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Dr. George Pratt

Author of:Instant Emotional Healing

&Code to Joy



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TRAUMAS & MICRO-TRAUMAS (M-T)• Emotionally*charged*events*(anger,*guilt,*shame,*lovepain,*loneliness*and*other*unresolved*emotions)inhibit*a*person*from*reaching*their*full*potential.

• What*is*a*Trauma*or*Micro>Trauma?• An*event*that*produces*a*lasting*effect.

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• When an emotional asteroid strikes it causesripples that can endure until they areresolved or changed.

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SANDY’S SITUATION• Sandy, a successful software executive was

consumed by anger and frustration over the divorcecustody negotiations regarding her children.

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EMOTIONAL LOOPS – NOT FRUIT LOOPS• Strong emotions can cause a block to

resolving or extinguishing the effects withinthe neural-network as should normallyoccur.

• Brain imaging research concludes that the capacity for efficient crosstalk between the amygdalaand the mPFC, which is represented as the strength of the amygdala-mPFC circuitry, is crucial tobeneficial outcomes in terms of reported anxiety. Kim, Loucks, Palmer, & team. BehavioralBrain Research, (2011) Vol. 223, No. 2.

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GOOD EMOTIONAL AROUSAL VS. BAD• There is an curvilinear

relationship between one’sperformance and arousal(stress).

• That relationship is called the

Yerkes-Dodson Law – (maybemore of a guideline).

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ANOTHER EFFECT OF TRAUMA OR M-T• Sometimes a trauma or micro-traumas, especially

in early life, can cause a more broad and lastingbarrier to succeeding in life. They can cause alife-limiting belief to develop.

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ANOTHER EFFECT OF TRAUMA OR M-TLife limiting beliefs most often would sound like: I’m not safe I’m worthless I’m powerless I’m not loveable I’m bad Life is unfair No one can be trusted

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I’m Not Safe

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Will anyone ever really love me?

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‘DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS’• Not all life-limiting beliefs are the result of a single micro-trauma.

• Jake’s story - When does a car breakdown equal = I’m notcompetent?

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NOW THE GOOD NEWS!• The effects of both big traumas and micro-traumas can be

eliminated. • In most cases it doesn’t take years of therapy, and in many

situations, with the right tools, people can neutralize thoseinterferences themselves.

• Before&I&demonstrate&and&show&you&those&tools&toremove&the&effects&of&blocks&to&being&your&best&andachieving&rapid&emotional&relief,&I’ll&explain&the&basisfor&the&system&we&call&Emotional&Self?Managementdescribed&in&my&book&–"Instant"Emotional"Healing:Acupressure"for"the"Emotions

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LIFE-LIMITING BELIEFS• When Traumas or Micro-Traumas develop into life-limiting beliefs a

4-step process called Code To Joy, described in my book by thatname, re-patterns those faulty self-concepts to realistic andproductive ones.

• Examples:• I’m not loveable to I can love and be loved• I’m worthless to I have value and worth

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The 4-Steps: 1. Identify 2. Clear 3. Re-pattern 4. Anchor

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EMOTIONAL LOOPS • Remember how strong emotions can cause a block to resolving or

extinguishing the effects within the neural-network as shouldnormally occur?

• It is as if the flow of emotional energy in a neural-network becomestrapped and prevented from flowing and communicating correctly,in much the way material can become trapped in a whirlpool.

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ESM TO THE RESCUE• What is Emotional Self-Management (ESM)?• A blend of Eastern and Western approaches.

• Acupuncture and CognitivePsychology• Mind and body interactive• Energy of mind is electromagnetic

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ESM IS A MIND-BODY PROCESS• Thoughts carry specific fields of electro-magnetic


• Thought energy interacts with body energy – (You‘feel’ fear, anger, and other emotions as a physicalsensation.

• Disruptions with the balance between mind and bodyenergy causes emotions to remain unresolved orblocked

• Unresolved or blocked emotional energy can bebalanced by adding energy to the body

• Acupressure adds sufficient energy to rebalance theemotions

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A BRIEF HISTORY OF ACUPUNCTURE• Over 1000-year-old form of oriental medicine• 1971 James Reston (NY Times reporter in China advance of 1972 Nixon visit)

has acupuncture for post-operative pain control, returns to US and writesabout his experience and introduces acupuncture to general US population.

• 1997 Nat. Inst. Health consensus report acupuncture validated for treatingpain and nausea.

• 2008 Harvard study validates acupuncture effective beyond placebo intreating pain.

• Past 20 years it’s also been used to help with stress and emotional traumasas well.

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WHAT ARE ACUPUNCTURE SITES?• Acupuncture/acupressure sites (Acupoints) possess unique electrical

characteristics• Acupoints conduct electrical current with less resistance than surrounding

tissue.• Acupoints serve as functional receptive ‘antenna’ to conduct energy

Acupoint Locator

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HUMAN POLARITYWestern - Electrical DC +/- Eastern - Chi energy Yin/Yang

Muscle Testing can detectthe changes in thoughtpolarity



H.S. Burr,Ph.D., Yale UniversityR. O. Becker, M.D. – Syracuse, NY

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TESTING POLARITY ORGANIZATION• Yale University study of human electrical polarity, Blueprint for

Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life, 1972, C.W. DanielCompany Ltd.: Essex, UK

• Becker R O, Selden G: The body electric: electromagnetism and thefoundation of life, New York City, 1985, William Morrow andCompany.

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THE ESM PROCESS IN ACTION• 1. Focus on the emotional distress, the memory, the situation (past,

present, or future) and rate the level of current distress caused on a 0to 10 scale.

• 2. Do a 3-minute structured breathing exercise (Balanced Breathing)• 3. Correct for interfering Polarity Reversals by tapping an acupoint

while making a series of cognitive intention statements regarding ‘theproblem.’

• 4. Go through a sequence of self-applied acupressure and activitiesassociated with integrating the treatment process through regions ofthe brain.

• 5. Relief of distress is then measured by refocusing on the target‘problem’ and assessing the levels of change on the 0 to 10 scale andother subjective changes.

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THE BRIDGE• ‘The Bridge’ is a sequence of activities

involving the eyes and brain hemisphericactivities to circulate the treatment throughvarious regions of the brain. You’ll see itinvolves gentle eye movements thenactivating the left, right, then lefthemispheres of the brain while continuouslytapping the Back of Hand spot.

The Bridge Worksheet can be downloaded at:

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The Streamlined Tap SequenceWorksheet can be downloaded at:

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WRAPPING UP• Emotional Self-Management is an effective process to reduce and eliminate

blocks to resolving strong emotional reactions that have become chronic.• A few simple exercises done on a regular basis can increase your effectiveness.

• Balanced Breathing

• Correcting for Global Polarity Reversals

• When life-limiting beliefs have developedfrom early Traumas or Micro-Traumas,there is the 4-step Code to Joy process. That is for another time.

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If you have any questions for Dr. Pratt,please contact his office at:

[email protected]

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A replay of this call and the worksheets will be availableon your members site soon.

If you have questions, please contact out Client Care Team [email protected].
