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Maximize the Value of Your Content

HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue

This whitepaper was completed on December 9, 2012.

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When Tim Berners-Lee first cooked up the World Wide Web in 1991, he included an easy-to-use formatting language suited to the borderless nature of the Internet: hypertext markup language, or HTML. Over the years, HTML has served Web designers well, evolving as Websites incorporated increasingly varied design elements and rich media functionality.Problem was, that very complexity eventually began to undermine HTML’s openness and usability. Coding became a chore as commands were rendered differently on different platforms. The ability of design features to flow seamlessly across desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets became difficult without building in redundancies and frequent updating of design and coding work.

Today, with older rich media software such as Flash not supported on iPhone and iPad, it has become more important than ever to create a new, streamlined language for the Web.

Enter HTML5. Based on an Extensible Markup Language (XML) structure, a language developed to bring simplicity and adaptability back to Web coding, HTML5 offers the ability to build in semantic cues – instructions that express the use and context of a design element rather than laying out highly specific instructions for the appearance of something. This ability makes HTML5 easy to work with and highly adaptable to operating systems, software platforms, devices, and interfaces. Critically, it is designed to work with technologies of the future as well as those we are familiar with today. It is, simply put, the key to future product development, content delivery, and revenue opportunities in publishing.

HTML5: The Format of the FutureConsumers increasingly expect to consume media seamlessly across devices and platforms without delays, formatting problems, or compatibility issues. Developers look for scalable, efficient, cloud-based means of creating and delivering content. HTML5 allows all concerned to “leverage the strength of a delivery device — whether tablet, laptop or smartphone — as well as the server which is serving up the HTML5 content,” according to John Wheeler, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Emerging Technologies at SPi Global.

HTML5 and related specifications — the Open Web Platform — is rapidly becoming the universal architecture for rich interactive content experiences. ePub3 extends the Open Web Platform to encompass downloadable offline-capable eBooks and portable documents. IDPF will continue to collaborate closely with the W3C and other industry stakeholders in ongoing development of the Open Web Platform vision and its realization in open, accessible global standards that enable publishers to deliver their premium content as websites, native-class applications, and publications.Bill McCoy Executive Director, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)


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HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue 3

Today, with older rich media software such as Flash not supported on all media devices, it has become more important than ever to create a new, streamlined language for the Web.

Seamless delivery of content that works equally well on any platform — what many developers call “responsive design” — allows rich media such as audio, video, and interactive assets to be delivered through Web apps or HTML5-enabled browsers without needing downloaded or embedded media players. Geolocation and tracking data can flow back to the server to enhance product functionality, and social media can be seamlessly integrated into Web-based content shared across all platforms. Abandoning the “walled garden” environment of downloaded applications also has distinct SEO advantages, because only one set of search criteria is needed to make content discoverable across platforms.

Because HTML5 is XML-based, it supports all modules of CSS3, the language used to program the look and formatting of websites, as well as other XML-based formats, such as ePub3 (ePub defines a means of representing, packaging and encoding structured and semantically enhanced Web content — including HTML5, CSS, SVG, images and other resources — for distribution in a single-file format. Reference: Javascript, a key component of HTML5, is rendered easier to use because many things that used to require heavy Javascript programming can now be done straight in HTML5.

Growing Pains While the promise of HTML5 to take publishing into a new era of platform-neutral content distribution is real, there are still many steps left to take before this can be realized. Most importantly, HTML5 is still in development, and will not be ready for full deployment for a few more years. According to SPi Global’s John Prabhu, Vice President, Solutions Architect, this should not dissuade publishers from beginning to use HTML5 — it is, by design, iterative, meaning it will undergo continuous development and nothing built in HTML5 now will be made obsolete by a later, “final” version. Developing new products and interactive assets around HTML5 and beginning the process of enriching older content simply makes good business sense.

A second factor is the desire of some big digital media and technology players to maintain proprietary formats. Major companies involved in HTML5 development with a stake in its outcome include Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, Google, Mozilla and RIM, among many others. Amazon, which hopes to preserve its proprietary hold over e-books formatted for the Kindle, is pulling in a different direction than others offering e-books rendered in ePub3 (For a list of devices supporting ePub3, check out

Despite these hurdles, all major publishing industry players are implementing limited HTML5 functionalities even though HTML5’s planned initial full rollout will be in 2014 ( Apple’s choosing not to support Flash on its market-leading iPad tablets forced Adobe to begin redesigning its suite of software products around the new language, meaning every publisher needs to prepare for HTML5-based versions of InDesign, Quark and other major design and production software. Newer browsers such as Google Chrome support HTML5 (browser support on HTML5 – and are being optimized for sophisticated browser-based functionality, which will allow Web apps to work like fully-functioning desktop applications within the browser window, rather than being limited by conventional browser controls.

HTML5 allows all concerned to “leverage the strength of a delivery device — whether tablet, laptop or smartphone — as well as the server which is serving up the HTML5 content.”John Wheeler Senior Vice President, Strategy and Emerging Technologies SPi Global

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HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue4

Critical for book publishing is the development of Readium (, an HTML5, CSS3, and Java-based ePub rendering engine that aims to provide an open-format solution for book reading on a variety of platforms. Readium was recently added to the Google Chrome Web store as a plug-in; on Chrome, it brings to life some of the functionality that points to the future of Web interactions: buttons, customization tools, and buy-within-the-app features previously seen only on proprietary, downloaded software.

Benefits for the Book MarketThe benefits of HTML5 and ePub3 are compelling for those reading books on e-readers and tablets. As already glimpsed in applications like Readium, the end-user experience can be enhanced by the ability to serve up rich media through the cloud via sophisticated new browsers and Web apps, avoiding prohibitive download times and storage limits. Features such as streaming video, text-to-speech, geolocation, drawing tools and spectographics, interactive material such as quizzes and content updates — all are facilitated and enhanced by HTML5. In addition, the always-connected nature of Web-based applications allows for real-time insight into what and how people are reading, and allows servers to “push” related content.

More and more publishers are seeing the value in a seamless, cross-platform publishing solution. According to a survey conducted among nearly 500 individuals in the publishing industry by Book Business magazine and SPi Global in August 2012, 26% of respondents said they are using HTML5 as a rich media format, compared to 18% using Flash (56% did not know). All indications are that circumstances will bring the number using Flash down: 56.6% of respondents said that not having content supported on new media devices like the iPad was their main complaint about their current rich media format. Fifty-four percent of respondents said they are considering migrating to HTML5, compared to only 11% who said they are not while 35% were not sure.

The number one reason to stick with a rich media format other than HTML5 was reported to be the fact that legacy content exists in an earlier format. While this may prevent some from making the leap, it’s a bad long-term decision. Sooner or later, when all browsers and devices are HTML5-optimized, legacy content will have to be converted and new content produced in HTML5.

The combination of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript has finally reached the point where publishers don't have to worry so much about separate formats for development, storage and distribution. A single master file can provide a similar, accessible experience across all platforms and environments whether they be controlled, browser-based, or client based. It also allows for much easier integration with the social media, assessment and learning management systems that are so necessary in today's education environment. Finally publishers can deliver features that were difficult to achieve including interactive graphics, equation graphing, rich media (audio, video, etc) and multi-layer markup across layers. There are certainly challenges ahead in achieving full penetration of HTML5 not the least of which are the creation of effective authoring tools and the development of "code competence" on the part of designers, editors and other staff, but these are well worth perseverance in implementation.Ken Brooks SVP, Global Production and Manufacturing Services at Cengage Learning

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HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue 5

Migrating to HTML5It’s generally agreed across the industry that companies not already strategizing for HTML5 conversion need to begin. Patrick Cox of Codrops, “in order to further demystify HTML5 and help these knuckle-dragging designers and developers to jump on the bandwagon,” identifies 10 reasons to convert to HTML5: (1) accessibility (for screen readers), (2) video and audio support (no need for third-party players), (3) the “doctype” tag (allowing coders to avoid complex attribute markers), (4) cleaner code, (5) smarter local storage, (6) better Web user experience, (7) game development, (8) cross-browser support, (9) optimal mobile support, and (10) “it’s the future – get with it!”

But just how exactly do publishers and developers “get with it” when it comes to preparing for HTML5?

The fundamental step, according to Prabhu, is preparing content semantically. “Content must be structured semantically because new technologies come and go,” he says. “Every six months to a year, everything changes. If publishers prepare content semantically then they are able to quickly transform into any new standard, whether it is ePub3 or HTML5.” This requires a platform-agnostic approach focused around converting embedded third-party assets, as well as older HTML4 “presentation” tags (which carry information relevant to particular contexts) to semantic HTML5.

In the midst of this, however, publishers must have a “back up plan” to accommodate the fact that some browsers support HTML5 and others do not.

As to when to begin the conversion process, Prabhu says it depends on the company and its particular strategy for ROI. Many are focusing now on the top titles in their catalog and converting the rest as needed; others are in the process of converting all titles and other materials.

26%uses HTML5

What rich media format do you use?*

18%uses Flash

56%other, doesn’t know

54%will migrate to HTML5

Will you consider migrating to HTML5?*

11%will not migrate

* According to a survey conducted among nearly 500 individuals in the publishing industry by Book Business magazine and SPi Global in August 2012.

35%not sure

56.6%* of respondents said that not having content supported on new media devices like the iPad was their main complaint about their current rich media format.

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HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue6

Working with new content requires bringing together print and digital workflows. Content must be authored in a “structured” manner early in the process (during manuscript and typesetting stages) so it can be transformed seamlessly into print and multiple digital output formats.

Content must be tagged early and consistently, validated against DTD/Schema and business rules, and monitored through good auditing and testing practices within a workflow environment. For example, certain book elements (such as chapter headings) can be tagged in more than one way, and may look correct in the short term even if tagged incorrectly, but will not render properly when repurposed for future use, nullifying one of the main advantages of semantic tagging. Tagging expertise must include understanding how to make content “work” through the multiple iterations enabled by multiplatform publishing.

Why OutsourceGiven the complexities, challenges, and need for a strategic approach to HTML5 conversion, most publishers choose to outsource the work to a vendor with specific expertise in the field.

To facilitate conversion of rich media assets, many developers (including SPi Global) have built up a “library” for HTML5 interactions around audio and video, drag and drop, pull down lists, and all other modes of digital interactivity that will constitute the Web and mobile experience of the future. “All these interaction types have been developed in HTML5 and it’s just a matter now of putting the proper content there,” Wheeler says – which, of course, is easier than starting from scratch.

SPi Global has developed methodologies and workflows for content conversion through its own Innovation Lab. Given its experience with conversion, there are few challenges SPi Global has not seen and developed protocols around. “We have a whole part of our organization dedicated to tackling timely and sticky issues,” Wheeler says. “We do that on our dime because there is way more that we need to learn about the process than we could ever charge for, so we have a corporately-supported formal methodology to drive innovation within the organization and particular product types.”

Add to this domain expertise, which gives SPi Global specialized knowledge around certain types of content, especially in the education and STM markets. “In Higher Ed we know there is a semester time constraint. We know what kind of questions you will be getting back as far as how the content is used. We understand your target market,” Wheeler notes.

Another key advantage is scalability. Provided with materials like original storyboards and Flash files from publishers, SPi Global can utilize a series of protocols to render content in HTML5 both effectively and efficiently. “We have a number of projects that are converting Flash to HTML5,” Wheeler says. “With many thousands of media components involved, there should be an expectation that it is less expensive with SPi Global because these elements are scalable. The job will be less expensive and we can get it done in a time frame that makes sense for the customer.”

In an exploding digital market, publishers want to address the widest variety of devices possible, but can have difficulty knowing which channels to prioritize. Because there is not yet enough good market intelligence to predict which


Print and digital workflow convergence

Semantic tags added to all content

Structured authoring pushed upstream – early in product

planning and workflow


Content must be structured semantically because new technologies come and go.John Prabhu Vice President, Solutions Architect SPi Global

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HTML5: The Code to Maximizing Revenue 7

e-reader formats will win and which will lose, publishers need to be on all devices. The broad-based technical knowledge and industry-wide view afforded by partnering with a service provider like SPi Global is therefore a great asset.

SPi Global can even offer strategic perspectives in the early stages of product planning. “As a partner, we are looking at customer’s content in a broader structure of the options available, what we know works and what does not,” Prabhu says. “So we are able to offer this technology and subject matter expertise right up front in the design phase of the project itself.”

In addition, SPi Global is involved in many consortiums shaping the future of HTML5, ePub3 and global learning standards for the book industry and IMS Global learning standards towards eLearning. Involvement in industry-wide planning and research, along with the company’s dual expertise in technology and content processing, allows it to offer a holistic perspective and range of expertise that few others can.

The ROI QuestionWhat does this all mean for the bottom line? Knowing where to prioritize investments amid a rapidly changing digital landscape is the core concern for publishers. The business case, as Prabhu notes, is “tricky” because publishers are essentially being asked to develop interactive products for platforms, browsers, and markets that are in the early stages of being built out. Working with a vendor like SPi Global, however, allows publishers to leverage the scale and expertise of an outside partner in order to profitably prepare for the future.

With mobile and e-book use rising rapidly, especially in the education and STM markets, the trends are unmistakable. The only question for publishers is whether to prepare now or play catch-up later.

“You need to align yourself with somebody who understands [these trends] in total, and be willing to work with them to come up with best way forward for your product,” Wheeler says. ”We know ways of achieving what publishers want to achieve.”

Given the complexities, challenges, and need for a strategic approach to HTML5 conversion, most publishers choose to outsource the work to a vendor like SPi Global who has specific expertise in the field.

External references

1. HTML5 (

2. ePub3 (

3. SPi Global Innovation Lab (

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About SPi Global

SPi Global empowers leading publishers and content providers to maximize the value of their content online and offline by infusing technology, know-how, and innovation into their businesses. SPi Global provides its clients with a competitive advantage by creating unique strategies in redefining a business model, enhancing an existing or developing a new service offering, and increasing operational efficiencies by introducing a system or redefining workflows.

With a complete suite of digital, publishing, content enrichment, marketing, and customer support services, we help companies adapt to the rapidly changing demands and needs of their own customers through our unique and innovative solutions.

For over 30 years, SPi Global has been helping leading publishers, not-for-profit organizations, information providers, and Fortune 1000 companies to increase their revenues, reduce costs, improve time-to-market, and automate operations. With over 500 clients and 7,000 content specialists, no job is too large for us.

For more information on how SPi Global can help you maximize your content online and offline, please contact:

Jamie Israel Director of Marketing, Content Solutions M 732 662 8345 [email protected]

Maximize the Value of Your Content
