Download pptx - How will you do!2

  • 1. Service Learning Project
    How will you Do!

2. What was the most difficult part of this project?
I dont know ?
Needing more ?
3. Not all of the program was easy for me!
Finding the time!
Getting involve with a senior.
Getting an organization to response to your request.
Then waiting for your contact to answer.
Your calls, e-mails, faxes.
Coordinatorfinding you a senior.
Meeting with your senior.
The back ground
Hoping you are right for each other.
What to do with your seniors
4. Troublefrom the start:
I had problems with this project for the very beginning. I have trouble speaking loudly so relating with some one who can not hear was an issue for me.
However what made the difference was that someone was found. We meant only once.
We have yet to visit in person. We speak only on the telephone.
I dont believe she understood the program.
5. But what matters was the connection
6. You never know when you are needed:
Ive came in contact with a wonder person who needed a friend, someone to know, wonderful educated and a artist .
We came and (still) are learning each other we have some similar events in our live it will make us closer, we even have some of the same health issues.
Ms. Lady has told me in her kind gentle voice she looks forward to my calls. Who could ask for more.
7. Most enjoyable parts:
Things you find out
Your new found Friend
Lives alone
Lost a gentleman friend recently
Not close with family
Of the CatholicFaith
Has few close friends
She is a artist
Favorite color blue
We usually speak each Saturday
I will continue to
We both love to shop
She has a sweet laugh
Beautiful curly hair
New relationship formed
And in need of a friend
8. How could you not enjoy a senior!
Youll make a Friend
