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The era of skill-based workers has arrived but if India wants to truly move to the global arena, it has to spruce up its workforce. Small may be beautiful, but not in the IT industry. In the knowledge era and a skill-based economy, it has become imperative that human resources become one of the most essential ingredients of success. The growth of IT companies worldwide depends on its people and the intellectual capital it possesses. Knowledge workers has become a buzzword in todays IT scenario. And if we look at the top software exporters, they have been growing phenomenally in workforce strength. To make it big in the global software market, India needs to increase its mass of knowledge workers. The establishment of Indian Institutes of Information Technology is definitely a step ahead in the right direction, but what the industry needs is experts in niche areas, in other words, persons with domain expertise. In the era of cutting-edge technologies, it is this skilled workforce that will make all the difference. The total human resource strength of the IT industry as a whole stands at 425,609.The life has become quite fast and speed of provisioning of different services has also increased. But all this activities are being managed by number of well qualified professionals. They may be from computer hardware developers, software engineers or marketing managers. As the things are running fast, so they have to be managed fast. This fastness of services and higher level of education/training standards are not easy to manage by the organizations concerned. As we already know that Human Resource Management of the organization deals with the individuals putting their hard work to meet the organizations goals. Managing people is the toughest element of any organization than land, machinery or finances. Every human being has its own degree of preferences, likings and attitude. So, an HR manager has to take care of all these things in mind while dealing with the number of people working in the organization.

Hence, the IT industry has been devising newer Personnel Management/ HR techniques, which specifically meet the needs of IT industry. The main reason for this is high standards of education and professional training required for this industry. Secondly, there is an excessive job demand for developed countries in this sector and high wage standards. So, HR managers mainly in developing countries like India find it very difficult to retain and recruit their manpower. An HR manager worldwide has devised handsome compensation methods like Profit Sharing, Employee Stock Option Schemes ESOP etc. Though over the period few schemes has flopped like ESOP due to heavy fall in company share price

:CHAPTER-1INTRODUCTION:Success of every business enterprise depends on its human resource. Money, material and machines are inert factors; but man with his ability to feel, think, conscience and plan is the most valuable resource. At the same time, human elements are most difficult to be inspired, controlled and motivated. The upcoming competition in India will demand high motivational level of its employees. Growth of an enterprise is vital for the economic development of the country. This is possible only by maintaining the enthusiasm and motivation of the employees, which is vital for carrying out the operations in most efficient manner. The most successful companies, all over the world have designed their business policies to achieve higher productivity by using potentiality and strength of people. The basic aim of human policies is the genuine concern for the people. Proper design of human policies is based on the higher responsibilities, personal and positive approach in the total perspective of organizational interest. The world's best companies have established their strength with their people. The employees identify themselves with the company they are working for. This also helps in building up their spirit, morale and espirit-de-cops that becomes strength of the company. Finding the right man for the job and developing him into a valuable resource is an indispensable requirement of every organization. Human resources are capable of enlargement i.e. capable of providing an output that is greater than the sum of the inputs. Proper recruitment helps the line managers to work most effectively in accomplishing the primary objective of the enterprise. In order to harness the human energies in the service or organizational goals, every manager is expected to pay proper attention to recruitment, selection, training, development activities in an organization. Thus, personnel functions such as manpower planning recruitment, selection and training, when carried out properly, would enable the organization to hire and retain the services of the best brains in the market. The human resource management is very crucial in respect of information technology services than other manufacturing or marketing enterprises. The IT services are technical in nature and at every stage, the human touch is involved. Hence, it is well-motivated and devoted manpower which is very much essential for the success of IT industry.

1.1 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY :Following were the objectives of the study:- 1. To enlist emerging HR trends in Indian IT Industry 2. To find out lacking areas regarding the HRD in IT sector. 3. To measure the perceptions of IT sector employees in respect of application of HRD in their organization. 4. To suggest the measures to fill the gaps and improve motivation level of employees and HR management in IT industry. 5. The goal of improved organizational effectiveness and an orientation towards reengineering and skills guided the development of the proposed job design approach

1.2 SCOPE OF STUDY :Following were the scope of the study:- To know the emerging HR trends in Indian IT Industry. Give information about the Indian IT Industry. To know about the HR problems of Indian IT Professionals. Give information that whats wrong seems to be the trend.

1.3 LIMITATIONS: Employees by and large are reluctant in expressing their feelings/thoughts inthe Questionnaire and tend to be biased. The Organization is reluctant to openly share data/information and tend to keepsensitive data/information confidential which is understandable. Some personnel in the Organization, irrespective of their seniority, cannot pay adequate attention to the requests of such studies given the constraints of time and the work pressures prevalent in the Industry today. Long term perspective

ROLE OF HR MANAGERS :Traditionally, the role of the Human Resource professional in many organizations has been to serve as the systematizing, policing arm of executive management. In this role, the HR professional served executive agendas well, but was frequently viewed as a road block by much of the rest of the organization. While some need for this role occasionally remains you would no want every manager putting his own spin on a sexual harassment policy, as an examplemuch of the HR role is transforming itself. The role of the HR manager must parallel the needs of his changing organization. Strategic Partner:-In todays organizations, to guarantee their viability and ability to contribute, HR managers need to think of themselves as strategic partners. In this role, the HR person contributes to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-wide business plan and objectives. The HR business objectives are established to support the attainment of the overall plan and objectives. This strategic partnership impacts HR services such as the design of work positions, hiring; reward, recognition, and strategic pay; performance development and appraisal systems; career and succession planning; and employee development. Employee Advocate:-As an employee sponsor or advocate, the HR manager plays an integral role in organizational success via his knowledge about and advocacy of people. In this role, the HR manager provides employee development opportunities, employee assistance programs, gain sharing and profit-sharing strategies, organization development interventions, due process approaches to problem solving, and regularly scheduled communication opportunities.

INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN HR :The Innovative Practices in Human Resources study uncovered 12 practices that are reducing HR costs and improving service quality to employees. Key findings from this research included the need for HR managers to streamline processes, lower overhead costs, and enable their departments to advance from transactional organizations to strategic partners in the business. Practices and technologies include: Internet and intranet employee services Strategic human resources Centralized HR departments and call centers 360-degree performance appraisals HRIS systems Employee self-service Voice response systems (VRUs) Resume scanning and Internet recruitment Kiosks Automated time and attendance systems Team policies and development Outsourcing Business process reengineering (BPR) HR TRENDS INIT INDUSTRY:HR IT SCENARIO:The web is altering the HRD landscape beyond recognition. The key to corporate success in the fast changing information era is thinking on your knees. What is this thinking on your knees? Normally as the HR person you know what the situation is and operate from there. A repositioning is required in your decision process with questions like why, how and when and not just what. At this point you operate on your knee i.e. with far more dynamism and with a lot more effectiveness than thinking on your feet. The employees are like gypsies, on the move all the time. They camp at some location, enhance their skills, responsibility levels and move on. This is particularly true of the professional from Software Industry. Opportunities are plenty and the next job opening is only a mouse click away. The question is not about what else you can do to retain an employee but it is about making him productive, while he is with you. The value addition will then happen for both the employee as well as the employer resulting in a win-win situation. This means that the new strategy calls for the recognition that no employee is expected to be permanently with you. Normal tenure in any organizationis likely to be between two to three years. INNOVATION IS THE KEY:InformationtechnologyandInternethavechangedseveral equations. Reaching out to the world market place is no more the challenge in achieving corporate victories. Out thinking the competition at electronic speed is the key to winning corporate battles. The corporate success is sum total of entrepreneurship practiced by your staff. The key to employee longevity :-Todays most successful organizations recognize that to fuel growth and sustain a competitive advantage, they must make recruiting, hiring and retaining top talent, as the organizations major thrust area. Competent people deliver the rest do not matter. Successful business organizations have no choice but to promote the performers and let non-performers go. Organizations recognize that thattheir ability to gather, manage, analyze, distribute information and transform themselves into a learning organization will provide continuity and ensure for them their leadership role. Systematic organizational learning should be central corporate philosophy. Learning must be obviously followed by changes, which may not necessarily be welcomed by veterans in the organization. But change is the only constant for guaranteed success.Points to note: The followingpoints are important and must be properly understood.People have a great deal of informational knowledge to contribute to the organization. People are responsible People desire opportunities to effect change, not just being expected to change. Organizations need to create awareness amongst their employees about their vision and then empower them to act on that vision. Establishing a sense of urgency well ahead of the problem surfacing. Form inter-functional core group. Encourage the group to work together as a team. Plan and create short-term win targets reward employees and recognize achievers. Consolidate improvements through a knowledge base driven system and institutionalize proven new methodologies.

New Paradigms in HR: Business plans must consider HR issues, focus and adapt.

Corporate goals must factor in individual career growth and personal growth must be tied to corporate growth and vice versa

Job responsibilities must facilitate personal development and learning should be institutionalized with well-established knowledge bases. Capturing experience and making it available corporate wide should be a permanent feature of an organization.

4 Rs of HR in IT:TABLE:Recruiting Signing bonus Finders Fee Alumni connections Non-techs Students InternsRetaining Retention bonus Project pay Reduct FTE/same pay Telecommuting Externs Job sharing Recognition programsRetraining Job rotation Team assignments Skill inventories Competency development CertificationRestructuring Broad job descriptions Flexible compensation programs Flexible jobs Positive problem-solving spirit


Denial (This is and long term) Misalignment (Ramping up/Ramping down) Timing Treating everyone the same Navigating the bureaucracy Demographics

RETENTION FACTORS1. Quality of boss 2. Direction of department 3. Exposure to new technologies 4.Confidence in the company 5. Job security.

TAKING THE LEAD See ourselves as problem-solvers Develop critical skills and competencies in ourselves, then others Build compensation around results not tasks; competencies, not seniority Involve everyone. Constantly align and balance resources to meet changing needs

SEARCH FOR TOMORROW Attract, retain and reward the best performers (Encourage all to be the best) Increase flexibility Reduce fixed costs Reduce administrative effort (Simplify, simplify, simplify) Utilize the full range of individual talents

THE CRISIS Shortage of IT workers

COMPETITION Compensationstock options, profit sharing, incentives Alternativesoutsourcing

RETAINING Work environment Communication forums Telecommuting Flexible staffing Exciting projects

PRACTICES Focus on value Financial and human value Commitment to core strategy Linkage between cultures an system Multi dimension communication Stakeholders partnerships Mutual support and collaboration (teamwork) DEVELOPINGInternship programsTraining programs Career development programs

LONG TERM SOLUTIONSEducation, government, industry partnerships Curricula: technical skills and career skills (teamwork and communication)


Understand people What they want Long term perspective Innovative Co ordinate approach Career development

OUT SOURCING: In the last few years, more and more companies around the world are looking towards India for outsourcing their software requirements. The changing business environment is demanding new applications. In particular, the spread of client-server computing in decentralized organizations involves the development of applications specific to a user's business. Outsourcing is becoming a strategy for forward thinking IS managers. It is no longer just a means for reducing costs, but a tool for adding value to business. It enables organisations to concentrate on their core business, carry out business re-engineering and provide information that is valid, timely and adequate to assist decision making at the management level and quality and cost control at the middle and lower levels. As a result, outsourcing has gradually grown beyond the traditional idea of "having a third party running the data centre". It has come to mean, "any use of an outside contractor to replace or extend in-house resources". Outsourcing is closely linked with corporate strategy, since it must support the organizations major initiative in using IS. It should enhance and add value to the business. A rule of thumb to start and gain experience is, "if IS low cost and of high value addition, keep it within the organization, i.e. in-source. If IS high cost and of low value addition, consider outsourcing". In the past few years, whenever organizations around the world have outsourced to India, the Indian software companies have substantially helped to cut costs in software development projects or MIS environments, while maintaining high quality. Moreover, all these cost and quality advantages are coupled with the use of state-of-the-art technologies.In 2004-05 more than US$ 2500 million worth of software development work was outsourced to India (The total software exports from India during the year was US$ 4085 million). This was 56% higher than outsourcing orders in 2003-04. It is estimated that the quantum of outsourcing may jump to US$ 5 billion and reach as high as US$ 10 billion by 2010 A.D.

ITSECTORCOMPENSATION METHODS : EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNWERSHIP PLANEmployeeStockOwnershipPlan (ESOP): isadefined contribution employee benefit plan that allows employees to become owners of stock in the company they work for.How does ESOP work? 1.The ESOP operates through a trust, setup by the company that accepts tax deductible contributions from the company to purchase company stock2.The contributions made by the company are distributed to individual employee accounts within the trust. 3. The amount of stock each individual receives may vary according to pre-established formulas based on salary, service, or position. 4.The employees may cash out after vesting in the program or when they leave the company. The amount they may cash out may depend on the vesting requirements. STOCK OPTIONS :Stock Options:The right to purchase stock at a given price at some time in the future.Stock Options come in two types: 1.Incentive stock options (ISOs)in which the employee is able to defer taxation until the shares bought with the option is sold. The company does not receive a tax deduction for this type of option. 2.Nonqualified stock options (NSOs) in which the employee must pay income tax on the 'spread' between the value of the stock and the amount paid for the option. The company may receive a tax deduction on the 'spread'. How do Stock options work? An option is created that specifies that the owner of the option may 'exercise' the 'right' to purchase a companys stock at a certain price (the 'grant' price) by a certain (expiration) date in the future. Usually the price of the option (the 'grant' price) is set to the market price of the stock at the time the option was sold. If the underlying stock increases in value, the option becomes more valuable. If the underlying stock decreases below the 'grant' price or stays the same in value as the 'grant' price, then the option becomes worthless. MERIT PAY : Merit Pay is an incentive plan implemented on an institutional wide basis to give all employees an equal opportunity for consideration, regardless of funding source. The merit increase program is implemented when funds are designated for that purpose by the institution's administration, dependent upon the availability of funds and other constraints. .

GAIN SHARING :Gain sharing is a techniquethat compensates workers based on improvements in the company's productivity. How does Gain sharing work? A Company shares productivity gains with the workforce. Workers voluntarily participate in management to accept responsibility for major reforms. This type of pay is based on factors directly under a workers control (i.e., productivity or costs). Gains are measured and distributions are made frequently through a predetermined formula. Because this pay is only implemented when gains are achieved, gain sharing plans do not adversely affect company costs.

What are the 'Gains' that are measured? Increases in production with equal or less effort. Equal levels of production with less effort. What are examples of Gain sharing formulas? Calculate gain in hours: The actual hours worked minus the expected hours (for the given level of output) equal the gain in hours.

PROFIT SHARING :ProfitSharing is anincentive based compensation program to award employees a percentage of the company's profits. How does Profit sharing work? The company contributes a portion of its pre-tax profits to a pool that will be distributed among eligible employees. The amount distributed to each employee may be weighted by the employee's base salary so that employees with higher base salaries receive a slightly higher amount of the shared pool of profits. Generally this is done on an annual basis How to Choose an Employee Stock Plan for Your Company:-Many companies we encounter have a pretty good idea of what kind of employee ownership plan they want to use, usually based on specific needs and goals.

Chapter-2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE:Rosabeth Moss Kanter said, Human beings are good raw material, they become assets when you train them to increase their knowledge and skills". She added that only a few organisations really train people to make them a success. Seconding this, Mr Peters pointed out how most organisations are not serious about developing people. They spend on an average 26.3 hours per person per year on training. A surgeon, a pilot or an athlete on the other hand spends 10-15 times more on training. Tom Peters said, We have transitioned from an asset-based economy to a talent-based economy. The new definition of lay-off is untalented go talented stay. Leaders must realise that talent is equal to brand". His new theory is EVP which means "Employee Value Proposition". William Taylor, editor and managing partner of the Fast Pace magazine, said, "There is no going back from back from dotcoms". He was of the opinion that there is a merger taking place between computers and human beings. According to a study carried out by Nasscom , there were more than 10,000 IT staff last year holding around 18 million ESOPs valued at roughly Rs 12,000 crore($3 billion) at February '00 prices. PramaNathIndia's growth story has drastically slowed down due to the cascading effect of the slow global economy. Organisations are suffering, employees are confused and HR the profession has been unofficially assigned the unenviable task of retention, higher productivity, even helping increase of sales revenue by using a synthesis of the tools at its disposal and innovative thought leadershipPeople and knowledge retention during these tough times will propel the talent management domain in the forefront and ensure it doesn't remain consigned to a folder in the laptop of the talent manager after the annual talent review ritual. From using reliable tools in hiring and assessing employees to developing high potential talent, creating a strong leadership bench and work on a robust succession planning strategy, talent management will become an empirically substantiated document for the business and HR leaders to retain people and curb knowledge transfer outside the organisation. The role of the Human Resources Department has changed dramatically over the past 30 years and will become increasingly more strategic in nature in the future, said a leading light of the HR community in the recent 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition of HR practitioners in Washington, DC.

:Chapter 3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK:HRPROBLEMS OF INDIAN ITPROFESSIONALS OVERVIEW OF PROBLEMSThe IT revolution is sweeping the world, particularly the western world in for nearly a decade now, creating enormous employment opportunities in this area. India joined the bandwagon well in time and smoothly though it is yet to entrench itself strongly in terms of corporate identity and significant share of global revenues in IT. Our main contribution seems to be in the less glamorous areas of value addition, maintenance, Y2K, quality assurance and customization of existing packages. The sudden eruption of opportunities in this area left no time for development of human resources in a planned manner and also software solutions which tended to With the enormous opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship with low capital investment and low gestation period for turning profitable, higher returns per employee and large return on investment/EPS, sustained encouragement from government, a very large number of organizations - large, medium, small - have been established. Correspondingly a large number of training establishments and cyber cafes have come up, most of which are in the cities and towns to cash in on the enthusiasm of the urban middle class. A number of higher level courses have also been started mainly through private organizations besides the existing government (State/Central), university and autonomous institutions. There are about 500 private engineering colleges besides IITs, RECs, universities, colleges offering courses such as MCA, M.Sc., M.E., and M.Tech. In view of the apparent demand that appears to be exaggerated, most of the programmes (barring a few by government institutions and IITs) are very expensive, almost beyond the reach of a middle-class student. Yet candidates and their parents strain themselves financially to pursue the courses hoping to get an attractive job (financially) which remains a mirage by and large. The problems are further compounded by a lack of proper teaching faculty in most colleges and Except in well-established institutions, job-placements are poor. Even those trained in reputed institutions find their jobs monotonous, leading to depression. Jobs offered by the software industry have demonstrated the above factors as they are able to carry out the projects with persons of any background and levels of attainment, but with a few months training either prior to employment or a short training during probation.Even those software professionals, who are offered good financial packages, spend their earnings on expensive lifestyles, vehicles, and credit card syndrome and find themselves disenchanted on all fronts including the intellectual front. It should also be a cause for concern to project beyond the present software boom as to what happens to all these if the opportunities decline. The scenario appears to be quite fluid with a predominant western bias in all the activities concerning software profession with scores of Indian boys getting lured and sucked into the vortices created by the opportunities in this area.Advantages :Thesuggested processes in 4 and 5 above can be expected to have the following significant advantages: i. Cost effective and efficient process. ii.Proper deployment of skills optimally. iii.Idle employment can be minimized. iv.Retention can be improved. V Particularly useful for small firms which can also operate in the cooperative society mode. vi.The candidate's skills are moulded to suit the needs of the job and need not waste time, money and efforts. vii.Equitable opportunities to all aspirants irrespective of location, pedigree and background. viii. Reduces the mushrooms of training shops with inadequate faculty. ix.This may also give the manufacturing and core engineering sector jobs reasonable chance to attract willing and bright candidates. x.The process is ideally suited for candidates to plan their careers with adequate preparation in core areas.SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY: Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Healthy work environment Due to study of HR trends in IT Industry we find the deficiencies and helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal. The study focused on the information technology community and how works processes and activities could be better organized to remove artificial barriers and improve organizational effectiveness, a process often associated with the term "reengineering.RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT:Significant problem areas, which may be contributing to the present scenario and can be addressed, can be identified as givenPost employment care- The companies/organizations should take adequate interest in the career development of the employee by suitable HRD approaches which should include the following: i. Opportunities for creative work in the first phase particularly for those who are bright, and have an aptitude and come with a good pedigree say from IITs. ii. Opportunities to lessen the monotony and improve interpersonal relationship Recruitment process - Aptitude tests could be conducted by reputed institutes like IITs/ private organizations/HR agencies for prospective professionals preferably ``on-line'' like GRE, GMAT etc. or physically at regular intervals and scores are given. :Chapter4 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY:

4.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:"A research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge; it is a systematized effort to gain more knowledge"

(A)Types of research Types of Research selected for this project is EXPLORATARY .In exploratory research design we focused the objective of the study, method of data collection and then select the sample. After collection the data we analyses and at last interoperate the final result & finds the best solution of particular problem. In Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity

(B) Sampling methodologySample Size - 20 respondents.Sample Unit-Employees were selected among the executives and staff working in various IT organizations.Sampling Area-Malad to GoregoanIT sectorSampling Technique - Random Sampling technique.

(C)Method of data collectionPrimary data has been used in the form of Questionnaire the survey was based on structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was mainly based on objective type close-ended question, but few open ended questions were also included. The pilot survey on ten randomly selected respondents was undertaken. Then the questionnaire was modified accordinglySecondary data has been used from various internet sites such as & has been used.

FINDINGS: As per the survey result Indian IT sector feel different HR needs. New compensation techniques in Indian IT Industry are giving positive effect. Employees Grievances are not properly handled in these Industries. Good relationship between employee and employer in Indian IT Industry. Indian IT companies are unable to retain its employees due tomost attractive avenues outside. Excessive competition in Indian IT sector is harming the overall long term prospects of employees in this sector. Shortage of IT workers in India. More employees say that negative attitude of IT sector towards its employees.


Indian IT sector is contributing a large in employment and foreign exchange. A developing country like India can ill affordcontinued conflict ridden; rigid and litigation oriented Industrial Relations. What employees perceive about the emerging HR trendsof the IT organisation has been measured. To measure the success and failures of emerging HR trends of Indian IT Industry a structured questionnaire is prepared for this purpose. The questionnaire included both open ended and close-ended questions. The questionnaire used is placed at Appendix "I".Theprocedureadoptedfordatacollection wasinterview withtheemployees randomly selected from IT organization to the extent possible and also through mail. . The main features of the employees randomly selected sex-wise, education-wise and type of functions wise hasbeen provided here in the succeeding paras. The 54 per cent oftherespondentswere Male and 46 per cent of the respondents were Female

1. Whether Indian IT Industry needs a trade union or management's?

Interpretation The respondents were asked to comment upon whether Indian IT Industry needs a trade union or managements are looking after the employees interest in the best possible manner. The largest 57 percent of the respondents view that there should be only welfare association in Indian IT industry. 21% need no trade union and 13% like single trade union only. 9 percent of the respondents opted for multi trade union.

2. In your view whether excessive competition in Indian IT sector is harming the overall long term prospects of employees in this sector?

Interpretation: Whether excessive competition in Indian IT sector is harming the overall long term prospects of employees in this sector the respondentsopinion is that 53 percent of the respondents has replied in Yes to this question. While 35% has a negative viewpoint& 12% Respondents no reply.

3. Whether IT industry can afford old traditional trade union methods of agitations like Strike or Gherao etc.?

Respondents observations with % - Yes (67%) No (28%) No comments (05%)

Interpretation:Whether IT industry can afford old traditional trade union methods of agitations like Strike or Gherao etc. was also asked from the employees. The question was direct in nature of Yes or No. 67% of the respondents has given their reply in No and 28% answered in affirmative. 5% has ticked No Comments choice. So, it is concluded that old agitational techniques of trade unions are not desired in IT industry.

4. What the HR managers of Indian IT sector should do to increase the retentivity rate of its employees?

Respondents' Suggestions with %: Increase wages to international levels (22%), Increase foreign postings (36%), Increase profit sharing (10%), More promotions (11%), Others (21%)

Interpretation:A 22% of the respondentshas suggested increasing the wages to international level to increase employees retentively in Indian IT industry. 36% want more foreign postings,10% suggest increase profit sharing and11% suggested more promotions. 21% of the other suggestions included lateral induction from lower the institutes and better HR management.

5. The most of the employees of Indian IT sector or highly educated and sensitive in nature. Moreover, the opportunities outside are very attractive, Whether Indian IT Industry is able to retain its employees?

Respondents observations with % - Yes (61%) No (23%) No comments (16%)

Interpretation:The most of the employees of IT sector are highly educated and sensitive in nature. Moreover, the opportunities outside are very attractive, whether Indian IT Industry is able to retain its employees was the next opinion query from the randomly selected IT industry employees. 61% of the employees view that Indian IT companies are unable to retain its employees due tomost attractive avenues outside. Only 23%viewed that they are able to retain the employees.

6. What is the state of employee employer relationship in Your Organisation?

Respondents grading with %: Excellent (14%) Very Good (44%) Satisfactory (28%) Poor (14%)

Interpretation:Cordial employee employer relationship is very essential in the upcoming highly competitive economy. The state of employee employer relationship in Indian IT Industry was measured through the nextquestion. The state of employee-employer relationship is not very encouraging. 58 percent of the respondents has graded it very good andabove. While 42 percent consider it satisfactory and below. The employment of modern technology requires more positive and effective relationship between management and the employees. Indian IT Industry has very effective employee employer relationship.

7. Whether IT Industry has a Positive attitude towards its employees?

Respondents observations with % - Yes (43%) No (48%) No comments (9%)

Interpretation:It has been foundthat inmanyorganisationsthemanagement ignores the employees welfare for their profit sake and does not give proper attention towards employees career and prospects. What is the state of affairs in IT Industry in India was quizzed from our valued learned respondents. The results are mixed one. While 48% of the respondents' replied in negative and 43% gave a positive reply. So, there is aprofit motive operating more than employees proper welfare management in Indian IT Industry

8."The grievances of the employees in Indian IT sectors are handled properly". To what extent do you with this statement.

Respondents' Observation with % : Strongly Agree (12%) Agree (39%) No Comments (14%) Disagree Strongly (26%) Disagree (09%)

Interpretation:The respondents responses to the status of grievances handling mechanism was through an indirect approach. In this Question the respondents weretocommentuponthepositivehypothesis that grievance handling is done properly in theITorganisation. The five choices provided were strongly agree, agree, no comments, disagree and strongly disagree. Only 12 respondents strongly agree to the statement and similarly a small number of 9 respondents strongly disagreed with this. Only 14 percent have nothing to comment. 39 percent agree that the grievance handling IN Indian IT industry is done properly and remaining 26 percent disagree with it.

9. Whether you feel that HR needs of Indian IT sector is different from old HR practices?

Respondents observations with % - Yes (69%) No (23%) no comments (8%)

Interpretation:Through the Questionof the questionnaire, the respondentswere asked to comment whether the HR needsof Indian IT industry aredifferent from traditional HR Management systems. It was a direct question in Yes/NO/No comments format and IT professionals selected for survey were asked to tick one of the choices as mentioned. The majority of respondents (69%) view that HR needs of IT industry are different from old economy sector and HR managers in IT industry has to keep this into mind. Being highly educated employees are very sensitive in pride and behavior.


SUGESSATIONS: It is found that in these Industries employees grievance are not properly handled so for retaining the employee first of all employee grievance are handled. Indian IT Industry want that they provide the attractive avenues to its employee for retaining good employee. Provide the training & development program time to time to employee for meeting the competition. The main problem of Indian IT sector is hoe they retain the employee , so Indian IT sector want that they provide the job security to employee.

CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that Emerging HR trends of Indian It industry are quite different from the old economy industry. India is considered one of Super Power in Information Technology and allied fields. Majority of world leaders in IT sector are outsourcing their requirements from Indian IT Industry and recruiting Indian IT professionals. The Indian Government must allow the Industry to meet international competition and desired environment in respect of Labour Laws and financial rules must be liberalized for this Indian IT Industry. HR managers in Indian IT Industry must keep the sensitive nature of IT professionals and state of greater opportunities outside in mind for devising HR policies for their organization. China is also entering this area vigorously and Government of India must help Indian It industry to meet this challenge. :B I B L I O G R A P H Y:BOOKS REFERENCE: Burack, E.R. & Mc. Nicholos, T.J. Human Research Planning: Technology, Policy and & Change, The Comparative Administration Research Institute of the Centre for Business and Economic Research, College of Business Administration, Kent State University, 1973. Edwards, John, "Manpower Planning", John Wiley, New York..,1983 Gelden, P Stevan," Report Writing for Business and Industry", Business Communication Service. Kothari, CR." research Methodology Methods and tech- niques", Wiley Eastern Limited. Lawler III, Edward E., "Control Systems in Organizations," In Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, (Rand-Menally, 1976).

