"6< $dmi#istrative *ode9 a#d +,., o, !!8! dated ; Ju#e !"

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      1vi2 co#servatio# a#d utiliatio# of surface a#d grou#d water 

      1vii2 mi#eral resources

      Two 172 %oi#ts are wort' maki#g i# t'is co##ectio#, Firstly #eit'er %etitio#ers #or t'e *ourt 'as

    ide#tified t'e %articular %rovisio# or %rovisio#s 1if a#y2 of t'e +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#t *ode w'ic' give

    rise to a s%ecific legal rig't w'ic' %etitio#ers are seeki#g to e#force, Seco#dly t'e +'ili%%i#e

    /#viro#me#t *ode ide#tifies wit' #otable care t'e %articular gover#me#t age#cy c'arged wit' t'e

    formulatio# a#d im%leme#tatio# of guideli#es a#d %rograms deali#g wit' eac' of t'e 'eadi#gs a#d

    sub('eadi#gs me#tio#ed above, T'e +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#t *ode does #ot i# ot'er words a%%ear

    to co#tem%late actio# o# t'e %art of %rivate %erso#s w'o are be#eficiaries of im%leme#tatio# of t'at


      $s a matter of logic by fi#di#g %etitio#ers5 cause of actio# as a#c'ored o# a legal rig't com%rised

    i# t'e co#stitutio#al stateme#ts above #oted t'e *ourt is i# effect sayi#g t'at Sectio# !8 1a#d

    Sectio# !;2 of $rticle >> of t'e *o#stitutio# are self(eAecuti#g a#d )udicially e#forceable eve# i# t'eir

    %rese#t form, T'e im%licatio#s of t'is doctri#e will 'ave to be eA%lored i# future cases9 t'ose

    im%licatio#s are too large a#d far(reac'i#g i# #ature eve# to be 'i#ted at 'ere,

      My suggestio# is sim%ly t'at %etitio#ers must before t'e trial court s'ow a more s%ecific legal

    rig't a rig't cast i# la#guage of a sig#ifica#tly lower order of ge#erality t'a# $rticle >> 1!82 of t'e

    *o#stitutio# t'at is or may be violated by t'e actio#s or failures to act im%uted to t'e %ublic

    res%o#de#t by %etitio#ers so t'at t'e trial court ca# validly re#der )udgme#t gra#ti#g all or %art of t'e

    relief %rayed for, To my mi#d t'e *ourt s'ould be u#derstood as sim%ly sayi#g t'at suc' a more

    s%ecific legal rig't or rig'ts may well eAist i# our cor%us of law co#sideri#g t'e ge#eral %olicy

    %ri#ci%les fou#d i# t'e *o#stitutio# a#d t'e eAiste#ce of t'e +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#t *ode a#d t'at

    t'e trial court s'ould 'ave give# %etitio#ers a# effective o%%ortu#ity so to demo#strate i#stead of

    aborti#g t'e %roceedi#gs o# a motio# to dismiss,

      >t seems to me im%orta#t t'at t'e legal rig't w'ic' is a# esse#tial com%o#e#t of a cause of actio#

    be a s%ecific o%erable legal rig't rat'er t'a# a co#stitutio#al or statutory %olicy for at least two 172

    reaso#s, G#e is t'at u#less t'e legal rig't claimed to 'ave bee# violated or disregarded is give#s%ecificatio# i# o%eratio#al terms defe#da#ts may well be u#able to defe#d t'emselves i#tellige#tly

    a#d effectively9 i# ot'er words t'ere are due %rocess dime#sio#s to t'is matter,

      T'e seco#d is a broader(gauge co#sideratio# w'ere a s%ecific violatio# of law or a%%licable

    regulatio# is #ot alleged or %roved %etitio#ers ca# be eA%ected to fall back o# t'e eA%a#ded

    co#ce%tio# of )udicial %ower i# t'e seco#d %aragra%' of Sectio# ! of $rticle @>>> of t'e *o#stitutio#

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    w'ic' reads&

      Sectio# !, , , ,

      Judicial %ower i#cludes t'e duty of t'e courts of )ustice to settle actual co#troversies i#volvi#grig'ts w'ic' are legally dema#dable a#d e#forceable a#d to determi#e w'et'er or #ot t'ere 'as

    bee# a grave abuse of discretio# amou#ti#g to lack or eAcess of )urisdictio# o# t'e %art of a#y

    bra#c' or i#strume#tality of t'e over#me#t, 1/m%'asis su%%lied2

      D'e# substa#tive sta#dards as ge#eral as 4t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'y ecology4 a#d 4t'e

    rig't to 'ealt'4 are combi#ed wit' remedial sta#dards as broad ra#gi#g as 4a grave abuse of

    discretio# amou#ti#g to lack or eAcess of )urisdictio#4 t'e result will be it is res%ectfully submitted to

    %ro%el courts i#to t'e u#c'arted ocea# of social a#d eco#omic %olicy maki#g, $t least i# res%ect of

    t'e vast area of e#viro#me#tal %rotectio# a#d ma#ageme#t our courts 'ave #o claim to s%ecial

    tec'#ical com%ete#ce a#d eA%erie#ce a#d %rofessio#al :ualificatio#, D'ere #o s%ecific o%erable

    #orms a#d sta#dards are s'ow# to eAist t'e# t'e %olicy maki#g de%artme#ts t'e legislative a#d

    eAecutive de%artme#ts must be give# a real a#d effective o%%ortu#ity to fas'io# a#d %romulgate

    t'ose #orms a#d sta#dards a#d to im%leme#t t'em before t'e courts s'ould i#terve#e,

      My lear#ed brot'er .avide Jr, J, rig'tly i#sists t'at t'e timber com%a#ies w'ose co#cessio#

    agreeme#ts or TL$5s %etitio#ers dema#d %ublic res%o#de#ts s'ould ca#cel must be im%leaded i#

    t'e %roceedi#gs below, >t mig't be asked t'at if %etitio#ers5 e#titleme#t to t'e relief dema#ded is #ot

    de%e#de#t u%o# %roof of breac' by t'e timber com%a#ies of o#e or more of t'e s%ecific terms a#d

    co#ditio#s of t'eir co#cessio# agreeme#ts 1a#d t'is %etitio#ers im%licitly assume2 w'at will t'ose

    com%a#ies litigate aboutN T'e a#swer > suggest is t'at t'ey may seek to dis%ute t'e eAiste#ce of t'e

    s%ecific legal rig't %etitio#ers s'ould allege as well as t'e reality of t'e claimed factual #eAus

    betwee# %etitio#ers5 s%ecific legal rig'ts a#d t'e claimed wro#gful acts or failures to act of %ublic

    res%o#de#t admi#istrative age#cy, T'ey may also co#trovert t'e a%%ro%riate#ess of t'e remedy or

    remedies dema#ded by %etitio#ers u#der all t'e circumsta#ces w'ic' eAist,

      > vote to gra#t t'e +etitio# for *ertiorari because t'e %rotectio# of t'e e#viro#me#t i#cludi#g t'e

    forest cover of our territory is of eAtreme im%orta#ce for t'e cou#try, T'e doctri#es set out i# t'e

    *ourt5s decisio# issued today s'ould 'owever be sub)ected to closer eAami#atio#,


    Q Se%arate G%i#io#s

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      F/L>*>$G J, co#curri#g

      > )oi# i# t'e result reac'ed by my disti#guis'ed brot'er i# t'e *ourt .avide Jr, J, i# t'is case

    w'ic' to my mi#d is o#e of t'e most im%orta#t cases decided by t'is *ourt i# t'e last few years,T'e semi#al %ri#ci%les laid dow# i# t'is decisio# are likely to i#flue#ce %rofou#dly t'e directio# a#d

    course of t'e %rotectio# a#d ma#ageme#t of t'e e#viro#me#t w'ic' of course embraces t'e

    utiliatio# of all t'e #atural resources i# t'e territorial base of our %olity, > 'ave t'erefore soug't to

    clarify basically to myself w'at t'e *ourt a%%ears to be sayi#g,

      T'e *ourt eA%licitly states t'at %etitio#ers 'ave t'e locus sta#di #ecessary to sustai# t'e bri#gi#g

    a#d mai#te#a#ce of t'is suit 1.ecisio# %%, !!(!72, Locus sta#di is #ot a fu#ctio# of %etitio#ers5 claim

    t'at t'eir suit is %ro%erly regarded as a class suit, > u#dersta#d locus sta#di to refer to t'e legal

    i#terest w'ic' a %lai#tiff must 'ave i# t'e sub)ect matter of t'e suit, Because of t'e very broad#ess

    of t'e co#ce%t of 4class4 'ere i#volved members'i% i# t'is 4class4 a%%ears to embrace everyo#e

    livi#g i# t'e cou#try w'et'er #ow or i# t'e

      future it a%%ears to me t'at everyo#e w'o may be eA%ected to be#efit from t'e course of actio#

    %etitio#ers seek to re:uire %ublic res%o#de#ts to take is vested wit' t'e #ecessary locus sta#di, T'e

    *ourt may be see# t'erefore to be recog#ii#g a be#eficiaries5 rig't of actio# i# t'e field of

    e#viro#me#tal %rotectio# as agai#st bot' t'e %ublic admi#istrative age#cy directly co#cer#ed a#d

    t'e %rivate %erso#s or e#tities o%erati#g i# t'e field or sector of activity i#volved, D'et'er suc'

    be#eficiaries5 rig't of actio# may be fou#d u#der a#y a#d all circumsta#ces or w'et'er some failure

    to act i# t'e first i#sta#ce o# t'e %art of t'e gover#me#tal age#cy co#cer#ed must be s'ow# 14%rior

    eA'austio# of admi#istrative remedies42 is #ot discussed i# t'e decisio# a#d %resumably is left for

    future determi#atio# i# a# a%%ro%riate case,

      T'e *ourt 'as also declared t'at t'e com%lai#t 'as alleged a#d focused u%o# 4o#e s%ecific

    fu#dame#tal legal rig't t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology4 1.ecisio# %, !?2, T'ere is

    #o :uestio# t'at 4t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology4 is 4fu#dame#tal4 a#d t'at

    accordi#gly it 'as bee# 4co#stitutio#alied,4 But alt'oug' it is fu#dame#tal i# c'aracter > suggest

    wit' very great res%ect t'at it ca##ot be c'aracteried as 4s%ecific4 wit'out doi#g eAcessive

    viole#ce to la#guage, >t is i# fact very difficult to fas'io# la#guage more com%re'e#sive i# sco%e a#d

    ge#eralied i# c'aracter t'a# a rig't to 4a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'ful ecology,4 T'e list of %articularclaims w'ic' ca# be subsumed u#der t'is rubic a%%ears to be e#tirely o%e#(e#ded& %reve#tio# a#d

    co#trol of emissio# of toAic fumes a#d smoke from factories a#d motor ve'icles9 of disc'arge of oil

    c'emical efflue#ts garbage a#d raw sewage i#to rivers i#la#d a#d coastal waters by vessels oil

    rigs factories mi#es a#d w'ole commu#ities9 of dum%i#g of orga#ic a#d i#orga#ic wastes o# o%e#

    la#d streets a#d t'oroug'fares9 failure to re'abilitate la#d after stri%(mi#i#g or o%e#(%it mi#i#g9

    kai#gi# or slas'(a#d(bur# farmi#g9 destructio# of fis'eries coral reefs a#d ot'er livi#g sea resources

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    t'roug' t'e use of dy#amite or cya#ide a#d ot'er c'emicals9 co#tami#atio# of grou#d water

    resources9 loss of certai# s%ecies of fau#a a#d flora9 a#d so o#, T'e ot'er stateme#ts %oi#ted out by

    t'e *ourt& Sectio# 3 /Aecutive Grder o, !"7 dated !0 Ju#e !"6@ Book >@ of

    t'e !"6< $dmi#istrative *ode9 a#d +,., o, !!8! dated ; Ju#e !"

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    sub('eadi#gs me#tio#ed above, T'e +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#t *ode does #ot i# ot'er words a%%ear

    to co#tem%late actio# o# t'e %art of %rivate %erso#s w'o are be#eficiaries of im%leme#tatio# of t'at


      $s a matter of logic by fi#di#g %etitio#ers5 cause of actio# as a#c'ored o# a legal rig't com%risedi# t'e co#stitutio#al stateme#ts above #oted t'e *ourt is i# effect sayi#g t'at Sectio# !8 1a#d

    Sectio# !;2 of $rticle >> of t'e *o#stitutio# are self(eAecuti#g a#d )udicially e#forceable eve# i# t'eir

    %rese#t form, T'e im%licatio#s of t'is doctri#e will 'ave to be eA%lored i# future cases9 t'ose

    im%licatio#s are too large a#d far(reac'i#g i# #ature eve# to be 'i#ted at 'ere,

      My suggestio# is sim%ly t'at %etitio#ers must before t'e trial court s'ow a more s%ecific legal

    rig't a rig't cast i# la#guage of a sig#ifica#tly lower order of ge#erality t'a# $rticle >> 1!82 of t'e

    *o#stitutio# t'at is or may be violated by t'e actio#s or failures to act im%uted to t'e %ublic

    res%o#de#t by %etitio#ers so t'at t'e trial court ca# validly re#der )udgme#t gra#ti#g all or %art of t'e

    relief %rayed for, To my mi#d t'e *ourt s'ould be u#derstood as sim%ly sayi#g t'at suc' a more

    s%ecific legal rig't or rig'ts may well eAist i# our cor%us of law co#sideri#g t'e ge#eral %olicy

    %ri#ci%les fou#d i# t'e *o#stitutio# a#d t'e eAiste#ce of t'e +'ili%%i#e /#viro#me#t *ode a#d t'at

    t'e trial court s'ould 'ave give# %etitio#ers a# effective o%%ortu#ity so to demo#strate i#stead of

    aborti#g t'e %roceedi#gs o# a motio# to dismiss,

      >t seems to me im%orta#t t'at t'e legal rig't w'ic' is a# esse#tial com%o#e#t of a cause of actio#

    be a s%ecific o%erable legal rig't rat'er t'a# a co#stitutio#al or statutory %olicy for at least two 172

    reaso#s, G#e is t'at u#less t'e legal rig't claimed to 'ave bee# violated or disregarded is give#

    s%ecificatio# i# o%eratio#al terms defe#da#ts may well be u#able to defe#d t'emselves i#tellige#tly

    a#d effectively9 i# ot'er words t'ere are due %rocess dime#sio#s to t'is matter,

      T'e seco#d is a broader(gauge co#sideratio# w'ere a s%ecific violatio# of law or a%%licable

    regulatio# is #ot alleged or %roved %etitio#ers ca# be eA%ected to fall back o# t'e eA%a#ded

    co#ce%tio# of )udicial %ower i# t'e seco#d %aragra%' of Sectio# ! of $rticle @>>> of t'e *o#stitutio#

    w'ic' reads&

      Sectio# !, , , ,

      Judicial %ower i#cludes t'e duty of t'e courts of )ustice to settle actual co#troversies i#volvi#g

    rig'ts w'ic' are legally dema#dable a#d e#forceable a#d to determi#e w'et'er or #ot t'ere 'as

    bee# a grave abuse of discretio# amou#ti#g to lack or eAcess of )urisdictio# o# t'e %art of a#y

    bra#c' or i#strume#tality of t'e over#me#t, 1/m%'asis su%%lied2

      D'e# substa#tive sta#dards as ge#eral as 4t'e rig't to a bala#ced a#d 'ealt'y ecology4 a#d 4t'e

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    rig't to 'ealt'4 are combi#ed wit' remedial sta#dards as broad ra#gi#g as 4a grave abuse of

    discretio# amou#ti#g to lack or eAcess of )urisdictio#4 t'e result will be it is res%ectfully submitted to

    %ro%el courts i#to t'e u#c'arted ocea# of social a#d eco#omic %olicy maki#g, $t least i# res%ect of

    t'e vast area of e#viro#me#tal %rotectio# a#d ma#ageme#t our courts 'ave #o claim to s%ecial

    tec'#ical com%ete#ce a#d eA%erie#ce a#d %rofessio#al :ualificatio#, D'ere #o s%ecific o%erable#orms a#d sta#dards are s'ow# to eAist t'e# t'e %olicy maki#g de%artme#ts t'e legislative a#d

    eAecutive de%artme#ts must be give# a real a#d effective o%%ortu#ity to fas'io# a#d %romulgate

    t'ose #orms a#d sta#dards a#d to im%leme#t t'em before t'e courts s'ould i#terve#e,

      My lear#ed brot'er .avide Jr, J, rig'tly i#sists t'at t'e timber com%a#ies w'ose co#cessio#

    agreeme#ts or TL$5s %etitio#ers dema#d %ublic res%o#de#ts s'ould ca#cel must be im%leaded i#

    t'e %roceedi#gs below, >t mig't be asked t'at if %etitio#ers5 e#titleme#t to t'e relief dema#ded is #ot

    de%e#de#t u%o# %roof of breac' by t'e timber com%a#ies of o#e or more of t'e s%ecific terms a#d

    co#ditio#s of t'eir co#cessio# agreeme#ts 1a#d t'is %etitio#ers im%licitly assume2 w'at will t'ose

    com%a#ies litigate aboutN T'e a#swer > suggest is t'at t'ey may seek to dis%ute t'e eAiste#ce of t'e

    s%ecific legal rig't %etitio#ers s'ould allege as well as t'e reality of t'e claimed factual #eAus

    betwee# %etitio#ers5 s%ecific legal rig'ts a#d t'e claimed wro#gful acts or failures to act of %ublic

    res%o#de#t admi#istrative age#cy, T'ey may also co#trovert t'e a%%ro%riate#ess of t'e remedy or

    remedies dema#ded by %etitio#ers u#der all t'e circumsta#ces w'ic' eAist,

      > vote to gra#t t'e +etitio# for *ertiorari because t'e %rotectio# of t'e e#viro#me#t i#cludi#g t'e

    forest cover of our territory is of eAtreme im%orta#ce for t'e cou#try, T'e doctri#es set out i# t'e

    *ourt5s decisio# issued today s'ould 'owever be sub)ected to closer eAami#atio#,

     Labels: 1993, environmental law, G.R. No. 101083, human rights, human rights law,  July

    30, ooso v !actoran, transcendental imortance

     $urispru%ence: .R. !o. 1391* Fe+ruar',, ,"1" F>RST .>@>S>G

    >R// S$T/ $. R/$L.G S$T/ v, HG, /.>LB/RTG T, *L$R$@$LL i# 'is ca%acity as

    +residi#g Judge of Bra#c' ;0 Regio#al Trial *ourt of Baguio *ity a#d @>T$ , K$L$SH>$

    ,R, o, !

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      Before t'is *ourt is a %etitio# for certiorari-! u#der Rule ;8 of t'e !""< Rules of *ivil

    +rocedure as ame#ded filed by %etitio#ers >re#e a#d Rey#aldo Sa#te assaili#g t'e .ecisio#-7

    dated Ja#uary 3! 700; a#d t'e Resolutio#-3 dated Ju#e 73 700; of t'e Seve#tee#t' .ivisio# of

    t'e *ourt of $%%eals i# *$(,R, S+ o, 6

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      He#ce %etitio#ers agai# filed a +etitio# for *ertiorari a#d +ro'ibitio#-!3 before t'e *ourt of

     $%%eals docketed as *$(,R, S+ o, 6./, *ivil *ase o, 8

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      C#able to acce%t t'e decisio# %etitio#ers are #ow before us raisi#g t'e followi#g issues&


    DH/TH/R GR GT TH/R/ D$S R$@/ $BCS/ GF .>S*R/T>G $MGCT> TG L$*K GR

    > /=*/SS GF JCR>S.>*T>G G TH/ +$RT GF TH/ 1FGRM/R2 S/@/T//TH .>@>S>G GF

    TH/ HGGR$BL/ *GCRT GF $++/$LS DH/ >T R/SGL@/. TH$T TH/ R/>G$L TR>$L

    *GCRT GF B$C>G *>T BR$*H ;0 H$S JCR>S.>*T>G G@/R TH/ SCBJ/*T M$TT/R GF

    TH/ *$S/ FGR .$M$/S $MGCT> TG +300000,009


    DH/TH/R GR GT TH/R/ D$S R$@/ $BCS/ GF .>S*R/T>G G TH/ +$RT GF TH/


    ;0 FGR $LLGD> TH/ *GM+L$>$T TG $M/. TH/ *GM+L$>T 1>*R/$S> TH/

     $MGCT GF .$M$/S TG !000000,00 TG *GF/R JCR>S.>*T>G G@/R TH/ SCBJ/*T

    M$TT/R GF TH/ *$S/ ./S+>T/ TH/ +/./* GF $ +/T>T>G FGR */RT>GR$R> F>L/. $T

    TH/ *GCRT GF $++/$LS S/@/TH .>@>S>G .G*K/T/. $S *$ ,R, G, 68?;8,-!8

      ># esse#ce t'e basic issues for our resolutio# are&

    !2 .id t'e RT* ac:uire )urisdictio# over t'e caseN a#d

    72 .id t'e RT* commit grave abuse of discretio# i# allowi#g t'e ame#dme#t of t'e


      +etitio#ers i#sist t'at t'e com%lai#t falls u#der t'e eAclusive )urisdictio# of t'e MT**, T'ey

    mai#tai# t'at t'e claim for moral damages i# t'e amou#t of +300000,00 i# t'e origi#al com%lai#t is

    t'e mai# actio#, T'e eAem%lary damages bei#g discretio#ary s'ould #ot be i#cluded i# t'e

    com%utatio# of t'e )urisdictio#al amou#t, $#d 'avi#g #o )urisdictio# over t'e sub)ect matter of t'e

    case t'e RT* acted wit' grave abuse of discretio# w'e# it allowed t'e ame#dme#t of t'e com%lai#t

    to i#crease t'e claim for moral damages i# order to co#fer )urisdictio#,

      ># 'er *omme#t-!; res%o#de#t averred t'at t'e #ature of 'er com%lai#t is for recovery of

    damages, $s suc' t'e totality of t'e claim for damages i#cludi#g t'e eAem%lary damages as well

    as t'e ot'er damages alleged a#d %rayed i# t'e com%lai#t suc' as attor#eys fees a#d litigatio#

    eA%e#ses s'ould be i#cluded i# determi#i#g )urisdictio#, T'e total claim bei#g +?70000,00 t'e

    RT* 'as )urisdictio# over t'e com%lai#t,

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      De de#y t'e %etitio# w'ic' alt'oug' de#omi#ated as a %etitio# for certiorari we treat as a

    %etitio# for review o# certiorari u#der Rule ?8 i# view of t'e issues raised,

      Sectio# !"162 of Batas +amba#sa Blg, !7"-!

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    amou#t of all t'e damages claimed regardless of ki#d a#d #ature suc' as eAem%lary damages

    #omi#al damages a#d attor#eys fees etc, be usedN

    ># t'is regard $dmi#istrative *ircular o, 0"("?-!" is i#structive&

      A A A A

      7, T'e eAclusio# of t'e term damages of w'atever ki#dU i# determi#i#g t'e )urisdictio#al

    amou#t u#der Sectio# !" 162 a#d Sectio# 33 1!2 of B,+, Blg, !7" as ame#ded by R,$, o, t is settled t'at )urisdictio# is co#ferred by law based o# t'e facts

    alleged i# t'e com%lai#t si#ce t'e latter com%rises a co#cise stateme#t of t'e ultimate facts

    co#stituti#g t'e %lai#tiffs causes of actio#,-70 >t is clear based o# t'e allegatio#s of t'e com%lai#t

    t'at res%o#de#ts mai# actio# is for damages, He#ce t'e ot'er forms of damages bei#g claimed by

    res%o#de#t e,g, eAem%lary damages attor#eys fees a#d litigatio# eA%e#ses are #ot merely

    i#cide#tal to or co#se:ue#ces of t'e mai# actio# but co#stitute t'e %rimary relief %rayed for i# t'e


    ># Me#doa v, Soria#o-7! it was 'eld t'at i# cases w'ere t'e claim for damages is t'e mai#

    cause of actio# or o#e of t'e causes of actio# t'e amou#t of suc' claim s'all be co#sidered i#

    determi#i#g t'e )urisdictio# of t'e court, ># t'e said case t'e res%o#de#ts claim of +"7"000,0; i#

    damages a#d +78000 attor#eys fees %lus +800 %er court a%%eara#ce was 'eld to re%rese#t t'e

    mo#etary e:uivale#t for com%e#satio# of t'e alleged i#)ury, T'e *ourt t'erei# 'eld t'at t'e total

    amou#t of mo#etary claims i#cludi#g t'e claims for damages was t'e basis to determi#e t'e

     )urisdictio#al amou#t,

     $lso i# >#iego v, +urga#a#-77 t'e *ourt 'as 'eld&

      T'e amou#t of damages claimed is wit'i# t'e )urisdictio# of t'e RT* si#ce it is t'e claim

    for all ki#ds of damages t'at is t'e basis of determi#i#g t'e )urisdictio# of courts w'et'er t'e claims

    for damages arise from t'e same or from differe#t causes of actio#,

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


      A A A A

      *o#sideri#g t'at t'e total amou#t of damages claimed was +?70000,00 t'e *ourt of

     $%%eals was correct i# ruli#g t'at t'e RT* 'ad )urisdictio# over t'e case,

    Lastly we fi#d #o error muc' less grave abuse of discretio# o# t'e %art of t'e *ourt of

     $%%eals i# affirmi#g t'e RT*s order allowi#g t'e ame#dme#t of t'e origi#al com%lai#t from

    +300000,00 to +!000000,00 des%ite t'e %e#de#cy of a %etitio# for certiorari filed before t'e *ourt

    of $%%eals, D'ile it is a basic )uris%rude#tial %ri#ci%le t'at a# ame#dme#t ca##ot be allowed w'e#

    t'e court 'as #o )urisdictio# over t'e origi#al com%lai#t a#d t'e %ur%ose of t'e ame#dme#t is to

    co#fer )urisdictio# o# t'e court-73 'ere t'e RT* clearly 'ad )urisdictio# over t'e origi#al com%lai#t

    a#d ame#dme#t of t'e com%lai#t was t'e# still a matter of rig't,-7?

    DH/R/FGR/ t'e %etitio# is ./>/. for lack of merit, T'e .ecisio# a#d Resolutio# of t'e *ourt

    of $%%eals dated Ja#uary 3! 700; a#d Ju#e 73 700; res%ectively are $FF>RM/., T'e Regio#al

    Trial *ourt of Baguio *ity Bra#c' ;0 is .>R/*T/. to co#ti#ue wit' t'e trial %roceedi#gs i# *ivil

    *ase o, 8

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    S>S filed a otice wit' t'e RT* ma#ifesti#g t'e dismissal of t'e com%lai#t, G# t'e same

    day S>S filed a# Crge#t +etitio# wit' t'e Securities a#d /Ac'a#ge *ommissio# 1S/*2 seeki#g

    to restrai# Rosete from recog#ii#g cou#ti#g a#d tabulati#g directly or i#directly #otio#ally or

    actually or i# w'atever way form ma##er or mea#s or ot'erwise 'o#ori#g t'e s'ares covered

    byU t'e %roAies i# favor of a#y officer re%rese#ti#g M/R$L*G Ma#ageme#t4 a#d to a##ul a#ddeclare i#valid said %roAies,

    S/* issued a S'ow *ause Grder 

    +etitio#ers filed a %etitio# for certiorari wit' %ro'ibitio# wit' t'e *ourt of $%%eals

    *$& com%lai#t filed by S>S i# t'e S/* is 'ereby .>SM>SS/. due to S/*s lack of



     !, DE S/* ca# be %rivate res%o#de#ts

     7, DE it is a validatio# of t'e %roAy wit'i# t'e S/*5s )urisdictio# 1as o%%osed to >#tra(*or%orate

    *o#troversies wit'i# t'e RT*5S )urisdictio#2

    H/L.& /=+C/. for lack of ca%acity of t'e %etitio#er to bri#g fort' t'e suit

    !, G

     Rule ;8 does recog#ie t'at t'e S/* a#d its officers s'ould 'ave bee# desig#ated as %ublic

    res%o#de#ts i# t'e %etitio# for certiorari filed wit' t'e *ourt of $%%eals, et t'eir i#volveme#t i#

    t'e i#sta#t %etitio# is #ot as origi#al %arty(litiga#ts but as t'e :uasi()udicial age#cy a#d officers

    eAercisi#g t'e ad)udicative fu#ctio#s over t'e dis%ute betwee# t'e two co#te#di#g factio#s wit'i#

    Meralco, From t'e o#set #eit'er t'e S/* #or Marti#e or uevarra 'as bee# co#sidered as a

    real %arty(i#(i#terest, Sectio# 7 Rule 3 of t'e !""< Rules of *ivil +rocedure %rovides t'at every

    actio# must be %rosecuted or defe#ded i# t'e #ame of t'e real %arty i# i#terest t'at is t'e %arty

    w'o sta#ds to be be#efited or i#)ured by t'e )udgme#t i# t'e suit or t'e %arty e#titled to t'e

    avails of t'e suit,U >t would be facetious to assume t'at t'e S/* 'ad a#y real i#terest or stake i#

    t'e i#tra(cor%orate dis%ute wit'i# Meralco, $t t'is %oi#t o#ly o#e %etitio# remai#st'e %etitio#

    for certiorari filed by S>S i# ,R, o, !63"08,

    C#der Sectio# ?,; t'at t'e ability to delegate fu#ctio#s to a si#gle commissio#er does #ot

    eAte#d to t'e eAercise of t'e review or a%%ellate aut'ority of t'e S/*, T'e issua#ce of t'e *.G

    is a# act of t'e S/* itself do#e i# t'e eAercise of its origi#al )urisdictio# to review actual cases or 

    co#troversies, >f it 'as #ot bee# clear to t'e S/* before it s'ould be clear #ow t'at its %ower toissue a *.G ca# #ot u#der t'e SR* be delegated to a# i#dividual commissio#er,

    7, G,

     Jurisdictio# is co#ferred by #o ot'er source but law, Bot' sides 'ave relied u%o# %rovisio#s

    of Re%, $ct o, 6m%leme#ti#g Rules or $>RR(SR*2 a#d ot'er related rules to

  • 8/20/2019 Human Rights Cases Case Digest List


    su%%ort t'eir com%eti#g co#te#tio#s t'at eit'er t'e S/* or t'e trial courts 'as eAclusive origi#al

     )urisdictio# over t'e dis%ute,

    t'e disti#ctio# betwee# %roAy solicitatio#U a#d %roAy validatio#U ca##ot be dismissed

    off'a#d, T'e rig't of a stock'older to vote by %roAy is ge#erally establis'ed by t'e

    *or%oratio# *ode but it is t'e SR* w'ic' s%ecifically regulates t'e form a#d use of %roAiesmore %articularly t'e %rocedure of %roAy solicitatio# %rimarily t'roug' Sectio# 70,

    T'e i#vestigatory %ower of t'e S/* establis'ed by Sectio# 83,! is ce#tral to its regulatory

    aut'ority most crucial to t'e %ublic i#terest es%ecially as it may %ertai# to cor%oratio#s wit'

    %ublicly traded s'ares, For t'at reaso# we are #ot kee# o# %ursui#g %rivate res%o#de#ts

    i#siste#ce t'at t'e S>S com%lai#t be viewed as rooted i# a# i#tra(cor%orate co#troversy solely

    wit'i# t'e )urisdictio# of t'e trial courts to decide, >t is %ossible t'at a# i#tra(cor%orate

    co#troversy may a#imate a disgru#tled s'are'older to com%lai# to t'e S/* a cor%oratio#s

    violatio#s of S/* rules a#d regulatio#s but t'at motive alo#e s'ould #ot be sufficie#t to de%rive

    t'e S/* of its i#vestigatory a#d regulatory %owers es%ecially so si#ce suc' %owers are

    eAercisable o# a motu %ro%rio basis,

    ote t'at Sectio# ; is immediately %receded by Sectio# 8 w'ic' origi#ally co#ferred o# t'e

    S/* origi#al a#d eAclusive )urisdictio# to 'ear a#d decide casesU i#volvi#g co#troversies i# t'e

    electio# or a%%oi#tme#ts of directors trustees officers or ma#agers of suc' cor%oratio#s

    %art#ers'i%s or associatio#s,U T'us suc' %ower of t'e S/* t'e# was i#cide#tal or a#cillary to

    t'e eAercise of suc' )urisdictio#, T'e cases referred to i# Sectio# 8 were tra#sferred from t'e

     )urisdictio# of t'e S/* to t'e regular courts wit' t'e %assage of t'e SR* s%ecifically Sectio#

    8,7, T'us t'e S/*s %ower to %ass u%o# t'e validity of %roAies i# relatio# to electio#

    co#troversies 'as effectively bee# wit'draw# tied as it is to its abrogated )urisdictio#al %owers,

    Based o# t'e foregoi#g it is evide#t t'at t'e li#c'%i# i# decidi#g t'e :uestio# is w'et'er or #ot

    t'e cause of actio# of S>S before t'e S/* is i#timately tied to a# electio# co#troversy as

    defi#ed u#der Sectio# 81c2 of +reside#tial .ecree o, "07($,

    C#der t'e circumsta#ces we do #ot see it feasible for S>S to %osit t'at its c'alle#ge to t'e

    solicitatio# or validatio# of %roAies bore #o relatio# at all to t'e sc'eduled electio# of t'e board of 

    directors of Meralco duri#g t'e a##ual meeti#g, S>S very well k#ew t'at t'e co#troversy falls

    wit'i# t'e co#tem%latio# of a# electio# co#troversy %ro%erly wit'i# t'e )urisdictio# of t'e regular

    courts, Gt'erwise it would 'ave #ever filed its origi#al %etitio# wit' t'e RT* of +asay, S>S may

    'ave wit'draw# its %etitio# wit' t'e RT* o# a #ew assessme#t made i# good fait' t'at t'e

    co#troversy falls wit'i# t'e )urisdictio# of t'e S/* yet t'e reality is t'at t'e reassessme#t is%recisely wro#g as a matter of law,


     Labels: "009, criminal rocedure, G.R. No. 18390&, G()( v. C*,  January

    19,  'urisdiction, remedial law,rtc, securities and e+change commission