  • 8/12/2019 How to Write Chapter 5-SY '11'12





  • 8/12/2019 How to Write Chapter 5-SY '11'12



    Using frequency and percentage as statistical

    technique, 7 or 70.00 % out of 10 observerssaid that the odor of the glue made from jackfruit sap is very unpleasant while 3 or

    30.00 % said that it is slightly unpleasant.

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    Very Pleasant 0 0.00

    Very Unpleasant 0 0.00

    Odorless 0 0.00

    Slightly Unpleasant 3 30.00

    Very Unpleasant 7 70.00

    TOTAL 10 100.00

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    Therefore, the glue made from jackfruit sap is very unpleasant. Thiswas confirmed by Santos, et al(1999) that an organic glue usually

    smells stinky due to the substancecalled ________.

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    Using t-test as statistical technique, Table 4.1

    show that in terms of odor, the mean of gluemade from jackfruit sap is 3.89 while thecommercialized glue is 4.21. The computed t-value is 0.0760 which is greater than the

    critical value 0.0732 at 0.05 level ofsignificance and is interpreted as havingsignificant difference between the twoadhesives.

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    Glue made fromJackfruit Sap


    0.0760 SCommercializedGlue


    Degrees of freedom 4Critical value 0.0732Level of significance- 0.05S- significant

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    Therefore, the null hypothesis there is nosignificant difference between the glue made

    from jackfruit sap and the commercializedglue in terms of odor is rejected.

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  • 8/12/2019 How to Write Chapter 5-SY '11'12


    This is the last chapter and the most importantpartthe findings and the whole thesis aresummarized;generalizations in the form of conclusions aremade;the recommendations for the solutions of theproblems discovered are addressed to thoseconcerned.

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    There should be a brief statementabout the main purpose of the study,

    the population or respondents , thetime-frame , the research methodused, research instrument and thesampling design . (there should be noexplanations made).

  • 8/12/2019 How to Write Chapter 5-SY '11'12


    The statement of the problemmust be written first to be followedby the findings that would answer it.The findings should be textual

    generalizations- summary of theimportant data consisting of textand numbers.

    A. Summary of Findings

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    No inference nor interpretation should bemade otherwise it will only be duplicated in

    the conclusion.Only the important findings, the highlightsshould be included in the summary. This willbe the basis of the conclusion.No explanation or elaboration should bedone.No new data should be introduced.

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    This study was conducted from June 2011-March 2012 to determine the effectiveness of

    using jackfruit sap as the main ingredient inmaking a home-made glue. Experimentalmethod, specifically two-group design, wasutilized. After the experimentation, a self-madeobservation form, specifically a 5-point ratingscale was used in collecting data. There were 10persons who served as observers in this study.

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    Using frequency and percentage asstatistical technique, the results showed

    that 7 or 70.00 % of the 10 respondentssaid the odor of the glue is veryunpleasant ; 8 or 80.00 % said it isslightly viscous; and 9 or 90.00%confirmed it is very sticky or canstrongly bind both paper and wood butis slightly sticky in plastic .

  • 8/12/2019 How to Write Chapter 5-SY '11'12


    Are inferences, deductions,abstractions, implications,interpretations, and generalizationsbased upon the findings.

    The answers to the problems posedat the beginning of the study.

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    Conclusions should appropriately answer thespecific questions raised at the beginning of

    the study.They should point out what was factuallylearned and should not be derived fromimplied or indirect findings.They should be formulated concisely (briefand short) yet they convey all the necessaryinformation.

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    1. In terms of odor the glue made from jackfruit sapis very unpleasant.

    2. In terms of viscosity, the glue made from jackfruit sap is slightly viscous.

    3. It is very effective/sticky in paper and wood.4. However, it is slightly effective/sticky as a glue inplastic.

    5. The commercialized glue on the other hand isvery pleasant in terms of odor, is very viscous andis very sticky in paper, wood and plastic.

    6. Therefore, there is a significant differencebetween the odor and viscositty of the ...

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    Are appeals to people or entitiesconcerned to solve or help solve theproblems discovered in the inquiry.

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    Should aim to solve or help solveproblems discovered in the inquiry.

    Nothing should be made for a problemthat has not been discovered ordiscussed in the study.May also be for he continuane of a goodpractice or system or for itsimprovement.

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    Should aim for the ideal but must still befeasible, practical and attainable.

    Should be logical and valid.Should be addressed to persons, entities,agencies or offices who/which are in aposition to implement them.Further research on the same topic or placesto verify, amplify, or negate the findings ofthe study.

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    The Field of Science might consider exploringthe possiblity of using organic materials,

    instead of chemicals which are usually toxic,to ensure the health of the consumers.The next researchers might consider using asubstance (i.e baking soda) that will eliminatethe bad odor of the glue.

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