Page 1: How to Persuade using Advertisements. Persuasion  Using words to influence the actions and opinions of others  To move by argument

How to Persuade using Advertisements

Page 2: How to Persuade using Advertisements. Persuasion  Using words to influence the actions and opinions of others  To move by argument

Persuasion Using words to influence the actions and

opinions of others To move by argument

Page 3: How to Persuade using Advertisements. Persuasion  Using words to influence the actions and opinions of others  To move by argument

Overexposure Each American is exposed to 500 print, radio,

or TV commercials a day. That means you see 182,500 persuasive

messages each year. That means that in your 13 years, you’ve

been exposed to about 2,372,500 ads. Believe it or not, that makes you an

advertising expert.

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Repetition Not only are ads and commercials frequently

repeated, but repetition is also used within the ads or commercials themselves.

Slogans, logos, characters, and jingles are used repeatedly.

“Five Five dollar Five dollar footlong .Five Five dollar Five dollar footlong .It's ca-ca-ca-catching on

At Subway .“

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Steps to making a persuasive ad:

1) Identify your target market2) Write a slogan3) Write text that uses a persuasive technique.4) Create an eye-catching image to tie it


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1) Target Market

The people most likely to buy your product Who do you think the target audience is for

the following companies and products? MTV Denture Paste Baby food Chevrolet trucks Facebook and Myspace: then and now Barack Obama while running for President

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2) Slogan A company’s catchphrase or motto; used

repeatedly to help your target audience remember your product or service

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Slogans: Let’s take a little quiz. Identify the products for the following slogans.

1) Mmm mmm good2) Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s…..3) Easy. Breezy. Beautiful.4) It gives you wings.5) Just do it.6) It keeps going and going and going…7) Because you’re worth it.

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Slogans continued8) Hello, Moto.9) Nothing runs like a…10) Once you pop, the fun don’t stop.11) Can’t eat just one12) I’m loving it!13) Have it your way.14) Eat fresh.15) Eat more chicken.16) Taste the rainbow.

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Can you think of any more slogans?

We know they work because you (the target audience) KNOW them.

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The 3 modes of persuasion: Ethos - an appeal to the authority or honesty

of the speaker Pathos - an appeal to the audience’s

emotions Logos - logical appeal; facts and figures that


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3) Text: Common Persuasive techniques Bandwagon: You are urged to do or believe something

because everyone else does. Endorsement: Famous or important people endorse a

product or idea Emotional Appeal (Pathos): Words or images that appeal

to the audience’s emotions are used (positive or negative).

Plain folks (Ethos): Ordinary people sell a message. Because these people are like you, they can be trusted.

Snob appeal: The technique suggests you can be like the attractive and/or successful people who use this product.

Logos: using facts, numbers, and information

Ads may use more than ONE persuasive technique.

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Endorsement Example“Actress by day. Rocker by night. I’ve got to keep fit to keep up. SO I drink milk. Some studies suggest that teens who choose milk instead of sugary drinks tend to be leaner and the protein helps build muscle. It’s the best of both worlds.”

“Moves by the Knowles. Body by milk.”

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Emotional Appeal (Pathos) Example


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Plain Folks (ethos) Example Cellular South –

I’m a PC –

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Snob Appeal Example

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4) Images The most noticeable part of your ad Geared towards your target market Interesting subject that supports your

persuasive technique Choose colors that set your ad’s ideal mood

and tone

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NyQuil: For a Better-looking tomorrow

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56. Lucas is writing an advertisement for tutoring services in math. Read the following draft of his ad:

Having trouble with decimals or the metric system? Do algebraic formulas or finding the angles in a triangle give you grief? As math gets more advanced, you may find yourself struggling with the concepts. _______, you shouldn’t have to struggle by yourself. Do not fall behind. Come to Math Help!—a tutoring service sponsored by the Math Club. We offer individual tutoring Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of every week. We are a group of good students. We will help you understand the concepts. Do not let your math grades begin to drop. Come to Math Help! ________, watch your math grades rise.

Which of the following sets of transition words, if inserted in the blanks, helps show a clear understanding of the relationships in the advertisement?A. First, NextB. Finally, AlsoC. Soon, LaterD However, Then

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62. Read the following draft of Shauna’s advertisement for her babysitting services.

Are you in search of someone trustworthy to watch your children for an afternoon or evening? If so, look no further! My name is Shauna Davis, and I am the ideal babysitter for your children. Here’s why:• I am responsible. ____________________________________.• I am experienced. My sisters are ages eight and six, and I often watch them while my parents are out running errands or having dinner with friends.• I am trained in first aid and certified to administer CPR.• Children love me. They like that I do crafts with them and know lots of games.

Based upon the information Shauna provides in her advertisement, which of the following sentences uses a specific detail to support her statement that she is responsible?A. I have not been late to class in the past three years and received the good citizenshipaward for two years in the past.B. I serve as class treasurer of the student council because more classmates voted for me forthis position.C. I won the sixth grade spelling bee and placed second at the regional competition.D. I am a member of several athletic teams and also enjoy practicing for games.
