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Part I:

How Users

Read OnThe Web

Program Magang Reporter Muda

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Map of Users Reading

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� People rarely read Web pages word by word;

instead, they scan the page, picking out

individual words and sentences.� In research on how people read websites :

-79 percent of users always scanned any new page

they came across

-16 percent read word-by-word

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As a result, Web pages have to employ scannable text,

using :� highlighted k eywords (hypertext links serve as one form

of highlighting; typeface variations and color are others)

� meaningful sub-headings (not "clever" ones)

� bulleted lists

� one idea per paragraph (users will skip over any

additional ideas if they are not caught by the first few

words in the paragraph)� the inverted pyramid style, starting with the conclusion

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Also, credibility is important for Web users, since it is

unclear who is behind information on the Web andwhether a page can be trusted.

Credibility can be increased by:

� high-quality graphics, in our case we use photos instead

� good writing

� use of outbound hypertext link s. Links to other sites

show that the authors have done their homework and are

not afraid to let readers visit other sites.

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Measuring the Effect of 

Improved Web Writing

Site Version Sample Paragraph

Usability Improvement 

(relative to control


Promotional wri

ting (con

trol condi

tion)using the "marketese" found on many

commercial websites

Nebraska is filled with internationally recognized

attractions that draw large crowds of people every

year, without fail. In 1996, some of the most popular 

places were Fort Robinson State Park (355,000visitors), Scotts Bluff National Monument (132,166),

Arbor Lodge State Historical Park & Museum

(100,000), Carhenge (86,598), Stuhr Museum of the

Prairie Pioneer (60,002), and Buffalo Bill Ranch

State Historical Park (28,446).

0%(by definition)

Concise text

with about half the word count as the

control condition

In 1996, six of the best-attended attractions in

Nebraska were Fort Robinson State Park, Scotts Bluff 

National Monument,Arbor Lodge State Historical

Park & Museum, Carhenge, Stuhr Museum of thePrairie Pioneer, and Buffalo Bill Ranch State

Historical Park.


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Site Version Sample Paragraph

Usability Improvement 

(relative to control


Scannable layout

using the same text as the control condition

in a layout that facilitated scanning

Nebraska is filled with internationally recognizedattractions that draw large crowds of people every

year, without fail. In 1996, some of the most

popular places were: Fort Robinson State Park 

(355,000 visitors)

�Scotts Bluff National Monument (132,166)

�Arbor Lodge State Historical Park & Museum


�Carhenge (86,598)

�Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer (60,002)

�Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park (28,446).


Objective language

using neutral rather than subjective,

boastful, or exaggerated language

(otherwise the same as the control


Nebraska has several attractions. In 1996, some of 

the most-visited places were Fort Robinson State

Park (355,000 visitors), Scotts Bluff National

Monument (132,166),Arbor Lodge State

Historical Park & Museum (100,000), Carhenge

(86,598), Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer 

(60,002), and Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical

Park (28,446).


Combined version

using all three improvements in writing

style together: concise, scannable, and


�In 1996, six of the most-visited places in

Nebraska were: Fort Robinson State Park 

�Scotts Bluff National Monument

�Arbor Lodge State Historical Park & Museum


�Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer 

�Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park 


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II:Web Writing

for ManyInterest Levels

Program Magang Reporter Muda

Kantor Berita 2009/2010

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Every person has a certain level of interest

in every web page. This may be:± no interest

± some interest

± strong interest

Unfortunately, most of your audience will only

have some interest. This may be due to limited

time or a basic lack of interest.

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The levels of interest can be more clearly

defined:� no interest

� title only

� one sentence summary� one paragraph summary

� major points

� minor points� detailed interest

� thirst for more information

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Luckily there are specific techniques which can be

employed to cater for readers at each level:

� No Interest User 

� writing clear and informative titles to make links clearer 

� promoting links and the site in relevant locations only

� providing accurate descriptions and keywords for searchengines

� Title Only User 

title is the first piece of information, basic idea of 

the page. Clear, meaningful titles will improve thisfirst filter of users into your site.

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� One Sentence Summary

Using the very first sentence to summarize the completepage introduces a small interest level filter.

� One Paragraph Summary

The purpose of this paragraph is not to entice people to

continue reading It should give people an insight into

your information in a few short sentences. This is a

powerful opportunity to impact the thinking of people

whose interest in your topic is only small.

Remember that you are selling your information, not your article.

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� Major Points

� Use headings to mak e major points.

� Like the summaries, headings should be informative.You will probably only have a few seconds to impress the reader, don't waste

their time with fluff.

� Minor Points

� skim readers can pick out the information easily

� the points are highlighted for those reading all the details

� people re-reading the page can brush up quickly

� scanning to find specific points is simple

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Minor points detail the arguments behind a major point.

There are three principal techniques for highlighting minor 


± boldface font

± topic sentences

± bulleted lists� Detailed Interest

They want to understand your perspective on the topic.

The information you are presenting is probably

available on many other sites, it's your perspective

and presentation that are unique.

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� Thirst for More Information

� Each web page should be extremely specific with link s

to related and detailed information sources.

� Providing links to outside resources is extremely

important to add credibility to your site and arguments.

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� Kampanye Hari Bumi: Fun Bike to Earth

�article with heading

� FSL Comlabs: Trend Desktop 2009

� Article with bulleted lists

� SBM ITB : TimA

staLaVista RaihPenghargaan L'Oreal E-Strat Challenge

2009� Article with highlighted keywords

Dies Emas ITB: Sudut Kreativitas Seni Rupa

Article with interesting picture


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Part III:

How To

Write FlashNews

Program Magang Reporter Muda

Kantor Berita 2009/2010

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� Flash news adalah berita peliputan singkat

tentang suatu event/issue, 400-600 kata.

� Dimulai dengan format KOTA, sumber - Isi

berita. Contoh: BANDUNG, - Dst.

OSAK A, - Dst.� Isi berita berupa reportase, gaya penulisan

tidak harus disamakan.

� Berita yang didapatkan dari pengirim beritaformatnya harus dibuat seragam.

� Segala konsensus bahasa yang lain mengikuti


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JUDUL BERITA1. Judul berfungsi mengiklankan berita

2. Judul berita ditulis padat, singkat, jelas, dan

mencerminkan isi pokok berita yang

terangkum dalam teras.

3.Huruf pertama setiap kata pada judul berita

ditulis dengan huruf capital, kecuali kata depan

dan kata sambung.

4. Judul berita tidak lebih dari satu baris.

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5. a. Judul kutipan dimulai dengan nama

jabatan sumber yang membuat pernyataanContoh:

Rektor ITB: Mahasiswa Dilarang Berpolitik 

b. Judul kutipan bisa dengan nama jikasumber berita itu adalah tokoh

Contoh :

Betty Alisjahbana: Saya Siap LepaskanJabatan untuk IA

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6. Hindari judul berita yang bisa ditafsirkan



� Salah : Orientasi Mahasiswa Baru


� Benar: Orientasi Mahasiswa Baru Telah


� 7. Dalam judul dimungkinkan mengandung

dua atau lebih fakta yang saling berkaitan.� Contoh :

� Wisuda ITB Oktober 2008, Lima Ratus

Cum Laude, Sepuluh Doktor 

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 1. Tempat (nama kota),, garis datar 

2. Tempat pada baris terbit adalah tempat

berita itu terjadi.

3. Bila tidak dikenal, nama tempat itu harus

diikuti dengan tempat terdekat yang lebih

� dikenal

� Contoh:

BOSTON, Amerika Serikat,

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4. Garis datar di tulis di antara baris terbit dan

kata pertama teras5. Jika berita merupakan kutipan atau

terjemahan dari kantor berita asing tanpa

mengubah strukturnya, N ama Media ditulis

lebih dahulu, disusul tanggal penerbitan di

media asli, nama kantor berita asing/sumber 

media asli yang dikutip, garis datar 

Contoh :, 14/11 (Pikiran Rakyat) ± Website

ITB urutan pertama kategori website

perguruan tinggi«.dst

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1. Teras berita adalah alinea pertama yangmengemukakan bagian terpenting

dan paling menarik dari suatu berita.

2.. Jika unsur Siapa merupakan bagian dari suatulembaga atau kesatuan, pada

teras berita disebutkan nama lembaga atau


BANDUNG, School On Internet (SOI)

ITB kembali menyiarkan kuliah jarak jauh«dst

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3. Unsur Tempat dapat dipakai untuk membuka

teras berita jika merupakan fakta

terpenting dalam berita.


BANDUNG, American Corner, bagian

dari Perpustakaan Pusat ITB, mulai ramai


4. Unsur Waktu dapat menjadi awal teras berita

jika mempunyai arti terpenting atauingin ditonjolkan dalam berita.

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BANDUNG, Jumat tanggal 7

Februari, kegiatan akademis berlangsung

seperti biasa. Hal ini merupakan respon atas

dibatalkannya rencana cuti bersama oleh

pemerintah«dst5. Unsur Bagaimana dan Mengapa pada

umumnya tidak mengawali teras berita,

� kecuali untuk berita yang mengungkapkansuatu peristiwa yang jarang terjadi atau

memiliki daya pikat manusia yang tinggi.

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BANDUNG, Dengan segala

keterbatasan fisik, Julia, seorang mahasiswi

ITB berhasil memenagi medali emas


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1. Fungsi utama tubuh berita ialah mendukung

dan melengkapi hal yang dikemukakan

dalam teras berita sehingga berita

memenuhi unsur 5W+1H.

2. Tubuh berita harus berisi uraian lebih rinci

dari yang tertulis dalam teras berita.

3. Tubuh berita disusun dengan alur cerita darisatu alinea ke alinea berikutnya secara


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4. Dalam tubuh berita, satu alinea terdiri atas

2 kalimat atau lebih.

5. Fakta dan data latar belakang yang sudah


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