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PI7.3 Plain File Scenario


This scenario demonstrate the end to end file-to-file scenario


<TID> = your training id, 00, 01,…07



<sno>=system no = 04

PI System:

System ID: PI2

System no: 04

Application server: mysbox2 (

User: BIT400-<TID>, password: initial

System Landscape Directory 1. Go to http://mysbox2:50400/dir, login SLD

2. Create product and software component

new product PR_BIT400_<TID>,, version=1.0

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new software component SW_BIT400_<TID>,, version=1.0

3. Create 3rd party technical system TS_BIT400_<TID>

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Select product and SWV created previously

4. Create sender and receiver Business System BS_BIT400_SDR_<TID> (logical system

LBIT400S<TID>) and BS_BIT400_RVR_<TID> (logical system LBIT400R<TID>) base on



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Enterprise Services Builder (previously IR) 5. Go to http://mysbox2:50400/dir, login ESB

Be patient for the first login for JWS to download java program

If you see below screen, minimize all windows, then look for dialog to select “Usage Profile”


When prompted for “Usage Profile”, choose standard for first

timer login. You can then create and select your own later

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“Usage Profile” limits only that Software Component of your interested to work on.

6. Import software component version SW_BIT400_<TID>

Click create button

Expand then choose

Select , and then click

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Search for your SW_BIT400_<TID>

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Chose language “English” then click

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Still on Software Component screen, under “Namespace” section, click

Create new namespace http://bit400_<TID>, then


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7. Click again to create your own Usage Profile UP_BIT400_<TID> for your software



Then select your own SW_BIT400_<TID>

If you would like to compare with SW_BIT400_00, choose this SWCV as well

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8. Select your own profile

Go to http://mysbox2:50400/dir


Select , and then remove your user id listed

Then login ESB again, now choose your own profile

You see only your SWCV and local SWCV are listed

If below message is displayed, just click “Cancel”

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9. Create 2 folders named folders “Interface Objects” and “Mapping Objects” to structure your

ESR content

Two folders “Interface Objects” and “Mapping Objects” created

10. Create Data Type DT_Calculator_Request

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Choose , system automatically set type to xsd:string

To change type to Integer, right mouse click Type, then choose Integer

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Do the same for other element below

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11. Create Data Type DT_Calculator_Response, include DT_Calculator_Request created before

Choose Data Type for node “Request”, to reuse DT_Calculator_Request

Then add additional element “Result”

12. Create Message Type MT_Calculator_Request base on DT_Calculator_Request

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13. Create Message Type MT_Calculator_Response

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14. Create outbound Service Interface (previously Message Interface) SI_Calcualtor_Request

Use input help to select Message Type name

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15. Create inbound service Interface for SI_Calculator_Response

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16. Create Message mapping MM_Calculator

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Since, “MM_Calculator_Request” and target “Request” has same element, you can use

“Structure Mapping” to do mass mapping, to do this:

1st select at source, 2nd select

at target, then click and on dialog

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17. Create user defined function for mapping

Click in mapping editor

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18. Create Operation Mapping (previously Interface Mapping) OM_Calcualtor

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19. Sample mapping test XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ns0:MM_Calculator_Request xmlns:ns0=""> <Operand1>5</Operand1> <Operand2>6</Operand2> <Operator>+</Operator>


20. Result

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21. <end of this section>

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Integration Builder (previously ID)

22. Login Integration Directory

23. In PI7.3, you have further option to managed your configuration object in “Folder”, a folder then

ca further include sub-folder.

Click to create a new folder FD_BIT400_<TID>


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Then you can switch to different view

24. Switch to your folder view

25. Create a new Configuration Scenario into your folder

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26. From your CS_BIT400_File_To_File, assign Business System from SLD

Make sure Configuration Scenario and Folder are selected correctly (else you have t switch to

Object view to select manually or from )

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27. Create sender communication channel CC_File_Calculator_Sender_<TID>

AGAIN! (In subsequent object created, no more this warning, but assume you already

understand this)

Make sure Configuration Scenario and Folder are selected correctly (else you have t switch to

Object view to select manually or from ).

Enter Source Directory “/usr/sap/tmp/BIT400/<TID>/OUT, file name calreq.txt

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Set interval to 5 secs, and mode as “Delete”

28. Create receiver communication channel CC_File_Receiver_<TID>

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29. Create Sender Agreement

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Choose sender CC then save

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30. Create Receiver determination

Use input help to select receiver

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31. Create Receiver Interface Determination and assign mapping

Still in Receiver Determination

Switch to

Select outbound interface SI_Calculator_Request, then right mouse click on Interface

Determination (see below), choose “New Specific”

With “New Speific”, notice sender and receiver Communication Component and sender

interface are filled for you.

Then fill in the receiver interface and mapping, then

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Back to Receiver Determination “Configuration Overview”, click refresh

Notice interface determination has been filled

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32. Repeat previous step to create Receiver Agreement

Receiver Agreement ND Receiver communication channel are now filled

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33. Activate all objects created, make sure no error.

34. Additional steps:

Try switch to “Configuration Sceanrio” view to see different way of displaying your objects

35. <end of this section>


36. Create sample test file at local folder C:\temp\calreq.txt

Sample: (don’t just copy below, beware your message type is different!)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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<ns0:MM_Calculator_Request xmlns:ns0=""> <Operand1>5</Operand1> <Operand2>6</Operand2> <Operator>+</Operator>


37. To transfer file from frontend to application server, run transaction sxda_tools, fill in below

entry then click

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38. To confirm response file created, go transaction AL11, navigate to folder


Double click to go into folder

Double click to navigate to next folder

Until to IN folder, double click file name to view content

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39. Run SXMB_MONI (or SXI_MONITOR) to view message processed. This monitoring only display

message in Integration Engine ONLY

40. To view message also processed by adapter, to to runtime workbench

Choose Message Monitor and Adapter Engine, then click

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41. <end of this section>

<end of document>
