
How to promote local business with instagram

a picture is worth 1,000 words but on Instagram it’s also worth 1,000 “likes,” retweets, and shares!

Instagram is an imaged-based platform with …

300 million monthly active users

75 million daily active users

13% of the internet uses Instagram

Be consistent with your brand

The millennial generation loves strong visual content.

Treat your Instagram photos as high quality, but low posting volume.

Tip #1 Take photos of all aspects of your business.

•Special events

•Behind the scenes

•Customer pictures

Tip #2Tag your photos with a hashtag.

Use a hashtag with the location of your business

#Nj #NewJersey

Tip #3Tell a story with your photos.

Track the process of an event by publishing a photo every day

Tip #4Encourage customers to post


Your customers become your publicists when they post images of

your business


Tip #5Share your photo on other social


Instagram gives you the option to share with other platforms when

uploading a photo

Tip #6Add text to your photos.

Write a ‘call to action’ or inspiring comment on your image

Tip #7Use the @mention.

Use the @mention to tag other Instagram users in your photo’s

caption (and in comments)

Tip #8Run an Instagram contest.

Ask your customers to tag photos of your business with a hashtag and

then select a winner

Tip #9NEWclickable links feature!

Take advantage of the new multi-photo carousel by creating four branded

images in sequence to swipe through

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Capitalize on the popularity

The technology of the platform and the ease of use makes this the perfect platform for visual storytelling.

Images are powerful and will sum up a brand moment in a few seconds - and makes a stronger, lasting impression.
