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MADE BY: Waqas Khalid

Page 2: Human resource management (waqas khalid)


"HR"M simply means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job & organizational requirement Designing management systems to ensure that human

talent is used effectively and efficiently to accomplish organizational goals.

Managing the employment relationship’ Employees are the most important asset of the

organization. "HR"M is concerned with the people’s dimension in the


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To help the organization reach its goals. To ensure effective utilization and maximum

development of human resources. To ensure respect for human beings. To identify and

satisfy the needs of individuals. To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with

those of the organization. To achieve and maintain high morale among

employees. To provide the organization with well-trained and

well-motivated employees.

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To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization.

To develop and maintain a quality of work life. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs

of society. To develop overall personality of each employee in

its multidimensional aspect. To enhance employee’s capabilities to perform the

present job. To equip the employees with precision and clarity in

transaction of business. To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and

inter-team collaboration.

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IMPORTANCE OF "HR"M An organization cannot build a good team of working

professionals without good human resources forward-thinking, support the business strategy, and

assist the organization in maintaining competitive advantage.

concerned with the total cost of its function and for determining value added to the organization.

"HR"M is the part of the organization concerned with the “people” dimension.

"HR"M is both a staff, or support function that assists line employees, and a function.

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NATURE OF "HR"M Human Resource Management is a process of bringing

people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met.

Its focus is on results rather than on rules. It tries to help employees develop their potential fully. It encourages employees to give their best to the

organization. It is all about people at work, both as individuals and

groups. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce

good results. It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by

providing for competent and well-motivated employees.

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ROLES OF "HR"M The human resources management team suggests to

the management team how to strategically manage people as business resources.

This includes managing recruiting and hiring employees, coordinating employee benefits and suggesting employee training and development strategies.

In this way, "HR" professionals are consultants, not workers in an isolated business function; they advise managers on many issues related to employees and how they help the organization achieve its goals.

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COLABORATION at all levels of the organization, managers and "HR"

professionals work together to develop employees' skills.

For example, "HR" professionals advise managers and supervisors how to assign employees to different roles in the organization, thereby helping the organization adapt successfully to its environment.

In a flexible organization, employees are shifted around to different business functions based on business priorities and employee preferences.

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“An effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands upon and organization and to provide personnel to fulfill that business and satisfy that demand”it has the right number and kinds of

peopleat the right placeat the right time

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The process by which a job vacancy is identified and potential employees are notified.

The nature of the recruitment process is regulated and subject to employment law.

Main forms of recruitment t"HR"ough advertising in newspapers, magazines, trade papers and internal vacancy lists.

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Development and Training

Developing the employee can be regarded as investing in a valuable asset

A source of motivation A source of helping the employee fulfil potential Similar to development: Provides new skills for the employee Keeps the employee up to date

with changes in the field Aims to improve efficiency Can be external or ‘in-house’

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REWARD SYSTEM The system of pay and benefits used by the firm to

reward workers Money not the only method Fringe benefits Flexibility at work Holidays, etc.

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The term “labor relations” refers to interaction with employees who are represented by a trade union.

Unions are organization of employees who join together to obtain more voice in decisions affecting wages, benefits, working conditions, and other aspects of employment.

With regard to labour relations, the "HR"M responsibility primarily involves negotiating with the unions regarding wages, service conditions, and resolving disputes and grievance

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MANAGER "HR" manager organizes and manages the Personnel

development of the organization. He has to win the confidence of all concerned people. It

is a tight rope walk. Should be tactful and imaginative. Should be a specialist in organization theory. Has to

advise the top management and should be able to Organize - minimize friction, promote goodwill.

Should have good knowledge of personnel administration, relevant laws, procedure, techniques, economics, industrial Psychology, and behavioral science help to tackle humans and Problems efficiently.

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Should be familiar with philosophy, ethics , logic , sociology history, medicine, and political science.

Should have a sense of social justice and be appreciative of rights and interests of people at work.

Other Qualities "HR" manager should possess are : Loyalty, responsibility and honesty to organization

and people who work there. Faith in humanity. Need to place high value on performance judging

people objectively giving full credit to those who perform.

Ability to analyse and take prompt decisions. Capacity for persuasion patience and tolerance.

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Evolution of "HR"M started in 19th century. "HR"M emerged from personnel management and

personnel management emerged from manpower-planning.

Human resource gained attention as the work-force considered to be an important resource to gain competitive advantage of organizations and also the resources of the organization .

The consideration of changes taking place in managing human resource led to the formation of STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING

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Challenges faced by "HR" Managers

Managing the VisionInternal EnvironmentChanging Industrial RelationsEmployee SatisfactionModern technologyComputerized Information System

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In spite of all the problems "HR" Managers are able to overcome all these problems with the support of management and employees.

In the current business world managing employees are becoming complex task and this can be handled effectively only by our great "HR" Leaders.

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“There is no magic in the success of the companies ,The

secret of their success is simply the way that they treat

their employees.



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