Page 1: How to put together a press kit, by samantha hilsenrod presentation

How to Put Together a Press Kit, by Samantha Hilsenrod

Page 2: How to put together a press kit, by samantha hilsenrod presentation

• The format of the press kit has changed dramatically over the past decade, but the vehicle still remains an important tool for any organization seeking to build media attention.

• Today, most press kits are found online or in some digital form, although paper versions have their place as well.

• The key to a successful press kit is to focus on providing journalists with good-quality information and an easy way to find out more.

• These are some of the essential elements:

Page 3: How to put together a press kit, by samantha hilsenrod presentation

• Explain your organization

• The purpose of your press kit is to explain what your organization does and why it is special.

• The opening of your press kit should include a general explanation of your activities, so that someone with no knowledge or interest in you will be able to quickly figure out what you do, how you do it, and why your activities are worthwhile.

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• Keep it limited to a few focused, succinct paragraphs.

• Give biographies of key people

• Often journalists will take an angle that emphasizes the key people involved in your activities.

• Other times, they will want background information to paint a story related to your organization, placing it within the context of the achievements of the people involved.

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• However, keep each biography to three paragraphs or less.

• Offer something that positions you competitively

• Each press kit should contain some unique element that distinguishes you from the competition.

• Some companies include freebies or samples, others provide a list of frequently asked questions on topics of particular relevance to the company.

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• For musicians, press kits often include musical samples or videos.

• Regardless, make sure the selection puts your best foot forward, is interesting, and relates to your core message as an organization.

• Include favorable media mentions you’ve received in the past.

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• Elements such as video links, newspaper clips, and online interviews go a long way to developing your authority as an information source.

• Journalists are more likely to write about an organization that has already been covered than one with no press.

• If you do not have anything to include in this section, consider putting together a news-ready, infomercial-style video that includes interviews with key people, a description of your products or services, and/or a demo of how your product works.

• Provide press-ready photos and other media

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• Include leftover promotional photos or purpose-created press shots.

• If you don’t have professional photographs, consider putting together a collection of impromptu “action shots” that provide an overview of your activities on a daily basis.

• Don't forget contact information

• Yes, people do actually go to the trouble of putting together press kits, only to forget to include a phone number and e-mail address!

• Don't make the same mistake.

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About Samantha:

• A junior at Tulane University, Samantha Hilsenrod studies communications and has interned with public relations and communications firms.
