
ICES Secretariat - 07122015

How to Use Skype for Business via web plugin

The first screen you will see when you step into the virtual SFB conference will be this: (Fig1)


Or this: (Fig2)


ICES Secretariat - 07122015

If for a moment we go back to (Fig.1) you will see that Participants and chat are not visible. To make them visible just click on the Participants icon: (Fig.3)


You will now see on the left hand side Participants and Conversation windows (Fig2). If you do not want to have for example conversations visible you can just click on the X and it will be hidden. Later on if you want to get the conversations window back again you just click on the IM logo (Fig4) and the conversations window will be visible again.

You are able to adjust windows size both horizontally and vertically for the Participants/conversations windows to fit your needs, screen size etc.

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

The Four buttons functionality: (Fig5)

In (Fig5) you can see on the middle of your screen 4 buttons. The webcam button, the microphone button, the present button and the hang up button.

Pr. Default your webcam is of and your microphone is muted. This is indicated by a line that crosses the button. To unmute or activate you camera just click on the buttons and the line that crosses the buttons will disappear and both sources are enabled.

Sometimes will see that the web cam is just a dark screen. That is because SFB has chosen to use your build in webcam (if you use a laptop that is docked with the screen led closed down and using an external webcam).

In this situation you have to go into the meeting options and change the video source.

Follow the screen dumps below:

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

As you can see in the above picture, SFB has chosen to use my laptop cam that is docked with the screen closed down, and therefore shows up black.

I would rather use my external webcam and therefore I will change it to my external webcam.

I will instead choose my Logitech QuickCam.

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

As you can see from the above picture the webcam is active….this is the chair I usually sit on.

Just click okay and your web cam should be active now and showing you on the screen.

Now activate your webcam by clicking again on the webcam button and you will see your self IRL(In Real Time):

Now just press the “Start My Video” and now everybody can see you.

And now let’s get to the good part of presenting your desktop, doc, pdf, xl an PowerPoint.

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

Click on the screen button:

To present you Desktop click on present Desktop:

If you have multiple screens connected to your PC/Laptop you will get these options shown on the screen below:

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

In my case I have two screens connected to my computer, so I can choose on sharing My Primary or Secondary or both (all monitors).

Just remember if you share more than one screen, the viewers that perhaps just use on screen will be viewing two or more screens much smaller as they perhaps only are using a laptop screen. I would recommend only sharing one screen and just drag windows you want to share into the active screen.

If you hover over the screens you want to share and SFB will show you witch screen is the Primary, secondary and so on. It will be indicated by showing a nr. and around the screen will appear a yellow line.

Choose the screen you want to share:

I am now presenting this screen for the viewers.

On top you will see there is a banner were you have the options of either stop presenting or give control to somebody in the conference room.

You can also revoke the control at any time you choose. People that are viewing what you are sharing will also have the option of asking to take control of your sharing screen.

When using desktop sharing you show everything that is happening on your desktop.

Now if you just want to share a single document, you can choose to use the “present program” instead.

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

Prior to pressing the “Present Program” you have to make sure that you have opened the program you want to share.

In this example I will be sharing the ICES web side in Firefox!

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Click on the Window of the program of your choice and then click on the Present button.

You can Present more programs at the same time, just remember to be able to fit them into one screen as many people only sit and work on their laptop with a smaller screen.

The Procedure is the same as the above image expect of just ticking of one program you tick more.

To present a Power Point file you just click on Present Power Point File

Once clicked it will open a file browser and you can point it to what power point you want to share

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Click browse

Click open

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

Now you’re sharing your power point document.

To get the best possible view of the document you can try the different views from the screen below

I prefer presentation view as it only focuses on the presentation.

Furthermore to clean up the whole screen you can close down the participants and conversations window.

ICES Secretariat - 07122015

Should you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact ICES IT on +45 33 38 67 89 or by email: [email protected]
