Page 1: How to get flat tummy in 10 days

Howtogoodhealth.netHow to get flat tummy in 10 days

Belly fat is an anxiety of many people. Most people want to quickly regain slender body. The following article will help you know how to get flat tummy in 10 days. Because not doing exercise regularly, where the abdominal muscles are always accumulate more fat than any other position in the body. At this particular location, including a lot of muscles and have different functions. So, want to lose belly fat and slim waist owned flat tummy, we need to understand and follow the principles correctly to get the desired results.

1. Workout combine with HIIT

The body is impossible to develop a certain muscle group without training other muscle groups. You cannot lose fat in a certain area of the body without exercise reduced fat other areas. Moreover, if you only train abdominal exercise, you are very hard to own a flat belly as desired. Combine abdominal exercises with other exercises for the whole body will find remarkably effective. HIIT exercises (High Intensity Interval Training) is one of the most perfect way to burn fat all over the body. The advantage of HIIT workouts are turning your body into a fat burning machine, causing the central muscular appearance, but do not lose muscle and limit injuries from excessive exercise.

Some exercise for you:

a. Jumping Jacks

Stand straight, legs closed, arms outstretched body sides, palms facing in. Start jumping legs spread out, your hands pulled over, then jumped backwards original position.

b. Gate Swings

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Stand straight, your legs hip-width, then jumps out laterally, two toes facing forward, put two hands on two pillows to increase the stretch of thigh. After jump highly, when you jump down, cross your legs, left leg first, right leg back. Then jump back its original position which is one iteration. Repeat it.

c. Single-Leg Touch and Hop

Stand up straight, feet hip width, then lift right leg back, put weight on your left leg. Keeping your back straight, bent left knee to right hand touch the floor. Putting the right leg and left arm forward to return to a standing position, and jumped up, stretched your body. Then jump down gently, slowly lower body and knelt down to hand touch the floor. Repeat 15 times / parties

d. Reserve crunch

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Lie with straight back on the floor so that the legs perpendicular to the thigh, the thigh is perpendicular to the torso. This is the starting position. No moving the upper back, then use the lower abdominal to lift your bum off the floor. Your knee move toward your face. Next, when the knee touches the plane of chest perpendicular then stopped in 0.5 seconds and slowly lower it down back to starting position.

e. Vertical legs raise

Lie on the floor, raise your legs so that it perpendicular to the floor. Then, slowly lower your foot down its original position. Repeat it.

2. Diet

Diet account for 70% of success. To quickly get a flat belly waist, please plan for a diet very scientific and rational. The first and most important of all to lose belly fat is removed foods that contain starch from your diet every

Page 4: How to get flat tummy in 10 days

Howtogoodhealth.netday. Take out about 2 weeks just to absorb rich in protein food and supplement fiber for the body such as: chicken breasts, fish, broccoli, carrots, vegetables, dark green bulb …