Page 1: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU


- - WASHlNGTON-<UP^)-: C arte r halted a lm ost a ir f R ussia F rid ay and proml old to Pakistan . •

- - ■ ::In a notlonally brbadi I C a rte r w arned • tha t th(

tvaalon of Afghanistan 1 th re a t to-worldpcDco— ^ oil supplies.

•He also-said thatrthe-U m ay-w lthdraw from the

^ a ffe c tiState, nation

not t>e hard h it by a gral — regalnat-lheSovlet-Wnlortra — th e -h e a d -of - th e - s ta tc .;

departm ent.

A cross th e na tion .\ C arte r’s announcem ent o ■ curta ilm ent of shipm ents t

e ts got a m ixed reaction press and national farm ers

--H ons;------------ .

F riday, - p rio r to -C arte l Idaho fa rm group represen

But most said they wou: such an actlon by' the pr farmers a re c o m p en sa te

...... c la llo ss ._________________

hope there 's some-wi- <hl^ wHhnitl-stnrvlnp p«Hi- .^ --O sear F leldro-G rand-V l< — —and-r^presidcnt-of-thir-Id)____B u reau -l'E o o rip eo p lc WOI- — ones who would suffer4 i___' If the presidcril ordered a

h e sa ld he would support Itr ' Max Hanson, h e a d 'o f t a g r ic u l tu r e ' departm ent,

-------doesnU-thlnk-ldaho-larmcr-affected by a n em bargo as fa rm ers In o ther states. 1 exported from Idaho Is la w hite wheat, while Russia red w heat. Hanson, who gn

Idaho wheat has-alrcady-l too.

R ussia was expected to corn than w heat from thli but the com grown In Idahc a lly grown for seed, Hanson

DeVon W oodland, a .' far m cr-and preg|dent-of-tli<

F a rm e rs Organization;- sai ------fl

-'•I ' If the president o rderei - — IjargorW oodland sald,-he w

por t ItrB u t-he-wpuldmlso:!! governm ent to ra is e “supp^ for w heat and com lo protect

woodland caiiea Kuss I F y - — cu s lo m e r.^ B u t-h o -a lso -s ,

. rccognlze thaL lf yoiLhavc i— you don’rfoed them :”-------_

C arl Schwenson,'senlor v den t of the National Asso< W heal Growers, told the Tlr e arly F riday his group hoj

------a ltcm atlvcs 'ca rrbc^ an em bargo ord

- .- - .C a r te r .. . . - - :-______---------confident tha t if Uie

decided It w as In 'the natlonr • fa rm ers would abide by his d

I Like W oodland ,'he said should not have to b ear the I

— taken to-m ake su re a l| VS ___ ^ouIdeiiLbaburdeiC iJidsaic

' . 'L ~ # C b ritIh u e'd b n p


:■ ■■ N a tu r a i j ^ J o y A d a m s



a f l r t eP I )-^-Pn?sidcnt— M oscowne* air grain sales to tlnueson Its romlsed m ilitary The presi

Soviet OCCUj badc’ast upeech, ' not simply

the S6vlet lnr under Ihe Ki an Is a chilling ' to a llc o u n tr — ^nd-to<;ruclHl--naHon9-canr

u sua l" w ith! ic-U nltcd‘S ta t(s ' C arter cl:th ^ O ly m p icsIn__ in v ^ lo n a s '

> ---------

on -. . .n b g r g o : ~ - s i ^ ^ ^ m

grain embargo

lie .ag ricu ltu re -------

-a sh a rp - - nts to the SovI- tlon from Con* n e rs ’ organize-

irte r.'s . speech, ssentatlveshad-ilri nn> howould support e president, a t^ .fo r 'f in a n -


l - V l e w T o r m e r i ^ E ^ ^ ^ ^ H^ ld a h o ~ ra m i------- would be th e—

^ an em bargo-tltrthough:----------

the!nt, sa id he muni w uuldlic » a s much as is. The wheat is largely softssia uses hard- -----------------—0 grow s wheat

i d y - b e e n - . s o I d ! T T ^ * _ ^

1 to buy Aiore I I ^ this country, ^

daho Is gener- • ~ i

Mli'e-Nallonal— S S - S S k• said, " In no U.N.-St

5 ^ ™ ™ ! “'^ U m U edbylliE i

E a rlie r In U

E i . 5 ™ o - 5 ? ' ! yive an enemy

or Vice presi- ~ F * V l f 'Wissociatlon of ^ # V C * IJ TImes-News •I hoped other TEHRAN, Ir idrUurvvflQia— m llllan ts occu;

ordered by bassy sa ld 'F rk------- — - ‘Am wicarnhostjUie president. nal'.’J o r bombii;lonal interest wa'flhdre.Ils decision.': They also desaid far^rjjrs M inister -SadejIhe^ u ^ e n ^ o ^ - t h e r anki

.U.?. citizens Lalngen, who hisald :------ ------ - c i» lo d y a W h «________ ^ ,_ _ tw o _ o th e L a ; .Sin p a g e n 2 ....em bassy.w asse

>r o f------ NAlROBITKi

Adamson, who__ th e world wlUi” :

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ _ o f > r a i s i n g - a nu ' m atu rity and Ic - wild, w as mau

m arauding Afr

------^ rB ,^da tnB 0 i— w h llg o n n n wi>n

• • * ra c c 6 ? ( lln g ~ n i ' \ 'J S iM northeastern low

' She was found ' about 7:30 p.m .,

heavy wounds 00 head . Police sal< A ustrian .who ca a su ira r tts ^ n d ^ i

a r i1« e d a lth e re t m - "T he lion is s

__ have_trackw-U5.a p d l c e ^ k i

'H e r body, whl im s o n -1,100 yard s froi

S a ta rd d y , Ja n ti

ided '

■next sum m er ifR u ss ia con- ] iltsagg resslvepath , 'resident stressed tha t the ccupation of Afghanistan is i lly one more sm all country i e K rem lin’s b elt but a .th rea t i intrles. He w arned tha t o ther I ■annot-corittnue “ business a s j IthTrtOMOw. J ' J

Characterized the Soviet " a s " a stepping stone lo their

5 a | P-H|t

C a r te r w ith S e c re ta r j ,

t^ P re g 'In te n u a tlonal...... '^1rces battled Moslem ond — clu eked guerrillas acro ss m rrtFridayr— - ..........- - - - -ma

SM urity froiincil-schod— — -1

'ie t^ in te rv cn tlo n rb u t-lh e -;iex t £tIona-in.:UiB:scssIon af6 '---fro Jie possibility of a -veto by >f»«'nlon: ^ ^ : ----------- ritl the day, diplomats re— bac n-K abul-said-Sov^forces— rep slem arid’Chinese-backed c m

m afT sta, Iran (UPI) — Moslem Ir ccupying m e U.S. • Em - tani Friday they would try an Dav tubtugu a3"a-*war~cr1ml^:~~Wls nbing Vietnam d uring the —la d

woudemanded Uiat Foreign Viel

idegh Ghotbzadeh handmklDg U.S. rilplomat-Jn------- Rilarge D 'Affaires B ruce Vlei 10 has been In protective . Viet h rt^o rflg fj-M Ih lstryw ith^ ljV ai U ^S^fffclals^-slnee • th e^ -V ie l s seized Nov.4,-i979.-____a l le

ho t o u t e d the h ea rt o f been Jl FYee,“ h er s to ry ' fo r s -m otttertesj ;ion q u tfT o - N air J letting I t re turn to the d istrnauled- to deaUi by“ a-------r :African lion -T hursday ___ -__ _____________- M|^»n i» n , - l ! 9 , - w < » - a l t a c t e d _ ^vivnlnggttytll nt hop «(»m« OWnShaba, about 30 m iles .

unburu -g am e . reserve, ^ ., **, ~ ro —p o » tm r - I n ^ ' low noflslo lo .. — und by a park employee m., lying face down w ilh s onhfirhandB.-arma and"" said M rs. Adamson, an . ) cam e lo .Kenya In 1838 ' ntfHtayed-UieTestorhe^--^~TTjj rndJ)y_ th?_U m e^tboy__8£ ilei irem otegam epark . Beglt Is still a t .large, bu t w e , sto ry Ltcom s out looking-for - , a n d fl pokcsmon said. Th(which w ttfl70lihd-abour~ciicn- from the b a rb e d :w ire ..p lc tu :


huaiFy5ri980 "

_ - .......i ~ ■

1- possible control over muc world’sollsupplles.”

e • To dem onstrate Americi s m lnation to squash this "c y serious th reat to peace," C; it he has decided on steps dc r h u rt the Russians_where s m ost vulnerable. andTie 'exr__gresslonal and allied support

t He announced plans to: r . • Cancel all but 8 million

r -------------- r f/ r •- u'

j ta ry o f S la te C y ru s V a n c e . I

g -e@ ® (guerrillas across AfghanlsU

-e lu d in g a rebel am bush o f 'a m nvny thnt wfl«! miin'tAiw

— They-saW-Uie Suvlef t nm ic i ^^-w a^lodasl-iirnajTTrtraTTnj) :iex trem e.n o rth ito .:th e ' fa r-w u -fro m -lh e border with Pakistan - e a s t lo thai'w lth rrari In Uie Wes

i= i i i r : t i ih ‘fc :d ey p ip i3 fn en isz j-b a c k e d leader B abrak Karmi -re p o rte rs - ln K abul-that-the ol ^em m en l had tried to lum Uie c

ixdents^In a hard-line declaration, thi

tan ts denounced Air Force Ll D avid Roedcr. 40. of White F ist

■w isT 'the-'em bassy’s'ATr'T^dfi -lach e , a s .aJ iw arcrlm lha lj’^sali would put him tin trial, and li V ietnam to atteijd.

— R o e d e r r lh e - iH ta n ts ^ id rb c V ie tn am ese people - d u rin g V ietnam War. "We shall Invil

‘bVavti' .and struggling nallc -V ielnam -to-senaTejJrcsientath -Jtllc nd-the. tr tjU.of-Uito. A m erica

enclosed compound where she becn 'studylng the habits of leoj fo r several years, was ferried b N aTroblllylng.dociora service I d is tric t hospital in Meru.

Officials were trying to co M i^^A dB m son's-.husband,.-G o who was reported lo be on sa fa ri j own Rame cam p in tH5~Kgrai reserv e near uarrissa .

II was, George, h e r Uilrd hust who brought M rs. Adaniran E l u lloncub-she-w rote abouteHe-wai sam e w ahlcn for E ast Africa "In when h« cam e honfe wiUj Elsa :wo oUier-ilon cubs Utal were-ie Jie ir own defenses when Uieir me v as killed.

'‘TTje“s to iry^f'E fsa '^"m a'de"-lr series of book s -by M rs.. A dan Beginning wfUi “ ^ 'm tVec,'^ story w as continued in “ Living F m d followed by "F orever F ree ."

The books w ere best sellers iflClrwflBTnndo’IntoaTw pular mi Jlclurc,.A song from 'the ’‘B om F

■ Twin Falls, id

luch Of the millions to S tates offer

ica’s deter- under an . "extrem ely K rem llna lr C arter sald som e G.7 n designed to cislon- meai •e they a r e — only 1.3-mljxpeclscpnj^__ npknndSeport----- , Conslde

from tho 0 on of the 25 sum m er if

E m

f. le f t , a n d I j .S . A m b a ss

M a eistan, In- Into a huge di •a Soviet agency Tass ri

ced_w iui------- H eprom isctIts. poliUcal Drisoi Sion lorce . Kabul R ad rrom tin-— M inister Shah w u th -snd -l-lc lcg ram to Ih [an In tho testing I t s - ( /<st: ' __ " d lty c t- lnterfi

■ inal-ib ld^ The-request pld'gov^— p ressed~ by-~

e ro u n try - P akistan , wha

markrl'L t . Col. said.Ish Day, ' In renewe<

•prce - a t - hundreds o fs : said they— Ayatollah -Ka 1 Invited F riday batUed

'Moslem holy c , _the rad io and I

'txjm tjcd "w estern clly of ing th e - The m ilitanivilc the___shortly nftgr_L]illor» of .^K U |t JiV al^eJl itlv<» to fm straU ng foi lean ,w ar.. .and flew-bome

t e l t t c r xshe had m ovie also bees eopards M rs. Adams< j by the profits from thi e to the film s to finanet

___ pro jects. Ais sh(

N S v S r S ,

In London. n‘(usband ,__ A ttenborough. iIsa.^Uie,' a lw aysknew sh ' ^as-ttw — otdeaUigHesuff

l a S “ >noway5UCI th e cards, and .

m n ih ir ' Atlenborough, ' A d a m s o n 's ^ m

_ _ w a s being rearej j-lnlo a ' ‘She had tfe a mson. - bHUlpns_QqnLbg J ," the th e w rller-nam I F re e ” Earth* ' lelevlslo

■ “ We a re extri irs and d e a U jo fJo y A d m otion M onksrtho-diai iFVee*' b ranch of U»Wc

Idaho ~~ ~


3 tons of grain the United )ffered Russia this fiscal year an agreem ent. Because the 1 a l r e a d ^ a s taken delivery bf .7 million tons, C arter’s , de-' Tieans the Russians can' get betweeniScnt.3 i --------slder-w lU idraw Ing America le Olympics in-Moscow next ■ r If the Soviets demonstrate

) a s s a d o r to M o sco w T h o m

e & i f e i;e dungeon, Uie Soviet news iss reported.llii»dlnri>lpng/»thni.cTif,f^,pf__risoriers shortly. Tnss snirt Radio said - iiew Foreign - nan Mohammad Dost sent ato the Sccurity-Council.prtf-.__'S '- proposed>--mceting—a s — iterference in the_intemal_...-

uest for the meeting was i } y 43 nations. I n c lu d in g ' i whose' leader' M ohammed— 1

U.S. ht\

jw ed ._ .in te rnaL ll« r;noH ;u r .o r supporters of dissident * -K azem —Shariat-M adari— ’

Ued Islam ic loyalists in tlie i )ly city of «5om and selzJu ► md television station In tfie yo lT u b rlz ' Fiitants’ statem ents cam e s ccJJJL SccreU iy-C eneFal— I IfaeJm-iibDipUy, c n d f td jiis~ li : fourrday peace, mission I omo for-lhe-UrNT-Security— 11

becam e a hit.iiiison used-the im m ense II n Uie sa le o l Ihe book and It aneo wildlife conservation" bi s she once r c m a r l t ^ ' even > .«u ling house, E lasm ere, In Kenya,_offldalIy beIonged_h, a Fund." “ Even I have to “ Sls a ,' / shesa ld . ■ . li. noted natirrallst”Davia~~U: ^ . sa id M rs. Adamson ,c) iv she m ight m eet the kind— asuffered.________

such things arealW ayTon ^ md Joy. knew Uiat," said . th, who s tayed a t .M rs. - S cam p while E lsa m e lion h '

tremendous confidence. ^ lLb<!.ynpr«UclaliIfi.:isaId____la rra to r of Uie "Life on -cl/Islon series. PiHttremely shocked a t Uie Sj > Adamson,” said EIlls T.dialrman-of-the-Kehyan~-^'a> eW orld Wildlife Fund. M

75thyear^ No

Ited "conllnued aggressive Oi e a r • Provide m ilitary eqi th e ' and othr r ns^ls^nnci- y bf A f^an lslan 's eastern m de- -United States also stai get help other nations in t cen sim ilar ways." he sa —j ._ .lIousei-pIflciaLsold ,su< Ic'a even golo Iran once the ext — released and lf it is iii Ai a te - interests and declined t<

o m a s W atso n , rjg h t

B Zla ul-Huq s^id In Islar non-aligned nations sliouli

if— in-UiC-wayqf, U S. arm s-sl

ri^ -rugged border with Afghantt ''P ak lstan 'ls-tak tng cai

—m UItary.._aid-_ijhould. r s— Paklston's-assocloilon wit 1_... a ligned movement and Its | !^ tie !fIt!M .u fji(u n ilc jh e rg y 5 referTjng_jo_U^S,_suspl( I ^ i s t a n is trying to bulli 1 bomb.

lostaqe^vaslon of Afghanistan.

I-*--: WaTdhcIm was snuht>cd b:__ la n ^ .a n d Ayatollah Ruhc, melni, Uie only -rrion the j professto tokeordersfrom .!__Thr£«tened_K iU Ldcath_i

his past associations with U ! shah of Iran ond. finally, r 1— Khomelni-hlmselfrWaldhel i_his-m l86lon-to-find-a-aolut I U.S.-rranlon crisis hi the w< — Uieinornlngfif^d packed his

."She was a very fine . .llon lst and probably had d

for wildlife ..conserva tion t ' b o d y e lse -ln recenl-years',

o_sald... _____ ______ ;____

Mrs. Adamson com e to K< — being trained In sculpture i

work as. an artist and begai

“ lhch~r~BfltUih—c o lo n y n , expanded her , work, to . f

— cpuntry’s v arioiislribespebrThe nib'vle version of "Bo

—w a s .jj in d e In 19CS, and V ir^n ia McRciiha and Blin*

' the Adamsons. Tho sequol,- F ree;!' was shot in 1971, wl

H am pshire and Nigel Dav<

____Mrs. , Adamson's oth e r t•eluded "The Story of E iu Peoples of Kenya," VThe Sphinx," ohd"PIuppa'andhc

Some SOtTof h er wild life ; - - a r e on display a t lhaiCcnya . Museum In Nairobi. _

t f o . 5

'eac lion .’-' toUieAfghequipment, food • Authoi

n neighbor. "T he until furtJ; stands ready to review of in the re g io n Jn . e sp e c la ll; said. A White technology.such_ald could ___ ^Se.tCCCthe hostages a rc -T fo ru icS ov i fi A m erica’s best • Delay i d to rule out old Soviet cons

^ i l i e c i i l l

- Aeroflot fit • ■ J'” * R i ^ a w l l l

' C arte rn i •' won p

ba te o v e r t _ lion.Treaty

But he pact for U

__ en tire wor— succSSSful I

weapons th of this care. -C o r te r a l

^ Moscow.I...... .

on the crisl:......................

__ Impatience!...tQ.bringihe

I On Afghai he is worri

. recklessly t . — balance of pi

“ If Uie S( this Invasior

.. IfUieymafhi ' Afghanistan

control to ad said, " thest.

• ful balance - c h a n g e d r ~

“ Thl.t; wnu ^ naUons,

United S ta te C arte r sail

“ wUIbccooi

^ H B p i O n'the'gra isa ld he-has-

~ rcxportlng-m ^ ^ B P S dent Uiey wii

tltle^or grail io 'the Soviet

Adm lnlstr:

Thu. . slonal.leadec

B I H B I B his decisions. UPI They said

informed of __— public.

•lam abad tha t . The prevli ould hot stand m ent that wS-Shipmpnt^ >n rlnriw

hanlstan--------!— and spn'rr p;cnre~ thnt-th e— the Pentagon

l- n o t affccl_7.-J3rpijnnats wlth thVnon- - s a id Sdvlel Its progress-jn— threc'proiigeirgy .L lhe>aid ,__K abul, lakinsplclona_thal— caplUOs-and- iulld an atom out to. mouni

holds of Uie gi

if o r M cDay to try t o '

the month in cap t

h_vlliflf>rilfoff-------W aW holm-h the deposed when mllltani / , re jected by fo r a S2nd da lh e lm ^V e‘up— M lnlslry"to I o lu tten -to -th e- O dJnrM Innrr ! wee hours of . d ’affaires an( h lsbags; " ' InU ieiran lah

le conserva- [ f l j ] ® d done m ore >n-thaa .^ y i ._ _______

'T W IN F .

. Kenya aller I " ™ ' " re and m etal ' ><etbaJI.4i ;gan to paint .o fiw n g u u a s - :: =-rQiLrh«>t-tr ^ e later------- govem m eJ . pain t Uieieople.~ : •• ' —---- ------ ---'B om F re e ” B u sin e sai l ! ? n S ^ = . a « « n euol,- “ Living C om ic* . , w ith Susan M ag ic V a lavcipon In O b ltu a r i i

P e o p l e dl ^ k s _ l i t ------ BcUalon.Slsa,” "The rhe SpottedIh e rC u b s? '- W e a th e r ife palnUngs! W e s t . . .iVfl-NaUonnl _ , ________

— t 5 ‘

e i s ^Afghan rebels.'uUiorize "no sales of high ilogy -oc-oU »f;-^ teg lc -jtom r;’.‘.. - ~— —further notice. He ordered a ............V of licensing for Uie Soviets,;Ia lly —f o r - o l j • p ro d u c tio n ~ )logy.K cccly-curtcU flsh in^rly jlenes........ —rSovietsIrTAmerican waters, ilay opening new A merican and^ n s u l a r facllltiesjind "m ost of__c u l t u r a l a n d e c o n o 'm ir m " .now tn the w orks - - o^fligh ts between Amcrlca~ati'd~'= aw illcoritlnue,":er noted h e a lready had sought on postponement of Senate de- ver Uie S trategic A rm s Llmlta- :-caty wilh Russia, he said he Is not reJecUng Uie b r Uie long run bccause “ the

worid will benefit from llie_______ __

ns through the Implementation carefully negotiated treaty ."e r also.ljasjT icalled U ;S .-A m --------lo t T hom as w ataon fro m kv.1rilt inn,J h a .p r a s id e r i t^ ^ r tw i ■ ■■ crisis In Iran, saying he sharesm nm n-.‘‘»u>n«a»_nf -^nfi________:nc 'e!lbu trem oins determ ined______ 'Jihe hostages hom e safely;, fghanistan. C arter m ade cleai*'A'orried tha t Uie Soviets arc sly trying to a lte r Uie world '! of power. ■ -------------------------le Soviets a re encouraged in aslon by eventual success and nafhtain Uielr dominance over istan and then extend their to adjacent countries." Carter he stable, s tra teg ic and peace- ance of the worid will twi;------------------ -------- - ------- --------------mmilH lhron>cr| of ' —

ons, including of course, theJ ta te s .o u ra llle san d frien d s.'’ ................r sa id the moves he Is taking ■ coordinated with those of ou r

e’graln sa les;'lo r instance, tie •has::spokeri-wIUi dUfer f i r a i n - -

y will not rcplacc these quan-graln by additional shipm ents___ivletUnlon,”ilstratlon officials said C arter • th his dom estic economic i Thursday and with congres-;aders Friday^before-njaking---------------ilons. — _ .said Uie Soviet Union w as not d of the actions ahead of the

>revlously purchased equip- at^^wlll'now be delivered in-

^ comm'unica lions-cquljmicnt ....... .. :

Hats returning from KabulSvlet“ s rra T e g y ~ jp p e a re d .........m ged:-rsecuring—control—o r ^ —- — _ i: ;^ n g _ c h a rg e of p jw lnc la l ' a nd roads-ana-Uicn-movlng ' - - ' ' -- lountain and desert strpng- h e guerrillas.

laly to w ork out peace tietwccn • id S lates aiid Iran and to t '^ - - — -- frecdom for 50 A m erican £•who F riday begun Uielr U i l r d ------ 1=:-captivlty.

l l ta n l .4 y d e f ) i rh o f t l? f th ? Sid day c ^ le d on th e Fore ign " to hand over Lalngen, of in n - th e-sry earH jW c h a f ^ - - ” ^ " - s and ranking U,S, ^ l o m a t _ - . n lah 'capJld i ,

^ FalU u p s e t .S k y J ln e _ ' d ay n ig h t boys bas*'JI. 4 8 -44 . A 9. ...............

If Ht tn r f i in ntfAw_’ - ~~ — - - - - -n m en t building! A 7. • ~

........................ A si i n « t n : : i r : : A i 2 - i 6 : - ---c V . ‘. . . T . . . r . A 4 I[; V a lle y . ; ------A 7i» rie« .............. .. A 8le ......... .............A s ’lo n _ . . . J ------- - ._A6--_» ----------- - A 9-12 !her^7 7 7 7 T T 7 7 7 X 2 —...................... . .A S

Page 2: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU


. “.A y a to lla h KhiP re s id e n t Ca>

-rr— R efugee vlBANGKOK, Thi

betw een rival Cm Cam bodian borde

_ Thoiisands o f ^w hen the Nong S;

]_________ blaze of-MGO morta--------------reHef workers'afUi--------------- _M onftSamct,.aia_________ swariRcrlng anti-<

Kiirn^er) soW ers w refugcSsTrTlhafcRe

.. — - - - T h e - ^ icf worJi----------— C a m b ^ a n faction

of th e b o rder town c

w arned relief worli bccauGo the ir Intel

----------■="Be"attacRea‘byK hlBan NonMakMun<

But Nong Samct a tta ck ed by the K support the ousted rep laced by Heru

.V ietnam ese fnvad ^ __R ouge and Khmer

IngFnlT^H'niTnr''I t w as the sccor

. — " refugee cam p was I

______ S id es-b a m:_„SA N SA LY A D O Il;

________ -guerrliro s w c re .st:G uardsm en w ere i

■■ ' F rid ay th a t ho J^ lc....... fo r ano ther round of------------------ W l tn c s ^ sa ld^i

a^m ed and youthful Into the N ational Gu S an Salvador form a

G uardsm en retui--------------- tu r re le d ,w a lls of-

m annc^ by 2.000 tnx " A G uard 'spokesi wom an, w ere .kill wounded, one critic: bullets, according to

' '~~Gdld price JCO N D O N "(U Sr^

___________London F rid ay but, QUt uno[}R:r rise pusi

The'.New York pr d r i^ a n d cllnibedto.

— r --------i— •‘With thoA ft^a iil______ - the m arke t is still in______ ^fA H the.U ndon.broke

T w in ' F a l l s , B ur_________ Jerom e-G oodinj' areo

W inter sto rm w;itc

_______to is m ornlnR wlth a c. . . . . o r show-ahowcrs.-£e

th is aften ioon ti^ni tonight and Sunday. \

— - an d 'S u n d a y . H i^ I today n ea r 40 and In i

— Sunday. Ovc m ighHw C a m a s - P ra lrte , H; R iv e r valley:

------- ------ and-Sundayr-A rcBM-.especially ..High ts_an

-------------- P eriods of-anow tonl:

a nd Sunday, Ix w s tor h ighs today-ln the 30s

-------------- to 3 1 S u n d ay ._ _____T ^y n o p eto :- . . ■—

A .w lnter sto rm wale effect today for soui while northern section

T ^areundera-w ih te rsto i R alh today over soi

------------ will tu rn -to -sn o w -o rtem p era tu res plungt

___ i_ p a a sa g e o ta w a v a o U «a i r across the slate. '

______ .will buffet all of Idah.““ Weekend^'

Z ' : — ~ T he-N atlonal-W cat s a id a flow of m oist <

■ southw est, m ixing wlU

N a tio n a l^ „„AltniQMrqu* SO ’ ' 23

: __AMHU . , . .

Chieaoo n 2S~or»M M - - n V• ’ 0>llil - . ...... I H7

' .0* re tt : 40 . 27 ' v.„-— -------31—je..^ • . DMWI a-i-- aMWWWWTrrr. -—. ---mm V


A-2 Tim os*N ow 8, Twin


K h o m e in i — o r a t le a s t h is | ^ r t e r l s e x h o r ta t io n t o d rlv

village a tta cked -Thalland (U PI) - A raging Cambodian factions along th

order F riday exploded In a i )r woundtrtL’somo 200 rlv^ll■^n^;,

i f ^ i c k e d refugees fled into Tl ig Sam et refugee cam p eruptc lo r t^ a n d B40 ro ckc tfire rln tem a f lh e s c e n r s a f f f ^ — ~ ,.alsoJuiQwn-as-Canip007-b9cau6

rs who largely control it.' holds t ^ e d hulssfrirafljing the border workers snId It was unclear :tlon h ad attacked the cam prjus iwnof Aranyaprathct. h a i-m ilita ry -M u rccs-^ a lcn iKworkers to stay away from 007 Intejllgence.Indicated the-cam p K hnier Sere! troops from nelgli

iluncam p.m et cam p leaders said they ha le K hm er Rouge. The KhmCr sted Pol Pot whose regim e, whi H cng.Sam rJn Inst w inter afti ivaded Cambodia. Both the ] imer Serei a ro fighting the Vii

iecond tim e thls weck tha t a vas attacked by rival factions. •

tt/e-in-Ef-SafuodDT)0R ; Jll:S*alvador..LUPi) ri-Two e shot to donth nnd two NH ire w oundcd-in-a-p itched-eun l^ te n e d (ears El Salvador is h id of bloodshed. '•ld_an_unknown number of hi iiful guerrillas poured g il Guard h eadquarters In northei r m ore than an hour early Friday returned the fire from behln of - th e spraw ling complex . U

) tro o p s ;..............ikesman sa id two' guerrillas. > .killed and two G uardsm en •Itlcally. Two youths w ere lilt by igfounconflrm cdrcport.s.

'‘e ja ltsa 'b it>n— Gold fcll « 0 to S5‘J0-an oui but brokers said thcv could npyustsooo:----------- — ---------- —k price held above SGOO despite d to about SGIO in la te dea le r trac

rokers firm of Sharps P lx le y ::;. :

: W inter s t o mB u r le y -R u p e r t , across n;

vatch tonight and - in mount m b le-cloud tnesy= -acro55T W

chance of r a l n _ w est, i.-^eiloas-of-'rain——--A cross- tinning to snow crfndltioi ay. W^ndy tonight southwesi gh te m p e ra tu re s . Jialf m ile I In thb middle 30s i i a d : suns H iOW3 in cno aiiu

Hailey, / Wood /.• lVght,si 'e r e d n o r t J

ir-w a rch ^o n tg h t--------------------;as-of-voHoy-fog."~ ~ »*MJ< » and mornings. -tonlght-and Sun--------05, Windy to n l^ t____s tonight 15 to 25. ! / ■5 30s and from 25

w atch rem ains In southern Idaho,

:tions of the s ta terstorm:waming.-::.^:------- B T 7r southern Idaho losani:v-on’ Sunday*--as--------------j / “unge wllh the - 30.00o l io ld O iM d ta n ^ .------- iV m n rlie. G usty winds ~Idaho during the

Vcather Service list a lr-fro n v th e------wl t ^ e w lj^o lr '

U fV agit U iMln Pep LeiAngdAi . 7a « ' 23 .... LouKvlIlt . 9

L 3 "«~3t 'miiw4u«m » ' 'j

37 ...... -.WMMPOII*' M , i-a t------------tUMOnwni , _ .w _ ^

2 7 '. . , . HawYeck ---- 29 2OU»hom»CJI/ . . . « -2

a .... omihi u . ■:.fflOiw-------PMMMpAl*----- - a 2

'n o m t ' - ........ . to ta . ...• • Rni«t>u[Bh... ■ • » JI

Twin Falls. Idaho Sa tu rday . Joi

l is p h n tn U Kning iicaH tnIriv e 5 5 m p h o h b i l lb o a rd s s|

i — -------—Comatosi;ing ba ttle WICHITA. Ki : tho Thai- plugged a life a refugee 3-month-old M

— -------------- h ls s tu p fa t l ic r - '0 Thailand........•••WithInafcwUi(jp ted In a - T hom as Saad, 2 :e m a tIo n a r" "m urder and plac

------''O n ce th e syaus® of-lhe------ d isappeared-vetm l . ( F n y J ___Ceniiy.pcdtatrlcllids 160.006 "T he baby wi t i e r rem oval, irw o uear which . m ad e the declsliju st norm ------ dlsconnecU on."-

---------------E a r tie rF r ld b )n n e y -n a d — ^ s a ld r * T f in d - th W7 F riday support syslenu unp.would— -sinc»-h»-l&Megs] sighboring refused to issue

sought by lhe eld ’ had been- D r. Pennlngti le r Rouge -.hearings th a t "It which w as a re sp ira to r," In a f te r the physicians In th'

?e K hm er s y s le n r remove* V i e t n a m - __m edical te<±nlcl.i

^ o o r d e r ^H odcsta--------SALISBURY; I

nocked to B rills UT~------------- F rraay , ■swelling

^ V l l f r lo FG S b a ttfc ' ? ?as» flrc monlK

~ ■ “T S t /

i h S e r a cam paign 10 su ^

■hind-the R tiodosla'sseven. ( lh a l Is „ ___Chicago teIS. one a CHICAQO (UPI

• R. T h o m S io n F rl Ib y s lra y bco„ a

• officials in an ei .:------ i—n atlon ’s th ird larg

P re s s alde.Diiv --------------------w haUlranspired ai1-ounce-in------plan-for-the-finanI np le governor Is optim

jite aS20 T eachers Frldi trodinfr— — eonseeutlve paydtUfcWni^i-------eookfisaflmaifawltl.adealEC___ in mlri.wppW tn wnl

r - i i ' ; ' . - _ a n d ; ‘w e:re urging

rn:watch:putini m uch of Idaho over the indr-Heavy-snow-is-expeeted-— lu n ta ln -a rea s a s it spreads ' n M ^ a u r iro n n i i5 3 to H f ia n a z r

OSS—Idaho—F riday ,—foggy— tio n s p e r s i s te d in th e vest w ith visibility down to a lUe, w hile the Magic Valley^ lunshlne and partly cloudy

it,snow show ers and fog cov- ' l o r th e r iU d ^ 'a n d lhe upper

AlJOHAt w_€ATHet:5e«vici roR

it —. PwtKnd. M*. 3t '81 .... PoflKnO. Ore. ' 42

. 91 . et.Lauii a• tUltUMCny- • ' '

- ------8«i0(*g« 1............ 73-22 .... s«nFrancitee a

. » ' .... SMlUt 40— .•.■Hpoiwna;_______

. «• .... waUilnQten »

J d o h c t ;i ! :::: n . , . .—

~ r> " r

. Ja n u ary 5,1080



ri to f n h n t i r a g e jh o ib i is ts - tb ^ id s .sp rin g ln g a ip a ro u n d -C a H f

■ose in f a n t ‘d ie s’Kan. (UPI) — Ooctore F r

Ilfe-support m achine, thai. li

Pvi^h^nflng (

cttUioursaftejt ih e Infant’s final h ad, 25, ,was. chargei.w lUfrsecori I placed under $50.000 bond, ie system was removeS.' t h ' ^ l-v e ry -q u lek ly .’ sa id -W ea iey - atrician^Catharln&Pennlngtorh— >y was legally dead a t th e 'tim "would non»c'a’«S:tirai£-ta-sayii eclsion. 1 was presen t a t the tinM ;"" — -----------------irlday Sedgwick-County Jiiago F »d~thcnj"ls no ■medlcat-reason- Items lo be continued on M ich legally a h d -m e d lc a lly T lc a d :^ issue an injunction against the le elder Saad.ilngton. who testified ea rlie r I t " i t 's a disservice to a child to k

im m ediately m et wlOi o th e r i In the case .and ordered the lift noved. A t' 12:30 p ,m ..' an uni pulled th ep lu g .________

S ia n d e a d l i n e e n d sIY ,'Rhodesia <UPD — Black gi ^rlllsh commonwealth cease-tln suing th e .n u m b er a~^embledid lin e ................................... ...*e-fs-lO.OOOplu3;"-the-OTkesmai >onllorIng=group^9ald m inutes « hey 'restlllcom lng ." e r of gueiT4lltS*ih Rhodesia Is'esM.— r ' ----------------------cou ldg lve th e-flrilish -av lc to ry t successfully com plete the cruc of the veose-flre m eant to end even-year-old war.

> teachers to quit(U PI) — A spokesm an for Gov, n F riday said significant p rogr at a meeting of city, school a r on effort-to avo id -a shutdown lljirges^school syaten f* ■" ■ ■■ —

at-Friday-6 meeting-to m o p a rinanclolly-dralncd schools, bu t < p tim lstlc an agreem ejit will be ron^s-thlfrweehend;--------------------Friday went unpaid for the paydayr—A-Chlcago Teachers ft.saldJflachflrsi;nli^-hy-a-a.»ft.L n wiillf mit If >hpy u-orr>n’t pnlrf hyr^ n g them to slick to that.dcclsioi

Bit ■ ~in e ffec t z I l -le . Snake R iver valley, when T.— kept-tom pcratuE ca^ncac.

la g rees. Low read in g s ia z rrm o m in g w e re fro m about 1

hi 'h ighcr c lcvatlons-to .1y ------PreclpitatlonHhrough-Fricle light and spotty, a jNorlhem Nevada shouldly___ sdottered rain o r snow toly c lo s in g tb n l^ t and Sund

'/• ' T em peratures w lll'range fi ;r 20slofhe40s,

!.f.ORlCA»TJo.7;PM 65T _ l---5 -- J

JJ ■ W .,„ Durltr. ... i2 42 40 .M Goodlno 49

S a S - - S ' « : r ! S S ; : » ----------- ;

« M .... Stimen - M

” ” -Vatltrday;:__ 4«

Uta MlnTtS' UwlVMf ■■"2S

f e sB — ----------------------- # C o~ Carl

Senatei S H w B w Sen.


‘W *- move.

jn ad e-agg re i

------- app la t.^ d iv e r t '■ gasohc , c rash

c rea te but w depenc

— -.C hurclSenH

— Byr3-c i r a n d .u r

lU -n a i hope sc World (

~ T h o

o ^ o llo w —^ ~ — —4 ^ iH fornia--------------------------

F riday uri-. had kept € 1? sliice a WASf Inistered-by---------- d uctlotr

il h eartbeat. F riday :ohd.degrec --- - - tre ssed

____ C artej-h ea rtb ea t- Importaey-M edical----------harvest!.— ^ ^ -------- ’ 'Tli? - :tim e of the" spend jn n r a i e a n ---------- n s jc imtim e of the __farm era--------------------- lo ih e S t> R on^Rogg-------- and-delion for*life*----------erhmenichael Saad______ generali■TTicTuagc. . —.thcm on h e hospital "W ev

income’le r in the adm lnis :o keep it on briefing •r attending , rela lia ll life-support Howe>jnldentlfled------ d ro p fo r___ ____________ J h e p rc s l

"A ll 0I c ducts 10 id a £iB u e m i l a s , Olio o [ 111fire .cam ps_______ed by the

nan for the —3 HfteMhe'^^-------— - , -

' -----—------"estim ated ' -

iry In the ir------------------- —rucial cur- md bloody

“ ‘ WASHm lnlstra

ov . .Ja m es |d e „ i c a i )B rcss h a s a g a l n s l l a n d b ank lo u g h c s l

wn of the _m easiuu

■Oronts-Dl----------tak en wh>abailK)ui— * — t THctjb Jt said the m ostly h e reached, p ress rel<

- This tlie sccond communl ;rs ‘Union ‘ the mess t. U n a rflln— . — m tiuo ui hvFrlriny ■ _ Soyjot ipsionJ:----------- - — about the------------------------- astho-rps

the Voice T h e i

' ~ W ashing----------------------- -C a r te r -h

-------------r;— -.bassadotThe poi

............................. ^ sen io rA n------------th is will-i c ro o lo u d s y " ,'™ , 1;' n r .in rto . d c le n lo h i r ~ F H d n v ^ — andTCStnlit 10 atMvc What~v

i ld r c c o lv o . - todav In. m aking II

R|n<^ *1- 8 0 __ :________rcfuscd_l

restrain t-------------------- rew arded

- \ p a r tia l I----------------m easures

■OtTON — ------------------

B yU nl, ------- , == jT oday-lJ}977 ninth d ay 0----------- ------ — -Tho-mo(

quarte r. The moi

. ----- . M ars, Jupli' _________- The even

^ ■ - - 'iftOSfrTO.w . . .. --------- thcsigM 'onJiow - - R ichard]AID U nltedS lat'■ -o*__________ .OhthlsdJ------ •------------------ lnH793,Tt

flight In Ihiu » ..... by Je a n Bla» % ■■■■ In 1661. » • J? ‘" r thoUnlon. » •; i« In 1M5,-

«*» p«p A though 2 5 - - humortst-V w -It u u n g is fu n _______ — l(>-lnfltoaomei

R> C o n tln u ed iro ih p ag e AL o n e r s * a c tio n w on p r a is e n a te le a d e rs .Sen. F ran k Church, chairm an ( n a te Korelgri R elations Comm

ove.^ u r -o w n - fa rm c r s “should“lu Qde to suffer i>ccause of Ilu gresslon In Ccntral-Asia. and p taud~ thL ' p i’vsidcn t'ST 'dccistc /e rt-lhe .wheal Jo . the. producUi 5 o h o l-It Is-high lim e for-su ash propram^_which will not 2a te a riew'niark'el for bu r farn t will also begin to reduce pendency on costly foreignurch sald.^----------------- ------------ksnHte'Dem ocratic lead (ir R t rS -c a lle d jh e move “approprl J.urBcdiU.S. allies to join in I )port.‘F re e n a tio n s sho u ld s ta n d Uf

- f lag ran t'b eh av lo r.-l-w o u ld - >c so-called rion-alllgned and T rid countries would be .shocked

hough federal fui

mi^y ta]© T he Los Angeles T im ^ '

'ASHlNGTON - The sharp LJuil 111 ^ 'iiln exports to the So

Jay will produce a crop ofsed U ;S .fa rm ers r------------------a r te r 's action m eans the loss oi o rtan t - m a rk e t" fo r^ th e lr“ h vests of 4»m and-wheat:^- — ne aam inlstratlon says it ' id $2.5 billion lo $3_bllllon ‘ra rfo a a s lo WpiaCeThinn&ncJ ners would have rece im i for,« le SovtefUnlonTBut the confus -delays tha t. oflen .surround.g nen t ugrlcultural~programs~n jraleJlLwUlJhfarm .slatcs,-cve •Qnppy s ta r ts flawing Ve will t iy to minimize any los! m e” among farm ers, a ser ilnlstratlon official said durlm ling on the preisldcnfs progran liation against the Soviets, iw ever, prices will immediat I fo r com and w heat In response}rc sld en l'.s jm n o u n ccm cn l_____ill of a sudden, you've got p s lo r wfiich m ere is no horn-

a spokesman.for_Cargi11r Ir of the g ia n t^ a ln trad ing com]

r a s i p n i e l i e v G ^ ^ ^ ^


Bv JIM ANDERSON \S H IN G T 0N ~ (T JP 1) - / stra lion officials described P r : C a rte r 's m easures of retallatl [ist the Soviet Union F riday a s t hesl e v e r — h a rsh e r th 5uresi-lnvokcd-w hcn-B udap(

T when P rague was s iie n c ^ . (TCnTllCr~COllhternicasures wc ly In th e form 'of speeches a> releases.Is lim ei e ie n the m ethods nunlcatlons w ere m eant to ca r nessffge.'There'w as no adv'an trg iv e ir l o Um Krum iin Ufltl*!

t th cm a tp rcc lse iy ih csam c iTr B Tpstofthew orldrby llslenlng olce of America. e .„ S o .v .le . t_ a m b a s s a d o r_ ilngton is home on.vacation ai y -h a 8 - rc c a lle d ~ the'~U:S:^ai id o tf r o m M 0 5 C 0 W .= ^ i point w u sta led succinctly by r A m erican official: '[.Webelle' w lll-bring',hom e"tO ’ th c SovI I the fundam ental reality th tc h a s to bo based oh reclproclEstnslnt-.'*^—^" — ----------r —at"TWis~lcftTmclcur wus~wh ly th e Soviet Union would hai to undo the Arherican m easure I Xanged'Yrom r ^ 'i c l i h g Sovi g'e New EnglanO'coasl'i Dg It difficult for them to buy c I r lllin g eq u lp m ^ .

lip would b e ^ v IW lz (K l If tt Is w ithdraw /roni Afghanistan.'

thnt -unllkiily,-the.;offlcli >d_to^specWy_whal-.dcgccc_ilint would be recognized — ar xled— by^he-UriIled S ta te rb y il lif tin g of the economi iires:— -

United P re& International ty- Is-W cdnesdayr-Jun. 0, ' t he ay of 1980 with 357 to follow, m oon-le approaching its-lasi r.m orning s ta rs a re Mercury, lu p ltc ran d S atu m .ivening s ta r iS-Ventis____ ' —frH>orf>-onH ni»M ale ‘u n j UHder I 'o rC a p rfc o m . _ a 'rdN lxbn ,'.77 th p 'ro ^ d e n l o f th eS tates, w as bom Ja n ; 9,1913.-Is day in h is to ry :___ ________93,Tlho-flr8trsuccessfuHralIoon 1 the United S tates w as m ade t B lanchan] over Philadelphia. 61, Mississippi, seceded fromon." ___ . .■ • ____________45, A m erican , t n x ^ invaded Uipplne Island of Luzon ond ; to IibetateJi4anJlaf~T -----------

Might.-for the d a y rA m erican st-WUl R ogers said, "E very- 'i funny a s Jon^ a sJ t .ls happen*

R e a c t i op n to e re A l ~ ' cw iinp lhp .W lp l Ise from • than rose colored

■‘1 have no doul l a n o f the Congress will su mm ituic; entirely in any le

m easured respon [J“l)ot"bo g resslon ," ' said

Russian L eader J im Wrigl ond so I • -F a rm orgaplza clstoirtD — m ajor^^agrlcaltu ucUoruof, _Congre.ss_cxpros! r- 'such -a— night lha tP residc not only Ic rep risa ls agair farm ers, will fu rther dcprt luce ou r unduly penalize ign oH.", sector.--------------— Rop. —Thom as• Roi>crt chafrm art'o f" lhe‘ op rlalc:' Com m ittee, sa id ii in their will be an "e^fi

courilerlng the I d united Afghanistan.

u ld -o iso— our country demai id Third economic squeeze ;kcd into ion,, il should b

funds promised

>t4ess=riikefinas ■ hiM Ihal liandlc s a rp re- Union “ Ynu'vp i g Soviet f f aln. you’ve got

of dls-. p rice will go down.'----------------- -T h e rU n ited -S tis s o f a n . . sum m cr-to.sell the r~ h u g e ‘ 'Ib n s of grain, abow:-------------conum dlhorest-w lit will After hot, d ry v lion in ' crops on the ir p fn(jSlH5r=55SSmnsjTec^^ Qtsalcsi— UioitUvestock^ierd nfusldn ' Aboul flve .1__ delivered.or.are.ioiTS-may— ^ r l ^ ^ o v i e t ^ r t

--------- i_ P rc s ld e n t Carter'!' loss of lotal sh ipm ents to i sen ior - the figure providec

uring a m enl between the tv jram of G rain sa le s had

w ard e a (* y ear. re< d la le ly e ls ' need for Impor lonse to ' cans' deslrC to tap-------------- m arket^- Howeverot pro- elded a tough resp lorne," - a ! i e r ;.-in'fi'!-S0V1^ Ir Inc.. A fghanistan; the i »im pa- orily eight million i

i ^ q l ^ l e s s ’r r t r - ^

gMQn_agt bed as tcJ i S M d ]’ a s the ■ :

th an ' ,d apest___ presiden t app<. tiVncr. a g radual sc ries o f j J ^ c lear from his spee- s^were— ond4n~W hlte-Housc ’s and f» r te rs th a t these st

las t: _______

I gj, ® should, be aw are ti: lv'ancO~g™“ ‘' '^ “ flctIon" c

/s.., spec ta to rs lo the Mosi 0 iTmo” ^ • ASKea ll the Unli i ln g lo - consider giving am u

to the Afghan Mosleit lo official said, " I don’i nd lhe7 \fg h ah reb e ls ; ''^

— r-TTrropcrailoh,- whichrwo y jjy jj the CIA of a rm s o r f e lleve Insurgents would havi SovKjj- fu ro r In Congress am / th a t only weeks ago. ro - i .„ The adm inistration------ i— based on the bellefth*- ^ a ^ -u n iq u e ly - r e e k ie s s - ln have y“sion of Afghanistat

sures, “ nusal counterm easui soviet ' . a s l Id uy oil

1 WE'VE Mi f t h e Btan ." ■ ~y \y | >

P t - 0 t Z H i 5 K S l Z ^ f i l L ! !- and - ■ FAIU PROFESSIO r t jy n — — (oeroirfrom' lom lc

m ______ ____^

rth e j3 - l ( j

loun f 'j :-----:---------------ladc Ihla. Mrom , I —

j ____ i ,-i

Tinlr^n through other ' COVired g lasses ."B y rd sa ld , tecli Joubl w hatever lh a l the arei

support the tiresidcnt sh'oii le iilsIfitW li-^ lH m n o — slmi

rsc lo the Soviet ag- ' Hi House DemocralTc Hria righ t of Texas. e rs

ilzallons-and ono-of lhe--lh e ii i l tu ra l^ sp o k e sm e n -ln - - T! resscd concern F riday Mov sidcnt C arib r’secbnom - —the I ’alnst the Sovlel Unlorr the ip ress farm prices ond levU lize the ag ricu ltu ra l _ o g r i

, N(las -F o ley ,— D*W-asb..-,— Bl lhe“ House A griculture “ Colu Idiie doubted th e a c t i o n _ a ^ effective m ethod" of coune“ Sdviet~IhV a5lon-of----- ‘“I

InterIgn policy in terests of mea: mand a reallycffectlver-:econ jcze on th e Soviet Un- alter I be a broad action bIoo<

d ----------------- ^

mearts^ ancial bIe sales to the Soviet Septc e gnt I rn ln s- moVlng— iheyi ;ot barges moving II. Agi

T hf---- shn^vn." , The I-S tates -offered • th is ■ press th e SovIets.25 jn illion-_ whea

sboul (wo-thirds of it Canait-wheiitr=------ r — ‘ -filHnty winds ravaged the dent’! ' p ra irie lahds, the agree

lllldn' to h ^ h a v e b w ir ■ j.loaded and re a d y _ to l_ .? ^ “ ‘ ■arcTwrrmitted-to-buy-^^ ^ ion -m ore-lons-undcr—«r-'s o rd w lim lilng “ ‘“J to eight million tons,Ided in a 1975 agree- le two notions. ad been .adjusted up- recognizing Ihie Sovi- • The

ports and the Ameri- gram a p a lucrative exirart a s mu or,.-thb-president- de- Incret

rv ia .- liivu iH un- of— ^ n ' le R ussians will get - diffen 3n tons Ihrough nex t and tli


' .......... • ' __ to presf . . Adm

j / y s i s aofpolliLeonid

pcech to the nation, th a t iiisc-brlenngs-to 're-— A ^Silr5 steps w ere not t h e . erahip

it said the Soviets : tha t fu rther "ag - w

could trigger a „» n iir ,'aist w iv a t r t s ^ n d —iio3Cowj31yinpics.^:^-=y^^M United S ta tes would rm s .an d o ther help ^ - ;lcm rebels, a senior p n ^ y :u le_ou l.a id .to_

ife m ic S o X c o v e r t- - II,’!’,' w o u ld rd e ltv cry b y ~ ' '“ " o ' or financ’iai help-to lave raised a m a jo r ' an d th e -O rS rp rc ss— ------

Ion’s m easures a re 'Mhero la som ething— --ln -thC “ Sovlct^lm — ---------Stan, and th e re f o re ^sures a re required J jJgJ_____• 6M0f


M b v g p |

^ REALTY J . B .-W O R L D W - _ _ -y u y mTMW*T10^ < L M SIONAL CENTER H ^©m-ESNST) - "Sr.

U B u itj[jrng

J A M U A R Y J—_ j^^H&K£Wytn.AV.CnOWI

I I j a i w_______^ U JSH M JIM lTA n

m b a r g c

c^vgrl'ng'thc soecln im of Intlm lr in l.: technological, se rv ice and c r e d i t ; a re a s as well a s ag ricu lture , and it 1 sh'diad be undertaken in concert w ith '

He . urged t to t th e adm lpsllratloft ■ ■firia a w ay fo7ully com penslale la rm -; e rs fo r the effects o f the em bargo on

- their income.------ --------- ------- -------- ■—T lw rm lU tantaim ericaitA gricu ltural- Movement agreed, say ing th e cost of

-the e m b a rg o - ' tgm fl r a s p o n s ib tn iy ^the en tire nation .and should n o t be levied to tally o r exclusively on the

.og rlcu ltu ra lsec to r." - ■ • . ., Not all fa rm ers agreed.

— B a r t-K a d e d y _ w h Q -fa h n s _ n e a r— Columbus, Ohio; said ,-"rdon’t-want to - scc-Russian forces overcom e another, country.- •—“T h a t 's -n o t- in m y - in te re s t-o r - th e - Interest of any free people. We havo a ' m eans to bring about a political and economic end, and I think I f s a g o o d ^ alternative to m ilitary m ight and ' bloodshed,’’ K aderly said,

rtennneris~ beating -

September, Instead of the 25 million they ex pected tu buy fi u iirthetJlS .

A gricultural experts said the Soviet jhartngp-pTr«tv»ripri-3Q-mlHton-ton3:— rh e United S tates h as lntensifie31Ee~* >ressu're'6hM 6scbw by asking o ther #heat_produclng_natlonS i—notab ly -^ ITanada and A ustralia, to re fra in from .

lent’s action. The two countries have igreed._________ ^ ’

-W tthT hrH bropi Closing Of a m stm or-17 million tons o f co m and-wheat,— ibout 6 percent of the total U.S. iarv i»st;-A m erican_farm era.L C ould-^ •xpecLto tjikb-a-i!flnanclal-beallngr^‘— ;ald a Senate agricu ltural^> eclallst.Ie explained th a t crops th a t c a n 't b e ' !xported would fail on the dom estic narke t, driving down prices and fa rm ncome.

The adm inistration’s re lief p ro ­- a m will include d irec t purchases of is m uch as four million tons of wheat, ncreased loans to fa n n e rs fo rs to rin g — rops they ca n 't sell, and d irect

lifference between a basic ind the slum ping m arket price.

§^^ZT ^ Fever> p reserve the-Worldstabllity.__ i_______ :A dm inistration o fficials believe the jylet decision to Invade appears lo ave been m ade by a new generation’ policym akers in the K rem lin, since ■wnW B r ^ j L ^ l s fading, physlrnlly__jdpflHUcally-------------------- ------------------T he-adm inistration also 'be lieves, a t - lo - a v o ld a series of—i^ lttle— fghanlstans", the new Soviet (ead- ahip an d o ther nations in the Middle - tts t^ d 'S o u tlfA s la rh a v e to be tofd e United S tates will defend, In Its m way, what it considers to be I t s . taUnterests:— —

rWIN fAUl, BAHOM»<Tin«r-M-7Wir»ef»«0*WXTO;iSj3S”oS'J -----W^Bi Ow ena Coufllr W«w»attp«»~i>vt.^r' brdM-^'xlmrwciartiiiiiawMli'Ofl'whi'ch------

-jil .b, »hli»h«i..fubl,ih^.-------IMno 8330? 15''** ~i"f »«ofid Cl«rjiotio»» po!3kJoho

- SUBSCmPTION RATES:------------ HOMFDniVCRY---------------- '

’ " ' " ^ ■ '^ I j YMAIL! ______ __ ___I

I MONTH:.-TTT-r.Tr7r;-.-.— .-*<r30- ------IM O N TH S..;,.,.................... * 1 3 .5 0 - .i MONTHS............ ._.j i f 7^00______________I2 M0 NTHS........... .............. ssa.obI*' SPECIAL RATES t ti<iitiit>ti«>tUa(ii>ii-S4.eO«*riM>>th..... r :> FORSUBSeBIPTIOMS«^ll, ___


------------ —.Hln ~ i MU, ...........

' :.............. »*■»»>»

jm B - |,.......~ ^ 1

lUoiylO • I t J

!l - ■■ K I

f o v a r i e s

Page 3: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

■ - r p f f i s- - ^CarsoTTT^ : - z y x i a n t M e i

~ Pnrlcs hoT~ .yn ilec i P re ss In lem

.... -- 'W E W A N T .r>-r^--------

‘ ■nciais won’t take B ert P ^ T c a ir rh a v ^ o h n f ty C ah •NBC-TV’s ‘T onight SY :-tad his Burbank, Calif,

chanting “ We w ant_P w an t P a rk s!" Thiifsda;

- — i . is a y s it j? a rk s Is fired ai- . th e - tc lcv lsed -sp cc to a

•never w atch It again, 'u rg in g a le tte r campali

- — - ^ 'te s tr 'B eau ty p ag ean t of-.dum ping P a rk s a fte r 21

___jsay they w ant a h ost wi

...B E R T PARKS’_ • --Johnny Carson Isn’t'lti_ ____ ^carnpal®i!ngJo_savc.&

Job a s em cee of the Mis • con test— Raridolphr- ^ lockev Dave & u h Is ran

■ II too ■— anil-fiClB ilisteners to fight back '

__ and letters of protest. Sa whb'8“ 23“ ^ o f l K e ^

. ._. P a rk s , ."I see this a s a 1 of p re ju d ice against person.” He says Parli should be kept on to sli


mV OPi■ i -HIE

STI9 th ♦


• 1 : 0 0 . l

_ V-_2;30 | •-4 :30 -1

i"=[ I

Z Z IZ Z 3 I


— — r a r e YOl; I NOTE:' • ■

J in d ica te

" I ” ■ n a m M

= ; = l = i J ^ A D D R I

--------------- , A. ---- j -

* Snake■ _ L ^-- —

j : ' : S k i

■ ~ r r d ~ ^ — 1,:------------

: S ( g g ) ~ T

e r t = = = ^ P

tem atlonai ~

i-p ag ean t-o f* -------->rt P arks, they .CiOwn either: ^ t Show" host allf., audicnceIt P a rk s l .W e ___•sday-nlglit —!d as c m c e e ? o r ~ . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H c tacu la r: he'll

C a r ^ n is npalgn in pro-. . it-o ffic ta ls 'are cr 25 yea rs —> t ^ i t h j r e a t c r _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

r tlh e l in ly one'C .B ert.P arks!__________ • '.JM iss Am erica

ir N .-J.r d isc - BOLEROB'i ranklcd 'about____ :.:jro rg o t-^:» u rg liig -hfe------- Ttkflnks lojck With ca rd s- R av e lT ro n l .S a y s K r u h - . Icnsi In All, tie -65-year-old i h e m o v ie s a b la tan t ac t beautifu l ilnsl a n old M oore lo U Parkr a l least R av el’s "I ,0 sing "T here A tlan ta rec^ ------------------------“ BolCTTj“ - i l

JPENTOALLi m i t s c H o o E r : !

STUDENTSMb thru 12th gradtts

- _____________ ^


' 0 - P . M _ S L A L O M

0 P . M . E R E E S T Y J

O - P . M ^ S K l M O y i

i C L B . M . ^ W . A K D S .

■ ■ . a . .M

5 ± S H— M A I i m S K i C O P

E O F S C H O O r : _ : ____

rO U A-REGISTERED E; rE: $ 1 0 .0 0 C O V E R S O



H E : ~ •

>RES&; -----------E P H O N E ; _ _■ A R L T I M T I B I S W I L I

■ ■ ' ■ ' H ■ ' v n

ake Rlv«r Aroo Coundi..(Explorlng jionrim itlflo ).-__S k i E x p l b r e r ^ o s t 4 4

p ! F — — h

— d


^ ■

J E R R Y -S O M M E R ;----- T “ '1. . . V e g a s ia c ltp o t 5^

' ~ ............ ......................... piOBOOGIEit— PookT— ForRet—discoT -— 5

lo U6 LterekT.M aurlce------ ®ron ' ih V tr a il; to : 'g o ld ^ ^ t— “ Atlanta. It all began w ilh— j° ' ivie , “ 10" - in which ^ ll Bo seduces D udley ^0 the classical s tra in s of

"Bolero.” Sincc then.rcM rd s to re ^ j :^ a n 't^ ^ p ^

t t f c S

EfcMBUIH- E X E lS L A L O M - - “


y . L E _ . M O G U L S -

V I E _ ----------- -

) S D I N N E R - M E D /

■ ■ ■ M

I’ffRY"« P E IiT IO H , 3 1 8 8 f a l l s Al

W AtE------------- --------------




ILL A M U B l Y O U O r O

■ > ■ ■ ■ ■ '

RACESPOlifl S o l d i e r M tn . S k i— ' - . - N Q v / to n 's S p o r t s

y . ................ ..

T ay lo r of Turtlc's-'Rccords, ban 't keep it In and the dislrll a r c out of it. I t 's Incrcdible.

— h a d n 5 o ~ n o r s o o " m o r e " c T-.-we^Muid sell them.”

BON VOYAGE--------W ho-would-want-to"rtde ,, ■ fljoard — even one with a me

from Maine lo Mexico In the — die-of-wlntcr-7-Snddle-Brooki

cop J im Carlin, th a t's who - — despite freezinK.siJi jy liiut lo

lock up his throUIe, he 's c way. Carlin was in Uoslon 1 day — hoping to escape

■ England ahead of a pre<__ snowstorm . He still has 4.000

to go — says, " I figure every i a c loser day lo Florida. I hcj IntheTOsdown ihere now," ♦

• JE R R Y ’S JACKPOT• J e r ry Som m er was wrappi

— h is 'L as Vegas"vacatlon’ Thu when he dccldcd to have on

- —crack -u l-t!ic -F lam lnR O "H i casino. Bankrolling himself

.. $30 In change,, he challenge progressive SI slot machine ' had been building odds for

• m nnthg T hr fr7.ypnr.n ld—n— G c e o n rH ^ lty r—N rJ -rr- to b — salesm an

•one-armed bandit w h e n .lt ■ ■ ■ p e n e d ^ flv o 7 ? lln e d u p a n d i

bells' w ent off, Som m er’s Jac M00,000.

BEHIND TH E NAME; — UCrfik Was born Ucrek H arris

---------------------------- 1

JANUim x m ^i l T S = =

• TRb<

___ . _ m; D A L S - P R I Z E S w

" P O i R i


I F - Y E S r I N D I C A

rN T - .-A d « l-6 0 M o r o o c h a d S N A K E RIVER CQ U N C

lA N T S L A L O M _ S L A L O f

< " I T V ---------------------

i T o i n - I N O A B E T T E R 1

» N S Q R S t

S k i 'A r e a - J .-A .C Io » > rts C e n t e r .. .. . . Ti

$tc'd3 .'"W e I ANNAPO Irlbi^lors s ta te of M lie. If we form er Gov e“copies^ w iftro fs ff^

their lllegul. __ nt fiiniliiin

goods from iic a sur-------------A-iawsu^^m o to r— Stephen H. the mid- punllivedar

10 — and

s op his l O W c n Thurs-

S c d E d l e s s “H)0 miles

C a r t '

I J l ____________DE$_M OArmed'w lth

ppinc up 1? galn.badl,E d a ? ------- -Republlcan-^ iJe la s l “ rr iv ed ln loililton 'S ------ -- T heir que:elf with :: tonight .was < ]ged the a Democrat! le which P r e s i d e n t for five - challengers-retired-^------- andGov,.Kdi^>bae«o----------- Dut'" thu t~.into.the -d e c ld e d -h e - l it hap-- - House to har

id -a llth e - — [ionalcrisls.

The com, ceiled plans live, but pub

John_^ — livelbtarUng ^ CBS will cai __________ la te r in Ihe e'


“ L 1 f r P o s s 7 0 n e : e v e r D i n n e r a n d I n s u r e r

A R ^b m =

M vajN ew 'b e s t o v e r a l l p e r f o r - m a n c e r:l9 .7 .5 .-W in n e I w o s M in ic o H ig ii . . '

M —lSrlDAH083301—DE_______AGE„

ATE P O S T -N O .= :ad d itIo n o l:« .v .e n » ::e n t4


Z I P =

i s T A R T i N ^ m B

l o w s o n C o n s t r u c t i o n T h e T i m e s - N e ^ S

_____ _____.

;ate, ex-^POUS. Md. 'lU PD - The I- M aryland F riday accused Gov, Marvin Mqndel and his ilrelchlng the tru th to conceal egul removal of $20.000 worth ILurc,-and -o ih c r . U a to^awnad- om the governor's mansion, su^^filcd b y A tto m ey C cn cra t'

H. Sachs seek s-520,000-in • ' d am ages and Ihe recovery of i-Sachs-saidthc-M andclrrtonk"

s R e a g a n , r te r Qp e r sMOlNES,._Iowa_(_UPi)’ -•

vlth briefing books and hoping ^adly needed recognttiorL.^ix :an -p re sld en lla i ' candldoies- In Iowa Friday. ■ "q u e s l io n ^ r f d ^ s W r 's ^ io iP vas originally the w arm up for :ra tlc debate'Sundiiy with e n t C a r t e r l a k in g on e rs Son. Edw ard K ennedy -,-Edmund Brown Jr-.-----------^r a f r c l t n p a r f w h c m C a r t c r -he-had-to-slay-in-tho-W hU o-I handle IhL'-grdwing inlerha-isis, V --------commercial networks can- ans for leievlsing the debates public television will carry It

: carry it on a delayed busls heevenlng,

I :

%v e n t r ---------.— —

PTRUfHV5f*fn e r - ..... ......................................

___ ■ i i

...... 1 - - ^— —■— :

---------------------------------------------- -

■ __» .* i* ® r« d -:z z :.r - r j~ -----------. . . . - , ------------


I---------- I_______ ■ _ ___--_______1------W l . L ...... . .

_____ ^ _ _ _ j

io n C o .


L-qoverirhe fronUhemiuisiooScpt,':sed Mandel left office anihl's when lie.was cnnvJtJod t;eal fraud and racketeerlnjiirth sentenced to four yoars

I, Suprem eCourt. tral------ Mandel saitl'of thc iav

°!^Judgegic ^ f m m

MEMPFTIi). le n n -rr i P resley ’s personal ph p a r in g . to_defcnd_hin

, — m alpractice- charges."I ____b a tllc T rld u y to oKalri

secret autopsy report dii— slarn------------------ :------—

Circuit C ourt- Judgi ^ '^^_,Tharpe stipulated, howi

: t(iilao f the repoi_____ - ______________________ -ion Dr, fleorue "C. Nieh( forUb > - :

dy - Fon TOTAL c h iro p ra

!'a~"" D r . 'L .C . i a n d ^' C h lfop roc lIcO rthNul/i)jon;i).Ha<f-Mjne'0

ICS 7 17 Main Ave, \/ Twin Fall*

sis .

— R S m i

v~‘L fw i11 Am

— i l - G E O R G E . B

. A R T C A R

_ i i l " i - E E S T R A i

— — ji — I "— Ffffri '*'** I*)!!— S E A N C O N N

i t ^ c o i n i n g '

3 1 ^ 0 0 0 m j P j


— J a g j ? —w f l B .

\ i u 0 M’ " i s s s s j ' ”

= | S| r a K i j |l I tWOVrlOAttYti

— iifftj iwiw'lS

^ [ g e o r g e I _ V BROPXE_S

I *TAn»Ti*

iturday, JanuofyS, 19B0 Tlmo

rnqr in <ipf,-::,.;!!??" a total, c(and thL‘ nuiii^ion (and) is

cd of-fi*di*n»l m o il— l ) c f o r o , - ring chnrges ’and Jean n e B ;ars in prison. He w.‘cond wll

fond and■ iaw 5 u ltr" 'n w tV - leav ing tbi

jives^lvis-iWsMjaiftoT U P l) - Elvis s ley 's ph; phy.sician, pre- Jbefore t

h im sdf—agalnal___m alpractis. '_won ~a~court~.'-,iiA ttom e; [aln il copy of a poe.naed 11 t on the la te rock was cruci.---------------------------- of-the-M cidge Jiiines M, tem pt to lowever, that de- tervening '■port coiifd not b e ' ABCTV_______________ !__wiLlidrxi'wiiehopoulos. Pre- action by "i

PRACTICCAnEVEST------Jrrc c L i N i cn d w o h r H IMk r ih o p o d ls t ^^o'jinvjluutron ^ 8 1«•, Wait H MCI


ia f a " ‘ I--------------

H W A W tir^: BURNS JU ff jH lE

Tlmos-Nowa, Twin Palls, Iflaho A-3

eourtJl, com plete and absolute l i b .....

is nothing we haven 't heard

ic B. Mandel, th e governor's-,...............d wife, w as accused of .spending

ond to iletries shortly before Ig tbe m ansion ----- t -:------ ----- -------------rr-r

i-doet&r-----------topsv r eport5 physician for 11 years, goes - ■■e th e bo a rd J a n . ' 14 onrac tice charges....................omeys^fop^Nichopouloa-had-sub----------------led the autopsy report, saying 1L_^— -------rrucial in preparing the defense •e-M em phiS 'doctor.-A nother-fll- -------------t to obtain the, autopsy by -ln -........ning i n ^ pending suit filed by _ _ TV in Chancery Court' wjiklrxiw n-Friday-bccausel.of-tiri;-^—li:------ib y T h n rn e . ' . .

R E D ^ ^ v s jJ ,.IN F O R M A T J^ •' '

TWIN FALLS 734-2<00 ' h'l JEROME 3 2 ^-8875 . '-

^ N c i s ^ F O R D — -

-1 ---/ - ---------—

' fVrmtST. m,„i *

i s T l ^ “ 6 ; >JWE,KIP gi ^----------- r

M M U fT M

Page 4: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

. ^ L & o s . h a u e 4

Eizfnrimpimn,~ " ^ u f ^ o u l d

O ENiERA L T E N D E N C I------d n iU c w d ay .'C o a fo rm U

m odM of u p re a a to n «nd ya -naw I n tw ^ U a n d M ilvitlM

■ A R IE S T M ir. 21 to A pr.who c io a s f l s t you In puU

r__zm^.b«icoin(i.guw succaMfu TA URU S- (Apr. 20 to M

^^.^tfa.fam U y.nw m ben.iaalui. T»l<e_hB«lth tT M ttncnt« yo\J

. O E M IN I |M «y Z rC T Juw a d e p t a t follow ing rouUnea i od. A void-a u n d e o c y to ovc

_____ MOaN.CHlLDaEN.Uuni_ can th in k on a h i«h p U ia ju ii \ w o rlub lo level a nd add to p

LE O (July 32 to Aug.-Sl) in g yo u r financial a ta tua , ac U on w itiiou t delay . D on’t Io

V IR G O IAu{[. 22 to Sept. plane qu ie tly for th e days

L IB RA (Sap t. 2.1 ti> r ifL

t h e m ^ ^ i^ y ^ U g h u r a id------ r4 .8G O R PlG iO ctr23-nrN ov

a n d m ake plana for improve: a n d im prove y o u r appearaD'

8 A Q IIT A R IU S IN 0V.2 2 -------- aa w.o u tlH e .tb a t-a p p ea lHo-3

.. C A P R IC O R N (Doc. 22 to w ay"o f bandllng~obligation

--------A vo id .onc 'w ho tw ia te th o t r

------------AQ U A R m s - ( J lh n i~ T o '. - .ebow & ra lirM ~ a£d-fH «ad t .» P u t y o u r ta len U to work.

P IS C E S 'iFob . 20 to M ar. 2 •e cu r ity . O bey a ll rulea and r

»S triv e fo r incr«as«d happlnei

I F Y O U R C H IL D I S BOH b o 00* w ith a h igh po tan tia l I

___In' mftf t o f ttra in in g early in life.

-------- '“ QASOCINE ALLEY -------

LATIQO r .......


AND r r e s tG N B O o v c_________A^AX HIAA5 6 L P.'

BEETLE BAILEY------------

------ : . - I HEAR A - OU'

— .j e n n i s j h e I« e n a c e - . ~

_ 1. ‘ T w n d m i i

____ _____ : ' M B w r n

... .

ejineldeas— u m g ^ f t n g n j B S z

d keeptemperIN C Ibd ; D o n 't do a n y th in g rM llj m to -a c e * p t* d -a n d -c o n v « lI6 h a id you wHl be ab le to advance yom / i t l u beyond p rea en t tw uoda.

<pr. 19> G ain th e toterjaet ^ f thow p u ttin g y o u r f ln ea ftaT eaU acreei u « fu l in th e fu tur* . ------------0 M ay 20) W orking m ora closely u k e a . th is a m oat-w orthw hile day. • you need.

Ju n e 2H S h c w '^ e a 'tU at you a in nea and g e ttin g m uch accomplish* 3 overepend. ~IJ^32^J^^^21)3^bo^w^^


•21) Vou g e t fine ideas for Im prov IB, ao a ta r t p u ttin g them in opera* I’t loae you r tem per.3ept. 22) G ot buay a n d m ake'new lays ahead so th a t you g e t good ite.optlm laU cJinea.________

•N ovr31)5toay7<nrr3U W oandinie rovem ent. T ake health trea tm an ta arance,

'. 22 to Doc. 21) G ood day to aaek iHo-yoU i-fltfive-to-have Inerea tad :

2 to J a n . 20) Find a m b :^ m odem . «Uona and g e t eacelie n a u l ta - ^ o t r u t h ; — — -----------------------

1 to te t) . .”l8 r F in d ; rig h t w a y T f u lt how m uch th e y m ean to you .~

ar. 20) Plan how to add to p rese n t md regu la tions th a t a p p ly to } ^ . plneaa. ~ •

BORN TODAY . . . he or she wiU tis l In mbtte ra connected w ith big i r th r M n « I lt o l a good educaUon to f th J s« b ility . G ive-good e th ica l-

L _ 4 ^ m o k e 4 = l

O L IT SIPE MEAR ! S O ' .T H E -C H O W '-H A L t \ 'C H EC K.___ ^

B e t s _ M Y t > q )w r 6 B N ^ V B y . ^ O W S a W S A W j M O B E .*


, DIP I s e e vouf ■ - . - FM lW -TA t<lN 6

■ WUR CHRIST/__ :__! • ~ —

3 r . ' . ’l ..."«Uy------------------------ ------- -ohal ^ - - B L O N b ie ^ '" ' -rour,____ _________________; -

- - . IIP—-------- HEY OACWOOO-V

• VOUOOTA^IS D«IL1_ ) i f \

“5 = a Hrov ' ...........—:--------


Jew —i r r " —



em _____ . -_____ _______Ita______ -------------------------------------- ------- ---------------------------- '-I____■of ,B£/!rTHES£MI-XAX..

- y - -

- t -

: Mbja________ iL U i i—


l± j^ Q y O m y .X D O N T r^ t_ r -^ JoeRSTAND, LATlGO.. —WMAT HAPPHNBO?

\y------ -------■'^WCLV-;I --------11 tl /WARTiN.

H L i _ — i — u m ! --------^

3 ■ y . A N P BRifOG ^ ..,....: C K - ------- ^ME'BACKIT I YV TURKEY • (


- •■■ ,•■ U stuCb w a r s ...... - H

U'/ioka iMPskiAi. COM /o/y/c SH/P'Movi .....................A anoup.ofi PLAf^sn

i H■ | ^ ,^ M O » Q A N . __

____ . . .'a ^Luf.ccXu


^sT Z em M E - I KSJOW h e s g c t 30-')s 'c o ‘ pju& rco'oN 'ovi __y f LOOK i _____ ______ _

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- T h e 5 m o t e ? * B o c ^ S i 5 r ' -is bui-ninq tt-a sh ''V S '-A ~ n e x e g55r:'W SIg .'3^ ; ^


=; =iJ;GUE55::MQtl-COai SAV THAT MR. A^A)

— . . JUST HAD A SUDOer----- ^ CHANGE OP HEAR'CLV-; - . ----------- ------- ^

9? i—jS8 5™» r ; ? I 'STAH F ^ y ; 1t / 3 5” e LYWDBf^ / ^

/ WMAT -P O -y o ;I . -t h in k TMIS l£


y ■ W lS e - ‘

7f £ I ' WtTM THIS: Moves TOWAAP WAVe THE f 'f BTS'CHTME ~6 <»a/NO f

j y W F ^ ! ! ^ - 1

> w a * A -W H F

M y

c o m m s 1 1 /"uoLi AP

----------lEANEP-Ue, -

30TONE"lU.[ I c ' f ^ , HERI DVER THERE SEC-l'vE G _ y s ._ > ~ — -T ONlTWE K^ ________. S r r ^ r ^

____ J

i 7 /

— I .!—


=---■7. ■ ^ - ,l ;U,',.-.l W M K -

_udiummiJLhEELCmr/ 7'f {LP CMTCF ■' iSIOWi W. Ut



------------- WIZARD OP II

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(J ieu iJK i ja L O i£ lz 1 1 : ------'AX .SEN . ' • ••• f C 5 I\nr. J '

g E g

— . ~ - ALLEY-OOP—

, ^ 7 \ ___LOOK,Va.~/ou ------- : -SHOOtelHS■5/ ■^iSSL?.NO I

J? /

is sH ir ruL W iNvsN E-RCafcuiON . WAS MEAN a POR N \ta .C i! j STO P suisp




HEga-S U T JUaT-Al |hEllO?h£ /ECOTsoMEaocyy' —, hungHE PHONE ---- ^

>who ’


i . E H p i a e r 'e\ s ^ * ® ng

SWOfHt-. ---------— -enctcf

tui. £(MMJ/5r t '^ /5 I '

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/ " e e f t ^ V H i— 7 -v v g s r / \ g r - - \ " ' •• ' I l I THIsTPtAU, L

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haven't 5ENT ^ rfA^zCARS25J^eT:i-p ^

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i?Hai.02.HEMUST_VELI ■ UNG UP --------------- ,


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3N&-ONLV1WO) i* <GS. RUBB.TMe< iDS.OE**eCUXK^-----------------r OPENIN’T w e ^ d

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w J ,{ ! r f -3 ----------- :-Ol

-------------------------------------- ’to

M -/- - ueaiMY$--------------------

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' . K '- - 3 = ; - s 5 T ^ i (

----------- ------------------- FAMIliY-

YOU'LL' _ / ~ S W — YOUR—-----------

^ -S U P P C T IN O ,-------iT\~aJ■ ■ VOLS..AS ■ I A n W LON3ASM3U L f V .J


M t6oM \— ::} =«roi*AN 1 " X . 'iMca y . \

z ^ G b f f i x t p J o n s i

^gatriSItMlejdlr ‘'->::'ThV:thSlfflploniiilF

and A m crkao Leoguet w as i 't — It*t Thlril yf t r «TTT«»

when be tlM tuggetled iC at __.abm e la u ^ f e r . L ol o f pw p h ___tb e n .-N o w -ev c iy b o d y ^ iu M

-'S o . many o f itaoac proae m ‘ do Ihelr be«-w orirln -loD gh j

w f t t r . TTjomu.Woire ( IS W -l- - e w n lub 'w .bow -fype. Lsck'O _ jh e _ u m e re tw n , he c ou ldn 't d

pace o f lon thand le t him. con roIUflg ladjB H lng < entencet.l^


------ r ^ : ^ o wt i P o w a sG r ifm ^Hancock'! m litrea

r i i i i j t te tn id y X H e n il r i f tc c J lJ jy t w ith O o ic u , then JUled h e r t H ancock did a whole bunch j!do J u tt tign the D eclantion.

------- Y <racoT8erioiBrn"oiroTilMthe reltthrc fanportance o f thi

— ita t io a :y p B ia ir n 2 3 H H n 5 t5 i.__S270_for each r t u t o t In acbool.

_____D ite Jn to J li il . i j )p lc n r th e 3 iI t 'i going lo b e 'a hard winter.•P«®P*«- . . .. : • ' •

I t 's odd , 1 th ink , tha t (he sti

to CaUfomia-cUnkl

___ _ WHITE HOUSEOnly S4 ye an ago. Uie Whlti

by i fornicf itew ard o ^ th e p rw aome Inirlguing m ^dicaP nggei w oundi can be H opped ,by a

- brown (ugar.-T obsceo-unoke-« Uver oS is delicious when tali

Rom e w«t called The Eternal can.w aiertsb lithed there.______

Rmo “Doyd'l Oookof OOd F<eu. «e.99 DIUI SI.03 ooniM. p<eklng. m mill dtllvtry, Mna o*yni*ni wlin ore Synole»t». inc.. No. ft oow n RoM. w

Addr«» mtll lo L. M. Ooyd In Cosyrlgrit, ISSO Ccoor

= t e . . ^ - ^r.wgsasm

s i

^ ' I'IliY CIRC US-----------------------------

'. J r .h o w g f e ^ j^ L Q o tn o J o .m c ik

-------- way-lo-th«-car-on-fe

I, .

^ s h i p f o o t b a U ^ r ± ^

T j r e n r l a u Q h s

B t ^ ® utic'befw een a n d N ational^ wasi't cafled the Super Bowl untiljm ir :H a n l_ w lth liie n a n ic .'B a t----------it a t a league m eetisg, b e d n w

)eople. though t It' w at .ddlculoua, ------- i i i e d - l Q j l . - a n d J t - a g tm i m o tt-----------

}ie w riters w ith a ear fo r poetiy onghand-n tfaer than on a type*'>00-1938) w u.Q ne.iucb .H e d k ln 't- .............ic k o rc o o rd ln « lo iT n b e :a« id .:F o r---------- ;In 't drive a car. e l th e r . - ^ e liow er V com pose w ith laigier d ie th o se ' ' e t . ! _____ !■....: - : ___:


She io ia -boo ite rH e-H ltga ------------lO jy ta rfc o f j o mancezlflcfflcr-u p^:.^-:_h er to m a n y DoQy Quincy. Mr. >Jj jtoore in public and p r ira te tf a n

if f ib o u t how govem m enti regaraif things from . t h i i L J i e j v c r a f -----------o r each soldier to unlfo t a andA ool. 7 ~ -------------------- --

th e ~ a in ^ a f c u ltr iv to u yhT Inter. O r 10 b d le re tb e foOdote

he sta le w ith th e l a i g ^ num ber

•USE MEDICW E_______ .W hite H om e cookbook, w rinen________! preridentlal m ansion, co n tafawl w ggeitions. i t a u te d : U ecding ■y a c o m p re a of. cobw cb i and )k e-w iU -c tie -e sn i^ e , A nd c o d '- - n taken with nu t-lad en water.

lem al C ity long before th e VaU-

F<eU." SUrllng PuMlihlng Co.. Inc.,Ing, ninailnv—tottl SIO. For r(tum* lli> ordw le ‘•Doya‘» Oook." Crown }»d. WMtn»r<ofg, TX 7S0SS.______________

)ydlnc*r»onWin»w»otp«r. - 'Cco«n Syndldl*. Inc.

CiftiFessieM.'^oOLO^ ? 5 1 .T h in ^ s .:__


Ls9Vi3ie.iyaie^»tn I

^ 3 e

y tr . to .

------------------n------- --------

-J ■

----------------, ' • ' . '-J ■; - . .’

Page 5: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU


— g B © § 2 [1 - —H-MCtK--------YOBK ■ >.- turn.. ,._ _ FellMnp U* MlKIM . C«W»1H . (XlMl

-------- -------------_ J _______ S«iM_P-EIMHU

---------- AieviAi--------J.« 5111« 0

--S - -il '- j i lwlioCnm ' J ' - . . JI4 «Am«tti .. 1JD : . s «? ?j_____ iJMCNm ------ J -------- t aa-MAMI }«■ -« r«-u« --------- AMAX--------- liO-------- »-W—«

S ' -If ■■ i i is• __

\S ! S ? i-------- 'A WUt"------- I I I - - 6 tSi «

~TSS i;og==z:is"1ANintI 3.x ir 741 4 Afldnj . lu a 47 pu

— gg . . '\n\JAUUnOI ' ,>J0 1 SU i«0'ABBeM . J.B « «» un'AM* . Cat . HJ irAitoCp in JIMI TPAmttlnc - .M T U }<i

K5 S__--------- SSffi '5 , ! S SI— g g g . ” j ’S!-:!;

D«UH0.l ..M tU 22tUmJIi .. J»4 t tir x«tf — “—B»MH--------- W —' ---=3'S»Jnflt;

' ' DluUO .U . 10 M nOoiing 1.40 me S4VBontdl 1.50 J51 B'BBidan f ..LU il (’.owQWt : h 11S UVay ■ .'s

_____a i ! , — !» !--------.5 - 2 ,

■ r a , s sOrwiw*- - - -eiw lUUHl Dutnrul ...U III It

----------Sofiiifn-------- .h ........... u 7rnB..W • 1.« UXO 17

C losing cM onth Com m odlty- M ayM alncs ^

------ m ay idBlioRussieuF e b .llv e cattle A pr. llvecatU e

-- ----------------M ar.ieedcrca tU c_F cb .Ilvehbgs M ar. w heat

__ M m' - • Feb . s i lv e r - .--------■ ' ' M aK gord '"_______

M arTsugar Ma'r. soybeans

Livestock futu:CHICAGO (UFI) - CI6.lni

■ . « ? “• Feb 7i :to tltotojj;Apr 73,60 73.7S 71.60 1

j a . S:iS0«l • i n jo 73,BS 73.10 :

! Dec _ 74,40 74,40 74.» 1EtllmalMl volume: zs.VA c(

— : r ^ “-disiU,« U 4S SS.OO B

s a ' _ n s S :iS g :ii!Eillmnted volume: l.MS cor

— S!f


— r a - r - ------- i l : S - « g S - S

■ - T T K 'ffira s i---------Aua^-------— JtOJ-_4lUJl.W-31animated volume: .7J87.. corn

_ - - • »

^=^"=Qrainfatures' -^ ..onAiN- nrrim es

:_____ wiy_______ 4.M «.SJ»i 4.S2Hjiy «,8J ««7irT8i“

---------Is*----------- '<;5 • - I S " ■ ■

Jly 3.07 3.otKi .OS'i :

S'-May i.u ^ 1.(7 e4i i

T s i f l S 7 Nov 7.34 .7.J7I« .33 7 ----.: Jaa . . _ 7.4»S4 7.M ... .474 _7

:— — a ^ a g ^ ir-=rwBTO^eo^^

- TO»oqUI<tomtrJi^ji*wino«iyag

Sugar futvires’ NCWYOfUC (UPII—SuurNo, II (u » to 4» W d a y ^ llf

---------. j lMOft U y ;^

* ;i !I:S l!:S i t

lai-------- - Oua No X tJ -=Ml l«

------Ctw ,--------•iu___ J .I ' - ' ^ ^ r L t°M____MHUiiA b. aiplTf . 710.JJ-48-.. t. J___ ° ® J '5 ^


l i - i i '’ *,'; cenr Td .ns | « : 5 | s ,14 • Ch«#M’- . 2.“

r ] s r i ? ? v : llllsiL-JS—a nit* H ci»£ic ti:ii r:5 a s J

— g s a - - - ' S ____a —a *1 c«iB*io----- —*«-------

H r: BS ‘Jl. * J) ComS4I . J.JJS ul»^ u ' S"*?? ' 7 4*4

g— — coMwa_____174____

MiwiTTu ^ 3onluf n*M uTltt.l 5onC)»U 40J i ; > s «


tl»‘* &7 x47H» U____DtiiSl8^M -*TH 7rrro,iSh=rrijB “ -j:" ShwH. g:r.'on ■1 K ;g -

oiiion ' ' irratu-lu—T-Siyyr;------- ’■?—! « 1J*S " k1 ' !

• oSIjS?- - .. . ,J* Qfl.o _____ 1..-5

I 1' u ~ ~ ~ g S “ pL__.

[Com m odityPrev

Ity-------Close HlgJi

s e t s '■ 10.65 10.75 • ll71.52 71.70 7i73.37 73.75 7:

Jc_ . 85.27_ .^^er> .90 - &42.92 ' AiA3 A\ 4.4C/4 4.49M- 2.86>i . 2.87

JZ T .Z zM i«0.1^32:550— -3 2 ;i598,70 6:16.20 5f15.37 IS.'BO !■ 6.70 '■ , , 6.G9VV 11

tures -M etal pi!il‘i;s „£VSd'Low aOM pfev. • Aluminum niifr

. Ib f f i b M c . ; JSmISS moo-mofcib!''r4'40 74 S7 TjS • IMlcJIfty.Sciij;

■ sHslSi - r z

i l , J i . 1 = 3f f O E iS l1.03 44.20 44.11 ' ^inc. prime WCJW jt60"i7.'S 47.45.m 48.00A 4fl.l5_________________

r r k ^ T . ? - W : o r I d c

--------MomlnKlUlnK -conirael*, AdenuonrixinttHaris i(rc«maA< Frankfun go

_________ _________Zurich —a3,<Handv and Ham TIM Enitclhard, Wue

QtnruiUonal " imfabrlcaled soKi;; ^ p „ , .

k !:S iff; . , . _____

” Tr'V;r~SilverBS - .JJH 4.B1 ' ■ W w _ jb llK IL

»',i io# »;«

fit, ProdwceIg . l J - „ i j ' ___^.racn^MM m l.

i!xF i F f —i s s Pis 7J31* !j« InllMr boxes): Cr: 7 4 r4 « . .sm _gr«dcAl83»eofe)l

vtn mined In P r^ lo rttwiers fliti.-ai.'” °

jw |S ;S jP o ta to e !


, 11 (utures closed OmSSijfc^Krn ^llmaled sale* S d b 'u & T ^ M

1S2S- 2 DENVER (UPl>

1».0V — 14.10 - t>ag 5 iMt,, baJfld 3.71


« Ct^. -----------EKsui--------77^t7—»«=-!-:—“ TllW-------“ I

— I.U) u t, .: E<mi.k I

____ _._ j'«sirTs» ...

r-^M-ii]?* t'l • • <’'*'‘■‘1_____I-:

... . fjtpice-. .i. tm }3rt. u

:-’«_____________ ul i p Is'*;,'! Few Mottf S f - ; '! ! ; ; g !;

'F E i^ is r - s

lU is it . l t ' OnSlHl ;4« tts ohI 'h ot!,? ,.sm

' .177' a u l i L g; P*=

•■—iraT -juJrn ,------ q| ^ , u m

HI > 1 oSSa?" - IM_»;!♦ ;* Oftctw joi70 14' • >t QlHoMk IU

~ ~ -IH-jriL,H____ QufiM_____ 1 04744 Q,umntl 17W. •» — OuHO.1 JM

Iliu loll" t* GulfSlU 'M

* !* • "____ ——

'iim kIIijcp n' t7 B ' MB* -A' - H*rl0W> .M"9 ?M ' Mli.'vi -Moint------ '-?4'

___a-Btl_l7-.>^a-,_^titIIuil_____ UQ.

ty fu tu re s IClose

Low P .M r - nTnn 7^2 b

10.71 10.75 . ll70.45 70.47 ci72.80 72.97 n

- 84.90 . — 05.10---------------- ---42.52 42.87 u

4.42'.i 4.45',V 1'2.84 _, 2,841.•4'*.............I(

32;550- -32;550------— % ~U

15.2516.62‘.-: 6.C5'.-, . . .J ,


p r i c e s - J

^^domcj^lc. refined In alloy. • y eleclrolync; delivered. U.S. A nmon, US, primary producers -

i.W.apercml, Inuol 109.00 c lli. rJ».B-p«r^-l«nied- 'utarK.OO-C----

I’on CotrN,Vr“A'in~^Tcl~Mkl. dealer ' crlroyounce. , 1


^Me?.MM?evdockWI%'’e?k t.,M a-M *Ual^pM eem ^clbr— ^

s r u " s . 3 7 . S ; r " ^ “ " " ~ v

nK - KK00o((44 00----------------------- Hs 3 , , s a i . » . , . Sli

601.fl3OKIS.30, J ___ No.

lannan. lM.0OoH3a.25. ‘ l.MMse^lce for rellntnK scltlln and

Sid SH.30 off 40.00 per iroy ounce. ' N

_ bricaled Kold G08.89 off 47.EI per Ulti

. , / s' dec

C lu m l '-iiu iid ' nd-H '

s :

— ■ : • _____ i «

nnd.dellvered-to Ncw.YotkJlcre.__ jJ"and delivered to relallers'; e«lra _SI geC7-CBand medlumna<3.

nlnapricetlneenuperpMndrbulk : Gride AA, in Kore) i: l?J fe)l,«-l.34l4, . « g

- ^ s>e s - s;

S:Ksasju&'sanln. l»V.OO. eccMtonally *js\ N

aT"^SIS’?°Si ™'

Vi- ?J? ! l to y S .T i^ ,'? i iS ^13.74.»<»cm*du2' ,

----------5— ri?ti' ' o ' r r r —'M > '51 14 . •» Hwl

— l l____ t.4J____ _JH3f_21U..Jt_____ |'°ul

. l i i 10 Ml uJ4^-U Hom1“ • ! v " <r,

------>•»---------9-'Tx - n' . »• WejTl4« »«M CH . ' I III.P.

Imo'C__ f f__ IHA C

% ■ rs fiJT' is! u - ■ “

3 ) 117 jjr,_ I, ,— S - ..... i ' ! 3 , S r “ .............

ii i= - . , 1 ° ' ' ' “ ' ' • • " ~

__0 0— .KiirA1.W < - » a“o% % . JCS^

:4<la t 17■ 7 t a 'cJ h - h

_____ 17M is 'w S u^ ll, . L«hrn.

IM i « ■ lKS

__ t04_____ « 745 u14%. Lo«*C.JM e i» l ' m ! •*

^ 74lUKOpjlj.i ^

_ —A H ~ ----------------------- --~ J * "}_____ JJ*%-

77 tj U3 ' • ----

■ ^ —

S t o c k s t r a d e d

o v e r t h e c o u n t e iQuotations Irom NASD

— pcoxImatety-nooiir All blUsin i bids, Inlerclcalcr quotation.' Includc retail m arkup, niarl' cominission. These quotati provided by Sinclair; Sturnill------------------------- --------

B ankofA m er. r s tS e c .C o ,_ _ 19.00Ida, I ’st. N at,_____ 24.25____

»~Ida;P \ix .-H fd,------- 3;i:23------

—K ellw ood' — " - J-4x>ngrFiber---------3I0;00——P ac ,S t. Life 3,875 '

.T ru s-Jp ls t 22,00Consd, Food

- .S i e r r a Life 1.5«Quantex .40M inrlW est .40025Utah Power Amal. Sugar

. V a l l e y b e a n s ^

---- - I ’ln1S;.?dolilor0l3000, Biil aflOO, 2«

- 3 { ‘n S S 3 r - “ “ 'id^o^J’Inlu: I denVr at jo.oo. K dealt

dealeni. courliSy of Wcslern*^llca Ansoclatlon Inc. J’rlccs arc net. U .S.

— IdoltobcanlaxondslornKfch.irKc*.

V a l l e y g r a i n

4,7H'i: arid com, W._________'

- - L i v e s t o c k — — -

' “ s f s s a s a s i ^ . .------HoK9-l.000:-lrBd« falrr-barrews nnd

h ll^ r : No. i-2 300-240 IM. 39.0O<n).SO, mixed Wo. 1-3 200-210 Ihs. 3fl.Sa-39 CO: so«

_.NO-J^^m<00.11»s,-33.SO; boor* ovc“ ^m lay's idJfl'ncfnlrtipU: Caine>

- NORTH SA1.T UKR, Ulali iUPIl Ulah. Kislem Nevada fmllot nnd ranuc“ S ' K M i i - K

J S i iS H S iS !decline In Ihe whoTesaledresied beef lro(

(uxl uso from packers own feedIM wa

perccnl Mwsfcotlpared lo I7.WB and :. s ' i f f s ' d & i . s si S S . " w i r a s S , M . i i s ! '

_ 5 § 5 & a r a : s | ™ ™

KsSi^iSnSETHj h cicc.-icw c^me i in tH b .- m u w m

-aly ^ ^ u ^ W liuntone«iy feeijer Umbs SB.OMBMj^

W e s t e r n g r a i nDENVEIliUPIl-Grain prices ntday

- .- No.1 hartwlntar.wfteataJaewL--___H f S r i J S S S S f f i 'S S r - '—

OGDEN tU P Il-G ra lapneam day :_yodwMpr^lnwhealC^>icent- ^ ^ 0. Ilpfo(ein4.06bu. up lcc tlr-_____

No,2barinS.3Scwt.tm3cenU. ‘. Ai^vaU:acan:J9^ai.«bailey,^c

M o r e m a r g i n n e e d eNEW YOtiK lU PK - The

-m o d lty -E x c h a n g « -ln c . annc F rid ay It la Increasing the oi

-m arg in rcqulrementa-forTjold-f zla.f6i00Q .peccontractior:all new

outrigh t positions and to $2: strad d le for a i r new or old-st positions, effective Tit the open W ednesday, J a n fl.

The previous m argin require fo r gold w ere $1,500 for a

. transaction , 13,000 for a speci transac tion nnd none for strndd

140 e 71 anHailllP ' « » S'*

■Jony.T" "5 U ;■'OUJW ____tH_____ » 71 MS.OHiraJ .44 11 749 e;(%,

i.p .--- • •;:» •' "7..J7 III;:

S I” ■ ^— -}-i‘a

Ilnasil 7N 4. »1 3IU.

J.JS . 3 So; r I t ■■; s ; - ' ! - s - r ,>""M,........ i n ------ j-ju)flinlJin 2 ' 14 3e/ 71inlocn • I no th-s i r r u ' 7 ~ i i ! ' j i rurAI IJO 4 1IU m i-rStnn____ m - -iniND ' 144 r- U tS'4

=1— j |— ,tm«w iumyj _7,B _ 177 JIh.iiemn' to io 4t n u .•PCtt 140 J'TtJ 75;..'I! . 7 4H»»

;'S —S” • Iwi S M7-°:iv»tomtu .41 1 1» ?tU.locrs ' :vi - 430 iru .

S , .. -l l j M f e««Ce 1« 4 J7 61W.J"♦C" - ■« I ^ a jj- V . .CorD- . . J Z ia - s i i - t i inci'------— ic~i” " i:**~CTITI--------0^-

■ t»i 4 >iu.

er ' ^>D a t ap-______________

on.s_do- nol a rkdow ^ 'o? ' tations are {111 and Co,

A sk ~ ^ “-----------—- -26.025 . - - ■ __

20 .00 - - ------ 25.25---------- —

:------ lerKiS----------M------- --- -J..... d:25 - - ^ m - - ■ •-----340,00-----------

4.2523.00 25.G25

• 1.75

Z , 417.00 ^25.00

'.Ual 21.00, and ' ',2^127,00.101- — ----------

ealcRial 28.00,

l l ^ i n W r S (' .S. No, I. ItTM -----

wverul MaKic '

1 a markel.M V c S ?o ^ 7 « :leXs®; hogs....

’II - Idatio.JOKc sain forlay sJiorlcned lui^lerslwrs

trade u-MUi? ■ ■»Irtnd In live

--------- ■ —was aoMher '

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Page 6: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

H By DAVID E .A T^______- U E l Rell«iOO V

T h e . V otican (Indl

th rologian H ans Kung o official ^ m a n Oaiiio m ay*com e bock' to hat

------- P au l-ll!s-c ffo rts4o .un i------- ClirlB{lan<!hurch:---------

^ — ^Patht’f TCung wiiffT( 's tra y in g from tradit - teaching In tWo a i^a s Uie dlvinUy of Chris!

■ inrallib llityorthcpopc.

H r-T ^ :T - i l - i9 - th e :!o t te r Jsauer ■ l ^ J > n i i y r t h a f 7 0 l l n : P n u J - r

I B u s i n e s s i s

I The■ B y inO M A S F E F■ ............... VIRGINIA BEACH. H ..... -.i^G od-perform s-m lrac■ the R ev. P a t Robertson.■ Im age transm itted w<■ tw in sa te llite*earth dl■ tow ards tho heaycns.■ ’■ W e-dccliirewitiryou: M - K |mpn<;.;lhli. ••■ preaching before six ca

H ' dilapidated studio into i_____ ^ p l r e . ____________

~"W c~speak tiie wortT H Iw healed; tiial cysts tw i------------ ■ hc-ploadcdr-his-volco-c.■ ' studio audience m csm er M j l - you . Jesus. T'ilfliltt you."Jt ■ ^vR obertson Is founder i■ 9 f the. 18-year-old Chrl■ caslin); Network and sup

I ■‘tE lK tr ic C h u rc h .^■ . P lugging religion int■ --------- television airw aves, t B -------- “Claims ~ a weekly aiidi

m illion ^ p l c — ——ex I ' ' e s t im a te d - n u m b e rm—----- - church-goers-?-'and‘al)oiI __ y e a r In contril)Utions,■ “ ■ , D espite legions of faith I ->thcsc e lectronic evangel!■ ■ draw n scores of c r itica

I . 'an d mTssiotr ■I Supporters m aintain■ _ 3 — ’-C hurch-beam s-the-B ib l■ t ; ; j r o o m s , recru its n e w .■ -■• “”C hrist and provides a■ . .alternative to the sex an ■ -com m ercial TV:------------I . . Opponents complain I ' money and m em bers fr

, churches, provide enter -s te a d of th e 'g o sp e l ai

oasy 'type religion la d fellowship.

-------—r-T h cre th av e-a lso -ijeer........ I.U ialsom eTV -anffradlop- - - - 'i n p r e jn tc rcsted in the do


-------- ; _ -T -W IN -F A L L S ^C i1-be.lhe.sennoaIopjc .Su -IcallB-Reformed Churcl

-------- r - -wiil--be.-“ T tto -S e c rc r_____ .^lenHulS-wlUlxLspcak.—r - • r h ou r a f te r both momln;

Ja n . 12 a t 9 n .m . Thi'. o f l ^ o B o y s B r lg a d e i

r C H u r c R ^ d t t

TWIN FALLS - A Church of the N azar d e liver the Sunday r

______ ^ trp sp w U in d £ rD sp e c t.l, S erv ice tim es a re a s I

~ ■ ' 9:45 a .m .: m orning wo: . p ra ise a t 6 p jn . ; We3

P ra y e r a t 7 p.m .

T h e S a l v a t iTWIN FALLS — ‘

_________ JefiUfl’ Rnk^l" Is thi» H-------- : — d e i r y e f ^ y X T F e i s a i--------------s e rv l« h ) f tne Salvatloi

a t 11 a.m . and the BIbl _________ P-n? 713 Del M ar Dri

------Reorganize^ ________-3!WIN-FALLS---Th<

chtlrch'sciiool a t 9:45 a j M orning w o rsh ip '"

m em branco” a t 11 a.i--------- — conflm iatton service.—_____ ; Sunday a l B p .m . I

appreciation d inner sp< . D epartm ent. .

Ja n . fl, the W omen’s 1 — T th eh o m eo f W anda E n g

United Pres.----------- TW IN F A rL S “ Tli5

. P i ^ b y t ^ a n .C h u i^ p r o ^ a m a f te r tbe holldi school for all a t i AdtjU Bll}le C lass and

.. IndudesthgB erm oirB nd

h w t a ^ S S n g i w m ! '- A t l l a :m ..R ev . Van suDject “T h e F e a r of S ac rah w h t b f th e X o M bratedi, new re ldos and i

" 'ju k lT M ta n e a a n d time' _ ■■ ■ se rv lc c lo r m em befsw h

..... : u .

ANDERSON _ pcctcd In too W riter—- — wltiLnon-< finding of fa lse Orthodox

ingof histitJc a s an In both Qthollc theologian S ta te san j I haunt l^pe^John ~ ^ le a r thal i-u n ltc -th c^v ld ed ___was_endi|i

iSTJum r^guTlirSI— r J l S S•adlllonal church “ . " ’n j ! ! ’

....S- th e task <

auertha t ofinfalll-:— th a ts e p a r mi m nyrflnd'unex*:: P ap a l li

i s g o o d

FER R A R O ------------D eity and:n . Va. iU P l) - qu est for .Iraclcs,” intoned evidence I :son. his voice and picions c I woridwlBe via e lec tric cl fl dishes beam ed tojealousy !. The Bapyou. Gixl. nothing ' V irginia r t ><;rt.sop cnntinucd.— rrltlP n l-n l X cam cras a t the called for

nto a SlOO-miliion m in isters,_________enhanccj)!

ord tnat «irthritls pnllHcal p< ; iK taken aw ay.” social thco jo-contorted ,-the— ^Tlie-Assc mcrlzed. 'T h a n k upon the p.■u,"Jcsus.”’ ........... d eclare ptle r and president— countablo t ChrisUan Broad- whom th e I supersta r of the tributiom T

■ T he Re into radio and Norfolk. ’

5. tho_ industry ^ Assoclotioi aiidience of 130 w arfare be -e x ceed in g —th e— organizatic e r of r e g u la r to .thedang -abourT l'bllliona - T l ie 40-i

. --------- Councilorfaithful,followers, hold a co ngclists have also church in r •Ittcs; c rea jin g -a jm pacljon c ^ n - ^ o k . wocthj^__ tional-chur

ain the E le c tr lc ~ ’ " Bible-into-living-- 4 / ^ ^ 2w .followers _of M )s a wholesome K and violence on...................— ----------NEW -Y(ain they drain ABC News ■s from m ainline- ,w ill open tl- ntcrtalnm ent in- sations witi :1 and. rjffer .an th inkers In lacking needed “ Counsel fc

AnatiassaiJeen-«omplalnts— dent^-Carti ilo proachers a r e — for-Middle- le dollar than the th e guest o

laSunday m orning a tth e -Twin_ lurch. The topic (n the evening rct*Power'or*Ezra ,”T»a5f3r~ )'.coffe6 .-- m lngandeven ingw orsh ip . - Hj5 church w ill host the S tate Qde Conference, ' _ _____

f T h e N a z a r e i j e- At the Twin F a lls F irs t ozarcne P a s to r K napp wil| ly m orning m essage. "Re-gct." ____________________! a s follows: Sunday school a t! worship a t 11 a .m .; eveningw e a n s S i^ ib T rs iu a r^ -

i t i o n A n n y— ‘‘D enying-O urselves for hff UUi» nf thu m«>ftsnpA_tn_bt._r iE Sm an Sunday^at IH eH 'a . m. atiDn'ArmyTSunday'school'ls— Bible Study Is ‘Thursday a t 7 Drive. E v e ^ o n e Is invited lo

-The-Rcorgantecd-Church of—

ISajh'.lp~"scrvice will be ^'Re- l a.m . There will also be a

r n r theVe^ w l i r b o -a -p d S C i)r" ' r sponsored by tfle Womcui'fi—

in’s D epartm ent will m ee t at, Engelbreoht_____ _____

• e s b y f e r i a h ^This Sunday the * ^ n F a lls / •dj . 'retiim s to - l ta reg u la r— olldays. T here will be chtirch a t 9 :90 a.m .j_-lrjdudlng the

^ a chapel se iv lce w tiidi 'Bnd d lscyssionr ‘

om.Van Nest w in i ^ a l c on the '■ of BeIn0 ~ R ^ u c e d . ’ ‘n te - Cord's Siipptf. WHTTie cele- '* and d e a c q u w iU be ordaine d . _ w e ^ l b e aahort*m em oria]“ B J !* P P « S e d a fl^ a y J iill» Ja r t_

«in_: «;!5. ld Jh o _ Soiurd.Hy. Jam

I troubles in his future relations on-CathoIicSrincluding botli the- 3ox and P ro testan ts.

Dth h is recen t tr ip s to the United and Turkey. John ^ a u l m ade It

th a t h is f irs t intcrfaith-priority- idingthejnoi:eJhoaW O_yeac.old-•ithlhe Orthodox cliurch________u ^ ^ ^ F th e pope-announced that^ or International working group thodox and Roman Catholic 3lans- and 'ra i>king-church-of-- would bc established to begin

sk of looking a t th e^ b s tac le s paro to the two churchesrT -.......II Infallibility, re jected by the

R e l l

n c ^ h j maltd a re ' m otivated only by a for fam e and fortune._Littie ce has su rfaced to support sus- 1 of corruption, suspicions s church supporters attribute iusy .. ■Baptist General-Association of a recently adopted a rcsolutlon:-

fo r financial disclosure of all” XS__and--ripptnrpri olp^{rnnlpirs using the airw aves "to cj)iLadvjince_Bom<u)nnticulat_ l_poallion^coiiQ m ic_policylor_ heory.”Vssociation snid, "W e now call e paraghupA ^ j o ^

publicly th a t they a re ac- )lo to th e ir constituencies from they s o lid and receive co n - . ■ris no~less Uian they a re uc-

Rev. W illiam Lumpkin of :. Va.. . a -m e m b e r of the itionJsaid,_liThere’s e between the church and ;allons.-but-thcrcls-senalU :dly_ angers of therti." _40-miIiion 'm ernCer "Nallonul I of Churches of C hrist plons lo -

conference on the electric in m id-February to discuss its on rcllHlon and how the tnidi-

ounselfoi•YORK-— ■■Dlrectionsj'*-the

ews religious-cultural series, n the new decade wilh conver- ' w ith leading lay and religious 3 In a four-part series entitled, cl for the E ighties." issador-Sol Linowitz, Presl- Iflrter-'ft—amhassadocTflt-lflrge d le-E ast-negotiationsrw lll-bc“ st on the first program in the

C hildcare Is provided fo

i ^ ^ s s e m S l v o f

____ ^TWIN FALLS— T he^q. C hristian education clossc

te 9:45 fi.m. eilch Sunday. Pa speaking In the 10:45 a.

— — hour. ■ (g . . . .A ll chUdren ages 4^th

Invited to a t ^ d '-‘Sonsi 5i puppet ministiY for chll 1} d u ring the m orning worshi, }. W ednesday is "Fam ily I _ fo r_ e y .e ry .m e m b e to L U ie .Ia It R an g e rs for boys, Misslo g C h ris t 's Am bassadors fo r ' a^rTTift-Bjjeaiangiimhc-HoiySpi

- . F o r m ore information o 733-8733_________________

f T ' l J n i t c d M e t h i

T W n fF A L li-T h iB ls C Is-— th e F lrsrtM ted-M ethodist-' 7 T he sacram en t of Holy « . c e leb ra ted and a scrvice oi

w ill be held.------- T -^ ieJuB loM ndSenlo tU i!

— will h av e a bowling party i 6:30 p .m . on Sunday.

,f--------Scrip tu re - re a d in g - f o r -r r -C B ro s ir a -S T lB n rM d -S la i

I F i r s t C h r i s t i a

— ^ T W iN -P A iJ iS :7 - : :F t^ ^ r " Sunday~~S(J}(»r classcs fd

. worship s e r v l e t a re held-i t . a ry for adults and in the>-scbaol and Juniotuig— ■- R adio *sta thm-Kti!X-131< 'r,-,?;! jm om lng worship serv ice a t

S tm day a t 7 p .m .- th e ( J P ro e ram fo rth ech lJd rcn w l r— '“ A sem in a r called *"Wa] 1 T es tam en t" will be held ei i from 9 a ;m . to fi p .m . For n I In fonnation contact the chui

} ■■ T W l N F i ^ - ' t t e E p l i i- -Ascension will be celebratln ■ ' ' a ch ll(& ^ 's service <I _ L ig h ts ." I n J ^ I n g with the r In a txm t th e 4 th cerituiv) ol t -Dayg of Chii«tmas_a»dln]

January 5. 1&S0

...-------------------------- -;ions Orthodox, b ut resta ted a i th e — in -the-V aticnn -dec lQ ri

Kung, is one of the key t

lited ^ ^ de it ' It- is also issue that )rity -''-C atholic .and Lutherai>>» L o ld _ w estl« L w |th .ln -th c frj3 f:______ tlonedxllaloguc_________

th a t^ -^ n - th e lr -T c p o r to n - th o •oup theologians said while i lolic view It - a s the mosi -o f— theologian-quesH on-sci Bgin two faiths, it certiiiiily Wi clcs m ost c o n tro v e rs iS .. '- rr:......: And_thnt Is perhapi!-clh£ the gra s s roots level i

i g m

i a . The Rev. W illlam 'T^^ tile , a ss is ta n t genera l^ sect lus- com m iiriicatio ii^ias 'a lre ; ons T lear he is concerned abouute evangelists. ___ |

"W hat, w orries' me uIk I of activ ity Is not the finaneia Ion— th e -b ig -b u s in e s s -aspec

all” ~mc Is w hether th is e lectn nip . is in fact pulling people aw.• to local church." •-------------lar “Sour uranes — tha t's wl0£__ these com plaints .nre ;ill n

• '* D r. Ben A rm strong , iflll d irec to r .o f - th e NaTiunalrto__Broa'dcasten>,-a-tradc-assac- aooTV 'and radio preachci am ducers. —o n -. “ They c an 't accept the f. uc- a re so-successfu l, so-th

dow nurade us." said A n "of P i^ tiy te r la n pastor who < the E lectric Church “ as sin )cn ligiousoutreach into the m( [>.se He said. “ My .feeling is liv people who criticize it shou

would help them do-l>etl( ffiil— p r o v e — n rem b e r s h I p- - ' i to - churches." rlc Dr. M artin E. M arty, a its r e s p e c t^ religious autho

ortfreEigh e se r ie s ra ir ln g -S u n d a y o n es. Television Network. Lino er- ' fo rm er chairm an of the

d irecto rs of the Jewish 1 ?d, Sem inary of Amcrlca.

The se rie s of half-hour si- will d iscuss ethical moral ace— optlohsJoHJheJSBOs.onSja be opportunities and danger he ap p ea r to -four outslandin

led for all of these activities N .op a rtlc lpa te in them ._________ o

he^qrst-Assembly-of-God's-----wJosses for a ll ages begin a t . r l y. P asJo^F ^ger Loy will be— • 45 a .'m .-m orning worship w- I ........ ......................... .................. \f4^through 4th g rade a re gl

Sonshino In n ," a ' Unique ‘ children, which- Is held •

orshiphour. /nlly N ight" w ith activities 'Lhe.Iam iiyJndudingJloyal_____lissionettes for girls, and si 5 for youth. P as to r Loy willlySplrit^-------------------------------- 15ion o r transportation , call y.

thodist.v-,--------[sis C w m u n ib n Sunday atjdistChurch-ofTw ln F a lls r— TC loly Communion will be r ice of dedication and hope st

Q ^A il<sB fethodisl-¥oulh— ^ I'rty o t th e Bowlndrbme a t - “ -R

- f o r - S un d av = w lH -rb e -i - J i Matthew-18:15-20—

tian ba.

irst-Christian-C hurch-has n !s for every ag e groii'p R

leld-in the'<^urch-sanctu- - • - le p'rtma'iy departm en t for - ‘ Y>ocage groups.—-------— — wi:-13lO-wm.b'roadoaBt.the.;— re c e a tl:iO p .m . . . ththe Orbiting wlth-.Christ-- - a r cn will resum e. th"WalK, tlitxjugh the Old gu ^ d e t th e chuivh Jan . 12 ='or registration and m ore . \) ichuixhofflce. ’

i E ^ l s c < ^ C hurch of the tra t l n g ^ E piphany with E r ^vlMcallea ‘^The'Feast o f“ !*»U»eoldtradill.Qnit>efiun___7 ) ofxe leb ra tlng Twelve Su

:w lth the, special dl«

■ • J

CT - -'- " -'d a nJrc in fo rced . coiigrej Qrutlon--Hgainst - • While ;y olK tac|cs that - • theran--------------- :------------cum plLv□I U S: Roman iu«:Jiol«rs-hiivo— j m c l a l l y : s a n i £ z : ^ ^

G ^ p c FIho-; Issue, th e se— a fflm rl c they did not gospel lost im portant papal sc p a ra tln g -th e— o rd lnatt was am ong the rr: I t waj

i-cvcn trocr'-dt"': tion ofI of the local chu rch.’

me r m t t u

r o r e T N C C C - s - ^ h u r c h - ecce ta ry for churches Iready m ade It ; “ r ” Thc E )out electronic by peopl

religious aljout all this monthly elal succcss'of,- h >ecls~of - th is— Lutheran 'Wlint .wonics ' ’But'^ I rtronlc-church Church I: away from the com plete------------------------ l lB io n ;^i what most of roll[«lnn' l~nl)n[it." said

ex ec iitlv e re lig io n - iial-Relfgious — only - fal asso c la tio n -o f^k n o w s:'* - hcrs and pro- • iiobert:— - ------ such gripe fact tha t ue. -you do. yc -thc>" t r j - t o - — He add Armstrong, a th is Is ChiioHeiiiic^s tnc--------"We“ cRsimply a re- churches, m edia," . . .s a id , notl is that these 32.000 ca

iou ld Jo in churches litter and Im- _ -O u r Ji J T iii-rr Jc su sC h r

we have fi . a nationally Yet it t ;hority and a lion. Mari he Unlversitv - ' few p lusc

j h t i e s ^ Q

'o n - the~7iBC— religious l inowilz. is the H e rb e r the board of WashingtiII Theological all four, pr

se rie s airl lur program s O th e r s ll and religius ap {»aron 1 exam in e th e .• R e ^ ^ers a s they P ro teS an ding ja^^nnd F a irfa x


...•'.Twfil/th ■ D ay " , Know M anifestation and comn: of the M agi to Bethlehei

_lricorporates_speclal.m u _ s e n lo r - c h a l i s ,- c h i ld ^ ’g -candleirgh tihg-and-a-spc -w hlch-a-ring-lsT htddenr' . r in g will furnish nex t year- 'T he-pagean t, schedule

will include Holy E uchari~bv a children’s pa'rtV ai

g reen s," closing the Chris

C h r i s t i a n S c

— TW1NFALLS-—T h e iit Sunday a t the Christian I “ God ." Sunday school ar

15oth a l II a.m . Sunday a r the church .,-T h e R eading Room isoi

M onday through Saturda)

- ^ R ' d e n 7 th-riaED EN - ' ‘The Eden“ i

TChurch w lll~ b e study R om ans” today In Sabbot s tud ies will be studied i m onths of 1980.

■~“Tfic first lesson for this ■Rcjichcs1lome"TUid Iffba;

JER O M E - T he first S begin w ilh the Sunday sc a .m ., w ith d a s ^ for all a

U tioT nrfnm liyiw orship 'sc R ay W right, will ^ “

At 7 p.m.*in-the evening Y ea rC d cb ra llo n " preseni will be.::an.anlliolofiy_of;l

-recorded-m uale-and-visui the ending of one year

-ano therrw ilh all the reail the context of the Chrl guidance and love.

W e n d e l l P r e !

f tE N D E L L ^ .T h e Rev Tjreaeh-SundaK -at-tho-ft- se rv ices nt thcW endeU C hurch. This w eek 's£ p be8 iansi:iS -23 ___

Sunday school for all age _ JQ ie .G ood-N ew s3ean w Sunday a t the B ryson boi discussion and fu n .'. . ' ’

- • V------------- t ;

gregatlbn. ‘ - /hile-the Rom an Catholic and ran theologians did not cxpi i plL'tt; ugreeniunt un tlie issue; 3 a convergence toward v ■h t is caHed th e ‘■Indefectibllity c h u rc h — W e 'tru s t th'at'G od p-thcn;nurcn~ 'ln~thc-tniih of j ^ l —^ -a n 'd - th a t Catholics m r t h e “ 3upreme-fluthorlty of pel and consider conclllar al infallibility a s being £ In a tc to lt;" ---------------------- —

w as. however, precisely the of Ih e " "Indefectlbllity-of

-ch." that the Vatican condcmi

ch—m ay—shorl-clrcult—regul. :hes.(ie 'E icctrlc;cnurch 'ls:support! eople who arc attracted to ous leader, send io weekly ‘ hly checks and proy for tl !," h e wrote in a recent a rtic le.•ran S tandard .-------------------- —ut ’ b<iyoiiU m is. t im - Kluutr 2h Is-fostering In our mldst- ilclely p riv a te •Invisible r

luutL. ' T-hi»-Hnvjstl>

d-contemporar-yH^ivaMo-ehuri on — and church religion Is tl - fa ith th e - New - Tesrum ei

3orlson. who has heard pleni g ripes, said, “No m atte r whi 0 . you a re going to have critics. a d d e d r 'T h in s n ’ro u r networl > Christ's.e don’t compete wltn tne loc; :hes, we work with them ." 1 noting CBN referred more Uw I callers and viewers to loc; hes nationwide last year, j r Job Is^to m akc people sc Chrisi;‘’‘hesaid , " If they see u

,ve failed.’-’ . -------- . __It not a black-and-whllc que:

Marty concedcs therojnay.J»p ) the E lectric-Churcl

airsorr^l3Us leaders of our times:— 'b e r t K ap low , ABC N eu Ington correspondent, will ho: ir.p rogram s in the “ Directions airing on succossive Sundays,

cr e s t s and the dates they wl r on “ D irections” aro: evl D r. Martin M arty, a Icadln slan t w nter-pHTrossinreranyti: ax M. C one D lstingulshc

nown a.*!: •.Epiphany-, ,or im m em oratlng the comingeh cm ,'lh c F east of LIfUits__-muslC-l3y_lhe-Junior-: S a __•en’s~,pageant'ry , ' sy mbolic___

E m rT he;pcrsD n-gcttlng 'ihe~year.’s cake.-;------ -- ---------- -duled for-io . a .m .-Sunday, -- -. iharist andjwill bejfollowed y_and.'Jfie.!rremovJng th t» • Christmas season.-------------—

S c i e n c e

ie iitleofthelesson= serm on— lan Science Church will be j1 and church se rvices a re y an a a p ,m . Wcariesday a f ^

is open from noorilo4 p.m; - - rday. j

A H v P n t i s t

en Seventh-dav A dventist. :udylng ^'R5<icmptlon In bbath school. T his se ries of led during'Hlje fTrst th ree ' '

■ i s week Is ' ‘C lirlstlan lty"^" ffbased on R om ans l :l-7.~"“

■st Sunday of the 1980s will ly school m eeting a t 10:30 all ages. The them e Jo r the lp -:sc i:v lc^^T )^U ie3 lev“ e “ A F a ith for a New

nlng there-w lir be-'‘A -N cvrr- se n te d In the sanctuary . I f • " .o f i th e a p o k e n -^ hL-w lth - risuaJ-^fecS ^O T ideb ra tc— ?ar ond th e beginning o f - - realltles o f iife , set-withln C hristian faith in God's. .

r e s i j y t e r i a n

Rev. F ranc is Ho m e r will B -» -an d -iu a .r i i^ w o r« h lp -^ dell U nited P rcsby te rtan ’fl sc rip tu re ■ lesson Is .

:age3 l8 a t9 :4 5 a .m . ' r s wlU m oet-from 4-6 p'.ni.—I home, fo r a Bible s t u ^


in its declaration orand Lu..........At Icast one-Lulexpress ' the intcrfalth diJ su e rd id — G eorgrL-indbeck^ d w hat School, expressed s JIlty’’ of He singled out ;od will - ' c edu res-used aga 1 of the— c h lc rc n u se -o rc o r fcs~ can ' applaUdfl“ Kifnlps~' y of .the— djcatIoa.ln-sayiog-J: o r and church and f l ^ t th( g sub- him . ‘

- ............Catholic-Luthcranithe no- - Rev. R lchardJohn i of the It w a s '“ cncourag!n

lem ncd decided rem ain in tl

egulac— ertson-conccdes the Icss-than-scrupulous

port? .d ir:achcrsr-----------------to a . . ." W e rejoice Uiat

<ly o r -some. yel we dcplor ir the broadcasters . a r e -ic le in gifts.’-he sa id ;------—— ---------Foundcd-inJ9Cl.,Ccctric-— mm-Tcnraim-Unrrla Idst-a— tlon's-threc- reiigiou! e re- considered the mosI ^sible— iwhnleallyjickaiKcd-inost------- BuU ho othGr-lwp-hureJi— PT b—'Fclevlsion-Ne Is the Charlotte, N.C., anc iment Trinity Broadcastir------------ Tustin7Culir-=-anrg,Plenty CBN’s p rogram s ai what radio stations. 130

lies." s ta tions. 4,000 cc work, syste ih^and arcTScai

as well a s 24 other for jpcai “c ^ t r a l and South ,

." he and the F a r East.: than p t l - -w hose local Bakker, formerly woi

has grown from a sli e see world p rescncerP T l eeu-s, c a rried by 200 com n------cable-stationa_and.ti

ques- Latin American natioLhp a -------TheTrinlty networlmrch. - ca rried on U U Rstatl

^Oirectio. Service P ro fe sso ra t I

N ew s Chicago Divinity Sch( 1 host • P r o f e s s o r J a :Ions", Cameron of St. Ml( ays, Toronto, Conada, wl y w lll C a tho lic phllosoph

le c tu re r—Jan . 20. ' ”adlng------ • Rev. Jim m y- AlTd‘thc-~past-p'residcnt-of-the( ished Convention, the lari ■ . denom lnatlonjn the U — I "C o u n se llo r IhTTE

duced In cooperatidi tionar Council of Cht Catholic Conference Theological Sem inary Uie Southern B ap tiste

g ^ ^

— B I B U - 1

i n z - - ^ Y o u r - R e a s <

i ' ~ S e r v i o

^ i i r ^ I ^ S u n d o y atjQ::- - K A R T iw o H

J— j — e o m m u

c I o n G ro rid v

11:0; t _ . I X .

L-------- , - A C h u r c l N ^ — flJ I o f th a » ■ ■ - T a»tom «nt

r-^ ■ gurnimumimmtm“ T f ^ R R S T= n z i B z z e i t t S h D s h o n a :

1 R SUNDAY ) ■ «r49-ai>Ul(Kool«NurM>r , ■ l«;J0-A4,ltW6fihlp........L_____ll_iO:Mj.Ch<l*«t.JChvrrt__;--------- 1 --------

^ 1) «p<nVAikttCkl>IUxtt.<n9.

>"7:— '~Ty~w TH|>JKojw ' . ■ - ' P 7pm.C><urihW*fflb*'>thipa

I TWIN I.... :“v - "2n: , S U N D A V ^ H O q i

EvangelicalB i b l l o a l r : _

M i s s i o n a r y

7 ' D O I

' ■ - ' ' ' (

• A

nonKung._ , ,Lutheran-m em ber-of fearfi dialogue team . Dr. assoc_

Id support for Kung; w l^o mt the Vatican pro- But agatnsl-K im g a s h is" - shouliconcem -and-said -he— tinuec^s~"'Couragc- and de- ' Iwund

ithejudgm ent against look g

?nin-active-in-Romon— io o k - an reunion efforts, Uie minis! .hnN cuhuus-islosaid . .Catho iging" th a t Kung had -tcTO li in 'thechurch, shbulc

Iherc m ay l)e someous elcctrb«Ic~prc---------------

Jiat Jesus Is-u sin g ------------r-jlorc instances when,-e~ misusing God’s


ious-nctw orks.' It-is— lost inho.vatlve -jind£Clt------------- 'kvp.^-r.-.thc-s-ycuic'tild— >— ;------l^etwork—based—in----------- -i-and the G-year-old ^ # . ' sMng Network J n ^ * ^ T* giirrirng'ground. s a re c arried by 150 30 com m ercial T V

cafale.^ te le v ls lo n learned'Into C anada foreign countries in

[ii Amerlcti, A inca------------- -

;c presidentr—J im — worked wilh CBN - •I single stotion to a ' p r e p r o g r a m s are O l a m m ercial and 3'.'000d.transmilted_to_15____itlons, t w inwork’s program s are daughte tations the network Mablc-,<

' ■ liTSydhi . She !

o r r s ’ - ^High S

a t tlie U niversity of R ‘cksO Jc h o o l-J a n , 13. A fanJ a m e s M o n ro e M Ichod’s C dlege, on East!who ls_ a .R o m an ___ _____

opher. poe t _ and

Allen,- Im m ediate - 1 VheSoutJiern-Baptlst— 'f ------ u.largest P ro testan t i j - { ic U.S. — Ja n . 27... g iT ErglilIes'''ls pro- '3: ^ n j itidn with tho N a « - , | Churches; {fie U.S. %!nce, the' Jew ish i . a ry o f A m erica and 1 s t Convention. #

iO FSfam^^=^ ---------

a s 'o n a b l e

J : 3 0 A .M ___ HB K C .Ie rn n s ----------1 : '

ridvlav/ D rlv» - Sou th o f M ag

— SERVICES —9USA.M ,Blbl« School - ]

n:OOA.M.Wor»hlpSorvl<:o I - ;00 P.M. FomllyGotpol Hour

><naiAMiiY-7io^ ,Chol :ZZZ- - f l :00 P;Mr BIblo Study

i f C H R I ^ Wn t t S t U i L i r i a M i N i A n

" G o (

..................... 73S.I0SJ......... /34.J7I0

iip c i« i, ' .r,..-.:73» .io ji - D r...-----------

IFAIiSlREFORMEII I 4 th A v« h u » E a t t^ w

, (on the park)

\ ^ W 6 « H T R E R V IC E “ * _____ WiOOAM.

L _ : _ f : a / n / / y OrJBPlate O N A L D N IE N H U IS ,P

“ Lutherans will be understandably earful, of .(i-rc.vlval of everything issociatcd with the- word ’Inquisl-

vithout foundation."But Neuhaus said the incident

houJd-not d e te r Christiana from cbh ' ' " inued-cfforts-to-definc-tbe-com m on— oundariesQ ftheirshared faith. ------ ;—

ust a few y ears ago, he urged people» k —beynd—liany—p acU cu la t_ad------lin is tra tive action" s o 'th a t Roman Jatholic-Luthcran rclallons “ b ^ de- srm lned-by-w hat rsVrlght'and' what hbuld be struggled for."


4 a b i e c a l l e d

> n m i s s i o n

?W INT^AIXS“ - B ^ty—Mabre— ; ig h te r of Mr. and M rs. H oward Lee i ible'^ f Twin- F alls, wiU. y r y e an

JydheyTAiBfralia] T' iie !wUl en te r . the ..M lsslonary ilning-Center_in-Brovo._Utah^on-^— D.7.- • - ■ ,lab le graduated from Twin Falls ^ School in ISTS'and attended .:ks College for one y e a r ............ ............. .L fa rew d l testim onial will be held 1.20 a t 3 p .m . In the LDS 7th Ward- Eastland D rive .'

j E c h S T I -

S e r m o n : ___

" G o d ' s G r a c i o u s S

P l a n " . J . - - - - . - . . Is a u l i- fto n T iS - i r ^

. .. M a t t h e w 2 : 1 - 1 2 t E p h e s i a n s 3 — l .— '

— A n n u a l M e e t i n g — f '— ^r - r r r -----» ---- ^C tarch Scfiool. -. - . . 9:30A.M ; - i -


Los P o to rso n • *~1|'1 708 H eyburn A vo. E.

; , t i a n - e h u r c h —

W ag lcV Q lU y H o ip ltd j ..

S s ^ - - C r e d e n t i a l s : - ! - -

' ^ C h r i s t " I___

" — P c t f o r ! * -; • I -

H e r a l d H o s k e l l |

r | . i i ^ y ^ « l « i ^ A w a I t i Y o u I J

- N ^ c B u r C h ' * ! -a n X S r iD ____ 7 a a .o o n q _ ^

G o d C a r e s f o r Y o u "

■ ^ T J o R n ^ T 9 7 l b - -

— :— M lf H s te r i—D r . EJ W e s t o h S c b t t

e CHURCH IT t w l n F d l U -------Iff:______ EVENINGWORSHIPrcE----------—

C h r i s t C e n t e r s d S p l r i t t e d —

•ated_____, . F r i M ! i | l ) L . _ .3 , P A S T O R . . . „

- - H O M E ~734H ta6i'' ^

Page 7: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

Cass-------- "ByB EN M cK EL^........... ......:____■TlniegtNfiws.wr------------- BURLBY-— ‘Some“C«

low-lncome residents arc----------theoulcom eof-a-federal-

of C assia M emorial Kbsp A federal govem m er

w hether the hosplialTsrvl lotions th a t require a cei

---------- of free* m edical c a re foinow th ree months overdu

But If the hospital cc rev ised federal regul monthi_tficiquestion m a point.

_________ The Cherry H ill Coallt-----------com plilntB -ogalnst-the-

-------- M arch, c la im ing the.hosm et its obligations unde Hlll-BurtonAcL

T he U .S .'D epartraent ( — 1 ■ H um an Services, t ^ n h

............D epartm ent of-HealtH;and W elfare, sen t Hug r pgtonnl proRramr:cQi

— HHS^ u b i r c H ealth-Sei............. tUc. ioJnspectuiehosplffi

Although federal re{

- . T

t ' #

______________ - I ....... - J

' . _ . ~ .. ' - I

R « lJ lll» ilid n -B an y l-i

~ — 8 ^ V e a r - d e fq p r 6

------------------ By-BONNIE BAIRD.: " Tlmes-Newswili

TWIN-FALLS — Not n a rg u e governm ental p r tim e, but eight years?

reach the final constnictii _____. a . new U.S. Arm y Reserv

:_____ : jV nd-W ith-the- rcscrvc;m ove ink> the building a

■ .TWIN FALLS - Local ' ■ " b ^ a l f of the rerelectlon.o:

F ran k Church of Idaho wl] the direction of Paula Hollll

’ D em ocratic -Centrar'.C m em bers m eeting—iticr?

has a c c e p t^ the l o ^ of th e Church com m ittee, office r Id the Idaho Natlo

— . _ a n d an active-m em ber;O ip cniocratlc party.

' . Etomocra tlc P a r ty mei — j t t f o o i a u ^ ' g -a ca n d l ^ ti

Radicrs~ TWIN FALLS - A 1

' .'statfonTs u rging lls llstem .ito th e Ayatollah Khomeln ta n t Iran ian students hold CJM» hostages In Iran.

. ‘i t ’s - a chance for p e — = * ^ 'm e tW n g r* -B a !d T W y ^ „ g ram d lrec to ro fK E E P ro i------------- T he stationtfi announccn

th a t le tte rs calling for the--------- ^ th e -h b s tag es-b e -ad d ro s i

• ataUori, w hich wUl then foi -to th e headquarters of tJ

— iA 66ocla»ohi_of:j_Broadc

siaM<BLWAY------ ;t;— =qu ire " a T u l

e-Cassla- County— in itia l -com J a re still w aiting h ea rd noth jra llnvestlga tion— Sherm anrfffospltal-----------------Actlon-Ageiiment ruling on the group, tsrviolfltinffregip— "F red Scl1 certo tn a m o u n r - C assia Mer2 fo r the poor Is h a s receive !jrdue.^ _cftn3pllanc0 ll com piles with tions withc cg u la tlo n s th is la tio n so rp rm ay b e_ a .m o o t _ T h e c o a lil

p lta lw asv lipalltlonJiled-tw o— by.:------------the-hospitaU last------i-FalHng-hospltal had not about4hc-H

inder the federal hospital;• Failing

ent of Health, and b ills for emc cn itnown a s the ■ > W riting alth, Educotlon, legitim ate Hugh Campbell, w ithout regj 1 consu ltan t... fQr__liy.for.Hlllt£ i-Servlce in 'Scat- * Falling

regulations re- stUutlng a f

w l

p s ® :j

S rh itz g c ra ld m a k e s - f io a l ad ]

i r e r i B r g p ^ r i s l s T o i

S M SR D JO N E S____Fa lls Clty-Ciw rtte r- town, the bi lot m any people m ay prove to

pro jects take o f th c p la n t.I. ...... easiest-ond -

t h n t tnltpn tn hCOting 0 b(r i - fired fumaci

winFfllls. compaijrves-about- to - B ataH lon- hi Ig a t the Twin F alls, said ct

_________ \_______ •

fcchamszfljcal efforts on - th e hope of I in .of U.STSen. ’ 1S80 election D will be under commltmcnti Rnifieia, . C an d id a tell'*,Com m ittee W ednesday : fiOTsffay-nigni- ::ptospca& bin

1 chairm anship- d inner to be 1: Itee. She is an P a trick ’s Da. lational G uard activities a t ti ^r:<>r :UloJ.«.q». o th e r Item

• . _ ___ Ing census Jim em bers ' a re — M arge Slot(

ijTHfyiOta'trh in— county-com r

Station ccA local radio Washington, ' iteners to w rite le tte rs will p r nelni and mill- a Natloiiol 1 holding AmerU . b u t t le plane

occupied U.S people to do -.T ariosaid .

T y ^ a r io . ' pro------- <PBi>to-flald-P radio station., m ay believe icers a re a s k in g _ lo -convince. r the re lease of -c a u so is lu sU iro sM d ^ to - th c . J.'But the m< n forward them thn t America Df the National— the-m ore It 1 sadcasttfrs In th,elr s tand,”

[emoripublic rep5rt on th e -m a tte r—

be m onths from th e^a te^ f-th e— ro m p la ln tr 'th c -co a ltllo irh u r— lothing, according to Roger nrffSouth C entral Community— igency-employee who asslBts -p, \ ______Schfoss, adm rnlstrat(5f~at ■

Memorial, said the hosp ita l. . lived a le tte r urging-general—nee with Hlll-Burton regula:___ithout listing specific vio- r problem area's.lalltion charged thatiheJiosr-__3 violating federal regulations,

Ing-to.-post-adequate-notlces— ■ c-Hlll-Burton.program In the___

ing to enclose such notices in jm ergency room services:Ing off uncollected_bill8_as___te uncom pensated services -egard to the debtor’s eliglbil- illtBurtonasslstance:__. . . . . ing to provide Hlll-Burton ell^

a flyer which referred low-


- -

-'pj • . ------r-

I, -~ y '

a d ju s tm e n ts o n th ea ic -co n d ii

j y n l d - p r o u e : c o s t l p

ffFbuilly-County A l ^ r t muW of (j, > building's Heating system p e to be a v e ry expensive part nt. E ight y ears ago one of the ^ nd-least-costly methods-of- L_bjllI(llnB_5raS-W Lt!UliU!L,, nace. As a result, the new vlll be heated with oil.Pntlnrrt, ('IvlUnn tiv'hnlpinn ' ipany D., 32lst Engineer’s fi - headquartered—in—Twin' d changes in the oil situation a

of f f l i in g ^ e ir ballot in the s tions Sul- have no definite Jicnts. , . . -_______ NiOte c o m m itte e re p o r ts ly night Indicated several-Knihoro-work t e n d e d . —------\mrejOfldg,for a fMnd r a l n g ^ ^ be held, probably around St. “ Day, lo help finance party °-

a t the local level. , “toms discussed indudcd.flll- n IS Jobs for the 1S80 census, w )lottcn, c h a lm a n of the p >mmlttce.-sal(napplicJition3-'-rn

)n. D.C.. F rom there the liiI p r o b a b l i ^ loaded aboard thII Broadcasting Companyme and taken directly to the ^ U.S. em bassy in Tehran,

Dt4)ld-the-m illU nt-«tudantfi— ve th a t they a re beginning n, ico-A m ericans . .th a t ..tho lr____1SL_. .......... _5 m ore m all Iheyget to 'show ^ rica doesn’t feel th a t way,It is likely to-break-dow n— »

id," he said . “ The bottom - "

^ l i me r— income- patients- to tlie ie — C hurch-and-the-Casala Coi

er • Failing to Inform pat ty— they~nroy~be~eirgIBIe r t t s - p e n s a t e d services.

Schloss said the complain at Trrelevont because a -ne q1 . . Hlll-Burton r e l a t i o n s tcq1— Jan . 1- — ---------------n- "T he thing tha t’s m ateria0- going to get w tir ih e progr

present tim o," Schloss sa lsr-— i^and-we a r c ^ , • - - • IS. "T haL other pile of garl------ had-asTegulatlons-beforerni!s— liv ingby It becouse'nobodyl u!— ltw asaU -about;m icsald.

The new regulations cont In tially the sam e posting a

requirem ents, however, ociIS__ M arkZ uckerm an ,-aJo rm ei!S assis tan the Cherry Hill1- who helped draw up (Ti(___ com plaints._______________I: P assed in 1946, the Hill-E 3=— 'fe q a i r e r r r r s —h o sp ira is -t

desiffnnlMl nmniint of fn

o n d itlo n in q s y s te m in th e ne«

tip'.--------- --------

f f l l l l( developed faster_ th_an the b ‘ progress.

Some questions have arl: f- _ the U.S. govem m enfS appe; I conservation a t the sam e tin — federal buildlng-isiicated b y t

•’Unfortunately it Is true, w 1 • us lng 'oll," P ollard said, "b u tJ have a lol d rcholcer'------------r - H e-sa id there~ is“ no nal 1 available a | the new locn

■ *■-' ________

n a m e d —"} should be m ade now os miij( • Jobs a re e x p ec ted 'to b<r :

M arch,

[ the F riday night m eeting — F a lls qn~Drotectlon'Df.lhgSna , Aquifer from toxic chem = ^ d ln n e r meetlng^l3=3chedulcd

a t the Red Lion Feb. 9. Th annual Je ffe rson -Jackson sponsored by the s ta te cen t

■ m ittee. T here will also be le workshops In the aftcm oon'i

! p a rty m em bers a re expc I port Iclpa te.-—

etters^—lin c .ls getting Lhoso people th e re ."

T arlo s ^ l i n appeal for let be broadcast a t least twice a The cam p a ig n 'Is p a rt of j program , T ario explained. T

— iSTirBti ig Its iiiumbe rb ta tluiis ' the letters.

T h e 'p la h to forw ard the ^ cam eabout-after th e Iranians

In W ashington,-D,C.', ^nno i

. addedi. _____

S L e s ti<jie Mormon duced-rate. County Com- free const

patients that re ceived for uncom- em m ent. B

------------ — Cassia Me:Dints a rc now hospital-i6-< ;n ew set _of_-provide ?74

took effect "1980;— Campbell

ria l Is a re we s ays action 3gram a f th e aelayedTxs said, adding, busy w ritir_____• new regulat■arbage they ' ’B u teven 1 frnobody wns“ non^difipHi lyTinewwhat ernrherit h a

■ he said. Tl sntain essenr would have ; and notice court to for according to -fo r-th a t-th ( ncE. r e s e a rc h -c a s a - ln -w l 111 Coqlltlon eligible for (Tie original th a t care_____________ c h an ce_ to11-Burton Act assistance.; IL) >ivc a . Zuckerm t free or re- vestlgatlon]


^ [ - - - ■ ■

le w A rm y R e se rv e C eni

S e i f s j: t;uilding‘s electricity I

subje'C l“ ro jrlscn over scarcities as peal for oil > ' ’ The centej tim e a new - cost In excei

I. we wiil be T he a ir i 3ut we don’t . dossroo rhs.

'spacci.kilch ' laturiil gas all reserve tcatlon. and_ also storage

lalor-census r flllecTby--------

R o b b i

jm lcals, A _ _ P O rt« J a ' cd^ln=Boise= ^ f lu a o n E c : This Is the He said on d inner thein tra l com- h ad been i I legislative He said n 'ah d local w ithheld | <pected to preparing

the termli

S he s a id :------------------------ ttg flln cd i•---------^ ^ — -------- Munn-aj

■ volved. H<.................. h ead b u tdpie out of ‘ The incl


r s : Taxvc' “" .N A B T W lN f. T hs NAB „ „ v ld c tlllllUM llldl---------fv iT A lv i

. p .m . a t th the le tte rs Tax p n inem bassy recentch: nounced it ' ‘VITA v nail,-T arlo-------- ^ d e r ly a i

-- (-■'

igatiorate.m edical c a re In re turn for onstructlon g ran ts or low Ibulldlng-fundloanatheyhave-

rtTs'ecause of tho federal aid Memorial has received, the

l-is-obllgqted under the act to I 574,028 worth of

)b e ll,- th e federal inspectorr :tlon_onJrtls Investigation wos n>ecauseTils dep'artment wos rltlng and Implementing the[ulations,------------------------------ven If H H S^nds theliospltaHn- ftpllahce.' the f ^ e r a t gov- t h a s no enforcem ent powers.1. The Cherry Hill Coalition lave to. take the .hospital to I force the issue, he said, and :-they-w ould-need-a-speci(lc- i-w hlch a -p e rso n who wos for free c a re was billed (or

ire without being given a - t o -apply (or. Hill-Burton- ice.‘rm an-C 8JJed-ihe-/ederal-jn- ;lon procedure a ‘'sham ,"

— V


• . .

i ^ n te r a t J o s l in F ie ld which

ty is also very costly, os ~To~~pricc~chDiTge5~~nnd~ :saso ll.‘h ten 'o rlglnSlly 'csliriiated (o xcess of $800,000, Is expected

a irp o r t ■'facility includes irhs, adm inistra tion office'l l c h l in l i ie in t l^ t t i r ^ a c e :ro r - rve unit activities. Thqre Is -age spacc foe the un it's I eavy

a g g S g :b b e ty b e in g c h e c k e[ n FALLS - Sheriff Jam es r8-wcfeTgoptinuing:the=dnvBs i arm ed robbery F riday wil ncc.— . . . - -sa id about 7:20 p .m . Thursday the Twin F alls Clty-County A een robbed. . . sa id the woman, whose Identit eld pending further Investlgatl ring to get Into her ca r In the rm lnal building. She sold she u

lid sho w as knocked unconsclo iiK ln iJ ia ttousncsike iD iM ga; in-dld_noLjelease_lhe_araouj 1. He said the w om an suffered t )Ut did not require hospltallzatli incident apparenU y occurred

: volunteer trainingIN FALLS - The Internal Revi de tra in ing to V olunteer In'romi \)~ ^ lu n te c rso n JanT l, lo.'isb: ittheY F C A .c practitioners who are Interes it (Ganges In tax law arc Invited ’A voluhtw rs provlde'free lax ly and thedisadvantaged.-------

'■ __=_________ J______

>ii-Ees1 for , Sherm an says toe 30-i low.' . tlon Is now lobklnglnto tave-'*-of o-lawsult agalnst-thol?ovj____ ThouRhJiieEC-has.beaid word from HHS, SI the - Campbell’s report to th

:t to of Health Facilities Ce.in__HyattsvilIe..M di. suppi

tlon’s charges. Sherri toti— report, which hoobtalm wos Freedom _of In(oj;mql wos ; commends IR orC assla the told to follow a step-b;

iHn-— with-Hlll-Burton regulat ;ov- Sherm ansaldheJiope ers. new regulations, impl lion .. Hyattsvlile office will [ l o . backlog of com plaints a and Issue-a decision.:i(lc------ inN ovem lxjrtin rcoalwos new-complnints which (or the hospital also vloii

I a regulations by not pos -ton— UUl-Bucton—notices -

. advertising the. dollar -in— J980-uncompensated a

These two actions wer

. ,j


--------•. ----------

,_____________ Bob DfUthmu

hich h as b e e n p la n n e d 'e lg h

g a t Z Ifls trucks. Jeeps a n d 'o i l

AbouL the ond of Jan i-r-— serve-unlt-will-move froi

building on U.S. HIghwi Twin F alls, to Joslin F lel<

Pollard said the new 1 ics will be m ade availab le t 'Ice' tary organizations for n for-speclal-activitiesr-Thcne > Is located a t the southeasi ivy airport building area,

k ed T times M unn.sald hisovosUBatlon“of-n re^------

without much new ■ Th^ ' .- - - • - ^ v a lu

ty Airport to-say she

entity wHs still being Igallon, said she was a"?, the parking lot near-

he was grabbed fromd-with a hard object.-------- iV lis^lous and when she By..was gone . : " ■ ■ ,

Izatfbn.- -. - TvTcd about 7 p.m .. he signi

■ - - ' T

Hevenue Service will' deve rome Tax Assistance parti 15 and 17 from 7 to 1 0 Tii

resollereslcd in reviewing - adm 'Ited to attend. ' ' Colax assistance to the>— -w att

_______________ So(urdpy, Janu

m k s - t30-member coall- days befoi

ntoTthTpossIbllity effect. She ho hospital— ^ . — -The<!oal i. liaau n o -o llld a l— ih c s ^ o n ,

Shcnnnn soys complaint: > the HHS Bureau 5 Coinpllancc in advertise ipports the coali- ijon, Schh erm an soys the will soon h, alncd through lhe_ - -. matlon Act, re-is i r M e r o o r r a r b e - iP ^ ”p-by-step plan to deadline.

Illations ' ^

tlplemented. the Spanish Is will process Its porcent oi ts and eventually Cassia ant

' ,-have-4hai !oalUibirfiia'tW ^SP^*^'3^'® F ich charged tha t Bul-afte /lolated the new the signs, posting bilingual correction s -a n d —b y - no t hospitals ;ar am olint-of-lls— slgns..^d i } ca re obligation, hospital i were required GO added.

— Ml dr<

________ _______ freed-Fri)■ dropped cl

^nlam nerri............... ...... C assia—

________________ torneyJVLof the char Roy Hollo case had

_____________ prellm inaty ----- Thursdayr

N assar w .....................■ courtr

The-dcc was reach In Hollowo

N assar I in Albuque

----------- — t;iia r t’L‘tn n- -m urder- i:

'Z— Mahmond, M anasser;

shot to del---------------------------- storer-Thc

,_ -....„ , . . . - -N orbert.B m ain in extradltior

' B arrus” ! N assar wa

•>. although hcharges,

------'T don’tknow if. chance, an

---------------have-the-«__________fa c le c a s^

me proscc . . d e n t evldt— ::------ held,-------

:— — "Thore"W2 • • that didn’t

• _ II would,"

ig h t y e a r s . D u rin e l

nesses |^a( 7 ' ' Dw.'. O'irot

---------------------------- f*issar-wa;-------- :------- ------------- B H rrusi Into tlnext two <

-----------------------------------;^iL'fcstii----------------------------have some

olher m ilitary have c x tn—■-------- :--------------- r^ id r -a d d lnJanuary the re- against lh( fro m ltsp re se n t— m ntsa jtrla hway 30 ea s t of • He addedycld._____________ to b a r the!w building also nary hearli le to other mill- ' against th r m eetings ond pre-trial p rn e w bulld lng is— chnnge=of= east end of the could trlpli

ducting the

Transmission stole-T W tN -T AI:?^ - - BuTRlars- :»an6m ls3 |ona^ulldbig--mt^.3 'hu rsday night ond m ode off 'aluedal$30a,■TwfirPidls-Pdlfccwre'contaT f AATCO Transm issions Frld ound th e building had been bn u rg la rs apparently forced theii nd also cu t a fence In back of t chicle ihrough and load up the I

No-decision»^orth<TWIN FALLS - County and i

'riday noon.lft'd lscuss-som ir ro b iem r buH heyfalted to re a d Twin F alls County has .adc

Ignating the boundaries of the 1 T ipad andproviding for admini As m any of the boundaries

oadways to allow property ow ie roadw ays the sam e opporti evelopment, many propertle: a ^ y out of the im pact a re a . , T h e question the city and coi csolve now Is how these spilt dm lnlstered.Com m issioner Ann Cover i

m ltin^ fo r additional InformaU hen-ailoimeys.

'anuary ___Timo8-N ow a, 1

t a f d y ^before’the new regulations took' ' :I, S hcrm ansa ld .T • •-coailtl6a.l&.w^lIii]e.ftl[:. word on -co m p la ln tra s 'w d i: A ftU m re lalnts w ere reported in the South> -P re s s ,__th e h o sp iu l— did----------tise Its 1980 Hill-Burton obllga- Schloas-says Gasala-Memorlol >on have bllinKunI notices, too.

hospital received tho special '6h-EngIlshJlgnsJn-tim eJor-lhe______ine. Schloss said, but threwnut because a letter from HHS______hey were required only'ln hospl- 3caT«JMn-Bj;'seryleo-:areaHwhore:=r=r-r sh Is the prfmary.language of 10 nt or more of the populalion.a and Minidoka counties d o - n o t ------4 h a L -h ig h _ a percentage of

sh-9peak!ngpedpW.-hc said.--------- -------after the stoff hod d i s p o ^ of ilgns, the hospital received a ctlon from HHS which said allta ls . m ust.-now—post - bilingual_____.-Schloss-said;. A ccordin^y, the tal will o rder new signs, he 1. ------- ---


ropued-F riday -a fte r-(h e -p ro secu tio n —= ; led charges that he co-consplred

nerritfBurley^ - - —sia_ C o u n ty _ Prosecuting At-y'JU-Bam is.askedJor.dlsm lssal-------- :charges a fte r M agistrate Judge

Holloway ruled a prim a facie had not been-established, The illnary hearing, which began tdavi-wns nailed to determ lne.lf ir w;ould ^ t i ^ In d fstnci

^dcd slo n -to drop the charges . _cached a fte r a two-hour sessionlowoy's chaml> r Is one of three men arrestedluquerque. N,M „ last month andua with efinspirucy 10 commiter- in - th e - d e a th -o f-W a le e d .' -.iOBd,'25; and his fathcr'Y ousef....... ...ssera, 73,-.The. two were found . — 6 death in the ir Burley clothing -T he-tw o-rem ain lng-suspects;— — •rt .Bumell and Hasan’ A lI.Te-" '

in A lbuquerque aw a itin gJltion. ----------ru s-adm ittcd -the-case aga in st--------ir w as the weakest of the th ree,' igh he did not rule out refilinge s , ___ __________________________ilon'l know \vhcn, and i don’t

if. but there Is certainly a e, and it would depend on- if we the-evldence to-haye-a prim a . rase:''' In a prelim inary hearing.?C5CCiitron“ha'rTO"5now-tf-suffi5---------evidence exists for a td a l to be

e-w as-som c-o’f-the-tcstim ony---------Idn't develop as we understood jid ," he said. He dw lincd to •ate, saying he could not conv-_ '

ing Thursday’s hearing, B arrustestimony from severa l—wit-_____5 i^aced N assar in T ^in V a lls on

rwas'InBurley:*'**---------------------- —ruS ^flid W d w isT h o tijx p cc t'to ---------ito the sam e problem w ith t h e -------:wo cases. -S;:StHl=far.=fromrovcr,~wc”Still iom ejnvestlgatlng lo d o ra nd wc _ extradition to go through," he • ‘ iddlngJio-bdleved the evidence =it the rem aining suspects w a r --------ajtrlal.— “— 'idded he will again ask the court

the press from those prgllml- icarlngs. "This is not'a vendetta it the p ress," he said, "but_ial p u b lic lt^^o u ld lead to_ a ____e=or=venber-and-such-a-m ove---------trip le the county’s cosl of con-- g th e lr la ls ."


c off wilh a transmission

bnta?:iedi5>'-'Wes Pflitcr3on-T= — Friday m orning when he ; n broken Into. He said the their way Into the building

k of the building to drive a I the transm ission,

■thcomingrz------r— ------- -and d ty officials m et heren rn rtln a t-a rea -o f-lm p act----------------reach anyctmoiusions;— r ; adopted orillnances de- _. r the Twin F alls city a rea of Im inlstratlon of thejirea, arics a re se t back from y owners on both sides of iportunlles for zoning andertles .a rc partly in 'a n d _____-a. , _______d c o u n t^ ^ f ld a ls want to spilt p roperties should be

/e r said both sides a re m atlon and guidance f r o m --------------

iwa. Twin Falfa, lt3aHp A-7_____________

Page 8: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

R a n k


Thc-FBl-aa ' ' robbery of a Soulh

m ay h av e been the I bank Job ever, but

---------- ap paren tly—m issed-■ ta rge t.------

"T hey k n e w a lo— a n d w hat they were

Lake County Shcril_______l^ Ih c y -u s o d -a -g la.......... th rough a bank wli

-------- both w earing old sui— - —when-they-surprliM ;- - a rriv ing for work.”- — The mosked robb-

be a m an and wom ■ ~ en te red Uie Comn

Bank F riday morr-----------m a n a g e i^ n d - te l le r

h ad fl list Idenlifylni

Z Ofe^n Z^smokef

PORTLAND. Ore. consolidate the use i In fighting forest f ir

. fo re s ts -o f OreRon. -■^^^^^^-wereaimouncedTrrc

“ T hese flctJons to----------as-soon-as-posslbie-i-----------o f copj«refisional dir

ou r beits In foresl'fll suppression and a ':

-------------- BURLEY-------Burl----------- hns-baick«l“o f f " ^

• firm to Investigate := ;g := ^ c p a r t o gn L— ...—

niif it iifiii . Invcsflga tlS io f the dt

--------- ;— S aid— M ay o c_ C h' T hursday , “ We a re g

— - - -the-JnvB sirgation~w . ._ I lm ita tlo n s .”-H c-sa lc

been se t on the price I w illing to p ay for the -what form it would tal

—~ -----R U P E R T — Rupe

win to h ire a prlvc• m onth ly tests on- th

AqiUfCT-tb tra c e cher ac llv c contents. -

R upert M ayor W,P. • / ' • sa id te s ts are-now -n_______ th e ls ta te but that.U:

Inform ed of the rei___ would _ t«__inf{ran«

■ ro d lo B c tiv i ty —h a d exceeded to lerance le'

“ We w an t com plel _______ aig ,resu lts ,"sald.W hl

-------- R a y EwitiQ Cl~ ■ • - PAUL - Ray Ew

■ - Poul. tiled Friday o n a l Hospital due 10 Inju

~ .'^rvlccsjjirenw m j---------------- ^..announced hy-H ons___________aUBCCL___________

A m y J u n e T h■ - T WIN -

= = ; = ^ tad-Doc raitfaFTOm_______ b rie f lllnesa. -

She was------------ — ChauU uqua.C ounty, ,

moved to F ile r In 1914------------------ ^In-I3l9.'-Aftcnnflrrylr:------------------ ie i7rB he lived-for-fnni

. Falls . A fter Mr. B eer c

= l .z8 SRICHFIELD - Serv:

. . . Sllyoy, 82, ol Rlchllcld—:--------------- n c sd a y ^ llL b c held oL^

th e Richfield Americi M ilitary grovcaldo rite tho Richfield Ccrneier

------------------c a ll e_ £ k rg ln _ E u---------------- SfioifioRcoirdaySuiiaa-------------------1& 2 t>-W- M 6ttM yi------------------ Legion Hall.------- -------

OAKLEY - Scrvic


E the l Jones and Alice Honglond of Wendell; ondA

Jo n Sjogren and Eva Sore

___________A »on to M r. and Mrs. Lon


Daniel Munoz. Wallaeo B 'T riadden of Pau l; &


• A l l ^ Je /f nn d ^O o rn er ' M orrisohof Hcyburh.

t *A io n to M r.a n d U n .C ) is -------- M rrandM rB .C «H T iy lorof:

■__! :S u m M jb .S a o d n * o a .O a

~ r B a rttn ofr . B n m t t i f l Q u d a oC-Heybi

r c _ O U M H o |w o lP « u » .

------------A-6 T im os-N ow s. Twi

s^rohbers >utfi S alt”r .LAKE C IT Y .-rU tah_and c l 31-aaj^ thfrinethodical— worke k)ulli'Salt Lake bank. TTle the b est p lanned U tah womei but the two robbers lo J7S

ssed -th c li—prtnclpal— f l^ 'I n and~sli

a lot about the bank F B Isa vere doing,” sa id S alt rad io icrlff Pcto-H ayw ard. . officer'g la s s - c u t te r - to 'R c t-------How

window.. They w ere robber d suits and ski m asks arm on )rl.%d ilK rem pldyc^ tb ma> k.” • • th lnklr•obbors — thought lo • bank,- r voman — apparently But t om m erclal Security *lheobJ' nom lng. before the Polic ellers-an iv ed r-T h ey — fonft'fl fylng each em ployee h jsh cd

mTWasKiWcsjumperem3re. ( U P I ) - S te p s to by the use of sm okejum pers resourc t fires in the national R egion ion. and .Washington Worthli T r rd a y ^« to be Implemented Worti b le-are-anoutgrow th— deslgnc I direction to tighten efficlen sl'fIr<rprotcctlon-am L_JncJ)ui 1 a 'susbsqucn t study ofsm 'ol

Burley-C ity Council------ The"]■orTKlrTng ii p riva te ' 'o v e r th ^ate the city wa te r w a te r |

-C h u ck —S had d u ck — councllr ire going to continue th e depi l~wHhln“ bO T getary '~ o ther IH- said no ceU lng .had .. .A t_thi

■Ice the city would be H enden the Investigation, o r under o d tak e . d ering h

Tt wantslu p ert Cily"Councn” g rap h s ' irlvate firm to run wells u n - th e Snake R iv e r" system . chcmlcnl nnH rnrtin- trpnrfg i

pollutio:AT.R-i-BIU" WhiUpm— an d can iw-run q u a rte r ly by '■'O'flroble I t .th e c ity . Is .nover Whitt<

re su ltin g 'd a ta ; It p rccdut r a c d _ o n ly _ J t_ tb e — o tm in d h a d ' r e a c h e d o r don 't an relevel. In o lp lete accounting of council: .Whittom. "W e w ant . • ,R e t/

fefltM aiDC l a r k ------ — SamuelEwlnB"Ciark. M, ol

yolMlnldokoMemorl.I Injuries received In on r «_-

T hom pson-----Amy-June-Boer— Shew

TO<w4wpiUtt-aftet-a:.— un tro w

i " ^ p T ~ 9 r 'T w .~ i i r A n ^ ^ ^Ity, Kan. The family idahn lit 1914 and Bouth of Buhl , ‘ rrylng Horry BwrTn '"■</OmC■ mnny-yeora In Tvvin----- SHOSlieer died, she married. _ Stockton,

Services for Nona E. Rose Poiillcld..who dlcd-Wcd:____IbMSdayd o^2_p.m^OTday_at____In.lho Oallerleon Legion Hall. will be In > rites will be held In may coll nciery. Friends moy nftcmoorrt Funeral.Chapcl-ot___cKurchorunday.~aind from noon ^ay Ul \M Kicnnera---------B tm a-------------------------------- :Mana-L«

--------Dec, eSr^rvlccs for Juanllo todajt^lr

INO'C^ljNTY MEMORIAL'---------Admitted

Mice Fnilt, both of Houennon; indMrs. Lorenzo Bollar of Shoshone,

DIsmlsted.Sorensen, both of Gooding,

Births. LoreocoBollarof Shoshone,


ICO Baker, and Shtiley Seir.-all of f in i:> ^ io Staley, of Huperl; Joy Sivenffof Declo.—— ;------- ■:-----------


Blithi'. Charles Holes ot Burley and a dau£ jrofDecIo:" - ......................... - - -

Admitted '. Gene Mix. and Ermii Brim, of R

. .Dtem aod .M i ^ r l t a Hendrix of R

toybuni; Doris Bellegonlo of Rupei

. Twin Fall3. Idaho Soiu fdoy , j

s le sca p e^t”L a k e1 _chc.cketl off_each. tiam tLas.thc 1 Kun» camclhrOQ'KinHirft'Sflt flat Tie p a ir locked the em ployees li m en’s restroom , took about'SSO.i j7s,ooo_fcom_thc_bank_vaujt.-ii 3 in t e l l e r ’s c a r Ju s t befpre pol r s h e r lf f ’s deputies moved in, 1 I s a id the robbers also h ad a pol lio scanner and apparen tly kn ce rs were <»i the w av— i. .. lowever. Txjtw ecn the tim e t b e rs fled and police arrived, lo red truck pgllcd up nt the ba S ak e its daily delivery. Office iklng the robbers w ere still In t ik,-moved the truck 'aw ay. — ut the robbers w ere long gone a ob jec t of a sta tew ide search, o lice tried lo phone into the ba: 'Ift'OVe Ufan one hour and'ffHSi le d the two-story building.

igiofrpW f^msoUdaHonh e F o rest Service of tire fightir lurces throughout the W est,” sa llonal F o re s te r ’ H ,E, “ Dich •thingto n ._____________________

orthington said tho actions wei gned -to save-m oneyand lrrfp iwJlency in th is aspec t of fire figh i3Ut will not de-emphaslze the ro m okeju^pers;---------- ---------------

rtinjoiixejie:prpblem -nros<izlniN avcm b<• th e questionable re lease of cil ?r pipe lo a- Boise firm . In D< tter,--the^^^cotmcil=«narSmotJSld {o,.rctoin a p rlv fltg_ fian_ i S llg d te i lh e .w f l ie f dcpartm eh ; m ove cam e a fte r outgoln cllm an-Jim -H enderson-indlcate Jepartm ent have have conducte r lUegul actions, - -the-WedncsdayrnlghtTttVcctirij,lerson ra ised the issue agai r old business, p rio r lo su rrer ig h ls se a t.

; to see Wim s estab lished on each ol tn r s i s used to pum p w ater Into oi em. Then w e’ll know w hether an d s .n r p riPVAlfiplnfj — nt^ fhf»m ir; Itlon a s well a s the radioactivllj can dcal-wltlj i t before lljjecom c

___ •■••••'litlom said the m easu re w as oni au tionary . “ IfshOTlJdT5rffcr"peac Ind to thcciU ienry .-'-hosaid . "W t an tic ipa te any problem s, ”

Olher action Wednesday Ih c il: -detained-city -departm ont-head

n f e g =lucl Thompson In 1P54. Tlicy moved WclTdovcr’ u io n . .w n cre W rT mpson died In 1960. Slncc thot time had mnjle h e r hom e with he r son a t 0. “ . . irvivors Includc he r son. M.L. Beer; c^grnndchlldrcn;'. n «i«iipr,TC McKlbbcn 61 n icrrnm hm ieeer-

•Wiis ruiw.Ki i>y Mia, .Miumpyjii's- ints. Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Piercc. e w as prccedcd In death bv her nl«.-twoTlnfttnt-dauj^ter3.-irs!stcr—tnresuronnFRr • - . • --------- ■jm orlaiscnrlccsiuonxhcld *t.R4mo.- m em orials m ay be sent to the

0 H eart/\sso tin tlon a t Boise: -

n iceB eitia • ------t)SHONE“ Jamee-Bellin. 22rof“ :lon. Calif., died- Tuesday .a t -

Port, 83, o f Oakicy. who died iday. will be held aU fl-m -M onday— Oakley.LDS.Slfike Center, Burial—

e lnU ieO ak leyC em ete ry .F riends .. call a t U»c Payne Chapd Sunday w on and evening, ond o t Uie h ono hour p rio r to thcservicea.

l^LEY Jilu n v ila ! M rvlues (or • i-L ow o.-a7^of-B urley..'w ho. dled_. ^ r3 ^ ih b © -c o n d u c lo d -a t-3 p.m .. _ - 'In 'X iX h -B u rley Presbyterian

I T % ^ =Sons to Mr. and Ml

an; Bessie . RonoIdG orclaofH e; one,

. . . M /

Mrs. Coty Sprengi McKaln, Darlee J^a

; Mrs. u irry Af Hoagc and Rogeena Rao Bo

— — :_ - l_ - R 0lftfs6n: M rarnS?of-B urley :----- D auba--of i Burley;ySm iui-Br— t3iwnopnec=MicMa--------— F i le r rE v e re tt Lawtc

M rs, D arrell R. Hollourd 'M aH ii— -------------- . ■

M rs. J im Boden or_ ______ Mrfl. Wesley J. Glenlaughter to Tw in F a lls ; Dojiglas- - -------------- Mrs.- Lynden D. Osbc----------------- and daugh te r o t Han

d o o d m a n T b ^ 'o f 'J e F lo res J r . , bothofBul

a fR u p c r t- •A Bon W M r.-an d i

if Rupert; daughers to Mr. and iipert; ond and M rs. U n y Mai

■" G orc lao fJe rom efan i

— f— — — ^

ly, January 5. 1S80 e 14 - — i l flftdf. , . • ees In a ' ^ x

S _ 4 N e ^in. Tho SANTA F E . N,M:

a police m o re inm ates recapt y knew e s tJ a i ib r e a k a l th c N = r— — P eniten tia ry -w ere ai Tie the on escap e and conspir k'cd, an The four, Harm on ic .bank— a « L G a rd a .-J e s s Ic J r fflcers, rell Stelly. w ere ai 1 in th e Dis tr ic t Judge Harl B;

A rraignm ent for )n e o n d ' m ates , two of whom I. - in - Idaho - la s t we le bank'ffnoTIjT------------- ----------- r ---------

1 BOISE ( U P D - l d t-------- Ju d g e M arlon Callis

i ^ y n dered Sunshine Mini Irt t Sta te an em ^oyee whc

Sunshine had bcei United S teelw orkers G

Dick . i ts local union on b<-------------- em p io y ro -R lch ard <------------e ag e r in Ihe cOmp5 were Idaho m ine_________nprove P e te rson ’s supervis '■ fight' asleep on the Job In he role quently fired him . An

Ed±5ESmcm beiiZ lZ SK iidducK ialllheT n of c ity d iscussed under new

noosly— b ecan se - ir in v o lv e d nrm_ lQ _ dMlfijons. __

H enderson sa id ,-“ 1‘ Icritcd Ic ty o u sw ee p i tu n d e r t lucled A fte r- th e new -cou

Do m an and Ja m e s P «tiriri, r e -o lc c te d -co u n c ili again M essley and W alter 1 jrren - sw orn in, and Hendei

I quished h is sea l, he r

cater quam rstr^ iH heiy-f^ tie ton tpoiil'tlo i to our • R etained the leg e r any Goodm an, Duff and Ch »mical - th ftlr-iytnlncr.from tivily to $1,100;comes_____5 ^ te r e d _ in to _ a n a

__G alley Construction,iS only th e c ity 's sew er lagoon peace" “ paym entfOra'rBil'ratioi I. "Wo . •-Acccplcd.. o n - th lr

o rd inance setting proc Y the na tiv e s and referendt

cedu res becom e effecli heads— nolle©next w eek;--------

aved ■ • Jnckson. Collf.. of Injuries an autom obile Occident,

tim e She w as bom July 3 )n a t Pocatello, She was the dau;

and Mrs, Lec-Beltia, who cer; Shoshone. Stic attendc<cUlc------Bchools, - D e lta - Ju n io rleep-------6tocktonr~waa.pqat_<tueen•BlHt;------ GlrlsTTincnjclonKCd-To-uiiwn*s------Churrtr---------------------r—jjpj. ___ Survivors ..lndude..her.-

pno w h o Is in G rc cc e ,________Ihc Services will’ be held o t :

ncsday o t BerginrFuneral i_____ F a th e r John Tulk offlclntina________be In Shoshon a C e m e te ry ^. of call a t the ctiopcl Tuesdoj

a t - -llm eofserv icesW cdnesdoy;

led Church, The fom ilysuggcstitoy------- to tho M arla Lowe Seholorsrial--------c a ro —of—(he—Burley—P iD ds----- C h iix k -----------------------------lay 7Ihe V&t^DELL - Services________E A ton^^L W endcll. wtwi

nesdoy. will be held a t l i o.----- the 'W endell M ethodlal-eni

lled_. .will be ln.lhc_WendeU-Ccji•m-------- faflilly suggests m em orials Iion Jdlstchurch,

Birthsmd M rs. Don Wilkinson of Burley ond ofHeybum .


jrenger. Mrs. Dovid Loughmlller, N e Jean T y n e r . Ponn J . Hansen. Dai :iodges, viva Glodyse Hoys, Robert £ ao Bolton, aU of Twin Fa lls ; R lcky£ i L -O n -y F. J rn ta n of K lm bcfly ;-^ rtey ; J a m te -rB la lr-M cC rea ry of

Lawtotrtif W endd lrnnd Dorothy M,H olIon .bo lh 'o fB uhl.............. . .

Dismissed len and son, M rs. K orol MOfl, Cecil 1

Glenn, and M rs. C. Alan Larson oi 9iglas Kent Weeks, M rs. Rlehord Ca . Osboroo and son ; a ll of K lm beriy; 7j=Hyggn^;«f«nP<rftld.Dftvidioajiao f^e rom e; Showna Lorri Walden a of Buhl; and Mr*. Donald O. J inks of 1

Blrlhaand Mr*. Stephen J . SompcI o'f -Twl

■. and M rs. David U ughm lU er of Tw y Mangon of Shoshone, Mr. and Mi t«r and Mr. and Mrs. D a n ^ R . KoUor

5w -M esfUPI) — Four post]

nptured in the iarg- atlor; New Mexicp State. Th ! nrroJgned-Friday— Richipiracy charges. N orton Lee E llis, Rich- MexIiJTruJIlio an d D ar- .Sami

arraigned before d ay f1 Byrd. E hr three other In- Institm w ere recaptured the tweek, h a s - b e e n tine t

mner^oIdaho U.S. D istrict, early Ulster F V ld ay o r-— causi inlng Co. to rein- em o l vho was fired when memi

cen sued by the P e te r ■s of A m erican and a pun

behalf, of form er Tht I G.“ P e te rso n r5 i v relnsl npany’s northern ‘ requl,_____ _____________ th a n -•vlsors found him _ term i In 1978 and su b se - ' r e tu n \n a rb itra to r ruled Peti

de^nccaje!m all(y:w 6ula.bg_ -iigaln w business (a f te r ' Ing. .

d-new rbtidgeiary— scssio

•T m not Eolng to=r.,ho.n,B.:^----------

ro u nc ilm onr'D alc : a ‘ "shP arker, and the fo rth i

: i im e n ,- L e m a n — CouT Petersen , w ere electederson had relin- a s mie raised the issue town^

ility tes\Unn-iT' ~ ...... ... .......* Hilegal counsel of ordlna Chisholm, raising lionlni

em plo>_afireemcnl with____n, contractor on _ i " •on^yslem. on.the .B°ven Lion; ~ tlon-orh lrd -read ln g an rocedures for Ini- WWt ndums. The pro- C lark Clive upon-public who w

C c

f a iles sustained In______ ^

30. 1957, Ot ylaughter of Mr, CALIfho grew up at slaying ded Stockton T roy V r Colloge -at - k l l l i n r en ol Rainbow ■ T he Ca -u i( r t? i5CTpin— '‘= W r d ^'------- ----------- :----------T fre ier.-panaits of--, .-source

lfK ^ a h,Swan, " Z l ia td - i^-------------------- ------- J j w # ) *otzp .m . Wed- through ol Chapel with S o llL sl

t'^frlcnds may- - -NoUrse day, and until _ aM caslioy.--r - - 't r a v ^ e t___________ slaying.

n fm e d ’w ith V a

____________ Vancthomc.n<

-------------- T)6(in'sh(D ,U m cm orl.l,______

» s for Foeth ' ’JEROArhn rili^ W< . . flRRnmhll o.m. today ot • an offi<

Ccmetery_Thc--------w llh -a rJlslo thcJWeth-_____ Lake__

I The cl------- " « r r y a

not moi flccordii

---------------------- No co------ — “ F rederli

snd Mr. and Mrs.* C o n

- In a a dustry o radioacti

•, MIchoel Kevin - w as inc David R. Allred, dustry p rt Dean Boeppie, s e n fa lm ^£meryWcW)of C lure ot

— sentatlvc of Costleford; 'pfj

;l]L,G»ll«ySr,.• andSMVflllof will p c rfCorpenter, eveiiing -Mrs.-Zcb Bell

nnd-lflnlp«->xi« -SlU W O ^n and Jesse Joe - , Tno rfflofFruiUond. d:30 a .m .

- AUdltodurwln Falls, and p r o ^ m .TwIn'FaUs. Mr.' ' th a t th e siMrs. F ruik R. school of

UonoIBahl— w n ilK im

3 d € p 4 n ixistponcd until next week, the i itlo m ey ’so fficesaid .

T he two men captured ih tic irant*C hnpm an, 20, an3"V 'Jorush, 29, w ere returned li »lexico Thursday. The other Ini lam uel M ascarenas. recaplur lay following the escape, •

E leven Inm ates escaped frc nstitutlon Dec. 9 by sawing II he b a rs of their ceilblbck. th( Inc through n wire fence surroi

oriy la s t y e ^ r th a t “ good and | ause» ex is ted " for"d lscipllnlr"_i,Caiilstcr--wroiii_ lem orandum decision Frida;

e te rso n 's em ploym ent was loo punishm ent, .T he a rb itra to r ordered .Simsh

iIn 3 ta te ;P e te rson ,.bu t.thcco r jqu lred th e w orker to pay bacli ian-S3,000 already p a i d T O rm ln a tio n benefits before he !tum to work.Pe te rson refused to pay bac

mncilfssijm T ontinroarefnH irm isiu

in o h a l i in f ie a B a s is r -'.'.L._ ; The new council decided to m' m r29^t-the suggestlom jfParli ••shlrt:sIecve-scssion” -lo se t' r th e c o m in g y e a r .- C ouncilm an- Leonard King ected president of the council i m ayor when Shadduck i s '< w n ^ - ......................

st results♦-Hgarri- U ip -f lra r rMdln-g « dlnance setting procedure for ining su rp lus c ity property


* '-D ecIded-to-send-a-lelter-ti verrior supporting him for his n-on-injectlon of radioactive > o jlie aquifcr.VWttijm sw ore in council m en irk CoTne^on and June DomI0 w e re re tu rned to office Ir

C a ld w e l l— a t a l j n a y b e iy h i t m a n -lALDWELL <U PI) - The . /in g of Caldwell business ly Vance J r , 42. w as-o-<onl ing T irran g ed -an d p a ld fo rlo c L ^A iilftslU ieaaJJilbum Lrecfldayr:^------- ---------------------—TO-p-apia r r&poTtKi tn a tf l,r f iiirce sa id -“ Troy Viuice died al

i-iU va6-W d>thd.4no{w y-roF

)ugh a connection now llvln;:L akeC ity .--------. - ------- .--------a fly o n ^ o u n ly _ S h e rlff„ .G e< irse declined com m ontrburhe' e a s t one o lher invetlgalor 1; r^ e d ^ o -S n ir t m te City iiirtce ;lng. Previously. Nourse < le d ’th e trip s w ere “IiT connec1 V ance 's m urder.ance 's body was found in his rc ie n e a rC a ld w e llJu n e 2 7 . He il*b t]*Iiil'6 larik-In theheud U IS w llh h is .327 revolver.

l a r g e s f i r a ^ ^

SROME — One co iiil of unla>

officer h a s been filed aga

i- a n - in c id c n U J a n .- l-a t-W lle__________________________ie c h a rg es a r c m isdem eanors. y a fine^of not m ore than S330 m ore , than six monlhs In J

) rd in g . lo .-Gene - F rederick!iiiiu cu un ty prosecutof. -------) con rt d a te has yet been : le r lc k s e n u ld . ...............

) r r e c t i o na alory F riday about trout

ry opposition to the dumping )actlve w astes in the aquifer

Incorrectly reported that 7 people_w |ll m eet -with »»p ilives of U.S. Sen. Jam es R i on -M onday—In d u s tiy rep itives-wUl-meet-in^enrMcGlur yQ U ic^w ilh .jepreseh tatlucft. u r Idaho congressm en.— ^ —

ROME — TTie U tah Nympho: perform heTB Jan... 14 w ith . ng c o n c e ^ a t 8 p .m . and c o n c e r t 'J a n .- l5 -e*peclally -f

im l5 J< o n c« rt will be glv?n j.m . In 'U ie J w m e High Schc ortum , consisting of a 50-minu am . C o n t r ^ to earlie r repot he s tuden t concert would be frc 1 offic ia ls say a sm all .chi^i Bm ade; ' , — ' y - -

u n i t e s Ithe d is tric t the institution.'

All except fi Ih Idaho. and»Ellia.w ere:

ia"W ililam d ays of the ir cs fd to New tion. Still a t lai r Inm ate is who is believedptured .lhe_F e,a re fl.^______

C hapm an an I from the m ay face char*: Ig i h r o u ^ ra p e In the abd . then cut- wom an, w ere c jr ro u n d in g - . Idaho, a week a

d ^ l a s jind p r o ^ r money' and, as i lin ing^ thcr— allowed tcrre tun

riday, but s ta te P e t e r i n '

5 loo harsh , the em ployee bj — ' 22, 1979, th e dal

unshiniLlo— n rd c te d -L th o -< :-company_ Pe te rson back to back m ore. _• The federal Jut ( O l m ih ’[0 requ ire Peter

he could term ination beni to work, sayinj

back the m aking such a rc


^ ® * H 0 ± :r d a e n n I n a io n a j : -------- : --------in theS a lm on Di

^lldem ess.consii se t goals Idaho bureau

,, _ f i n ^ n s a f t FrlclM?V ^ ■ 'm an ag ed b y ihe

" S vlni of p lanning .area qi is ou t of ^ h lle 57,:. d ropped from fui 'slderation.

Buffingtoh-sai -ducted an “ acc inventory of the

_stolew Ide_sched ig - Of- nn - nosB-conslderatIt J for auc* Jn ifTipiementini erly and ' -------- —

er~t•h isp o si* . By DAVID\y^y^ste-................ Tlmes->

■ _ _ BOISE The Tiembers r d a h o ~ )o o k a T ■ >ombeck, hom ebuilders ant :e In the least another nl

------sentQtiv.cs ofm aiitold Idaho legislai

B ul by la te il__________In terest r a l ^ or

. 'd ro p , stfmulatlne new houses and industry which s

- I t i —those homes,-tho- dlcted, Theljctom;

“ ■ tiif'eB rly m eetlnj revenue projectioi

he Ju n e ” *6*’ Interest n s s m an '‘H’P I" “ i ' " " I" '" conlrm ;l-= ,s?‘'<’■locally— d lro c to r -^ f -o p e r r c D o r l ^ F o rest Industries

Off ao-p<iysoH5"Bi 'i’AiiftKiA ' ■(►uwmllIsrheadde< ^ r i h e 7B utV 6hhM npi= i tc in i’tw 'r '" wouli

— inten g t ro tes on-

iving in ■ ......... .....

G eorgerhe-and— ^ -------- 'or have[rtce the ’ P " --------^se con- A-:;;-__________inecrion ^

is ranch ]>hHe had ,< ^

ud three

iniawful -I'X-:

ag a in s t- s:-;-;— - .................mectloii— ------------------- a-Wilson ^ ----------- Alora^nd • ■an ■ A ™ aso andIn Jail ' - ,•Icksenr

en set. — .............. - —

o u t In- ^ ping of ^Jlfer i t . m la t In-

fsr-i----- "je p r e - ^

iphony " T h o C h a i

lS d “ 1 3 6 4 ,h A y e . l

ly - * r —: -jjATlotjAL^t;

P H O N E ^ ;School -------- -- • ^ninute ■ m m u i Qe ^e free , -iia rg e

,n. lot for Norush, Chapman al ■re recaplured-w lth ln .tw a_w i r escape from the Instltu* gt . la rg e Is William Smith, fo k-ed to have left the Santa . Sf_________ _ afand Norush. who also sa

larges of k idnapping nnd ; be Qbducllon of a California e cap tured a t Blackfoot, he •k ago by FB I acen ts and__ Sa

as a result, h a s hot bee’h tu rrrto the mine: • irdered-Sunshlne-to-reln— Ta on w ith h one full week thi n rh ls -o r te r r a n d - to p a y —2 back wages since Jan, *a« da le the a rb itra to r had

co m osnv __lo allow 1k to ---------------- a.iI judge, however, refused F r cterson lo pay back the for w neflts before returning coi /Ing Sunshine e rred in . wil a requirem ent. me

n o n c i i s t n ^ylanreleas

W meot-has Issued-final-------Qnajw.thc.araounLoUnnd__ .actJ D istrict In northeastern - - Jer w JU _l)c_deslgnated_foL_Rc) in sideratIon ._ ^ - stu eau directo r Bob’ Buf*_ sho ^ a y tha t 117,073 acres Bul the bureau In the Chains « a qualify for w lidcm ess 57,219 acres have been p |_ I fu rth er wilderness con- fjJj,

-said the bu reau -con- ^ ‘accelerated" intensive - n t the lond ahead of the

heduie_bccause__wilder:____-yi^tion&-need-t<U}e-mad«— the- itina _ lhe_C hallis.,arca d u r

e m a r k e tn iHD MORRISSEY uptis s - N e w s ^ te r AT he.housing . fu tu re_ in !. mat a . 'b le o k . f o r b o th prei and hom e buyers for al Hou ' nine montiis, repre- centnaior.timbec.compiinics__ Imnslators Thursday. indiJ 1980 and early 1981, - a t b . o n homo loans mny ting "both purchases of....._„ , 2nd the Idaho tim ber h supplies lum bec-fnr Iho-Hmber experts pre— om m enU w ere^nede-at-t— ^ ting of the legislative long :tion com m ittee. hou5it ra le s have coused a crop mber of housing s ta rts , In I hnson. the northwesl duripera llo n s-fo r-W lck cs------- t i■les. His firm has laid Colv 5 a i one of its Idaho - d l ^id ^ r r - ■ ^ ........... ■ - Conpredicted the dem and HI

on~home loans^ow n , w ifl iw lli go into 1981 on a n M d


■” LEWIS L E t ^

L J u e s t i o n“^ • “ IW lR e -B ^e n cT a r

'Upon n T y F a lf i^ s u se for his burial; 1 dledbefore-my-F^

QLnswe^--^-If-you o w ^ jh e In su ra t

_ ;p e o p le -n a rh e d as cor funcllon should you pre

If^your father dw hslH i contingent beneficiary ficiary after ,your dee physically or mentailj dea th , of naming a ber bec o m e an asse t of his

W hl a p e l b y t h e P a r k e rE .^ S T - T W I N F A I U ____ -


f ; : ■ ■ ----------

— lo c a rp o lic e rC h a p m a n -a m i-N o ru ^ ------a l ^ . w e r c ^ ccused^of kldnapi^ng a

grocery store p arking lo tD ec . 14 and forcing her to accom pany them ' to Spokane. Wash., wjierc she escaped a fle r being held for 10 days. Policc sald“ lhe~wom an w as-rap cd -w h lle

• belngheldcapttvo. 'Ellis was r e c M u i ^ Dec. 20 ofter

he had terrorized residents of the __ Santa F^a for alm ost two weeks,

j S t a t e t a x o f f i c e s _______

r p p e j j d F p r - t a x - j M ^

— B 0iSB -<-U PI-)= T he Id a h o -S ta fe ~ ^—Tax-C om m ission-offlces'throughout------

the s ta te '- h a v e -b c g u n providing—asfilstance-to-taxpayfira^duringjcgu.____ i.

la r business hours.

------Employee9-are-avfli!able-from'8:30_ a .m „ to -4:30-p.m-,-M onday-through------

F riday , to furnish taxpayers with form s' answ er quratldns ahd to verify computations, although employees

:wlll not p re p a h !■ taxpayers’ state­ments.

ct^Vdem ess ased-by-BtM—~

_ ac rq s , B o d d e r Creek a l 2,573 a c r e s r ____JefiV Peak a t 4’8,d0b ac re s and Je r iy ----------

._Rcak_W est_at.a3.000.-acres-w IlLbc______^ s tud ied fu rth e r.lo d c te m in e -if they

should be d « l ^ a l e d a s wilderness.------- ~Buffington said.

He said G arden Creek a t 14,415 acres. Centennial a l 8,014 acres. Lone P ine P ( ^ a t 26,840 acrcs and Hole-In-The-Rock a l 7,950 have-been dropped from further consideration becausc they don 't m eet wilderness criteria .

__ ^^Membecs.Dl.thcpublicjnay.protcst-the-burcatf9-w j|dem es3-designations-----------

during thenex t 30 days, he said.

m a y J m p r a v e -_uptun\jng rparket,^ he said,________________

A sim ilar assessm ent of the housingm arket cam e from . Tom Richards.______president of Idaho Forest industries.Housing s ta r ts have dropped 30 per­cent, R ichards said, adding. “The

.Im m ediate shortdeniu iu tloo lt for.our-----------industry m ust be classified a s bleak, a t best."

-.'■partially educated-'guess" th a t in­te rest ra le s would drop “ by the thirdq ua rte r of l ^ . " ' - ._ . .............

— Id ah o 's 'tim tw rlndusttyw illp ln tlic ------------long run ,'have a ^ w i h g dem and for houses, he said. “The bum per baby crops of the 1940s and th e 1950s will be In their p rim e home-bbying ages .duringH iel980s.'’ “ TTT----------'.' '

“ fcike-scntiments cam e from 'B ruoe-----------Colwell, vIcc presIj.MLffllJll!UlllIlba:_______division of Diamond International I

-CunK/mtlpn.—- - - .~ ' ~His company views the early p a r t of

^V g^~a-sth>ng~dftm ’rfnd-foV-hnuBln[r^^—- - and the products we prod u c e . " ___________

I c l ^ o f 'a r r in s u ra ^ c ^ ji ^ s life wiTlch Ih l n t e n d ' t o ^ r ~ irial; V^hat would happen if iy-F| itheF? ; ^ tz:

________ __________

i u r a n c e ~ p b l [ c ^ p o r r h ls fe ~ " ^ ~ ~

contingent beneficiaries to I pred e c e a se your Fathc 5 the policy h'e m ay lTaifie a r:iary now or ano ther bene- m death . Should he beco m e ’I ' l

Ually Incapable, after your ^ beneficiary the policy would m

f his es ta te . M

' ' '■

• -M -

Page 9: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

i P t i l a. . i_H PN O LU LU ;(U Pl)r^.Ev<

will probably be a speclator of th e pn> foptbal] scouts iiiiiy

i 'Tt^ls’wlll be'One of two be college p layers In the nation.

. . •'"The H ula Bowl probably

- - .......... .......... .Today-i12:30 p.m . — E ast

; " K M V T .C h .l l ' ' ;______ — Hula B owl.l

_ :group of h i^ y - r a tc d , pU :___ ;»nfthnrk«”^ nnrt Hpfpnslva-l_ scouts and one h e n

I1979 H elsm an Trophy winner

“Bruin shod

= ^ S k y l «___ Bjr LARRY H O ^ '

, Times-News sports wi _ T W J N ; FALLS - Aftei

cession o r-h e ro e s—junit------- -K rum m -took-over In thi

. seconds F riday night to I F o ils p ast Skyline 46-t4.

K rum m , a fte r turning , 'defensive play to cause a t h it four free throws — the t

- w ith th ree seconds left - down the surprise win ove a n d m uch ta lle r Grizzlies.

— ’-In a gam e of s tra tegy, c f a s t breaklng~and comci F a lls , had to com e from : e a r ly In the fourth quar

.while J im CrandflHTT^ir , ^ ' d K ruifim all had some

a nd pivotal spurts, it went____ ^ C o a c h John A storqula’s b

t ia m defensive win. >■

■;f' G§!gameAi

“ They all worked h a rd . ' <*ased the ball. They trli

----------^ ry th in g -w e -a s ked Uieni. defense to m ake it work, li believers righ t now," h

“ W e’y e g o t l ta lK o n T V tf__r u tak'e th a t hom e and re— _....... _

Astorqula said (he Im '• te n s iv e play was critical,

iv i ' “ H aving (&-3; 'lead ing I 'ld e y e .L c w J s .o n th e ir-b e

'•m o s t'o f the sccond half (u — ^Hfculs)-dldn.‘trh u rt“usTit~5

- ^almost the la s t half with foi ~ . v - ^ 'B u t t ^ thing th a t r ea ir__was"No.

.^^.^ie^Tlepl' m em In m e ganit S S lC U iO a M ln B = W 8 = ttlB

__ l,lfUffcEfint.deIcnseslo.try.lo.- off a nd couldn't, so.we.hod

..( 'the m an. But we always_ ,i,;keep th rw pe ip le around

. : -He’s so smoolhTHB'S'a flne _ h e s a ld ." - ----------- — in th e early going —a n d 1

' Urries In the la s t qua rte r - :.rlOie'nong“ rahge bombing" . .Crandall who w as mah

fo o te n like layups. In the 1; • ''^'-quifrter-ahd-second ^ r lo d

- . , . canned 10 o r h 1 ^ 2 pbiri “ . K rum m w as there a t the em

— v i-r-T w in -F a lls-never-lcd -b ...than th ree — and tha t ea

.r .w h lle~5kylinc had three s .: leS asT n tK no{e"U nfd an

fourth periods.. iiL iU uL the.pIvoL of-the.gam ; a f te r a tie o t 42 and Twin F

--------- tlie tml l-bacK wltl» !l :fl9-lt~ =3-B rulns-w asted-over-tw o-i

off thejclock before missing__; . five lo o te ro ff th eg la ss .___

Skyline got the ball ba< --------- l;57-lefl a nd b ecam e very <

Larry h

' f e r p----- g JT tfT N ’^AT.T^; - T h P n . iB I

m ind, thai ^BlfWeln A m erica but remalni

_tt® country. . . _____ _p ^ d e r ^ f r < 5

— flaCPDd:guewlnit o r gug^ilgn i — p la y e rt had to be cu t fron rS

^rtlbcing^triilnlng'rules on a trii '■There w as no discussion,” t

• facts cam e out, the decision waj ’ ’" In th is day and age, ” Dr. Ta

— Mt e th a r atWetlcs a t ro ’tihe-la!— I»-«ver going to tiave t l i e ^ I

aga in .”: “ OtbOT countries have thum l w ithout us doing anything, i t 's i

-- r - p r . T ay lo r noted this decay 11 In i i th t f a rea s , noUite churche

_ - ii» K o m e .ii iO T .a t tu n f id jo jh discipline (s only a sha

U l S t o i-Evca4houBh4oday^HuIa-B<}M a to r’s offensive delight, tho eye m ay be on the linemen.

0 bowls today featuring the toi ion. The o then is ihcShrlneBow l ibly h as onc of the i>est all-tlnii

ay-on-TV— —- —--------EastrW est Shrine Game.

wl.KTVX, Ch. 4______________

playcre, especially linemen ivc^t)acteiHZ6ai{ l.^n« -o f-th (r« here for the g a m e ..

nner Charles-W hite of DSC in thi

:k ■) ^ Y ...................•tsw rite 'r . .. . b | * J | j | ^ j ^ fte r a sue- Junior—G ary1 the. last 2 8 . '

to lift Twin

the clinchers — to

over the &-2

zv: coaching.------im ers. Twin.>m six down* quarter. But . ^taT s 'H o v cy -------


I's book a s n

ird. They oil ’ tried to do . |fieni to do ou------->rk. They’re I ^” he said. I H'V tape) and I nd r e v e l ln it I g

Inside de-

Ing scorer) ■ ■bcnch for-------

If (with four 'nt~Bll—A nd------rk le -p lay ed -------h four fouls.^ l l y h a di i r C a s p e r i Z m ^ ^ ^ ^ B'am e hitting — H i B i H Q

y io .cu lh im ____hod to go to . ays tried to )und Lewis.•fine player,-------

and a couplee r — It w a s . ate, looking insi ing ofT jim j lirst,.oMwo gair m aking 28 plays. Hovey go h e la te -first ~ pnss~ lnsldc~ w i srlod Hovey — pleted- m e stcjpblritST'And-----Tw lrT FallsW rie e n d . the com ers 0!d -by -m ore— fortune sm iled tt ea rile r - _____g lm L -M « lia iee six-point cou rt pass to ba: 1 'and oariy .jvos standing a

ting. Hovey gotgflmi» opTTiP-----hiTf-'tf-hnimpivI-'in F oils got sto rm ed Inside59-leftr^rhe------points;------- —w o-nilnutes----^ Ju s t 13 --set^ Ing a little Skyline players

r an t pass a n d l back with deflecthig the

ery dellber------p lay er to g IveT

; Hovey________

>81 presis no doubt w hatever In Dr.

'that dlscipllnd is a vanliihlhti- lalns perhaps the only hope of

i f :^ l le ® ^ ^ -S o u lh ‘e n rid a h o 7 • 8O T h rl»o r-thB t.--therc-ls no- Ion tha t th ree CSl basketball i i r th e - te a rh lost- m onth-after-i tr ip to U ta h . ------n,” the doc to rsays. “ When tho iw a s th e rc .”

T aylor continues. 'T m notso te-last-hope-forthlfr<ountiyJLlL=e dlSclpltnu' tO "l»com e-great—

lumbed the ir us so long it’s a trav esty ," he continued, a y in discipline Isv ery obvious r ^ e s have socriflced tenets to o jh e_ w lsh M of Uie people."I shadbw'oT what'U once mcanl]”

3 n e _ h £BOwr ' • w e a t-b ack fie ld ro r tho eyes S im s of Oklahoma In tl

they have to look atincl . '.N e b ra sk a tight end

• U SCoffensiveliner t t lL ■ UCLA cen te r Bfcht tim e ... .-N o rth Corollna Sti------ ----- Trophy wlnner.JIm Rlc:

__________• Purdue defensive 1!■ T exas defensive lin '* Oklahomo lineback Q uarterbacks will be

Malone of Arizonn Slat _ ofT cnnes!w ;ondM ork

- ------------- A crowd of 49,000 is 0Jmen,------ (ABC) game_iyhich kicli(r«3-------M S rro t Aloha Stadium

“ This is tho first tim . winners, beam ed M ac

03 of— -H uia-B ow lr-“ No-othei 1 the th a t.” _____________

B ru lh 'c e n te r JR ti M e rk le b afi

inside. Then cam e the * K ^ame-savlng defensive : ' . th'rt ’</ got up to deflect a lob Sky “ Where Merkle com- shoJ steal. With 1:10; left, : rc nwerinb-lhtrb-o^kel-ofl---------foul> offense and. dam e cahcd broadly:-------- Tl;ham-JflHfid_fl_£ffi5a______!nsi) baseline when Merkle_____ tro tg and Hovey was cut- the got a tiand on the ball A st’iv1-nn In Mi»Flf1p-whA--------het)side for the go-oheod' " thoi---------------------------------------- con«conds=:iateE;=ztvwt::-7i:_-_C ^crs went a f te r an er- pollid jfw m m :9p llt-them r,u i:^_ tho .he ball off a Skyline . . leat 0 Twin F alls the ball____;_____ Ix

sident s<3r. And D r. Taylor promise:

an a ne nopCS for m any ye o f . t>e the p rim ary facto r in ti

foT — ! T l W a ^ S I 5 ^ ^ i r e no— enoughtO s e e 'l f - t h a r p c all president and say 'a ro y ar— ienu rc , wants d lsc lp lh e 't

, those things? I f you-are, ho says.

"W e have been without c so now, It Is going to have t L l L = y o u ^ f f l o ~ b c flddcdi=

— T h e^ to rB B id h is -b o lio by this.- ,

ng , . -"I believe th a t you dius. ___to b rlnicM cryone togetheius s u p m r te n , o w d ram a de to t h lA a strong ath letic pi t." e veryone moving In the sai ii; V' "T hen b e c a u M 'I f ls th e ;

i M s d : S irthose-o f-w a^-H eism an-u lm w I In the Easi backfield. tlic other itincludes: ’ - —ten d Ju n lo rM llle r ' • linem an B rad BuddeJ feh tB o y d — ^ ^ — — --------a S ta te Interior linem an and~0 1 R ichter

[Ive linem an Keena T urner--------ve linem an Steve McMlchael ibackerG eorgeC um by . ill be P aul McDonald of DSC anc ,.State for_the_west. ond Jam es SI rfork Carlson of Mlnnpsotn ffirth f

lisex p cc tcd fo r the nationally tcl h kicks off a t 11:03 a .m . IIST-(2 iC dlum.t tim e we’ve had two llc ism an 1 M ackay Yanaglsawa. founder other-college-AII-Stur-4'ame-Cf

b a f l le s p a s t a jS i<yline G rizzi

K rum m hit hy; first two f 'th ro w s ~ B h d r t l^ a f te r - th a t '- v

Skyline coming bock on a foi: sho t by Casper with six seco:

: rem ain ing . K rum m then v -fo u le d a f lc r th e tn-bonndspass-i

calm ly hit the cake icing.• T he p ressure was on Twin Fi Inside all night a.s the Grizzl t ro tted out th ree men 6-6 to G-5 .1 the Grizzly!' guards, a s Co A storquia p an ted out, "w ere a

-b e tte iL im n iL a f f ijh w ig h o a d : thought-^they-w ere pretty g

• com ing Into the.tjnm c.-_______:_-_Crandall hitJI^vln.Folls .first

points ond Hovoy tho next foui _tho B hilns took a 10-9 first quai

lead.__ In Jhe-s4eond_petlod,. ihe_li

says dismlscs th a t a s long os he-heads CS ly y e n rs the reafte r'* - d isd p ltiic- r in the school and the Golden E i

/in com e-—-youire probabiy. yd larpeqpic 'w iU 'com e'tffw hnrcoli iro you the«guy who Qoesn’t al line' th roughoui:ihe:cam pus'and a re . you 're the-guy w e want,’"

lout discipline in this country so I ave to come back; If you can’t

bollof-ln a th lo tics is only h e i^ tc

Diust have a focal point, sometli 'ether fom arcason. ,Our:bond hai la departm ent has Its faction. B Jc program is the best way to ie sam od lrec tion ,” h o s a ld . ' ithefotfal'po in t.'lin ink 'd lsclp llfl

teatuS J S n E a s H ®

- ...............- STANFOItDprac tlfc . coun Crippled Chil

• _^'problriy 'l)y ijr l“Outiaira •Easi-West i-’oo

A crowd of _ Stadium for th, ■ . th is y ear wliicl

se ries history, and Mark UlcycL S l r f a l c r „ . >'— fronnne-eriiuii

but for many

2i05p.m :— they wont to go Itisoxpectec

n Trophy -Wilson, Texas er of thQ ■ Dame running -can-aay— running-back-i —1—------ ^Xom-TuRiurev

r ; ' '

z z iy d u r in g T w in F a lls

LJ*'ce___ changed hands-w ith ------beroro"the“G rl2:follow outside shots tconds , m alned ahead

w as minutes.

and C randall tar F a lls ------for a-20--20 tie rln

:5,.But. CoUoLleJifled I Coach three-point advo e 0 lot ___

good frnndnll- __________ Mcr^c ^3o«flr s t j i x - ^ « , i |our a s — 7,'g^?


i_ lead ._ .J,.,

_ -

sciplmiC S 1 -- '« 'U jc uul.cljc-oieii twwlH— any utliur purt.ui Eagle a th letics probabi

rcduce our budge y o u n g . ■ '

allow It wouldn’t be ind ail— never com es boc

he F a lls holiday " enjoym ent,

iolong F ir s t off, his I’t tell lopsided totals. B

ilcned— th e Elko-bua-flti . however, the rc

ething sno t.— has its i t wos then C . But I buses a re hardj< to get call th a t cllicted

w ith m e, I’ll be 0] i l ln c 'ln ~ “ W lthnoChanci

tirencQ^ s t j S h r i n c - g a m e -DItD,-’CaIIf. (U Pn- - After , :ountIess interviews, an cinoti Children's Hospital In _San_ y pro .scouts, ii 's timo lo pl'iiy i-’ootljall gam e today.

1 of d o se to 70.000 is expec )r the oldest All.-Star gam e.of tl v'liich has drawn Wi players, thi ory. The gam e Iwneflts tlieGhI le years has raised m ore than S: ut has estim n tcd 'tha t as mati roup'wiirb<rdrarred b y the van m y today will be report curd is-m oke-up-their-ininds-for-o10 go to get the players of the ir c jctcd that BY U All-America qu 'xas A&M ru n n in g back Curti; inlng back Vagus Ferguson. ick-Perrj-H arrinR ton-and-W a iro will l>e-flrst rottnrtpfcks ntm

- -J,


i : _ s



-------- ^ ----------P

■ C — i-si


—^ — 0----------

til ls w in

nds and then was tied” '3ri22ly"Ruards- h ir tw o --------)ts and Skyline re- •*ad for the next si.x

11 tanked another bomb [® erln the la s t 1:5ii of th e - - — ^

ed the Grizzlies' to a ^ idvantagc.

iVi‘l 3 S Z Z j o T l i- s i ? ? ’ io i? « UJ48— ToUl#------ I8« ia« ----------

" i - ' --------

le only ]o ie irn iu d i'b c h uu>rt;o f tntrcpiicBc:' A na‘1 say tm bably will be the firs t ploce’l ci

t be surprising if'E lko Gooch bock to Twin Falls.- His s tay di

y "tournam ent”, w asn’t one

his Indians dropped two gan Is. But th a t was only the s ta r t 0 iecond.gamc.Jhc_drlyer_had_i j - f l t a r te d r - W h e n - th ^ l^ ta ^ c reason wos obvious. T he a

sn Coach M ayes found tha t-a rd to com e bock In Twin Falls, :ted’the response ‘,‘if you wont be open a t 8:30 tomorrow m om lance of getting hnck to Elkd.H

----------- Saiufdoy, Jam

a f l f i g e

X-r a week of hard dozen motional visit lo the For >an I-'ranclsco and Schon [jl'ay the 33tli Shrlnu-. back .

■ T}iom; {pected ill Stanford ' State.of them ull..and one___JJill. Ii

the largest total in game ? Ghildren-'s Hospital— a good an S8 million. Chamatiy as'4t)'ploy'ers 'E a s t. variousN nrteam .';;— the W( :urd day — the day Choi sr-ccrta in h o w JiIg lj,.. Iwcau;e ir choice;--------------- “ -Thc-'Na quarterback Marc advan urtia Dickey, Notre Schom son, Jackson State ' stralgl-W ashtngton-ccntcr-------- -Theno nia tti;i" what:------------I t n.m

=imne-NFciCarc= r a o f e

NEW YORK (U PI) - ■* derson has troubles other —Ingiuckfi^n-onlyAvlBh-for..

The St-. Louis Cardinals■ No. 32;»rivho~ sh a tte red -t

rookie T u r in g , record '- yards, F riday becii/rte the f

in NFC history to earn bol P layer and Rookl_e q fjh e Y w hen he w as nam ed unanimous choice as the co top first-year player. ’

“ All these aw ards ... v going to do with them ?" derson, who captured the N of th e Y ear Award last s edging Dallas q u arte rly

J n the.votingioL Anderson was narried on Ijallots cast by U P l’s pai football writQrs. four from

' city. _______

rookie honors since rum“ JohnnrK oland tn-i%e;-------

Phil Simms, the New Yo__ q uarterback who took 0

s ta r te r following the learn' and led them to six vlctori

“ - la s n i 'R a m e s . rcceiyed fiv fin lshad ls ta ntsccond.

y combination i working for me and worki n ie ," said Anderson, a G-1

— ponnatjm snn-M Jam rtKlfl::■ the seventh player chosi

college draft. He carricd ti tim es as the only bright 11 C ardinals’ bleak season i

— surpassedH ouston running — Campticll-s prcvlous-rookic

1,450 yards se t in 1970.__ _The, p layer who wears

numt)er and po^qsses__nicknam e a s the ^bgqiv

Slrrjpsori. Anderson finished ;^ n l> ^ iv c - y a n ls- tu Ch lca^

■'Payton for the conferene = t iU ti_ . -----

a r e a l s S iTWIN FALLS - Impro'

• -^nd snowmobiiing condl: ^ a h e a d n fo r-Qutdooi—cnthus

weekend, ; r F rom six to eight lnch(

snow has higher fkvor n^rthom portio forest with snow storm s ad(

—three Inches in the South- Pom erelie ureas, accordlr

“ weeR’s'Sawtooth'W aironuT -p o rt. --

.......Avalanche danger-Is roc- h o r lh e rn -u re o s - s S t ih -n n -- snowpack on the slopes.'

_ g torm s have closed Hi| _ ,from aiantey to Lowmar

seosoh. ‘ “ *------------------- T"— C ross-eountry-ak iing-ls-

excellent In most liorthei Busterbock and Galena 1 ^

liap efuioJiiiih : o ian 'in w enriw f tnnt even tnougii aUouHn11 cut If w ehave to -— F irs t 1____________________dlstricl,^

" ._ E h ^ U c J

Bch Gerald Moyes a t midn jy during thcTwln-^ • John As one conducive to . a t his h(

m ereq ugam es by rather - Nextd

jr t of his woe. _ , . and »40 .ad_lrp.ubip_gotU niu^acJaota were tum ed-on,------- Cpacti10 altem btor wos Christm

' the teana t-a ltcm a to rs for. Astorqui alls, Including one S u rc c/ant to do business__ _"I tolclom ing.”' don’t ekd.-thVcoo<A-then— “ BxcepI

jQnunryS, I960 ; Tlm_o3-No_w3,

2 ^ S i b c’Ui~ th 'cIjcst c ro p o rp iayera'U a 'few yea'rs, ■ saia one scout. ‘ ien players I ’d like to g rab ," *'or such others a s Stanfc lioncrt.Jhc 1979 s ta tis tica l lea ck Paul Jones, San Stal omas, V anderbilt running bac itc running back Mike Gum ur 1. H urley-and- LSU -quarterba me will be pivotal. All have son ;ood-gam etosolidfy-theirstatuj :harlle McClendon, the fired co St. which is a .slira favorite. La

:han ccs-a re Uie E ast w lll-n :ause_both of ils quarterback c - 'W o st> 6 n - lh t r o th e r hand ran tage of Wilson and Schc lonert Is ‘working on u no int a ig h tp asse s .' " rhe-game-wlll-be-telvlsed-natio (MTTrMSr-ivlth-Northenv^nUfo

dinal— Ottls An-

ler NFL runn- , ,

lals' awesomed - t t i c - N F f s ---------i w ith ' 1.005' . - he first p layer both the UPI ,

e Y ear A w ^ d _ _ ^ ^ ^ * l ' ^ ed ' a n ea r- J conference's ^

.. what am I , -?" asked An- ^le NFC P lay e r y . st week a fte r rback RogerfQ CtofuaokiSZ----------on 45 of 56 — \panel of p ro - m

om each NFC a v /

afdnrano'Avin------------------------•unnlng back

York G iants’: oyer a s n ----------- --am 's 0-5 s ta r t tories in their I five votes' to

n” o f ^ b p r e “ ” .....srking behind • •

6-foot-l. 210-iff7)rwno'\va5“ ” ir(rex p ro ts liosen in the season,■d the baH';Wl “ With th e y It light In the I’m a better m and easily - s a ld ,. ‘'T here \ ing-buck-Earl— was-unsure-a 3kio.rccord of . -the season -—

' . alm ost get 10 irs the sa m e — p la y lf lg c te r(s the sam e___ The Bears.:^qiidj^y__0 . ' ^ r e g ^ a r seas ;hc3 sccondhy ' ru shed 'fo r 15 rago‘s-\ValtT’r ^ n J u r c d 1iin c i •encc rush ing from the gat— ~ aftcrp lck lng .


3roved skiing oro all open. I ndttions a re C reek tra ils hus ia s ts - th ls - e xcellcn t-con — ~ T h v c r“troII;-riches of new been set and lor elevations restroom fa drtlons-of—m e__thuheod-oLLjiloddlnc aboul i„ u ,e soull

Jth-H llls and N o rd lrc ro ss .rdinn to Ihls m ndlllim :----- .lUl Korest r ^

• Snowmobllir good. T ra ils 0

reported for -Jack -Snowmo .nn—u n s tu b le ^ l l l l s - a r o - in -

C reek .tra il Ir Higliway 21 groom ed and

nan for m e tllL'"Cupu Hot

- l9 -listed -as---from -S tan Iey - them areas , groom ed and Lodge tra ils Stanley. - - -

fo r: IM king for a p lace lo lodge hi: ilm idnight.rst he asked If he could charg icl,.No..was thcjreplyJThciihc ic . No. CASH I . cam e the answ< jTlTrtle tough to comc-ep w ith! lelnight, loo, but fortunately 1 A sto rqu ia 'w arcn terta ln lng a

s home. Astorquia passed Uie equired money.x t day Elko w as tru ly taken cai (40 labo r bill got things going a iOEElkb.:___acti'M ayesj^-R upert-nalJve,- itm os to spend the holiday wlU earn here. After Uie bus left,' rqu la 's home to gaUiep his fami rc enough. The gas tank of h is c told_Gcrald, •‘G erald, ge t In Ui ; ever com e back ,” C oad » p t r l don 't thinfc-I h ad t o ^ tl


B S t Z ^ Z Zj're Uiey’ve had ro rth iri?an te---------“DUt. " I 'v e -seen at least o half

tanford" quarterback Turk il leader. Californio running .

S tate running back Jcw eri-----------5 back F ran k Mordica, Penn im unr Syracuse quarterijack" ' “ — terback-David-W oodley the - ' e some pro potential but need •itatus.............................. ....................... ..ed coach a t LStJ. will lead the e. LaV dl Edw ards of BYU I s ______

lll-re ly -o n -a-g ro u n d gam e --------- .•back.s have running ability, hand. ii. uxpected '^o take ^ Schonert's passing ability.0 Interception record of 130

nutlonally-by-CBS-xlartln(^l_______ LnUfornla4>!ftokcd<>ulr.-----------------------



T IS -A N D E R S G N -...... ........ --------a d d s a n o th e r a w a rd

JOCtS lO-dO'fiVeiri»eirer nex!

the yea r’s experience. I think etter ballplayer,” Anderson lere w ere a lot of things th a t I.ire-about-at-the-beglnning-of-----------on---:now 1 fed that!.! can;;et 100 yards 'on anybody weje tenoughcarries."- ------;-------!ars.and.Cacdlnal&jncLialhe-----------season_finale and Payton ~

or I57*vafds whlfc' Anclerson nncfncirecffnd was r e m o v e

k ln iu p just39.yatds, ' .

proves— == iitio n ^Z ^)en. North Fork and”P ra i‘rie“ T.:'" •alls a rc m arked and in - condition :-T he-B ig-W ood — n i;-north of Ketchum, has

and the parking lot and facilities a rc available a t

iLL jke.C reckiicidge^__I__________South Hills Uie Rock Crock •oss country tra ll Is In good

sblling Is listed a s fa ir to lils out of the Dlomondfieldw m oblle-ar^a-ln-the-South------------4n-8ood-condlU on_B akcr_______lil In the northem a rea is and in good condition and

'moblling condltlons^A -trall-----------n Iey 'to -L ow m an-.has-bcen~ :7-^— and fuel is available a t

^ o n ------------------- _

ge his 20 troops, finding b r^

harge It to m e Elko schoola ih c pulled o u th ls personal___inswer.-------- . .---------------------wlUi $106 cash In Twin F alls £ ly for Elko, Bruin Coach • . : ng a guests 1 Uie ha t and cam e up'wlUi •

;n c a re bf. A'$6M alternato r ing and Uie players headed

Jve,-had*come tip-prior t o -------r w ith h is family and joined left, he re turned to Coachfam ily and head back:— :------------ ---h is c a r h ad iBpning a leak. -------^In Uiat c a r , go to E lko and :;oach Astorquia smiled.ta y th a t ta s tp a r t :” ' ------- r

I - ■' *

Page 10: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

A-1(nimoo-Now5, T

I ---- Fourth

H . . i p o i u i ^ --------------------nitT" College ' ^

■ second half-F rkn 63-49 dcfca

----------------- SoUUfernTdahoT__________ The decision.

------- rsecdnd vjiajl- s(‘ ' 7 'S o n d ers , Bill

Scarlcs, m n e d twccn two. CSI

- 8G-76justbcrorcCSI had troubi

. . . . tbc-second half ' h o d n o su c h p ro t

H - — — fiagtesH nrtthsH______ Jcod biit'Sflnders

In the sccond pe ------------ - -h im In motion foi

■ hoif.' S o n d en did m i _________ as the Sasauatch

■ six points In the i ■ . vflnd - th a t p re tty

_ .s to r y ._■ At about the 1(■ the sccond half.■ R ick Cope and C

I I ^ ^B a skB tb

■ ~ CollegeI -------- CiirM nintiion*! H u>*iM,ru.

■ - — -s s k k S S S s ;'-"

I . M DwoMImI__

■ 'eL7

I • ,r-I ^I ------- ----- ma.ntwsi fJ.crnRii^ntt •—I — I--------

I NKnoii'ar ^Mit>Qual7pi’M

. W.M.f,15!a\S,M«SSSllf“n,n

E m ' S F " ' ’" ' ' '

T— ----n! Dtiiou n, ■iotnii'gnaf u


___ ouii»nML'7ian?S^3««r_________ Mowypii‘« »: aj. m1“ ?'n* ^

----- ^ M ^

AMKOeOmuon■— — T, r^

— - - - - - S s r ------------ s r! I«ev<l«fl - i; M 4M


a s s i— rSK '"^------m - - IJ-g-S!

I-------------— s s s s E S s r —

___^ | S | | | « _

f ^ B ig Sky actio

B i_________ POCATELLO. Idaho

;a a n o 2>ttite~univcrsllyd( 63 :az±i:thc-nrst:B lg:Sk; g am e of the season for bo

Idaho Jum ped to an 'es =^ ' — held a 33»ghad7anta{,>ent

tho sccond half, however,------------could-m ust«M )nly-el^ t-________fire t 14 minutes. whllc L‘....... '— tak e tfie lead. —

- T he’ Bcngars “assumod leadersh ip 'asj-s? on ai

__ ::___ Jumpexiby. guard Scott Gm ln u le s le f t In th e game

— ------ g e sn c fld r6 2 = J!rc 5 m o ^ land o n e-h a lfle ftto ^o .

________ Idaho S la te w as JeU JasjJ o e S tew art and 6 -n Jc e ach of whom had 16 poin onFDale=W}RlngOHf6 ^

— — s ta r tin g -Bssl© im ent-nt-I ' points, nine, rebounds, an

ccssful bn five of sjevM fibl .Idaho’s top sc o re r wai

-------D on N ewm an who took elj' ........po lnts.during the g am e 's f

a n d one*bo]f. G uard Brian 6-3, finished with 12 points. »liv tb& lirB tha!rr-i—-------T id aH 6 ~ S tile 'o u P re5 o u i

---------- 4 4 -^rF azeka8 {cd nil jeboi.........nV •••

" ' Idaho s ta te ia riow l-Oln - e n d 's * o v e i ^ , a nd Idaho

conference competition.

V5, Twin,Foils. Idolio Saturday,

th loss

5CCbE Spokane.CommUi— - b u d :e' C'aut{iu 'f i i e lii Un; ' d iul F riday night and d ealt - • rcpli cfeat lo College of wi oho:-------------------------c s rslon. coming on fine thenI- scoring • By- L e n n y - ^ u i - t;II1 C lark and B rice rep ll•nea 'lhe serTcslTp be* | o t aCSI dropped Spokane ra th ifore C hristm as, . buck•ouble getting points In Clxlalf but the Sasquatch • . th ro \problem s. The Golden - poss<

iders tied it flrst-th lng— back d period and that set Thi n forai2*po in tsccond— spelfi

foule<a m uch of the dam age allowatch;mQSted.ahead-by___ but-Sthe first four m inutes four-i ‘e lty ~ m u ch -;to ld -th c -^ Der

hope 1ie 10-minute m ark of tw o half. L arry Furlow, Buckt id C urtis Rayford hit once t

■ MhirOf'tOtmft ------------ Ol<«a01IN..TW»

i tb a l l— ■

= = - ' g i r / S S * '

. . KAwmairnnj ___

SAKOllQolni"” ’ **

. WiiinaiieoonOMe ToixtO ■Jloll CHiWQOil»t 11 113 L. J I

aJ poinl BOU-tolor. Wiiii---------- — . ei,l-Oa«s>« TM»iCfi.cio» U. r*cnnicii_9«A


r ; v; | s | a | g sl i z —H t e r :— H m s f m e mf, Meunon . . II” Nv» jiiMr a

nnowHut) •J, {*KMon 5 :.j J. Mt^nn'r jV

■tnn MAnoomnw

.. p l i i i i ®

E 5 S S ?

____£nuil»ndraHunrof.»MV .• »1 - - Oli.TiCciJuITi""*’'

i .2i

l l 'j" ■

___ P m g

tion ■

» j s n g a l s ^ jlaho (U P i) - ' trt/ihfTrr ty defeated Idaho p lay WelxirSkyrCflnference— i d a f e f n firbo th tcam s.- p layB o isei n cari{:r!gad and _________

!ver, the V andals , iiert)ert s i-j

,___ ........................... WlUoiHMS,me3 ^ rn ia l ie n t M**"'ldiMs I an e l^ t-fo o t ” S m i ^ - ’ fi lit Goold with 13 . :ame.-IS U ‘3-blg>— - e wTtn a m tnute ' ' ' ■ '

at-IS U ,-hadn4^-------O C D E t^ '} and w as sue-. Mns . gcorcd i field goalsr* polnta In o w as'fl-3 guard ' - leading 18th

k eight of his 16 na rro w 66-« e’s final m in u te . th e f irs t li rlan K ellerm anr g am e fo r boi Ints, 11 ofwhlch R icha r d s

bounded IcJahb before UT^s xbounders with ting th e sco

g o tth e .w ln r flJo .leagueplay o f f o u l^ o ts Wjo drops to 0-1 e x tra period tion. M overall. SmlUi adc

day, Jaauary S, I960

jeats ])Uckels;thatrlet"CSlTmove up to :halluiiKliig pu!)Uluii. Bui SiuiQG.ep H ed w llh flS io rtJu m ^r.. . With Just over five m inutes lei

S r m n d e Ita final bTd^~l»lfi“ tiem com ing from F u rlow. Furiou t-th ^ a e n c ltlo ^ iF S rE u t^ a n d S eplled for Spokane. After Furio ot a tlp^fiTSeorles, who had bee Qther quiet to tha t point, h it" u c k e t....C lark tanked a pa ir of fre

trow s on the next—Spokan assgMlnn tn mnirn 'nBgle Antoine Williams got tw. ack-forthgE ngles.The pl^ay Imjnedlately a fter tha KJired CSI's doom. Clark wa: uled pn a field goal^that wa; lowed. He missed the free thniv U-Spokane-talled It back In for-< u r* ^ In t play.D erek T hom as b reathed th e losi p e into CSI with a field goal with '0 m in u tes le ft. But Brae ickenberger hit twice and Clark ce to b reak the thing wide open.

' v k ?



wiJMI.OirvOt vmningio" 18 H

- J ! S | : l S - , : 5 K S S i r ^ ” T " i?

*?y-3*ll*tniyl*|' K'r'*?**"* il i*10 », uAgtd I >i " ‘"'O'® A iltm ia ^

Wiiium, fovlM |g ,?■■ • IJ If

S S r r l E

i s s I — UulSS fpiffl& ron

. 1 ian»-19 t^^^JSJI^IM Vmcog**' <1

' - B o w H n 3

IMO Ai!SiSI5j«.^Tj.n

I_______________> -D*T»'*Ft»m».” uJ[aiiS

S’’ ^ cm uJImV/, V.n*io'r £-------------------- '-^Mli'l«"'Ki?Shc

' : r l £ S S i : €

^ ^ D a l l s H f r

riivo.inM lelZpaEIwl? hZIIw?®s ' L l t S w T S

s t u n 4 d iLtJ-avels tQ .Q^dgn. Utnh. tn ebe r S tate Saturday night and _ )fnte- rcmalns-lh-Pocate!i«>*to— ise S ta le ; ~ -

M« WIIkl^54-6IJJ=-MekM5C-7IO. ■

1 - Idaho 17. ISU 13. Tettinlcfll fouli -

j e r e d g e s - ^ -

J 6 6 - 6 2 ---------t^ U ta h - (U P I )^ B ru c e C o t-— aaLsix-of-hiSr-gam e-hi A J 9 . .1 overtim e F riday n l ^ t In . I8th-ranked W eber S ta te 'to a J6-62 win over Boise S la te In i : 1980 B ig Sky Conference , •bo th tcam s. . t) Sm ith forced the overtim e T * p r tih o o k 3 h p tn 5 :se c o n d 8 _ ! le second half buzzer, knot- < sco re a t 54-all. Then CoUlns $ winning polals..iillllng a .p a lr lOts w ith 20 seconds left In the iip d v _ ____________ .added 14 points for W eber i

jp to a - Searles then capp< anuiffi-' -meager ■ UflSr UAKlr

-filam dunklng tho 'flnj SS left. th e hom e team. olfi-“of- • T here w as som e i *UriOW am ong the Fngtpg inders * w e n r down in the i

3bcc ri_ sp ra ln e d ju s t before Cl h it a T hat leaves the E

p recarious position ■ free W aila.W aJia tonight v okane floor opnomt sefui'e H uriing even m ore t two Inju ry of long lasting.'

rt~rpv/»r| R nyford fron' r tha t _D lxle.next_W cdnesday

w as th e B la c k h a w k . C ; was Burlington, la ., the Ihrtjw week.for-a--------CSI-now -carH es -asv

with the next lo days e lost - th e b ack -b reak e rln th e I w ith of the schedule. HoweA B rad the gam es figure 1 - la rk s e n ta t io n fo r th e sen. • tournom ent.



4 ” —IS H 5 g 1?S t’ii Ve'.'T’

T 0. a* K '"V-n U T 1 - : - ’- - - . — --»u*

a % ‘; “ " « j "

i ' li * n 'In » 1

;i :i i ii iii ' i '!’ If 3 k a amw''"*®"NT RangiraJ

E ! , _ z f

f’flnniuMllll__________ — —Mlycyg

cn'"** T**®*'

A - . . .Pun1»l«I«n««vll( -•

D>o 1 I.®**''#'ain.'flVti I.MSerroriw ^ «»»<» nt

n ^ : . . M o . u g ? . & .

’* i^ c 2 i? il‘i* 3 l— T,1.r ‘ninm r»; “S rn?- ■ ~


n i n e “ ■

iTMixcoNFtntHce leielowllHJlloiSi'’

• ■' ( -.■■ - I. - ---------------

md _ guard Todd H arper scored -to— p d n ts - l r r - th e -s e c o n d -h :

d e fe n d in g .. B ig . Sky

w inning s treak lo 12.__ h t U g r a b b e d a

*^'IZIt5rtHclscor«x-28.2a-at-hal,18. ■ th e Broncos held Weber S

less during th e first five >iti.. thoseco n d h alf.g rab b in g a

•H arper then cam e In ;------- hllUng-from outside-whilo I

■Smith took over beneath t The. two combined for Wei f ln a lu po in ts nrOie second W ildcats balU edhack a sect

= T t== .^ lee-S ta teJiad :a .chance__ gam e with six seconds left

tion play, but L ar^-M cK inr l a . . th e firg^ free throw of a or

Situation and W eber S ta te r ^ Dave R ic h a to o h led the 5- ^ w ith 18 po nts, while Rodi * added .1 7 ,- D ave Wllliami

McKlnney-ib.Is BOISE sr.'<oi ■ ..... ..........

•----------— j - H l

es '' • :■■ ■ a 31

rlC ' for the ~ Wild ai-^ud by--------- c a s j

f ln a l-p o in ts fo r — =:-over

3 a p p r c f ie ^ o n ^ ___ H„n.

B second half, fjgyj

iC hrtstm as. ■! Eagles In a s ta rt n of invading PciIt wlthoul the ir -

re would be an ig.wiiIch_would_.

K S " r i „ " p iieo. C Ja s s Ic In ■ f l i y Ihc tollowing

an ill-4 -roco rd— -------Lilllys considered us a the second half ' -T onlg A'ever. none of , . A k

into repre- a t the iie re g io n a l

I. Rn

^ With :_____________P irate

^— -^ ^ 8 = 4 7 1 ]Football points-------------------------------- T he

— ■ three?:i. 's’uvis*;:' .1N»C imp,9«,B,o eim. ’

• • ^ ’• ' • 5 ^ ' i . T m 7-1 Ra

’1 1 1 ]— R®SoeC?


•A«B*i« ’*** Ijcflien.

n n] 11 rn 3 ' OfBolsi -The-

ifao I!.‘ ?3 j_ m a n n e i If IS !! !» ,! a l te r 0

S S i : ! » ! ‘i S " '■ g -?? T ry ? ~ ~~Evcn . fnost 0

- ^ ^ i - j M . i i . t « a — coasKS-»o Wi-lfl kf%- -Hlttll

J '5 " “ Dletrlcl J S 3 sJ « «• 0 Fow ers

a w ,M <1 1fi»,MI'.0 HM*lns. >«>l|,..8b.»

I ! ! " ’ *« « » • » Aleyer

- »..« ».M 0 EDEN « '« ? dell Trt

. - 4 M -.m ro q u a r tc r S S m i ............. -o u f la S Sr_uMwpw— Canyon

■' :t I t . f S nleht.-.'-------3— H I f ; - A f t 'UT...... I ? ; J ij Christop

Z! i 0 8 J Ij , points-in -sislgnLlli a s the 7

jM jii.TrrS gofiTglntl l ~ o S . '5 ? 5 ^ S = '= V a l ley J i . r rW a „ * i2 :- • Uie fourt0" 0. Lov.; — - • establish

- seconds I -V lk lngs.-

■i«ro,.SS,>. th efo u l 1?to;i?5r£^-------- ~ a n d “ a “ F

attem pts, y ! c ; ^ > r 'T '‘ - Wendell 1:

& ........ S ! „--------------- S m*'®''-----

i g - : :

' ■ ” W R 5 5HAILE'

red aUJO ofJU s_charilie6-: - h a l f - a s - th u to i n n f le ' ' c h a m p io n theJerom r tc n d e ir tf ie ir , W o ^

- - - . . h ltf lv eo f; P 1&-12 first- t h e con

— W o lw ltie

r S ta te score- t //e m inutes of K jlU S tSa3G-281ead. .n and begtfn -• I

h the basket. ^V p^r.StaJ.c:s____ CAREX^nd lin lf asTh'e h and id Ci « o n d tlm e._^ ._seuM n44ji i ^ ^ w i i n n t -------t h e sece l lln re g u la - P a n lh e rsJ inney m issed . ihePantH e one-and-one Sandy Ar

e rebounded, R ichfleld-j

S f Z t S -ims 13 and ......


iXnieiiirtioiTT "'

-B u rle y 4-BURLEV

’ broke 'a < wl w2£?b5i5 ’ ■■ advantage i._n._A-B,«i, ^ feat ,.tho

t J F r m a r ! r t ( y 4 - l =

W i l d i• BylRW INCURTIN

Tlmes-News sports write F IL E R — Building all g am e

a 31-fl first quarte r lead, thi W ildcats 'posted ah em bafa easy bj-jo vicmr y m w i 'r i o i i : aver-theKlmberly-Bulidogs-.-- —A lL -U -players.FJler-caach- flumpheryM iwd-in the game.c ilekJ-poln tfram W hrw -f^had- Igures. led by cen ter J a y Decli ju a rd E rlk P e te rsd n . w hoeach' .4, J e ff Richmond; the'WlldtfatJ itartlng guard, chippckl In with -C cnter-D avld-W rlght-paced ^ r iy with 9 nn|nt?i, nnfl funri v em erad d eq six .

"No, J L d i^ ’t have any Idea, olng' lo be this ea sy ." said herys.after.the g a m e ^ :i told U 11 w eek long we w anted lo pres -2-2 trapp ing zone) for one u a rte r, and th a t's w hat we-dld.

s a 10 to 12 point load by hal onlght. lt got us a little m ore." A lot m ore, aclually ..T ilerleat

I the end of two quartere, arid

3qvs basketball

— H a g e iRAFT RIVER — H agerm an's ines h it one of his n ine field ith :19 left on the clock to Hi r a tes .over the R aft River-.Tr =471n1*iys1niskutbalhPrlda2^i Jones-cnded up the night wlInt^.________________________rh eP ira tc rw eT cb eh ln d by a t ree point m argin Ihrouf^oui m e and never look the lead nes[ jum per.

.R aft R iver falls to 3 ^ ._______n . . t h e . - p r e l i m i n a r y ^ a<‘.rmpn.wonS0.-3e..

^ K a . I

S i . m i

K S ....... ; ...... - K

i e t r i c h 9 9 , M a r a n t h a 3)1ETRICH — D ietrich kept It: iten rocorri Intn f l Fririnv r h a 99-34 shellacking of M ara Jblse^ -• "•’he -7-0 • Blue Devils -led -lhc- nned .p rivate , Boise er one. period arid' never lo< :k.:y?n-w|th{h(?w<;on^ String pifl s t of the gam e^ Ih ^ B lu e Di is led^ohg , — U ttln g ^ liL -d o u b le—figu res- itrlch wtjro ftlarc Peron with icy Peron 16, Gene Shaw 13. A vers 10. and Kalen Robbins 12.S n I 'M iu a s s r '?!” rSn ■ 7 2 2 !fl G?mWe o 1 ^ina -S lS i t UST I,ty cr 2 2 18 Hv^ a D I

npson J 0 a 4

!!?[ 393^M99 Tc«llU U fl

ranlha...... ........................ ...........4 I5:irleh— -,-,-1946-

‘n r f e n ^ 4 7 V a l I e i r S 3 =DEN-HAZELTON — The W T rojans, sparked In the 111

5 c r= b l^ n id = iC h r is to p h o r8 isted th e Valley Vikings G4-C3 I y-on - Cohference b a ttle F rl(

“r c r ' fl l i g h t f i r s t h a stopherson pgced a hot shoot:

tiujn tha t‘s Sill Bunn. Cl^ lh “rdugnourihe5ilglit;addcdl ie T rojans moved ahead .52^In to th e la s lp c rib d r— -------iley- s tru g g jc d -b a e ir ih T o u ^ i ourth qua rte r and succeeded lilshing the final m arg in about ids from the end. After th a t I tgs.-who hit ju st nine of 24 fro )ul line, m issed four free thro ''a - p a I r - o f “ close^m~fleld“ gc ipts. T hat proved enough to sei lell homti the winner.

n ^o fa i Burni • -93SJ I ;3_oa 8331

J - - ~200 ; - - M c l in ^ —-VinJ3i r-------- ? l l — W y ---------IIWII 7702083 — W ala' 2S14»$

55^..J e ro m e 5 3 '[LEY — Steve Durham capped throw s hootlng' d l iitu '-wt t t r t w .ies-lhree seeonds-from lhe-gr Uie'Wood R iver W olverines pa;

td'Rlver;:dowrub>Llhrec po in t e of six from the line to compiel c o m e b a c k a i th o u g j i t h rlnes-hnd -p ro tectud ^ n a r r g i

s basketball

R i e h f i e

• E X ^ - R l c h f l e l d 's - T i f f c r J C arey lls fourth io sT oT lh i44-:^rFrlflftynlEhf-------- —sccond half did the youiii

[rsJn ;-as Ihe Tigers outscore< iffie rs23-13 In the second half.' y Anderson had a 'b lg night fo: J d -a s - s h e . canned 25 points, « n rebounds and layins.

- S S t o i i l a W S

y 4 2 r e o o d in g 2 8— :-ThQ. Burley Bobcats

a Gooding press and took DRc of high percent&ge'fihots to

. In g lda l

1 = : - = ^

I N ' ■ a fle r thtslhfrdF ir l te r The g am e woim elo n g o n , opening perloc . the F ile r pherys used h ja fasslng ly— in ^ y ,—T he-W i ritijy nigm Kiiim^iriy u> lui

every tim e Ihi ich Wayne > e ball, a nd Itn e c o n t r i b ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ i o U i e r ^

3ockeranda c h s c 5 ^ ~ " th e beneflciarleIdats'-other— “ d-tentaU vcJ3k'lthlS hit a ll four of hi:Q ced-klm — ^ShU poin lS ran

■gFHaVf A

K im berly attem -T he-W IIdcats 'h l

press (in a (22.37), while U: 0"* “ 1!“ sev o n o f2 2 shotsdid. . - ‘‘They’ve got

halftlm e. basketball tear■c.“ ------------ co ach -R ich T h ole a d 5 M 9 - -m anage a sm ile arid G7-28 I w asn 't expectir

II '

j r m a n ian 's E ric lead m ost of the geld goals Wood R iver to0 lift the- Into th e fourth ]

.Trojans con tln u ln g -to p 'r------ thF«©.polnt-macj

t wllh 2 ! _p v ero n ean d o n e- ■ tarom frg o lth eb t

>'a two to A' shQt was n houl the getting the rebou) ead until Shot bv q i lp Bnrl.

had tofoui, J eh in

• __ when_-WoQd-RlV)g a m e . F a rre ll canned b>

,-------- with about 20 secoA W o p iR ly e jjr

3 0 0 6 on a Je ro m e pass, g g J J and th e Tigers

_ « 3 a j j shoving D urhan i o 2 j - "m elM iH eca lih ly

»i«i548 W oodR iverw or1004248 eight.

f f l K r '“ f i ’iiS a 3 4 ^

m s

S =iMTthe -o u t-— w-StfJuwi; :-:t

M o o S " M u r t a u g h “8 2 ;M U R T A U G H -

LPlnving Devils got 23 point? 3 Devils and broke aw ay .lti

annih ila te the Han; r e s - - f o r - b o ^ basketball Frl with 30. The g am e stayo 3. Alvin half, a 33-22 lead I 12. - but N ebeker cam e 'fn tip half- and so did4 0 3 8 Exploding for 19 tl ? J |® and 30 in the 20 3 4 M urtaugh found t

—H -m __ fmnL anfL onJhe lnwin aga inst one los£ ' Hansen won 11

uflMM game53-29.

194^7799---- H«ea--------- 9-J-31 —~ _ ^ { 2 5 I S 1 _ _ 1 11 -

crall 0021e Wcn> - S » -. IV,2 th ird f c tjorson,-— TO«i»':""»aoj5.6!._,.•03 In a ----mmuK • • ^F rid ay Murtaugh

h a l t . B n s s 4 8 ; e a m i- FAIR FIE L D - :

3 n sr i0 — t t n r s e c o n tn r a in s gijron-, c a m n s ro im ty ig J 8. aed s i x r —The B ea rs h a d lilt

w in lessM u sh eis fn. . ---------as-LoulsJpVHkins hitughout— T)flieHobdey added :ded In cmasCo. fgrifip-

{(St i§ llat the Umora,;____3 2 5 ._1 frorh PeTen 2 2 2

S ! -

"SS!-----------------------------------:|^ 5 ” “ M i n i c 6 " 6 2 , B u ^-? « » -------- R U P E R T '- "TB€-^ 3 0 - ^ Ju m p e d into 'a -hucf oftlov— rolledTTOVer the Bu 4»«H F rldayn lgh t. . §“ « Buhl, m aking its

since“ C h f ls (m a C ^ n istlness in its sho sco reless until G res

° _fle|d^<>RLwlth_3i3a rtvPo period; ~ e :cn d — rB y Ihen.-howevef,- sp p s t Maloney getting sl ^ t^ ----- cru ised into a 15-2 leaolnis, added a second Bull '^! u ■ ■ **^®re th6 buzzer. ■ -iJ^® = = = fiy & it» M n d ;p Q rl irnrw m u e run a s Mlnlco

i e l d ^ b u rW iS z S a S lie lb m ^ ^ tro n F rlc if ih e ,___ Goodrng played a c' -■'----- UiO^liUl-quurier wnc:oung-_;only-shot 20 p ercent o red expioded-for-14-poln 3lf.‘ four lo cap the victory t f o r Gooding found Itse Ints, the ou tset o f the gami

■ 18-16 deficit alhalfllm i , 3, ^ . - The Bobcats stre tch !» « ■ bythe 'cndbfU m M arid

•y-s. , - ^ r a h C hess led the po in ts .. Jean n e X lem tGooding,

c a ts ................ r:'..

r ip e 'r io d . ' ;------- -tr: w as a il but over a fte r the . gi rlod,_ a fte r which H um i his s ta rte rs only "spar- 'th -Wildcats'- press - caused - d lriu rn m o oaii uver ncuriy— m .the.3uU dogs-inbound£d_-ha

d led to one easy basket sit er, _ cjiher_on - layups orc a = ____ _ --— ■ - lotm d Richmond w ere often sa tries of K im berly 's sloppy, haoJu llh an d lin g -P c tc rso n __p rf his first period shots fo r thi -and-R lchm ondrTvhirhIt— coi In lhe_openlng_(iunrter. _ 1 lecKcr alM had 10 of ills H rstquarter.

a^ m any fleld-goals a s He, tempied Jii.theJlrs l-haJf. - . te 5 h it a t a 55 percent clip fei e the Bulldogs sank Just ‘Cd iots(32per&ent). Angot a good baskelbali .rar ^it-now.-we've got-a b a d — cam ,” said K im berly ure Thompson, s till-ab le to S S ille a fte r the gam e. "No. — - cting them to press righ t ' PHe

leg am e . indr took a tw o -^ in t lead Rei: th period with Je ro m e ■ Rid •p'ress-and-hustle. T he But largln rn rne With lu st lum ine-ualf m inutes le f t an d . 12-dr t a l l t a c l r ------ --------------------3 m issedrW obd~R rver~‘ R k wund w hich led to a foul c

itim e m issing the charl- a cc i£oallng=JubatiEatrcU=rn}g};River., c a m e -u p -c o u rt-------d both of them to 't le it o f tlccondsleft;---------------- ' "Avheir.m an then go th lsh an d Bnd Bss, causing a loose bail foul r s w ere whistled for cw lam ln_ the ensuing lUy tanked the winners. - won the prelim inary by................................... tleihi

!is s a s ” '‘ f f ! s « a

y f i s , i i : :

ISJj'i'g Cas. .-.T-Tr.-... ,-,",,T,-7TB2334M-------- Cfi

5 2 r H a n s e i i 4 6 “ on°0I — The M u r ta u ^ Red nlghlints from Rov Nebekor Thy.ln .the second h a lf lo 18 po lansen Huskies &2-4G in. rolic*Friday night, . ■ neve:

3yed close In the firs t Cuuctd Ior the R(id Devils. — S mIS mo alive in the sw drid did his leam rnates.9 third quarte r poin ts ' SflJP*he fou rth q u a rte r . coond them selves out In }i®jTii”Pfr wny. rn Tmai.loss.

the prellm lnm ary

---- Ro ~ "~ -~ 3 I 2Vauuor 0 0 10 in theS = . S 5 i ! Je 'e a

. - - - . s a . r : - , . A w -‘’’S 'S

im asC o . 18— Bll.s.q ftxploderi ln,.f n a . r u n away from ' victor uaJCridaiuilRht— n j_ c i« in » lilUe trdubleavlth'lhB ! from th e beginning s i ^ - ih tH p rl4 p o ln ts .an d -~ y .y ff? ;led IC. uiSSi

■ Y l l . S ! . iWlljon____0 ^ 0 1To("a 21 9 fl‘*43 G o o t

- ' _ Senatol u h I 3 9 ............... d a y a gTrerM lnico'Spartans - T h e ; luge-ea'riy leaa-and a t 3-3 BuhlHTndlans 62-3tr— points

from Jiits first oppearance—..^ th e ,: r ^ o w e d -a lot of in dot shooting a s it w ent P c te ra regg Bostock got a goodins ^Mftjpfl In Ihp flrgl . a ifif -

ef.-M lnlcorw ithBob— i yan"®"! six OQlntg hnH •: lead. T im Hamilton Hirtfng BuhM leld soni ju st

>oriod4iuh l.m ado ailco hit a lull. T he ._cS3Ga’

r i e s ^ a i•Yldaynlght.-----------m * ua d o se game:nin tll~ --vncn l^^riey, whlc^—ent from Ihe field. - T igers c . I n t s r t o - G e o d l n B - ^ ^ * ” ory rigerszJitself, behind from " 'g h t. ame and was a t a n Mount, lime.- " • f l r s t ’staitched it out 10 28-24 arid then spiM ed to

ihe Bobcats with is.- emons had 10 for

won 26-21 eiewM MouitiRH

'i^'nu..'i.'.Nlc}ult. 4.__UouMSla'ij

t t H d o g s ^- -*fh)m th f r s ta r t r B t iH h w a s - th i r t^ ^ i—

.g am e w here they could have donif, anythlng-they-w anted 40 do, r 'ioH 't! - 'U ilrikThe press m ade lo6'miicH.6f,‘t f •

- -d lffe ren ce .-rd -sa jM w tu m ed th e -tfm r; • -ucia- two m il of nvm y u iivT O aitfc tttf.'

— had-iLtonlght, ju s t because we _

~ ~ ' ? ’5 ld n ’t say a w hole^lot:to'"'ifii’ ’ — l.ock(T.nM mjiL»?a«yj;^^^

said. "W e have som e th lngsrw e,- haven 't_been-ab le to-accom plish-W .

—prac tice ,-an d -y o u -can !t-acco m p U 3 l£ = them in a gam e if .you cn n 'f-w p /t _

—com pIBh'tliem 'Inpracirce.’’_ F lle r’.s record w ent to 4-1 wlfKj fHlJ-

vlctory. and K im berly fell to

fF ^^ ^^~ K ira i> B rt7 " r e V r j ''; '' "

" i ; .

l» ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i!S *S i:

In d ian s g o t p o in ts from -‘Jo h n ' R elnstra, M ark Schaal and "R ory

- Rlcheson to pull to within five points.;But Denny Stimpsoti then"canned a!------

l 2-'p^*iiip'i‘mimii!*^° rushed Into d

Richfield 5 2 rC arey 45^^— I— ^CAREY - Richfield look advaa i

-tagoof-Carey-’s-foul-trouble^oreglsUif:— a come-from-behind 52-45 win F riday

— -TTie-Tlgers-tralied-throughouHnost------of the gam e until th e ' f ln a n r i l r i u t e s ^ '

‘AVheh'lhe Panlfiers’'B lg men’, Bobby .^ ta tio m nnd Troy M urn iy^rgo tzin ta 'trr: foul trouble.

& ' , ' f w s msss? ' s ? w -

HB^away , 0 0 10 Norman 0 0 3 0 [ Moouna 0 0 3 0Totali M 524« ToUUa ljiat752

niehfWd .............................................#183852.Carty ................. ......................... 12 24 374J.

C astleford 64, Oajkley 38 ;CASTnEFORD~^~ThT'Cas£f6ford ~

W oiv^ applied the defensive p ressureon OaRley for a 64-39 v Ic lo ry T rtd ay '-----night. ______ . . ■[_Thc_W oives. led bv Tom Qurgiev's18 points and Carl L o tt's 18 rcboanda-----rolled • to a -S l.Iff-frrB t-h a lfrlead -ah d --^ never was troubled a f te r th a t . ' • ;

f?5 S " - ! s i r

Pilots 55 . D ed o 4QGLENNS FER R Y - The GlennS

=*erry Ti^Jans-bullt.up an early le a d — - n the opening m inutes and went on to’ lefeat the Declo H ornets 55-49 In boys lasketball F rlday n lg h t -

[ua'rter‘'w hen tfiey" cu l ' i f H " '^IrU ~ narglntotw o'pblnts. ^ I;“G lenhsTO V i^TinrU ie jead back u p ”0 43-34 by the end of th ree and thenoughtrfiffcone^ o reF-'BCBryty^aTgqn;------1c to ry ._ _ ...... - - - -

E lM Ellart . iY g'S , ■■

-cal* 2015««


!ooding 67 , S h oshone 5 § \GOODING — Mike M ann's 28 pointsid-14-rebouiids-helped-thtj-<3oodlng-------matorfi to a 67-53-vlct<iry h e re -F rl-------ly against theShoshone Iadlans,^-:J---------The S S a to rs , whose rccord evened 3-3 wilh the win, also rccelved-is

tints f ro n rB r e t - te ^ r r e ta - a n lT lZ : ----- : “om Jam es Scanlon. ■jh e .In d lans .a lM b a d - th r e e - p l^ r s -

double figures,- led by ScqU iterson with 19. . . . ; • '■ •

1: —m ljton l_o 6M ---------------

------------LeMrrela 10 02 •- ■wfr 1 00 2 ------al* 2a?5°m ___________- ■. _

a r e y

ers quickly jum ped o u t ln !? S n t :-> en t otw lo-defeaU U ie —srs 22-21 In g irls basketball E c jd o y -—

lountaln Home led a t th e end of the f-stanza 8-4 and thq 'T igora liar- ed^lhe raa i« ln to 13-10 a t Ujo w f i ; t oU nta in -H o fftecam eo tit 'o n d 'li^ —

h a lf p o lr tii^ o j'—

w lo s s d n ^ J e r o r n b to W . '^pV;1 p i^ lm ln a ry garfie, the T jgera26-2L______ ' . . _..

- -

s&r i t e r ^ — ■

Page 11: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

UPI E xecu tiv es > PITTSBURGH — T he A PC c

opc.doy aw ay and the Houstoi

;-;,B ul It doe3n't_make_any dllSteelcre. ' _____________

-The Steelers won the A rC lABaml 34*14-in the d lvlstnhn>-p Unlshed second td P ittsburgh m ado the playoffs o s a wild c a n

^W w 'O lle rs defeated D enver li U ieo-puJledxff-onrD rtinrnro^lN FL history by beating San E

■wtm out Ca m pbol>i thef^P L rual The winner of Sunday’s ^ n

Bowl on Jan . 20 In Pasaden'a, C Sunday.’s.N FC.tlU e.gam e.bclw Angeles.

‘FeaW e n d e l l ’ s

; '• f - •-

By IRWIN CURTIN ' T lm eS 'N ew sm rtsw rii

W ENDELL - H :gh I.: ath le tes don’t often

“ s tra n g e rs th a flh ey feel fear i : : : J h f l t ! a _ a b y Bin Riinn

“ m tssloiriuLCiitly ifliaed a- -J. pyebrows.

Bunn, the T rS a n s’“ scnl( tain- an d -le a d in g scorer, gertlng -tense . the Wc'di

- befo re-a-F riday -n iR h t-bas I ^ a a m e ^ . ^

- " "Fobd doesn 't go.down_e • W edii(»days’ahd •! s ta r t

r :=rJumpy^hcsaid.-‘.i.‘Andlhoscbuild righ t up to the gam firs t few scconds (of a gam tie. you up com pletely.-Bu you f»et sw eating or runniii lose th a t fear.

" I 'm still scared to d eath a gam e and I'm still hesltan a t the s ta r t. I ’ve never been

- figure it out. I’ve read bo* _ JeiTV West apd Vfm Chnmt

w here they Uilk about thei school yea rs , but they nevei tion fean '/j , ~

___ Bunn said he’s read ‘‘a 1•. psychology, likes to stud

. .i„lncrvous q u lrlu of.people (a _ >_ tc a m m a te s ) a n d h a s

"L ike when p lay slops, and.....a t m y hands, they’re shakinj...-6 f, the lim e,” h e 'sa ld . " I 1

notice w hat m y team m ates d the ball, when they don’t ha ball o r when they’re on the 1 They’re things you ju st notic rem em ber a f te r a game.

goes thYough all kinds of i when the ball’s being f around, even if he d oesn 't toi I t seem s like his metabolisn

- — in creases—a s —the—ball—i__around. Jl^e smiles_a_lot_ar

-facejw k saro u h d .'* — ^■ Bunii, at'5-11 18-yea'r-old, «

-by-hts-Interest, tn-psycholog

• " 7 :2 8 ry c n ro ld —s is te r ,—a —91 p a th o lo g is t a n d a iid io l

pm cticinrtnTw in-Falis^------' "O ur m other dJed w henJ v

W etmA— G o t t f r i e d T ^ F

, LONDON (U PI) - A m erican B _ (^ tf r ie d and M«6cclan R aul.R an turned on a m agnificent dlspla bea t M arty Rie&sen and Sherv Stew art o f the United Statea-6-3^ ‘ C s^ rlH ay’ and maintain- the ir b ea ten . record. Jn_ the. *200,000 . W orld Doubles tennis chahiplonsh

G ottfried and R a m in a ' win I ■thrll{lngas-m lnute m a tchJeaifcs ti a t-lh e top of th e ir ^ u p ln.the_f xoiujd-ipblnjsecUon o tth e toum an ^ d e arns them a p lace in the sernals^. . . ...................................... - - -r R lessen and S tew art, unbeaten i

F r id a y ^ nlSft gnt lhr^igh-t/> tha. four ond could well m eet Gottf

: G o o l a g o n g- J J U rn o V E ^ -M d.-{OTi)------^f ie e d ^ C hhs E v e rt U oyd roared* the 'sem ifinals o l a 1250,000 womi I ^ f e s s lo n a l . tennis toum aincnt day ' a t Capital C entre, while Eva Goolagong Qpwiey wait forced to fau lt from j:ihrtotiniam eny>ecaus

s p r a in ^ fingers bn h e r ra(

~ G < JO T ^ o n g ^ s iu m b lcd ~ an d ~ llu ix jK lay ^ i^ t on Uie'i& ^ po in te r th£rd--gAmerrla^A~^rT^ffa>?d68 B e^d*seedod M oitina Navratilc &'r«y8- E^day-afterDOon.showed

bonra, b ut Goolagong said litmld D ol'i^p h e r racke t to play. : t s v f l t t r a f l m u i u »n )u Regi tfttBUcovai M , M , In a io se rs broc match, and faces .a rem atch w t t a ^ 'A u s l ln In-tonight’s sem lfli iV ew onruw ibuiir ih e ’ Kftftenrcror S o o l a g o n g 's - d e f a u l t , - m e < ^(avTatUova In th e o ther sem ifinal. '-F riday n l ^ t , N avratilova and BI

K I ^ m et E v ^ and Rc :7a8al8~?or the *30,000 top p'rize JOUblea.. . ,.A ^ ttla .lto sa jw as-n ccessa ry -to - f n m a e - cotTjiftnpf . sing les .pairin

: a r n i c b l l i ;ve S p ir ts Editor FC championship gam e is only jslon Oilers.onLstUL unsure of_ i j u r ^ offenaive s ta rs , running

i'_dlHercnce.lo.the P ittsb u rg h -

VFC-Ccm raniiK j-and ' routecT ntplayDffsJast^vEclrrlloustonz;>rgh in the AFC Central andc a rd o r best nihnerup. -----------’e r In toe wild card playoff a n d " OT^fstunnlng upsets of recent an Diego 17-14 lasl-Sunday -

.ieame advances to the Super - a, Calif., against toe winner of bctween-Tampu-Buy-and-Los—

ir’ help‘s B i l l B u n n

• . ' - f ' -------------

TIN . clghto g rade ani w rite r s is te r for two yea

gh school said. " I used to a dm it to textbooks and Rs

fear.“ We (his tea r

— Talked about It. — tan t about a n y '

w ant to m ake in icnl(jr cap^v about Itoveriuncre r , • s ta r ts___a nywhere. WeVcdnesday nervousness bcft -basketball— how we felt nil th«

SdundHIRFfjrovn_e9sy. on -sa id .-______ _ir t getting ..Well, it hei tMSC.jUjr r ; , - oponded:^Y-Qu4i game. The nex t gam e.’’ gam e) lust-B u t a fte r Besides leadlni nniiig, you scoring with a 14,

who is Wendell ;ato before President, also s l l S n t r S a gam e j« n a b K ^ t l o n i n t o e T ) I books by^lam bedaln--------A nd-coaeh-¥oitheic high th a t zone press, lever men- tries to p lay 'fro r■ :~ .T --------TCldSIng whistlra'o

of " b a la n c e o u tth e s study toe “ The team 's no! e (and his reallnexperiencei i s m any fntir Icttonncn i_^back,lLBcshccas:^and I look ®sing and runnlr

Iking m ost and we’re going tc " I like lo “ Bunn's a Icade tcsdow ito “ H e's got desire I t have toe up to him. He’i the bench. basketball savvy notice and player. He’s got a

and he’s alwaysv h o ^ fa c e — open man.-----------of moves “ H e's toe key n- g passed He goes righ t to ' t touch It, inbounds pass. H( 3lism ra t e - recoveries (on st< U " moves " and'ihtcrccptions') it_ an d _ h la _ w h a t you w ant froi

a zone press.”Id, comes Bunn is one of t ology-and - s ta r t- fo r - th e -T ro ro in H ly ^ b c i i j g a-u guard

sp eech — J uniors Brad Chris d io lo g ls t . fo lw a rd ) a n d —------------------ McBridc~r5=8n n n in - lw a s in (5-7) round out toe;

rRamirez un tan Brian and Ram irez again Ir Ram irez -both pa irs win theli sp lay lo ches.

In th e o to e rh a ifo l i ^ ?rTrn‘- - Afr lc a n a ^ B o b ^ H e ' m - M cM illan b e a t I

h e j l r s l ^ . -B ut the South Afr m om ent until toe end of. toe I } semlfi- day pitting America: - - - and Czechoslovakia ten until' against Dutchman ' toe.last.,-P-oland^6-W oJtek-fili iottfrled: pairs advance to toe l

ig defaults m<— to p -— sInce-l?oih.-Evert-aa rc d lh lb — Austltt“ ie a ? H e r - t i r t vomen’s Austin c l l p ^ Turn Jnt F ri- her firs t m atch nnd U Evonne 6-1, G-3, Thursday nl d to de- w inner's bracket se'm :ause,of_ .-^N avratilM a. defeal : rack e t ^3 , M , an(i Goolaoi

other w inner's semllliidjrtelt'TTTG oolagong’ffdefaulJ Qt-of toe— ofrtoe-toum om ent-oj loearH orr-h^B 'orrfl-m ofltfeldh atilova. flu, w hio i caused her wed-f».---on«- r iia ta i fn ff-tmii lold&he; native A u s tra l ia -a y. ■ ■ totgnamenU.'.Flnriler, e g tn a - heracheduled-Ibserrfl

O'racket wito Ma'rslkova duo h w ith— herrightelbow . nlflnal. ' After Goolagong c r o n j i— DiBhtriiCTbadijrki'aii m e e t s bandaged, th e -re s t o nal. keep^hebloodoffhen idBIllIe Tounm m ent physic

Rosie M a c C a 'r t e e , wh< rize In G oolagong,-sald.tbe.

fingers _op her righ t i- to .d e -__ brol8cd_and .stUfcneilrings.-j-PJU’fiWln trealniehts.

p b c i i r- _B o to '< 5»m pbeil-a^T ^I

- ; w ild ca rd v ictory o ver Dc ily N elisen rep laced P astorin of— fo r- to e -w innlng-47-i'ard- rtR Diego. Rob C arpcnlcr lurr

to r Lam poeiii carry ing : ^ — playing w ito a badly sprali

. — T a s lo r in l a n d - N e i l ^ — M ld-Steeler-Coach Chiiclt — rcconffou rtlrS uperB ow l-

_____ ^differently fo r e lto e r of tl,rt— playsasC am iibo lK N atu rj

------C am pD M I-irbuTyou still_ • s a m e p la y s .” tr— xvUry uiti ; r - overconfident ih view of of could be operating a l lessj:TS-------- “ I hopciRSlT’ said'NolI, ■

will fa |l Into' m at, Wc had

os-himr u s e s ^

and I lived w lto my years in W endell," he I to read a lol of herIPsycholofiyJoday.- - _____ •

eam m atefl) have all__________It. abouTl)c|nt» - - — ny move you might s in a gam e. We laik . 'lunch.-on M ain S tre e t._________Ve tajk about the bcrdrc (a ^am e) and ~ r -Itoewavthrougit-itrl^___'group therapy , a guy

he lp s ,'’ Bunn re^. »u-;kreh!ti:iia7Kndrthg- -■ ■ - - ■

dlnH -tho-T roians-ln—1 14.5 average, Uunn, dell's student body _Iso ave rag es four 1C and p lays toe up B Tro jans' 1-2-2 zone

¥ogl-Bchrcns-nop<g css. which Wendell from the opening to is 'o rcach ^ m e " will - he situation."

s not very b ig and It’s need. We’ve got only

a s ^ fl.:-_lWg-rfi pre- - ■ --------lining pretty much, ig to m ake m istakes, ader,” he continued. ■ ’ - . re and the kids look ' ■He’s got a lot o f .................vvy. he’s a heady ot a good jum p shot lys looking for toe

y m an on toe press, to toe ball on toe

, H e’s leading us in I steals,- loose ballsm s tra n d - th a t 's iu s t------------:“ r*from toe top m an In ------- :------

of two seniors who' • 'T r^ a w r - th c -o toci.........^ - i r ::!::iard Ted M ason. h r is to i^ e rso n (iL G .i_ ._ ..H U g u a rd i B u rk -,___ _•gnrS coIt L u ttm er------------------IhestartlhB flve,---------------------W

ib ea ten - Gin lnS unday’s f ln a iifhe lr-sem iftn a l-m at-________ ®

MorIf of the d raw . South h isHewitt—a n d --F re d -----------dctII te m p e ra m e n ta l_______p ia jastaM and B'rita'ln’s ----------saidJ-3.3-6, 2-6,6-1,(W in - M hon. hadAfricans m ust w ait he last m atch of tjio ■•lean P e te r F lem ingikla'9 -T o m as-S m id -----------in Tom Okkcr and ®*'-‘ j^bak4o-flee-w h(ch—^ helasLfour.__________ ____

-------- ■ ■— = = ^ B l

natch Sabou

ra n d -T u m b u ll-n ic t-----------(jps;irth B -to u m a m c n t:— ... . im pf um bull, e-i, o-o, in- .“y id then rOUt«i'EVCrt <mnr i n l ^ t to ea rn toe qnid semifinals berth. fealed Kerry Reid._____

auU-was the s < ^ n d m o

tournam ent' In h e r w^nrft - a n d two m ore Iier, R e id defaulted ,eW fl-braotet^U sh-^---------lue lo tendin itis/In .. j a s t i

Ig fe ir Thursany

i o f the ..roo tch -to . - ......... J Xle r racket handle. • hacki rtlc lanT Jr; C ari C. ' > v h o e x a m i n e d T hat h e .r ln g and .am aU - - w eea [ht hand a rp badly

r ^ P x [ s t <T ^ td r in l suffered groin pulls lii :r Denver. Second-year m an Glff torini and team ed w lto MIko Iloi yard- touchdown pass against : r turned In an excelleni performa TntJ 'iU 'lim es 16r liV yards dcs| jpralned ankle,------------

Iscn do p rim arily the sam e thlnj Jhiick-Noll.-who is edglng-lowarJowl-victoryr“ W(rdonTpr(!par<r of toem. Corpenter-runs-the sa

aturally h e 's n o t the sam e back E still have lo p repare to defend

L in a i .n i s . p iayers m lght-l>ow V of the fact tha t the Oiler offelessjhan 100 pcccent.— ..............loll, " I don 't think our football te ■ had respect for them l>efore. al

Ton th


" m ---------------------uf c f


i : 3 V e n d g U ls lc a d in g :s c a r a t i

( S r a i g ^__ By United P ress Intem otional

V e te ran q u a rte rb a c k Cn Morton, who lost and then rcgair h is sta rtin g role in with i

'DeifVur D roncosriifls” d i . ^ ^ .play, h is i6tJi-seo5onr-the-Bron(sa id F ridoy. ---------

Morton, who will be 37 on Feb had talked about re tiring fn football a t th e -e n d -o f toe li

-season:— — - - - — -----"C raig Morton Is not going

j*etir(C lsa ld h cad co ach Jled M e r . “ He and I go tlogctoer toeoU

■day and he said he w anted to olvi anotoer shot. T ha i's wheres t a n d i ' -------

B uf'M U ler- -aalS Morton si would hove to fight for his s tarll job during toe 2980 tra in ing cair M iller has expressed concc about Denver’s offense nnd h ta rg eted it a s In need o f ma]Im p ro v e m e n t^ '— ........... -

"W e’re exploring all avenues Improve ou r football leam ,” Mill said. " I t ’s no secret w here wene- help, Quorterback Isn't toe on poslllon w o're looking a l. I anU< p a le , changes In toe whole leo and n o tju s t toe offense, e ither." _M ortoh .had-Io6t-hts-9tartiffg-j( U>N(»cls Weese aUhebeglnnlnB ihBnOTarM ttSDnmracwgfiineai a fte r too flfto game. Tho Brohci m ade It Into toe NFL playoffs a s wildcard, and runnerup In the AF KTest Division, but lost to Houston -T h « B iw iw s lo st-ftnn -o f-the a s t five-gam es and scored on] ^ c n points In each of toe ir l a.WQgames*__4_____________ __

Miller said he and, h is staff ha svaluated every - s ta r tin g “ an w ckup q u a rte rtack -ln toe N F Vito an eye to a possible Iradi rh a t would Indicate th a t relthc Neese nor No. 3 quarterback Crai >enrose a re being considered fc hefuturp.~~ — ...

^ r l n i istill <iln thtt SjS^i'ow . W*>p Jlfford- — played them ton [Renfro " th ree tim es tols 5t San They have our C( mance S teeler defcn? I‘■•spite also don’t feel to

“ NcHsen will , P asto rin l." sole

v flS 'o : : . : . ^ n ' t . h ay c jh (

S i -lid Ihe quarte rbacks,"

ncrback who has

scome— m i ^ t be a bifn- ffense plan Is basically i....... ............ Tlie' Steelers wI team Oiler's won 20-17 . a fte r d u b s m et in last

re COL



W f i lirtam jp laynfU ikgtJsE B IIl

Ibrtonnal . _..C H U C K _N O L C ra ig S teelers ' head c laincd nam ed Nortoem ;h toe . Y ear by the-Sport ^ t o tlon of Cleveland oncos announced Friday

■ . T hurm an Muns 'eb, 5, York Y ankees’ c from tain , won toe av. 1970 defensive back 1

■ ■ the CTevelund Bn ng to year.IM lU .________________ _otoer >

re it

" s t i i r ^ ' j M r>rllng . amp. V t * icern- -L h a a _ _ n f l | j S d | ^ En a j _ o r _ _ _ W H B r _ ^ ^ 5

cs to \lllle rneed

nUcl- - ••[earn

h o b ---------

os a 3 AFC:on. ^ 'Jieli— ; ------------

C H U C K . . .-w in s m e

h a d f Noll will beTTono' and th ird annual winlei

MFL a tS to u ffe r 's In n o n ade. ' 28 .th e r Also to be- hoi ra ig A m erica cen te r I for N orth Carolina SU _Z— o f 'toe-y tjB T .------

t'«‘p)'cm twlcc a y e a r e I toreo lim es last y ea r and w e't tols season. They bea t us on

ur complete respect.' ’ ifcnsive back*i MpI nimml --.n, el toey'll need to dn anything dl will—ru n -:basically~ the san sold Blount, an All-Pro cor

U hcjw R crlence.of.EastorliU : -sam e-m unncrlsm 3.-T hey-bn lid real well."nse Is basically the sam e n s ," said Thomas, a fo rm er I has returned a fte r missltii- l.-is jiboruur 10 becomc a 's ta r t in »lt-more mob[Ie'lhaii Pastorin ially the sam e anyw ay,';,______rs w on'38-7. a t P ittsburgh thli 5-17 a t Houston to clinch a p laj last y ear 's title gam e an d P ills

- A

urt ^a-'cR a

__ - ons

'------- w a

_ -doi rur

_ _ _ , |n g^ a l

-------■ - — to e----- ^ •----------- tsU'

.................. ' we


---------- --------------------.Sellpou

. . . . ________________Doi

sale,, . -.- and

quit_ _ "He

--------- ;— goo.bcsl____ ^[or>tem

............................ . tap(--------— that

:-------------- — shmt . foui

yS s. andy ____ ____ shoiK .V .. neeiy . . TlA aftei \ sessW "

----------------------- : ^ M c ii : V tols~ • look

oil.________ _____________ evei

garr----------- ;------------------------- aboi


out >, -----

i ------------------------------------ b o d-CTmromiTBm^rNBwi-----------takeB n t B u n H Z H Z ^

' ' ..............I ■■ rea l

1 to pla^'^O L L ._ -P lttsb u rg h GI id coach, has been Oilet lem Ohio Pro of the this;portsW edia Associa*------ gcryland_&_Ohlo.Jt_jvas____toe_lIday. . n o t tilunson. toe la te New ' ““ T s ’ catcher and cap- try ! aw ard in 1977 and Sam] :k Thom Darden of _ Invol I Browns won It la st ' w a s '

chipi-------------........ ........ :----------- Wt

* . Hou£


Ini II . . by a I

' - Saisome

versiJ p W • - . 1 H 7 a s Nl

- F r l d f


Cuipc • alN oi

k M u i r -. . Mal. layoff

* ___________f ^ s .“ T {^ liBC K N O L L oradom e d i a a w a r d _ j _ _ ® ^ “ ‘

ronofgd a t SMACO's inter sports banquet DA' n o n to e S q iia re Ja n . p itch t

- _ _ ........................ ~wcfe honored a re -All- lan d I

c r J im R ltchcr of in ei 1 Stole, a s am ateu r ieagu<

..........■ _ ........... .. L arcv

d o u b ?tfulsir every year. Wo to a 34-: w e'roplaylnE thcm One > oncp tols souwiii. . PitlsbL

Salurd.:irul ll Tl 'flmnias:----- of l&ttr

igdlfferenfly. ^ .sam e offense as cornerback, ■•lie

^ b n th - f in n tm tic — ' T "Bum PIe no m atte r who *atcFrl m er All-Pro cor-

rtin g safety, ' i l e "A s f jrin i bul Ihe game ' bccau.si______ ___________-.gam e.ijth is year and Ihe g am eli playoff Iwrth. The Phllll ^illsburgli romped to Plttsl

NFC game- -

- ^ c K j

Trvt<UP] Sports Writer-

. TAMPA, Fla.-John McK a-challenge F riday to toe Loj R am s for Sunday’s NFC onship gam e.

“ People seem to feel toat w ay lo bea t our 3-4 defense. Inside against us,’’ a l d the th e T am pa Boy liuccanee -don’t toink it will work. We w; run Inside; to s lay toere .’’

McKay said toe Bucs will I Ing on th e ir defensive speed

■battle for a Super Bowl bertt ^ C - A F C .champion — citl ' t s l j 'u i^ o r Houston,

,"! don’t feel (my leam Is fa; w e are. but we^re nqt vejy_

” “ M cKay noted, as an exam] th e Bucs’ s ta r defensive end. Sclm on: wllLbc giving up mon pounds In his duel with RamD_oug F rance .______________

"T hat F ran ce Is as big a s a sa id McKay. "P u t a chimney and I could sell him. He m i

"Going against Doug F r quite a challenge," agreed "H c 's_very_b lg but h e 's .a l goodrB ut I f i go out there o n best,l can, I'll be satisfied,"

Selmon said Tam pa Bay’s : lo ry over Los Angeles back tem ber "could be to our dl ta ee . T ha t’s,going tn m akc-L th a t m ore- determ ined alth Should ihinklhatTiavirTfcbme four o lher tim es in toe past fl' and not m aking it to the Sup should be alUtoe incentive 4h need ."

The R am s flew into Tam pa afternoon and will conduct a ] session In the a rea on Saturday

"W e’re throufih wlto our-pr M cK aysu ld 'F rlday 'm ornlntf to ls point, I pL-in to play some i look a t any film s or bum any n oil. I ’ll m eet wlto the team S evening, a s I a lwayj5_do_b gam e, and give them a brief pabourrosccondsr* ----------- '

The Bucs bolstered their o line F riday .when Uiey reai

out with slrclched kneeiigamc -"W e-c6u!d have-brought-*

bqck-«ariio r-but=w e^idn=t^’ taku >in3u i:liuuk.Ka,"'-'.'satd~^"W ltohim -back-m -toc-lincup

r e a l ly s o l ld . ....................

jy anotiG R E G SAMPSON,- Hou;

) i le r offensive tackle who ml h is season bccausc of brain 'c ry b u t sald-hc-pianned to rc h e .team -n ex L y ear.-h as-d cc »ot to jry a comeback, ““The'doclors told me I shoult ry to p lay football aga ;amp.<u}n said, "I was emotion nvolved in Xoptbaii^Thcjong vas away from It. the more 1 :h ip p ^ away a t those emotion:

When the-ritcam -returncd louston .from Its San An rain ing cafap Aug. 1. Sampsor i^ p la in c d of severe headac

ai-w hercnhirclorw araisc?S w ly a b rain scanning machine. Sam pson underwent surgery

am o day to romove toe d o t.—

B IIJ.-M A I.I/)R Y r-(w m eM erslty of Colorado coach, nat s N ortoen Illinois football co Vidav. Insisted his return to Ild-Amcricon (Conference w as s te p down professionally. Mollory. 44, signed a four-y

j«li>aet-to-coach a t to e DeK diOOl,^uccjecdlng.E at..Culpep ho w as f l r ^ lost month a fte r u s U ta r ^ tc d n a L - r i t - l '- i r in j ulpcpperw aa 14-2&-1 In four y e ;N oracm IU lnoU . - - - M allory Is.coming off o one-yi yoff following his dismissal ai VC seasons o t Colorado where anQ~W6Y6~35^zn~PrHfr~nFC ■ado, M allory cooched five ye, ano toer MAC school. Miami

n io ;- ----------- — ------------------

DAVID CLYDE, le f lh a n t tch er. and outfielder J im Not Cfe traded Friday by. toe Q e n d Indians to toe T exas R ang ; exchange for -to rec mT aguers_—_ right-handed p»i>|0 .McCall..inflcIdor-outf]<di

I ' Sa tu rday ...

starfe34-5 error-filled victory In a se

ne to to ree Ind ies of snow w sbu rgh F riday nlghl-and more arday, along w ith tem perature

ie ‘-6evere-weatoer-l»-expecl< e Houston p lays h a lf-Its sc •odome and rarely gets b itte r o Jd-rathep=navipgood=wemhep 1 Phillips, whose team w as sc F riday night and work o ul a t a lurday . ••But there 's nothinggoing tolm vtftop lav in il_ ------\ s fa r a s we’re concerned. Ihls if we don’t win it, w e're bu le isaSupcr-B ow l_B ut I d on’t ; le Isgolngloautom atlcally win lilllps feels h is club is stronger Ittsburgii In last Jan u a ry 's title

to L o run ir

ter. - ■ • " and (g ^ rd -U t fcKay Issued outstanding pi Los Angeles "T he people FC cham pl- previous seas

playing foolbi h a t toe best those to ree for tfif Is In n m H anrfah , a fi. the 'coach of -of toe Universli neers, "W e been with Ihi e w ant LA to ex p ressed hli

activated for S 111 be count- gam e, ecd In thc lr " I ’m proud crth against offensive llne’h githpr P it- . he said. "IL haj

toe sidelines ani ; fa s te r than M cKay said 1 ry_big," he Angeles to u s e ;1:----------------- -ajmlnauhc^B.ticam ple, that last Sunday 's 21 [Id, Lee Roy "T h at defense iiore toan 30 gam e, for th . ;ams tacklc. McKay.,VThcy v_________ ; - there-Who.couldis a house,” speed. 1 expec ney on him conventional del m ust have The Ram s on!

F ra n c e . Js has a broken sn cd Selmon, leg,

also very " I expect he’l and do th e -------------------r —

r’l s j . l ib vIC: _ _ick In Sep-, O D O• disadvan-tp thfim a i l _a l th o u ^ T T : .)me tols"faf " ’ " t five yea rs ' i5uper-BoWI {Si«s^feflii351hp ; -the R am s '

npa F ridayt a practice Illi^Iand nl T^ln Ki•day. ll^^lwel'niKUCT •-practice,’’ ’ Shgshor>ealt>ecloingr^'FToni viilS^ii kS in e golf, not j» l» at CamMCo. ly midnight nicwicic

ef pep talk, niciri • .aflc

r offenslOl* N,\STAllrac«.no reactivated • , t m luU butifi ~im ents. ___ht- C hariey----- Dean Ollvtr Uopinii=t^want-(o~ ----------------


■ CoixllnKal Jerome

ther seclouston G ory G ray and Inl mls.scd M ikcBucci.

lin sur- McCall w as plao 3 rejoin——m ajorM eagucTast decldcd— ^w as-assigned-lo-t

farm club in Taco 3uld not Griiy w as o u lr iy il ig a ln ." leaving the Indian: tlonally one shy of toe 40-plonger 1 ----- Norris hil-:246-i;re logic , toe Indians la s t :lon.s.” ree hom e runs, :n ed - to-;-- -an d s to le lSbases, Angelo

-------JIM z g i n J J T—ia2 - rocord in- six

• Louisville, r«»Ign< ll., iur. c e p ra job w ith ily:

tio n o fto eS an D ie t- - -.........— The-95*yiear‘0ltt

tint reslgnalioti Is off sa id he will scout fi toe E a s t coast or

»n fa rm team In WjHowever, he sa id b vas not gjyt, jjg

______ -D uring his tenuiZerUlfl coadw d-fli

;mnr>f-------- -----____•________ry e a rs , BOB HAYES,'

-------- —Cowboy_-foothaII-ile-year tenced to five yeai J a fle r cocaine d ea llhg— < ere h is toe sinets In War

; y e i £ S ■ onunendallon. ami of The S ta te B oard

P a ro le s sent a " n--------------- fo r-H a y e s’- r e ie a slanded onw 'r’s office Frido N drrts w as in C orpus Chi G eve- re tu rn to h is office I u ig e rs " I t ’U be ready fc m inor • ' w hen he g e ts lia c k illcher s a id - J o n Ford: C f le ld ty ^ - s e c r t t t t y . -

ly. .January 5.1080 Timos-No5-Now3.‘Twln FQlis..ldaho A-l'l

ersla se v e re lc e s to rm . *, '■ '>w w ere expected to fall on more Hnow w as predicted for itu rc s in the iw n s and winds

pecl«d-lo-help-P ittsburgh , s schcdulo Indoors at toe te r cold In Texas, ither^^ald=H6U3tt)rt~Co'i^'ch' — as scheduled to arrive very ut a t Throe Rivers Stadium ning I can do about it. \Vo,’re

. Ihis Is the real Super B o w l _____re but. In the playoffs, everyon’t think toe winner of lhi«----------/w in th e S u p e r Bowl.';, nger than the one which lost ; title gam e.

- - -

L A . : Inside'cnd 'Jlmm1c)'Gtlcs, Hannuli ' *"d jir^ g n to O e i't s u r u -toree----------fg pIayers;"~sa/d~ftfcKa>“ -------r-iple they replaced (from seasons) a re ho longer • —"

oolboll. I wouldn't- trade J for m ost people."_aJgfootifi,-2SSrpoundciu>ut-----------/e rs itv of Alabam a who has_______I Ihe Bucs three years.

h is delight a l being .for Sunday 's cham pionship______

oud of to e -p rb g rc ss-p u r.............Ine’has m ade this season,"Lha-s killed m o in -stnnri nn_______is and w atch ." . .iaid he did not cxpec t-L os-----use seven defensive backs ' _! Bucs a s i t did nt tim es in '*s 21-19 upset a t Dallas, fense wos designed for that:_ lh a t . opponent, " i - s a i a -------—hey wanted to get people tn :ould contain top Cbwboys ’ - xpect we'll see a moreII defense tols Sunday.’’s only.quesUonablc-playor------

m sm all bone In his lower

■ he.’li.plny." said M c K a y ^ ____

ports log

s i r .


'".Iltid “SUlnjt . . ■

CnnacounUy11 o^m ^n Valley Tour CuiiliT

llopinRS^ml. CSI Kxpo (k-iilcr> B

.•l.Suft vSc> Suiu.-_8.p.m,-Sua_I____a________________■ WfSUlna Z H Z Irome ' • -r:— •

»ason -id Inflelder-outflcldcr

placed on the Trlbc'.s ’Tosterr^vhtltrB ucci----------------- to -toC 'lnd lans—top -------- .—Tacoma,_Wasli^, and ri^ ilcd lo Tacom a — d iahs' current roster40-playerilmit.- -.........—246-in-124-games-for lOSt season. He hadins, 30 runs battcxl in ------------ises,- - ; -------- - ----------------

WHO had a 211“ ”»-8lx y c a r ^ s ~ h c a d ~ — - ,

S lg n ^ F riday lo_ac:, _ h ll«> form organlzo*Diego Padres. •

r'o ltpK H H arT vhose ---------s effective J a n .. 30, ' —'w t for toe P ad res onSt and Will coach a1 Washington state.a id be was uncertainwould coach.tenure a t Louisville,>d-ntne-plQyero-who - - - ---------m ajo r league con-__________

ES.'- fo rm er D allas— - —mU-player- — -sen-----------------yea rs In prison /o r

g — could be back on K a ^ If Gov. Bill

r o w a - p a r o l e rec--*------ ■—

)ard tif P a rdons nnri-__________a"recow m cndall6n ' ‘siease -to .-to e gov-- -----------^ d a y b ul a e m e n tsi Christ! and won’tflee until Monday.dy for toe governorBack In toe office,''d; Clements* p re ss ' ____^

• /___ ^ _

Page 12: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

I "H - ^ 'B y K A R E N L i r a ^ ^ H " H ours of ijrylant

_____ Th e Sun Vnllev sk^ ■ ^ ' '^ J a c k s a r r H o l c r W y o r

c o m ^ tc In the Trali

^ H ' Y oungsters on the i w orking out tliroc io {<

th e ir traininR has bebr h lk in e , ud D ollar

^ sprin ting . ^---------- A,-Strong field of-pi

sk ie rs from Moatnna, ' Idaho partic ipated ir

f irs t Interm ountain D tho-seasonr-Surv-ViiiU

- ' nated thcaction . ■ ^ < r * tc a m - d td - v cH T am m y Valentine.■ . “ This w as the ir first Cl ■ - V . ....... I expec t th<?y;il do bett

e a c h ra c e to c o m c ."■ F irs t place finish■ H o n ^ ;K ctchum _arca

H arper (tw ice), Jci■ (tw icc), Klhi Czism: m Gra n t- _ . ■. - M liiliii|i <cond Dl■ _ _ I ^ C z is m a z ia - i iw ic e > r K i

K risten Thom as. Dry■ G reg Stone.■ T hird p lacc finish H Czlsm azia, J im Harp■ and Kenny Wolford. ■ O therSun V a l l e y s

I -


___ __ - ■

r- ...........- - B rig h a m

By UNITED PRESJ r Oregon S tate took thei end UCLA's 12-year reig

ence Thursday night. And’Coach’ R ^ lT S U ll

----------- ge t-be tte rfo rthe-ia thT arA fter h is B eavers recoi

sa id , "A s long as we p la j Wc w ere outshot and out

' to g c th e ran d tha t wos the Then h e added Q bit of il "W o still haven’t read

said . “ B ut w e've improi -----------W e 're le t te r defensively

•---- ford and Ray Btumc) a -------------------------------------------------

The B«ayerK, who a r e :

w here.they haven’t won s y e a rs ago.

^ d ^ f o r ^ ^ ng coBBh L

p lay e rsa h d c lo s ln g th e ‘'t

in g / ’ sa id the first-year ' gone back a step .... Wc w<

lost ou r poise. We mlsse< b urned in the back door before th e gam e."

Oregon S ta te 's p iu a u i into 27 turnovers and the nr^frtnlQW»^nVpr< lng'W^f'9

r..:.- _QUlsbot_Orcgon S ta tc iro i — - — h ad only IS free throw sirfi--------- B lum eond-Jeff'iS toutt't---------- th e B eaversjfndTCIkrV ar

• . 22.In o th e r Pac-lO actlor

;______ career-h igh M ^ I n t s to 1v iclo ry 'ovcr CfaiRomla am fou r points n e a r gam e 's en

. v i c l o ^ v c F S t a ^ i F ^ ^• gam e. _ ■ .

U n lv ^ ty ofSon Fr&od AthleUc Conference mus<

. 82-74, in o v ^ m e . Bill Re ' " Dailey j>aced the Dons, n

— • andlSpotnts.' ”• ■—j - — r-Hot-«booUng Portland s]

> ■ On the slope

m ^ R E S S M A N ■/land and 6n-snow for Sun Valley Junior inombewi poeent ly. — Tliu tl y .sk lers traveled to s ta te 's yor last weekend to — P r j t in y rra ll C rcd t Classic, w ithsnc cap tu rcd ,s iy firsts '

the team have been wbofo moU to four afternoons a

Dululjui.IuilUUWim— '.V bcbnllftlng weights,i r Mountain, and__

----- p & ^ i iDf-promising-Junior— - = = i = ana, Wyoming, and ■d In the race , the ‘ C arl Sel In Division R ace of LeFiavoi /fllley-skiers-dom l— — T h e ju

' to Jack st-v c ry -w c irr* ^ flra petition^ le. nordic coach. All Int *st com petition, ond a r e qual be tte r and b e tte r In, .Nzitlonal •" in M archnlshers from thearea-in c lu d ed P a l — ,------

Jennifer Golding Jsm azia and P am P 't f

p lacc w ere P a t 't^ASTAP > rK rlsten(::opclantir \P™ Erff B ryan Jenkins and :

n lshers w ere Kim From larper, P a m G rant s taged Ir d. toppace;ymisircrsiifciDUiSJ— is ih i r t i

a m Y o u n g ’s A la n T a y lo r sc«

iL b a ^ e t b a l L

> U t a llESS INTERNATIONAL - the first step In its a ttem p t to reign In the Paclflc-lO Confer-

rom lscs It Is going tot-rankcd Beavers;--------------------■ccqrded-aJG-e? victory, Mlllor- p lay together, we end up well.1 outrcbounded, but we played sthe'diffcrencc." t of inside inform ation.•cached ou rjw ten tla l," Miller , iproveii w rh c from la s t y ea r., v d y . Oiir guards (M ark Rad- 0 ) a re w iser ond be tjc r than

are 2-0 In Pac-lO play and 12-1 • faca-UCt»A-ln-Pauloy.P av»ion>- 'on since the'facHlty opened J4

Jh L arry Brown, he'll have to

ie ‘'backdoor."x>ut-ouc-young-klds-lmprovA_ c a r coach. ."Tiiey m ay have 'e w ere like a young team . We Issed free throws and w e got loor a fte r w c talked about It

^ u n dffunsu mrw i UCC^ the B eavers also capitalized

ipta!Hne th r ow srT h g B rtH te= -from thc-floor,-29-to 23, b u t ^sTjfwhichilrcxniattifnlne.____—u tt'each 'sco red '23 points f o f V andewcgh'eled DCLATwllh ~

ctlon, Ron Davls scorcd a to lead A rizona tp on 89-81..

i and L afayotie L ^ e r scored*^ ' s end In A rizona ro te * s7 i> « 'w hlch lost its eighth s tra igh t

■aijdsco flexed Its West C oast ' m usde. b y downing Seattle,1 R eid and f reshm an Qulntln a , now 10-1 overall, w ith 19

nd spoiled S on Diego's e n t r y - -

win Falls, Idaho S a tu rd ay . J


iQ iL sM eiSta te’s sk

lu futiuwmy t,iiuw tiuimitmns a t tn : 's ski r e s o r ts -w e re - re p o r te m /tn o te 'tiia f th c scco u id 'cn im p snow pred icted this weekend):

M^y;Vlncfi^iT»iVl'nKe»CT^^ ll?“for Oay°nn8 W W Sm ^from

DdAm IMcC^I) — two Inchrn o( new sno\ rurxby: »'lnch lotaJ on lop, us-incli tola] oi r ailnH cxccilcnl; open Hully from ID a m w U c oiurieyt — itirrg lo four Inctiw o

Sclffert, Jed Thomp.wn. Crec avour and Amelia M atthes.2 junior nordic t e f l h r ^ l rc tun i ckson Hole for its socond gom.- on Jan . 12-13.

interm ountaln division events juallfying raccs for the Junior >na]j;:h'am>l6nshlps wh!ch~<^II be irch at W inter P ark . Colo.

e and Nordic NASTAR R aces line and nordic skiers Ihroui^hput

rAR (National Standard Race), E rom thatTjfferytnrrecreaTlonal pn opportunity to race and win


)m national jJacesettlng tria ls ■d In November and D ecember, a a c e ^ ttln ^ established. It

J F jk;r.

" ~i-. M

'• J

s c o r c s o n e o f h is n in e b a s k e

E e srfiiinto the WCAC by postlng-i

to m ade S9.4 perccnt of their tr- R eggie Logon and Darwl_____ honors.with Ifl pointsapiect o ___ Nick Durham and Hai--------T W intrenchto leadTViontaror- - and spoU-Nevada-Reno^ 11. . debut. In a sccond Big Sky id . scorcd 32 points and pic

N orthern Arizona scorcd .. ■, M ontana,

er , . I n other gam(s.V-Wally. ir..: . s ing logam escoclngrecon d- San Jo se S tate to a 9<MG n in re se rv e center Lee Smith-------- i J rcMUHds m h 'acu l^s”;•! ■ K eith C arodlnc converted i

14 N orthrldge S tate, 77-7B; D.t 24 iM lnls from D em etrius

to ov er Chapm an; San Dlc( JU— oradtLStale by 15 polnta li

86-71 v ic to ry ; UC-Sanl------Augustana-of-lIllnolB,-63^

e scoring 15 points; and W< e free throws in th e last 1:08 >t 62-57 victory over Hawaii.

N A U 65. M o n ta i5 FLAGSTAFF, Art!,- lU ^ pQurw llnM pftlntB jinripliifT ^ c a r e e r hjghs. InJeadlngJ^( i j r - s l ty to a 65-63-Blg-Sky Q rrr^ U n iv e ra ity of MontaiiiCniuiu ------ Tbe gam e, d d a y c d one h(

experienced by M ontana i F lagstaff, w as the league

a T he v lc to r r le f t the NAU I I -- record. anidroppfitLMonlai j Tho L um berjacks, paced

n ev e r rd lnqulshed the lead.s liipqiah f ;rirrH«>g^

t- ~ lead ing scorcr, C raig Zanoi flu. '

1 W ayne WHarton was the ) b e ija c k In double figiu«s wli

NAU will p lay host to Mo S a tu rd ay night In-the two-l

ly. January 5.1680

>rscolleski conditionsu r n i!!— m „ „

c ctuirs U-lncn bollom tuiM. pscknln Tiirtolo pp^.~chalr»cipprallnMiljllytro

rti« 0/ snow; »lneft bate; ttl in B « « l

C rec against during the wlnt«______ to Improve their racings

clurn During each NASTAIcom :___tim c-la-osU bllshed^Fft

based on the p a r time ^ents tim e and his age, a citi: jn io r ea rn pold, silver o r t)ro III be "m edars. -

C rosscountry NASTA: be held a t the Sun Valle;

g C enter each W ednesday

' Rui^ehijMglffwUh-a-ni ;S r : r M I n X 5 .1 u n ^ u r s c . .T b c

u,(n -V Indudcs a NASTAR rad, WBxIng and stre tch ing k

- the race, r ia ls R ace d a sse s a re dlvid >er. a age groups for both mer >d. It from nineandundorto jO

HRa s k e ts In B Y U *s-75 -53 wln-o

im f a s t jEt in p a 98=7trvlctorymie Pilots their shots from the floorw lth— )arwln Cook sharing scoringap iece^ ____ _________: H arry Helneken scored 22 Diitana'Sfafe to a S S ^ vlclo'iy— leno’fl-B lg -S k y —Conference— 5 Sky m atch-up, M ark Stevens 1 picked, off 17 rebounds as :ored a 65-S3 decision over

/ally. R ank.broke t h e '^ o o l ecordM>lth-40polntsin-leadlnH— ‘-IG rout of SacramcDlo State; mith blocked 11 shot.«i nnri am— ic’s 83-co rout of UC-DavIs; rted a pafr o rfreb th row s with 06=Angele5^Bt6^5queee€<H)ji= 'B; Domlriguer H ills S tate got J iu s Lynch In a 74-67 victory .DIcgo S tate outscored Cd* n ts in the Sppnnrf hnlf frtr qn - -Santa B a rb a ra upended rS3:69.-wlth-Tom-Demarcus— id Wyoming converted eight 1:08 to h d p the Cowboys to a

'all. • “ ' -----------

*^3 -|

;r- (UPI) - M ark Stevens- , L p lucked l7Jree .th row s,-bQ th^ llLNorlheni A rizona Unlver—.^ ty Conference win over the a iiu rsd a y hour due to t r a v d trouble i ana during their flight into . igue opener for both team s.AU L um berjacks wlth a 9-3 tonlana.’s m ark to 7-5______ ____|aced ^ Stevens who scored i ilnLs, I iimped.ahRnd.fl;4.and . . lead. NAU led 29-19 over the I rccd-4o-pU y-w lthout the ir— j ^anon, wh^ w as o ut with tho (

} the only other NAU Lum- ] es with 14 points. ( o M ontana S tate University I two-team’s'secoirt-B Ig Sky ' 1 ------- - ^

>et troj. . = . StlnV

" I t 's i seew l

«nn« McellCTl; op^ Sun 4n-andwi0p.m.evciy - NAST ield) - ilKhCIncKcj-o/----TUCSdl . ^ n S n i r X a i - n o o n --


days.n»: ail liru operaimx Cost Vfour-tnrhn nrnr^ Oldcr.i .wiinii:opfi» daily. -under.

Polebainter In an effort The igskllls. DIvisio*AR race, a p a r begins From -tH orm ula— s ta r t In] me, the ra c e r’s Spring! itizen race r can The jronze WASTAR 18-ycar

-- - — o rlm p tFAR races will To Jo Iley Ski T ouring fo r woi ay and Saturday Valley rollon beginning helps p________ " rac in g >i-mass S tarr ana .in ten rhe $3 cnti7 -fec— Polcbai 'a^lng b ib and a Educati Z lesson prior, to -,..Valloy.I

th e Norvided Intft eigh t W arm S non and women Twelv )40 and over. and gla TfTTTTfTrrlmTirk lirrH^fui^

T O v e rN c w M e x lco 'T h ti

e p z t econference gome.

Montana Stat<. . . .R EN O. N cv^ .tU P Il^

Helneken each scored 5 — ic ro -M o n ta n n -S ta te - — Nevada-Reno and spoil

Conference debut.A fter a d o se f irs t hall

hands 10 tim es, the Be- early in the sccond ha lt

IS p o ln ts .. /------- B a x te r—nrteWJBWy

NeVada-Rcno,. which sa3.9 M nntnnn.Statolcn-J.

Wyoming 62^-------HONOLULU- lU P l) -

converted eight free th: T hursday nigbt to score

. In theW esteriTAthlcUci

T im T ucker m ade all — throw s ond MUce Hamll

the la s t seconds of play w in In 13 games.

K enneth Ollle and BU . w ItiU U iQ Eb.jeaQ tir-T !

• tiaiftlmc:”“^ ............

J Y L L 7 5 ^ e w J-^A L B U Q U E R Q U E ,-N .l

sc o rc d IS m ln to , grobbc _^nlne ahotT l l i u r ^ y n l^

to 'a 7W 3 victory over ^ A thletic Conference opcr

T ay lo r's perform ance e(fort New M exico’s Ken

—thoLobos’-fl(st SSpoInU and eigh t rebounds.

. - J i m w n ila fn a uit,^the first half. B v w tte

—averagerfalled-to score i game.

BYU, 10-3, c am e out w Ldbos led fo r,m o st.o f I C ougars sw itched te m a M ^ Ic o 14-4 a n d tak e a 10

- Tbe Lobos, 3-10, neverthi- -----------_ ; . J ------------------^

r : z - — I ----------- :----------

► p h i e s ^In Valley n o rtlc ski school din It's a n lcc introduction to raci^ w hat I t's nll nlwut.”________Sun Valley has scheduled i ASTAR:WceHly-rae«i-on-Bald JCSdayrThUrsdoyrand Friday o n - t o - r - p i m r on Lower ViHngy______Interested racers-can sign’up i Jcet.booth a t the bottom -0£-V rings irom u a.m . to noon on ys.:o s t.Is W for sk iers 17 years ier..and-S2-for sk iers 16 years de'r.

lebangererhe P o le b a n g e rs , th e Se /ision of the-Sun Valley Ski ( ?Ihs Its w inter race season ti r tln g a t 1U;3U a.m . on Lower w •Ings.l ie club is open to anyone < /c a rs bid who w ants to Ic o m a mprove h is racingtechnIqu(T“ 'o join costs S30 for m en and women. The fee includes a

ley Ski Club m em bership ps pay for gates, flags and o Ingcqulbm ent... 1— — — ite restcd sk iers can 's ig n up c b an g c rs -a t the-Sun-V-alley- JcatJon Foundation on the loy. Mall o r a t the R ace Shack r North F ace Hut a t thp bolton :m S p r in g . 'welve races, which Indude slal giant slalom events, a rc s d

tov^ t e ^ n teisiuayjii.— ;—

rh u r s d a iT n lg H r —

j d t i t l e ;ate 95, Reno 82lIl-^^N lck-D utham -and-H arr •ed 22 points T h u r^ a y night tii t e - t o - ^ 9 5 ^ - v l c t o r y - W espoil the-W olf P a c k 's BIg-Sk;

half in which the lead change* s Bobcats begonfpulllng awa' tialt and built up ibads reachlni

sco rcd 24 p o in ts , ftfi h saw lts overall record fall ti ^8-4^HHhe fleaaon.

i!7R a w a i i 57’I ) - Tho Wyonlltig Cuwboy; e throws In the la s t 68 second! » re a62*57 victory over Hawal :tlc Conference opener for boll;

!_all six o f fn a amllton dropped In both his In play to g ive Wyoming Its loth

I Bill G am ett paced Wyoming

tf.Me3dco.63 --— -rN .M . (U PI) -::..AJan Toylox ibbcd I I rebounds a nd blocked n l ^ t to pow er BrlghamlTbung e r N ew ^ex lro"rn Its Western opener. .. . .ance overshadowed a strong Kenny Poge..Page scored 28 of InU andnn lshed w ith 32 points

Ih^nhL O thc r Loba tn w«n1 In!tte Jefferson, wlth~d l6-polnt ore until ISrSS-remalned lrttha

u t w ith a zone defense and the of tbe f irs t lo m inutes. The man-to-mon to outs<» r e New

a 10-polnt hajftlm e advontaee. ir th reatened again. —

1 director. Wracing to. ( i i y

Ml alpine ~ ^ T § |B«ldy,-fd r ^ 4 1 - day fromir W arm • fT il lJ —

__________ . y K l L n rup a t th e f Io£ -W a rm ____- . ' . jI on racc ' t

) Iears, ond r "h eo rsjand i::_________ ~ ' i

"Senior )kl Club, • •?n todov ; • _______: r W arm • '

me overEn.about. .^ .J(T-------------- ^ l i ; . ^ - -

friS, ■lip and Id other

up forlley-Skl------h e Sun ick near ittom of .

: slalom: sched-______________

J /m ANNOUNCEMENC l ." 007 lotl'« round

U03 Announomenlt004Ss«c>olNorvc*i


^ -SEteCTED^FPegSOOnCrnplo,m...lAq..

------ - '0 l6 Silu0li0'l>Wo»l«t___ OI7Buime.vOpsotlu

~OJI Mon./WoniVd____ 0J&ln»1<u<lK>A-------

076 Mu«ic t»oon>

____ REAIESTATEFOR~ 079 DpanHoutot

030 Hom»t For Solo031 OuiOl To»i<Ko<n036»»olt<ioi»Wonlc

H H 030Ac«cog»4lot»_____ 039n«lino»«P'O0»rr,mmmt 040Csm>i«ryioit

_ _ _ _0*3 Vocal^n P/opo.i,. 04i Mobil* tlo>n« For

RENTALSOiOfuin. SUnlutn H< 0S7Fu>n oplk.SDvpI 0S4Unluin Apll.tDi

'097«<nis<Mobll*Horose OMic. a :

- . 06S Tou<i» t T>Oilar R. 1 ^ ^ 066 Mob-le Homa

MERCHANDISE^-------— fot

' 070WoniidroB«r071 ShotiondClolhlni 077An1iq«». .

. :074MuilcalTnilrum«fi077 Rod>o. TVS Sl*<oo 07SFurnliur« a Carpel 079Applionce»

^ Oa78ylldcr>gMo1»rlol». 0S3Corog»&ol»toei Fi'owood007PlonttAI»««. 0S8C«odThlAgtTe{o

___ 090P«tiiSuppll»t__H n — ; -------

I A d v e r t i !■ ' fOR~~~


------------------ ,..1:

lo rry—^ t o _over

r s k y r « £ ^ > ^ ^ B p ^

nged I *iw a y ■ ■

< 7 A A A o Q *fo r ■

all to

—:------- A n f> b u n c e m e n t3 -

• o m - ----------------------- FR)tw y s----- MAn30F^IE^6~fL‘6WER^' 'onds loas: dollvorlo#. All i iwall - Cttslona. M5 Spatkb. 7 both - aoTi. ----------

fr»v» jQ. _ [jo»roi'f-lu FOUND IN (}0wnt0wn pi

Ino lot • blouse and pan Phana-739-5910 attar i p.

n(no Idoatllv.j n n — t o 8 r Do o rT»TTow-7a-dai

• •atticK (foo.' W—OIneo MIcnab Snapherd. Antwi (0 Iho fiamo 61 Tur|u_l RgWARD.W4-M31, -

iv io r .amUl .ie r r la r . ly. W f«m«l* dofl.-BUckTK/broi

marhlno*, namad JOC >.ung 734-^2^ atlof 6. REWAflOl te rn ' lo 8 T : ij/1 3 , f - c a t : a y

old. Lbng. hair, wh rnnff— w/blu«B ayaa. Rawtrt! Ml le ollin ts ----------------- ----------------

•Bln ji|. . .

S ^ _ - : j . ag c g m i1u s h e d -

T h e ...............'OuiM -Vew ’SoM lalOooulbna

ir= ^l> t>bO «S ^.-v r.-r7 fr7a^

— - - S I D E G

_____ BXI.T 11- woww Pi


9 v e r e x p e c t e d t o s e e t h e d t w b iifd b e s a lt ie r t h a n th


095F»Milll«>«(op Sell0»6formS»«d ' 0*7Mor,Gfoln«f»«d

— s ! ! K s s ; - i f f eIOOtU«iie<)iWoni*d

ERS . ----Aq.nciat l04Mort»»

IOS MorioEquipmonl*fir«d " " 'I065wlfl6...........’oriun.liat. lOflSlxap

114 Formlmplamanr ............. ll5FormWo.l.Won1,d

OR SAIE_' ____ L'L

r e c b e a t io nAi

' 1 S3 SpoVicfig Coodk i.rr. 173Sl.iinijEq'''P'"«'’'” 174S«WwV.h,cl.»« . . . •125Ifo.*ITroil..» _ _>T(or& r:— u tc o m p it .a sh in .'. Fa. iol, ' “ OlO' '<«>•''»•'

n Hou».. '•Dvp>**«»»Dupl».»t •

13IAwioS»«»;«« •-.|»»ll»nlol

■n*------------->34A4<i9>rorB»nt------l.rR«n1ol l33Cvcl*i>SuppII«> Spo<»—^ - 136 HMvy tqulpmtol—1 UOTruckt. .

147 Impen-tporHCart, foi Sol.---- JJi.4 WhtilDrlviir l4SAnllqufAuloi.Ihing USAulOi.AMC

1S2Aulo»Bu(tk --------l54A«lo»’Codlllol

•<oo •56Aulo»ChryiUr irpcit t5BAuloi-Ch«vroUt

_____160Alot.DodB«tlolt l66Aulo>M«(eury

l6BAulo>'Oldta>obll« 'l70Auio»Peoilo<l77AuiovPoArioc

otot - - • l72AuloirlymoUth-----~I l74Aiita>.OtK*' ---------------nSAuioD«oU>i----------

l i s i n g D e a < y .in e s _

■. ■ ■ T ; 7 ; ^ 2 J ^ S a t g t o f

‘ .’ 5 : i ) 0 p i l l T i ^

V . V . ' ; V . ' . ‘: . 5 : ' i i i ^ m i S T

. MT m o S

' WE WISH to oxtand ■ f l i alneore trianks and appr ^ C j alion for tho acia

boautlful Moral offorlnos cloved (rom our Irtonda < neighbors duflt»B.lho.fec

• . . . [ . loaa of our'moiher Margi

f f ------u>«nk.UiQj)av. QrioeJoriand tho membarB of EastamSlarChaplarMO.

Tho Family of Margi

~m - ^ 1_ A L g O H O L I C ^

ANONYMOUS '--------------- C*»7M->300 '


" p fvon ce p '.


park- Wo t)*ve caah .tjuyera i pynlB. your hbmo. Call Oava Ro «p .m .. Broker#, Ino. 733-eiBI

•dclTsir FEMALE „WANT8- RoO: >09 & mate; S200 ■•■..utUllIoB. 6 iswara ShOup Ave. Woat, 733-601u_l50 aflerS._______________ _

MAIR -BFMOVPn p«f«i .. type nontly., • , l_ ^ :A fv llli Ibrown ElMtrefoala. CfiacK (I JODY. Yellow Paoaa.733-<000. £ 2 ! _ - |.wUl.ftb fongerb* retpani 4 yra- t)l® ftir.Jei*a.n.,8Wwartf whilo dobla. As ol D«o. 1 107

IIM Iu Sandra Stawa'rd._________-9*- MIRACLBHOTSPRfNQS

NOW offara iha b« ■ —" MABSAaS lrr-mt~Uio

_ Vallay.. Tfikrapeut tnaaaaBOs only. FO/an apt

PenMANENT-Halrfltmbvi ElMtf»iy«ls i Thermbtyali

, CallMloUoat734^i870. _ SELF-EMPLOYED man I l« tt-40 ‘«-w0uld Ilk* IM

*: w e S o » fw r iio * S » c -a ,o /Tlm*a-N#w* PO-Bb« 8*

y w ; Tw tfT fittrm rr-T—

: G L A N C E S .-------- -

w puA viM * .. rr •

f t p 1^1. I " r ' ->e d a y w h e n t h e d i a lo g u e . _ i n t h e p o p c o m i " ' ______

” ■ ~ - OOB-... .'Ij .PersonafT T ~^ -------ftTANTED— ooW '^ m lnlng-- ' ~

% companlbfi, I ftavo cood producing claim i owi

» o<iulpmont.. Also. hBvo..'; . ■-----.wheel drivo. Must ba wIllinD to travel Idaho. Arizona,&

. . Calirornla. Inlorosted? Ciui3 2 4 : ^ .- Berlbua lnqulrlo»“ - - .

________ ' _ JrtANTfiD: 1__or 2 mate,

Krr oxponaoB cn deluxe Con-oseii dominium. Good location^ w/C«bleTV.Evo'n733-4378.

Sonalblo deals on now. and .usod ca rs.-axa^ ou rs—in------------

r,"d -------- C1oasmoa.733^^93^. . ■


' S e le c te d Offers~ ~ t C 7 ' .

APPLICATIONS“ bolng ac^. copied for' a 'pb8liron~Bs“ --------

------------ - -Asalsiant- to-M anagprntwi----------with a Pelroloom ProduetaMfnoloaalo..Dlatrlbulor.nnd.. . __

_ Service ^Slallon oporati^. _______

ni once In Ihls Hold and wlllfng'lo handle dolall and Iravel.

_________ Excollont.. opportunity-for----------advancomont. Salary.conv monaurato wlih ability and oxporlonco. Must havo pilots lleonso wim instrur mom rating. If you do nol

________ _ havo_iho above aualllich-________

Send resume to:c««*ofl«» _ 726. Elko. NV.MfiQ1._- _____________ ^ AHE.Y0U WiLUNG 10 Invest

II 10 hours per week lo'oarn'upnl lo <4l>-je0'f7 If eo. you earn

find out by calling Fuller - art .Bn)8h 733-C3t4. ' .— . -AeBiatani.Managefa.of Man- ___

agement TrainooB wilh am-____ .bitiop lo grow wilh eg-

groaalve llrm. Rap4d advaneenjont based on Indi-

' vidual moril. Locations:_______ _ Pondleion. La Grando. On-________

. . BoisolGBO.

Send resume to Oulsen---------- berry's Departmont Store.

• P.O. Box 40. Vale. Oregon

AVONS BUY AND SELL F-------- ---- 73 « a 5 a ----- ;.r ■ ■

■ ila j ^ ^• B 0V 5 A N r^R I.S j

3 - T O P E U yM 5


- Send reoumo to F-21 c /a _____Tlmea NQwa P.O. Box 54S.Twin Falla Id 83301. Equa.I

' -Jwomb^-Wah^^^PopulSttlJn^- .lend oui ^000. Salary S11.748 to ) lapprecl-’ Annual budgot!cla and <232,629. Oopartmeni e o n - |iflngs re- BlBtlngofBemployooa. • .sndsand Send a complete detailed* .to-recont resume to Mayor Marshall]Margaret' Evofhean,-Cll/H»ll.'}52Eaal«spoolally- -Avonu»_A._Jofome_ld^h'a-I____

I of the MirchirrearAptllcatrbnB^?"— * - irMo. wlll^be^received nil January*

Margaret Cleaning contractor noedaS —I part-llmo help for weekdays J

weekends.- »3.ia ant - _

i ^ r ia i l ' CONSIDER At^. EXCfTTNoi............. ‘-------------- and.rawardlngoar«eHf^fl««|-------------- -

-JS, 81.8.Addlaon.734-2ni.! . ....... rkxPERlENCEO.-MACHiNiSTH ~— -wanted. P^ i>e49»<057. Sf — —

EXE£i)IENC£0-F8Y C ^ K ^ ----------*ft-Ciil ,(iBfnOonahllt;Experlence<C -

;---------- wallreaa/bartsnder, aflorMi:.■ ' . noon ghlft. Flying-Sau oerg

SHEEPHEflDER^ ATTENdS ^dJ ? . s h e e p grazing - ' OtC


---------- -OVAROS-r^LOGK-TTrFROffi-----------Room- PREDATORS AND FROfS


: w m t - ^ a i m i x ^K -'the HERDER. FOOD. HOUBING,-------M. TOOLS. SUPPLIES' ANti*JmSTir -SQWPMBMT-----PROVIOEtJJl-^ -f f i ' a EMPLOYMENT < F O ^1 iK s “THREE-FOURTHa ------ O ltf----------


>P8R: - MONTO, • EMpI S yS-

»Sysle! W ^ U D lN ^ f^ c lu J r a ^ i^

S ? J S c T r " '•• lady ' - T - • .99ar>d IDAHO OEPAATMENT-«(f '

O PE^yiYM ENT 3 IM 8 4 1 ,............... BOXB29

— • . '^ w w .f iA it a j o a M in : ......— —

----------------- B ^ G l l l F o 'x "

Page 13: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

■ ' - tttW IN T H R O P -------------

. n y " ^ 5 i H A v e A

“ V ■

...................... . _ _ _ _ •_- r : —

~~k t ■"— MaDiflriftwrwrr

EXPERIENCED moat txinors ,to wprk on ’labfleniino linq^ Top w«08* nnd' ffln'oo

— Bonofltar-Cntl (Wi)3WJT0t- coileet, n k for Suporin-' tch'dflnl.EXPERIENCED Part tImo

------Ceslilor-HoBtoss for ovoning_»hlftu#pPliLlnooi8on.llIlliL5-Qoorgo K'b Prn»-FoodB 171D

• KImboflyRMd, 'HELP WANTED: Al- luneli counter,, part or fuIT llfno,. nlflttta or daya, Apply In psrvon’at Codar Unas; Filer

____INKLEVSai251 Main St. W. . haa a (ull-tlmo salos poBllion op«n. Part>tlnia opening (or exporloncod driver. Ploaso

jMnUct Blit at 734*W53..orj.- = 734-Qg47. ------------■ ■■

NoBdB (olophoho' aaloa '^Qoplo Tor local odvonislnB 4)rbaram. No exporfoneo nocQsaary. Shltta available 8 .

' >;(n. Id 3:30 p.m,. 4 p.m. to S

tv^oon 6 & 9 wookdays, 691 'Fllor Ave.

■ > oar Qlonns Ferry neoda young, ambliroua mechanic. Should havo . tools ’ and knowledge ol OABOllno

'^^trscrora:- For'lnlofvlow c'oIT “ Don at 366-7453..................... , ,

SHIFTS. Excellent pay,-----hsallh Insurance, ahllt..dl(- -

f ^ entlal^ngolng ln»orvlce.,,

------ Mandr-733-fl04B,-01feclor-oJ- --------rrowiHffSenTco." ' ' ’

MATURE WOMAN ter 2 to 10____ pm. ahlH. _MuBt be ablo lo

work weokVnda. ' Apply" -------iWlnchcll'a Ponuia.-........... ■ "■

. NEAT, reaponalblo, honoBi -------*-aobor-lndlvldual- to -help___ _

N'on'Smbker proforrod; Full time. Apply at Tho Oold '

.'Mlnb'.'Blue LakVs Mall,- a«k '' f t f Neal»no phone calla. J i’OSmONS OPEN FOR RN'S r6 LPN'S Contact OIrecior o( Nursing. 43S-046t. Minidoka Memorial HoBpltttl._______ ,

-RN-s ................. J

■you In a'challenQlng new i ^— /Hilwnarenikl^afaoonoopi-

In progreaslva oipsndlng t1|«vol II center.,.Immddlete .*btfonlngolnilB,.NiCU,.nflyf Jbom nursery, gxcellont sal* ^

------- afy-tnd-b*n«lltBrlof«l-«du*^ - J___ cation available, Contaei: JIM

ChosJhutf M iioffni Child !| ■Mvsllh Coordinator- Magic 5 Valley Memorial Hospllai P. ?

~ 0 . Box 4(M, Twin Fails ID ? _____P r. c . ■ ^

007 .lobsoflntoroal c


____ 5 d oy wrook'. M ust h a

J__ _ p u ta r __________E x ce llen t b en e fits .

' ;:GoMcrcf£;RasoiWhifQ:73i ----- ■* ............ . ' 'Hom o P h en a

" jr im e s-N e w s n ' c a r r i e r s a r e n <

d e l i v e r y r o

S 3 n I B e J l e v u e . —

I I Z L _ _ C a l l

« r e ' a v a l f a b l e *i — l ? o p O T - f e r l 5 < 5 > ^

( p o U v e r t h e T i m e

a . m .= ^ O B S ^ a l l - O p a l

V 6 7 8 - 3 1 6 1 . :


- - ^> d rC o sh ie> Clerk f<wgj^-' e G o ^ h o t i

^ • E<>ce»ent

] I riTF5

~ ________ - . . , - 0 ^ : - : - ^

- . .. OlESELDRtVERS .J'® Acceplabie age; 2 years

-d le o o lA I yoat.over-iheioad -o*oofloncQ._Qooa_drlvlno, .

record. Excolloni pay and, . — benolita^— ,Rock Springa, Wyoming.' no L I Vr<g Ing 1001111108 available tor

------elngleudrtonrAppry^rWBr TH8 Hatch Company, 643 S 800 _ W. Woods CrDSB, Utah, en flOl.295.551l.- An Equal Op-' 10, _ portynltvEmoloyer. „ .

lir. =SAtESi.,73. Yoof.-Oid. Com. ..pany needs reliable people

^ over 18. lo earn up'to 16 lo 8 ' ■ • per hour. Car 4 phono noc- to,’ osaarv. Phenw 73M3W:- ,0 SECRETARY: Mag card Ox-

, porlqnco prelorrodwCalUai- -ZJPiJi5InInrnna}4:7ilO. -

- ■ SECURITY aUARO; evening ' r-:.. & .-woohHjfiflrrwortirraunp" "

Wondoll area. 734-8919. . SOPHISTICATED LADY

)S Waniodl Must bo career pr­ig -lontod. eninuslBslfc, and-a - ;e phyalcal iitneas lanallc.■ 9 .Background In nuirltlen, , 6 dunce or physical educa- j

)1 heliul, but not noccaaary,Call Sherry, 734-7313 lor ■



II you aro experloncod In ] . . . oolling ond/or, managing.

^ —wo havo a-pofllltonopon Ina— : (. now Juniors Tops ond Bot- i U .tomeFoahlonStoro.-...... ........... |

li- ^V a'^ on-p ay-------- = ~-jS taktoavo---------------------------i

•Salaryand Bonuaos -

3 CnII Mr. Mock for an ap-' ,/■ -polntmont at mo auMoy Inn .

- -.January 7ih flam -flpmrand- JI January flih flam-10am ____J

* '" T E X A 5 -“0IL— -COMPANY 'b— ^ooda-^epandabln._Diifgon _jt, who .can work without T, Bupervlsfon In Twin Falla. __

-Contact--cualbmors. Ago .’— unimportant, but maturity la. j-

Wo train. Wrlio T,T..OIck. h' Proa.. Soulhweatern- Pel- o

-roloum, El. Worth. T. g,' THOUSAND SPRINGS Trout o

openinna on tat & 2nd'ahllta la In ihelr prdcoaainc 'plant.' . ..

[. . rrlngo . bonollta. Apply In SI I- -porson-eW 'mlioo-north-of ~ C' Buhl on Cloarlakos Rd. w' -543-4311. An Equal Oppertu- -In

- nltvEmplovor.M<F.. rc■ • WANTED: Older coupla lo

“ matiago aparimentarWo^li train. Aparlmont, ullllllea. salary lurnlahed. Sond re- oumo on provlooa work sklMa to Box U-21.C/0 Times * ’

• Nowa, PO Box 54fl, Twin *1

_ 1 _ _______ !____________ ' ro. - • . P<

007_______ .JpbsonnloiOBjL _®J---------------------------- -------------- pi



h a v o ty p ing sk ills. ~oii n»Q-w!tlv^BM -^^-«om-- - ^------------ ------- -------------------------- U


I J 3 3 - 3 0 7 7 . • — I -{1,° lo n o 3 2 6 - 4 6 5 6 _____; _ ’ 'o

S y tte .m t____________ ._ jh «Inc. ‘I®

___________________ 4C

i m o r n i n g

n e e d e d • *

r o u t e s , ---------J

= z z i z i i z : : z z

i l l :lQ -n f lA 5 1 <L

| | ¥ <

o a

R o u r n : r( in B u rle y - .r o r i c l - g f r i r T ^ “ ^n e S 'N e w s b y ' ' --

p a l_ G o iiz a re s , ^

k <

s p i r e s ^ '-I■ 1 3 P W I N G - — - . i k f o r G I | t S h o p . o

h o u s in g y ^

I7M 1 r a t f ' iM s » o

• F ^ io J jS S O W E W H E R E

P E R C F P T i e i _ E >

^ L' - ' ~ ^ -----y . . . . . y '

r ~ " W ---------- jflo»oi iniflrflii-------

1 YR. OLD Nlenolas neoda a . ® aitter to move lo Sun Valloy ] “ .w/fam:iywnuo'Mom-&"Dad' ~ f “- -aMr2/16*3M6rfloom-a-boan3- —

- t- salary. Coll 733-^9.. _ £

DOS ' Salsa PsoplaJL _SfiLES-R£flSOM-needod*ln- —^JT.tiorno ontortalnmont In- n>0 duBtry. J25CtS300 per wook, ^

loas than 40 hours per wook °> work. Muat have high s#ioot f

diploma, transportation. Call733-3418, aak tor Chuck, 8

>. ■ — • -w8 009 EmploymsnlAfloncJaa f!!

L j'


- Lot U3 snow you how lo J ■ position - your- -lalonl and I-

oarning capacity as earolully •9 you would an Invoslmom ^ or onn mlllinn r ln llart-li^ i.

r aro worm moro than m u • [j

r • BOOKKEEPERS {2J______ - _ i „1900-117200Aro you o proven problem solvor? Do you havo a solid oy, bookkooblng background?

, Do you havo your, akilla do- “ “ VOtOj57[iJ'l6 Iho polnl ol prolif hC

& loss, payroll -including 3uarioriyT(rBOrt3.4 balancej .j^_

yoa 10 Ih"os0 qUosI ions, ono _ ol those positions may bo of

Intdrost to yoii. Work with ; :^he-publle- phano & eualom.-

or rolatlona, + lito typing. „ ' ■ -conm .r«ar-i.irtto™ o«'ir. - g i

Inooe. • WAape

•AOMINISTViATIVE. ASSISTANT, ...............................lf>r‘Jfl00-J6i» 5:1!

. OHlco-lillnS.-typing, -com- M i putor Input, phono...apoll WIL

■oufsomo-ol Iho-warloly.mis, nen . l lnioroaiinQ |ob haa to oiler. Hav

.•SAL ES (Tangible) (2)- • -SI.OOMl.SOO "211Heavy duly oquipmonl aales ntaoxporlenco la needed lo ~aocuro ono ol ihoao EXPoxcollent aaloa poslilona. Noo

in guarantoo-I-commission. :324-:

^ g C T C T ABY -------- ^S60041.200 ..................... ovoi

-Careor-IndMdttai needed- -tran;who la inleroalod in advanc* 3406

-Ing boyond- Iho ordinary rootino, -Co- will proviso tk/

Hsales training to assist in iho ; _,oadrancomont-------- procostr—RELOCATE In Ourloy-Ruport a, , aroa. Eiscollonl bonollia, z lL

BRIC• SALES (Tangible) FHA. tl.OOOup Twin

' rocord will holp aocure this poallion. Commlaaion + oxpenaoa. Work with larm* '

—«f»-Bnd olh«rbu»tnoss peo— plo. Mual boa aellatanor. '

l i3 daya ,woek. NORTHSIDE. U JS VaYlely of ollico dutlos In* '212 elude typing. Ililng, phone 8.

“ olOorr-— ------- -- '— -E

'• SALES (Intariglbl^ ~ "Cour_ « . 0 0 0 u p _ _ _ __________wijn.

Unlosa you oro already do*’ Ing somnlhinn unn u.nni in & bt

_flO _for_m o mat of you bualr r t ifp—you owff-lrio-vourself- -Pole]

to Ilnd oui'moro aboul thia eoreoropportunlty. • - o»'«cr

........... ........................bodn-Out=cllBnC=cBmtmuea-aro- :«»rnJi _Jho,latdara-ln.tha;cOmmunU- -wUUl


Virginia Baneroll, Ownor ■409 Shoshone Strool South

I mmm I m o m s f . » • • • • • • • • • <

9 Open Home .029, .

W ig^ E D A R B R C

*51,551kCATHEDRALCElUNG *-144^ I N " P > ^ P £ R q O M - = F 5 e f• DISHWASHER ;• RO<

'•-ENERGy-SAVlNG -------V x c, nREPlACE - > N [:^'Am C O N U in O N tN ti •KITC • r j^ to T O O M S DIN I: URECnONS: North .en-WB*htnBtc

I h ^ n Wdgewpy teWo^*te.

<BL— uitlLtS IN' 734-4411 Ottic

‘ ra4-0Mi—7»«4»

R B J 7 - n - M T f ^ u

r - 916 - — an>»«ima., ABCCHRISTIANDAYCARE , Stato Ilconaod. 7 lo 5:30. pO ' -Ago5-3-lo-6.-3M -Fllof-Av* -co^}- —Woai. 7 4-3228............ .... ^ wa

BABYSnTlNQ In my home, aui------Potty-trainodr“ Clo3o -Har-- hoiI riaonachool. 734-8552, ovi,___ ^py3itr/frff..tnyJtomo^7 aar- J 2 i' wooT<. SkylanoPli. ailshiliB, . f p

Dfop-lns OK.-,734-8867. ' cor ; BABYSITTING in my homo.I cloao to Sawtooth School.I 734-7814. - - __________ _ - . .thti

BABYSITTINQ; My‘ homo. -Mon-Ffl. Dayaonly. lunch i „ milk.flmoa.&up, 734-0788. BASySiTTiNG. my homo, aan

-d a M .lOnly.. .Monday .(hru. ..twi Friday, Filer Eastland aiea.- . " Dio&-ln8-welcomo.-?34-48ffl-----

An y age. Cal[ Suslo at.734-.

J^bby Horso Day Care'4 turnPraachodf. 720 Sculfi Main. —Kimberly, 423-4450._______I.OO_BABySirriNQ in my Has homo In Hansen, Any age.“ nowCall 4 2 3 - 4 5 3 3 ._________ |qco


-«.oamlnO”ttirough acilvltl» S25 In an individualized ' environment. __ ;Swimming leaaons & Story MOIIlmo aro Included In the 7% i

HollRs“*t!:00-m-11:30' a.m 7 and 1:30 to 4:00‘p.m; Located-

Informallon call 734-2018. 6°°°

mature - EXPERIENCED. Jw ”OopunuaiJlo bobyalttor day ty,J<

- Or.niohUCaiiJ34-1722. ___WANTED - mature. ro-aponalblo babyalttor lor twin - “18_babies in my homo. Monday -----through Friday,'7:30 a.m, to' ' 02D

'5:15 p.m. Rolordncea. 734- ~_______ _ 021WILL do babyallllng; Livo

-a c fo sajfom Soara. Anyllmo. — Havo largo houao:734-4302,--------(jg

4 yr. old.cniidron daya In my nv homo. 733-6889.

016 SllialloiuWMlsd 026EXPERIENCED Milker ____Noods job also haa-oxperi- -------

-onco-ln-nerd-man«fl*mont,- -R o fl:324-3201 or.324-87S9. — -

will do j ^ r typing or ~ ~ - Can -

-transerlt)ij-;cas8Bnes. 734-- -itvvm___________________ ■ thiso

WANTED: . Wator.- Line Thawing. Havo .portable RP

■jvoldor. Phono 733:6.197.____________. Formi

017 BualnoaOppoftuftima batha BRICK DUPLEX, oaal aldo.FHA. VA. Call Century 21.Twin FalisRoaltv733-7721, - _____

Winter woalhor won't »iop r,-ual Clasaillod will bo ihoro.

no manor what blizzards l)r[nal733-003i:" - '

“BUSY - toc'5r^I»o~^elbror^ *100,000. Call Barbara, BigWood Roally, 734-0387 or ------734-0551.________________ I

1~EXCELL£NTFAMILY‘- i i ’ ®.® -_ -.-BU8INERR —

S s n j S s T I S I j r i r g r ' i i r s q ' r ;

-potonilal- up --lo-you^gupor----------•RBaanwg-iBeaiton- i o -taa— MSTiijovecnlghl campers, etc. 4 Oofoi bodroom ' living -qua/lors,_ Qona

rtorma.wllhVownor i ownor jyllJJfflin.AIUntaJaUii5.0oa- -+-Iri-vonrory.

' Handy Realty '•flWSo.l./ncoM

- Joromc. I08333i - §*??"

...........— 3S4-4438------------------ lawnr

7568, '

> • • • • • • • ? I S .

* = i . i ^ garag<

w s m i B• ' • • ■ m bodroi

------------------------- ^IM _. Qp.fiHoui.________

■■III ^

S.. . ---

a i a g i i f e a g j _ ^ i ' - - - pro m- n n if W 'T T — I TAGE II I I U W II ' r:] . Iron! Ilm ■ —I f ~ « _ homo,“-------------- moater

R O O K ^ _ i S« • 1 LISTIN'

r S e N K E K tW I N G ^ - R O O M I ■■

A N D 'ST O R A C 6_ ,K ITCH W A N ij ^ ■ ' - D IN IN G A R E A ------------------------ 1

htnoten.lO-RiclQeMay^ ... li:=:—J

S - »» »** « » / w

• I

Z i ^ y ^ e r s V I


* « - ° ^ |" ‘ " ‘ r r ^ ili lf t il 1

FOR RENT;. 2100 sq. It, commorciot- Building; 820 Waahlnglon SL Sultatiio lor auto ropalr-body ahop will ftonaioiarge-truck9r(3H4 ».- - ovorhoad doora. 734-9090 or 734-4243. Mr. McMurravr- .FOR SMALL Inveaiment you con own antique & gilt anop located in Twin Falla. Low overhead, 734-7500 Monday through Friday. 326U928 wookengs4ovonln03.-------L0VER0WERS7 - ........Have your own business lor inventory, cosl. S yra. at same location, i downtown Twin Faltar-Reason-forsoil-—|riD.JiQalltU-C4lL/!ooor-733-----4010 or Barnos Really 733- _

^CMANiC * Ron jour. d*vn buslnaaai^ FronI end &' lune-up shop, 733-S8B9,

vien's Hair Styling ahop. ! -las polonllal lor Unisex. All»ow-oqutpmont, -excellent , ,ocatlon. Prlco negoliablo. ,iuportormom38.------ " ,



^OTEL. 14 onlla. good aroa.% loan, iradeabio. Aco Ro*Ity?33.52l7, .......... - -------000 sq. It. cioar span block uildlng. wim oil •atroot J

joflTiforar'iioro-'fooarrof" ould bo converted to lippor club. Terms wllhwnflrJZ4J)00*Xamly.floal------->,Jorome.324-43J3.--•). C

n8________lnc6mo Property S

) a , . . . ......... MonayToLbiJi. .. *

121 ' MonayWinlsd

123 ..........'~ ~ ~ ~ lfiv8itmaiit------ ;

125 tomicmni ij

!6 Music Loiuna V■ (J

e a l E s m t e --------- ---------------;F o r S a l e

S ....... ..........OpanHousewilI OoTi doilght 10 Inspect- - laelegani West aide home |

BRIADWOOD DRIVE ?!------------------------------------ Jlrirmul living, 5 bodiooms, 3 HiIha. 2 ' liroplaeos, th>W-LOW-DOWN to quail- Al ■d buyor.

— GENTURV-21--------—Twin Falla Realty M

640 Addlabn Avonuo o; 733*7721 q ,

0 HomSiFofStla Cl

BRICK BEAUTY booso .. to_churchoa . and QD^O i .Formal dining _

iverod pallo. oloctric Mi rago'door openor.-Ownor- -Oc II carry linancl^g.S44,200. G<

-e VERGREfiN REALTY-------po731^200 ________so

irllyn WayTT........ 733^KtT nyirothyKDlarr.~733-«84fl- -ua me Conner.....,..733.4019 -jja lICK RAMBLER, dioctrlcra of dfMm?WBatn7aefe«ci«~ e Realty 733-5217. - . voi ■ OWNER: 3 BodfOOm f'J ck homo on 1.75 acroa. '®' colloni condition. SE lni:KlmbBrjyd6j>IW>t-t)lB*r :t. Cxcullont tuiiiia.' Will -flTnobllo home in trado aa ___wn. Carter Homoa, 733- 03118;______

OWNER; 4 Bodrooma. bath, 2 liroplacOB. Cloao Jr. High 8. Mornlngsldo lOOi. Largo asaumablo, I m Tioterms.-320-4928.- — ■ -OWNEfll-NoWffi^room. 5 U.Onlfy.,.2S90_sq^lt^and •ago, 800 80 .. fir^tr2W "OB B mllos SOUthOOBl ol o[h In. 179.000.733-5183.

Ownor: Twin Falla 2 ’o',

_________ _1L

€ G t t E G T --------------


Sfit-THE-gMAlL—COT*- ----SEIN-THE REAR. Llve up li In a lovoly 2 bodroom ■> no,- all carpeted. Large ' ' »ter bedroom. Nice yard. ipletely lonced. Cloa»-ln1 location. Assume low . ifoat-Joati-,,Ttila-NEViL ,HNO la priced (o aeil- K r S38,S00. OPPORTUNITY - E SCKBforaomeone. V


J ' 3 3 4 0 7 9 . ^ _

neArfderadn . . 733.1647

» • • • '

■ b y D ic k C a v a i i i0»__________HwnMFnrSalB

NICE-3 BEDR00M. 2 bath homo noar Sawiooin School

patio. Good llnancing gJallablo. 148,500. Call Ed at

— - J.1arliollno “ ..AiBociala'aZ-T ------- 734^875 anytimo.

............t EASEWITH• ■ OPTIONTOBUYI “

3 Bodrooma, lamlly room.

Locaiod 1440 Poplar. t37,8O0! Call 733-8289,

I T BEAUTIFUL RarhOdeled 2'_ bdr. faifiily 'room;-' full

___:baaomflnl..cloao in, Roady-lorChriaimas1733-39Bl. COMMERCIAL ZONE.- 3

:------B«roOfn-homor-Cl0SO-IO-, --B luo llahos— Bird, - 1120- L _ Hpvoum, Ownor will llnanco'

with low uown, nuaiior "n, ■ owned. 72(|^046._________-20 SAt,E; Immaculate. 3or Bodroom, lU balh homo.Ill Availablo nowl 734-2167. '

G O O D f ^ G H B O R ^ '

Jf You’ll llko Ihia appealing ^ norihoast area homo with 3 " bodrooma A 2 balha., l (l2x15V master bedroom).

T.V, area, llroplace, oloelricT......hoalJqioutilfl-aflaoo. Lnva

&cedaroxiarlor, S$8,S00.

‘‘ SPILLING WITH VALUE------Newly— remodeled,— -mia- -

JlomojjJloMlojtJjiJJlylnaJoL. _ . T ^ ow ,j)r lco ol 534,900 , 3------bedroom*,— lormai—dining-

nroa.& npw rool. Ssparate - garago & good atorago.

• ADAM, GRAB £V£IComo to tnia home in para- dIao. featuring a ruatic 2

'I atory design. 3 bodrooma.* • <20x22 maftior-JuJlo)^_2ii. _




;__________ 734-1500__________;

Johnr !Hov(ard . . . 733-6785 ' Audrey Howard .. .7 3 3 -9 ^

- -smrrayHueK'— .Ta w w r ~. HomerHlqga ,.,-734*3785 - I

_ ......... _QOOD2BEDROOMHOME... Iwith ioia of room lor ^expansion, 5 pluo acres with cwater shares, Haa barn, rcorrols and Is lonced, r

, ,, J52.000,;iia2, -.f


733-.W« II

Grocious and Modern, lovo- rly, country nomo has 4 cbedrooms, 2 tiroplacos, IlVery tastolui and creative <

■ decor. $94,900, *195, p

_____ G E fA SIM E REALTY— -. u s BLUE LAKES BLVD.N. .

. . 733-9336.___________


BRAND NEW i SPACIOUS.' I3 bodroom. 2 bam homo wllh ^

. JlIOPlacoanddQublogarano. “Heavy Inaulailon and qualiiy t)thermal windows thru-out, !,Allloralowiow$45.000. "

. EVERGREEN REALTY c ---------------734^3200----------------^

Marilyn Way........... 733-9250Oorothy Kolar 7334848 7 Gene Connor......... 733-4019

_______-LOG-HQUSE-------------- rCloao to CSI. Largo, living j; room wllh llrepjaco, ro* modoiod kllchon, 2 kbedrooms, J37,500, t


Marilyn Way' . , : . “-Dorothy.Koiar_:__r33-6fl4fl____

G o n o C o n n o r 733-4019

-pomryhome-wlirra-aew-ort- — souihoasl'Snakb Hivor ca ­nyon flim.'4'b6ara8m5T2W-------

'tja ih B m ir o p ia co a r a car -garoge.-Wlnnof 1977 Parade - q, of Homos; Also'-l-^-now- -S !

^portmoni-Buildinoa.^tfiJhr -Ti vertlblo to 4-ploxos. Rented q, & showing good roluin. Both for Bale by ownor. or will 2 consider trado for larm In HI

_Maglo Valloy arfla-734.3373. ”

030 Homes For ^

IMIt J.UOaOOU ho'"<* 1'., tnih. oppfoool - o»'d tould b« th* b««i bwy i

boifmtnr hot sn.«jl>id« ■'org row Mar. m.bli uimt.

5?-. 'rh.>ovgM,„lotation, •.»« lo>9* lol »iih good <>on


—-------------^ /A u s - te A S o /t i

1 6 3 2 A d d iso n E a s lrT w ir

T C o r g e ' 3 “ b e d r o 6 f T ) b i o n » - l e v e l — o v e r 2 ,-

^ 0 x 8 0 ^ h o p < i n d 5 a c i

= ^ < r t f - 3 - b W ‘d i 'd 5 r n ^ h ( l e v e l — h e a t e d 4 1 x i 2 a c r e s $ 8 5 , 0 0 0 .

sTh -I 999 ' .HomesFor84l>I ASSUME 6.?8r.; Low equity,

ng 3 bdr, U i baih, 2*car gar..*!_ -lu ll basomont, va, 734.41543.

■■ NEW.”_ _Homo roadyjor_o«upancyl

Lovoly -rim aereago, 3* m. bdrms.. wido-open living

'JUUMI tTTtH “ OUTTT**TirrTfT XI. room concopl, Ownor will

_ Jinanco. 172,500.

1 -YEAR--- ■dy_ _alter-year-yo«-vow-,to-linff-

= r er's'own. woirco^i^iTclod3’■ 2 bath homo. Kllchun

2 RESOLUTIONS' 'Come and go - tnis homo is built to stayl Tho moat oxclt-

^ =l«ig de'dlg'n yo-u’ll ovof'aflor ,, ._Ulira-euBtomljo(I 3..t}flitn._

------- 2Wbatn homo om ,3 Formal oniry, irafllc-lroo ilv- i 3 Ing room, lormal dlnin- iB, groom, flreplaco in laml- 1). lyroom and maslor •ii: bodroom, - Faniasilc con- UL -Cepls In building. J77,M0..

Ownor will carry.

E 1980■la- - Could bo yoor yaar-io Move- OL -Upl-Verv-nlcervary-aflorda- -3 bio. 3 bdrm, 2 baiha, opon

>0- -tdtchen— Itvtpgrouiii .. wiifr- - te corner fireplace. Now-Home-

-nlee -with all improvement done, 148,900.

B. Boat Wishes lo all for a 2 happy and ptosoarous New

s Yoarl CENTURY 21 Southern ii. Idaho Roally ■.,-n4-2111, m- -NEW-COtSnTRY-Hoeil)^"

bod room a_J_M lfis^ CalL _ 733-7446,....________

NEWERTfll-PLEX '3 ROOMY 2 BDRM UNITS, qualiiy construciion with good Insulation, CSI. area,

_ , Excoiiont-occuoancy. rale . . ^ •0wnorwillcarry.$95,000,

I — £V £RfiREFNflFAL-T^-.It--------------- r7344200- _____S - M a r l l y n V / a y ,733-9250'

Ooroihy Kolar ....... >33-6848- - gnnaiSoftftet ...„-73J.40i9- - . NICE LARGE Homo Inr Wendoil,-'Nothing-down II _II crodit is good, t450 por

m'onih, Coil 536-6252.. OWNER BEING tranalorred. . .Must aell-qulck:.4.txU-tri.- . lovol, Hugo loncsd yard. 2 liroplaeos. oompiotely corpotod. sllll ai S54.900. largo 9% assumablo

_ _mor.tQnoo._60.5__gro.stvlo.w..

- PKIME'LOCATION- 1 yoar4 ©Id, 3fl’xi6'famll/room wllh

llroplace, 4 -t- badrooms. 2) V. batha. formal Sinlng. RV

parking. No roallors. 734- 3742.___________________

m s A m j r ~

J72.500-EXECUTIVE HOME.____^Yoslordaya, ..ptico., ond ._ _yo,8tordayo INTEREST rate.

Tomorrow you'll wish you could atrike (hla bargain, 4 bedrooms, 3K balha. 2 laml-

— iy-(Ooms,-doubio-garago^ , Near Sawiooth School, Seo . this and compare.

•'Tho Old Timers''■EELDTMAN^REALTOBS. _

1804 Addison Avo.E,

733-1888 423-4638

JM m^nVof^'Twln'Fa/rs' bolter aroas. 4 bodrooma. 3 baths, tastefully dccorated. Largo lamlly room, firopiaco. Ownortranalerrod, Ono Ac'o,

ln l e r n S f c n ir ~— Pall»R/olMal«nalCenlet--------------Acftos# FrdmErnal------------------- snoppingcontflf-----------r r r — 7 ^ - - l 3 0 0 = z = :

^eilll« .K onim an'-.,.',-'n^^ :- Tutty QrlgpB. . . . . . . 7344063 -

MlkoKolsroy........ 324-3618DIckKohlman .......7344568Kay Kendrick........ 734-4039Oick Roberta ........ 324*2072Wayne Wie se .......734-2045

030 HwneaForWt”

•mranto v<d’c<H>ld b/iox.tiW - r., Mthoul .oiklng. Ur «^ o~ ______

^ lionlog*. Ownoi ml

duilioH-lm.-«ic«li;ni. __—

S o lm h R B ^ -------------------------

G ^ - _ _

r w in F a lls 7 3 4 * 0 6 0 0 - -

---------------2 4 H r . N o . .


I b r k K h o m e — f 2 , 4 0 0 s q . f t . . — : j

a c r e s $ r i 5 ; o d o : -------- -I- ^o n e " - -

1 1 x 6 0 s h o p a n d

jjIj _____, Sa tu rday

J30 ' Homnafotfiale-^

• HOUDAY SPECIALI 3 bdia,3 ' fully carpeted, utility room.------- carport & garago. J36,000—------- Ovmor -w ilt- carry;— 13000~

.down. Dig Wood Roally.. 734-6551. .iim VolK. 733 5005.

no 3/4 ACRF_jJQM gSgP_ Prlmo In-town location, Sawtooth School, *15,000.

' c5 ^ S ns1dE REALTY ~' ■ ■ .:^ 733*:iQe2 ' "

Id- --------------------------J 3' ~4 BEOROOMr-?T?atli, 2 acrU3.~ un 8 mllos S, Ol town. Nuod not, IV "qualify to ussumo lot. '^,75— n mn a r r - w iaiu. ~rj3-s900,^ 733-tOGO.

- 454 ,500-- .- •Jusi complolod* spacious 3

,, bodroom. 2 baih homo,.3unkon.-.lomlly-.'.oom .wiih__ flfopiaco, hoavy insulation

-and quality thermo wlndow.a—

EVERGREEN REALTY ."• 734-3200"• Marilyn Way........... 733-9250

Doiolhy Kolar___ 733-6848n" GonoConnor, ■ 733-4019 0. .................................. ................ .

MO Horpea For Sale

OWNU nilllNC TO IIAM m/Or a llvo bsAio ledoy al rosnoidor • * '••» opprai»»l, ond you ton

II. „MA«J«JNlT-on .mii.enm.. ton on i.,K> bw»r «rt»»i» Only tOO

lAly t o OWN, 1-ll.r -.11 ,o..T IKloH,(* bu,ld,ng> loioixl <i-> Oni

■ ~ '’C ^ r u ^ f 6 F S '(

*-■ - 1 6 3 2 A d d iso n E ast.-T v

s- c o x , VI

& RASiVIUS!-322,500^?^^""_____________which'could I

|rom o oxio' -.-ond londicop

— poper fQ-quoll~ j o c / h i i n SPARKLING <

•M ,UU U lhl5. 2 bod.oor Portlol bosom nice ulllily roo


'42,500 KJroom, 2 1

----------------------mont, now rO' o»iabl(Vhod ne

SK7 R /m CASH-AND AS _ ! ^ 3 U U -: u n iq u » .u U » d c

prtmo-Sowiooi room, liroploc dining aroo, Ol gorogo, quiol c ordonxloutio

_____^________ room, 2 boiih.lomlly room, li

______________yaort old, Oou--------------------trie -with-«e*ri1

»<oj?eH'S'fbn<'c— THrtYBCATCT

W f«Aw --_feelur«* <onve.......... ...... T |3'oco~n ^ in Q r

tlle'ln kllchon 0 double goroae,. leaped yard, ' iquore (oologo,

'5 7 ^ '< I f ln '~ * '^ A * T K T MO\ — f U iW UI/-- homo-ln-proitlg------- . ---------- F^tifros -5- boa

lly'.rodm. 2 fir plu» (26'/i u i: botem enl. Fruit

. 7 ' and booutlfully acopod.

-SDc.nnfl_escAPE-THE-oiU iftU vU po rb oeroage w

---------------------[ulLwOIOEjhOMhom e with (u room for 2 mor-___ — j . o o ' m r z r s r t

_________ »IOfOQO,

------ Contemporary I__ Drive. 5 bedrooi

------iuom»7~rodto Inuum, llmod und.

_____________ heot pum a loiWllh elocfrk'dot *um«d wllh leaa Excellent Buy!

boih ham« wllh exciting living.oi

--------- Fomlly room wiftploee, and wet b< dining, apoelou morble and eero

A.wllh electric door

J o c k C o x ..................R o b o r t-y * o h ,-8 r o k b r

r4^yi^^Ro9nmss9n.T-T'-.-'r .*■*t o r l e t l o C ox_. .....................G a r y C o tl^ d g e 'T .-."-:. : B « H y v « « h . : r r : T ; v , M lk o B o r n e y . . ;

_ S h ® iy lJ h o r r \to o _ ....,..:^ .... E lo in o D ro k o - O f f ic e M ar

L s / t 6 0 5 A d d i s o n

day. Ja n u ary S , 1900 TImoa-N

* le-^ -.OM.;;:-------- U—

idii,0 0 , ' m ACRE bum;,:,.) „,0 0 0 !___ flack. Crooh.jjanyuu„4 uiai— .-3 0 0 0 -----aroa--yrilh- - nice—homon------ally. . fO“f0 y._5 p_od pavmLrp.i.cti, .ID5 , und only 3 mlloa lo-onopnmg •---- conlora, Stfi.OOO,----- ’

lion rounded by luigu bonuirlui ,0 0 0 - ....^j y benmod dinlno rocm,J,'—, -liroplaoo-ond-ln-uood-arfa^— ~______ J4Z.9QD-.

------------ ^ftMERICAN---------- --ar — REAL ESTATE------'« ■ & APPRAISAL------------ '•1374|l*AvonueN;-.

(Across Irom Court Houao)-V - - --^ ..-^ 734 -5850— ^ - - - :

no, Doug Volimor, Broker'Ilh___________ 733-0057___________ion Alda Strong- , 733-0905*a— r-Mason flrSmilh^TT7 '? 3 4 -4 iW8 ------

MarkAkkorman ...734-3382Oonis Vollmor....... 733-9199

. . . 3 QDR. 2 car gnraoo, oiira largo lot. $37,500. fioallor ownod. Houk Roally 70343017-

. 0P0n7day3awr».)|s.__________

Its 030 HomoaFqrSale'-

o/OniON 1 0 auY, B.<r 'ha on.ot • >dor< O—noi oia 0 >><,ngoil <l,» k,lch«n ond ro".>o°'V<lt,°g

'hit 0 '«oi bi/r' 0 -f«t - . 1 1 (ont'iJo


o F S o iu i i o n s "

t.-T w lrrFat[s '7X 4^060g~

V EEH m JSSENTARTeRl-Jo»i.|l»l<kJ.-3-bcid-rpo wlth.amjjll olilco.or.don-__

oxIoVlor, wall liopl. loncod dtcopod, Ownor will corry qoollllod buyor ^ ^NG CLEAN, baai doacrlbos dioom.fiomo.on Polk Slrool, . * osomonl. lorgo living room, ly room, linen closol In both.irpon-ond-nicoly~foncod-S- -------iod.CRAMPED? Y/nu won't in ihli m ,2> '^ ' Very nicoly

“ 1 slorage. portlol I .ji- w rool, gorogo. and goud od neighborhood.ID ASSUME tho loon on this-b«du>0{n_34>oth-ho(no-;n:- — ----WI0 0 lh*Sch0 0 lljT0 a-F 0 mily” ” ' oploee. boouiiful kllchon-ao. Only 2 yoort old, d o o b l o -------|ulot cul-de.soc and ownorsu» 1 0 s o l l l _ . . . J ______|ST^THE BEST| BooutljuUy _____

hQlh_hiimQ_Eo'inioLinij>9_ _1___om, liroplaco ond'only 2 'i

-<e'nTfoI‘-o«r,^riicolv—lohcl-^ __IbneotTySTd in quiol'noigh- ■!ATCHfcKl'Uniquo Moor plan :onver»o(ipn-pit-wilh-fir»v - "yjffll.PpiTi, oRon.boorn-coil... --------aroorm,-2 -bolh»rbTOo»ifut— ' —hon ond bolht. Heat pump.roae,. redwood dock, land-3 rd, Croo^ price lor iheilogo,•MOVErinto-|hT»-iroro-ooir»- —— roitlglouj Twln-Fon. oTSoT" ' i-boarvomi, 3 bolhi, lam-..7 firoploeo*. contfol oir,X l3 '/i’| roc foom In full

Fruit room, doublo gorogo llully docorolod ond land.

1E-OROINAKY-on,ihl( av -ige wllh lo.vo|y_home.eo»t_ . - . .

ihoM*.-4.bedroomr^-both— --------h .full b o » ^ . .n i (with

flordon. ^a iu ro ond londtcopedA fenced. _____

ud ownor.oLthi&.oIoooni- , ary home on Sogebruth i droomi. 2 bothi, 2 family,,, __

I underground'aprlnklfng.

1 leaa ihon 1 0 % Interett.'»yi ............. ,iM THE BOBCOf toxPTTmic— _____~(huge motler tultel, 3 . I wllh over 3.200 *9 . ft. of Ing.on 3 beovtifut-oeroi.' - — n with moailvo atone lire- wet bor. roc room, lormal ■ icloui kiiehert. lota of ' , ceramic tile,-huge red-

• ■: doors ond Iota more................... 7 3 3 .2 0 8 0 :

• . - . - t :.— 73-4'.2223-r “ Z H--------- . - ^ 3 3=2807= F = ^.................; 733*2080

.T V V .r 734^6945 ‘------ . . . . . 7 3 4 * 2 2 2 3

r 7 a 4 * 5 S 7 a - " -...................733*6804- ;---------

----------- ^ 3 3 * -1 .1 .1 6 - ____Manager

i o n . A v e . E>

loa-N ow s. Twin Falla, Idaho A-13. •

Page 14: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

A -14T lm os-N ow s, T

031 OutOirownHAQERMAN. now.

. . . . hosling, 3 Dodroom. < ^ — ::----------» c im o a n r n 3 - m / . ' ~

AAA.trscK roeord. 8 Bodroom. 2 biih

^■ rrm n zE xion aiw oiyT T roraB dou sulaiod. 139S SQ. It. E

--— '— BndgaB-npat. C»lt3gg-i-------SMALL 1. tMdroom he

Jofomo. ii^Qnn-Qm.11 and low Inic/osi ctrrl owners. Part roallor o

^ _________ CallBordH>al33*-35».

________12 ACflES. Qoodlnj'V

_ shod.' bedroom i

H R e a l t y W briC— Intematronal.

- Falls ProTstslorulCSi' Acruas Fram Ems'

BINIo Kohlmin ....7 3 4--------------TultyQrtmsrTTv.. i-734

Mlho Holsrey......... 334......... ■ OlckKbhlmari . v.t ; 7 »

KayK«ndrlck......... 734Dick R o b « n s..........324Wayne W leio ........734

BeDflOOM-.timrtff- ....oaraoQ.&.^tiop. might i

• around Twin. 934-5878?- 3 BEDROOM HOME for 2 balha. 2 ear garaoQ

________ l-dwcod dochi coroyaol.

■ — :038~~ '~mtiaiewINTERESTED IN BU'

— targo Older 3 or 4 bodi homo-that muar b« me 543-6494. or 543-5335. WANTED Ineomo prodi unit or commorcfal prop

H ----- i=^-H flra tnBn of tmdo bu;. Call Jorry al Contur)

' ........ Twin Falls Rosily 733-77:

H ............m ' FemTt&RiTh

. ATREATIorihoroatol> • iKo. 4 tjodroom.oldor h(

on 39.5 ocrot of Irrigi larm land. Barrt, stji

_________[MCfllniLaaon. Como.ininrn la/k nh,i,im HM----

■ Q B M S T A T E R E B lf____________ ■ S3$«LU&LAKE&flLV0.-■ 7 3 3 ^

H BUFFALO.CATTLE RANPump irrlQOtlan.' L'ois water. 600 aeroa.

■ -doodod. {480,000. Plec ■ DillyRanch.fl25-5180..■ DAIRY, 275 acroa, mod H 001 up, $300,000, lort

Rowo Roally, 324-437S W ttt— :-----733:CT25r---------------I--H ------------ ^Cftoek-ouf-eolumns -Hr■ 733-0031.


B * ~ — Wo havo over 50 la M __ nviillnhln tmm in■ Alao sov■ - ........... cholco rarjcnos. Call J■ . McCall or An Martin. M■ - plo Listing Sarvlce, 734-41


■ 12fl ACRES ROW CF ■ FARMi sprinkler Irrlgal ■ es&irpreouctrvoTBTitmu■ . bedroom, 2 bait), romodo■ nomo. . Ouibulidln■ granary, King Hill qt■ ' Oood lorms. Call Art Ma

H 734-4S76 anyllmo or 734-4■ ovonlnga. ____________■ 1S0 ACRES, wllh-tei shai■ '* Twin Falls walor, this It■ ’ good producing (arm,. ■rzzrr!^^rriW6lyTfr~t7itiroontz3ion■ llropiaee, elociric .he■ — ........ 'g o o d sot br out bolldlni■ Priced at only ri750 (■ John. Roblrta 5434:■ - ' or Jown and Country Ra■ ■ tors 7334719:'

Iqrgo metal 'shop, beat I r — — ::^rovomoni»?:C#lf=&J=P8

- f f 4-5381. CARL BUTLI

flnako RIvar. wilh 1 Qllfo-r—-----;— Hlirtircie'spTlnklorerAdi. . . . ' tlonal 80 acrea avallablo I --------- -T-la«a>rfl78-a913. Roailor:

40" ACREbT Mud creek Wllaon crook water. FIS PONDS. S room romodeic

; ■ homo. Ideal location. Fi

f ~ ~ -------- WEBT^BNDREAMT-,----------^fiuhl^TTTTTo-. ,-(208)5O44(

- • cra__________AcreiodliLbi

BARE 5 acros. In Jerom oroa, 5 shares o( watoi

....... .........prlc« 5434339.or.Towh au'

----------' . Coufllfy-R»al|or»f~64a-444:--------------oc7334nB___________ ^

■ ‘ <ar Fwm»* Ranch#

- — ( " D A l S w i E i s

............ ^ o v o y o u - c h e e f ia— - la t e l y ? A ls o o x c e------------------ 3 2 0 o c r o s , T 9 0 ~gci

________ { r r lg o te d poa tw re .; b o d r o o m b r ick ' ht

$ 3 6 0 ,0 0 0 . W ill to k . r r .. . . . . o r b a r e 4 0 o e ro a .


T T r a AofMo* A Loti

' ' O v ^ l ^ t i l n g

Z MfleSONi

_____________e ^ u e v u

' t % m i le * Soiri * W o * e r _ P o w

^T " '■ r— w c n u K V M M• ; . - ' W d t e r ' * iM > 4 4 6 0 i e n w ^

i-. r-.

<3, Twin Farfa Idaho Saturday

Town Homats r - ^ s T p “ •om. 2 bailT. ______ _


'd Buhl 3 llahlng, waior ski llh home. SAVE YOUR QAS'haiBdoied~l^___ own.pHyOfound..i3 nIt Eloctric

132#-83#fl— wator -a lroad y-ln .-l m h .m .' l . K E""'”

carried Bv BY OWNER 3 live acrc Her owned. '<''0 lota with Irrigation 3520. 4 aooin. 2 e«ai ol Ji

---------- .. gu% ; 734-2668.Ing area. 2 . ----------------------;-----


this unique proai

OrlCi - Owner anxlo Ja - will T ■nal for Income oronorty oralCenlir -Ir>TwlrIFalfi.»169.

GEM STATE REAl 10 ----- ----------B25BLUE^ M .BLV,

7344588 .........!-!-73440M- -For.8tl#.Of.Trade;,13J.l(

334-3818 parcels, or 1 30 acre pa 7344588" «"ll«a NW Jerome, 32<-<

:. 734-4038. 324-2073 Largo Lot avallablo In . 734-2045 auliablo for prolesalon

________ flcoa or multi-familym tff-with- '■Bxooliont -locatlonrW lOht trada_ »____________

GEM STATE REALfr So ■ S: ■ 5MBLUEUKESBLVC uaoL Cali . . 7334338. ...

iiBWinirt" '■ ....... L O T S ■“-BUYifra SAVE. SAVE. SAVbedroom * .Buy a lot today at la s t ;

am oved, prlcoa.'w llleclllorm yeS. only. Indian TrailsDrodueino Realtor owpro^perty. ..” «’«*' 7334017.oje_buyers. aoyaaweok._________intury 21,. ____________________33-7721 or MUST sell ■2Vi a<

' ■=.'-------sooth-moumalrtTrHavirIRAchea aP{!f,»

. , t^W 3 BEDROOM, 2 6It ol your . h o m e on 2W. acres Wo

irrjgaiod Jonn-AIro rango. whirl diahwashor, pa

---------------irw m oslal—ooftlretled>raopoir-insu im iorm lD

ALTY - heat, fenced paatureLVD.-n :------- oprtnklorB-lncib'abdri

double garage, nice vio_______ VBlloy.J6a.500. Call Eoranch Markoifng AasccUilos. F toia of «ora/Bulldoro 734-, 4K «nyll«no-____________ ^PICC-A- ONE ACRE- - 8 rr____. Soulhoast Twin. 15

Phono 733-5183. - -- lerms, SNAKE RIVER Rim prop

4378.or._ .North .o f Fflor. 12) 3 i ___________parcola. Can 543-8097.

'BTART-THENEWYEAR;;____In lho.QUlot.80fODliy.oLj

own 22 acres just mini_______ Irom town, Boaulllul doi

wide mobll homo, and pli ;HE8 olwalor.S75,OOO.I171,

-Q E K r a T A T fR E A tTovoMOOO------5i 5B LUe LAKES BLT O:I Bovoral’ :____ 7334338--------lali Jack _____________________

"cre . view |. 734-4876, pa„ a iso Knull EBfttoa. j r .” ” ” -Twin Fallf.-Qood invesun viATES for year-ond lax purpot_____ ■ Shown by aootT7 734-2<e2,' CHOP ------^ ---------------

mi^oled trooa. Suitable for a uiidlnga. division. Ownsr will com

1 Manifi

^ * 5 5 9 --------Q E M STA TER E A m828 BLUE LAKES BLVD. I

--------- 7334338sha/ea.arm'® f ^A., country, by contraci

“ -Z jn llB fl.N ..oL fnn M n ^ haai • ErotasrBoautituraso oogi

iiiriinn^'' 'viow. wl'l custom Suild rM - William Mason, 354«339 . J325:----------- :----y Real- 4 ACRES or Lasa; 1 mile

— , j t - J w l n - .Owft«fr-carfy-

leat Im’ 5 ACRE View ParcelsrBi 5=P8in(= zafB am rftto iP w n zrE tia »f/n F n 734-3556.----------- 5 A C « T ln M olonj/a|||rooking- ^t^Un^on'glhToLMagorm Qllfofa Valley. 4 _ (fte Stwloc rAdOl-- “Iranflfaln5r543^5j92rt{r5; iblo for_- ..o r734-8971 altorflpm.

. 8-ACRBS'Dn:pavod:roBd------ i:mll09" fnsm Bunj.-ownorjeek & nancln'o;~Wlil buird u> au. FISH 734-0973. .____________odolad 8 BUILOINQ.LOTS sultab n. For for double wido trallera ir:-----------duplexBS.-Sewerandwalirr - - -«vfliiat)ior^inifO#i,“ cui <W400 = -B ir d -o u » o r := C a ]l= D e !_____ Johnaon. 324-2214 o r F.l------- -Mar>nat 324-2850._________>>Lbla 9 ACRES wilh 3 bedrooi

home. Iota of.oufboHdlnc and corrals,.ali fenced I excolleni pasture. Onl

.'johnr-»*M 1- -S<3-4441 -or -73:

mchea 037 .. . " Farnia* Ranchi

E N - € A m a t f ^K k e d ~ th e ” p r ic e ” o f “h d y ' ix c e l lo n t p o t a t o g r o u nd .I G c re a r-6 f 'h b y ^ it)0 '^ ’cres'

t ' h o m o , fo i l b o a e m e n t . t a k e n i c e h o m e .o n J r o d o '—a. .......... - ........

REALTY 7 3 3 -2 3 6 5 TCHIE 8 2 5 -5 6 7 1

.Lota 038 AcrM'o«ftLote

<lng tfTe B e ^ r v o i / " .........

iNiUNGHBlWFl—w $ 7 0 0 p e r o c f a h d u p

M lr tW A ^ l P r - ,

J o u H io f .P I n e , Id a h o P o w e r * C o u n t v R o ^

i m U r P B O P I T I l * ----- ^r '* it fd ” 'A ld rich I . . P h , a 4 3 - 0 8 g a

' ' - I

day, JartuaryS, 1980

, l , , iC o i , 038 ■ aiilnniPre


114 ioo Challia ID; near tho air•???’" —— T .

noQollable. Round V

acre build- 10 63228.6^2349:879-44

*68,600- owner carries, ------------- Barbara, Big Wood He

•Addloorrft-Srackon So::' troaiig^ous irontags. Owner willr m d ' : r - S i 2 2 i 2 2 S 2 i ^:yor.bomo. 043 : • VieiUonProi


123-A. 35 foel from hoi--------- - pool- acroa*-'-from -W'3) 10 aciB Springa aki lilt, undsrgro e parcel 3" "PnHflnorsaunareorK-w3244922.----- and.oaruJaiene. II, Is.ah.----------- - sharp,’ al only J42.600,G„ i„ lorms. Roailor owned.

=550 -or 7334328 Or com* ? it . ' U"" '''"'•y- Soturday

- SuQ_dayAftarepn,.. .

------------ -045 IrfotHlaHomaaftfl;A L iyILVD.N. ACWAYS

- ' ...............BETTERBUYSiat... ~

____________ M.V.MQB1LE.H0MES---------- & MARINA

3AVE ,b a n k REPO: Muat aacrl

“ s 'S'.„ZZ‘,----------------- BEAynFUt—1979—4—tK----------- Governor. 14,000 down tal

ovOf_paym-Of)H_oL:228^ 7 ^ .V ~ ^ _uD,.»n2.SkyianoJ?k, Alio,“o r s - ________ __

toms you need aro auiilniI W .

or* has ■:------------------------ --------vhlrlpool LOOKING for (ho boat

paniry: mobllo -homo living? Si

^OoWon— W e s F = e flf f ■nlDCirlE— modal*—natural—hardwol ure wilh fino. carpellnQ throuQhi I, iorge~ arid oplions that would fll> vlow of wAolo pagol You muat a

Ed al ■ this home on display lo 1IS. Real- proclato tho fine quality 0 734-4675 iilo-timo. MAGIC VALLi

MOBILE HOMES. 2V4 mil — Woat ol ho<oilaUKW30&(

^ m r n m m m

I double ■d plenty | ™

t t T V - ------------

iols. 5 ■ . y y oa. Svi

rpoaos • I / / I1482,------ - - p " ' 7 / /

yre________I ___idlargo - - ■ / M r i\r .aul>. ■ / W / !consid- ■ - / f - • ‘

■ J R ' / .r n -------------/ /VD.N. /

tractor. 5-_ajnlln____ ---------------------------------ooflfoo, . . . . ■ __ : _ ••uild 10 5 . t i ' n ~

1 ^ 'mlle S.”' . ■ "sll > f“ irry-at------- '■ >"

i"Buhl P N _£n an oz n r | | , f ? ^ = =

^ O Q ^ ^ - > __ y

?ao*3 . ' 5 I - --norjd-i. —> auii. I

ilt l^ e I ^>ra or • S Vwalor------- i ~ : ----------- ----------- —

' F.R. I vu v"

Iroom 1 '

- 1 n

- - 8 ^ 1 -


- ! ^ : y e

■ I .

| i i = i - a < r — ^ — / i f e l

J _

f f . 1B | M M

W5 "Mobile Homea Fori

!!!?=!>' “F S L V r , „ o : —I Hwy. 93 g«,., . . . r a t n^f

..&ahod. <7905.733-7iaa.-cationT o 'a lr '^ ^ down. J135 a month. Vi

-<«t-^o.-H oolenda-H o

S79-4466. new, ready 10 move rlgh riT a'f'r;. 1973 14k70' TITAN aeituirtinfi ^tn park. Double Inaulated, Irrlna Call Jobrs,__ BlOrmWricfS>d Really, CPM.'"®'""'’"

lV o:”i38-- — -tO P C A SH P A ID _vvii!_ iiil _ f O R 4 1 0 1244 WIDE;

■ Also travel Irallera .


MOBILE HOMESDO Unll ’C air'collect. '734;3td7~■n hoaiod 324-4203.Tl • - Warm - '. ..Isrground w « have buyers lor Ur OrJr-wallB- -M bblio' Homes : “ we“ neia.aharprr ryoarrrllstlng.-rrCail— C)00,Good sirover. Contompor,ned. 733- Homes 734-2873, allor Blcome by 423-4101.'

rday and Malntonanco-fuio living.— — an aflordable prico? See 0 MPhrKilA “P‘>.'.'E.q£'l.'i9"nos. 733-093 14X70 GOVERNOR 1973,

bedroom, diahwashor', 10) shod, skirted, cooler, 0

t SI y o m 'E f la y io f in a . „eDon Strever. Coniempcn

OMES- - -Homos 734.2673,-aftei^fll423-4101._______________14X70 SAHARA . 19

• •' oiecirlc, wood— siditaacrlllco asphalt shlngto. Like no 14x86, 3 Eaay eredlil Call D il Mr. or Sirovor, Conlempo;« 14848 or Hbmoa 734-2673, altor 6f----------------------------- ----------------- —■2" tJJIIII 14X70 111 AN 1973 wn takes bodroom. eleelrlc. cooli {22S..S0L -ajUnoflr-MSntt-Muya—Ea ;..AIloca,. _^xma.^Cali_P<}fi_5Jwv<

Coniomporary Homes 7i — 2873,aftor6PM423-4l01. ■ p lS i” FLEETWOOD;oFumns - -m obile homo.. Now-wal

hojilor & carpeting. Ooc -rrrp T ahapc.odoocially on.lnaid

c l0 3 c S ^ 7 °4 ^ ia f‘!!3i!j?nj

Buohbull * takoovofDflym nnm tg:uldfllla “ month. Soo al Skyianlust 800 Trollor Park 1119, Twin Fatlily 10 ap-' Must soli._______________illly ol a 1979 SANDPOINTE 14 wideVALLEY Furnished. Sol up In-smaW mllea park- In Jerome..; J14,90<f304B3,- .324.5318.- ..........

. -Z'------

............ ■ -V V a l l e y I

_________ y-o.ulr.e_i

T J f i n e s t in/ ........ s e e !


f "kVe P!ac9 Poople."jSNELLING &. SNELLINQ.

—j---------- -A-1 CHIMNEYSWEEPS '

Clean for aafoly & economy. Firoploco Inatallallon. Also


---------- cabinola— Froa—aailmates-

__z 7

: : _ Quarta~.:rgttlf6w ^ o U o n » ;-

■ aupplomonls. 'alii'n care. 324-2858 Joan Waliter. Plat. ANTENNA SERVICE

C H ocH Z l^ r /Z J in j iiin a L .

‘ inelella/'ions°"*ro(3alrs, "ai> tenna'a removod. Oulck- aervlcol Reaaonablo rataai Chuck Har»cy. 82M721 Hazollon. 100 anywhorel BACKHOE , . .

.....Mohf Backhoo S«fyJe«..Top_.aoll. rock, din moving,

_JlZ a6^^ yatorna'4xcavatror>!z:


Ing your baaornant. Free”------ r-*atlm atea:"ft:-9giarg COJg—__ stfucl!on..MW^0; _ ^ _ _

•0f 6 aie M8 MobileHomaa

5 - <2) Two Bdr. Molill6 Partly turnlahBd.'II

___ - 33«13fla or 7334557.QERTYr- 2 BDR QLENBROOl — ftnnrr~ ~al1 ~ar?rlflf'7''^ftl6s't . Won'i oralor^ . washer, •Homea— -storm-windowa.-LIkt

be moved. 643-4479. ^ L lk o 24X48’ 3 BedfOOm right In- wIdo all aeitup In La situp In Park. Decka. awnir id. Now maculatel $18,900. ncfb-war- ' From'aB7733-75^:-~ -34.4817 -2 USED 10 wide — Homea, Pjion.fango.

i3500. Good -terms, ID and Seal-C arter-DHS-— West ol Hospital. 733. t and 7 7 6 0 'Moves You Ri

14X70. 3 bdr, 2 full 8170 month, I I S Ini

N paid off in -losa tharSol up In park in J

:S Edon. 625-5821:' d7~o7“ ~ -.-ZITZI

:___ . R e n t a l s ^ -_Uaed_ ~~j io o d _ ^ ' Furfi:


r BHM ,225 includoa utllllle____ 694V_______________’0 al . -JEROME- 1 bodroom.

month. Available no.8111.324-3803...... .......

973, 2 KIMBERLY: 1 bdr. - .10X14 tIM . Deposit. No pel , only oroncos. 743Woat Moi >-Call.. ■1,B0fl,--Brlek;, OaMa pcrary carpeted, downtown, i-flPM- - BneoamB'pols7733-'T7l____ 1 BDR. FURNISHED:

1978, plotoiy I'omodolod. J ild in g ,--no-p ola , tl85 + dej

new. 5404,_______________;Don 3 goR_ pj,ngod In

■6 PM llroplac^o. cjKpon, nop

___ ’ooler, ----------T

- 05t— Unfum:HsnR>y ”73?^" ~flRfCK-M0 MErt-tKJr-2

family room. 2 flrbplaci 1 lovol. Vorynlcohomj month, 734-2648. . . _ .

o “p®(j CLEAN 2 bedroom I jjyo wHh garage. J225. 0. 19 Of" 'JlOOr-Roloraneeei'No Tfoa 734-2494,

-within 3 miles o( Filer, iano pormo. Val & laat-f de

roll. Indoor pels. 733-7484 a pm. Avallablo Jan. 5lh. CUTE 1 BEDROOM

imail - (urnlshedhomeonEllzi .,900.' Blvdt $150 monlh. 733-

. ' 734-4928 alter 5PM.

gS pv ________—

PHOi' fTia./ B u s i n e s s e s . C h e c k

?_i n _ j i e e d _ o f _ ( i_ p r _ o f .

in s e r v i c e a n d q u o


0.“40. Homes weatherlzed. 31).' _flJia^lhfl^Trlm_woi1. Braekman, 7334797.


ny. . Small |oba a specialty lao price you can ilvofoe--------- ra3^77, , •_____:___


— =C(ifp<mity.T^oughr4 -______ahoet rock Inalalled. Tto --------- 8eouaTI&~coinng, bas)s,----- -M ^ m g^ fencln grT :


■ai'-'-'v ^Ahy'-typo-'oonslructior

0 . Ron Harney, 4234985. CARPENTER FIX-rr--

-------: Carponlor FIx-ll-Man.-laL-. . -hdmiL .ropalra_4_pai w Reaaonable, 7344332, - > CARPENTRY:k— • .>i - Conalrucilon & remod

Quality work. Reaaor Frooaaiimatea. 734-126 CARPET8lUNO ' INSTALLATION

P____________ ;Il-------.P/Qfoaaloii*l_(loor-cov

" -florvlce:— fluperfor~C_______ San//co.J334nB.


^ l i t Wood* not Atoma



........... -YQLi.llftdLtti8 right |ob.-l............— iw c • fooB.r405-6Tib9:

. SlreotSbulh, 734-6844.

. ---------

■ - ■

>maa For Sale 031 Onfum.HouM ^ 1 6 Homea. EAST of Twin Fal. Id.' 10x55. AI> bedroom country t LMfiftilajEath. Lfjreplace.._otl .lurg Mcelieni-r«n~ ^^lidrngsi garagei

3557. month, lal & laat 4^OOK; 14H64, _________*i6v«V3*Irrt(i' ‘-HOM&FQRTl0a»0~ sr. akirting, through August It .-Llkonaw. TO Drive, noar 1479. _ _Sehoei^ begte.<wcom double- 'oom, itiopiaco, lai InUzyJM H . on^ ltli ralrlgoralo iwnlnaa Im- alovo, dlahwaaher, Iw &^iflr-s dispbsal. S200 doo<

-par^B nth. 733478 6554 ext. 315!

insoJ250a.tO BUHL, 1 bedrc rma - ^ e : ;o « « g o r UfJfumisr

ter-H om es,- - P0ts.S43419eaner< 1.733-7568. IN KIMBERLY, new lu rilnht Ini' "Bodrasm "4-pi6i.

full bilhS » 'f‘0 ' “terIHnleroit i »230 ■. depoalt. 733- than 9 yrsr JEROME: 2 bdf. c In Jerome. $165 per month. $10

___________ II. Call 734-7360., , , LARGE 2 bdr. h

KImborly. $180-+ d - utilltlea-423-4493.—

----------UNCOLN SCHOOi^Fum. Hbuwa 3 par, 2 bath, wAjd INQ;— nicer - a io v . $260/mo.7B.l lOkera/pels. 'LOOKING FOR A H( tlllllea. 733- which you con shar

■ . OKponaos with' oom. $110 a Home-fias 4 bodroo s now. 324- baths, kitchen - a_____ .1______baaement, main Hoc

Art iVa Includea stove &?n « i. *325 monih, loas-iit MonrooT lease, CallSondra73

s^ ^ rX tT" r o ^ . family room!^------^ -sulatotJroibvo, relrli•— ■ and diahwashor in

HED: Com. J250 per mo. BEA

r w f s t - S 5 « a a * ? s «_________ flroplaee, floatI In yard, electric garagodoon

PO'a 0 ' JullM onced^ 350 p

__ _____ lurnod. .______ . . -... ' _ JllCE-CARPETECW^K iHtForRwit mobile home'

-SHOSHONEr423-4032 iplacea.on NICE 2 bdr, ca homo. $300 aeml.furn.: washer.

______rolrlg.N oPela.423-52om houae NICE 3. bdr.. 2 'ba 5. Ooposll appllancos, carpole, { :-No pels. Kids OK. 32446ft, 324-

corpoiodl'^douWtSS-t-dep. No river vlow. 2 acn484 allor 6 pasturo. Roferonco5lh. guirod. $350mo. + cli30M . un. -. dop.N ooaia. Call 543-lEllzabeih- OLDER'2 BEDROOM

733-5995. with basement & I. - yard. $225.733-20S8alli


N 1 7 ;I 3m a .n y .. s e r v l c e s - ^ a v a i i a l e c k w i t h o u r S e r v i c e

r _ o i e s s i o n a J , - T h e - f i r m s -

l u o l i f y p r o d u c t s . C h e c

Ized. - KItch-________t - - - - - *


'i*vo' w°ih*!

g;-734-2578- . J

985. 'rr-

Man.-Light " -------- I"-------- ^

imodollng. ! / f f lMSMable. ''

ORIZON'S t W Scan-netp' ~|o b . .R ^ ------- —BTTdsh-one-------------- *

louMi For Rani | iai Unlum.Hou: I Falls, nice 2 ROOM FOR RE ilry home wilh bodroom houi

■ - S,??-; nnr _ 4^ V ilh c a l bill. u t + depoalt, Sullivan at TIi

, 7334931.aaOWrfuarFT^ ^MXtlCWIICE-S-bt st 15. AituraV OHrage, $190 doil r — sawtooin- -oa-6p a i r ^ 447r roomartnmllv .i^iiim i^i 1 u «ni- o; Targe iilich. now unfurnlahed jralbr, bulll-ln cooo 4 plot. 73340

very^ v e r yH B

ZTA. .• '■■T.- - , 1 BEDROOM

bk— IfTcIudaa -«rpOtod,-paniii-"aterisanl” Call 734-2141 eveni, 733-4952. 1 POSSIBLE 2 ir caroeted deposit, ^$lMde®pot

r. homp In.+ deposit 4 ■ 100SFINANC'3- ----------------- ^AVAIUBLDOi—dlalrict. No Down Paymoni i^ d Ournlng.. .[oat. , when ' y

floor k l lc L POWNTOWve 4 fo lr lg r 735=3674-la sw /yea rs ......ra 734-2648. 2 BDR Oupiox. nice hnih llvln'n" 9thAvo.-e,-$17500f

om. well In. JuMbali. 73J-34..JT* relrloafarof.^ '2 BeoROOM hbTJs*

'"“"a 'Of rent..Avail BEAUTIFUL comber 15. F v.,e*eellenl cai^eied.-very nico. I bdr. 2 t»th, Fenced yard 4 dog at pump, piu8d0p0Bll.CalI64

2~B E D fe-0~M HOL

fft roTtrrequired.73443 *7 2 BEDROOM, good I

i^hnrtmnin attflfll.-dfapaa^^to u 0“0 Hoal. no pots. $2

------ 11.csrpoiod, 2 BEDROOM; pasoff

her. dryer, well ' and aoptlc23-5263--------garage, large yat2'balh. all month + $200 Ole, drapes. Available Ul/80.73^ ,3244385. ’ 2 BEDROOM RENTA q{ — xoualry—now avalli eom-hom«t— -S33&—month-plu?—

acros ol 2 BEDROOM, once ro- garage, wood atov + cloan-up mo, + $l00dep.734-( ' 3-5004. 2 BEDROOM. | 30M homo furnished, no child 4 fenced pots. $250 month. I

Wallers. . ist /la s im o , reni:-734-

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

3^11931l i a b l e - f r o m . M a g i c - —

c e D i r e c t o r y v ^ t fe n

m s - b e l o w - o f f e r —t h e —

h e c k w i t h o n e a n d


- for fra' I _ jAN.n


I • CommFreeV?:' feJL rs

1. 32»-*0i

j v- r KfTCH

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | r V ^ ~ L a k « a '

^ 1434.

I / . M-oblie


' ■ • ' • ' ■ " ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ I

HouMiFofflant ' M' Unfum.Houi RENT In 2 2 BEDROOM Vi

t ! ° s a a . " - . ' " " . *»0/ifm oniR ^ 3 - eodroom,

____________ Jeromo.________2.bdr.-ln-FII*^- -*-eED flOOM -ht dollars -•■ mo. month, $J5 deoo 4 : 7, ~ do'or pola. 733-781

hed 2. corrala. Falla, alove . & 1 >34034. (urniahed. $225J4ice 3 bdr. $lM_dam'aca_i3o -porm onC all. r i ^ f i . 7334400 fll

» lo KImborly, 2 BEDROOM he Da008lt.4 rei- month + deposit310. ~ •' - 324^530,;--------M HOUSE. 3.BDR;.CBrport.-l l iy furnlahed, upa. Dlahwaaher, venlnoa. $250-f depoalt. 73T l lO H : No 3 BDR. HOME; • lalt. la l & last carport. $300 * .deavance. 733-' 734-8830.________

3 BOR. HOUSE In-------------- -Ji25-porwiordoisi

orenooa. 4234364. ABLE ^'B D R rn ow iy-re.’■ « P . r . r ron” i$95:^'; low 2 o'r 3 -rtiopoaltr734-1790,- hlngroTTPark- -3-B D R ,— rodecor ...and have lurnaco. $215, wall onia aol up age furrh Reforen'urincome:--------1355i---------------- -—■ REALTY 3 BDR. 2 iMIh. *225 OWN ' $100 Cleaning dop.674---------------- dayarOvonThgs324----------------- 3 BEDROOM Bricklice area, 211 flroplaco,. 1.75 ac" oornibnlh-f bulldlnoa. $450 mm ■w. "bfo car" garage.

- HomoBr733-7568— (Available Do- BEDROOM Brlc

F i r S K «'«P '«o ., ClicorOarao'e'' P«*®- fofofoncoa. Jog run, $300 >125 deposit. 733401 1116434202. 3 BEDROOM HOME- $160 paniaily (urnlahei

-4 BDR. HOMETtari isemeni, has- noar YFC?A, Chlldri ipllc. 1-car O.K. $300 por mo. 1

yatil.- $275 Jlm,7344S5ror73y!4 BDR. in good I $350/mo. + $100. N or3.-7;H4;S2Qrfi7a4

” ‘'» « a -r e r i.S-BSoRooM.-^t.-Oatl oT-mrnfrosT T S / font In HazolK ^ O o lty -« l- -3039;-. ----------

— i = 5 f & T te 5 ; 'iV 'istove. $285 ll.ndlnCla88llled.733-7344812- • —

partially .052 . . .Fum.ApL&.th “ fiSHuifn A VERY SHARP api734-2266. oloctrlolty. Adulla. 73

G— i i DIRiI 3 u

3 « i B-----------------------------


lifljVliLdalivaff-OrBiTTTllolO------- ---ewer rock. - Northwest :rano and Riooino. 733-1234,IRAVEL HAULING 4 OADERRENTAL

‘X-ajtsLfor-yput-drlvaiwaya------------Cnlum OK PAVir4U: M '722- - •14H FIREWOOD__________

Tmnrt6y.-aweepin g :A -ft« ^ -~ ~ air,-and Furnace-ueanlng.34-0890. I- JrrERlOR/EXTERlOR 'AtNTINa & aT A IN IN Q r™ ^ -^ -

----- ---- . 'brk/RaaaonaBIe rite?. Call ' I rfroeeallmatea. 7334877. {WfTORlAL f

______________ - -I>t Magic Malnienancollor a mainlenanca pro- &am arOund-your-noedo.---------- <<e7elnaurad.fo34727. --------------- A)NE8 GLASS T

immercial 4 Realdenilal, K oe ostimaloa. storm . ri ndowa 4 dobra. 735-7881 " *

after hbura 423-5195, " Ir...................................... f

rCHEN CABINET S - -------r------ -----

kaa Blvd. N. Quality cabk ai“■""•"’• ^ 3 ^ " ^ -Tl

rWWBMEMOVAL— — ------------ :

aeonabla.Call7M489o7 _trt > L OMBRE AIH

blie Homo 4 RV Service. V.l worK guaranteed.' Free .

Imatear73444». -------------yftcic

_________________ , ; . bu

I--------- ----- ’ -- ■ '

). Houua For Rtnl 002 .Fum.Apt.&Ouplaxaa M V4 block from ALL ullllllos PAID: 1 Mr 'arge yard. $225. newly tamodalod. h w w . ------- ^

......................._7334W7.a8Kf0fJlm. «_________om, --electric.-- /CLEAN-tumlanad-'-atuaio---------

______________ . 734-3611. .

d « o S S ^ J ^ ^ '^^f*$125"+^d2oM U?^W ?~n.7813r - ' — >?fWdrtlteTfl:7334«M;' 'nrenwittfTTOjr" t>adrObm .Jn----1 .4 relrlgarator Kimberly. Adulla only,'No$235 monlh + peta. $ iw . Depoalt r»qulf»d . ______ ^

COO flr .BIII, 324--.. -FELLAsi Claan fomlalioO-__________ apartnmnl. ahare'batnnJSlI .M house, $135 ulliltlea - paid. -No iposit. No peta. children/pete. $108. 734-______

^ rC w T olio^ U - FREE.-CHAMPAQNC to laher, no pots. - new lenanil. Cozy cleah.3 lit. 733-3558. bdr,.carpetod, nb pels. $f40.ME; 1W baths. 733-3669. Depoalt. • :‘..T ■^.depo8lt..Cail FURNISHED 3 rooma, bath,

____________j_ all utilltlea', ail. oiactrlQ,SE In Kimberly. £“’'P®‘'^- *?“'**; P«‘«'-de'iS‘ff» im '6 P ~ - Klmberlyr7334294, — ----------------4364. FURNISHED downtowniy“ redacbrated“ ■apnrtm on|-f»r- rentr'Cail”

rolrig./alove. 733-1672.l5-month.-$100- -OOOD__ NElGHBORHQOOi______ :'790......... "Studio.— $145. "Warm. . 'a li--------jecoratod— bll - -«f»ctivo,__prlvalo.__ SlngU;,:_____ ., waler 4'aow- non-amoker. 734-7105. iforencea. 733- IN KIMBERLY; Furnlattet/■■ ------ Apartmont.-..............Utlimos-----------. $225 month-f lurnlahod. Fully carpolotf;

irage. Carter T oofoN G T O R A H O U M ^i68. . . ------APARTMENT-7-Call-Qulllors.-----------Brick; Fomlly ^ 2 9 4 0 . ' •- •

:o,. CloanI.No. Lukea Management Apia,ri........—icoa. $275 + From $80-$300 with ulintioa!■334082. . .Call 7344325.)M HOME, MOTEL ROOMS remod Tyilahed. 1120 tho wook or month. Reaaoty[n. $215 por able. B nnaing Iron Motif.riodlate oc- 450 Addlaon Ave West. Twin________

_ . _ - -$125___C a ll_ D a v fl_ R o s< ___ ___

i'hlldren, peta 734»7;90,_______ _________ jmo. $76 d ^ ^ _NICEJ..bodfooro.(urnlahotl r'TSS-SeOST aoartmenl. all utillilea Inf}od loeation. eluded. 734-3653._________ }00. No amok- RESPONSIBLE......... Fomaltfjg & o m ------------ roommelu, . Oiia.u g - y I '2.'tJatJrfTonBoi!. ______azolion. 734. 734-9821. • j

- • ' ~ ISTODIO: Alh-gilliiloa .pajfli_______ril'for your -6howor,-kllonen, $120-poi;8 Is easy to mo. w/$60 dep. Idoai-api} J.7334931. Acroaa aireol from Andrbwk

- Market, (Jordan’s Cornar)' »puj0«pi.i.. Flror.3ZB-53U. - j

P i- ■

i i i v r c i ^ ^GUIDE IrAMPlECtORY IL IN E S . . . I M Y S . . . ■$ | y r o ^ —

I— . - ' ' — — ^_ PAINTING ~ ; |


‘ 20 Yoara 'oxporienee wliii •' 1

apooIaltyr'CaM* S°i*er Bid anytimo-forfrsffTnb'oBIIga- ■ '

__ tl0neBtlinBtB,-734.J78lr> ■ g

Fael officlont aorvieo with ' ' '"Jli'_ _ W lJ L e f lU lf lm i in l_ 3 Q _ v r a _ _ _ j E _ _ _

^ g o H o n c e T c a li Burl


Inaldo or Oulalda. Larbe b r ~ ' , 1 ’ "'Small. >nOne 9344385 for -, » •FREE gSTIMATB!

------8N0W60RAPINQ” - • — -- - -



Mechanical troe'lopping and 5 removing. LImba cut and W aafely lowered hydrauNcally. ' ■ - ’Inaured, 734-1266.-733^11;'TREESERVKSe ■

I - - ------------------------g ___ _ . . _

I "S . ^ ' ° w J S!” ?amS r : — ~ -aurgery.atumpa. 4 2 3 ^ 7 ^ ■ ._________

■ >

_ Wmi^^y"yaaftnl>bTirf«ta» ' " " 'B ' __Z ^

v T p . VINYL REPAIR ' ■

Cleaning. For realaufSnJ? 4 • • ’ • b u a ln ea a e a .7 3 jj^ .____ ________ g ________


Page 15: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

„M a.-.p v rn .A o t» D u p l# * * # 0

"" ' apt. tn“ Kltntj«iiifr' §— ^uiiiiiw#'mcn)tf*drc«n”423^ e

' B«6. • ■______________ “^-QOR STUDrO Apt,' IsroB Z

. j

DUPLEX & .(7) Klicnan t ■apcrlmaftta. Convenitnt 5 bcairon. 0 9 to U S p«r «

' ** , : -2 80R . APT; UlllltfaB paid., C

iFumlslsod;'' rafrigoralbr _& .« iRiicrowavs Ovan. CaJI Davo » Rdaa Bfokara. Inc. 73M1fi1 *

~~0f73*-7290;~r'~'------------- -E' s 'bodfBtiiti. 2 b4th. uiilly f

fotom, III wtchan •appii--. | aricaa. oaraQ*, heal pump, nwplac*. waier aawor and yard work. S325. p0r monlh. .

' p iua'm s. cleanlno deposit.« mbnlH leaaa, 734-1807,

— 3 i 4 « 4 4 r - : ------ ----------------1

- OM — Unfnm. Apt, a ftiptoea - iii _ALL.EL£CIRlCiixlf. #pL.ln_.. 4-pIez.'. Appliances, a/e, _o« ipo rt:_ liunary_ lac)litlcn ._

Adulta praferreO. no pota..148 Robins. 1236 por mo.

- t1S0flep.-73W 40................. .. ^A l t ELECTRIC 2 bdr. f-- dupisx;. waior & unliatlon >■' fumUhotJ.- Uifoe fenced Mck yard. .Working coupio J

_pr9ferr«d. |2J5 per fno. _ f _ ^ c loyInp daposlt. 733.10S7 ar ^

ATTflACTIVF 9 ^ apanmanl. Appliances,water A-garbaoe. J173 + SJ-:»1M de all.-7aM973. 120 - I’ MartlnSl.

' 6(£2 Fum.ApttiOuplexai o&

= N 0 fH BB osem ent aparfrn honest, clean tenor

~ m o n t h p lu :“ ~:rf»l<rpetsr$~VOOTigpb

' As pari of your lea: i will refund $10. pe 6 months If you sta ta in th is furnish* apartm ent.

C a llT 3 3 -iD 9 : T - orT*4«4089>

/ ^ «

m ' • • F in n S ^ ^ALFALFA SEED for lall plan-

. a a r x ; i : , i ' . ?Alao want to buy Laif Cutior

: jdi

— i r - — J!g ,8M n »r«« l S!1-----VWtNy-TO-flUV-WAVi 42»;-— :flyr42»g157 . *------ HO

. -UMNTEO: 1000 balorof PEA-----— a»flAW-cm733-«ia4. ,«!:£... .^.^,_^^>.3rd^CutUn^ ..

^^{'•VTrtor S /C a f l l l n t o r c l ^

• Sflow - ----- Olowofs. —^ w m o b llo s , _ _ sl(» ls9 .___POI4 a le s . - and other. cold-. HEI

' ««ather'morchandiss can 829- b j found In Classlllad. 733>

VUXNT TO LEASE: X number M'aerea; due to aubdlvlalon wUcW HU 10 move oo i bl f j ” TvJIn Falla area. Have been

- nmnInD"'bVBr-300 acres. EltBellent ralerencea, & II-

— B»«W.-TwlftFaJlari3.-----------^TVTANTED- lao-ao acrest- ■ywi

R4(er«n««8 available. Send j o u

■ M TwlnRalla,4d,«30t,---------^

sSrinkler Irrigated, for grain cow ...A>b«ana. BOO to 1900 acres.' mixi

^ W T m S S ^ N ^ - p . O - ^ —• 6<fl. Twin Falla 10. M301. . ““

* 7 . boui - f --------------------------------bf

1- ' v w m S S m - - - = = = T O im iN Q E U H W A T E I^ i S

- ^ t m e e a v MA T es^— •------- S p n

O l la t o t A .'^ s y w i^ l in ^ ___ 81

■ r a w s . K«tp M m 5®K!^ ftn ybur mbnty/. 034:

_ n k fK l* K V » I .^ L i4 » « 7 M i .. .

1,. W Unhjm.Ajt.aiOuplsxas (e^HELOR -A psflm onfi-1-----^

U- BEDROOM AptflfTlflnt; All*' U ulllltlee paid Including cable f

J~ *talon. WO enildrcin/polsl t J Sae. Cove Lounge. Twin. i- -«fcfiAH/O9mfbrt«U*-i b0 f,-^ * •) Adulla apt. Lola ol Vtorsga. C

t Resolve to road Classiltod ? r dolly. You’ll bo qIoo yaudia. }|

. ■ CLEAN 2 bdr.- panially furnr- i I ' duplex;— Qnraoor''ioncod ! , back yard. *225 por mo. + I I129cloanlnodep. 734-6422.- 'E lagini i Mr:' T<swnhsb]— -• 'Sunken living rm; r ifeplsee.~ ?i . appt. pallo. J300 mo. 1804■ ShOupE.-734;i613t-3pm: , g


-- 1 a- 2-bdr;—apanmonts.—. Schools S ahopping cloto -

- -byrA8K-us’abbul ourTonlal” ' T- Inc®ntlver6e4 Quincy at:— Jj

--------------CAa-7344000-------------- 0■ ____________ bl

- LARQE-rBOflrAiruiiinio#- P' oxcopi olectrlclly. . $165. . f"

_ VWuli*-onlyr-«33-Shoshone '31. North. 734-5325.________ VILUXURIOUS nearly new ff

- duplex for loaso. Excollent 'u location. Opon slalnivay. ca* Ihodral ceilings, (iropiaco,

- ^ lenced yam. double garage +

- with auiumaiic goora, Tou r r T i eled flc with. centrar alr. n( Waler/aanlUllon & yard care- b(

■ furnlahed.' '733;20B0. ~7M-’~ 0«0. - - I


0S2 Fum.Apt.&Duplaxaa p,,

ffiffiTFEli•fment ready fo r - ^nont. . ca

plus utltlties. ------- . ‘ .^ -_

lease agreem ent,. per month every . p-yi stay in ond main*Ished b asem en t

D 93li d a y « ' - M 1 9 ' a v a n l n g s S','n

son- • • ' 733-

S S 3 S

102 . .. Came IMQOOD SELECTION cloao up holateln springer hellofs.Also for aale 300 to BOO pound good quality holsloln

. hallara. Chuck Pollorson,324-3331. 2 north. J V S p a s lo l___

-JGrotrie.__________ ■ - jTj^Holateln Brooding Bulls. Jop. . . . h, quality bulls from Al cows, cAn

-H0WARD'S*NQtJ9 RANCH- -In'S -h«s~Regl(tBrod and-Com^ -vnrv merclal BULLS. 543-4B15. 43,§

Lcaivna-amflir-HiffBrBrti ' i ■ :^qs: _fllack Bally-a; Black-jingua. -rrjr 'TjnlKrSrHorofonJ'buiisrTHi'^ lu w ,year0ld..63M 3M jY 0nlnat- _ | ^

POCLED-.-.a....... Ho’flNED'HEREFORO-BULLSI-Phone- - =

825-5139. Eden. KenMacLeod._______________

_REQISTERED Artflu* Bulla.46 Reglaiered cowsrBrooka-

- Anoua f^anch. ph. eZg-SOia, - ffiJS!! REGISTERED ’ 2 yr. old ^AN Hereford bulla tor sale. Free '0®; delivery on 9 or more, LM kevlowHenfomiUneh

CtllBZ3-44Si.............: -Zrr.”

SEVERAL Jorao/ and “ -Oom»er—cowe^ 1575 up.------ J»■Some 8prinoinO-“ «‘ » « » n r - 5 S U~32<:Z178^7324-8188. ------row"■WANTEO-TO-BUYrT:StocJr ~«woiCowB.»34-5H1.__________ ■» hea^ |HO^ T Ej N^SprlnQor

-00'PAIH-tall-,9« lv e r a ..ii i i^ _ cowa. mbaily heretorda o f

•mixed agea- 879-4488 nights AU -678-2229daya.Challla.-- B obi

-■ * W i

bought, aold. traded. Plenty

a v / r & i . r - - g.AQHA Registered Quarter

^ r o K d '‘h^«r^S{S'-^vm tt — 7; -klda.l7Q 0.«4^71.

S S S -

R o i s t e r e d loud colored 'S eS ia 1»ppalb0 »«'-C0 i»-S-W llle«.- Wti8 Kalier broke. Sell or trade. « Main WlllhbldfbrCtirlBtmMlBroft

Phttno4e7;2a28._ “ 1


buidobr' arenaa. Training, **X|i loaaona; Engiiah . , and - Woatern.

" 73M 973 .. . - - ] rcbnoM

054 ' Unhim.ApHOuplsxai ' { »- MOOEHfl-i-ancrjTi'rfdtooKr- uniurnlihod’aparlmbnia I6i~ ^PP- ineludod. ’'.'ds

f i l er. 326-40S3. ^on

c IT 2 * tW h s!* 2 ^ ^ !~ S lS ” ^“ hoavvf^inauiaiion, -fiiooifie- -Al ^ ” llBBl. m ipu i l .^ (ibllanc;)». ' taT?

drapes, oxiro ” ino»ago." HdS loundry 8. a/c.'Furn. (jrun- iJv”

Twin: oppliancoo, A/C. 734-; drapos, oK-olroot pofhing -fcityulllllloa. Call 320-«04a, —

- NEW a bdf. dup«)xr.Ki!chon. ^- appllancoft,—w»i«r.--sanltfl- app

lion turn. W/D nooKup. Wosl Squi p lC S I .« 5 0 m o ,-*-JlOOdop. all u Call733-fl587. ■ e'c" NIC?>- -2 . bdr. duplox;. disoi Carpoiod- A drapod. w/d LJnd; hookup, oarago, noar HoBpi- for

_ ,till..S21S_.t--S7S.dap_f)elON- noos oncoB. No pota. 733-5097. . Royo

• TWIN-FALLSn“ b0df00m7 C_ain .. gaa hoai/AC-i-wstor-pard- NOW

SI65*dopcal(-1-432.536I,. Cami- UNFURNISHED-Z-bOcjrobm'

brick duplex, garago. no OFFI- -pets-or-chtldron.-J235-por- taot.- , month. 733-8828 boloro 8:30 AddI ' a.m,orallor6:30p.m.- Oooc

VERY. NICE 2 bdr. apt. All 'oomappliances, utiliiioa utlhtilurnlahod oxcopt olociriclly. "’orii No pola. JM5 por mo. LaurolPark Aparimonis. 734-4195. Prim

" ^ o ' h o o K ^ A ^ r a g o T j ^ rocoi-i-ti00dep.733-;06?._______ room1 BEDROOM; all.oloclrle, no T«»a«pole, J1B5 monlh. 324-3721 “I£l2

.boforo 12. _________ ______ PRIM1 BEDROOM In Joromo; all- ulllitlos paid. 1185 monlh.Phono 3?4-4578.________ aquoi2 BOR. Duplex api. Firopiaco. oatlo. lonegd 2.250 vafd,_*arpori. - Near park.- HeTA t2S5mo.Nopola; 734-4634,. down 2 BDR Garago Apartmoni.

■2‘BEDROOM.-oioctrie-tioatr- 'MiNt’ Lynwood Manor Apar pii„,

-mont»r733:3669:------------------i f / ' ,2 BEDROOM, liropiaco. 728-4( M^olod.^^oeu^e hoai i^ZM waTT

■J=?7T : - . - .- r -n n - ii i ■■■!------= =- 056 - • fiopmyPBTftam- CLEAN FURNISHED Room~ 'wllh balh. No pola or .Children. S75. 734.3811. TRAIlFURNISHED - bdr. . with' tlj'2"private balh S onlranco, trig ^t*o-& maid work. Call 733-1918. =s.=iiROOM & BOARD In la>ge M o r nomo.'Across from eollogo.733-40ieattorapm ..............ROOMS. KITCHENS, APTSI myAll w/cooking faciiilios.- - -Ullillloa pd., rooms J30/wk: AIR Vaomo Kitchonoiloa S4S/wl(. (or 90733-8033. 5:30.

IM Horsea '1. I L .



-SBOMalnAvoSolih-- For Ic

WC PAY CASH lor upodsaddlna end-lacki-VlCKER'S ------ —'SADDLERY 733-7086............. _ f l i .4=YBrTTQLO=Bfla=:fimaoiftrMove-Bred-SORREtrOetrO--INOnBTi'andaTweiraiailod.----- Oo! 72P{rry-qui0trti250rcam!S5--------------^ ______ ■ - ■ - - t13


1079 SxTe^dooseneol^Trall- _30:x72 artorhoraea or calllo. Usod . 40'«4B ;oupio limes, 4-who‘oT ^DCfOrj arakoa. 13500.324-8616.

1?L__________ 5!!1» £ 7 1-OR SALE; Rog. Spollotl 4S30oi

fVANTED TO BUYI Foodor bucKOI >lBB, Any number. 2 yoar piole.i :onlracta available. . r a e c '■ ^ O ^ l 'lc r Farms /n c . ^-- ---- - - - - -

---- r--------------- •= ]2 - o(J06 - ■ .- .a n e e p SSUFFOLK R a m U m b sia 'ow^Orrom-S-HStfipafilro

------ 1------ ---------- VQ4p^

........... IfTi&iiion-

Cnil,uajiboutouf.Qaloffnd:: _l|3Ski*i ____ paymamplanlor____^

ALUMAX GATED PIPE. S ; iob.Balley-..v...-Z3W Qia-Wo Install IrrlQitlonPlpo lo sr bi

____________________ ■ loader.UNROAMiN C0NCR^^Ts~

asket concreie pipe. Save ih 158}-40%..Phono 438-6876 day 20.6x38might,_________________ 882-3341___4/om/numO*f«/P/pe w/boorPVCOatodPlpo Now 5UndororoundPVCPlpo harrow, — -AMOTH----— MJfSE-METALPRODUCTS • - -ph bn Sj

. n*evvT

. T; - : ;— - -WAMTE-THUNDERBIRD^DW •-‘.Available. For im- 1 hOLLAI edlatoDoilvorvi 'enndma

----------- " ' Hollind.......- 'Ig S S ti

----- fP ari^Sorrlco )-------------- f ir -----YOURONEBTOP 112------


ktiC B fc ir-iV ik iT A tu '" “ stacRw

3 S S ^ : ^43MM1 pQfjO

ANTED: uaed & obsolate' excavali nor«todiloh.3a4-2»1ir - U M ose

057 RonUIMobilBHbmM q67• -Nice '3 bdf.." 2 Oiiii, uil----- fqH

appiiancon.-carpolardfflpos,' monklOs OK. J?4-a070,324-3385.■J^OR. Furnishod In Filon 1 pli ^ n sld gr 1 chlld.^all 326- prim

Homos, 733-7M8. ' gES'50- FURNISHED, mobllp SER' homo Tfl“Hfiflb'rmari. Rcfor-'' "Instaanco e - r»)ut,»fl^3?»4e5y.----- wiih-734-3025, • - Ing s

■ llvOfi

DM Oinca&BuslnawBsnai - -pSilAPPROXIMATELY 725 Square Foot, landlord pays all uiimros. J380 por month. CJart Excollonl iccalloiT on Ad- ' COLI dison Avonuo East. Call BunhLinda at 734-9922._________ 3:30:FOR RENT: Olllco or Busi- (f6 x.nooo-Spaco.'-AOjBconi-to------dlgiKRoyal Optical on ino mail. connCall 733-6008 rorinrofm'airo'h-:----- ynerNOW AVAtLABl;ErSDaeosln-7 Campus Common oroa.733-4206.---:------- ---------- -FAN(OFFICE SPACE; 275 square Iaot.-convonient-locailon-al— - ‘h l lS Addison Avo. and Locusl 81. FLUf flood parklno;-pr1« to ro'st carpi room, air condlllonod, all Lusti utiniloj paid, J115.00 por ahan-month. Call Ed at Markollng----- fo rAssoclaios, 734-4875. tor pPRIME DOWNTOW Olllco ?io1o iSpacoau>n:Xpnvato.oKt;9f f ^ ::u;lnei rocopiiun aroa &conloronco TJooa room. 1600 aq. Ill lolal or will Choa Toaddlh'dlviaual offlios sop- foR araloly. GooO loeailon. Calo nydr« PRIME. OFFICE opaco. J U ._ - noar. dison Avo. Easi. across Irom 1839. Alborlaon'3. 750 lo 1500 f ' r ^ aquaro lool. Contact Paul (jgod Beck73a-9102. iiccoi2.250 to4,500S.F. BUSINESS hoal i •RETAIL spaca rSFIoaao in ~ ~374^ downiownJTwin. Falls, wllh MCT>i parking. 733-5200or 734-4201. e RY-------------------- ■ >«nl»-«

"081 GaraflfljFofRontMINr STORAGE UNfT.-'lir” 'liooFT Filer, 101X1SM20 pBr.month... woek Ask (or Pogov or Howard,. wriiTii 72.^85..WANTED; Slnglo, dblo.. or bcrah4iiple—oereoer—f««M*eaa«----- njmOoug01 ItC Clrrt 01., Tuilii

^ajjnic4)83------- ^--:--.W tnir»Rwt

OM - MoblloHom.Swer TRAILER SPACE (or roni. moro Honior'9 Trsilor Park, 733-- . «./cab 4248. -------

M e r c h a n d i s e ^“ wore,

.Ofl7,MI»collaneouaForSalo . RSmo AIR WEST W price coupon OV. ie (or sale. Call 733-4315, allor 5:30. -

ifj . 6815...

SALEA ^ hardwi



----------------------------;--------- roll-l^Engtso,

112_____________Irrigations Fu'nliL


. PIPEI3EALER •For lop quallly galod and'

fit, 2, Klmberly423-5a47 M- Ngw -VAI VP A _ L o eo -liw »Jo^ T riiin ,^ » 4a5ch; SaH-734-358q. v. ■■ ■ ■

J.13 Fsrm &_ ncli Suppijar AiEDOE COR Aii.aieel bulid- . ■ -J .SiiUi ... J0'a48'aI2’. .. tJ.934.. !.;■.'__17!i0U72U121______ 15.213 :....I0'x46'»14' *4,908, F ,O .B ._______m bryr324.384i.;— ■

....... — fm rn m m .VXLES 102" ovorali-.wllh 3 dil(e< ires & rims- *125, CaH'734- a.m. to:839 0 / 733-2281,__________ fw o ~ ?JULK-.TANK---4Ji:oal. Dairy. _ pflcoct Coot; *1000. -Oe Laval- 2 ~USED t lUCKOt milking unlla' com- ''whlrlp'o ilole. Call 886-2667. atovo; ;:aSE 680 boan combine, 5328. ixcollont ahapo. 625-5452. (I) Roi lANUSER Post hole dlggorr —TABLEj 2" ogger. likojjoW.-’Eve's, -ball.Go 33-7014,2291 Kinosoalo. OHor. 9; EROUSON-30-3^)l-hlloh,- -<1»-10x oodTTrubl)orr-862-3»8-or- -BUILOIIfl2r3876gvOB. ~ ~ , 1 :__ 1 . aaaemljREEMAN 200 Baler wllh 1000 W 040 Wisconsin engine. ;16' djan ,vlnelle:*1700.734.3580. & Chair,

ig' taWe.'^UMd TnflBSTO1aktro<ter^939<l109.

'an older •actor wllh a front end >ador or, acraper blade or ' -

is f fo f cond, Tracior wlih 179lador.can be small or large _______twI-wooWlik® to-buy-ono.----------------g=39w:---------I 1588 0 cab wllh a/c. . .>.6x38 duala, 1975 houra. I J 12-3346 or 862-38TCevea. Y1ANCHESIER-.V3. point. - _____,9unLod _ weed__ burner _____/boom & dual burnerneaaT ow 5' Acme Round Bar »rrow. *70/aecl, 734.3589.ASSEV. FERGUSEN—160- - — ^ actor; Pertoct cond. J Q Vono 733-2914 alier 6 pm. , ^

fr’u r i u ” ! «AKTEDldmmod Tractors* -uoka-—implementa -and • — - • 'irap.IronHfcMOaO. . r r r -rr -78 4 1977 1112 N E W ..................3LLAND .Bwaiher. .w/hay . indllioner & cab; 197B New )liand 912, 14‘ hav condl-inar8ieabr734.237i.-r - - ----------r -

15 ........F»fmW53iWfit»r - ----------\Y HAULING or alack

KNUREHAUUNU/PTUNO " - I T SAlab Rock Hauling I J

------ -- 32S-6M0_______ _ ■JND cloanlng-lrenchlno.ibbor tired. hydraulic . . . .cavalor, K yard bucket, JM82I1.- _ J

X I M aFiKi^iirOR-SAIF- Ollice.Equlp-- loni; . Addroasograpn. *

plate makor (350). 1 Im- rlnlor (200-13), 1 30 drawer J

< cabinet (ull ot plaies. •.............------------ ----- q

1 s t hoaling firopiaco IN- ° ERT on Iho market, (roe r. i8tallatlon:-Also -STOVES J-

ig surlaces. Immediate de-»oryl733-0303 or 733-5978. 4RUNSWICK & LANCER g ool -table* 81-accessories— “ew 4 used.- .Salos and fsrvlco. all makes "James ”lark. 733-5801.___________ OOLOR T.V., antenna. *35. unkbods. *75. Call allor30 733-0913. .___________ LIQ x-Sanwa 2 cnannol w igilal—porporiionai- radio- t lanirol, 4in mllo (ango. Bi 7cry5isnrearr*T5irvfliCo“ ‘73.r-*fl0.-Cail-734-7224 a(|or-S- fj]^weekends.____________ qjANCY ronuiaiion-sizo Poo/ ' -ailJblO, '*500. 837-6384 or Cl17-6688.__________________ SILUFFY soil ond bilgni aro Nlirpota clnanoO'wim~S:uo“ laijstro. Ront olecirlc be^ampooor, Kronools.____ ^3R SAtE: Rdlirn'g'Wrramu rair pulling onglnos, pump 751 olors oei. i noavyfluly

ooda .moior or powor. 1030.7350944.3R SALE heavy duly fdraulic wood splllier & 0 jar. novr. Chain saw.. 878- r.3 1 ■ n1ANKLIN FIREPLACE; r" sDd only 3 or 4 ilmo9, wllh cesaories, *120 Magic lal oxhausi pipe. *50. Call

ETALWORKING MACHIN-'" '^o lY-Burko Mllrlto vor/tior lo ll-wlth lul, luOHf~fl!‘ Ulv.*"'OcT Powormallc Indusi. ]g111 press model 1150A,___ cf,■ori«'^'3fl‘!r-6if;"726;543i~ i iloltdays................ ................ iq,3ViNG-mu9tsoin8monin sit iphisiocai(Jd Lady mom- mi rahip, *275.733-1530, Mi

u walL-ComplTO-^iroT- ^rull-n Inrli.HIng- J iala for car.and pickupa. lor IBOTT-S AUTO SUPPLY. Ro5Shoshone Sl.'Soulh:-------JST SELL; Soars Kon- )ro sow ing' mBcnino cab/nor. *12^324.3582.


largo soloction ol while ~ro, The finishing louch. 07nl- oprays- slalns, Misc. bc] ma-and-piasef-molds at- , _ 1410 50% oil.4ARY CARTER CENTER ^

21184lhAvoE. ° y733-349J P"!

_ - . - caj!---------- :------ =------ -------- vVA

PICTURE JASPER I?®:cb r-^ ok rV /lld h or5rt- M?:tqs 100 pds. plus. *4 por A",i b^placa or *3.W per pd- ^«uall.-7B8^249.Holloy.____ =CQRDtA-CALL;. , . .Rhone:' ' 07?jwerlng servicb, —remote eonirol. Olllce MA0 Pop cooler,- wood grain,i, cond. Prfril/no'ca/u/fllor ■ ' Pja' rhemoryrmagnavox B iW -’. 12-. neary now. 733- (I)5 ... - cluiLE PRICED ouallly ■«" dwood furnliuro; Round. r-tabio!r^4-^hnlrff:~mai-—ng china cabinols. oak «P«;rolary/booKcaae, oak 324.boxes, rocking chairs —

•lop desks.' Call 078 jOorg'a . Handcraltad nlluro colled, 878-2638. --------------------------------- con

---------S E L T -----------STORAGE) . faaf

■ you llred ol being nil on —head_evcryllmo you in the closol door? Or are ^1 moving uway, and in GRE

iks or furnliure. Consider *1M ir own seff-storago kiN( ce=pti<ICiMlt»iiJ > h fe^ t= *tor tli. Yotf"keep"inc keyl" tIotj;

' — U^HAULS-— — i SnVIHi^AUSJJOVlNQ------ -devt&«X0RAQECENTER-------- *S5rrtWtKlfhbortrRotd-r— wck------- 734-1410-------------- Ray«

Ire - MERCHANDISE ^-221 oa for aalo, would make LOVI irttollMarkboncno372Dr- Goo< l(e<6nl sizes. 423-5t74 6 Cain ,10 6 p.m. Tm ^

Hughes Airwest M0 caupQna-caii324-S8a4-----------:D;upfighrPiANOr*200;' ..' .t , ripoot double oven 0 . 3 yrs use. *300, 432- J-°'; :________________ __ 733.7Regulation size POOL LEi W/quftoilsh» 4 poof “J ” Good cond. *200 or best

r. 934-6296. WALI10x14 -M0U1-STORAO6- .01NO;-New,^«r.b«en- -id ill imbled. 733-6620. .WATT Onan Qeneralor:

lac* *250. 733-5465. “n w

AuloDotlora. 179


2 i 9 8 0 F i R i j. „ f o r o n i


i i

- -m'-Vfare-Hyphoj-V^/rwoj/'coupons.___ Good unill 0Juouary3181.^-6542," ' t)i 2 AIRWEST-V» late llekala, rc

_ .C

BAND SAW; io li disc. !Sander, drill press. Call ,f2J.50aaaltefJpm. . _______ _!

- 4CASHtJor.oid aAnERlESt- -G *1.00 ballory.. Scrap Iron. 0 Call 733-8175 or 328-5083, 31 CASH FOR OLD BIKESI

- Brlng-inem-lo^«i//nor a Kb/ W s Biko Shop. 336 4in Ave til Wea't: 733-0016.---.• ' *1 Cons. Mochanlca Tools: *5 Pawn Tickoti. Pay cash (or M alll324-8500.324-3412. ' K. LEAF CUTTER BEE Boards. 2' wiihboes.Call733-014l.

- - L £ A r — CUTTeR-' BEE _ eOA/?D5._Cal!_734-C858_0f_ 0‘

734-8395.________________ -Cj• NEEO MONEY? I-buy old ^

gold and silver lowelry.'alao *;*' ■sirvor coIrjsrHIgh'oai'prlcos.Call Hulch 734-4587. 734- 9i

.. 5IS1_______________ L_____ ..SNEEDED^couch. easy cnilr, lampa. kilchon sol, Y'* bookcasea. 733-7151 aller 8. REFHlGg0 ATOR_S Elociric range. Carter Homes. 733-7568.___________________ . f"'WANTED; Ping Por g Tablo

■ 0 ^ .o x t .2 3 5 l^ ' ■ ^

072 Anilquo* Ot. ANTIQUE .BUFFET. - *125 AL

firm. 734.1633.___________ caBY OWNER: 4 pieces all 8' hign. anilques, 1920'*.. cherry wood. Manufacturer

. -no.lonuoMn butinata aince wn 1021, will sell seporaie or ail

16' from 4 back Dar. mal- j;< . -xhino-aoi-alnin.olass.. mir>-

rors 4 moro; 2) 1-pc.l0' .n -j length--glasB— ahowcaBor ‘ v/r sliding doors 4 drawers. & more; 3) 1-pc 6' longih mir- cih ror. sliding doors. & draw g'"

"OTiTrbm'tn) labid *im tS t

long, and axlondUo>iQ2 _s;8 Rolinlshed, In excollani

~Conaillonr543-579g,~~ ~~ • Wa RED BARN 3/6

lOSeN.WBslilnoion. . Fornlluro* Prlmlllves’

Dishos, BuytSelll WANTEDCarvadWoodBed, NC Call 733-5197,

074 MMictllnttnimanH FENDER—TWIN— REVERB — Amp; Llkenew, *500. Call o n734-2243.________________ }^7OLDER Guibransen uprlghl ilor

WARNER'S BAND Instru- ord morii rental plan (or begin-

J)Q(3._&lQdy,^ingMj^QQ,___rjivYamaha. Now Konior-and- - 359;

~ ? si

fladiojnsierw MAGNAVOX 23" color T.V.. 1X8 am/(m sieioo 4 record 3X1

' player; Solid wood cbblnot. Flui-*275^23^834-, — ...... —------- Be<(I) STEREO CONSOLE; in. 3X4 eluding 8-track. am/(m.lurnlabie, (11.. compononi __lypo aioroo, am/lm lunor, WA

-».traek—s —recorder,— w/j- -oi^- speakers. Call aller 5 pm . -734. 324.3543, —------------------------------------- 083

"ora Furnllure4CarpetsBUNK BEDS; Pine. 2x4 d^.construction. *59.95. Cain's GAI

-Cloaranoo Cantor rn3-7m ..-----115.DREXEL 5 piece oak drop CIn'loaf table and chairs with 3 nooloaves. Like now. *329.95. —Cain's Clearance Center. _098P J-J n i:________________ a TGREEN-*VINYr-C5b-fin—r* ~Col

rm aici^crcM ^^lstrroekor- - sdh

KING _ S g E waier bed. BUi^tai' ' y i r t -cofTdIr-

-443-anco Center. 733-7111.LABOR + MATERIAL on ore< •^^ovon»-4-h«•^^>«l»■*^0-t(^ -tlrOT

picitup- r ^ itUEK'TBaBiaT c s r Rays Furnlluro UpholalerV

En8trHflnson423-439i.LOVE SEAT; .Nylon .prinl... , loq' Good— condlllon.— JM.WT- — o- Cain’s . Clearance Cenior. 7 ,1.7111. FIRE------------------------------ :---- spilt

______ _8ACRIFIC£1_-.-,tj:_-.

MATCHING SOFA ANO lor \LOVE SEAT (or sale. Vory- -of»dreasonably prlcod. Call niHl733-7054 evenings.________ GooiSOFA BED, all leaihor, roal «.;«*nice. 733-2681 alter 5 p.m, 7 2 2WALL ' HUGGER recllper. WQCgood condlllon;-|ust-*98,00.- oallaCaln'a~Croaraneo~Cenlorr73T7111. BartirDRAWEfrDr'e'sserrmlrror; lead board & night stand.Walnut finish. *199.95. I'S

hferculert-eevefi-Geed-een-- . =-j dillon. *399.95. Cain's Clear- -' inceCenler, 733-7111.

179 . Aulo Dealers


^ iC ir r -v z r r .—---------- - — I

» B I R PN I Y -------------- _

19 ^A T • - -P^

L. ^ na7 C f .e . t ,

board, 2 nlghi siands; 42" ', round bamtioo laoiu w/2 ■

. ’ I- -t^il— Cl.<Bi;.llca • 733-093t I- ,,,.' I

--------- ■ . . . . . . . I

L _m_________ <ppiitri»L. .OE-lALauia-dol/osLRol/lg--

orator *225; Woailnghouse . 30" range JtOO, Doih o»c.

■ co nd. 734-3851 ovo. ■ ___MAYTAG washer, roeonOi— - tionod and guaraniood. *106.00. Cain's.Cloa>ancu Comer. 733-7111.MOVING; Must Soli 1 yr. old

' KtfCHENAIDE porlablo dlahwasher, 1 yr, old KIRDY; Boihlikono>v.aB8-2750.RANGE- Frlgidairo, liKu now. guaraniood.. Only *279.00.

- -.Coin'S“ Cloarance— Cenlifr-----733-7H1. '• -------------:REFRIGERATOR Frigldairo

- “2-doorT^ good conditiorr^guaraniood. *329.95. Cain’s ' Cloarance Conior 733-7111.1079 WHIRLPOOL Dish- 1 waahor; -Excollonl cond. I*200. 324-3446.________ ]23" APARTMENT range,

- oxcoiiont-condition— Kon-— | * moro portable dishwashor, j ' works won. WooKdays allor 1

Uianawoakanat-734joat-- -OeO Hoallr>Q>_Alr rri^

Ott_________ BulltflnBMilflililALL STEEL florvico stailon \ canopy MAKE OFFER. r 733-0371. r33S3SJ. I


Mas'onMo Lap Siding ,27*117 Fiagslono fireg^ace tieartns ^

Douglas flra2xl2's C*250 por mousand board, c

-lool. ’ ■ ■ -«-ai 0' 2+.Bir,2X4:3. . . . . . , - 7e«.O8. J ,Vinyl Doors2-6 . . . . *4.9Soa. 54X8X5/6 Cladwood Exiorior • 1Slo ing .................... *0,95oa. J

-G^pvoa Mn3|>nim ^

-5;8-T««lu»oV.Vl-#tiip-^--------- - S*11,9Soa, B

■WallPanollnolrom , *4.95up b 3/6 Parilcal Board .*3.49 oa. Ci 4X8-Balh Tlloboard ■'

*6.95oa. 5J


iBoMndUnllodOlli73W 909 I

GOOD QUALITY used tios p'for landscaping & decora- blion. *4.423-4457—________ <nLUMBER 4 SHAKES; Direct V (rom mill. Palatna madO_tO_ _9Iotdor. Henry Davis, 324-3849. p"METAL FRAME Industrial G

‘ 35907--------------- ------------^ r.-U seo’ ^ S R i c i r - i s r ^ T - “pI

cleaned; Fllior Brick 4X8X6"; IhUsed Lumber (while pine) Y<1X4"X18';' -— Sheollng Ki1X8"X16'; 2X12"X25' 4 32';' r3X14”X24'; 0X12"X24' 4 28'; SiFluoroaconlllghis;6"4 8'‘ l 01

-Boam e;-6— 4lO ^C hane|ei- -a"3X4'44X6Angle4plpe; c|


WANTED: Will rombve your P'-ol^-buiidinge-lor-SALVAGEr----- 'f,■734-3511 a(tor 5PM.________

083 Gangs Sals“cccFTHEsrAiriniosrnnaeor' “ gi

lanoous. 548 Bolion. Saiur-day 4 Sunday-___________ t\cGARAGE SALE: Sal. 10 lo 4, yl

-1154 Park Meadows Drr4Vlg;----- r,DInotle Sot 4 Mlscolla- B( nnoosy. . ------- V,

_ D86_ .. ._________ Flrowood..A-1 PINE FIREWOOD—*A.‘>.. w

~CoHonwo~6d.— lii ' a cord.

BUHL; Firewood SCO cord,- 'hr aSOr TJDrO—(o«=twr^JwvM?= =p}i

•FIREWOOD- Spill- Dellv- ' Pc oro3 ~ 4 ~ 6iacKoa m .-Jm p - - -li

"tllDpiUCU" '4'' tIOVtUI 1.UJ?,-MIKU.-324-6355,------------ ~ -' ~32;•FIREWOOD.-doliverod, *05 431 cord. S37-6329. --.TFIREWOOOl Cut, vplIt-4 do-- ~A^ livorod to order- *75 cord; — LoQ^^ilor for roni. 934-4611 _1J|

FIREWOOD FOR SALE; Cul. pj"/ spilt 4 delivered. Phono3 2 < - 2 9 ^ « - ___________ pi;;■’FIREW00D‘ 'I65 cord; *50 ->33 (or largo pickup load.dellv- or«d:-*40-plckup.load- you.. ..’®i haul. Haoorman. 637-6216. . Good Dry PINE WOODl *85 iS8 cord, spill 4 doliverod. Call sC733-6261.______________ -iraiWOOD. POSTS, BBd.atooL50- -197 gallon- barrels.-733-20a5 or. dui 5W—mllos—vrest—on—Bob AO Barton Highway. Joromo, 324

179 AuloOealors 173

" ‘T rans^

1974SRNo. I19S 133.oulom otlc pov and brakes, two to choota Iro

— 1974^RANDTI— N on7rautam aiic,'po^ar tie

ond brake*, olr and much’mor

1974CHEVR0I4-Door No. laO autom oilc___powar •laarir>o plus mor* . . . ,

CON PAl324?4318 ^

S a iu rdoy r

“o » '- "VFIrVwood-- T'

“ "Firewood? You betT'wo I Sim have 'wood lo burn',- -6«* ws-«t Oanoe WDOd.-Be*

Dan or Don Edwards 734- _ .6707, — - . ■ — '■

FIREWOOD; oxcolloni PINE. “ Call before nSon. Same day |

, delivery, U-haul, or we haul , L .733-049X _______ j.- . — . . I ' ~ ,' 081 Good Things To Ell i

C^LD STORAGE APPLES ! _ _Gill Boxes Avallablo>.Kolloy

Apply Orehard, lormeriy Orr• Orchard, t mllo N. of Buhl," ‘

543-4330 _____________ __I GOOD PORKI V, or whole,, 05« a pound. Cured It de- a

sire d ,324-2178 or 324-5188- fLarge young Capon J Ichicken) roasiors, eome-in-weighed boxes o( 6, Ready I-

-----lo cook or 10 Ireeto. You eall E_ _532-41534wQ'//do//vor.-------- .n

SWENSEN'S MARKETS br.___Ing-you.Non-insiani-powder- —

milk. 50 lb. . bag *49,99; cCalifornia medium grain r

- -flco,-60 lb: bag *23.99: High- pallllude broad Hour,.25 ib. r.bag *2.99; Grade A Clover ^honey. 48 lb. buckol *35.00; °30 lb. Iln Iroion Fie Cherries. ^

' -Tjiitoar *32.50. BjrHain-Avor “ Soum 4 South Park in Twin''i!!!------------------------------ S

■ ~~Mo .P8i»4suppn?r "I

SludrCall 543:4588, yAKCLABFUPS . Ill

Wolpod Nov. 20.- Excollonl - ,rel'levorn. Wlli bo hunting 'byFa».fl37-»8S<?TuKlo. JAKC REG. BliK Cocker ;Spaniel al siud. 7)4-8780 =

- -4£yj._32_4-4647jvo’s...„ _BEAUTIFULLY marked AKC - roglstorod SHIH TZU pup- 5;

QUEENS Blue Hoeler Pup- plos (fir sale. Good working ^

■ -'■•atockr926-5914r- — ---------COCKER-SPANIEL puppioa,-

5 weeks old. 543-4068. FCGOLDEN Rirvr, cross Auai. J'*'Shophord. Beal duck ' i

-hOfd«fo~ifH</ahOtri~wooK^ -«Cold rn CCI C43 S7QQ ovo'o. f

-KENNEL ■■ nEDUCTtONT-Show--. Quallly, amooih^SL^ .5°

Bernard, Amorlcan Canadianbackground,-Pomfiowaras- I'-'Champinshlp. Excolleni 101lempormoni. *175 Call w/S87.4047ollor4,. Kll


Local raised. Cages 4 feed, be253 7lh Avo. East, ig;PARAKEETS. RABBITS, noBANTAMS,. Allsr 0 & mewoekenda. 934-5187, coiPATTERSON'S KENNELS, rigBoarding, Iralning, AKC mln. 19?<Rog. Pinscher pups *150 up. coi Vlaa/Masior Charge. 733.

___________________ - -35JPROFESSIONAL DOO ,i*; GROOMING! All breads. For_

733-5468. ~ ^“PRui-tSbluNAC CRDDM^

ING; Vacationing? I'll board Ca your dog. Chorl Mitlor —Kennels, 423-5104.________ WREGISTERED Pomeranian al Stud out ol Grand Champl- — on-Show&lleld,530-2478.

“ registered 'austrailiaN" SlyShophord ‘ puppies; *75.733-8169 or 734.2385._______ PrREGISTERED LASSIE Collie

J o yw io_w jih .paporo,.Coll Jr.

s'mall CUTE Torilor poodle 12 puppios. *15. Call allor 3:30 —733 1913. ,______________SPADE Female Black Lab,*25, Give away. Coldon lab —hound X. 324-8969.________ ’8VI2SLA Puppies For S a io l_ _ ^

B00324-a576. Jlm324-5931.VIZSLA Puppios For Salol 10V Rogiatdrod. wolped 9/11/79. ox<

- Bob324-8578, Jim 324-5931- or; =WANTEOrShlhT;uAKCrnn-- ' i n

lateroo lomale puppyT car-phono543-588S: -------- -324

WE HAVE boaulilul dog hous'oaT" 122 .Jofforscn. 12

-ph onu 733-^450. ' .' " " "CD

' Poklnnoso pypplOB, 8 weeks rig, oidi oul ol GrifnirChamptorr' '4*ti

rSobam -ffrrrSrC a/I^non. I13;i

-AvfaHbn-- —

_120____ • . . Avi«1ton-. FOiFLIGHT INSTflUCTIONlPrivate Commercial 4 In- —sirumenl. Aircraft- renlal. POf

..Phon«_Z31i2Zfi2*_iiflDiDg3._733-8261. ....... FOf1966 CESSNA 172. 280

• SCMOH, Cessna 300. nav-- Soileom.--Colllns Iranspondor; cnn1887 CHEROKEE C, 1750 conSCMOH. dual nav-com. ADF. MU.

-iranoponaor.- now'Jntorlor; Like_1970.pHEROKEE 235.500TT._ ObU dual,.AOF. - flobenaons - STOL. nnhl iM lB O .M .,............. K

173 AuloDoalors 178

o r ta t io irS p

IBIffEGO ~ 'powor steering

► Ir o m ...............................................

ITORIHlH«/lGOH— “!tiearing

mora ...............................................

3fi«JlXlE50B- - -


AULOSCHEVRC- l4 0 W « « f M d I n - - -

!oyr-JanuQry5,-190O— 'T lm oa-N o

motors. Calitlns trailers.'• .Jo<omp__Implomonl - CO......f 324-33 f ir j e rorhu ----------------- ■- i_ -«AIL CATAUNAjlACHiajn__ ------------- 13't-15--:-22V 25', 2711. 8'. -=• prams, soli or row. Parla and

Hardware. Sail h a u s , 483 s . Locoal, Twin Falls, 733-

- -A227.-------------------------------------------- • SEASWIRL"*-- EniorprisoJ l boats. Johnson ONC and r Mercrulser. Iranchisod.*■ Paris and aecossorios.

Magic Voiloy Mobile Homos' —I •• and Marina. 733-6141...........................

■ ‘ i9 B 0 ’S A R E i N r ■e- ond ino oolecilon's groai on

FIberlorm, Marquis, and >n Sfarcralt Tom's .tn- ~M aflna-i-Spoiiing Gooot,-----ly Hoybuin Bridge Exit.Ill Burley, Idano.-Lola ol 1979__ .modQlaiLclaaoouipricosl------------ 1-r. “ 7 I ^

p: COLT." Older 36 special. Commando. . Chrome.

I”' Excollonl.■■J24CI"'or'^be3i:------------5- 733-4140.-734-0929.- ......... ................y GUNS CALOREI We Buy.. - -• Sell, Trade or Pawn now and• .u tod — me«iiand.oo— -Ro-------------■ mlngion 870 magnums aro

available al low pncos.Rod's Tradlno Pojt, 215_______

'• RED, 3548.~~________________•IT 20 Oaugo Pump SHOTGUN.'

3" magnum.■variable ctioko,, llkonow.J100,3i:0-50flfi'

II Noodtogotmorowo/ijdiJhe0 aim ootnco?Piacear>i,oin

ClassilioO lor D.'ftJrrnu 733-0931.0 ----------------------

CT — — SkiinoEqutpniBitf K-2 160 w/Look f7evadn- -gs,'S'rao-33Sorrr"“g 4 « Bln^no'3.^il M4-24«_ —

r " i « ■ SnowVchlcIoFOR PARTS-1973 Aflic Cfll El

; Tigro 440. PncoO righl.i, 733-2ie0allor5pm .______ .It- -fOR SALS-orlJtaOa—U74------------_ Arctic Cai .taocc, good .con.---------

'. boai ol.apptoximatoiy aamar 'v<iK)0:7By4B65.-------- --------- ------- -----J- |.-WOULD LIKE to ouy a - • -1 1073-76 Arlic Cai El Tlgre I w/440. Also wani a small

Kilty Cai Arlle Cai Snow mobiio (or kida.733-3944.SALE anow vohlcl’o SJOO or. . ,

. besloHer. 733-5108._______1971 SKI-DOO 640 TNT. Like

, now condition, complete

complolo paint' iob. Pilcod right. 733-2180.1971 399 Skl-doo. oxcollonicondlllon, 423-5M3.______

' 1974 RUPP 440 Niirb J500,

W S ARTIC CAT Ei Tigro 440._ cxcQllonL conflHion.-pitcud_______

- lo ss than. 300 mtlos- *1300.Call 733.7666. . .HI POLARIS: Twin cyl. 308 mustang, 398 charger, jusl ovolhaulod. 733-SGSO.71 SKI 0 0 0 440; Now palnl.

- -good-eorMJ—*3a0-or—tM>#l------------OlfOr. 324-4088. : ----------- ---------

Prompl rusponao — low-, cosi advurhairo Cl.issilioO, - 733-0931. _____________________

{25 Travol TrailersWA7jTED~oi^alt2Q '~io'«' ’

William M'a36n.324Mi285.18' Travel Trjller KIT; Low prollie. 788-3339.

' t26 ( ^ ^ i iS h e l i s . ' lOV ' VISTA liner wllh lacks, oxcolloni condlllon. 360-2328 cr366-7989.______________ __

- SEIFXONTAINEP_____ ___campori sloops 0. *750.

- •324-6384— — '

W ___________ WOlOfHomi)*

rig. 14+ MPG. 6 .cylindor/- •4 tiB7-6*eellon i-llr«ii_O nly.^__=' :i3;000.”acTuSTlSllosTNo“wmti ■. realBianto. Q niv-ri2JM

423-4355. . .L :F0H_REHT1 .Soil-conUiiioo— ,— —. -mini, -motor_noitiaa__ Call — •

Rud-ll Easy. 734-3222.FOR RENTJ070 25' Crulno- Air moior homo. RuSurvo now. 324-4426 or 733.9205,FOR RENT; 23' Moior Home;Call Chuek Porkln* 733-0480._____ —

■ FOR SALE OR TRAOE;-107fr— ^ 22' Sport King Mini Homo. ' Self-conialnod. Rooi air. 4 Chassis w/480 ongino. E<c.COnd.tll,900.734-7831, .MUSTSELL; 197C22' TIOGA,LIkonow cond. No reason. _ .ablo oflorrolusod. 324-8705..... ......RENT-THE BEST. 2&' Win- nobago Class A wiih ail op-llons. QO ln ajyio. 733-962S, - ___ 1 .

178 • AuloDeilofs

w m -

U K -mnET ’


is-Nowo. Twin Folio, Idaho A-15

Page 16: huaiFy5ri980 Idaho ~~ ~ 75thyear^ No — t · jtary of Slate Cyrus Vance. I g-e@®(guerrillas across AfghanlsU

P o i n t c o i l^ By'OsWald Jsicoby'

.................. and A lan S o n ta g . . .

______ In the Americanknow n' a s 'T ltc h , four for tfTc acc. th

- . . king, two (or the_____ one for the lack. T

• show the value of t " in your hand buU

________ points.thcy.rcprcsciyou have taken.

Back In 1915 - M cCampbcll o f :

wrote his friend-Mi------suggesting that-thc-**.. 2-1 count oe used fo — -bidding.-'W ork-wrol

and lots o f players u—------------- Buf- o th e r w rttcn

When contract camc H the la te '20s, the p

lowed Ely Culber honor tricks, whlc

■ com binations of hon(■ . In 1932, Oswak H m a rr ie d tenn is c■ . M ary Zita McHale. I■ ----------- ' to teach her bridec i

------x:__and--decided It wouT^ ■ T T ^ I — plur-Ji slic-gavcrcac H face card a point

didn 't take long to fi■ ^could bld be lte r will

w ith his regular ex|— ~“’ners~ and~tncy~als '

using point count.- Lator on, Charli

-------_^d .dcid_shorlisu it_poir ■ > > 4 n .su it .b id d isg J £ h c j

th ree for a void, two H ^^glcton and one- for-

_________t o n . _______ _H Here is a simple ■ tlonal polni ta in e ; '■ A. E ach void .■ . . su it): Ihreo pornti ■ F f h iln B taton .■ = r = = = n n n o n y H i w 5 ^ ■ ' Each d ou b l« ton ■ - -------- — :-c » r d -iu » )r o n » p c l

H 127 . Motor HomH . . . . SPEClALWINTEnRATE■ MOTOR HOME For Pont;■ <tayOrwo«K.CallM3-<278■ • 1B75 22' JAMBOREE; Lai■ foarbalh, SflSOO. 324-2254. ■ 76 23‘-S WEN1 tK: Lfiw m■ ago. many OKiras. oxeoUs■ ^11,000.733-8261.

■ • - • 129 - UlJIItyTfill H SINGLE AXLE uUltty trail■ w/sparo ilro. longuo' jsi ■ »170.-Coll734^157.- -■ --------------- I USED 1S74 Jons m ------------- oqulpmonl iraller.- 3 ax ■ ==WIth'OIIfl0K^OfldOf;;j1»

I 132 AulQ.PortatAccaMor■ ~ ' ' ALL TRAN6MI5SIOI■ ropoirod. robullL aorvlcc ■ parts. Aatco Tranflmlsslor ■ , ?qitt.Klmt><irly flood. K

I WE fTeBUILO ‘ Hydraui■ Jacks at AOBOTT'S AU1■ SUPPLY, 305 SfioshoiB Slrool South. I - (3) 10” FORD Spill rima; f.■ oach. Call 734-4823.I r- (4) lOxIS.S MUD & SNO'I---■ — Bttorsofwoohonda.I . .. .61 FORD Falcon lor'parti■ HOME MADE campor. 0x8■ :=rr.=^hiref=^llllr-TRA1l;enrSo■ all 3 <Of»1S0. 734-5247.

I 133 ' ' AutMWinIs

I ----- USED0AR6UYERm ................... * t:WAVaON HA N D ^ ■ dOHt+OHRtSlilOTORS-

.. .C>T:loiASupplHHaRLEV OAVlOSOf

~~ Motoreycio:. _Sbo. Jo^qmi Ullpiviiiaiit •Co.". S24i331

------------_______MUST 80111977 KowflsaKIW

-1---------- H600.-A»Of3.-7:P-1MS.-------' 1978_YAMAHA Enduro 17S;

138 HsaryEqulpintnl. •. ALUS CHALMBERS HD-5

CrAwlor Tractor wiih front end loaaor.’Dack hoo, doior blado. Good condition.18000.8M-2150._________0-5 CAT. 15 yard scrapor, anolo dozor, irangport tuol

. trallor. rippor. mise. pana.' • Rod McKoy, Paul'. Ida. Call

-0V0nlr>0«43ft^78‘ ...................

— '— '^175.^--^^^^ -AutoO*al*ra

1971CHI11 Lrtoyenno. oulom paint, powor itoorlngo

TI31hoovy dury % ion, eono

* T1294*pood. AMrodlo, ------------- -powarsloarJngondbroI

1977GHEVITiaaoutomotle. oir. pos

---------- . brok»«. heavy doty half.

[n— - — 1976CHEVI.^I^ioulonjollc^pow ar I

AM.radto.'iwo-ionB rod c

r ! " ~ 1975 GjT116SIarroGrondo. 41C

m t n a t

\ — - m

f c n , a 2 4 ; 4 s i a ^

____ A-16 Tim o 3-N ow 3.T

ouh t orlgirTshoo5y------------------------------BTTTdircg . .. , . .............. _Bflch cam

any aullcan card gam e _ ;;__atrong yoch, you count' •• partnar^a e. three for the oaiabllahl the queen and c . Subtra k. • This, doesn 't; .lo r 4-3-3-S of these cards Thla la o

•cscnt In IrJcks.. m oallm po D. Count

915, B ry a n t polnia ' fo ?f St. L.ouis only

_ k . , n L ^ :thc-P itc tr4 -3 --------G ra iT d ^ rd fo rn o lru n ip trlcka):3M

Jl ’udit.'* '■iters-dld-not. Mlnor-ault am e In during iriekav m

p " b !i= -(o f _ Z i o , SIbertson and iriiskai-sfl. jM ch valued-

w“ d” : . a c . b r ' ......s Cham pion p „ i„ t „ u „ t Ic. He w anted „ „ i pcrlccl.

IS'L ___ douofopirrl*"rw c h ^ c o a n d — worthless o rn

"n V S '-.if" others incrcas.-------- lu ls-im pos!

-alS(!' s ta rted hancSoi

harles G orcn-. card points points.for.usc.............. . . . .

C tic im inEw S^r^ZN C ^C A Eawtwo for a sin-for-a-double:— fOoyoufia^^anple dislribu-- Exports," caro

' • per. Individual >id. (blank ba onsworod ifnta: - -- - by-slamped,- ton ■ (an» . /tava/oQ/»g 7• > »i>ofnta.— ■■■ hff~xpwsilons- ton (two- -tnis column a •-point.-------------- eopln ofJACC

Homo* ■ 139 Honyy Equipm q A T E T .............................................. -



JO 544 A Loader . . . . S38.C ccoliontt J0544ALoador . . . . J42.J . . .- JD500ABackhoo_... JI7,5

„ ■JD'410Backho6 ....'S26,J yTfWer* JD3iOBackhoo ....J 2 2 .i

_ E L L IO T F S IN ^ C .,______ 111 Ovoriand Ave.Jonson Sur1ox.lD.

r X= - ~ ■ - B6BH6uildrt, tifllesHepauoriaa Homo Phono......... 733-14

3SION3'1*0_________ True

j, BARQAINI Now Jfldina bsi

AUTO m u st sel l 1075 Joop CJ sshono Ronoflado. Low miloa. qoc

cond. *4200.324-2850 na: K s’ SHARP 74 Ford *i ton.

spood. Good oas miioaoi SfJoJ, Prlcod*2495.733-3637.


. 0x8.2 . vochlcloa— avallablo - no*, ^r^oll-----JohfrChr1s-t*3tDt3,'733-1823

1955 INTERNATIONAL 2 toi iVinled l<uck wim boot & grain bod= ------ funa-qoo0rt600.-637-WCTr-R .. l958.00D aE D-500 4-whooD -»-- > -0hMiiB.—3WIRS— - g9gBqrWQ.-TSflj. ■

nooda ' baitory. $125. S43= = ^ ------ -------------

- '1S64-CHEVY -e L-CAMiNO, DSON ClaoSIc' body"«Iy(tr."7o5vili > omo 2B3, now paini, now tiros I I.MH.- --<hoola.itUfl0a;ikS[ithnBBOti:

uTk2~ ”1905 IHC 1800 cabovor. 5&2. niloi. opo-20 tlros^OnuhA-i4_T<o------------ lanHydraulle.432.530B.--. •, 175; 19M DODGE 800, cab S • J800 chnaala; 413_5-t-.4._l>«ln.------- scrow.—Evc:-coftar~j4B00.■ = Englno/brakos now. 326- jm«nl -■ass.HD-5 CHEV H-ton-p(ekupfront '^/8holl. oxcoKoni Condition,I powor atooring, air. now

’C i Pu” o°^350 onolno.ana noK-contafnodQil, campor . ._n4.S184

aJ*ra- 176 ' A^toDoalors

S E D ^ F R U I

CHEVRgLEr%T0N4X4Jlomolic. doluxo two-tono Ingondbrokas. co M p y .....................

ilr. powor itoorlnB and brokoi. SII eonopy....................odlo. . . . . lJjfok«t._-..........i ...

lEV ROinyaTON PICKUPpowor starring ond

half. Sllvarodo

lEVROlETyj TOM PICKUPwar^*«dnfiifN |jKsK«lc==i===== r o d a n d w h lto ....................................

G iC V z T flN P lC K U L .. ^^aod . AM rqdlo.__________


DNPAULOSGHEVRIM O W . M ain , J» rp tn «

w a.TwIn Folia, Ida h o S nturday

------------------- --------------- — 4 -G o BBI_______ 4 PcMOd

7”flo!o7(^ i : - - ;-------:--------- :----- 10 IntontI

1 o o n i d g •-------------------------- ------------13 Makei

! ; B . w o z ; : z z 3 t ? ? rd o n a p o l n r f o f ‘ 16Fork“p:afd ovar .fou r.Jn__ L___17_Afr..n«lull that ia ao Storrs

you don 't-J iaad . . - ' 9 Stan

Jtrael on» point M f i S m.......... 33 Voti If,

I ovartook ad by n Thn.igt ■ w rim r—B U n i 3B Scandinportant. — ................- g o d -int dia lrlbu tlonal 36 This (L

for au ll b id a 37 Woo Is 38 Ftxos 40Clothln

■3 ; ^ " “ ’ ' “ « E i b T ; ;9 r .|W in iI .______ - - _ Wtohtilam (12 Irlcka): ' 46 TacMos — - . _ --------- quarter.lUlt g a m * (11 60 0isploa

iu l i_ g a m « _ ( 1 0 ___________122 8 . - ; . . . ................ . . . . . . - . .P flam a (nin a _ jq______

unt is a ccu ra te but '**:t. A s the bidd ing tt--vou—m ust—c ca ila o —»— pointa- bc oofne— ■> rn carly w orth less, e a se In value.p o ss ib lc -to -m a k c -a — 2 3 _ ;^4. m w ith, .o n ly f i v e _________

So in tjr -} n - th » ^ c o m = 3 3 = —o r to be unable t o _________

g im e w ith 38.high-_._ 35>. ..............


q u e s tio n to r^ tio -----------W rita — 'ASH— ffto:aro p l lh l s n o w s p a - ^ 43rfwfl/ q u e s tio n s will _ _ \___o d i t a c co m p a n lo d fgo” fd .- -se ir -a d d re sso < J ~ I '

i n s ^ i ^ i r ^ o ^ i ^ In' ” 1 n a n d will rocHlve L o \COBy-MODERHr)-----

ilpt^nt t4Q ’ Tnjckg

........ CHEVY V2 ton. 55.0CHIE

>4ENT pickup box, likt

S38.000 1971 DODGE vTton; V-8 , - $42,500 apood, runs oood. Trad* $I7,500_ amall car or $685.543-68 70. $26,504 ■ 1971 . IH Tmvol-Alt, V-8, $22,500 outomailc, air, good tiros.

boat bid Dvor $750 buys 11.C . *23-HU.__________ ___

'------- 1972 DODGE D-800'4 JonrcflD& chaaala. 5 & 2 speod, air

-• - • bra)(00.^l33M . - 934.5330,------ — — 934^370.. ■ -----------------------■JT55----^ j873^FORP- t» - t 0 n ; ■ V< ,13.1490 automatic, good condition,

ctoan, runa good. $1595. . — 734-4976 oltor Spm "Of

wookonda.1974 ,FORD - 6 upor Cab

0 back Ranoor XLT: 390 V-8. low .lck”i /p ~ mitOBao:t3495rCall734-850a.____ 1974 FORD F-250 Ranflor.s CJ-5 Campor apoclal. oxc. cond., good auto trana & many oxtraa.

914’ Roadrunnor camoor.'$55W: 24:B241:------------ ------

oaiio. 1975 CHEV Pickup sholl; 4 whool. V-8. automatic, radial

------ tlroa. Galt 733-3579.A C - .CHEVY -V4 .. ton.

outomatic, radial- iiroa. . - - y powor slooririfl 4 brakoa. no»V- JtWS- Wllt-lrado-on..mobilo

_ hom e- .•324.564fl.^vonlBQa-733-5189 dayg. aak lor

r— Dorothy.bod" 1975 dodgo 3/4 ton club cab.

Bioorinaybrakoa,'dual gas .tanka 324-4258.

~ — -leW-FdSO-FORDrPSrSTTT J im iQ ^ C .B — alldino roar.,

"i'l®- window, dual oxhauat. rooao .. . trallor-towlng.paekagorDusl-

:t|Ograing^_— covprr.^”3fl(S^ ■Bvilt mlloa. J4S00^Flrm. Call 324-#s & 6434Bltor6om. ._________BOti^ 3D7njrnRn'P:fw c.ip.r= = rpbwer-stMflnamniCiptJnd—5&2. 22.000 mlloa. Excollont con- 7iO~r- -dltlon.078.Q500all.-<, . . j_: ■ 1977 ton Ford pickup, S ’ oxcollont condition,-351 V-6.

iwln— .4-spood. • 13205.- - 934-5233.-BOO. 934-4378.________________328- 1977 CHEVROLET Suburban.

454. aulomatlc. oxcollont kup condition. 543-6840. - on. 1977 FORD F-250 Supor Cab 'OW Ranflor XLT Campor ar. . special, powor ateorinB &__ brakoa, oIr, dual battorys.

automatic, am-lm. now Ino. Miehollns, extra tanka & nod. .manyoxtraa.Wllhorwllhout S164 -10^4' campor. '366-2328 or'.. . . .366-7989, '

«r#“ 1 7 5 A u to O ^ a r r .

f w H S k i z r :

^ 3^ :. Sllvorodo.

! z » 5 d M : ; 1^^3695;;

‘2995 ’H95;

H u r -


day, J a nuary 5.1980______ A CR'ACROSS. 51 Pokoo.....................;53 Don Juan'S —

Jo asiray-----------mothot“ -----------—period 55 In tho contor —Joloro (poot.) 56 Actress Galior ~ niontlo n - — 57 Yorkshlro'rlvor'lA

>ffico 59 Month (abbr.) 7»*ake»-m8d— 80 Minyfln.-.-;-~ • g

:v» ' DOWN_____ ^'ork-prorto--------— ;------------ :—Vfr..nalion'.‘ . .1 Insoctslogo. . * itorra . 2 Make muddy, f itart 3 Speak wildly slatwoonfFr.)— 4'lron-(Gor)-------'oint-atsialc« '..6 Gonotic .24.F .nnul- material - 2S Si»h nostril.......6 -Vitemm-C— 26'^

-----28 T

candinavlan walorfronlod -------- -8 Hire.........................^his (Lat.) e Noun suffix 30 G /oo ls 'm e 11 Zodiac sign 31 N xes 13 Bolongino tolothing------------- ttio thlnfl--------33 promatic-soed-10-Born-------------- 3 9 -gbo and_____ 20 -RacanHorclii).,,«.rtf.ght----------- r22-ea*tem-----------ickles ■ philosophylerterbook— -23 Composer.............sp loosei . Stravinsky ■ 42 Ji

2 - 1 3 — j -------------l a l -j 5 - . j 0

“ T u j__ J2~ ~ —" Ts ] ;

~ 7s

---------— 21^ ---------

? i - | 2 5 _ | 2 e _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ 2^ ”

— = = T = " « | |* ^ — —

^ ■ 3 6

E E E E i i l_________ 4J_____________

~ 4 4 . 14 5 .

Z 7 ~ T " ” ” r r r 62 - —

~ Z _ j . . . V r- ^

■"'Cl'* 148 ■ 'Trucks

1® !'^ -1977 FORD F-250 Super CabJ mllo- Ranflor XLT. Compor------- -----Special, powor atoorlno &■». Iil'o brakoa.„alr, dual battorva.

V-8 , 4 Michollnj, oxtra tanks' STrado many oxtraa. Wilh or withoutB70. .10W‘ campor. 386-2328 or' 366-T989............ .... .»

1978 M ton Cnov-SIUerado. ‘V* w/350 i auto, fm/am, lilt

--- WhOO[ & CmiflO._eiOCinCn. cflD windows & door rocka ’ ■d . ajr 734-6304 or 734-5095.____

--------- -t?78-POROr~P-2» flan^r-

lltion! fm stereo, low mlloaoo.”$1595. oxtraa.$6400. 734-4S24.

' 1978 P^ERBELTi 350 Cummins,_4x4- trana. .1974_

'[*“ trnnscropt 40' llatbed w/eido»6,tfgo*.543-6039. - -

inflor. — T '•cond. ,75 AutoDealora

!Dp®r»_ ~


ton. - .........llrea. “— * --------------

■ f

owof*' — t o a d o d -w it h 'o x lr o !gas in g , o n d m an y , m a r

eoaeDual- - —

S j o B f a :'W .- : ..................J . . WlH-rt-S

==.1 --600.BIOCK MAIN AVE,-

v i : '■ —233.- - ,;• : -------------------------------

Z i H H P ^

2 280Z’s " . - 4 h e - y |tinial

^ ^ ^ p o r t s C a i

Y : ; 2 , m 2 ’ s a n

. 1 5 Pickup:, King Calls -

■ : : ^ * l l n j W l i f i e r B a s e

. ^ - < r , j M w i i e B l B a s i


T TTm D p j s “ o | t VJ b lc I o I n ^ -t e 7 T to B e l

R I I I l i l tj I H

sT N lE le rn T sl iD f Y lI lP l

;4 Faeof" "~43~~:r:zrTi5 Slido Douce"6 Arm bona" " '44 Stop an'd8 Tellor of tall ' 45 LvsarQi/^ —Storiot ' diethylnm9 Unused__ .47,Scy flfouiOOcoons.. (abbr.)1 Noii Rudolph 48G rbw tog(

------- , . 49 A fid . .3 Propollad 50 Autlior 3’Chili ''Fleming5;Gonotic------ TTSZiCoimnonz

maioriol ' ancestor (abbr.) . — 64.Boddl>ism-

J Jacob's father. ...type —

6 - I —. - - - 1 7 -18 -}0

~ ~ “ ~

~ n * T F " “ i

— ~ 2 8 - l2 9 ^ j3 0 -13

■ .46, 48 49 -

" t r 153 . . “ “ ^

:ks 140 Truiob 1978 1 ton Cho7.~crew t }or Silverado w/fiat b<

& michplin radlals..'radio.. 11? ^ .«^^^L«Lj:£iilflD.ja4;aafl4

S 35' Lo-Boy. good rut)bor. >ut brakoa. .662-3348 or 882-3J_______

66 DODGE W ton. 4 ap. T. good cond. Long whi 111,- baae& blgbox.Sl85tn-a'rlc woat, Jorome._______ca " 67” W, ion CHEVY:'^

outomntlc. 55 CHEVY 1 tc g4,00Q'aclufll mitoa. 324-508V-

10.”' ’0671,733-8364.”.72. DODGE;. 5 A 2. ta

- w/bella. 20 'stool bod. Sm * truck In trado. 324-3649. \a ~ 7 8 DATSUN; K:nfl cab. 5 s

— -air-conditioning, radio. Ci 733-661S _________

^ 176 AutoDealei

ros7 3 0 1 V -ff 'o n g ln o . au l la n y m o r e o x tr o s .

T o d o y ^ ^ -A T t l

C ^ T S I A

f S n lt ^ Arc-;Mi»ir Mot 'fiiilifErEAST. TWIN FAIL

' - - 1 , ® 3 M W

a te V=— ^ " a r

7 - 4 p E

J . t w w'ot« »«*»« wlAir!! - **

— A nsw oU Q .P ieyjguL fuult:u«to_ ^ = = =

11 c l .-.I r ------rf p L e t ~ CHEVY Stop Van v

------ »u»o.>rane .6B-OOOOti I J 'n'I ^ .......5-f2w /lagaxlo.788-

, c 'lg l gt • ChOYY Van. Fully loac ‘I a 1 a 1 mltoaoo. oxc. gas rt i a i l I ~ ~Hu3t Soil. 5434569. > T A r ^ “ "1BS3 ECONOtlNrVai■ I ‘ I * .llh0_0_^B<5wlnfl_m■ h Im I s I O'openo-heaior— »^ 7 ‘X g - $70S.4ZM353-----------i' A N U l ’8^ POflD VAN toi■jp l e l wl condition. 734-7560. 7:- — -1fl74rDOOQE-1-fon-i _T la van, V-8 . aulamstii :o" Dood cbndMlon. J350

ylnmlda .. V-8 , aulomatlc/mag v> iroup radial tlroa. full carp1 ' . aulairon'.'panelinO I 1 •' . 11.000-mllos. Excollor together amon. $6,800 firm. Ca

5p.m .326-5324.>r 1978 DODGE VAN, Inn ■■ cuBlomlrod. Like

$8500.00! Ph.73341511-

~ 4? I'rntWfia^S . CORVETTE 1973, rod

--------------roadodr' nnfiaiar ox«. I Shape. $7,000/bost- --0 - ' - ' 543-63t9, ■ — ■ — _ OATSUN 1970.-J350;- -- running,-4-door,-Call

___ ’ S368 formorolnformatli------------------1972 MCnHlDQETi-1

llroaT now eon. top.- * mpg. $1300.537-6633.

~ T, f n e o h a n io r - n e v o r -w r o : . ^ l - meefrBnlr t=r<n>PCT;

lires. asking-$2995--Cl _ _ _ ihor 7344033 or 734-587; •- 31--------- 1974-DATSUN-B-tlO;- - — chback.—oood-aheoe.______ .-. rnllpftpo, 536-6465-536- ;

1975 _OATSUN, 610 4----------Sodan; reeling seats, ai

6-track stereo. Comfc____ __ oconbtSyV -'$2795;— i------ ----------423-4834;-- —

-* 146 4IMteel----------- = -1642:JEEP-w/l 70 6 cyl-.

Engino, oxtra parta. ( — _. -runnlnocondUion.432-&

: _ "lost WILLY'S WAGON:- S4-- - - -irans. robuilflransforca

cyl motor. Eno. swap- —— quj^o^^eom^ote.^$400.

. ____ 1056 JEEP pickup, fialbo: _ -rack. .oxc. condllion.-K , . . V actual miloa. 862-3348

-J 662-3676 evoa. _______---------I9B1 ---JEEP-CJ-5: T4 -

Trucka fiordlop. big tlro8. $1895..324^193................. ........

•ew cab • ig7i CHEVY Pickup: 4 wl - drlvo. V« ton. $1500.543-51 197TFORD 4x4;-»1S00.

JhTTTif 1973 BRONCO, automi 862-3670 ^mechanically-sound. $3,:------- r 734-3373.

wheoT 1673 TOYOTA Land CrulStn-avo - '®l''b»r. chr(

whoela. $2500. 733-! - tfayg-734-6333 eva'a.

' ‘1 ton’ ‘>X4 short FORD;.V-14.5( 94 -flpoed.manyolfroadoxt= S r -

4x4;'Low" mlloaoo. wfF I— — custom campor sholl.. e

'tanks, radia! tiros, c [( cond. 734-71 CH nr 734-2004T y r r • 1976 INT'L-Scout Trave

lealers ITS Auto Dealt

i G R A N D P R I X

a u fo m a flc , p o w o r s to o r-

r t l w l o ^ ' m ' ■

b f r ~ . : ^ —

j « a o B s _

A t l S ' : — ; - ^ 7 T 3 - i a M ' = ^

B O B c a a

i 8 3 a - @ ! B & J 8 ^ i i S :

^ 1 9 8 0 2 i p i r

----- -— iimtAui ....... ........•.ru.iin

_______M * : —144':-------------:4Wr-1 9 7 0 -FORD F-150

-W6-fctnrtiry- 'TnmSTnlfflHBmM'' Moadod. low mileaoo. mako ol

5?:_______ 1978 SUBARU 4-whirVan.'pUr'rs' “ ■doIuTfu~*-paeJi5g(]

Ai ton: Qood tT TOYOTA Land 60. 734-0749. S/W. Air COnd., 1

J3500. 423- ---------- ' ------------- ^............. ............. 148— ..... - .Antt

■ S bJakosTT oor Vehicles. Must lao whoolo, glnal lypo-4-bo-oofr carpet. In- s R Entorpriaos

0 S aleroo. ' flftor6p.m.~_______pickup

1. L.aii aitor .oxcollont. .ready lo__________ $500. .1937. StuiN, laclory Sodan, complololy .

Ike now.- runs, $1250.423-4355.' •■1947-j-Chrysior-rA

^pOfWCars abio..o(Jof-.“ foluao(“ ^ d T T u V ____es” 'o l ' fo r IM ■ Aulos— . " -1975 SUICK Century, 350;-Goo0 • sodart.-oxcollont-coi-Cail-703-----<^11734-6488,-----------•matlon. - — "r---------------------rri-Ba-dlal - ........ Aulbs-top. Qood -1970 CADILLAC Com31______ Villo. Good modmd by.VW. conaillon .1500 7.-14.W-w w k o d t- H9?5-CAOIttAC-ELOO

^5.^all ok - -?3A-eui-------------— t976 Cojoo DeVIIlo

-tl0 ;-H ap --oaneol Fully —dqi: lepe. aow-- •^J4500.'Phono324-4252. 536- 729.10 4 dr.. .. IM_______ Aulos-CIts. am/fm — ' ■ ---------

_158_______ Auloj-CH' ^1967- CHEVV 2-door

■^Boar— “FbfxPWai)OM?'539TTIi Mteel Drive oHor. Alter 3PM 734.32; •; : i’ -190»-CAMARO-6Sl-» t?'GOMi ^ - . 1971- •' CHEVYT-- ■ONj.rtow. . iranamlsalon,-great ba

. im rm iolbodw/ *971 Dodo# Polara: 20 M Mo ‘Ifos- Call altarI j i f T ..........

t z j r a - . M ---------------» m -1895. Call OFF SLEET; 1977 FORO................ II Squiro- Stailon-Wj• 4 whoal power sioorlng; Dri 543-5868 V-6, 50.000 rr«in Includes snow, tires. $

JUfiZ^otiUct_J2oni_J--------- Paper & Supply. 264 4lhJtomatic, South, Twin Falls. -1 1967 MUSTANG • f. $3,200- Faotbaek. oxcollont- b---------- , solid biacH. 1960 Ofda aeCrulaon oxcolieni condition. ( filfom e aocond car, rotont ovot 733-5371 on onglno 6. Iranamlsi

:______ 368-2326 or366-7989.D;.V-8. 4- 197J FORD LTD. now II aoxtrap._ .clean, runi .great. .$ --------— -73W)182 ------------- --------

1 9?5-fOfiD-MBVuilU, ' . . . ' I ' c o n o i i l o n . accept t

‘*“*1 wav below book.-7a.i.i 734 67 'MUSTANG'. 260 one

____ — runa good,, rosiorablo.fravolor: W. Avenue 'A*. Joromd. y^oood- ^ MUSTANG COE '• Turbo, am/lm tape, e/r

6000 mis. 324-2861 altor4: Dealers ,

= ^ - m ---------------AufoOaali


r i f c A R S r

— .- . ■ H a .tC W A .........~ T B w c i p H n r ^ j

---------l im c in i io L n w M U^■No.«t.S90A.......

^ < 1 ■ l974C)iTSl£RNEWP0i

- lin fo o ie E b iu ifrb b i}

y a lim fS iD 'T -B iio y D K■ ho.C«<I.........

i ^ . ■ 1973 roio LTD SQUBEVW ■ HO.K-MJA................

'■iSTnDBrpnTD-SQunI . Na. 4C-»f A....... .

' ' ■ ISnKKiTCOlSIK^■Na.«C.»7A.......

■ ‘ty ^C U grB B M T I

............... -r-h V ■ ISTSmOTAUnBAn]

l l u n i i c i^ -fB -in u lE v n u ^ M ^ T M :^ *lOAHO"Ns.fT-4nA..-.

■ is n c K n o u T ^ mV'T 'lOADCO’‘Na*t.S3IA...^ ■ - ^ c u m n n n ^ T i i i :r n r«;7i355wlR,«ltam<lllkinln(

■ Ne.«t.S4IA.....................■ 1977 FORO MSB

4OA0(o-fMrt-nA..: r ■ 1979FQOKTIM4HXI...., . H . Ak ondiilenlno. N& SC3II

St: ■ 197SfO n}^Tnw '^r /- ' ■ Me,*T04«A.....................


■ I97BfOIDF*1Sa.■ No.tI|-S]|A...................■ 1971 Hie K T H W n U^ ■ N e.K -S 4 A ........


4Wr?eer£Wre =TP— - : - - ----Aui •150. 4-whool^ ^ w m o il^ - |ranamlas^n^Alf^

' oiler.' 734-- week-daya.______:— ,------ - -1977 FORO THUNOI-wheel drive. Loaded___ wltfi__kage. air." “ExceUbni coridlilon dock, 24.000 ^24-820t altorSpm;

726-4248-- =- - ^68—AulOt-Uncotn

(‘"‘’t T Mm«' « « MERCURY MOIL^li-sievo-

19>9 CAPRI; Loado

ie79’Mark v ’ca/T/er 1 TBiWXr-mlfM,— E)OS 734-5714,

------------- S23-5993, Idano Fells..:kup, body. •— •

oly original, 1966 442 OLDS; Verj :355. cond. Call 733-9416.“ vnnOBor -1977-0W»-Cuti8jr5ui jifljonaofl:. Loaded. Pay olf $4200' uaed— Caiu :JViirpavm8ntBa23^7■ 68 OLDS 442: 15-20MP■ ---COnflinor-now-alw

.ulos-BuIck al». Under 4000 miles ury,4-door O''P'»auL»t.000.326-5( -condlllonr -76-OL09-Cutlass^8ui............. ........Broushm;-V.8, alr.-caB— am/fm. tilt wheel, f3S-'C«)illac' «i<c.-cond.-J334etfl.:.-Coupo Do- ------ —Tiochanlcal

L-DOI^OO;- - , ; = = :

S | ! »--- SPEC

g S t i - . -JS Z iH lB H O laL I 1977 D a t a 280

: r j --------- i373i:iievrolB ti* pen. No. 11

; --- 1973-tlhRVffllRt~t

. S G m i l n i m y-------------- - W f C l i e v r B la a»-F onu 1976 D a te s Cu;l

“ 5mn™ - 1376 F ort 1 ton I

f i : I 34 FORE! ------------------ H E W

l“ T" OT A

-------------' / 2 t e , % t1. good ' " " I -

S : : . ' 19 7 8 C ln v .ais s i

s T i i s - W a c h e v .E IC a■■■■” =■ ■ = ^ . : ^ r a i i o J l j l l 5 F 5 S - - — l8 7 K lw M )fe w»plolfor , . - , ___ ,

blO.-261 .

e/rool,^ c m

,. ■tuaM«(iJaaloTg

HEJ980 USm m


i i i i r o z D o o i ^

MM'ipits2-^'i-000B'''''....»pari'4ii'ooii'' '

i'DWBfuniijp''.' ' ■s i m m ............................

ii i ir i< C T ..........................

M iiiiiiU B aif-— ^ ‘ ’• '

liipjiibM iuBiiip''-.......

ib T mor '.......

!K S— ^i n ..................

t i i i ~ .......... .................... ...........nlM■Na.^MIA ........IMwlk.Ho.»I.44IA.................................CU ............... ..........................

m " " " ........ ...................


- -

i i w r u s s u ]

SfBitLVToiiS l e i j M I—i ^ ^ W E U s D

. ” 7 3 31 2 4 3 B r u e , L a k

^orA(AditiaOc- 3?4.573,.______________ _ _H)4 gAM-5PKp i«77-TftAft3--AMr-Excononi----------

cond. Power' windows,rUNOERBIHDrIn___ 0xlras_ -wh'oolertow-mlleanB-$6000 '>-

P*"' ' anuwor 324-4887asK for D lelt---------JnebJn/U»ttufv“ -’-OAR-TOOMANY. oxoeHenl ' JDCofn/Mefcury 72 piymoui^ , a/C.Y MONARCH: P/S. P/B.$550.54»665e. ■■IQ. $2200. Call -------- -----------___- • - ira ' Auioa- PIymtxrthLoaded. Low ^ ^ado for older 175 AuloOealfifiorpayrnonTs^-------- ------------

5 ^ i C A S H^elis. Jorrv.

~ , ' “ " c i r ■iis'!"’' °°°“ W ILLS U SE D C A R S -----------ir^uprrtmo;----- ' '733»73es. ........ .................

WANTTO SELL YOUR USED W « 7 8 (r^ CAM 7/ UBOO—cni—uuyuf -20MPG. 400 - alwaya on duty- John Chrisv-aleof-redi— ~Motore. 733»lfl23_______ ..............miles since

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