Page 1: Html5 - audio and video tags

Rae Allen

Page 2: Html5 - audio and video tags

Treat audio / video like image element

Pros• Reduce dependency on players

• Reduce code weight

• Consistent experience within browser

Cons• Not supported by all browsers

• Support is inconsistent

• Limited design changes

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alt="Mike Martin“

title="Mike Martin perfoming 'Fireweed'“


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<div class="player"> <div id="media_main"> <script src="" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //create a colour object to define the colors for the player. //highlightColour is the color of the bar that follows the play head. //backgroundColour is the colour of the page behind the player. //textColour is the colour of the title and the counters. /*The replace function replaces an element on the page with the cinerama player. The parameters are: (id, source, width, height, colour object, title, autoStart) id: (required) The id of the element to be replaced, usually an image element. The image will then be pulled into the player and displayed before the video is started. source: (required) This can be a single flv or h.264 mp4 file or a media rss file containing 1 or more items. If a media rss file does contain more that one item the multiClip section is automatically embedded next to the player. width: (required) The width of the video to be displayed. height: (required) The height of the video to be displayed. Note that the player will embed slightly higher that this to allow for the controlls. colour object: A javascript object defining the colours for the player (see above). title: The beginning title displayed on the player before a movie is played. If no title is supplied the script will attempt to use the alt text of the image it is replacing. autoStart: 'true' tells the player to start the video as soon as it loads. 'false' tells the player to wait for the user to initiate the video by pressing play. embedSrc: 'true' tells the player to show the embed src for the video. 'false' hides the embed Src. */ var title = "Mike%20Martin%20-%20Fireweed"; title = unescape(title); cinerama.ratings = false; = false; cinerama.geoBlock = false; cinerama.embedSrc = true; cinerama.highlightColour = "#006CD9"; cinerama.backgroundColour = "#000000"; cinerama.textColour = "#77BBFF"; cinerama.wmode = "transparent"; // Default height and widths, overwritten by css. cinerama.embedPlayer('media_main_player','',400,224,title,'false'); </script> <noscript>Javascript is currently no enabled on your browser. To view this media, please enabled Javascript in your browser setttings.</noscript> <img id="media_main_player" src="" alt="loading video" title="loading video"/></div> </div>

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<script src="/local/includes/scripts/jquery/plugins/jquery.flash.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script> <script src="/local/includes/scripts/audioplayer.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script><noscript>Javascript is currently no enabled on your browser. To view this media, please enabled Javascript in your browser setttings.</noscript> <embed class="player_audio" flashvars="autoplay=false&amp;glassyplayer=true&amp;playerbgcolor=%232E2E2E&amp;volumeiconcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;" pluginspage="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="30" width="220"><a class="color3 mp3download" href="">Download this mp3 file</a>

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mp3 ogg wav

Firefox no yes yes

Safari yes no yes

Chrome yes yes no

IE8 no no no

IE9 (beta) yes no yes

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mp4 ogg/theora webm

Firefox no yes yes

Safari yes no maybe

Chrome yes yes yes

IE8 no no no

IE9 (beta) yes no maybe

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begin implementing some html5 tags• Device specific use

• Browser specific use

make html5 default mode
