Page 1: How To Write An Awesome Online Dating Profile | JayMax Marketing




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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

Jason C. Maxwell

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Hey There!

My name is Jason C. Maxwell, I am an expert in the area of online dating. I have

spent the last 14 years developing an awesome program called:

Online Dating Champion

This program has guaranteed results; we guarantee you success in the following


Success in writing online profiles that get response

Success in putting up photos that get people’s attention

Success in writing intro emails that have your inbox full of replies

Success in developing the relationship using technology

Success in moving the relationship to the real world

Success in meeting the man or woman of your dreams…today!

Also Jason has a relationship blog with great advice on all areas of relationships,

love, family, and life. Visit that blog at:

If you want to learn how to meet gorgeous women despite your fear visit

Jason’s site:

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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

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NOTICE: You DO Have the Right

to Reprint or Resell this Report!

You Also MAY Give Away,

Sell or Share the Content Herein

[Just don’t change anything, misrepresent the

report, use SPAM or generally do something

you know you’re not supposed to do!]

© Copyright 2010 Jason C. Maxwell

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

Jason C. Maxwell

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Are you ready, because this is going to get INTENSE!!!

The things I am about to tell you about have been a growing part of my

system for the past fourteen years. I have been dating women I have met

exclusively online for over fourteen years and I am about to tell you one of

my biggest secrets.

Without this information you are basically spinning your wheels when you try

to date online. There is no need to even sign up on a dating site if you have

not read what is in the next few pages of this report. Pass this information

along to people who really need it.

First of all let me tell you a little about myself…

You have seen my photo, I am just an average looking guy. I will tell you

that when I go to the beach that women don’t drop their suntan oil to look at

me. I am not incredibly obese, nor do I have warts on my nose, but I am

just an average guy. The program that I have developed works for:

Average guys like me…

Incredibly handsome guys like (Brad Pitt, etc)

Guys who are less than desirable in the looks category

This program works for everyone!

This program works for everyone because it is

not based on how you look.

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Now more about me…

Despite what you might think I am not a ba-zillionaire$$$ Nope, in fact

when I first began using the techniques I am going to describe here I was

making $6 per hour. The techniques worked then and the techniques work

now that I make much more than $6 per hour (but significantly less than

that of a ba-zillionaire$$$, lol)

This program will work for you if you are rich, or if you are slightly less than

rich and make $6 an hour (which I think would now be illegal, haha!)

Have you tried online dating before and…

1. Not got any responses from the people you were interested in?

2. Sent out email after email to only get one or two replies

3. Spent a lot of time on the sites, spent a lot of money, but in the

end only had one or no dates.

4. Felt like online dating is easy for women and hard for men so

you just gave up?

5. Gave up because you didn’t have time to sit online all day

6. Met someone that turned out to be a little crazy

7. Felt like the only way you could meet people was to date UNDER

your league (people who were considerably less attractive than


8. Decided that only losers must be doing online dating because

that is the only people you seemed to meet…

What if I were to tell you that all those assumptions are wrong, and by using

the information in this report you will demolish all those ideas and find

success in online dating…

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You will…

1. Get responses from INTERESTING people

2. Learn how to get tons of replies

3. Learn how to get dates efficiently

4. Level the playing field between the women and men

5. Be motivated to keep moving on because of the good results

6. Learn how to determine before a date if someone is crazy

7. Always date out of your league…meaning you will date people

who are considerably better looking than yourself.

8. Decide that online dating is the best way to meet and date new


You will get RESULTS!

You will get RESULTS!

You will get RESULTS!

You will get RESULTS!

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When I say RESULTS what do I mean in terms of this program. I guarantee

RESULTS so what is that exactly?

I guarantee that if you use this system you will consistently date people who

are totally out of your league. You will date people who are better looking,

smarter, richer, and funnier. You will date people who otherwise you would

have no business dating, people who you would have had no chance at

before. This is a guarantee!

This has just been the warm

up…are you kidding me?

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How to Write An Awesome Profile:

An online dating profile is your calling card to the world of internet dating. Without

a great profile you are just another face in the crowd that no one knows anything

about. A profile must contain things that get people’s interest.

Point #1

An online dating profile is nothing more than a sales letter, it is your pitch to the

opposite sex about the most important benefits they could have by dating you.

You see here is the deal my friend. We often think that in life people are for or

against us. Actually that isn’t the case at all. People are usually not for or against us

at all. You see people are extremely self motivated. People generally sit and think

about themselves much more than they think about you or anyone else for that


People we are around all listen to one radio station…


Have you heard of WIFM? It is the radio station that most people listen to. You

might be wondering does it play rock and roll, country, classics, rap, jazz, or blues?

Well actually it doesn’t play any of those types of music. WIFM is completely

dedicated to the thoughts and feelings that come from inside us. The call letters of

WIFM actually form an acronym.

WIFM = Whats In it For Me

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Another way of saying the same thing is like this:

“Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves.”

~Gene Fowler, American Journalist, Author, and Dramatist

So how does any of this have ANYTHING to do with an online dating profile. Well

my friends it has EVERYTHING to do with your online dating profile, because unless

you are planning on dating yourself then you are going to be interacting with other

people. If you are going to be interacting with other people then you need to know

how to deal with them.

Think of this as “Sales Letter Writing/Online Profile Writing 101”

1. Open up a word processing software (i.e. Microsoft Word, Open Office, Word

Perfect, Notepad.exe, etc.) Actually the best way to do this is in Notepad.exe

because it has no frills. You open it and can write. That is all it allows you to

do. Go with the simple and here is why…

You see the creative part of our brain is on the right side. The logical

side of our brain is on the left. When you begin writing it is a creative

activity. You are predominantly using the right side of your brain to

complete the activity.

What happens though is that when you are using a fancy text editor

you will tend to stop the writing process and move into the editing

process. You begin making it look pretty. This part of the job is not

controlled by the right side of the brain, but rather by the left.

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You have stifled the creative juices in favor of fixing a spelling

error…now where was I?

You lose your train of creative thought and you ended up sounded

disconnected in your writing. That is not good, not good at all.

2. Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about your potential reader.

a. What would interest them about you?

b. What hobbies do you have that you can write about in a way that

make others take notice?

c. What features about yourself physically are interesting and unique

d. Are you funny? Say something that is witty and humorous that will let

them know you are fun to be around (do not use sexually orientated


e. What questions can you ask them, in your profile, that will show them

you are interested in them?

f. Have you travelled? What places have you visited that are interesting,

this doesn’t include you visiting your grandma last summer in


g. Have you studied anything interesting? Talk about what you have

studied and tell them why this makes you a more well rounded person

h. Do you have an interesting job? Tell them about it.

i. What NOT to do: “I work as answering telephones all day long”

ii. What TO DO: “I work as a personal assistant to the manager in

charge of the entire company. I have a fast paced, exciting job

that keeps me on my feet!”

Do not write anything formal until you can

answer those questions above.

Make it INTERESTING, Make it UNIQUE, but most importantly make it geared

towards the reader and not towards yourself.

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Point #2

Make it out in short, power packed sentences…I can show you better than I can tell

you, so take a look.

Here is what NOT to do when you are writing your profile…

BAD, AWFUL, TERRIBLE….do not write like that!

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Instead I want you to write your ideas out in short, power packed statements.

Notice the words I use and notice how they make me seem exciting. They make me

seem like the kind of person you would really want to get to know.

There is no magic to writing a great profile, just learning these basics. As I am sure

you can imagine the second profile will get ten times as many responses as the

first. No one really cares about your boring life. What people do care about is what

you are going to add to their life.

o Are you going to make their life better or worse?

o Are you going to add value to them as a person?

o Are you going to bring to the relationship or take away?

o Are you going to be fun to be around or boring?

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Point #3

This is the last point so pay attention…..this is the hardest part for some people.

Hard not because it isn’t easy to do, but hard because no matter how many times I

tell people of it’s importance it is the number one thing people forget to do in their


I told you earlier that a profile is a sales letter. It is your pitch that you are giving

to ask someone to be interested in you as a person, lover, friend. Never in the

history of sales have you heard an effective pitch that did not…


You see that is most people’s problems when they write their online profile. They

never ask the person to make the next step. So this is really kind of simple, but

unless you do it your profile will only get mediocre response.

When you finish up the short, powerful statements that I showed you in point two

you need to ask the person to contact you.

Most of us simply think this is implied, and it is, but there is no substitute for posing

the question to someone. When you pose the question you are forcing them to

make a decision about you, negative or positive. Either way it is always better than

lukewarm. When a person is undecided about you what do they do?

They move on to another profile

What good does that do you….NONE

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So there is no harm in forcing them to answer the question in their head whether or

not they are into you.

Take a look at the way I have done this in my online profile…

I have posed the question and they are left with the answer to that in their heads.

They will either pass on me or they will email me. I have officially given them

permission and in fact I have demanded it if they are “a fun loving woman”

So unless they consider themselves quite boring, they will be inclined to respond to

this profile.

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Final Hints

1. Did you notice that my profile was relatively short? I never go beyond 20

lines. You will bore people to tears or they will just scan over your profile.

Both of those are bad for you.

2. With regard to length I never go over 20 lines, but I never write UNDER 10

lines. If you do you probably haven’t said enough to get a person’s attention.

3. I never write the entire length of the text area. Usually about 60-70

characters is about the length you want your lines to be at the most. When

you go past this on some people’s monitors they will have to scroll over to

read what you have written. Most people simply won’t make the effort to do

this and your profile will be just glanced over and ignored.

4. Do not lie! This should go without saying, but I am going to make a point to

say this. You are going to be meeting this person in real life. So if you are

5’3” don’t tell them you are 6’1”. They are going to find out and then you

look like a weirdo. If you have things about yourself physically that you don’t

like figure out a way to joke about it, “I am 5’3”, but I once beat up a guy

who was eleven foot tall” When they say huh? Laugh and say “I was just

trying to see if you were listening!” They will laugh and you have gotten out

that you are short without having to do it and wait for their possibly negative


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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

Jason C. Maxwell

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If you have enjoyed this short little report I have something

awesome to talk to you about…

This report is just a small, tiny, incredibly little taste of what I

offer in my full course on becoming an

Online Dating Champion

This course took over 14 years to develop

It covers every area of online dating

It gives secrets that no one else is giving

It gives you an advantage over everyone else out there!

This course includes over 2 HOURS of intensive video


This course includes a 50 plus page e-workbook, that will

help you customize your strategy

It comes with a secret “intro email formula” that will get you

amazing results when you write people you are interested


This course comes with free updates for the rest of your

life!!!! That’s right any time I update this course you get

it…for FREE!

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But Jason what do I learn when I get Online Dating Champion?

I am glad you asked…

1. How to determine what you are looking for

2. The places MOST online daters waste all their time

3. The places you should spend your time online to get

the max benefit from online dating

4. How to write a profile that will grab people’s attention

5. How to get a great photo that will have people

responding to you immediately

6. What to say in the intro email to get a HUGE response



And best of all I will show you all this LIVE,

online. I will create my own profile and show

you how to get results immediately!!!

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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

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I know what you are thinking…

There are lots of dating sites why not just try this


Why should I pay for someone to teach me

something I should already know…dating

I am not the best looking person

I don’t think I could feel safe meeting someone from


I have tried online dating before and no one even

responded to my emails

Online dating is expensive

Online dating takes too much time!

Online dating is for losers!




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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

Jason C. Maxwell

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This course shows you specifically No matter what

you look like I can help you up your game so that

you are always dating out of your league!

I teach you four ways to ABSOLUTELY know if you

are being lied to.

I also teach you what red flags to look out for to

keep you safe

What sites to spend time on and which ones are a

waste of money!

This course will show you a UNIQUE and POWERFUL

email formula that is guaranteed to get you a much

higher response rate to your emails!!!

I will show you LIVE which sites you can use for free

that produce results!

Results that can be achieved in very little time, with

very little effort.

Results you can be proud of…

With this program you will ALWAYS date out of

your league! Because you will possess the five

secrets that no one else has!

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What Do You Get?

1.The Five Secrets are the key to success and

if they were just to be sold alone would be

worth well over $200.00

2.You also get the secret email formula which

is guaranteed to give you a better response

rate immediately! (Retail price $47)

3.You also get a comprehensive e-workbook to

guide you through this entire process. (Retail

price $47)

4.Plus you get LIFETIME updates to the program.

(This information is cutting edge, anytime I

update this program you will be given the

latest information) (Priceless Plus you get the

industries BEST guarantee. If you are not

pleased with this course you have 21 days to

read it and return it…100% money-back there

is absolutely no risk to you at all!

5.Plus you get the industries BEST guarantee. If

you are not pleased with this course you have

21 days to read it and return it…100% money-

back there is absolutely no risk to you at all!

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How to Become An Online Dating Champion – Writing An Awesome Dating Profile

Jason C. Maxwell

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This course could easily be sold for $397

I could give away this course for $297

But since you are struggling like a true

champion to learn the success principals to

become a better dater I am going to pass

along this opportunity to you for the incredibly

low price of

…click this link for more details on

pricing and availability of…

Online Dating Champion
