
How to Have a

How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

Staying healthy while pregnant is important not only

for your physical and mental well being, but also for

your growing baby's. Health is a combination of a

number of making lifestyle changes, getting proper

nutrition, exercising regularly, and avoiding

unhealthy/dangerous activities. By making changes

to be the healthiest you possible, you'll significantly

improve the health of your future child.

Lifestyle Changes

1 Get regular prenatal care. The most important first

step in your pregnancy is choosing a prenatal care

physician, and seeing them on a regular basis.

Frequent and consistent appointments with an

OB/GYN, a family doctor or a certified midwife can

ensure both your safety and your growing child’s

throughout the pregnancy process. Begin prenatal

care as soon as you know that you’re pregnant, or

when you suspect you might be. You can start by

seeing your regular doctor, but will likely want to

transfer to a specialized prenatal care doctor as your

pregnancy progresses. So long as you are

undergoing a normal pregnancy (according to your

doctor), your scheduled prenatal appointments

should be along this timeline:

See your physician every four weeks until you are 28

weeks pregnant

See your physician every two weeks from the time

you are 28 weeks to 36 weeks pregnant

See your physician once a week (or more often, as

per your doctor’s instructions) after the 36th week of


2 Keep active by exercising regularly. Lugging

around extra belly weight, morning sickness, and

aching muscles can all combine to make exercise

sound incredibly unappealing. However, keeping

active while your pregnant will ensure not only your

health, but your baby’s as well. Regular exercise can

make delivery less difficult, make losing your baby

weight easier, aid in post-birth physical recovery,

and encourage healthy fetal growth. Aim to do thirty

minutes of low-impact exercise such as swimming,

riding a bicycle, lifting weights, and yoga a day.

Don’t participate in any high-impact exercises

(workout classes, long runs) or contact sports

(soccer, football), as these put you at a high risk for


Always stretch before you exercise while pregnant; a

hormone called ‘relaxin’ is released to prepare your

body for labor, but this can weaken your muscles

and joints. Without stretching, you increase your risk

for muscle or joint injury.

Avoid activities or stretches that require you to lie

down on your back, because this puts pressure on a

major vein that reduces blood flow to the uterus,

which may make you feel dizzy and lightheaded.

Overheating can be dangerous to your baby, so

make sure you always keep cool by having a fan

and cold water at the ready.[2


Get plenty of sleep. Not only are you eating for two,

you’re resting for two as well. Getting lots of good

sleep while pregnant will give your body the time it

needs to help your growing baby, making you feel

better in the process. Aim for eight hours of sleep

minimum a night, and try to snatch a mid-afternoon

nap as well. Going to bed at a consistent time every

night (preferably before midnight) will also help to

regulate your sleep schedule, making your sleep

more restful and deep.

Sleeping on your left side is recommended for

pregnant women, as this relieves pressure from your

back and prevents a major vein connected to your

uterus from having the circulation cut off.

Waking up for a short (5-10 minute) walk in the

middle of the night may help to reduce or remove

any morning sickness you experience.

Don’t take any sleeping pills while pregnant, unless

prescribed and approved by your doctor.

4 Take prenatal supplements. Although a daily

regimen of pills, supplements, and vitamins may be

difficult to keep track of, it can be incredibly helpful in

reducing the risk of a series of birth defects. To start,

women should consume prenatal vitamins

(advertised as such) in 600 micrograms per day after

becoming pregnant. Prenatal vitamins contain a

combination of high levels of folic acid and iron

among other things, both of which are responsible

for early development of the baby and reducing the

risk of complications and defects such as spina

bifida and premature birth. Talk to your doctor about

what supplements to take, but keep in mind that

most pregnant women need to consume extra:

Folic acid (folate) - between 400-600 micrograms


Iron - 30 milligrams daily

Calcium - 1200 milligrams daily

DHA (a type of omega-3 fatty acid) - 200 milligrams


5 Keep an eye on your weight. It’s true that you

should be gaining weight while pregnant, but the

amount you gain can have a big impact on both your

child’s health and your own. Individual weight gain

will be dependent on your weight and BMI prior to

pregnancy, meaning that each woman will need to

gain a different amount to be in a healthy range. To

determine your ideal weight gain, start by calculating

your BMI. Then, use that and your weight to locate

yourself on the following weight gain chart:

Underweight women (BMI less than 18.5) should

gain 28-40 pounds.

Women at a healthy weight (BMI between 18.5-24.9)

should gain 25-35 pounds.

Overweight women (BMI between 25-29.9) should

gain 15-25 pounds.

Obese women (BMI higher than 30) should gain 11-

20 pounds.[4]

6 Visit your dentist regularly. Strange as it may

seem, dental care is particularly important during

pregnancy. This is because your body is producing

higher than normal levels of estrogen and

progesterone, both of which (in high levels) can be

responsible for causing gingivitis and gum disease,

leading to bleeding, gum sensitivity, and swollen

gums on a regular basis. You should try to visit your

dentist every 3-4 months while pregnant to make

sure you’re keeping a healthy mouth. In between

visits, make sure that you brush and floss your teeth


Dietary Changes

1 Make sure you’re eating enough. The phrase

‘eating for two’ conjures up images of vast platters of

food and multiple meals throughout the day. The

truth of the matter is though, that on average you

should only be consuming about 300 calories more

per child, per day. Therefore, if you’re pregnant with

a single baby you should eat 300 extra calories, for

twins you should eat 600 extra calories, and for

triplets you should eat 900 extra calories per day.

These numbers will vary slightly depending on your

starting weight before pregnancy (see weight gain

list above), but will remain close to 300 calories.[5]

The calories you consume should be healthy

calories - not those from junk food and fast food.

One of the primary goals of eating more is to

supplement your body and the child with the

vitamins and minerals necessary for development

(you can’t get them all from supplements).

2 Do not diet while pregnant. Weight gain during

pregnancy is expected, so you are doing yourself

and your baby a disfavor by attempting to diet to

keep off weight. While you should avoid eating huge

amounts of food (beyond the extra 300 calories a

day), you should not cut down your eating at all, or

remove major meals or food groups from your

regular diet. Further, regular eating supplies your

body with vital vitamins and minerals you can’t

receive elsewhere. Other than potentially dangerous

foods (listed below), do not cut out food from your

diet. This means that diets like paleo/atkins (no

carbs), juicing (no solid foods), and weight

watchers/nutrisystem (low calorie) should not be

started during your pregnancy unless prescribed by

a licensed medical doctor.[6]

By depriving your body of nutrients through dieting,

your child may suffer from malnutrition and certain

birth defects.

Diets held for medical/religious/moral reasons can

be maintained in pregnancy.

Avoid trying to lose weight or maintain your pre-

pregnancy weight through food restriction, at any

point during your pregnancy.


Don’t rely on prenatal vitamins and supplements

for all your nutrients. Taking prenatal vitamins is

important for supplying your body with the extra folic

acid, iron, and calcium you need. However, there are

lots of other nutrients and vitamins you can only get

through consumption in food, meaning that you can’t

rely on supplements for your vitamins and continue

to eat junk food and unhealthy alternatives.

Supplements are intended to be just that - to

supplement you with the extras you many not be

able to consume enough of. This means you should

be eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and

protein every day.

If you eat fast food regularly, aim to cut down your

consumption to once or twice a week at the most.

Fast food is notoriously nutrient-deprived, filling you

with empty calories.

If you’ve got a strong craving for unhealthy foods

that lack vitamins, try eating something healthy first

(like a piece of fruit) and following it up with a small

bit of ‘cheat’ food. This will help you transition away

from a diet of unhealthy junk food.

Don’t exceed the recommended daily dosage of

prenatal supplements in an effort to reduce the

amount of food you need to eat.

4 Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables high in

vitamin C. The recommended amount of vitamin C

for pregnant women is 70mg per day. However, it is

best to get this from natural foods rather than pills

and supplements. You can get lots of vitamin C from

citrus fruits, papaya, strawberries, broccoli,

cauliflower, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, and red

peppers (among other foods). Aim to eat 3-4

servings of these foods per day.


Consume more protein. Eating protein is always

important, but when you’re pregnant you should aim

to eat 2-3 servings of protein a day. Protein is

primarily responsible for blood production and cell

growth, both your own and your baby’s. Great

sources of healthy proteins include eggs, Greek

yogurt, legumes (beans), tofu, peanut butter, and

lean meats.

6 Get plenty of calcium. Calcium is vital to pregnant

women, and many don’t get nearly as much as they

need. Although there is normally some calcium in

prenatal supplements, you should try to consume an

additional 1000 milligrams of calcium per day. Great

sources of calcium include yogurt, hard cheeses,

milk, and spinach. By consuming more calcium,

you’ll be aiding in your child’s bone and nerve


Vitamin D is important to consume as well, as it is

required for your body to absorb calcium. It is found

in most of the same foods as calcium is, as well as

in cereals and breads.

7 Eat foods that contain folic acid. Yes, you’ll be

getting folic acid in a prenatal supplement. However,

you should try to eat folic acid that occurs naturally

in foods for the best results. Folic acid is responsible

for enzyme functioning and blood production in your

baby. Foods that contain folic acid include kale,

chard, spinach, squash, beans, nuts, and peas. All

of these foods contain other helpful nutrients, so try

to eat 1-2 servings of them per day.


Make sure you get enough iron. Iron is used in the

body for blood cell production, both in your own

body and your developing child’s. Most prenatal

supplements contain iron, but as per most nutrients,

it is best that you consume iron in a natural form

from food rather than a supplement. Foods that

contain high levels of iron include red meats,

spinach, and iron-fortified whole grains (like certain

breads and cereals). Get at least one serving of

these iron-filled foods per day.[7]

Staying Healthy

1 Never drink alcohol while pregnant. Alcohol is a

big no-no for pregnant women, as its consumption is

responsible for an array of birth defects and

complications. Drinking alcohol significantly

increases the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, makes

it more likely that your child will have developmental

disabilities later in life, and runs your baby the risk of

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Cut alcohol out of

your diet completely while pregnant, to avoid risking

these complications. If necessary, seek help from a

therapist specialized in drug and alcohol use.[8]

If you happened to consume alcohol prior to

knowledge of your pregnancy, don’t fret - so long as

you cease your drinking habits, it is unlikely you’ll

experience alcohol-related complications.

Non-alcoholic beer and wine do actually contain a

small amount of alcohol, making them inappropriate

substitutes for regular beer and wine.

2 Avoid smoking. It’s generally recommended that

smoking of any sort be avoided, as it is very

damaging to the lungs. This is especially true for

pregnant women, because whatever you smoke,

your baby smokes as well. Nicotine and tobacco in

the blood stream is absorbed by the child, increasing

the likelihood of stillbirth, miscarriage, and a low birth

weight. Some studies have also shown that babies

whose mothers’ smoked while pregnant, grow up to

be chronic smokers themselves. Cut out all smoking

in your life, including cigarettes, e-cigs, cigars, and


3 Stay away from all illicit drugs. Drugs of any sort -

particularly ‘street’ drugs - are incredibly dangerous

for a developing child. Recreational drugs almost

guarantee your child will suffer from a birth defect or

complication, because they have such a significant

impact on your body and brain function, and

therefore your child’s. Further, mothers who are

addicted to drugs and continue to use them while

pregnant can actually pass on their addiction to their

child. The newborn baby is then addicted to drugs,

and suffers withdrawal symptoms just like an adult

does. If you’re a user of recreational drugs or are

addicted, get help from a psychologist or group

therapy, to protect the health of your growing baby.[9]

When at all possible, maintain a drug-free lifestyle

beyond the birth of your child for your own health.

4 Don’t spend time in hot tubs, saunas, or steam

rooms. Raising your body temperature too high can

be dangerous for your offspring, as studies have

correlated high body temperature to developmental

complications and birth defects. While warm

showers and baths are fine, spending extended

periods of time in very hot environments can cause

serious problems, especially in the first trimester.

Avoid any environment where the temperature is

above 101 °F (38 °C), and if you absolutely must be

in such an environment, limit your time spent there

to less than ten minutes.[10]

5 Cut out caffeine from your diet. Although coffee,

tea, and soda may be favorite drinks, if they contain

caffeine they can be harmful to your little one.

Studies have shown that caffeine consumption while

pregnant is linked to higher rates of miscarriage and

birth complications. It is best to cut out caffeine from

your lifestyle altogether, but some doctors believe up

to 200 milligrams (equal to one 10oz cup of coffee)

per day is safe. When possible, use caffeine-free or

decaffeinated versions of coffee, tea, and soda.

Foods that contain caffeine (like chocolate) are fine

in moderation, because the levels are so low.

6 Avoid environmental toxins. Certain chemicals

and toxins are particularly dangerous for pregnant

women to come into contact with, even though they

may not be for a non-pregnant woman. Cleaning

solvents, strong chemicals, heavy metals (like

mercury and lead), and some biological agents (like

asbestos) are all associated with birth complications

and defects. If you work or live in a place where you

may come into contact with these toxins, do your

best to avoid them at all times. Make lifestyle

changes to do so, if necessary.[11]

7 Don’t change the litter box, if you have one. As

random as it may seem, a very dangerous infection

known as toxoplasmosis is prevalent among cat litter

boxes, and can quickly spread to pregnant women.

The illness may have no recognizable symptoms in

the mother and will pass to the baby undetected,

causing serious brain and eye damage to the

growing baby. If you have a litter box, steer clear of it

and have a friend or relative take over control of

cleaning it regularly.

8 Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. Certain

food-born illnesses, including toxoplasmosis (yes,

the cat litter illness) and listeriosis, are often present

in undercooked and raw meat. These illnesses can

be quite dangerous to a developing child, making it

best to avoid the foods that carry them. Avoid eating

any shellfish, raw fish (like sushi/sashimi), rare or

seared meat, and raw eggs.

9 Don’t eat certain fish which contain high levels

of mercury. Heavy metals, like mercury and lead,

are incredibly damaging to a growing baby and can

even cause death in high enough amounts. Some

fish have particularly high levels of mercury, making

them dangerous for pregnant women to consume.

These fish include swordfish, shark, king mackerel,

tuna steak, and tilefish. However, fish such as

canned tuna, salmon, halibut, and cod are all still

safe to consume while pregnant.

Keep your consumption of any kind of fish - even the

safe kinds - down to once or twice a week while


10 Don’t eat any unpasteurized cheeses. Although a

platter of soft cheeses may sound delicious,

unpasteurized fresh cheeses can contain bacteria

that are responsible for an array of birth

complications. As a result, it is best for pregnant

women to avoid eating them altogether. Popular

unpasteurized fresh cheeses include brie, feta, goat

cheese, Camembert, and blue cheese. Hard

cheeses, such as cheddar, Swiss, and Havarti are

all safe to consume.[12]

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