
9 nourishing

essential oils for strong and healthy hair

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Using essential oils for hair can be an integral part of everyone’s natural routine.

Over the years I’ve found some favorite essential oils proven to strengthen and improve my hair, and they smell great too!

A caution: Always dilute essential oils in the appropriate ratio in a carrier oil (or a beauty product containing oils) as essential oils do

not dilute in water.

Remember, it isn’t good to put straight essential oil directly on the hair or scalp, ever.

That being said, here are a few of my favorite essential oils for hair!

Ylang Ylang

• This floral essential oil has aphrodisiac properties and a strong, distinct odor. It may be too overwhelming to use on its own, but it combines well with other essential oils for hair, like lavender and even lemon.

• People have been using ylang ylang to help grow their hair for a long time, as it was a popular hair growth remedy in Victorian England.

• This essential oil works by stimulating hair growth to treat thinning hair and also stimulates production of our scalp’s natural sebum to nourish dry, damaged hair.

Tea Tree

• Tea tree is one of the most popular essential oils for soothing damaged skin, but it’s also great for scalp health.

• Tea tree has also been shown to slow hair loss and increase hair growth and appearance.


• Lavender is another favorite essential oil for skin that doubles for hair care.

• Lavender has been known to increase the number of hair follicles for a thicker head of hair.

• Lavender essential oil has also shown significant help in hair growth that used a combination of several different essential oils, all with no significant side effects.


• Many guys like cedarwood essential oil because of its woody, more masculine scent.

• So if the man in your life objects to using more feminine-smelling oils like lavender and ylang ylang, then cedarwood may be a good option.

• It stimulates the hair follicles and increases circulation to the scalp to combat thinning hair.


• Rosemary works well for dandruff due to its ability to minimize scalp itchiness and flakes.

• It helps to treat both dry, dull hair as well as overly oily hair and can help prevent split ends.

• Rosemary essential oil has been found to be just as effective against balding as the conventional treatment when it was used for at least six months.

• It helps to prevent premature baldness and stimulates the hair follicles.


• As a citrus oil, lemon helps simulate circulation in the scalp for increased hair growth.

• Since there is some concern for phototoxicity here, don’t slather your head in lemon essential oil and then go sunbathing. Use lemon at night (or at least twelve hours before sun exposure).

• However, if you’re using a few drops in your shampoo then washing it out of your hair, there’s no concern for phototoxicity.


• Juniper berry has a fruity scent to it and blends well with both lemon and cedarwood essential oils.

• It’s helpful for overly oily hair and helps strengthen brittle strands.

• Juniper berry’s antiseptic properties help fight scalp conditions, and its astringent properties tone hair follicles to prevent hair loss.


• A study showed a blend with 3% peppermint essential oil in a base of jojoba oil significantly increased hair growth thickness and length and deepened hair follicles for stronger hair.


• Lemongrass has potent antiviral and antifungal properties that make it useful for a variety of scalp issues.

How to Apply Essential Oils to hair

• Add a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner and lather as usual.

• Results are most often seen after consistent use for at least six months. Most of the treatments should be used daily until results are achieved.

• Add some essential oils diluted in aloe vera to a spray bottle and liberally mist your hair. You don’t need to rinse your hair after this.

• Dilute essential oils in a carrier oil and use as a leave-in deep conditioning treatment. After an hour, or even overnight, the oil can be washed out of the hair. Coconut oil and sweet almond both work well for a leave-in conditioning treatment.

How to Do Scalp Massage with Essential OIls

You can do a scalp massage with essential oils for hair diluted in a carrier oil to help reduce the symptoms of dandruff, psoriasis, or stimulate the scalp for hair growth.

1. Part the hair and apply the oil treatment to the scalp in sections.

2. Take your fingers and press them firmly onto the scalp, moving the skin across the skull. Do not however allow your fingers to move across the scalp.

3. Allow the oil treatment to stay on for at least an hour before rinsing/washing out.

For more information about using essential oils for hair health, Click here.

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