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How to find a word, words, or a sentence in this Pdf’s

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Targeted Messages

Jan 2, 2013 - NO prosperity programs will Pay Out

To our dark brotherhood who performs CIA type messages thru channels, and others who

also submit false material of the web: This is David Righter speaking, and there IS no more

Nesara, and there remains no "prosperity type" payouts coming, despite circulation on the

net to that effect. The support of people during the long teaching period will be as we have

stated before. So beloved ones in New Age, please do not get your hopes up, or spread this

false material to others. I am the financial specialist from Orvonton to this world, and I also

walk this planet in semi physical form, have a child and am not the figment of anyone's



Jan 2, 2013 - Just Say No to GMO Hemp!


Jan 2, 2013 - Seraphin Saying 5

This saying is taken from Seraphin Message 100: SCRAMBLE FOR SURVIVAL OR SACRED

MARRIAGE (link inside). Wishing all readers an informed and conscious choice between the

two, and may you ressurrect yourselves as gods in 2013!

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - The truth about Americans and guns

The majority of gun owners are not just oblivious to constitutional guarantees but have been

wildly in favor of drone attacks, Gaza bombing, torture and rendition, illegal surveillance and

suspension of habeas corpus... The cartoonish “pop culture media” played the tune and the

“sheeple” danced along, keeping their guns but gladly giving up their freedom, gleefully

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watching thousands of Americans slaughtered, gleefully watching Americans slaughter what

will now be millions across the planet...

Entire networks were set up to do nothing else, nothing but to sell war, sell a very deceptive

version of history, pure psychological warfare to place the focus on imaginary enemies while

those at home were taking America down.- Gordon Duff

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - California cop shoots unarmed man eleven times

Ron: Tell me again why you think that local communities cannot be trusted to police their own

affairs and MUST have centralised, CORPORATE governmentS police, courts and prison

systems do it for them. While you are at it, explain to me why Canaanite inspired and funded

wars on drugs, poverty and non-white peoples are a good thing.

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - 6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead -

Growing Your Own Food

Over 6,000 pounds of food per year, on 1/10 acre located just 15 minutes from downtown Los

Angeles. The Dervaes family grows over 400 species of plants, 4,300 pounds of vegetable

food, 900 chicken and 1,000 duck eggs, 25 lbs of honey, plus seasonal fruits throughout the

year. - Socal Connected


Jan 2, 2013 - One Million Gardens: Revolution In Your Own Backyard

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jan 2, 2013 - The Rising of the Conscious Warrior

But do something. Get the boat in motion or the rudder can’t take effect. Find and take your

calling seriously and step it up. We all have to. Meditate, intend, pray, affirm. Change your

life, change the etheric. Try new consciousness technologies. Write, talk, show up,

contribute, speak to groups, attend gatherings of active and motivated individuals. Find the

opening and jump in. The rest will follow. Contribute we must. Hopefully with our whole lives.

- Zen Gardner

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - Will Syria Become Another “Failed State”? The Role of the United


The Libya now described in innumerable credible reports, is a failed state, now defenseless

against the exploitation or plunder of its resources and people, as a result of United Nations

Security Council Resolution 1973 as implemented by US-NATO... United Nations Syrian

Ambassador Dr. Bashar Ja’afari presented to the Security Council, with a copy to the

UN Secretary-General, a letter listing the names and nationalities of 108 foreign

individuals who had entered Syria illegally, and were engaged in terrorist activities in

Syria... On November 21, the Syrian Ambassador presented another letter to the United

Nations Security Council, containing a new list of “143 Foreign and Arab individuals who

were killed in Syria while carrying out their terrorist activities.” The list includes

information about each individual, name, age, date and place of death, terrorist affiliation,

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and nationality. They entered the Syrian Arab Republic illegally, and are from: Qatar ,

Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , Turkey , Yemen , Iraq , Azerbaijan , Chechnya , Kuwait , Palestine ,

Lebanon , Algeria, Chad and Pakistan. This letter... was also ignored.'... Haitham al-Maleh told

Al-Jazeera on Wednesday that both Russian and Iranian civilians ‘present legitimate military

targets for militants in Syria because their governments have supported Syria’s President. A

similar threat came from masked men claiming to be Ms. Kochneva’s captors, who said on

Ukranian television, ‘Let not a single Russian, Ukranian or Iranian come out of Syria alive.’”

[NY Times 21 December 2012] And these are the people the Obama administration just

recognized as the legitimate government of Syria.- Carla Stea

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - As Fiat Fails Technocrats & BRICs Nations Posture For World


he BRICs countries signed an agreement to give our loans in their respective currencies in a

further effort to move away from the US dollar and Euro. A joint BRICs bank was discussed

with vigor. It would serve as an alternative to central banks that abuse their power at the

expense of nations worldwide. They hope to replace the International Monetary Fund and the

World Bank Over 180 countries have signed onto the BRICs agreement as evidenced in their

declaration. While the global Elite still hold power over the G5 countries, the rest of the

world is standing up, severing their ties and making plans for a new world without them. -

Susanne Posel

True US History

Jan 2, 2013 - Artificial Intelligence Engineers Create Child-Like “Roboy” to Service


Political Information

Jan 2, 2013 - Serfdom and the Feudal System: What’s Old is New Again

True US History


Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)



Von Source und Kibo - 17. Dezember 2012

Übersetzung: Harald Kühn

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jan 2, 2013 - Wind der Veränderung von Tara

Durch Shellee-Kim - 9.55 am 15/12/12

Übersetzung: Harald Kühn


Jan 2, 2013 - Syrisches Militär: Militante setzen chemische Waffen ein

landdestroyer.blogspot, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess

Jan 1, 2013 - Nederlands: ATON ZEGT WEES GEREED

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Aton via Jess, vertaling Lilian A.

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - Directed Energy Technology

Discussing the effects of the directed energy weapon(s) used on 911 Dr Judy Wood says:

'there's this weird effect on materials, its softenss them up ... its a vortex knd of energy

system. Pretty weird.... It's a static field and that's part of the key. It's not the amount of

power..It doesn't take much power. It's the type of interference that counts. If you create

a static field and within that, interfere radio frquency signals voila, you get this weird

effect. And I think it's important we start looking at radio frequency signals AND natural

weather systems. Talking about why she wrote the book: "Where did the towers go?" Dr

Judy Wood says: To take back our ability to think; Use it or lose it... I like to empower the

reader to think... This (911) was done in front of the entire world. The evidence is right

before you... this was a demonstration in front of the entire planet - OF THIS

TECHNOLOGY... If everybody in the world KNOWS this technology exists, we're free to

develop it in broad day light... I think we need to move to a culture that doesn't live on

exploiting others but just lives to live.and lives to share. I think that really is where we've


everyone grows up realising we need to be careful how this is used. We need to use it for

good not bad... this could destroy the planet, like that (snap)... if the enrgy id directed a

differnt way... a category 12 earthquake would split the earth in half... that's the same

amount of energy the earth gets from the Sun every day. and that energy suports life,

instead of destroying it. So we need to choose how we want to use energy...If the common

person understands that this technology exists, that allows it to be freely developed in

broad daylight by regular scientists around, and it ends up falling into better hands, THAN

WHO HAS IT NOW. Who has it now, we know how they like to use it. [1 hr, 24'-30'].

Discussing the going away (disappearance of Buildings 1, 2 and 7 and much of four other

buildings on 911 Judy Wood sayd: '911 was a psychological operation.... this is evidence of

"free energy' technology. And what I mean by "free energy" is non conventional energy that

has not been metered... If I was to give it a name the name I would give it MAGNETIC

ELECTRO-GRAVITIC NUCLEAR reactions. Electro-gravitic nuclear reactions describes low

energy nuclear reactions which, the slang term for it is called FUSION... It doesn't take

many people; folks within an organisation tend to follow the leader of the organisation. and

there's undoubtedly a lot of well meaning people following that ... the official story was a

psychological operation. It was very well planned. Do you think they just forgot to plan a

cover up?... [If you don't accept version one, we'll give you version two.] Yeah. If you don't

like version two we'll give you version one. If you have a false choice...? [Is there a version

three? Is there a limited hangout?]. There seems to be some backups for that... the aim of

my book is to empower the reader to understand for themselves. Instead of having to follow

anybody... If you look at the evidence, the evidence will tell you exactly what happened. The

buildings turned to dust.[44'- 46'].

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Man? Or a Predator Race Amongst Us…


Jan 1, 2013 - 7,000 year old German water wells found to be earliest use of wood

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for construction

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Syria rebels 'beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs' as fears

grow over Islamist atrocities

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Syrian troops arrest 4 Turkish fighter jet pilots in Aleppo: Paper

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Nearly 400 Reported Killed in Deadly Day in Syria


Jan 1, 2013 - Directory:NRGLab Pte. Ltd. SH boxes

Ron: Here is another allegedly cheap, mobile and scalable electrical energy production unit

replacement for hydrocarbon based electrical generation.

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - Emilie Parker Found 2 Days After Shooting

Ron: Sooo, how many murdered Sandy Hook victims are still alive and well? Isn't it a crime

for "Robbie Parker" to claim on Amerikkan TV that his daughter was murdered when he knew

she wasn't? And what about all the other clowns in this Amerikkan drama? Is it just all good

fun and no one should get too upset at being horrendously hoaxed? Just askin'.

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - Army embeds PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations (Everywhere)

This 2' 23" video was published by dave j on Dec 29, 2012:



Jan 1, 2013 - Sea floor next to Australia's Great Barrier Reef 'close to collapse'

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Sexual violence is not a cultural phenomenon in India - it is endemic


Ron: Until and unless the Canaanite control of global society is removed the devolution of

humanity will continue.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jan 1, 2013 - Nederlands: DIT IS HET JAAR VAN HET LOT.

Moeder Nebadonia via Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - Jews Lead Gun Control Charge

Ron: Explain to me WHY so-called dual citizenship Jews who swear loyalty to Israel, a

foreign country, are given ANY right to even comment on issues like gun control in the US?

How absolutely STUPID is the Amerikkan public? Anyone who swears allegiance to a foreign

country is a TRAITOR! Yet Amerikkans not only allow Jews (a mere 1.2% of the population)

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to run the US and force amerikkans to pay huge fealty fees to Israel but they also force

Amerikkans to fight endless foreign wars on behalf of Jewry. NOW these Talmudists are

demanding that Amerikkan gois give up their guns. Do Amerikkans KNOW what happened to

Russian Christians when they stood aside and allowed Bolshevik Jews to take over the

Russian government and disarm all Christians? Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says the Bolshevik

Jews murdered 66 million Russian Christians. Hatton says the Bolshevik jews killed 100

million Christians in all. Talk about a death wish... Ignorance is NOT bliss! It is death, either

literally or psychically.

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - THE 2nd AMENDMENT–Defend It Or Lose It

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - “Wiping Countries Off the Map”: Who’s Failing the “Failed States”

True US History

Jan 1, 2013 - Jewish Banker Funded American Revolution

“I am here to tell you that the declining American standard of living has been

PLANNED from the beginning…at the highest levels of American government — a plan to

fail, a plan to create insecurity and uncertainty, a plan to make the American people

serfs in the New World Order!” THE PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA (1993) -

James Wardner

Political Information

Jan 1, 2013 - Church backs Vladimir Putin's ban on Americans adopting Russian


"Everything was calm and fine until churches started getting blown up in 1917 and they all

asked, 'Why?' " [Ron: The answer to that question is that the Talmudic Jews created and

controlled the Bolshevik Revolution with the aim of genociding every intelligent Christian

anywhere in Russia or neighbouring countries. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says the Jews

murdered 66 million Christians; Hatonn says they killed 100 million Christians in all, and some

commentators put the figure MUCH higher than that. Canaanites kill, maim, torture and

enslave goyim, that's their prime aim in life. They hate God and hence try to eliminate all

Christians and Muslims.]

Political Information

Dec 31, 2012 - End of 2012 and the Unleashing of Evil


Dec 31, 2012 - Biologically Modified Soldiers Are the Future of Warfare

True US History

Dec 31, 2012 - I Am Spartacus


Dec 31, 2012 - D-Shape 3D printer can print full-sized houses


Dec 31, 2012 - 911 What Happened - Not How It Happened - Dr Judy Wood

911 was an attack on human consciousness - Dr Judy Wood

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Dec 31, 2012 - The Hutchison Effect

This 10 minute video was published by CollinAlexander on Feb 11, 2008: Publisher's comments: John Hutchison is

interviewed. He displays several samples of the H-effect on metals. Various objects

spontaneously levitate and fly upwards.

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 31, 2012 - Do Animals Ascend?

Redating for new readers that may have missed this. Lovely piece. I myself have

experienced returning animals in this incarnation to me and noticed the obvious growth in

them since last time. And also some have come to me for special healing that I have not

known before. Of course they "ascend", life grows! All ife reincarnates and once your animal

says I AM, meaning it knows it is is separate from others, it begins its own individual

journey. And if your pet seems "almost human", I assure you they are. And they can and are

moved when ready to a human body type to start that journey. There are angels that have

this in fact as their speciality service. We will also cover this topic during the teaching

period. ALL IS ONE -C

True US History

Dec 31, 2012 - 911 Dr Judy Wood Presentation Part 1

Political Information

Dec 31, 2012 - Israel Soldier _Palestine Girl

Ron: Tell me again why Jews are lovely people and why some of your best friends are Jews.

This 2' 36" video was uploaded by oli505 on Jan 28, 2008: W(World Wide Weekly)s.korea

tv program edited.


True US History



WITHOUT WARNING This 1' 37" video was published by MrCyberWarrior02 on Dec 24,

2012: Prepping

for the takedown

Health and Nutrition

Dec 31, 2012 - Mastectomy no more! Prevent and treat breast cancer with life-

affirming vitamin D

For some women, the only thing scarier than having breast cancer is the prospect of being

treated for cancer with conventional medicine. In a country dominated by the American

Medical Association (AMA), women are urged to turn their bodies over to the horror of

breast cancer treatment. It starts with dangerous and painful, breast-flattening,

mammograms; then proceeds to the cutting -- until there is nothing left in some cases,

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besides a gaping hole. Breast cancer patients are then subjected to the sickening onslaught

of radiation and deadly chemotherapy, which doesn't heal cancer or prevent its

reoccurrence. - JB Bardot

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 31, 2012 - Power of Love: Recognizing our Collective Unity

True US History

Dec 31, 2012 - Obama “Can And Will Force Christians To Act Against Their Faith”:

Obama Administration Drops A Bombshell!

In a legal argument formally presented in federal court in the case of Hobby Lobby v.

Kathleen Sebelius, the Obama administration is claiming that the First Amendment—

which expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the “free exercise” of

religion—nonetheless allows it to force Christians to directly violate their religious

beliefs even on a matter that involves the life and death of innocent human beings. -

True US History

Dec 31, 2012 - Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts

Political Information

Dec 31, 2012 - Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

"Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a

whole nation of arms as the blackest." - Mohandas Gandhi, an Autobiography, page 446


Dec 31, 2012 - Gift giving: Wild dolphins to humans in Australia

Ron: Typically these human scientists appear to fail to understand that animals have souls

and that dolphins may be as spiritually advanced and indeed even more spiritually advanced

than they are.

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full

Ron: Charlotte Iserbyt is a magnificent light worker. In this video she tells you how and why

Amerikkans are dumbed down. In effect she confirms what Dr Peter Beter said about the

secret alliance between the Rockefellers and the Soviet Bolsheviks throughout the Cold War

up until 1979 when the Bolsheviks who were evicted from the Soviet Union secretly

murdered the Rockefeller brothers and replaced them with Bolshevik doubles.Since that

time Amerikka has been secretly ruled bu Bolshevik Jews in uneasy coalition with the rump

of the Rockefeller Cartel which provides the Fascist, corporatist aspect of the Canaanite

takeover of the US. If nothing else, listen to this video from the discussion of the Carnagie

Endownment Foundation influence from 58' 40" to 1 hour 14'.

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History

But the NSA now collects all data in an unencrypted form, so that no probable cause is

needed to view any citizen’s information. He says that it is actually cheaper and easier to

store the data in an encrypted format: so the government’s current system is being done for

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political – not practical – purposes. He says that if anyone gets on the government’s “enemies

list”, then the stored information will be used to target them. Specifically, he notes that if

the government decides it doesn’t like someone, it analyzes all of the data it has collected on

that person and his or her associates over the last 10 years to build a case against him. - the

top spy chief at the U.S. National Security Agency


Dec 30, 2012 - Bob Hope: Danke für die (sordiden) Erinnerungen

Uri Dowbenko, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Hawaii Registrar publicly Certifies Hawaii Birth Certificate Non Valid

Political Information

Dec 30, 2012 - ISRAHELL ON EARTH

Ron: Lying Canaanites tarnish everything they touch. Even this video exposure of Zionists

examples that fact. First, Zionists ARE Jews. Second, there was NO Holocaust. Third, Jews

who pretend to criticise Zionists actually reinforce the Talmudic narrative ie the Jew's

RACIST BLOOD LIBEL ABAINST THE GERMAN NATION, by iterating over and over the

bullshit about 6 million Jews being Holocausted during WWII when there were only ever 3

million Jews in German occupied Europe during that time. ALSO, only 271,304 Jews died in

German work camps (see:

records-from-international-red.html And

and almost all of them died of typhus with less than three thousand dying of natural causes

and some 117 being executed for criminal offences at Auschwitz. Never the less, at the 43'

50" to 44' 10" mark in this video Norman Finkelstein says: "Every single member of my family

was exterminated... and its because of what my parents taught me and my two siblings that I

will not be silenced..." However, Finkelstein was born on 8 December 1953 his parents

were very much alive and UNEXTERMINATED at that time. See eg: PLAYING THE


CARD.shtml Similarly, at about the 38' minute mark in this video George Galloway reinforces

the Holocaust LIE that SIX million Jews were Holocausted. The fact that George Galloway,

Norman Finglestein and their ilk (like Gilad Atzmon who blames Germans for what Jews are

doing to Palestinians, see eg:


of-Palestinians.shtml ) pretend to bellieve that the Holocaust Hoax actually happened,

explains why the Jews let them go around criticising Jews, provided they refer to them as

Zionists, AND repeat the Holocaust LIE when they do. In effect these people are Canaanite

disinfo agents (and/or useful idiots) pretending to inveigh against Zionists but really

supporting the Jews and their lying Holocaust narrative. UNTIL gentiles learn to understand

and decipher these disinfo techniques the Jews will continue to befuddle evangical Christains

and humanity generally, and continue to organise the piecemeal genocide of goyim. Another

LIE slipped into this video is the Canaanite suggestion that Adam expelled God from the

Garden of Eden, not the other way around. WHY anyone continues to believe these Talmudic

lies about anything beats me. Personally I think its time that the Canaanites fucked off,

preferably to another planet.

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True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Afghan civilians, including 60 children & 15 women, killed in U.S.-led


French public opinion should understand what is meant by “La Resistance”. Ironically, the US

and its NATO partners, including the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy, are using the

same justification for their occupation of Afghanstan as that used by Nazi Germany in

relation to the German occupation of France during World War II.[Ron: More bullshit and

German bashing! At the height of Hitler's power, the German chancellor offered to withdraw

from France, Denmark and Norway. [8] He proposed to roll back his army without a shot

being fired. He would make peace with England even if England would not agree to return the

German colonies, which Britain had taken from Germany at the end of World War I. [9] See

eg: There Was No Need For World War II -

World-War-II.shtml See also: Did Adolf Hitler Save Europe From Communism? -

Europe-From-Communism.shtml. England Instigated World War Two -

War-Two.shtml]. A country of 34 million people is invaded and occupied and we are led to

believe that somehow the Afghan people have endorsed and accepted this occupation and

that those who are against the invaders, a small minority, are “terrorists”. - Michel


True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - US Special Forces Accused of Raping Afghan Women During Raid

Ron: The White Man's burden is sooo heavy; but undaunted the Amerikkan people continue to

bring freedom and democracy to the ungrateful Afghan people...


Dec 30, 2012 - Das Erdöl nicht eingerechnet, übersteigen Irans Exporte in 9 Monaten

USD 31 Milliarden

PRESS TV, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 30, 2012 - Globale Meditation, 30. Dezember 2012

Von Johan/CM - 30. Dez. 2012 - Übersetzung: Harald Kühn

Political Information

Dec 30, 2012 - The Unstoppable Liberation of Humanity

“Existence is beyond the power of words

To define:

Terms may be used

But are none of them absolute.

In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,

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Words came out of the womb of matter;

And whether a man dispassionately

Sees to the core of life

Or passionately

Sees the surface,

The core and the surface

Are essentially the same,

Words making them seem different

Only to express appearance.

If name be needed, wonder names them both:

From wonder into wonder

Existence opens.”

- Lao Tzu

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax - Morris

There is no evidence for what is said to have happened at the Sandy Hook School in

Connecticut No pictures of the door shot up - nor of 600 students being evacuated - the one

picture of children being taken out is apperently from an emergency drill earlier in the year...

The brother of the alleged shooter has been locked up (silenced) for his own safety. most of

the parents have not spoken except for one father who was seen to be joking around before

the cameras came on - Morris 108

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - Mass Media Top Journalists Expose Major Mass Media Cover-ups

Political Information

Dec 30, 2012 - Israel's Long Arm

Ron: Is this a good week to stop this Canaanite racist shit or should humanity just go on

grinning and bearing it? Is anyone really learing anything from this Talmudic blood sacrifice

nonsens anymore?

True US History

Dec 30, 2012 - San Antonio Theater Shooting

The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He

started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It’s like the

Aurora, CO theater story plus a restaurant! Now aren’t you wondering why this isn’t a lead

story in the national media along with the school shooting? There was an off duty county

deputy at the theater. SHE pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a

chance to kill anyone. So since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad

person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.

- hardnox

Political Information

Dec 30, 2012 - Bolivia nationalises Iberdrola electricity companies

Political Information

Dec 30, 2012 - World War II Negative Stereotype has to be Stopped

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Ron: It’s perfectly KOSHER to insult the entire German nation morning, noon, and night,

right? But not OK to call a Jew by his self chosen name, WHY is that?

The fake chimney built after WWII for the fake gas chamber at Auchwitz with an SS

hospital right next door

Other Channels

Dec 29, 2012 - Mère Nébadonia vous appelle

Mère Nébadonia par Rosie, traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Dec 29, 2012 - L'illusion de la fin du monde et la nouvelle ère du coeur

Mère Nébadonia par Rosie, traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Dec 29, 2012 - Voyager avec Nébadonia

Nébadonia par Rosie, traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Dec 29, 2012 - Un message pour tous sur cette planète

Mère Nébadonia par Rosie, traduction Marie-Louise

Political Information

Dec 29, 2012 - Iran's non-oil exports exceed $31b in 9 months

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 29, 2012 - The Wilde Weekly: Emotional Techniques


Dec 29, 2012 - Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better

Ron: The US and the rest of our world will NOT successfully embrace hemp or any other

solutions to humanity's current economic problems until and unless fiat debt money creation

and usurious fractional reserve banking is eliminated. Talking about ending wars or hemp

production or anything else is useless pie in the sky thinking until banksters and their

usurious machinations are completely eliminated from human society.

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Dec 29, 2012 - Can Science Harness The Force of Life? The Suppressed Works of

Dr. Wilhelm Reich

Chinese medicine and acupuncture, which have for thousands of years been reliable systems

of medicine, work with the body’s natural energy to heal everything from physical wounds, to

illnesses, to emotional problems, and are now widely recognized by the public. These methods

for working with what the Chinese refer to as ‘Chi‘ are widely renowned, yet no scientific

instruments have yet been able to measure this force, therefore making Chi and life energy

an illogical dilemma for the quantifiable sciences. - Dylan Charles

Political Information

Dec 29, 2012 - Iran's ever-growing influence scares Zionist-Imperialist rulers

There is PANIC in Washington. A country of only 75,000,000 people (17th in the world list),

without an atomic bomb, is extending its influence! A country surrounded by American

military bases and aircraft carriers is somehow managing to break free! A country whose

television and radio broadcasts are being suppressed is somehow managing to get its message

through! A country which is not attacking any other country, which is not occupying any other

country, which is not dealing in drugs, which is not dealing with al Qaeda, which is not

deliberately stirring up sectarian hatred, which is not bent on trapping everybody else into

debt, which dares to want justice for Palestine and whose foreign policy is based on

conferences and discussion rather than conflict and drones, is being honoured by others! A

country subject to economic sanctions, political sanctions and international sanctions; which

is shackled, embargoed and restrained; which is hindered and prohibited, is somehow

managing to trade with others.- Rodney Shakespeare

True US History

Dec 29, 2012 - U.S. Send DRONE Stikes on CHRISTMAS EVE Killing at Least 7. No

Peace at Christmas

Ron: WHY is it not TERRORISM to bomb people without warning anywhere in the world and

at any time? And WHY is it OK to bomb people on the other side of the world without

warning or DUE PROCESS because you SAY you "suspect" them of being Al Queda (whatever

that means)? And WHY do friggin Amerikkans accept their government's doing this year

after year, decade after decade? Just askin...

True US History

Dec 29, 2012 - Sandy Hook: more television brainwashing using guests as fodder -how

television takes your guns

Under no circumstances, of course, will the producer or the anchor permit the mother to go

on camera and show outrage and anger. That’s verboten. That cuts too close to the bone.

That doesn’t fit the mandatory sequence of horror, shock, loss, grief, healing, resolution,

celebration of a life lost. The whole sequence is artificial. It’s imposed. It’s orchestrated.

It’s a stage play, produced in great part through interviews with guests who have suffered

loss and who are “real.” Except they’re not. They’re programmed to deliver what the

networks want. And behind all this? Behind the mandatory spooled-out story line, which takes

days to reveal in full, on television? The concealed anomalies and lies and contradictions in

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the commission of the crime and the ensuing cover-up. The network story line hides as much

of that as possible. - Jon Rappoport

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen


Rosie, vertaling Lilian A

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Dec 29, 2012 - Nederlands: UW MOEDER ROEPT ( BERICHT NUMMER 6 )

Nebadonia door Rosie, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen


Adama en Eve, vertaling Lilian A.

Political Information

Dec 29, 2012 - How idolatry continued in the Kingdom of Judah:Israeli dig uncovers

temple and icons dating back to Old Testament era

Judah was eventually overrun amid competition between the Egyptian and Neo-Babylonian

empires for control of the region - after its people and king had returned to

idolatry...The archaeologists stress that 'the find of the sacred structure together with

the accompanying cache of sacred vessels, and especially the significant coastal influence

evident in the anthropomorphic figurines, still require extensive research. [Ron: From

about 1200 BC onward the Canaanite communities called themselves Phonecians and were

noted for their seafaring.].

Political Information

Dec 29, 2012 - Syrian rebels sidetracked by scramble for spoils of war

Ron: Tell me again why you believe what the Jew media tells you about the war in Syria, or

anything else for that matter.

True US History

Dec 29, 2012 - It Really Is This Simple

Only someone of higher awareness and possessing the aptitude for multi-layered thinking can

realize the critical importance of distributed firepower in stopping government violence

against the People. As Ron Paul recently said, “Government security is just another kind of

violence.” - Jim Kirwan

True US History

Dec 29, 2012 - Mop-Up...Newton And Webster As Inter-Agency War - Pt 3

Ron: Don't be deceived into thinking that this article and others like it imply that the

appalling morass of criminality that swamps Connecticut and most other US states is just

some home grown gentile mobsterism. It isn't. And if this article implies that, it is

disinformation despite its likely factual basis. Of course, the average gun totin police

terrorist is often just part of some local secterian or ethnic crime syndicate but the total

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scenario is orchestrated by Talmudic Canaanites like Joe Lieberman who are in turn, the

point men for the Rothschilds and other Canaanites hidden behind the bankster, corporatist

curtain centred in the City of London. Believe it! This criminality is orchestrated by Talmudic

Canaanites who have been destroying nations and empires from within for thousands of

years. By focussing on local factors this article obfuscates the BIG PICTURE which is that

the Talmudists have instigated the corruption and destruction of the US from within and

they have almost achieved that goal. For instance, it doesn't matter to the Talmudists who

actually organised and perpetrated the seeming or actual slaughter of the children at Sandy

Hook, that event fufilled the Talmudist goal of achieveing the indiscriminate slaugher (blood

sacrifice) of goyim wherever possible in order to proliferate the terror, confusion and angst

that such terrorism creates. What this article tells you is that Talmudic inspired corruption

in the US is sooo deep and sooo entrenched that it can only be eradicated by divine

intervention. So be it.




Nebadonia a través de Rosie

True US History

Dec 29, 2012 - Turkey furthering US-Israeli agenda in Mideast


Dec 28, 2012 - On the Cusp of Ending Big Pharma

Ron: This therapy is just a positive variation on existing mechanistic medicine. It is also open

to incredible abuse just as vaccinations are. The real solutions for human health will

increasingly depend on psycho-spiritual growth involoving increased self awareness, better

diets and improved personal physical and mental activities.

True US History

Dec 28, 2012 - 71 Year Old Iranian Man Dies Two Days After “Intense Questioning”

by US Customs, Iran Gov Warns Citizens of Danger Traveling to America

True US History

Dec 28, 2012 - Washington’s Dilemma: The “Good Terrorists” versus the “Bad


Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 28, 2012 - The Great Transition

“There is enough food, water, energy and natural resources on the planet for every human

being. There is just not enough money to pay for it. There never was, and there never will be.

Together humanity is marching forward towards a new world, one of absolute equality for

every human being, where the illusion known as money is discarded, swept aside for a true

currency called love”. - Gary Mitchell Weinstein

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 28, 2012 - Manifesting and the Mystic Morphic Field

Every time you blog with good and helpful information, forward an inspiring or Truth-

revealing article, post an idea or heart-warming picture or uplifting message, encourage a

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fellow activist in their efforts, do a kind or loving deed or reach out and shake someone

up…EVERY TIME…you are changing the morphic field…for the better! All while subtracting

from a negative imprint by everyone involved... You can do gobs of damage to the oppressors’

constructs and help establish the righteous rule of Truth, Love and Consciousness by just

putting it out there. Manifest it in the morphic field any and every way you can and it goes to

work immediately and affects everything!- Zen Gardner

True US History

Dec 28, 2012 - NYT Defends Fortune 500's Global Human Exploitation


Dec 27, 2012 - Body Parts for Profit: How Abortion Clinics Supply Stem Cell Research

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration has approved the use of aborted fetuses in the

use of research, even though this practice was previously banned. Obama utilized a loophole

in the legislation that abortion clinics are taking advantage of to sell the aborted fetus parts

to corporations for scientific study. The loophole allows for “reasonable payments associated

with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of

human fetal tissue.” Medical researchers and abortion clinics have partnered quietly without

the knowledge of the American public. - Susanne Posel


Dec 27, 2012 - Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letters: 49, Pdf.

Dr. Peter D. Beter, traduit par G. AKUÉ.

Political Information

Dec 27, 2012 - Toby the Good slave

Political Information

Dec 27, 2012 - connection of the British Royal family bloodline to The Rothschild’s

Political Information

Dec 27, 2012 - Your NAME in Capitol Letters Make you a Legal Fiction - Lies Exposed

True US History

Dec 27, 2012 - TEARS of the SUN

Those in favor of gun control, think again, and send the linky to those you know who want gun


[Ron: Like most Amerikkans Jim Kirwan has an inadequate grasp of history and apparently

believes in the Blood Libel Holocaust fraud perpetrated on the German nation by the Jews.

He apparently also thinks that the Japanese considered invading the US - an absurd

suggestion. Like Germany, Japan was forced to fight WWII by Anglo-Amerikkan

machinations driven by the Jews. Kirwan uses these straw men to bolster his argument that

Amerikkans should not surrender their guns to the government but such reinforcement is not

needed. Amerikka is controlled by refuge Bolshevik Jews kicked out of Russia by Putin and

his antecedents and supporters. IF the Amerikkan Bolsheviks disarm Amerikkans they will

genocide Amerikkans just as they did to Russians after the Red Revolution in 1917. Alexsandr

Solzhensityn says the Bolshevik Jews slaughteres 66 million Russian Christians. Hatonn says

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the Bolsheviks killed 100 million in all and other commentators put the death toll even


Political Information

Dec 27, 2012 - Imagining a World Without Money (Repost)

Ron: To live without money humanity needs to grow spiritually. Currently human societies are

so mind controlled that spiritual development is stunted. The Catch 22 is that to increase

consciousness and evolve we need to overcome centuries of mind control social engineering

that has manifested the money meme and the socio-economic and spiritual problems

destroying us and the planet.

The money meme creates personal paradigms based on FEAR: Fear of scarcity and not having

enough. That fear isolates us, alienating us from ourselves and each other which exacerbates

the problem. YET that fear is NOT due to a lack of the labour and resources needed to

eliminate scarcity and the false need for competition it fosters.

This is a chicken and egg situation. The money meme creates inequality, poverty, isolation,

alienation, insecurity and competition YET those situations, emotions and attitudes must be

removed in order for spiritual consciousness to flourish.

To manifest a world without money it is necessary to eliminate the artificial scarcity and

competitive mind control memes on which the money paradigm is based. Humanity will not do

that until the current socio-economic system collapses or Earth or other physical

circumstances force everyone to jettison personal attitudes and attachments built on the

scarcity and competition memes. Until a critical mass of humans experience the truth that

money cannot enable them to survive let alone thrive, they will not change.

Only when we stop listening to the Canaanites and start heeding the words of the Cree

Prophecy will we give up our dependence on money:

Only after the last tree has been cut down,

Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught,

Only then will you find money cannot be eaten.


True US History

Dec 26, 2012 - Creeping Steps Of ‘Jewish’ Gun Control

True US History

Dec 26, 2012 - Revealed: U.S. carried out 333 drone strikes in Afghanistan this year

alone - more than the entire drone strikes in Pakistan over the past eight years


Until another mission, this time over a mud house in northern Afghanistan where seconds

after he pressed the button on a Hellfire missile a child stepped into the frame. A part of

the house was obliterated and there was no sign of the kid. The operator and his colleague

were left to agonise over whether the child was dead, and worse - never knowing for

sure. Beth Stebner [Ron: The poor dears. They never know for sure whether the child

was dead. Really?! Really and truly?! Not only are we supposed to believe that, but also

we are presumably supposed to feel sorry for those poor US computer game killers safe

back in the US in their air conditioned play room! Is it just me or is anyone else sick to

death of this FKN Jew media bulllshit?]

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True US History

Dec 26, 2012 - The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and

Industrial Britain

Political Information


The Arab scholar Murtadi noted that Num and Khufu (Shufu), the builders 'of the

Pyramids,lived with Noah. (British Museum Catalog, 1909). Shem was also referred to by the

name of Menes, from the Hebrew Meni, or man, which appears in the Egyptian Book of the

Dead,referring to Uranus and his three sons, an obvious reference to Noah. Ham later

became known as the Egyptian God Amon. Herodotus writes that the first king of Egypt,

who reigned until 2320 B.C. Eusebious says that three hundred successive sovereigns

descended from him, the Thinite Kings, who had succeeded the demigods. The historian

Murtado referred to Shem as Menes. As the most able son of Noah, Shem exemplifies

the qualities upon which all subsequent civilizations have been built; courage, the desire to

build, and the willingness to subdue those who have adopted a lower form of life. He is the

Adamite who created civilizations as we have known it. On the other hand, the

descendants of Ham, the Canaanites, exemplify the Satanic urge to destroy civilization

and there bellion against God. J. Hewlitt points out that Adamite meant a "thinker," and

mena or man produced Menes, the thinking man. This survives today in the intellectual

society, Mensa. The distinction was made to distinguish the lineage of Adam from the pre-

Adamites, or non-thinking men. (Ruling Races of Prehistoric Man, v. 2 p. 364). The Jewish

Encyclopaedia says that Shem became king of Jerusalem as the representative of

YHWH, so that he could carry on the battle against the slave people, the Canaanites.


Dec 26, 2012 - YOUR MOTHER CALLS (Nebadonia message 6)

Nebadonia says "So who am I? I am not your mortal mother – a soul you chose to share a

certain part of your life with, in mutual agreement. I am your MOTHER IN SPIRIT, A



earth, I remain unknown, or UNREMEMBERED"

True US History

Dec 26, 2012 - SHADOWS Seven Days From Darkness

True US History

Dec 26, 2012 - US Lost More Troops to Suicide Than Combat in 2012

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 26, 2012 - Opting Out and Paying the Price of Being Awake

In this case, a bright young high school kid is risking being expelled from school, the bravery

and astuteness of Andrea Hernandez and her family has inspired many others in her school

district to speak out – 300 more students now refuse to wear the RFID badges and about

700 more have signed a petition opposing the use of RFID-equipped badges, giving reasons

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such as religious beliefs and concerns about civil liberties and personal privacy. - Alex


Political Information

Dec 26, 2012 - The “glue” that makes us all average, normal, and clueless

Look at the mesmerizing tonnage of legend launched to convince the population of ancient

India that the caste system was a cosmological necessity, given the rules of universal justice

and the regulations governing reincarnation.This “spiritual system” was, finally, a cosmic

fascism. It was a work of art designed and managed by the aristocratic and priest classes, to

cement their control over the population. In other words, these rulers invented a reality for

the masses that thereafter commanded:“We made reality for you. Your job is now to live

inside it.”Likewise, in recent centuries, the rise of science was twisted and extrapolated into

its own legend: materialism.“There is nothing beyond particles whirling in space. That’s it.

That’s what is real, everywhere. You live inside this idea. Adjust. Reject any thoughts that

don’t mesh with it.”

Ron: This mechanism can be seen in the inability of the Western world to believe that the

Keshe Foundation has produced plasma technologies that will transform our ideas about

science and the world we live in.

Spirituelle Schätze

Dec 25, 2012 - kleiner Gruss zur Weihnacht

Für die Leser in deutscher Sprache unser kleiner Gruss zur Weihnacht.

Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr.

Möge die Liebe, die Hoffnung und der Friede der Weihnachtszeit euch jetzt und im neuen

Jahr begleiten.

Have a Happy Christmas and New Year.

May the love, hope and peace which is Christmas be with you now and throughout the New


True US History

Dec 25, 2012 - The Illuminati Hoax Khazar Jews Plot To Confuse and Divide Humanity

Ron: This video speaks the truth. Watch it if you want to understand WHY our world is as it

is. It identifies those who have caused the misery, genocide and destruction in our world.

The Pharisees were Canaanites ie inheritors of the Will of Canaan which is stated in the

Babylonian Talmud thusly: "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love

robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." Pes. 113b. Canaan's

prime directive "DO NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH" is faithfully observed by today's neo-

Pharisees ie the Khazar and Sephardic Jews. Accordingly they never present themselves to

the world as Canaanites or Khazars and always conceal their activities behind false political

and cultural fronts of every description to further their Canaanite Conspiracy to hate, rob

and corrupt their "masters" ie all non-Jews. The Masons and Illuminati are front

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organisations behind which the Jews conceal themselves and their foul intentions. The only

way to defeat the Canaanite Conspiracy is to NAME it and its perpetrators, not their "front"

organisations and paid gentile lackeys and agents. You cannot avoid oppression if you refuse

to know who is doing it. Those doing it are Canaanites masquerading as Jews just as they

masqueraded as Pharisees in Biblical times. Strictly speaking they are NOT a race but

adherents to the vicious Canaanite ideology encapsulated in the Talmud and the

Pentateuch.Most but not all Canaanites incarnate as Ashkenazis ie Khazars.

Political Information

Dec 25, 2012 - Famous Jews who changed their names

Ron: Tell me again why you think that Jews are sooo much more intelligent than YOU and all

other goyim; such that they should and do rule Amerikka and the world and justifiably

dominate the top jobs in banking, politics, the media, Hollywood, Broadway, academia, the

Supreme Court and judiciary, law, medicine, the arts, and everything else. Since they

represent only 1.2% of the US population it can't be their numbers can it? The so-called "Old

Testament' is the law that Jews live by - they reject the New Testament and utterly

despise Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ). The only reason that the Christian Bible

includes the Old Testament is because Pharisees created the Chritian Church and inserted

the barbaric Pentateuch among its "holy books.' The best evidence for the truth of these

assertions is that the Bible which is supposed to embody the teachings of Esu Immanuel to

love your neighbour as yourself for the love of God is polluted with commands such as: "If

you want slaves, buy them from other nations or from the foreigners who live in your own

country and they shall be your property and you may leave them as an inheritance to your

sons after you to hold in perpetual possession, but do not make slaves of your own people or

be cruel to them. " Leviticus 25:44-46


Dec 25, 2012 - From Immaculate Conception to Genetic Deception

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 25, 2012 - Love, Reality, and the Time of Transition

Ron: This is a great video. Some excerpts:

The very label ‘conspiracy' serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one ever acts in

secret. Let us bring some perspective and common sense to this issue. The United States

comprises large organizations – corporations, bureaucracies, ‘interest groups,’ and the like -

which are conspiratorial by nature. That is, they are hierarchical, their important decisions

are made in secret by a few key decision-makers, and they are not above lying about their

activities. Such is the nature of organisational behaviour. “Conspiracy” in this key sense, is a

way of life around the globe.” - Richard Dolan

“Consciousness means, literally, “knowing–together”. A development of consciousness would

therefore mean knowing “more together”. And so it would bring about a new relationship to

everything previously known. For to know more always means to see things differently.” –

Maurice Nicoll

'... without conscious effort, nothing is possible. Conscious effort is related to higher

nature.My lower nature cannot lead me to consciousness. It is blind. But when I wake up and

feel that I belong to a higher world, this is only part of my conscious effort. I become truly

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conscious only when I open to all my possibilities, higher and lower. There is value only in

conscious effort.” - Jeanne De Salzmann


Dec 25, 2012 - Iran verkauft saubere, auf Fusion basierende Elektrizität überall in


Gordon Duff, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History

Dec 24, 2012 - Gordon Duff and Stew Webb - Nsearch Radio

Ron: This video really starts at the 8'50"mark. For those interested it mentions a lot of the

criminal connections and criminality in US politics. Gordon Duff says that Rupert Murdoch

runs a very extensive criminal intelligence network that blackmails British prome ministers

and many others. From 2 hours onwards it is more interesting and especially from the 2 hr

30' mark. Gordon Duff reckons that Tesla technologies have been used by the US since 1991

and that the US has been using free energy devices at least since the early 1970s. He also

reckons that the US has space platforms orbiting the Earth which carry energy cannons that

can destroy whole cities. He says that Iran has six free energy plasma electric generators

that each produce as much power as a nuclear power plant and that Iran is supplying power to

many South East Asian countries via grids. He seems to imply that Iran's

electric generators are TESLA type devices whereas it is more likely that they are Keshe

type plasma generators. Gordon Duff says aliens may not be benevolent and warns against

trusting them. He seems to endorse the possibility of aliens attacking Earth (the likely date

WAS said to be 21.12.12). Clearly he is wrong on both counts. This major piece of disinfo and

his statement that humanity will NEVER get "free energy" leaves me suspicious of Duff's

true mission. Although most of what he says is laudible and I agree with him that Imran Khan

will lead Pakistan out of its corrupt subserviance to the US, I am also mindful that he has

said publicly elsewhere that only 40% of what he writes is truth. Moreover Duff's amazing

contacts and positions on major bank and corporate boards etc, has to leave a question mark

over his true loyalties. He also appears to be misinformed about Leo want and the so-called

"Want funds". In that respect he sounds like others who say that the US is about to be

gifted with trillions of USD which they will benevolently distribute. On balance though, I like

what he says and his seeming sincerity.


Dec 24, 2012 - The Value Of The Dark

'...who is asking you to ‘let your emotions go' and why, who is telling you that hope and faith

are all that are needed to survive the coming times, and who amongst you talk of using

passive techniques such as meditation and ‘being positive' alone to grow..'


Dec 24, 2012 - Iran Sells Clean Fusion-Based Electricity Across South Asia

So, what if everything we've been told is a lie? What if Iran's nuclear energy program truly

is about developing advanced propulsion technologies - and the byproduct is enough electrical

energy to power much of South Asia...So, what if the *real* problem the US and others have

with Iran's nuclear program is that it will collapse the hydrocarbon fuel industry - and all of

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the industries that run on this antiquated, environmentally-destructive fuel? - And see: -Alexandra Bruce

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 24, 2012 - EARTH - One video you NEED to see

Ron: Wishing everyone a Happy and Holy Christmas.

Political Information

Dec 24, 2012 - Ban on PressTV, HispanTV: Zionist octopus at work

Ron: Why am I not surprised?

True US History

Dec 24, 2012 - The ultimate logic of a society built on mass murder

Ron: The only possible excuse for white Amerikkans seems to be that the Americas were

"rediscovered" by Canaanites (conversos) and that Canaanites have secretly manipulated and

bastardised the societies that became the US and Canada from their beginnings. Whatever

the truth may be, humanity will not miss US influence once it is eliminated.

True US History

Dec 24, 2012 - How Zionist Politicians Brought On Newtown Killings - Part 2

Ron: Sorry to inflict this article on you. I think it's serious misdirection but it does provide a

lot of sleazy background info about the Jew organised and dominated paedophile and sex

criminalityin Connecticut and New York. Inferring that the massacre of 20 kids and eight

adults was just "push back" by criminal cops and disgruntled mobsters is a bit o of a stretch

don'tcha think? There's perhaps the merest hint that the kids were kidnapped but the

inference is so coy it's not really there.


Dec 23, 2012 - Solutions: 3D Printing

Ron: Get your head around 3d printing Pilgrims. This revolutionary manufacturing

development is already changing our world. The implications for true freedom and abundance

are enormous. It means that most manufacturing can be done on a bespoke, one off basis if

desired. But more importantly, 3D printing means that in the very near future most everyday

items can be made locally. Gone are the days of massive globe spanning multi-national

corporations monopolising the manifestation, distribution and sale of items needed for living

and the baubles sought by the consumerati. Most smaller items will be printable in homes or

at most in village woekshops. Larger items and machinery may need to be made in nearby

towns or district city centres. Economies of scale will largely become irrelevant and certainly

they won't overcome the diseconomies involved in making "stuff" in sweat shops on the

other side of the world and shipping "it thousands of miles to local retailers. The primary

choke points at which monopolists might try to restrict the benefits from this technology

will be the manufacture of 3D printers, lasers etc, and of the variety of metalised powders,

plastics and other liquid materials needed as raw materials in 3D manufacturing processes.

The first problem should be easily overcome because once 3D printers of sufficient size to

make other 3D printers become available it may well be possible to print duplicate 3D

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printers. The second problem, producing appropriate feed stock for the various 3D

processes, may require somewhat more centralised production facilities, at least for the

more exotic metallised powders etc, but that should not prove very susceptable to monopoly

control either.

The theoretical DOWN SIDE of proliferation of 3D technology, namely the enormous loss of

jobs in manufacturing, transport, distribution, and selling of consumer items etc, plus the

loss of sales and income taxes that would result if everyone started making "stuff" for

themselves at home or locally, is actually a benefit for humanity. Why? Because it will

eliminate so many useless activities and jobs such that people can have more using less time

and effort. The current global economic system is collapsing due to rising unemployment

because other technologies have drastically reduced the work for which people need to be

employed. See eg:

Money-II.shtml As the current money and employment systems are symbiotically co-

dependent the economic system they underpin MUST collapse once 3D printing creates real

local community autonomy, as it must. That will create an opportunity for local communities

to rethink attitudes to life and work and to redesign community attitudes and activities

previously based on scarcity consciousness so that they reflect a new reality of abundance

based on 3D printing, Keshe Foundation technologies and the like. So be it.

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - Syrian Military: Militants Using Chemical Weapons

Ron: Sooo, what are the consequences?

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - America’s Hype over WMD: Five Invasion Plots, Three Continents,

Identical Lies

Ron: Really, will anyone other than hypocritical, psychopathic and BRAIN DEAD Amerikkans

mourn the passing of "god's own country" along with the disappearance of "god's chosen

people"? As an ignorant youth I knew that the US was "The Great Satan", how can hundreds

of millions of Amerikkans pretend that they "didn't know' let alone say NOW that they

"don't know". Personally I think it's time to stop this SHIT NOW!

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - The Strategy of Tension

Ron: Randomly murdering men, women and children for political reasons - TERRORISM - has

been government policy for the US, UK and NATO since their Canaanite Allied leaders got a

taste for it when fire bombing German cities during WWII. To continue getting their

scarifical blood FIX they instituted Operastion Gladio at the end of WWII.

The rationale for Gladio was the creation of a "strategy of tension" including FALSE FLAG

TERRORISM in order to control goyim populations. In the words of one of the perps: "'You

had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far

removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn

to the state to ask for greater security." ... The swiftness with which the fear of Communism

has since been transmuted following the end of the Cold War into a fear of Islamic

terrorism, along with the arrival of the whole security-military- industrial-complex

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paraphernalia of the ‘War on Terror’ illustrates that this is almost a modus operandi of

military planners. It’s as if they can’t help themselves. - kennysideshow.blogspot

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting is a False Flag Black Op Push

for Gun Confiscation

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - Mind Control Summary The Secrets of Mind Control

This revealing ten-page mind control summary contains excerpts from three landmark

books: Bluebird by Colin Ross, MD; Mind Controllers by Dr. Armen Victorian; and A

Nation Betrayed by mind control survivor Carol Rutz. All three authors provide hundreds

of footnotes for their research. 80 footnotes are included in this summary, many with

links to original sources. This research is based on 18,000 pages of declassified CIA

documents on mind control. To order these declassified documents in CD format from

the U.S. government, click here. For a two-page summary of this mind control

material, click here.

Political Information

Dec 23, 2012 - Who Really Owns this Planet; Revisionist History Lesson # 1


Dec 23, 2012 - Sunday Global Meditation December 23, 2012

I promise you all that GAIA IS A PERSON, Self Conscious MIND defines a person, not the

type of body. All beings have forms, but all forms are not meat suits like we use on this

planet. -C CM wants to continue to repeat the previous meditation with

Gaia December 23, 2012

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 23, 2012 - Globale Sonntagsmeditation, 23. Dezember 2012

Von Johan, CM - 23. Dez. 2012 - Übersetzung: Harald Kühn


Dec 23, 2012 - My Presense is Amongst Thee/NOT

This within is a false letter sent to me and perhaps Jess and Others, I don't know yet, but

its completely false, and CM's presence in not in a simple body walking the planet. NONE OF

THIS IS TRUE. This is a black ops operation. -Candace

True US History

Dec 23, 2012 - Snap Out Of It!

I’m sick of hearing this nauseating, pointless moaning and sloppy emotional crap about the

latest slaughter in Connecticut. I’m even seeing it in segments of this so-called alternative

movement...How the hell do you think it got that way, to the extent that it’s even really true?

It’s staged! It’s engineered! It’s imposed on us! By the very ones accusing us of being violent

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and needing to be heavily policed and monitored and now disarmed and who knows what else!

Don’t you get it? Never mind the absolutely outrageous hypocrisy, as they murder innocent

children around the world in massive numbers. Where are the tears for them, you lying

murderous hypocrites? Absolutely disgusting!

The only reaction that counts at a time like this is righteous anger and indignation! How much

longer will these covert agencies be allowed to waltz in and stage terrorist events and blame

it on some patsy and imply it’s some “social problem” that needs “meaningful action”? - Zen


True US History

Dec 22, 2012 - US-backed tyrant Israel earns nothing but hatred from around the


The Palestinian men, women and children who are slaughtered on a daily basis are referred to

as dangerous terrorists while the Israelis are innocent civilians. Hamas; a political outfit and

the largest humanitarian organization in Palestine is a "terrorist outfit". Hezbollah and Iran

that have never attacked any country are the "biggest threat to world peace". At the same

time, Israel; the only country that possesses nuclear weapons in the Middle East and has not

allowed a single inspection of its nuclear sites by international agencies, kills Palestinians on a

daily basis and funds terrorist operations worldwide is the symbol of peace in the Middle

East. According to the Global Militarization Index Israel is the most militarized country in

the world. Its air force is considered second only to that of the US.- Anthony Mathew



Dec 22, 2012 - Click, print, shoot: Downloadable guns possible


Dec 22, 2012 - Yes Virginia, There is a MonSanta!


Dec 22, 2012 - ViaSat Military Communications and US Ignite Ensure Gov Controlled



Dec 22, 2012 - Keshe Plasma Generator ~ Breaking Laws of Physics ~ Infinite Energy

Move from a mindset of scarcity to a mindset of abundance. - Joshua Thomas


Dec 22, 2012 - Next step in the Keshe Foundation’s teachings and development

The Keshe Foundation has made a fundamental move that means that as of 15.12.2012 the

Foundation will support all its sub-divisions and all nations’ websites in their own language on

its own server.

All teachings from this day will be facilitated direct, and in some cases with a streaming

video conferencing support system, through our new server which can support thousands of

live video channels simultaneously. The systems have been purchased and are now getting set

up for the launch around that day...

Our public lectures now moves to different countries and will not be restricted to Belgium

and Holland. There are series of lectures planned for 15, 16, 17 and18 December in 4

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different cities in Italy.

Lectures in France, Germany and Japan are under consideration in the early part of the

2013. - M T Keshe


Dec 22, 2012 - I bet you $1 this video will blow your mind!

Have you heard of M.T. Keshe yet? He is the present day Isaac Newton! Enlightening the

world with a new understanding of "Gravity!". :-)

UPDATED Video ~ Check it out!

Take Away Point: "Science now understands the fundamental principle behind the creation of

gravitational fields."

This is a game-changer that will change all of science and thus all of society. The possibilities

are literally endless!

For a full elaboration:

Keshe University - Education for the Future (Introduction)


Keshe Foundation Updates:

We are proud to announce that today 15.11.2012 the Nation of United States of America has

received the USB stick containing all patents and blueprints of nuclear reactor plasma

spaceship technology of the Keshe Foundation.

Over 20 nations have received this knowledge and technology.

Now that we have reached the governments that represent over 60 % of the world's

population, the Keshe Foundation is not going to wait for the rest of the nations to join, even

though they are welcome to receive the technology whenever they ask for it.

And, The December 14th presentation of Begum is canceled due to political issues. Instead

the Keshe Foundation is giving a teaching series in Italy:

Our public lectures now moves to different countries and will not be restricted to Belgium

and Holland. There are series of lectures planned for 15, 16, 17 and18 December in 4

different cities in Italy.

True US History

Dec 22, 2012 - The Religious and Social Crisis in America. Political Consequences

Ron:The Canaanite stranglehold on US and global politics depend on Canaanite bankster

control of fiat money creation and usurious fractional reserve banking. Judaism (Talmudism)

merely provides recruits for the Canaanite Conspiracy's Fifth Column of sayanim and hasbara

- the global support networks needed to force Talmudic ideology upon gentile populations and

enforced bankster control and distribution of the global money supply which enables the

Talmudists to buy control of almost all politicians, corporations, bureaucracies and

everything else. However, the BRIC nations AND some 30 Asian nations agreed last month to

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finance their members' inter country trade using local currencies NOT the US dollar

(USD).That marks the end of the USD as the global reserve currency and the death nell of

Canaanite control of global money creation and banking. That will destroy Canaanite bankster

control of the global matrix control system. Falling numbers of professing Jews ie

supporters of Talmudic politics and banking practices, signals the ending of the Canaanite

Conspiracy to rule the world. The rats are leaving the sinking ship. Even the stupid goyim are

starting to notice that it is ludicrous for 1.2% of (dual national) Jewish/Israeli Amerikkans

to dominate and enslave the 98.8% of non-Jews in the US. Sayanim and hasbara Jews need

to realise that their activities are actually treasonous and once non-Jewish Amerikkans

WAKE UP to that fact, they will act to eliminate the parasitic Talmudic infection that has

almost destroyed their nation and humanity. Incidentally, the real crime syndicate is Jewish.

The Don Correleone is strictly a Hollywood (Jew created) fantasy. If there are any doubts,

just look at who controls Las Vegas, the drug trade, liquor, porno, usury, prostitution, the

unions, etc. See:



Dec 22, 2012 - Amerika fällt in Afrika ein: Der Bodenschatzkrieg und die Eroberung

von Mali

Timothy Alexander Guzman, Übersetzung Remo Santini




Mother Nebadonia says: "It is not a question – as so many people have discussed during the

END OF THE WORLD ILLUSION – of where or when the darkness will come. It is a question



Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Dec 22, 2012 - Nederlands: WINDEN DER VERANDERING – TARA.

Tara thru Shellee-Kim, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Dec 22, 2012 - Nederlands: AKTIEVE VOORBEREIDING

SHELLEE-KIM,vertaling Lilian A.

True US History

Dec 22, 2012 - Video: Remember The "Magic Bullet" Of JFK Assasination Fame? Well,

Now It Seems We Have The "Magic Rifle"---

Ron: According to what Dr H Wayne Carver CT Chief Medical Officer says in these videos all

Sandy Hook victims were killed with the one weapon - the long weapon. The reports to date

evidence that the assault rifle was found outside the school in the trunk of Lanza's car yet

supposedly it was used to kill every single victim with the possible exception of the alleged

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shooter. See: Sandy Hook Hoax "Medical Examiner" Wayne Carver (4' 23" video):

And the 4 handguns found inside the school were apparently not used at all! See:

True US History

Dec 22, 2012 - Sandy Hook massacre: Evidence of official foreknowledge?

Even if we granted these ‘law enforcement officials’ superfast detective powers, they would

not have been able to travel back in time to rewrite the script regarding how they knew

what they knew about the Lanza brothers, particularly Ryan. Because from the moment

the official line was forced to deviate towards saying that Ryan Lanza was no longer

the ‘dead shooter inside the building’, it became impossible for these ‘law enforcement

officials’ who “weren’t authorised to speak” (but heck, were telling lots of people lots of

things that morning anyway, and whose credentials enabled them to speak through the

Associated Press and other media outlets) to have retrospectively discovered all these

connections of Ryan. The only logical conclusion I can draw at this stage is that somebody or

some group with high-level media access had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the crime,

foreknowledge that is revealed by their ‘anonymously’ leaking to the press things which they

could not otherwise have known, foreknowledge that exposes their hand in originally planning

to use both Lanza brothers as patsies .- Niall Bradley


Dec 22, 2012 - Unstable sea slab near Barrier Reef could cause monster tsunami in

north Queensland


Dec 21, 2012 - Anyone getting 404 notices to the Forum?

Also, a note in here for those who are not forum members.

Political Information

Dec 21, 2012 - Your Cellphone Is Spying on You

Health and Nutrition

Dec 21, 2012 - Depopulation Plot Behind UN and Gates Polio Vaccine Initative In


True US History

Dec 21, 2012 - Texas trooper suspended after conducting roadside cavity searches

Ron: Governments have no real existence. They are fictional corporate entities written on

paper. Governments and those that represent them are actually the servants of real flesh

and blood individual citizens who they are paid TO SERVE. If this report is true this police

woman is guilty of the REAL (ie unlawful in terms of cosmic ie divine law) criminal offence of

assault and battery on two sovereign individual women that she is paid to serve NOT

ASSAULT. Moreover, the police have no right to stop any sovereign individual lawfully

travelling in a vehicle at all unless the individual is seen to be harming or threatening to harm

some other sovereign individual(s). Wrap your head around these concepts Pilgrims because

they are coming to a neighbourhood near you very soon. While you are at it, get used to the

idea that possessing marijuana or almost anything else is NOT a crime. Our world is full of

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so-called criminals because the Canaanite global matrix controllers have unlawfully stipulated

that thousands of activities are illegal which has nothing to do with sovereign individuals who

are NOT subject to such fictions. Capiche?

Political Information

Dec 21, 2012 - Google starts watching what you do off the Internet too

Spirituelle Schätze

Dec 21, 2012 - Kibo Psalmen: Psalm Alpha

Gepostet am 1. Dezember 2012 von kibodabi

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 21, 2012 - GEMEINSAM REISEN MIT NEBADONIA (Botschaft 4)

Nebadonia durch Rosie 13. Dezember, 2012

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)


Mutter Nebadonia durch Rosie; 11. Dezember 2012

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 21, 2012 - Aktive Vorbereitung von der Schöpfer-Quelle

Durch Shellee-Kim - Übersetzung: Harald Kühn


Dec 21, 2012 - Durchtriebene Juden dämonisieren immer ihre Opfer und sprechen sich

so selbst von Verbrechen frei

Joe Cortina, Übersetzung Remo Santini


Dec 21, 2012 - Active Preparation

Creator Source urges us to prepare more actively - for ourselves and others.

[ Visit Website ]



Adama a través de Eve

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 21, 2012 - Landfill Harmonic

Ron: Humanity is waking up. Missions are growing and as they do, so does the next generation.

Missions are what you make them. This is a lovely, uplifting video about humans quietly

making a difference and uplifting our world. These way showers re lighting the way for all

who come after them. Their simplicity and sincerity is obvious in their faces and expressions.

If you want to be inspired watch this video. The future belongs to thinkers and producers,

not consumers.

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Dec 21, 2012 - DARPA Synthetic Robots to Become Next Generation Fighting Forces

Ron: WHY exactly, does humanity need robotic soldiers and robotic machines of war? WHO

in fact wants such tools and what do they intend to use them for? Apart from the fact that

semi-autonomous and remote controlled killing machines further dehumanise human

conflicts; they, along with remote controlled rescue machines etc, will further add to rapidly

increasing technological unemployment. WHAT steps are being taken to reconfigure human

societal thinking and society itself, to redistribute the productivity benefits of these

machines AND of technolgical advances in industry and commerce generally?


Dec 21, 2012 - Future Earth: Re-Branding Agenda 21 For Global Environmental



Dec 21, 2012 - Winds Of Change - Tara

Tara of the New Jerusalem starship brings news on the slightly adjusted plan - to be of

greater benefit to Earth's people.

[ Visit Website ]

True US History

Dec 20, 2012 - Fiscal Cliff: Let’s Call Their Bluff!

True US History

Dec 20, 2012 - Israeli Death Squads Did Sandy Hook Killings: Intelligence Analyst

Lasha Darkmoon


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Political Information

Dec 20, 2012 - How and Why They Hide in the Light

Political Information

Dec 20, 2012 - A few Truisms

Ron: On a more serious note ...

Health and Nutrition

Dec 20, 2012 - The Head of Belgium's largest cellphone company bans WI-FI from

his offices and tells kids Cellphones are Dangerous!

True US History

Dec 20, 2012 - Harry S(olomon) Truman

Ron: Today I was sent a nauseating email eulogising President Harry S(olomon) Truman for

his modesty, fugality and honesty. The anonymous sender said: 'Thought you'd enjoy this!

It's one you want your Children and Grandchildren to read.' I beg to differ. I think Eustace

Mullins ' asseeement of Truman is more accurate. Moreover, Truman ordered the atomic

bombing of Hiroshima AND Nagasaki and ensured that the state of Israel was planted in

Palestine. Whoever wrote this eulogy must be either brain dead or a Canaanite.

True US History

Dec 20, 2012 - US Drone Pilot asks ”Did We Just Kill A Kid?” — Commander Tells him

it Was Just a Dog with 2 Legs

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Ron: The poor dears! How my heart bleeds for these cowardly long distance Amerikkan

killers who find it hard to live with themselves as they murder people thousands of miles

away for money and prestige. They remind me of the Jews, always howling and whinging as

they strike defencless victims.

Political Information

Dec 19, 2012 - CIA’s brand of Taliban now come with tattoos


Dec 19, 2012 - Seraphin Saying 4

This saying is from the message CONSTANT UNIVERSAL VIGILENCE (links inside)

Political Information

Dec 19, 2012 - Debate online over “Usury in Christendom"

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - MIB Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control

AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW: The Sandy Hook HOAX!(4' 20" VIDEO): Published on Dec



bunch of LIARS! They essentially hijacked a town and flooded it with actors! There are

multiple levels at work here... On one level they will create a new headline for the noose...

GUN CONTROL.... On the other hand... The dark energies FEED off your FALSE PRAYERS!

If children did die and people did pray then those prayers help to heal all. But if there were

no actual murders... ALL THAT ENERGY IS FED TO THEM!!! That's why they call it THE

FED!!! It is amazing how people will actually get mad at you when you tell them that NO

CHILDREN WERE KILLED... It's almost like they want them dead! There may have been

some sacrifices that day... It is highly doubtful any children got whacked! For the simple fact

that the dark energies needed food. The FATHER of LIES get's off on deceit. Don't fall for

it! And oh gosh golly... Sandy Hook Elementery... Hurricane Sandy... whatta coiky dinky! Dave j

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Dark Knight Photo


Political Information

Dec 19, 2012 - The archetypal Port Arthur psy op set the agenda for Anglo-US “lone

nut massacres”

‘nineteen of the twenty dead in the Broad Arrow Café were killed with single shots to the

head fired from the gunman’s right hip. In total only 29 rounds were fired in the Café, killing

twenty and wounding another twelve. This was a staggering technical achievement, a feat so

far beyond the known capabilities of an intellectually impaired invalid like Bryant, that it

beggars the imagination.'- Joe Vialls [Ron: Martin Bryant was left handed.].

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence


In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all

possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political

implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American

family. Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children,

is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza

a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being

“silenced” in November 1963? Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for

governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news

broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”...

After Harris’ broadcast, key members of the military and law enforcement community

contacted Veterans Today in full support of Harris’ analysis. One three star general is

quoted as saying, “Harris hit the nail right on the head and it is about time someone spoke

up.” - Gordon Duff

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - Arkansas Police Chief Claims Crime Stats are Probable Cause to

Shakedown All Pedestrians for ID

Mayor Mike Gaskill and Police Chief Todd Stovall of Paragould, Arkansas announced plans to

patrol the streets with AR-15 rifles and stop pedestrians randomly for IDs and

questioning.According to the Paragould Daily Press:

'[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck,' [Police Chief

Todd] Stovall said. 'If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask why you're out

walking, check for your ID.' Stovall said while some people may be offended by the actions

of his department, they should not be. 'We're going to do it to everybody,' he said.

'Criminals don't like being talked to.'...

To ask you for your ID, I have to have a reason,' he said. 'Well, I've got statistical reasons

that say I've got a lot of crime right now, which gives me probable cause to ask what you're

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doing out. Then when I add that people are scared...then that gives us even more [reason] to

ask why are you here and what are you doing in this area.' - Police Chief Todd Stovall

Ron: I guess Amerikkans are glad they don't live in oppressive countries like Russia...


Dec 19, 2012 - The Divine Fire by Prophet of GLP

This is from my wave thread on GLP. Apparently I did not post this piece HERE, as I can't

find it this morning in my WAVE section anyway. Since we are again approaching a lap of the

wave, it would be good to read, this lap appears stronger to me.-C

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - Connecticut Shootings What No One Dares Say

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - Facebook Suspends Account For Questioning Official Narrative on


Ron: Iy won't be long now Pilgrims. they're coming for your guns AND your internet


Facebook is suspending user accounts that question the official narrative behind the Sandy

Hook school massacre, following a warning by Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. J. Paul

Vance that “misinformation” posted on social media sites could result in prosecution. - Paul

Joseph Watson

Health and Nutrition

Dec 19, 2012 - Human & Synthetic Hormones Now Contaminate Fresh Produce


Dec 19, 2012 - 15 Signs That The Ring Of Fire Is Waking Up As We Head Into 2013

Health and Nutrition

Dec 19, 2012 - Pediatricians Want to Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines Despite Health


Ron: Doctors are poisoning babies and children with vaccines.

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - Tawerga: Libya Blacks in Dire Condition Over a Year After Near


Ron: What?! Me worry?! Its all an illusion anyway ...

True US History

Dec 19, 2012 - America Invades Africa: The Resource War and the Conquest of Mali

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Dec 18, 2012 - Nederlands: DE ECHTE OPHANDEN ZIJNDE VIERING.

Seraphin via Rosie, vertaling Lilian A.


Dec 18, 2012 - Seraphin Saying 3

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Political Information

Dec 18, 2012 - The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

Ron: IMHO Zen Gardner needs to take a leaf out of his own book and closely scrutinise his

assessment of Russia Today and his assessment of the propaganda emanating from the Daily

Bell which is an excellent example of what this articler is supposedly warning us against. Zen

endorses the Daily Bell's claim that RT is part of a Hegelian Dialectic to implement a NAZI

world government backed by Vladamir Putin because it's guests rage against Goldman Sachs

and the corruption of capitalism, "punishment" of Wall Street bankers, the "full fledged

downfall of modern capitalism" and government control of money with national central banks

under the control of the people. These eminently reasonable policies are demonised as

cheerleading for Hitler's economics and neo-National Socialist public banking. The only

justification offered is the fact that National Socialism was initially funded by Khazar

bankers who subsequently destroyed Germany because Hitler refused to allow Jewish

bankers to enslave the German nation, issuing sovereign credit to fund the German nation

instead. Really! That's what it says! Apparently simply using Hitler's name is supposedly

enough to justify denigrating and demonising public control of money issuance and

banking. And because Ellen Brown supports genuine public control of banking and favourably

cites Germany's economic achievements in the 1930s she is castigated as well. Apart from

snide implicit calumnies of RT, Putin, Hitler and National Socialism the Daily Bell makes a

virtue of NOT naming names, fancy that! And of course, as always, the word "Jew" is not

mentioned anywhere. It's hard to beleive the Daily Bell doesn't know what it's saying but I

assume that Zen doesn't. To make a difference one must know what one is wishing for and

talking about. Those inclined to accept the slur on Hitler, National Socialist banking and Ellen

Brown's support for it should read:

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Abolition-of-Interest-Servitude.shtml And:

y_3039.shtml And:


True US History

Dec 18, 2012 - Declassified Intel files prove US-Israel relations to be ongoing


Earlier in 1948 the Zios began making their mark on terrorism history by blowing up the

Semiramis Hotel on January 5th. A bomb, 175 pounds of dynamite, caused it to disappear

with 23 civilians killed, including the Spanish consul. This act is still celebrated in Israel. Can

you feel the love?

US consul General Robert Macatee sent a delegation to the Jewish Agency official Golda

Meir, asking her to take special care to protect our own consular people. He did not know

then that the Haganah terrorist group had blown up the hotel, and that Golda was a member.

Israel has a long history of elevating their terrorists to top political positions. - Jim Dean

Health and Nutrition

Dec 18, 2012 - Announcing Vaccine Bombshell: Leaked Confidential Document Exposes

36 Infants Dead After This Vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions between October 23,

2009, and October 22, 2011, including 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths.

Initiative Citoyenne stated:

It’s not that 14 deaths were recorded by GSK between October 2009 and end in October

2011 as we had originally calculated but 36 (14 from 2010 to 2011 and 22 from 2009 to

2010). In addition to these 36 deaths at least 37 other deaths (sudden death mainly),

bringing the total to at least 73 deaths since the launch of the vaccine in 2000, and again,

this concerns only the death by sudden death, no further recovery of under-reporting...

Note that only 1 to 10% of adverse reactions to vaccines are actually reported. Therefore, in

reality, the problem could potentially be far more serious and the actual number of fatalities

much higher. - Christina England

True US History

Dec 18, 2012 - US Demands Judge Dismiss Lawsuits Against Assassination of Citizens

The Obama Administration has demanded that a federal judge throw out a lawsuit relating to

the assassination of three US citizens in Obama-ordered drone strikes, saying that

questions about overseas kill lists are beyond the purview of the court system and that it is

inappropriate to question the president in this regard...questions of “due process” in the

summary executions were not something courts could constitutionally consider...The elder

Awlaki was referred to as a “leader” in a terrorist group in the motion, but the

administration has repeatedly declined to provide any evidence for this, and has only cited

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sermons critical of US foreign policy as proof he is an “extremist.” The younger Awlaki was

never even suspected of a crime, but was assassinated shortly after his father. - Jason Ditz



True US History



Jewish slave traders 300 years ago sold blacks for personal gain. Yet 20th century Jewish

media and legal lobbyists stood on their backs to create a legal foundation for a much more

imaginative and malevolent goal: creation of a worldwide hate crimes gestapo that could

ultimately destroy the power and influence of the ancient arch enemies of Talmudic Judaism,

Jesus Christ, His followers, and the civilization they created.

Ultimately, this will enslave us all.- Rev. Ted Pike

True US History

Dec 17, 2012 - Military Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads: Russia-US Confrontation in


In recent developments, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is threatening to execute a Ukrainian

journalist (see photo Below) and has also announced that they will “kill Russians and

Ukrainians nationals” in Syria... The decision to threaten and target Russian nationals did not

emanate from the “opposition” rebel forces, but directly from Washington... Moscow

considers these threats as “akin to a declaration of war” stating that “the armed insurgents

in Syria [supported by the West] have been emboldened to a point that they have stepped

into an area where they are beyond the law.” - Michel Chossudovsky



This is a teaching piece and is not an UPDATE. On December 16.

Translations - Others

Dec 17, 2012 - Italian: Innamorarsi del Nuovo Paradigma

Adama tramite Eve, traduzione Lina Capettini e Ben Boux.


Dec 17, 2012 - Geheimes Treffen in London: Komplott um ohne UNO-Genehmigung

gegen Syrien Krieg zu führen

Felicity Arbuthnot, Übersetzung Remo Santini


Dec 17, 2012 - Scientists under Attack - Genetic Engineering in the magnetic Field of


Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - “International Zionism Is Strangling The World”: Interview With

Jonathan Azaziah

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True US History

Dec 17, 2012 - How Water Is Being Used to Enslave People

According to the United Nations research and scientific studies, nearly two-thirds of the

entire population inhabiting the planet will face severe, life-threatening water shortages by

the year 2025. The reasons most often cited for the water shortages are waste and poor

planning which will result in uneven distribution. - Dave Hodges

Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - Russia Ousts Meddling US NGOs, Fake Protests Peter Out

Russia has placed immense restrictions on foreign-funded lobby groups and NGOs, demanding

that they exhibit the same level of transparency and honesty that they themselves demand

of the government. Foreign subversion, however, requires a degree of deceit and exploitation

toward targeted segments of the population. Subversion will not work if its agents are

required to state on all their pamphlets, websites, and signs that they are foreign-funded -

and predictably both the US and the opposition it has contrived inside Russia, derided the

pro-transparency legislation.

This is what Reuters categorically fails to mention - that the entire so-called "opposition" is

in fact foreign-funded, with at least one of Saturday's protest leaders, Boris Nemtsov,

earlier this year being caught slinking into the US Embassy for a secret meeting with then

newly appointed US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul

Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - The Globalization Of Hanukkah

A Jewification of the globe is at work my friends where the hidden motto "dilute and

conquer" is inflicting it's pernicious results. For the highly touted "exchange of ideas and

culture" has all but obliterated the celebration of Christmas from Western civilisation.For

after all globalisation is entirely a Jewish affair. That's why Hanukkah and not Christmas is

celebrated every December by Presidents, Chancellors and Prime Ministers. And government

sponsored slogans wishing every one "Happy Hanukkah", "Happy Holidays" and "Happy

Causaday", what ever the heck that is, has seized Happy Christmas from the tongues of the

globalised masses. To be sure Hanukkah is an anti-Christ symbol which says "YOU STUPID


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Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - A mouse in a funny hat may be a symbol of pagan sun worship but love

of neighbour as self for the love of God, isn't

Ron: This is what the Apocalypse is about. It heralds the collapse of the old Canaanite male

dominated, competitive societal ideology and the rise of the feminine oriented caring and

sharing social meme that is replacing it. That collapse of the old money-centric system is

accompanied by the ever increasing exposure of the falseness previously HIDDEN in human

discourse. That is why it was previously possible to distort Christian truths about Christmas

and everything else but as incoming photon energy information changes human DNA, the

truth is coming to light. That process will continue until nothing remains hidden. As the truth

comes increasingly into view Bernaysian style manipulation of human emotions will cease to be

effective As that happens humanity will climb to a state of higher consciousness.

Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - Ron: G’day Bonnie, Thank you for your questions.....

Ron: Can you imagine what a furious furore of manufactured outrage RMN would get if it

posted Christian “entertainment” that ridiculed Jewish beliefs and festivals as has been

done to Christians in this instance? The howls of anti-Semitism would lift the roof off and

we would never hear the end of it. Jews would whinge about being victimised and having their

exquisite sensibilities injured; and no doubt their various lobby groups would threaten court

action for political incorrectness.and discrimination.

Political Information

Dec 17, 2012 - Propaganda is the art of telling people what to think without them

realising that’s what you are doing...

Ron: Propaganda is the art of telling people what to think without them realising that’s what

you are doing. The Canaanites do it all the time and of course it’s easy for them because they

OWN the US and most other governments, along with the mainstream media, Hollywood and

most entertainment venues and the academic and schooling systems etc. Unfortunately

Canaanites also own or control most alternative media sites as well. And those they don’t own

they try to undermine using hasbara, shabbos goi and useful idiots as gatekeepers and shills.

They are like a plague, they are everywhere and their corrupting handwork is a corrosive

cultural acid eating away the foundations of the Christian cultures they infest.

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Great images and subliminal messages....

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Ron: Christians orta celebrate Chanukah, its more fun and eliminates

moral considerations...?


Dec 16, 2012 - Small personal-sized hydroelectricity generator

Ron: Over-engineered, overpriced generator. 250W for the price of a compact car?


Dec 16, 2012 - GravityLight: lighting for developing countries.

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Dec 16, 2012 - Message 122: THE REAL IMPENDING CELEBRATION

Seraphin says: “You are now approaching the REAL CELEBRATION, which is the REAL




concern about what is happening on the other side of the world and also on the other side of

your fence, as well as the complete failure to perceive the systematic destruction behind the

scenes of ALL THAT IS HOLY, has brought us to this point”

True US History

Dec 16, 2012 - READ INSIDE.

Please watch this video. Full police state in action.


Dec 16, 2012 - Die Feuerüberfälle auf Tokio 1945: Aus japanischer Sicht, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - New Report: Man-made Global Warming Is a Farce

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Futuristic handcuffs would administer shocks, drugs

Ron: Police and others already enjoy achieving compliance with tasers - even unto death in

many cases. But this toy should really float their boats, don'cha reckon. If this goes on for

another year or two most of us will wish we were dead. Is it really bad karma to commit

suicide rather than put up with this shit? What IS the point of it all?

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Why they call him ‘Agent’ Cameron

Ron: When is this shit gonna end?! If only some truth could be transmitted to the Western

World occasionally people might have a chance to wake up.


Dec 16, 2012 - EVERYTHING VIBRATES: Good, Better, Best Vibrations

Ron: dunno about this bloke. He says he was a Hollywood producer and he refuses to NAME

the problem which is the Jews and their control of the US and most of the rest of the

world. But otherwise he talks a pretty good talk.

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - 'Human price' in the capitalist equation (Op-Ed)

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Chutzpah in Modern Germany

Ron: You Tube states before you view this video the following:

The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially

offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised. Sylvia Stolz Speaks Shortly

Before her Trial(10' 03" video):

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True US History

Dec 16, 2012 - Syrian rebels say Americans, Britons helped train them in Jordan

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Saka: Africans Will Remember Gaddafi For One Important



Dec 16, 2012 - Understand, create, change

Political Information

Dec 16, 2012 - Anthropocene: How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize the Human Race

True US History

Dec 15, 2012 - America And Israel Wage War On Humanity

Political Information

Dec 15, 2012 - Zombie Entertainment: A Lesson in Cognitive Dissonance and the Red


It’s a lot harder to brainwash people who know they are subject to manipulation. By your very

awareness of the motives behind entertainment and media patterns, you can protect

yourself. Don’t allow yourself to be mindlessly “entertained” by death and violence – don’t

allow this to become the social norm. When/if you watch things like this, do so with an

engaged mind – don’t be a passive recipient. Fight the cognitive dissonance by thinking

critically and allowing yourself to be uncomfortable with the reality being forced upon you by

the media. That’s what taking the red pill is all about.- Kimberly Paxton

Political Information

Dec 15, 2012 - Germany says yes to Jewish blood Ritual

Ron: Tell me again why you think that the Canaanites are not a barbaric, blood sucking

culture. Arguably the circumcission blood ritual is a significant factor in the creation of the

Talmudic mentality which is reinforced by cradle to grave mind control socialisation in Jewish

communities. Arguably also, circumcission is very detrimental to sexual and relationship

bonding for both males and their female partners. See eg:


True US History

Dec 15, 2012 - Syrian Girl Speaks Out Against Angelina Jolie & Al-Qaeda

Ron: Syrian Girl tells it like it is. Her honesty and careful analysis of the faux war in Syria

created by USrael, UK, France and NATO lays bare how the West manufactures terrorisma

and civil war wherever it wants to. If millions of Amerikkans would just listen to this

interview and empathise with Syrians instead of watching the MSM they could stop the

crazy Canaanite Conspiracy in its tracks. Unfortunately this interview is old and USrael et al

have now created the civil war they have spent so much blood and treasure to manifest.

Syria is now a bloody mincing machine which is chewing up Syrian civilians and spitting them

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out as was done in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan and Somalia in recent years. The question

in my mind is WHY are Russia and China impotent or indifferent to this process?

Political Information

Dec 15, 2012 - Secret Meeting in London: Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN


Ron: Well all I can say is: "There will be consequences..." for those still alive.

Political Information

Dec 15, 2012 - BBC told to put more gay people on children's TV

[The BBC] should be “more creative and bolder” in how it depicts lesbian, gay and bisexual

(LGB) people across all platforms, taking care to avoid stereotypes... An expert panel said the

corporation should use children’s programming to help “familiarise audiences through

incidental portrayal from an early age” as well as validating older children who may be LGB. It

also said there were missed opportunities in sport, particularly given the availability of

talent. But the genre that received the most criticism was BBC News, which was warned that

it should be “more creative and nuanced” in its presentation.- Victoria Ward

True US History

Dec 15, 2012 - More Than Thirty Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes

Ron: I guess the current crop of Amerikkan war criminals figure that since Churchill,

Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Truman, Morgenthau, Einstein and Oppenheimer et al were feted

rather than prosecuted for their war crimes and crimes against humanity during and after

WWII, they need not worry about humanity bringing them to justice for their crimes today.

True US History

Dec 15, 2012 - CIA 'tortured and sodomised' terror suspect, human rights court rules

Ron: Be very clear about this Pilgrims! Even under the stress of a war designed to

exterminate the German nation from the face of the Earth Hitler's German government and

security services NEVER established a criminal prison and torture GULAG like the Bolshevik

Jews did in Russia and the Bolshevik Jews have done since they gained control of the US.

German WWII concentration camps were WORK camps whereas the 100 secret, so-called

terrorist detention centres run by the US are TORTURE CENTRES. Capiche?

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Totally misleading intelligence of CIA

Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights in Salzburg found the CIA fully complicit in

the kidnapping and torture of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen now proven to have never

had any ties whatsoever with a terror organization. The CIA and Macedonian government

were found guilty of kidnapping, torturing and sodomizing an innocent German citizen based

purely on his ethnicity alone.This is the first time a court of international standing in a fully

open and highly authoritative forum, one binding on NATO member states, has made such a

damning determination as part of an official finding. - Gordon Duff

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Political Information

Dec 14, 2012 - The Chosenites

For in the cities of these peoples that the Lord yout God gives you for an inheritance, you

shall save alive nothing that breathes” (Deuteronomy 20:16)

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - High Ranking US Major General Exposes September 11

This 19' 38" video was published by www.discerningkate on Dec 8, 2012:

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Eugenicists Use Obesity to Implement Depopulation and Mind-Altering


True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Technocrats Continue Turning Fiat Into Property As Global Financial

Crisis Continues

Greece is very attractive to the technocrats. The nation has massive untouched resources of

gold, oil and natural gas – literally under the feet of the Greek people. With Greece slated to

be the biggest producer of gold in 2016, the motives behind the bankster’s coercion of the

Greek government into sovereign debt begins to make sense...

Meanwhile, the citizens of Greece will lose their independence, benefits and become serfs to

the central banking cartels.

Greece has large deposits of gold. The Canadian based Eldorado Gold Corp (EGC) is more than

willing to be part of the creation of gold mines in lieu of the financial collapse in Greece.

Along with the Australian-owned Glory Resources, EGC is hoping their efforts will add

425,000 ounces of gold (worth an estimated $757 million) to the institution that ends up

controlling Greece’s finances.- Susanne Posel

Targeted Messages

Dec 14, 2012 - The Web is spun to conclusion

Gentlemen of the Dark, you have now spun your web to its conclusion.

Implosion is now the only possible outcome.

The Michael


Dec 14, 2012 - Just a Candace rant

Dark Brothers, What does this attack on this elementary school cover up this

time? Warships off to Turkey, or something more? And then gee, New York and New

Jersey can't be fixed, you don't have enough money, so you take 1 Billion from the retired

teachers fund? Wherein is the Spirit? When do the sacrifices to your dead god stop? -


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Dec 14, 2012 - Seraphin Saying 2



True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - US `irregular ops` in the Malaysian context

In a November 23 article entitled Malaysia: Victim of America’s ‘Irregular Warfare’ Ops,

Bowie quotes psychologist Dr Christof Lehmann, who describes the document as:

“…a step by step guide of how to create, manipulate, co-opt and make use of a countries

population, persons of special interest inside the country as well as expatriates,

organizations inside as well as outside the country, towards a subversion. Beginning with

manipulating dissent into demonstrations, the polarization of a population, riots and armed

insurgencies that require action by security forces, and psychological warfare by means of

media, step by step, in logical sequence, towards a full scale war, based on humanitarian

principles and the pretext of bringing democracy and freedom.” - Jordan MacVay

Political Information

Dec 14, 2012 - Central Bank of Libya to Hoodwink Muslims

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - VIDEO: Woman Brutally Tased By Police For Trying To Buy iPhones

Ron: Why do BIG grown men have to taser a woman being held down on the ground? Why

does any allegedly civilised society allow this sort of thing to happen? Local communities need

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to control their own affairs including so-called law and order issues. Having centralised

governments organising groups of thugs to intimidate, harrass, torture, incarcerate and even

kill non-violent men, women and children is beyond ludicrous. This situation could not happen

if communities did not condone it.

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Jews Behind ‘Dysfunctional’ US Foreign Policy

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Russia acknowledges Assad losing control

Associated Press= MOSCOW (AP) — Syria's most powerful ally, Russia, said for the first

time Thursday that President Bashar Assad is losing control of his country and the rebels

might win the civil war, dramatically shifting the diplomatic landscape at a time of enormous

momentum for the opposition.-


True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - New Drones Rape Your Mind

Political Information

Dec 14, 2012 - Transhumanism: How the Elite Plan to Live Forever

The replacement of bio-mechanical creations in “the nature of work” for the future is

expected to improve society by:

• Using autonomous robots in the workplace

• Altering the global temperament of work and business

• Transition robotic workforce to provide goods and services

• Structure organizations that influence international understanding of robotic


• Utilize robotics in medical care to advert disease, change illnesses and add to the progress

of medicine

• Promote a new sense of physical well-being - Susanne Posel

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Obama Revision to FOIA Rules Keeps Evidence of Vaccine Dangers

From Public

True US History

Dec 14, 2012 - Western smoke-and-mirrors terrorism

Let’s review just some of the low-lights of the putative Syrian liberators:

1. Massacres of whole villages. Just as Obama was sanitizing the opposition, news was coming

in of yet another massacre this week in the village of Aqrab. Reports put the number of

killed at over 125. Typically, the Western media lie machine was vague in ascribing blame, but

past record shows that such atrocities are stock-in-trade of the anti-government foreign

militants. On 25 May, the village of Houla, also in Hama Province, was massacred, including 49

children. After initial media misinformation, it turned out that the mass murders were

carried out by the Western and Arab-backed mercenaries.- Finian Cunningham


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Dec 13, 2012 - Phoenix Journal 02 " ET ILS L’APPELÈRENT IMMANUEL, JE SUIS


Jmmanuel Sananda/Ischariote, traduction Marie-Louise.


Dec 13, 2012 - The Bhagavad Gita

Recommended reading!-C



Mother Nebadonia invites us to imagine "a world of absolute gentleness and tenderness,

where it is normal and natural to embrace a stranger through the intrinsic knowledge that

this is NOT A STRANGER BUT YOUR BROTHER. It is a world where you look at the stars

and greet all those brothers and sisters far away, knowing you will be reunited with them one

day. It is a world where everyone smiles always, and where everyone helps always"

Phoenix Journals

Dec 13, 2012 - Putting Christ into the Holy Days (holidays)

A collection of writings from the Pj's and one by Esu we have carried before. As a reminder

of this season of buying things you don't need. Is your cell phone/ipod worn out yet, do you

really need the newest latest? And do you need all the social and family pressure? Can it be

a time of renewal in Christ? Should this idea of gifting of the heart, be a day by day habit

and not just a holiday/holyday game enforced by society? You do not have to give into it. I

wish I have never done so and I didn't want too, but when the kids were little, family was

always so appalled if I suggested I didn't like the game. So I did it for the kids as I saw it

then, and perpetuated the lies.

Political Information

Dec 13, 2012 - An Unusual Perspective

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 13, 2012 - Being the Change, Tipping Points and a Lot of Monkeys

Insignificance is a matrix illusion. Each of us is infinite potential and possibility, as David

Icke has repeatedly affirmed in his relentless efforts to help effect these changes. Each of

us IS the Universe. Each of us IS eternal consciousness. Each of us IS connected to

everything…everything. When we change, everything changes. A perfect illustration of this is

the idea of the Morphic Field I wrote about some time back. [See Change the Morphic

Field...Change the World!] - Zen Gardner

True US History

Dec 13, 2012 - Facebook CEO Admits To Calling Users ‘Dumb Fucks’

"They trust me — dumb fucks," says Zuckerberg in one of the instant messages, first

published by former Valleywag Nicholas Carlson at Silicon Alley Insider, and now confirmed

by Zuckerberg himself in Jose Antonio Vargas's New Yorker piece. - Ryan Tate [Ron: sooo,

what did you expect? Zuckerberg's a Jew isn't he?].

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Political Information

Dec 13, 2012 - Lieberman plays his EU holocaust card

Mr. Lieberman seems to have the situation confused. It is not the Jews who are in largest

prison camp on earth, 1.5 million people in Gaza are. It is not Jews who are being bombed by

Hamas F-16's and GPS guided munitions paid for by the people of Europe to support their

cleansing of the last Zionist invaders. Hamas does not have the decades old WMD programs,

nuclear submarines, and soon to arrive ten warhead ICBMs being jointly developed with

India.- Jim Dean

True US History

Dec 13, 2012 - Lies, Lies, Lies

Two years ago criminal-elements backed by terrorists we created and pay for, were sent in

to “destabilize” Syria. That FAILED! The same process became mired in massive cross-

purposes at times almost no one was certain who was fighting who, because while supposedly

fighting Syria many groups were also looting and fighting each other simultaneously. The

collective chaos (This was supposed to be THE PROBLEM) was also supposed to represent

credible-dissatisfaction with the president of Syria—IT DID NOT! - Jim Kirwan

Political Information

Dec 13, 2012 - Globalist Controlled Bitcoin Becomes “Bank” Supported By Technocrats

The “experimental new digital currency” known as Bitcoin has been given that status of a

“payment service provider” (PSP) by French financial institutions Aqoba and Crédit Mutuel.

Officially, they are not a PSP because of the banks they are aligned with who are. This

means Bitcoin is able to take advantage of their PSP status without having to be one


The technocratic push toward cyber currency or e-money, is a march toward complete

control over global currencies with the development of supporting technologies and the

distribution of such that facilitate an online representation of money that can be used for

exchange with another fiat system.- Susanne Posel



Nebadonia a través de Rosie

True US History

Dec 13, 2012 - Lawsuit: Use of “Taser is not unconstitutional when used to compel


Ron: Governments have a monopoly on the use of force and violence. So why do people WANT

governments? Wouldn't it be safer and cheaper for community members if each community

took responsibility for the safety and security of its own members? Notice the woman in this

picture has her hands handcuffed behind her back and there are six burly police surrounding

her as one of them places his taser on her left breast and fires. Needless to say, the woman

was charged with felony assault and battery on a police officer. There were no charges

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against the police officer. Why is this acceptable to USans?

Political Information

Dec 12, 2012 - Bobby Fischer on the Jews

This 2' 04" video was published by amalekTV published on Aug 26, 2012:

Publisher's comments:

So poetic, So Descriptive, such artistic literature, that he had to write it down on paper


Dec 12, 2012 - Israel passt auf Gellers Beschreibung von "primitiv"

Rev. Ted Pike, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History



Joe Cortina: Book Of John Chapter 8 – as Christ damns the Jews ( and NOT JUST THE HIGH

PRIESTS AND Pharisees – see notes below)

” Ye do the deeds of your father (the devil). If God were your father. ye would love me; for I

proceed forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but He sent me.”

” Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer

from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he

speaketh a lie – he speaketh of his own; ( the Jews) for he is a liar, and the father of it”

“That this SATANIC FATHERHOOD cannot be limited to the Pharisees is MADE CLEAR in 1

John 3;8-10″

“You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?” (Jesus –

to the Jews; in Matthew 23:33)

Candace on Religion

Dec 12, 2012 - First Source Transmission 3: My Central Revelation

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I am REDATING this for our NEW readers who may have missed it or never found the

Wingmakers site. I last posted it on 7/7/2007 -C Thanks to Johan for the memory.

Candace on Religion

Dec 12, 2012 - First Source Transmission 2: My Central Purpose

I am REDATING this for our NEW readers who may have missed it or never found the

Wingmakers site. I last posted it on 7/7/2007 -C Thanks to Johan for the memory.

Candace on Religion

Dec 12, 2012 - First Source Transmission 1: My Central Message

I am REDATING this for our NEW readers who may have missed it or never found the

Wingmakers site. I last posted it on 7/7/2007 -C Thanks to Johan for the memory.

Political Information

Dec 12, 2012 - HRW Report admits that Muammar Gaddafi was never `hiding` in a

`drainage pipe`

HRW admits that the murder of the POWs was a war crime. Another 150 Libyan soldiers had

been killed in the NATO airstrike on the convoy, which was attempting to break out of Sirte.

The cowardly Western media have spent the last year telling lies that Al Gaddafi was

"hiding" in a "pipe." In reality, he was fighting in a trench, as a patriot and soldier. It was

very fitting that that trench is associated with clean water, as the Colonel had build the

greatest humanitarian project of all time, The Great Man Made River, which now supplies

Africa with as much clean water as the Nile flowing for 200 years

Political Information

Dec 12, 2012 - Unpunished, Unaccounted and awaiting Apology

Ron: It's well past time that Anglo-US rapine and plunder STOPPED. At the very least

humanity needs a global media network that tells the truth about the criminals running our

world. Without that it is just not possible for most people to even contemplate the evil that

is done by their governments and complicit military and security complexes.

True US History

Dec 12, 2012 - Obama's Soviet Mistake

"And, as I watched him on the stage my hands were clenched in fists of rage.

No angel born in Hell could break that Satan's spell

And, as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrificial rite, I saw...Satan

laughing with delight the day the music died

He was singing, bye bye Miss American Pie

Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry

Them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing...

This'll be the day that I die

This'll be the day that I die

- Don McLean:

Political Information

Dec 12, 2012 - Why does the UK defend corporations and not their victims?

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'...corporations cannot be prosecuted for the international crimes that some commit, often

through local subsidiaries, by killing or enslaving native people. Royal Dutch Shell itself was

accused of complicity with the Abacha regime in Nigeria which executed Ken Saro-Wiwa and

others who protested against pipeline construction; other multinationals (Unocal in Burma,

for example) have been accused of paying local militias to persecute and kill tribespeople who

stand in the way of their profits.' - Geoffrey Robertson

True US History

Dec 12, 2012 - 10 Signs We Live in a False Economy

Ron: You'd think that these observations would be bloody obvious wouldn't ya? However, not

only can most people NOT see these self evident truths BUT they deride anyone who raises

these issues as a whacko, unpatriotic, a terrorist, yabba, yabba, yabba. It seems most people

prefer to live on their knees than take responsibility for their own lives. How many people do

you know who are prepared to rationally discuss the absurdity of usury and fractional

reserve banking; or the idea that a fictional corporate entity (ie a piece of paper) should

have more rights than a living human being? And how many people do you know acknowledge

that "Welfare" governments are bad for the welfare of everyone except

politicians,bureaucrats and the military security complex?

Health and Nutrition

Dec 12, 2012 - The Vaccine Hoax is Over – Secret Documents Reveal Shocking Truth

True US History

Dec 12, 2012 - National Intelligence Council Report: Only Globalization Will Save the


True US History

Dec 12, 2012 - Syrian rebels defy US and pledge allegiance to jihadi group

True US History

Dec 12, 2012 - US Recognizes Unelected Terrorists as Syrian "Representatives"

Political Information

Dec 12, 2012 - When Jews Rule The World

This 3' 53" video was published on Dec 11, 2012:

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Dec 11, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", Pdf copy.

Hello beloveds, Christ's team of himself, and AH members Paul, Andre' and Roel have

finished the transcriptions of the the published Phoenix Journals. I am in great joy over

this and my personal thanks go to the four of you for your efforts over the past 3+

years. This one published today is the final Journal published.

These originally were copied from print books, and scanned into the computer, making long

long downloads, almost impossible on dial up at 1 to 2 hours each. This effort was carried out

by Patrick Bellringer of FourWinds years ago to make them available to the public.

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Christ and team used OCR software to make much simpler PDF files of the scanned

material. They have produced 2 chapters a day, over 20,000 pages in Word, all gifted by

themselves in service to you and Michael of Nebadon, the chief author, working as "Hatonn"

and also Esu and other of the ascended masters as to authors.

Because there is always lots of error in using OCR to produce word documents, everything

has to be proofread before it can be publshed, a laborious process. Please send your thanks

mentally to each one by name for the long years of effort in serving YOU.

These pdfs are all now avaiable, 114 of them in the left menu as Phoenix Journal pdfs and

also on Christ's site

True US History

Dec 11, 2012 - Slavery By Consent ( Full Version)

Ron: It's time to change. PLEASEEE watch this film!! At least watch from the 25 minute to

one hour marks Only you can free youself from the matrix. If you understand the nature,

cause and method of your current slave condition you wil be much better placed to know why

our world is in such a mess and why radical changes are coming. You will also know why banks

must cease charging interest (usury), and why "Welfare" states, Big Governments and limited

liability corporations must be eliminated from the face of the Earth in order for humanity to

survive. To be free you need to take the time and exert the mental muscle to understand the

system that enslaves you. If you don't you will have to continue elsewhere until you do.

Developing higher consciousness is a an exercise in THINKING.

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - Obama Recognizes Syrian Opposition Group

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - Red-White-and-Blue Lurch Toward The Event Horizon (Repost)

The Windmills of Your Mind - Dusty Springfield (3'


Aka "The Event": It came hard on the close of the 20th Century- the seas rose and the lands

sank- in some cases they changed places. There was warfare, suffering and disaster beyond

any human imagining. Nobody came on a white horse to save anyone- the people that were

left were on their own. This is going to be one tough ride. I got the impression that there is

nothing that can be done about it by humans- it is simply the way things are. I knew somehow

that this is the conclusion to a "great war" that began LONG ago.- Anonymous

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 11, 2012 - Eva Cassidy - You've Changed (Live)

Thanks to you tuber rocknbaires for this 5' 02" live performance video uploaded on Apr 25,


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Uploader's comments: Eva Cassidy singing live at Blues Alley. A genuinely truthful and

beautiful voice unlike anything out there. Just pure and simple beauty. Love you Eva now and


Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - How stupid do the Jews think we are....?

Ron: Frank O’Collins says that Rome became a ghost town in the 5th Century and it wasn’t

until 751 A D that the Carologians under Pippin established the Catholic Church in the

Vatican. He also plausibly states that in the 11th century, Venetian banksters took over the

Vatican. All in all, both the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches were created,

compromised and/or controlled by powerful secular forces almost from their inception. The

issue then, is HOW can the Catholic Church and the Vatican be said to have ever been truly

independent of Talmudists or anyone else, rather than in effect: “Did Catholics or Jesuits

secretly control and USE Jewry?”


Dec 11, 2012 - Die Geburt der historischen Zahl 6 Millionen

Man macht sich Gedanken....!!

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 11, 2012 - Who knows where the time goes?

Eva Cassidy (5' 40" video):


Candace: Highly recommended, I have never heard of her and I have you tube playlist going

this morning. Highly spiritual and wondrous voice. Thanks Ron for posting.


Dec 11, 2012 - Mother Nebadonia: A MESSAGE FOR ALL ON THIS PLANET



– the place of deep and holy serenity, of joy and responsibility, your spiritual centre which

radiates love and which cannot do harm. Regard the harm being perpetrated on your planet,

dear ones. Walk with us and walk in all consciousness"

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - UK Prince to join Syria militants?

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - The Satanic Schematic and the Devil Inside.

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - Vatican calls for world government and a New World Order

Pope Benedict XVI, has called for the establishment of World Government and a New World

Order. These latest remarks made by the Pope and the Catholic Church come as no surprise

considering that in 2010 the Catholic Church sought the establishment of a new Central

World Bank that would be responsible for regulating the global financial industry and the

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international money supply.

It was reported that the Vatican sought “a supranational authority” which would have

worldwide scope and “universal jurisdiction” to guide and control global economic policies and


Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - Russia will not allow Libyan scenario in Syria: Lavrov

Ron: But Russia DID let it happen in Libya; AND seems happy enough to let USrael and NATO

put the Syrian population through a Talmudic mincing machine year after year which will

produce a not dissemiliar result

Political Information

Dec 11, 2012 - The luckiest people on the planet

Brazilians are the luckiest people on the planet.Aside from being blessed with great weather,

gorgeous beaches, and beautiful people, their country is one of the few that can exist in a

state of complete independence from the rest of the world. They have their own energy

supplies, food production, manufacturing capacity… and a population of 200 million high-

propensity consumers, one that is more than sufficient to sustain the economy (which

generates over 1 million new jobs annually).- Simon Black

True US History

Dec 11, 2012 - 17 US Warships now off Syria


Dec 10, 2012 - Navidad La Verdad Celestial

CM a través de Hazel

True US History

Dec 10, 2012 - Evidence of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations

Ron: Why do Police and security personnel need machine guns when walking about airports,

streets etc? This 10' 59" video was published by TheTheTruthChannel

on Dec 8, 2012:

Publisher's comments: Evidence of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations


Dec 10, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 47 - Questions I Wish to Ask of

Christians.", Part 1, update.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.


Dec 9, 2012 - Free Energy - A Reality Not a Conspiracy

This 6' 54" video was uploaded on May 15, 2007:

This is a documentary regarding free energy and how this has been kept secret by our

governments. Watch and comment on what you think? Is it true? Is it a spoof?

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Dec 9, 2012 - Energy Suppression - Directory

a compilation of specific cases in which the emergence of a new energy technology

development is impaired in some way by an entity outside themselves, whether it be a

competing interest such as an oil interest or an oppressive government, or some other

faction whose control over the people or whose monopolistic income will be impaired by the

emergence of the technology. There are however some hopeful signs that a new succesful

physics theory might deter the government's misrecognition.-

Health and Nutrition

Dec 9, 2012 - The History of Health (In Chronological Order)

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - 66 German priests charged with sexually abusing minors: Report

Abuse allegations have rocked the Roman Catholic Church in Germany in recent years, making

thousands of disenchanted Germans leave the Church over revelations of abuse.

About 180,000 renounced their Catholicism in 2010, up 40 percent from 2009, due to the

revelations of priests sexually abusing minors, the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle

reported. - PRESS TV

True US History

Dec 9, 2012 - Stacy Mitchell: We Can’t Shop Our Way to a Better Economy

Ron: Stacy Mitchell gives some good examples of what's wrong with the US economy and

suggests, rightly in my view, that banking and businesses and especially food growing and

distribution must be locally organised and controlled. However, she fails to address the key

issue which is the fact that money creation and supply MUST be in the hands of local

governments also; AND it must be carefully controlled, audited and open to constant public

scrutiny. It is worse than useless to make local business development a political issue while

ever the community allows governments to give MONOPOLY licences to private banksters to

create money out of thin air and to charge interest (usury) on it whether such decisions are

made "locally" or thousands of miles away.


Dec 9, 2012 - 20 Machines for a DIY Civilization

Ron: We have been socially conditioned (engineered) by schooling, TV and governments to

think that we are incapable of creating our own civilised modern environments. We are not

incapable. It's time to shuck off the global matrix mind control mythology that says we are

incompetent and must allow ourselves to be cogs in corporate power organisations and control

mechanisms.THINK about it! Governments, courts and Big Business etc are ALL Corporations!

Thay are fictions! Lifeless entities created on paper, YET they run us and our world,

controlling and exploiting us BECAUSE WE LET THEM! And we let them because we have

forgotten that WE are sovereign living minds who can do anything provided that we KNOW

that we can. Embrace the coming Golden Age of freedom Pilgrims, it is here. All it needs is

our active participation. Start thinking about how you can live in cooperative communities

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instead of competitive isolation. After the coming Earth changes you are gonna have too



Dec 9, 2012 - Cornstalks Everywhere But Nothing Else, Not Even A Bee

True US History

Dec 9, 2012 - Prison labor booms in US as low-cost inmates bring billions

Ron: Amerikka, LAND OF THE FREE...

True US History

Dec 9, 2012 - “Military Voyeurism” or Invasion of Syria? French Special Forces Team

Up with Foreign Backed Terrorists

It is cruel but highly likely that West may provide the militants with chemical weapons so

they may use them against the Syrians and shift the blame on the Syria government so that

they can carry on with their long-though-out plan of invading the country. This idea is

further consolidated when we focus on the attention recently accorded to this issue by the

US and some western countries... The sad truth is that they have already formed their

coalition against Syria with even Israel being part of this coalition. According to Hebrew-

language Maariv newspaper, Tel Aviv is preparing for such a scenario amid increasing

speculation that the US military will intervene in Syria “within days”...' - Dr. Ismail Salami

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - NATO Intervention in Syria Imminent?

In November, British and French forces “performed landing-and-capture exercises against

fortified locations on the coast and mountains of Albania as practice for potential operations

against similar terrain in Syria, where the Alawite Mountains loom over the coastal towns of

Latakia and Tartus.”

“French sources told Le Point magazine that the NATO mission for Syria, including the UK

and the US, would be modeled on the Western intervention in Libya in 2011.” ”It would

combine an aerial blitz with ground action by special forces... It could come before or right

after Christmas and New Year’s.- Stephen Lendman

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - Protests spread throughout Egypt against Islamist dictatorship

As during last year’s uprising against Mubarak, Washington is backing its Egyptian stooge

regime... Protesters mocked Mursi as a tool of US imperialism. The British Guardian reported

that one protester carried a placard reading: “Obama, your bitch is our dictator.”

- Johannes Stern

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - The Sad State of Planet Earth


Dec 9, 2012 - Seraphin Saying 1

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Göttliche Anweisungen für eine neue Erde: Rosie

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 9, 2012 - Globale Sonntagsmeditation, 9. Dezember 2012

True US History

Dec 9, 2012 - Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not

True US History

Dec 9, 2012 - This Revolution Is Personal

When the government tells you that you cannot grow your own food, and slips pesticide-

ridden GMOs into the nation’s food supply unlabeled, it’s time to discard the system. When

government agencies tell you what you can and cannot eat, then enforce that compliance with

armed goons, it’s time to discard the system.- Barbara H. Peterson

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

Ron: Terrorism on this planet is almost entirely STATE ORGANISED TERRORISM and

Israel (Mossad) is by far the main perpetrator.

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - Charles Eisenstein: 'In a gift economy the more you give, the richer

you are'

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The first thing you throw away is the concept of the benefits of the conventional growth

economy. If we build another way to go about getting our needs met, we will all have so much

more. If we build security through our community, instead of money, we will have real

"wealth". - Charles Eisenstein


Dec 9, 2012 - Message 121: THE PLEA TO GET UP AND GO


SEE WHAT IS GOING ON. It is urgent and imperative that you undergo expansion, from

looking upon and caring for the family unit or work environment, to local units, to the global

unit, to the universe unit, and it is imperative to realise that the operative word here is

UNITE. Resolve your personal, national, global differences to attain the PRIZE OF


Human/Animal Rights

Dec 9, 2012 - The REAL Toy Story: Chinese factory workers forced to sleep among

piles of dolls

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - Hitler, Churchill & Debunking the Holocaust

Political Information

Dec 9, 2012 - Caesar's Messiah is the usual load of Hollywood horse chit

"The Gospels were written by the conspirators in such a way that would be favorable to the

Romans and damning to the Jews."- Caesar's Messiah

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Ron: YEAH RIGHT!!! Sooo, a bunch of extremely plutocratic Talmudists from Judea who had

acquired Roman citizenship (DOES THAT RING ANY BELLS FOR AMERIKKANS?) conspired

to write the Gospels to denigrate their co-religionists! You Betcha! Sooo, tell me: If Esu

didn't exist and hence he had NO followers and NO teachings floating around in the ether,

WHY would wealthy Canaanite "Emperor makers" in Rome dream up a religion that damned

their brethren? Just askin'...


Dec 9, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 45 - Walter Russell Quotes", Part 1,


Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Dec 9, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", Pdf copy.

In this Journal we continue the series entitled GLOBAL PARASITES [Parts 7-14]-reprinting

the information presented in The Dearborn Independent in the 1920's entitled The

International Jew and other related topics.

Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - Why shouldn’t Mein Kampf be a best seller?

Ron: Hitler was a very insightful analyst and commentator. Have any of the people that

denigrate Mein Kampf READ IT? And do any of the people who demonise Hitler really KNOW

anything about him? The Canaanite controlled mass media (MSM) is full of lies about Hitler

and Germany because maintenance of those lies is crucial to their ability to keep their foot

on the throat of over seven billion gentiles... those who genuinely want to understand Hitler

can benefit from watching the film embedded in: Hitler's War - What the Historians

Neglect to Mention. At:



Dec 8, 2012 - Christmas The Celestial Truth

Reposting from last year, it bears reading again! Hazel with Christ Michael. Maybe email

this around again? This is already translated last year. -C

True US History

Dec 8, 2012 - Christmas of murder, an American story

America is voting to restrict visits by Russian nationals based on possible “war crimes” and is

supporting similar attacks on Iran for their failure to adhere to America’s standards for

human rights.

I keep saying it, as if it is a dream, “America’s standards for human rights…” Without

belaboring the point, I have watched my country murder two million people during the last 11

years. During my lifetime, I have watched America support death squads in three dozen

nations, arm maniacal regimes with weapons of mass destruction and, quite openly, flood the

world with narcotics while turning away from issues of mass murder and human trafficking on

every continent but Antarctica.America is voting to restrict visits by Russian nationals based

on possible “war crimes” and is supporting similar attacks on Iran for their failure to adhere

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to America’s standards for human rights. - Gordon Duff

Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - Intellectual Karate: How to Outsmart and Neutralize the Global

Government Agenda From the Inside

True US History

Dec 8, 2012 - National Heritage Program: How the US Gov Steals Property From


Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - “Jack the Ripper” was Winston Churchill’s Father–Author Says

Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - The Accusation Of “Anti-Semitism” II: Linguistic Iconoclasm, “Chosen-

ness” And The Affirmation of Zionist Arrogance

because the fact is that the overwhelmingly majority of Jews are quite comfortable in their

Zionist tribalism (2).

yes, that is correct, to reject the idea that Gentiles are not cattle and that Jews are not

superior to all other humans is “anti-Semitic” as far as the ADL is concerned (66).

“An ‘anti-Semite’ used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by

Jews (67).”

to just discuss Jews, Judaism, Jewishness, Zionism, Zionists or “Israel” in any other form

except that of gleaming, worshipful admiration and adoration makes one feel deeply, deeply

dirty on an intellectual and emotional level. This exceeds the mere realm of the nonsensical;

this is psychological manipulation and abuse on a massive scale never seen before in

civilization’s history. The Zionist forces behind the perpetual flow of “Holocaust®” hasbara

are the same ones engaged in the funding and promotion of Islamophobia. - Jonathan Azaziah

True US History

Dec 8, 2012 - Syrian rebels elect new military commander

Ron: Is this Canaanite Media Conspiracy bullshit, or is Syria about to go the way of Libya? If

the later, WHY does Russia and its advisers allow this to happen? NOONE in the outside

world will learn from the holocausting of Syria any more than they have learned anything

from the holocausting of Libya. Is it really necessary for every nation to learn the hard way,

one by one, about the demonic duplicity and cruelty of the Canaanites and their soulless

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robotic supporters? IF it is, how about the next lesson being dished out to Amerikka? After

all USans, along with their City of London masters, are the root cause of all global

dysfunction, genocide and destruction.


Dec 8, 2012 - Syrien: Vom Westen finanzierte Terroristen massakrieren Christen mit


True US History

Dec 8, 2012 - Fascism, Anyone? Google Chief Likely for Cabinet Post

Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - Exploring the Public Bank Option for Scotland

globally, around 40 per cent of banks are already publicly owned, many of them concentrated

in the BRIC economies, Brazil, Russia, India and China.- Alf Young Banking is not just a

market good or service. It is a vital part of societal infrastructure, which properly belongs

in the public sector. By taking banking back, local governments could regain control of that

very large slice (up to 40 per cent) of every public budget that currently goes to interest

charged to finance investment programs through the private sector... countries with high

degrees of government ownership of banking have grown much faster in the last decade than

countries where banking is historically concentrated in the private sector. Government

banks are also LESS corrupt and, surprisingly, have been MORE profitable in recent years

than private banks. - Ellen Brown

Political Information

Dec 8, 2012 - Droit de Seigneur in Last Gasp Country.

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 8, 2012 - The Biggest Lie is Killing Us (Find out how You can be the Solution)

Violating Love is malignant and fatal. Over a period of time, it will kill and destroy any

individual, system, group, relationship or business, in which, and to which, the violations

occur. This is science, not myth. (The government mechanism of the welfare state does not

derive from or deliver Love, which is why it has led to decay and destruction on a national

scale.)...On the other hand, the action elements of Love deliver beneficial, life enhancing

rewards to the giver and the receiver. Over a period of time they will cause you or any

individual, system, group, relationship or business to flourish, grow and become all it can

be.In fact, “feel good” hormones are released in your brain when you act with the “Intent to

Please.”... Love is cause-able and do-able. You can learn how to cause and maintain it in your

life... Loving one another doesn’t cost a penny and is free to all. It makes everything work

better and it works the same for all people across all cultures. It’s the one thing that will

change everything. Catherine Lamb and Elaine McLellan-

True US History

Dec 8, 2012 - Court Rules Feds Can Vaccinate Kids Without Consent Under Public

Health Emergency


Dec 8, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 44 - Absolutely no excuse to be Pro-

Choice. ", Part 1, update.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

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Phoenix Journals

Dec 8, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 13, final.

" My goodness, only a couple of weeks into our topic and the sky is falling Hennie-Pennie. By

the way, "You and all your readers are anti-Semitic," say a couple of the writers, "this is hate

literature..." and "Tell us again your definitions because these writings are made to look like


I don't care what they look like, readers. I am using material researched in the early

'20s. I don't, nor did I, make the rules of action for those calling themselves Jews. I don't

call them Jews; they named themselves that over a thousand years after Immanuel, the one

you call Jesus, was long gone. They priorly called themselves "The Serpent People", also

known as Khazarian (many spellings of this word), and when a "religion" was required of them-

-they took up the Judean "faith" (misdefinition). They were commercially oriented and

warriors, with the more blood spilled the better--and they called "that" sacrifice. They

never pretended to be Semites until in the modern last century and a half when it could be

used as a tool against Gentiles. There is no recognized "in-between"; there are, according to

the self-styled, self-named "Jews", ONLY JEWS AND GENTILES.

You see, readers, I can't help it if you know NO HISTORY--for it is all available for your

investigation. "

True US History

Dec 7, 2012 - The Pathology of the Free-Trade Disease

Ron: Sir James Michael "Jimmy" Goldsmith was right when he warned against the GATT free

trade round back in 1994. Real wages were already declining in the US, Australia and other

developed Western countries due to economic rationalism initiated under the Washington

Consensus in 1980. Free trade just provided the death blow which is now apparent in the US

and the West generally. However, what Goldsmith and all other commentators failed to

notice then was that computerisation, robots, automation and electronics were rapidly

eliminating the need for cheap Third World or any wage labour. The need for humanity to

work a 40 hour week or worse, all year, just to earn a living, is disappearing. Moreover, that

trend is increasing almost exponentially today such that gross consumerism and part time

work cannot prevent rapidly gross unemployment. The result MUST be the collapse of the

welfare state and with it the fiat debt money and usurious fractional reserve banking

systems which are symbiotically co-dependant on free range serfdom ie wage slavery - the

commodification of human labour inherent in the labour for income mechanism. The show's

over folks, the Fat Lady IS singing! Ubiquitous BIG Government will necessarily disappear

along with wage slavery, fiat money and usurious banking because Big Government depends

upon taxing workers in employment to fund the unemployed, politicians, bureaucrats, the

military industrial complex and all the rest. This is good news. Even better news is that

Keshe type plasma technologies will shortly be eliminating the need for monopoly capitalism in

all areas but especially in energy production, power distribution, transportation and health

care. Humanity will become free to serve family, neighbour and community as God intended.

So be it.

Political Information

Dec 7, 2012 - Zionist lobbies raising money for Israeli Killers

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Dec 7, 2012 - Phoenix Journal no. 2, chap. 19 et ÉPILOGUE, final.

Ischariote/Jmmanuel Sananda, traduction Marie-Louise.

True US History

Dec 7, 2012 - Avaaz: The Lobbyist SuperPAC that Masquerades as Online Activism


Dec 7, 2012 - KESHE UPDATE DEC 2012

Ron: Mehran Keshe is alive because the Canaanite controlled Western world can't understand

exactly how to replicate his work. If, as appears to be the case, he has gone beyond Tesla in

unravelling the divine plasma physics that creates our universe then the whole world will be

flying around in Maggrav craft in a year or three. Unless, of course, stasis intervenes to

prevent it. By gifting humanity with plasma technologies, the Keshe Foundation has finally

found a way to by pass the Canaanite Conspiracy that has kept humanity ignorant and

enslaved since Tesla's time. In effect humanity HAS done the work and is NOT awaiting

technical salvation at the hands of Star Fleet. So be it.

Political Information

Dec 7, 2012 - Eyewitness

Eyewitness (13' 18" video):!

A glimpse of life on the West Bank. Nothing special, just film of men waiting up to four hours

to pass a checkpoint to go to work, and viewing rubble left after a home was demolished

while the mother was taking her daughter somewhere leaving her eight year old son at home

alone. On another occasion we see the rubble left after a school room on a barren hillside

was demolished and the two teachers arrested leaving the school children to wander around

in the rubble. Nothing special. Not much overt violence. But how long could you live in such


Political Information

Dec 7, 2012 - Truth By Consensus – How To Control Our Thinking

Health and Nutrition

Dec 7, 2012 - parents Vaccine myths unraveling: 600 percent increase in number of

parents refusing vaccinations for their children (Australia)

"We actually have the highest level of vaccination in Australia that we've ever had against

whooping cough, and the highest level of whooping cough that we've ever had," explained

Dorey, debunking the myth that decreased vaccination rates are responsible for the recent

comeback of whooping cough in some areas. "We have more whooping cough now than we had

since before the vaccine was added to the mass vaccination schedule in 1953." - Jonathan

Benson quoting Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) President Meryl Dorey

Political Information

Dec 7, 2012 - Paedophiles who trade child porn will not be sent to prison: New

sentencing laws suggest community punishments

True US History

Dec 7, 2012 - The US and Israel: a short quiz on 'rogue nation' status

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So essentially, it's the entire planet on one side, versus the US, its new right-wing poodle to

the north, Israel, and three tiny, bribed islands on the other side... "international community"

is a synonym for "US dictates"... who are the real "rogue nations"? - Glenn Greenwald

True US History

Dec 7, 2012 - Big Brother: Your Television is Watching You

Ron: When I read 1984 as a youngster I thought it was a bit unreal. I was wrong. Big Brother

is here and seems to have been with us for some time. Perhaps the scariest future prospect

for humanity though, is the fact that the only mechanism capable of keeping up with and

analysing the gi-normopus quantities of surveillance information and data being collected now

- let alone in the future - will be MACHINE MINDS that will not be human psychopaths -

they'll be completely without feelings of any kind; or conscience.

True US History

Dec 7, 2012 - US, NATO, GCC-backed Terrorists Preparing Chemcial Attack?

Ron: It would appear that USraeli and NATO backed terrorists are still active in Syria and

about to use chemical weapons to create a false flag incident that the US and NATO may

attempt to use to overtly attack Syria.


Dec 7, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 43 - Teaching by Candace/God Loves All.


Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Dec 7, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 13 & 14, final.

" We are going to next write on the next portion of GLOBAL PARASITES. You will note that

in 1920 Mr. Ford's investigators found that the "Jewish Protocols claimed partial fulfill-

ment". That was 78 years ago and they now CLAIM 100% FULFILLMENT WITH ONLY THE






Dec 6, 2012 - The DARPA Vacuum

Ron: This video includes much of what you may have wanted to know about DARPA. For me

the scariest info relates to "Smart Dust" which was already in 2001 developed to constitute

complete stand alone wirelsss intelligence surveillance and reporting units that were a mere 1

cubic millimetre in size. No doubt in the last 11 years those intelligence units have been

developed down to micro mm size such that the human eye cannot even see them. This stuff

is supposed to be beneficial because Smart Dust will be everywhere and road potholes will

report themselves to central authorities and elevators will take you to your floor without you

having to press any buttons etc. Sooo, WHY am I worried about "Smart Dust" and all the

other things DARPA is producing?

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Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Mega Millions: The Lottery of Loss for Those Dying of Hunger


Dec 6, 2012 - Meditation Visions 132 and 132 Nov/Dec 2012

From Vision 131, THE CLIMB TO TREASURES UNSEEN: “Others were inspired to DIG

DEEPER INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY. When they dug into the ground, they discovered

nuggets of pure gold beneath the soil. These could not be removed, however. They were

somehow fixed. And through this, the wanderers were reminded of the TREASURES



From Visions 132, THE SEA DIVIDES: “A deafening thunder rent the air, and lightening

struck the ground, causing the land to split and water from the oceans to rush into this huge

and ever-increasing divide, thus separating the two consciousnesses. Those who looked up

rejoiced to see the birds coming down. Those who did not look up were wrapped up en masse

by the huge blue cloud and were removed from the face of the earth”

Health and Nutrition

Dec 6, 2012 - FOOD SECURITY: Overcoming the myths and feeding the world

Ron: This article discusses food security in terms of the status quo, reliance on NGO driven

efforts for change and so on. That is NEVER going to work within the existing corporatist

driven political system(s) controlling global food production, distribution and everything else.

The existing global control matrix based on fiat debt money and a usurious centralised

fractional reserve banking system MUST be replaced by mechanisms that prevent

monopolistic corporatist practices generally, but especially in food production and

distribution. Tinkering at the edges is fiddling while Rome burns. However, this author

doesn't even do that. He merely regurgitates verbiage to the effect that if enough food is

produced and distributed and people can afford to buy it, everything will be OK. It's a good

example of a non-analysis produced by a matrix hack who either doesn't know how to solve

the problem or doesn't want to assist the process while pretending to.

Health and Nutrition

Dec 6, 2012 - BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL: The city that ended hunger

Ron: The Brazilian City of Belo Horizonte is obviously a great example for our human future

after Little stasis. There will be both a chance and a need for new beginnings in all human

societal arrangements. Food is the first and most vital area in which we will need to learn to

share adequately but if possible we also must develop the positive attitudes and appropriate

techniques for sharing all other requirements for healthy civilised living. That will mean

developing methods for ensuring adequate housing, clothing, transport, general health and

medical care, care of young, old and disabled people, and appropriate parent and community

organised and controlled education arrangements. As Belo Horizonte's example with food

security demonstrates, these changes are possible - all that is needed is conscious awareness

of the NEED to achieve them.

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Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Not Without Our Consent

A mad world swirls around us in this manifestation with our inherent agreement. Without our

complicit cooperation in support of this insane system none of this would be happening. No

worldwide massacres without soldiers; no economic rape without bankers and merchants; and

no social degradation and control without willing teachers, administrators and enforcers. It

takes the cooperation of the people. We cooperate with them, they succeed. We don’t, they

don’t. - Zen Gardner

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - As Gaza is savaged again, understanding the BBC’s historical role is


Unknown to the public, Reith had been the prime minister's speech writer. Ambitious to

become Viceroy of India, he ensured the BBC became an evangelist of imperial power, with

"impartiality" duly suspended whenever that power was threatened. This "principle" has

applied to the BBC's coverage of every colonial war of the modern era: from the covered-up

genocide in Indonesia and suppression of eyewitness film of the American bombing of North

Vietnam to support for the illegal Blair/Bush invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the now familiar

echo of Israeli propaganda whenever that lawless state abuses its captive, Palestine. This

reached a nadir in 2009 when, terrified of Israeli reaction, the BBC refused to broadcast a

combined charities appeal for the people of Gaza, half of whom are children, most of them

malnourished and traumatised by Israeli attacks. ... the Israeli state has successfully

intimidated the BBC into presenting the theft of Palestinian land and the caging,

torturing and killing of its people as an intractable "conflict" between equals. Standing in

the rubble from an Israeli attack, one BBC journalist went further and referred to "Gaza's

strong culture of martyrdom". So great is this distortion that young viewers of BBC

News have told Glasgow University researchers they are left with the impression that

Palestinians are the illegal colonisers of their own country. The current BBC "coverage"

of Gaza's genocidal misery reinforces this.- John Pilger

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Wikipedia is controlled by Jews ie Canaanites whose primary directive

is:“do not speak the truth."

The Canaanite political parties were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essains, Assissins,

Herodians, and Scribes. A later group, the Edomites, descended from Esau and later

intermarried with the Turks, producing a Turco- Edomite mixture which later became known

as the Chazars, the present occupants of Israel, according to the great Jewish scholar,

Arthur Koestler The Canaanites were divided into the Amorites, Hittites, Moabites,

Midianites, Philistines, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, Sepharvaims, Perizzites, and

affiliated tribes, all of which are routinely denounced in the Bible. Genesis 3:17: "The

Perizzites are the enemies of God; the Ammonites worshipped Moloch Chemos and were

demon-possessed." The Ashodites worshipped the fish and god, Dagon-they were robbers

and hated God (as recorded in the BritishMuseum --Ed.). The Egyptians were known as

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worshippers of black magic, which resulted in God's rebuff to Hagar. The Amorites were

cursed by God (Ezra 9:1). Hittite was defined as meaning to destroy or to terrify; Perizzite

came to stand for strife and disorder; the Sepharvaim (later Sephardim) were

revolutionaries; Jebusite stands for trampling underfoot. - Eustace Mullins

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Ron: Here’s my take on the Gilad Atzmon article ...

Ron: Gilad Atzmon goes further than most Jews in that while seemingly criticising Jewish

genocidal attacks on the Palestinians he manages to blame today's German nation for them!

See eg: Gilad Atzmon on German Guilt and Multiculturalism.mp4 at:

Multiculturalism-mp4.shtml Atzmon's thesis is that Germans are responsible for what the

Jews in Israel and elsewhere DO, because the Jews falsely allege that Germans gassed and

incinerated six million Jews during WWII! The absurdity of their lies only escapes critical

world wide attention because Jews “own” the money supply in the US and most other

countries along with their governments, news media, publishing, academia, education and

entertainment systems etc.

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Sooo, “some of your best friends are Jewish”....

Ron; Zionism is organised, funded and controlled by Jews and its members are Jews. Its aims

are entirely directed towards benefiting Jews by stealing the land and property of

Palestinians (and others) in order to establish GREATER ISRAEL - a racist, apartheid state

controlled by Jews. Attempting to distinguish Zionism from Jews and Judaism is

disengenuous. Changing a name does not change an underlying identity. For instance the global

matrix controllers who call themselves Bnai Brith or Mossad or the US Corporate

government are still Jews ie neo-Pharisees aka Canaanites.

Incidentally polls taken in Israel indicated that 94% of the Jews in Israel supported the

Cast Lead IDF attack on Gaza in 2008-09. That implies that seven million Jews in Israel

alone, supported that genocidal assault on 800,000 children and their parents, trapped in the

biggest open air prison in the world.. As most Jews in the US also support Israel’s occupation

of Gaza and Palestine it is unreasonable to claim that Jews are not at the core of the

problem. If your Jewish friends do not support Israel's occupation of and attacks on Gaza

and the West Bank ask them what they are doing about it.

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Ron: What planet is Stuart Wilde living on...

Ron; Jews control global banking and most global money creation and economic activity

although their grip thereon is slipping as the BRIC nations finally get their act together. The

current global recession/depression is immiserating billions of people and killing millions YET

Stuart Wilde wants to pretend that it is “silly” to think that Jews are the problem! Spare


Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Dec 6, 2012 - Radio Fremantle Interview - Hazel S. - December 04, 2012

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Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - Gillard: The end of the world is coming

Ron: The OZ Prime Minister is"Taking the Piss" about the "End of the World" and the OZ

media is happy to ridicule "preppers" so I guess they'll be able to cope with the magnetic

Pole reversal. No wories mate!


Dec 6, 2012 - Max Igan aus Gasa (Audio)

Maw Igan, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - A Celebration of Vipers and the Trembling Dominoes

This is good and educatonal-C Dog Poet piece.

Political Information

Dec 6, 2012 - From Jonestown to the Mad Hatters Tea Party.


Dec 6, 2012 - DARPA & DoD Concerned About Worldwide Dependence on Digital


In Australia, private data is regularly under surveillance by law enforcement and Australian

governmental agencies without a warrant. The digital information gathered includes:

• Phone calls inbound and outbound

• Internet account login and password

As this practice is being reported in local media, the Australian government is clamoring for

more totalitarian Big Brother surveillance; setting up foundation for a complete “surveillance

state.” - Susanne Posel


Dec 6, 2012 - Don't Survive the "Collapse" - Prevent It

Ron: Get a grip on urban agriculture and horticulture Pilgrims. You're gonna need it soon.

Once the oil and carbon economy ceases to function such that 1500 food mile transportation

is no longer an option, you'll need to grow food locally or starve.

True US History

Dec 6, 2012 - Goldman Jews Do The World

But those few nations that go their own monetary way will either be bombed into utter ruin

(like Libya) by Jewry’s global terrorist group, NATO, or be saddled with harsh sanctions (like

against Iran) by the Jewish-bought governments of Europe and America. WITH THE

WORLD’S MONEYat the command of Jewish finance capital—led by Goldman Sachs—control

of nations’ governments is a walk in the park. OR those hapless nations will have American-

funded al-Qaida (those ‘democracy-loving‘ rebels) blowing up school children (as in Syria.)

It’s a great big Jewish world we live in today. And the Jews got the world by the

gonads… Br Nathanael Kapner

True US History

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Dec 6, 2012 - 2012 — the final battle . . . for the perpetuation of individual liberty

and control of the future of life on Planet Earth

The DARPA drones, led of course by self justifying Jewish psychologists, were hellbent on

creating their own twisted paradise, just like the Hebrew moneylenders have done to every

country they have lain their hands on on this planet. The Jews, God's Chosen People, are the

smug residents of walled enclosures, while the feckless bovines they have allowed to remain

alive clean latrines at their country clubs, unless selected for involuntary kidney donation.

Worst of all the DARPA drones are the "cogent" commentators on the Internet who pretend

to be critical of Israel and give their dual citizen Israeli-American Jewish sponsors a wink

and a nod. They wind up talking about the "good" Jews who are being snookered by the "bad"

Jews. Of course, the world now knows for sure there is only one kind. [Ron: Agreed! Those

who continue to profess to be Jews but pretend to censure them are Trojans.

Hypocritical disinfo Canaanite agents. See eg:

bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=261883 And:

continues-to-Blame-the-German-nation-for-Israel-s-genociding-of-Palestinians.shtml And:

Multiculturalism-mp4.shtml And:




Dec 6, 2012 - Mensaje 99: ¿CUAL ES SU MENSAJE?


Dec 6, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 42 - I AM A God, Ask me a question. ".

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Dec 6, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 11 & 12.

" Two things are happening: Information is breaking through the dam like a sieve and filters

aren't working for "them". And, Easter is coming! Easter is NOT the celebration of the life

or death of ANY Christ, not even Jesus (Heysooz). It is an ancient HOLIDAY of celebration

of very NON-CHRIST activities--look at Mardi Gras.

It accompanies PASSOVER, kiddies, just as ChristmasTIME is chau...(well, since no one can

easily spell it, it is called Hannuka). All the better to deceive you. It is well noted that both

Christmas and the Easter celebration regarding this "Christ" in the orthodox religions are,

at the least, a week following the U.S./Jewish holidays. Both of the holidays in point here

are HIGH SATANIC RITUAL DAYS, probably only second to Halloween and May 1-2. "

True US History

Dec 5, 2012 - ‘Death by a thousand cuts’

What amazes me most [Ron: And me too.] is that we still refuse to identify the perps.

Thousands of well-meaning Internet commentators effuse explanations of one atrocity or

another, but virtually all these blowhard bloggers seem congenitally unable to name the

designers of all these crimes against humanity, these crimes against their neighbors.

Even as the source of all these disasters, diseases and atrocities inevitably point to the same

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source, we simply refuse to name the perps — the exterminators of our lives. Hidden

beneath the calumnies against Adolf Hitler lies the real answer to our dilemmas that we are

still, even at this late hour, afraid to utter. The Jews can’t be made to see the error of their

ways; they’re too busy figuring out new ways to kill people, after first robbing them of all

their possessions, and later inventing stories that they were really trying to create world

peace by murdering every Palestinian child they could find. And knowing, that in their fear,

the victims of their mindless terror scams will remain unable and unwilling to speak their

name, even as they breathe their last breath. - John Kaminski

Political Information

Dec 5, 2012 - Syncretism; The perennial Philosophy. Part One

Ron: Santos Bonacci explains the relationship between astrology and science and how

religions and all the other authorities that enslaved humanity have hidden the truth in plain

sight in the words, symbols and architecture in society throughour recent millenia. I think

that this and his other video lectures are very good value if you want to understand the

world we live in.


Dec 5, 2012 - Keshe Foundation: Formation of study groups

Ron: Those who don't believe in Keshe Foundation plasma technology can now put up or shut

up. Mehran T Keshe: The first prototypes developed and made by the group will be within 3

month. So by the end of March, the forum thought study group should be able to show the

first system from their point of designer. We will provide all facilities and cost for

development of your prototype. At the end of the testing, each participant of each nation

will get a copy of the working unit to show to their part of the world and not to their own

nation alone. Thus teaching for space technology with world starts from today and now, it is

your time to assess each other’s capabilities and understanding of the universe according to

your comprehension of new technology. When you have chosen the team, we are here to

serve the technology out to you all. I think this should bring the space technology in one leap

into the public hand, and it will grow among people by the people for the people, rather than

us giving you a show and then all asking so what how is it down, now you get to know and teach

yourselves and others the full universal process.

Political Information

Dec 5, 2012 - Batshit City and Organ Harvesting, Disney World.

True US History

Dec 5, 2012 - UN Telecommunications Conference Assembles to Implement Governance

Over Internet

True US History

Dec 5, 2012 - TSA Seeks Permission to Conduct “Security Assessments” on Highways

Ron: It won't be long now folks. Israel runs over 500 checkpoints daily throughot the West

Bank and Palestine. Soon Amerikkans will begin to get a small taste of what that is like. US

cops already break into homes and shoot and tase USans to death so eventually Amerikkans

are scheduled to receive the full monte... Better hope that the magnetic Poleshift beats the

US Government to the punch Pilgrims...

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Dec 5, 2012 - New Accurate Location Of The Magnetic Pole Shift At Half Way Point

& Factual Events Occuring


Political Information

Dec 5, 2012 - WHO HATES PUTIN?

Enough of the HATERS! Who is it that LOVES Vladimir Putin? .....70% of the Russian

people that's who!

Phoenix Journals

Dec 5, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 11 & 12.


" ....... The Protocols have attracted much attention in Europe, having become the center of

an important storm of opinion in England only recently, but discussion of them in the United

States has been limited. These are the documents concerning which the Department of

Justice was making inquiries more than a year ago, and which were given publication in London

by Eyre and Spottiswoode, the official printers to the British Government. ............

But all through the documents there is left no doubt as to the people against whom the plan

is aimed. It is not aimed against aristocracy as such. It is not aimed against capital as such.

It is not aimed against government as such. Very definite provisions are made for the

enlistment of aristocracy, capital and government for the execution of the plan. It is aimed

against the people of the world who are called "Gentiles". It is the frequent mention of

"Gentiles" that really decides the purpose of the documents. Most of the destructive type of

"liberal" plans aim at the enlistment of the people as helpers; this plan aims at the de-

generation of the people in order that they may be reduced to confusion of mind and thus

manipulated. Popular movements of a "liberal" kind are to be encouraged; all the disruptive

philosophies in religion, economics, politics and domestic life are to be sown and watered, for

the purpose of so disintegrating social solidarity that a definite plan, herein set forth, may

be put through without notice, and the people then molded to it when the fallacy of these

philosophies is shown.

The formula of speech is not, "We Jews will do this," but "The Gentiles will be made to think

and do these things." With the exception of a few instances in the closing Protocols, the only

distinctive racial term used is "Gentiles".





(Link: The Protocols - Pdf.)


Dec 4, 2012 - PJ 05: D’ICI À L’ARMAGEDDON, PDF.

ASHTAR, traduction française : Godfried M. AKUÉ

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Dec 4, 2012 - Deadliest weapons ever invented- Metal Storm

Ron: Words fail me. This 3' 22" video was uploaded on Dec 22, 2009:

Disclaimer: Discovery Channel owns this video

Phoenix Journals

Dec 4, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 9 & 10.

" The Star of David, the Jewish national emblem, is a six-pointed star, formed by two

triangles, one standing on its base, the other on its apex. Deprived of their base lines, these

triangles approximate the familiar Masonic emblem of the Square and Compass. It is this

Star of David of which a Jewish observer in Palestine remarks that there are so few among

the graves of the British soldiers who won Palestine in the recent war; most of the signs are

the familiar wooden Cross. These Crosses are now reported to be objectionable to the new

rulers of Palestine, because they are so plainly in view of the visitor who approaches the new

Jewish university. As in Soviet Russia, so in Palestine, not many Jews laid down their lives for

the cause: There were plenty of Gentiles for that purpose.

[H: I would tell you a little tale about this very small town of Tehachapi. Over the

non-Catholic cemetery here someone laid out a cross on the hillside. It contained

flowers and somehow denoted the area as a cemetery. Along came the Jews and

objected. They not only objected, but by law the township was required to remove the

symbol. So, now there is the bottom of the Cross with no top--just a "T" for, I sup-

pose, Tehachapi. There was a flap over that too as being outrageous in snickering

compliance--but there it is, with only stones and no flowers. My, my aren't we cute?

Do you REALLY think the dead people care about the flower beds? Well, I guess most

of them are complaining about the hot-feet.] "

Political Information

Dec 3, 2012 - 30 Year Cover-Up of Vaccine Dangers Exposed in UK Government


Ron: Please try to get your friends and relatives to read this article. It could save young

children and the unborn and their parents from experiencing untold misery.

Other Spiritual Pieces

Dec 3, 2012 - Being Vegan – What Do We Really Love?

We must evolve in the same way in the regards that we see and treat all living creatures. No

matter what some people believe, animals have not been put upon this planet for the pleasure

of our eating. They have been put here for the pleasure of their company, and that is a huge

difference... It is not enough to continue to love some and eat others just because people

have been doing it for a long time. We can be so much better than that. It is not enough to

just give up something we enjoy for a season of time. If you really want to give a gift this

season…give the gift of life to all living creatures. Switching to a plant-based diet will make

an immediate impact upon the lives of animals, your health, and our environment. This year,

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and every year, my heart’s desire will be peace on earth for all animals and goodwill to all men

and living creatures. What is love if not this? - Paul Graham

True US History


True US History

Dec 3, 2012 - Popular Culture Promotes the Police State

Targeted Messages

Dec 3, 2012 - Special target

"The Father Son Holy Ghost Imperfection to Perfection

Lies Waking Dormant

Until the sun rises on the Coming Dawn."


Dec 3, 2012 - Shanghai | Shimao Intercontinental Hotel

The Shimao Intercontinental Hotel in the Songjiang District of Shanghai is sited on a

sunken artificial lake which was part of a quarry. A waterfall plunges down the front of

the hotel and two floors of guest rooms and a restaurant are underwater. Geothermal

heat generates electricity and heating for the resort.

Political Information

Dec 3, 2012 - Shifting Sands in Amorphous Zones of Vagueness

Political Information

Dec 3, 2012 - Sex addiction: The truth about a modern phenomenon

True US History

Dec 3, 2012 - Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military


Dec 3, 2012 - From sci-fi to reality: The computer-blitzing drone that can cripple a

nation's electronics at the touch of a button

True US History

Dec 3, 2012 - US NATO-backed Terrorists in Syria Mass Murder Unarmed Men

Ron: Is it just me or are the USrael, UK and NATO et al escalating their terrorism and

destruction of Syria? From where I sit the consequences of that terrorist activity appear to

be being borne by the people of Syria.

Political Information

Dec 3, 2012 - Israel Gives UN Vote The Finger

Israel Gives UN Vote The Finger

This 7' 31" video was published on Dec 2, 2012:

Phoenix Journals

Dec 3, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 9 & 10.

" You, I remind you, are PEOPLE OF THE LIE(s). You are taught from your vidiot games that

somehow things such as sexual pleasure are the end of ends. And, you are correct: the END

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of all peace and joy in your relationship with your most significant "other". This is abusing

USE of another in a most deceitful way to fill empty holes within self. Sex is the most useful

tool of the physical DARK SIDE--look at Billy Zipper! If you can't make what you have, work,

fine--move on but do not base that relationship on things of unworthy and unrealistic fan-


You come along and think sex is the most gratifying and "far out" way to feel "good about

self". Yes, that is what I said, SELF. It is not. It may seem exhilarating in the activity and

then it becomes the most debilitating one thing that you can experience. Sex CAN BE an

expression of love--but IT RARELY IS. And then, if you produce a life from that union--it

may very well mean MURDER of the child, and certainly of the MOTHER who must then live

with bad choices and weak mindset. Sexuality is most often a PLOY of the dark intents of

SELF in selfishness. Or, it is sometimes used to REPAY a kindness, like a movie or dinner.

Remember the Protocols: destroy family values and family structure; pull down morality--

and control is gained. A pregnancy, an abortion, a disease, or simply misuse of these things of

LIFE, are the most destructive things you can teach your children or experience for self--

for entrapment is the end feeling. "


Dec 2, 2012 - Sunday Global Meditation December 2nd, 2012

Political Information

Dec 2, 2012 - Rolf Harris Questioned in Connection to Savile Case

David Crayford and the OITC

Dec 2, 2012 - WB comments on UBS "going down"

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Dec 2, 2012 - Nederlands: Wereldwijde Zondag Meditatie: December 2012.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen


Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Dec 2, 2012 - Globale Sonntagsmeditation, 2. Dezember 2012

Political Information

Dec 2, 2012 - Israel’s Genocidal War on Palestine

Ron: Can you imagine what the YID controlled global mainstream "YELLOW Press" would be

screaming day and night IF these murders and maimings were being done TO Jews or

Amerikkans on a daily basis instead of to genuine Semitic Palestinians? The howling and

complaining would be overwhelming. But these killings, woundings and destruction of

Palestinian boats and property is NOT reported by Western media IS IT? Frankly I give up.

The fricken slaughter and carnage courtesy of the Canaanite controlled USrael, the UK, EU

and NATO is endless... The politicians, journalists, commentators and others who ENABLE

and facilitate the Canaanite conspiracy to kill and enslave humanity deserve to be the first

to experience the fruits of their labours.

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True US History

Dec 2, 2012 - The Other Dark Side of GMO Corn

The researcher, Boris Borisov, in his article titled “The American Famine” estimated the

victims of the financial crisis in the US at over seven million people. The researcher also

directly compared the US events of 1932-1933 with Holodomor, or Famine, in the USSR

during 1932-1933. In the article, Borisov used the official data of the US Census Bureau.the

United States lost over seven million people during the famine of 1932-1933. Having revised

the number of the US population, birth and date rates, immigration and emigration, the

researcher came to conclusion that “According to the US statistics, the US lost not less

than 8 million 553 thousand people from 1931 to 1940. Afterwards, population growth indices

change twice instantly exactly between 1930-1931: the indices drop and stay on the same

level for ten years. There can no explanation to this phenomenon found in the extensive text

of the report by the US Department of Commerce “Statistical Abstract of the United

States,” the author wrote... the US government tried to get rid of redundant foodstuffs,

which vendors could not sell. Market rules were observed strictly: unsold goods should always

be categorized as redundant and they could not be given away to the poor because it could

cause damage to businesses. A variety of methods was used to destroy redundant food. They

burnt crops, drowned them in the ocean or plowed 10 million hectares of harvesting fields.

“About 6.5 million pigs were killed at that time,” the researcher wrote .- Dmitry Lyskov


True US History

Dec 2, 2012 - Of Goldman Sachs & Tenghizchevroil

The underreported story of the week comes from Kazakhstan, where Prime Minister

Nursultan Nazarbayev’s government slapped an oil export levy on Tenghizchevroil- a joint

venture between BP, Chevron and Exxon Mobil. Two days later Kazakh financial police

launched a criminal probe of Tenghizchevroil.These seemingly disparate moves against the

global oligarchy reflect an awakening of people around the world. While corporate profits

climb and wealth continues to concentrate into fewer hands, the rest of us are squeezed

with higher prices, stagnant wages and a general reduction in living standards.- Dean


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Political Information

Dec 2, 2012 - Encyclopedia of the Palestinian Problem (Plus list of jewish Expulsions)

Ron: These lists of UN Resolutions against Israel and US Vetoes of UN Resolutions against

Israel are incomplete. The list of UN Resolutions against Israel covers the period from 1955

to 1992. The list of UN Resolutions against Israel VETOED by the US is for the period from

September, 1972 to May 1990.

Political Information

Dec 2, 2012 - Expelling Jews: 109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since


"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."

Auric Goldfinger quote

Political Information

Dec 2, 2012 - UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-1992

the 65 UN Resolutions passed against Israel are more than all the UN Resolutions

passed against all other countries combined

Phoenix Journals

Dec 2, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 7 & 8.

" Goodness is not created to SUFFER! That is a total MISPERCEPTION placed on people

through RELIGIONS. Religions are of MAN; Spirituality is of God Creator. You are, in the

physical manifestation, of man--therefore your Spirituality must always direct your human

being toward LIGHT and Spiritual growth lest you become entrapped in the very thing you

claim to detest. But as babies learn to walk, talk and master growth--so too must each come

to learn and know what IS and what is wrong that a society becomes unbalanced. The

controllers like it as it is without your input--that is why you are kept ignorant and deceived.

Do you simply want to wake up and smell the toast and coffee--or do you want to HAVE for

self some of that toast and coffee? It is up to you. You cannot be an electrical engineer until


" God never leaves you, and if you are wasting time sitting on your backsides or being on your


ALONG INTO REALIZATION OF THE TRUTH OF IT. All of us sitting and doing nothing

causes God to have to piddle around with us--so let's get on with learning TRUTH and then

we will KNOW what to do to repair that which we carelessly have damaged. "


Dec 1, 2012 - New, clean energy source: Living plants

Plants produce such enormous quantities of organic material from photosynthesis that they

actually excrete 70 percent of it, unused, into the soil by their roots. This provides

important nutrients for bacteria and other soil organisms. When bacteria metabolize this

organic matter, they release electrons into the soil. The premise of the Plant-Microbial Fuel

Cell is that electrodes placed close to the roots of plants can absorb these electrons and use

them to generate electricity, much like a battery.Helder's tests indicate that the Plant-

Microbial Fuel Cell can generate 0.4 W of electricity per square meter of vegetated area,

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more than biomass fermentation is currently capable of. Through further refinement of the

technique, Helder predicts that its power generating capacity could rise as high as 3.2 W per

square meter. This level of power generation would enable the average household to be

supplied entirely from the power generated by grass planted on a 100 square-meter roof. -

David Gutierrez

Health and Nutrition

Dec 1, 2012 - 4,250% Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu Shot

Given to Pregnant Women

Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states

that between 2009 and 2010 the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations have increased

Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in

pregnant women. Eileen Dannemann, NCOW’s director, made abundantly clear that despite

these figures being known to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the multiple-strain,

inactivated flu vaccine containing mercury (Thimerosal) has once again been recommended to

pregnant women as a safe vaccination this season. - Christina England

True US History

Dec 1, 2012 - Obama Setting the Stage for a Surveillance Society Monitored By


The Obama administration is deciding whether or not drone killings should be the first

response to terroristic suspicions in order to “help allied governments attack their enemies

or to prevent militants from controlling territories.”...In May, Obama promoted John

Brennan, chief adviser of Counter-terrorism, to assassination Czar and giving him the power

to decide who will be assassinated with collaboration of the President direct...

by 2015 at least 30,000 drones will be in American skies surveying US citizens in the name

of safety... President Obama signed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act in February of

this year, demanding that the FAA “integrate operation of drones” into National Airspace by

2015.- Susanne Posel [Ron: Sooo, how's Obama's hope and change working out for you and

how does his drone asassination policy fit with his alleged "light worker" role?


Dec 1, 2012 - Dr. Peter David Beter - Audio Letters: 69, Pdf.

Dr. Peter D. Beter, traduit par G. AKUÉ.

True US History

Dec 1, 2012 - Syria's Internet Outage & the Future of Information Warfare

Ron: USrael, the UK and NATO are making war on Syria and have been doing so for almost

two years. When is enough going to be enough for Syria? Can Syrians expect to be the next



Dec 1, 2012 - Cheap material made from DIRT can convert heat directly to

electricity: New discovery could revolutionise power generation

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Dec 1, 2012 - Shores of Urantia

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Shores of Urantia Original Song with

video. Shores of Urantia Lyrics by Ron Cohen, Music by Geoff Thomas and Peter Nickel

copyright 2010 All rights reserved.

Political Information

Dec 1, 2012 - The End of Jewish Power

The key to the success of the Jews, the current heirs of Shem's evil nephew Canaan, is their

ability to "NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH". Gilad Atzmon does this superbly, posing as a critic of

Jews while subtly reinforcing the key memes needed for them to retain global dominance. At

the same time he manages to laugh at the stupid goyim by titling his pseudo critical book

about Jews: THE WANDERING WHO? What a great "IN" joke that is! Why? Because every

wandering WHO (JEW) is actually a secret Canaanite! Ya gotta luv Atzmon's smartarse sense

of humour!

By Others

Dec 1, 2012 - 内巴丹尼娅的邀请:与我们同行 罗茜传递


Dec 1, 2012 - The correcting time website Excellent site, channel is Urantia Book oriented and

Orphelius thru Chris is just excellent. This is NOT UB teaching per se, but does use terms

at times familiar to UB readers. All AH readers will do fine on this.


Dec 1, 2012 - Apocalypse est le mot grec pour la révélation

Par inconnu/Alexis, traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Dec 1, 2012 - Invitation de Nébadonia: Marchez avec nous

Nébadonia par Rosie, traduction Kathy

Political Information

Dec 1, 2012 - The Moral Mildew of the Chosen Race

Ron: Here is a classic statement about WAKING UP! Read it and if you haven't yet travelled

the same road, please do so NOW! Time is very short if you wish to know what is happening

to you and this world before the Kali Yuga is over.


Dec 1, 2012 - Decoded Neurofeedback: Matrix-like Learning With No Conscious


In theory, hypnosis or a type of automated learning is a potential outcome,' said Kawato.

'However, in this study we confirmed the validity of our method only in visual perceptual

learning. So we have to test if the method works in other types of learning in the future. At

the same time, we have to be careful so that this method is not used in an unethical way.'

(National Science Foundation)

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Political Information

Dec 1, 2012 - Aung San Suu Kyi Silent Over Rohingya Violence, but Decries Crackdown

on Anti-Chinese Protest

Nobel laureate's double standards toe line of pro-Western "pivot" toward Asia and the

recolonization of Myanmar...

Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has demanded an apology for monks hurt in a violent

police crackdown at a Chinese copper mine protest, after she held talks with the two sides.

The "monks," of course, form the foundation of Suu Kyi's so-called "pro-democracy"

movement, as well as the leading front carrying out genocidal violence against Myanmar's

Rohingya population. Suu Kyi's recent demand for an apology stands in stark contrast to her

habitual silence over the plight of the Rohingya. The common denominator behind this

consistent hypocrisy is the targeting of Chinese interests across the country.

Political Information

Dec 1, 2012 - Britons sought to hide Mau Mau deaths

Fresh documents have revealed how British authorities sought to cover-up the killings of 11

prisoners during the Mau Mau uprising, which took place in the 1950s in Kenya, local media

reported. The full story of the British government’s attempts to conceal a massacre of

unarmed prisoners during the 1950s of the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya has been disclosed

with the declassification of secret files that were held for 50 years inside a secret archive

in the Foreign Office, British media reported.

According to reports, the documents show that British ministers and officials were claiming

that the prisoners had died after “drinking too much water”. This was long after the

disclosure of the truth: that all 11 men had been beaten to death by prison warders, some

suffering fractured skulls and jaws and several others dying from organ failure caused by

shock. Foreign Office files, released by the National Archives, state that the prison camp

was one of many, where suspected people of the opposition were detained by British colonial

forces, often in poor conditions. The files also showed that a plan had been made by colonial

authorities, which allowed prison staff to use physical force to make detainees work if they

refused.- PRESS TV

Political Information

Dec 1, 2012 - Not black-and-white: The chess game behind the recent Gaza-Israel

war (Op-Ed)

Israel’s attack on Gaza was a litmus test. All those voices continuously pushing for America’s

McJihad against the Syrian government in the name of freedom vanished from their podiums

or suddenly went silent when Israel attacked Gaza. - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Health and Nutrition

Dec 1, 2012 - CDC & UN: Mandate Routine HIV Screening & Medicate Uninfected


Ron: AIDs was created in US laboratories and I understand that it is not essentially sexually

transmited. Clearly the YIDS are determined to kill and maim as many humans as possible as

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quickly as possibly while ensuring that the allopathic medical industry and Big Pharma make

maximum profits in the process.

Phoenix Journals

Dec 1, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 7 & 8.













Read PJ 27: Link to Pdf

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - Israel authorises settler homes after UN vote

Just one day after a landmark UN vote recognising Palestine as a non-member observer

state, Israel has moved to authorise the construction of 3,000 new homes in East Jerusalem

and the West Bank.- Michael Brissenden

Other Spiritual Pieces

Nov 30, 2012 - The Wilde Weekly: The Kali Yuga—Age of Destruction

Ron: This author is right about the Kali yuga but his ideas about Gaia's attitude to humanity,

- her children - and the coming Earth changes etc, are a bit off. DITTO re the Indian Ocean

seaquake and tsunami in 2004. That quake wasn't a reaction by the planet to pollution there,

rather it was caused by the US exploding two nukes on the sea bed, apparently for the crazy

purpose of freeing up oil flows in nearby Sumatra. He's right though, about the fact that

after the Kali Yuga, the age of enlightenment follows.


Nov 30, 2012 - Apocalypse is the greek word for revelation.

Another lap of the wave is on the way and I am feeling more of the radiation of it. I can't

sleep from it and so decided to review from last winter on my Glp thread. I found this,

which I had not fully read and it's good. I could not find the author by search. Nice time to

review my glp thread folks! The main bulk of interesting peices NOT from AH like this one,

are on pages 4 and 5

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - The Curious Case of the Georgia Guidestones and Ms. Carney

Ron: Talmudists are consumate liars. They say one thing and mean another - often its

opposite. But they do it with flair due to thousands of years of practice. The problem today

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is that not all Talmudists formally profess that ideology. So sometimes you cannot tell who

they are unless you carefully analyse what they say AND what they do. Talmudists are

Canaanites. Eustace Mullins has explained that Canaanites are heirs to the "Will of Canaan"

bequeathed to his children by Canaan, Shem's wicked nephew. Eustace Mullins says the Will

is only found in the Talmud: '.., where it is presented thusly, "Five things did Canaan

charge his sons: love one another (ie members of your own tribe) , love robbery, love

lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." Pes. 113b. Eustace also says:

The Will of Canaan has been the Canaanites' prescription for all of their operations

during the ensuing three thousand years since the testament was given. Today it

remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the

World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom the

Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre. (Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan.


The instruction to "hate your masters," that is, Shem and Japheth and their descendants, is

now a command to commit genocide against the people of Shem. Why? Because, ironically the

Chasers (Khazars) are descendants of Japheth who, after migrating to the land north of the

Caucuses Mountains, adopted the Talmud as their ideological dogma. The implication is that

anyone, including descendants of Shem can, by adopting Talmudism, become a Canaanite. Thus

all subsequent Canaanite rites are based upon the exhortations in the Will of Canaan, to

struggle and commit acts of violence against the people of Shem. It is not only the basis for

all of the revolutions and "liberation movements" since that time, it is also a basic incitement

to commit genocide and to carry on racial wars. Because of a three-thousand-year historical

blackout, (engineered by Canaanites) the people of Shem have never understood their peril,

and they have frequently been subject to massacre because their essential goodness made it

impossible for them to believe the vileness of the Canaanites. The Will of Canaan has always

been concealed from Shemites (Semites) because it is the basic program of conspiracy and

secret rites which enable the Canaanites to wreak their hatred upon the descendants of

Shem. The Shemites include the 10 lost tribes of Israel who left Palestine and migrated to

Europe after their Persian captivity, ie centuries before the Levites forced Judahites to

accept the Torah and the Talmud. Having this previously hidden history in mind, Ms Carney's

somewhat contradictory public utterances may become a bit easier to decipher.


Nov 30, 2012 - Italian: Importanti Decisioni che Inizieranno ad Influenzare.

Siraya tramite Johan, traduzione Lina Capettini.

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - Rabbi 'forced 12-year-old girl to perform oral sex on him after

parents sent her for counseling after she questioned sect's teachings by reading


Nechemya Weberman, a rabbi in a strict ultra-orthodox Jewish sect, is charged with 88

counts of sexual abuse. Rabbi Weberman, a respected leader of the small community, was

supposed to be re-indoctrinating the girl and bringing her back to the ultra-conservative

standards of the community after she was branded a 'heretic.' Instead, she told a counselor

years later, he was abusing her. 'When you think about it,' assistant district attorney Kevin

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O’Donnell said, the alleged victim's parents 'were actually paying the defendant to have

sex with their daughter.'

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - Major Jewish pedophile ring exposed

'...the FBI’s Kenneth Lanning, who worked in the Behavioral Science Unit from 1981 until

2000, developed a model that describes what he termed “multi-dimensional sex rings.” (This

term, Lanning admits, never really caught on; more frequently used is “ritual abuse,”

“organized abuse,” or “satanic/sadistic ritual abuse.”) The model delineates four criteria:

multiple offenders and multiple victims who are considerably younger than “standard”

pedophile victims; the victims are controlled and coerced primarily through fear; the abuse

occurs in communities that are insular and ultra-conservative; and at least some of the abuse

in question is extreme, grotesque, or incorporates ritualistic aspects.' - John Friend


Nov 30, 2012 - Hemp for Victory - 1942 USDA Full Film - Government Promotes


Ron: See also The Marijuana



Other Channels

Nov 30, 2012 - Décisions importantes qui commenceront sérieusement à affecter la vie

sur Terre

Siraya par Johan, traduction Kathy

Human/Animal Rights

Nov 30, 2012 - Syria housing complex blown from syria.

and the Internet there is now closed.

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - Max Igan from Gaza

Max Igan spent some time in Gaza and talks about his experience and the crimes against

humanity being committed by Jews against the real Semitic peoples of Palestine.There are

800,000 children in Gaza and it is the biggest open air prison in the world. Audio at:

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - WE HAVE A CRIMINAL AS PRIME MINISTER... and the Press

gallery is quite comfortable with that

At the base of the current scandal is this: The union movement in Australia is corrupt

beyond belief. It was so when I worked in it and it still is now. We are only aware of the

current corruption because it was fortuitously tripped over. The HSU, AWU, CFMEU

(BLF) are symptomatic of the way lawless unions work. The CFMEU (BLF) alone has

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millions “missing” and I know where it went but can’t afford to lose focus on the main

game. The current Gillard Government is made up of these unionists... unionists who have

been owed favours or have been paid to keep their mouths shut. Thus the current quality

of Labor politicians. Promotion is not on ability but on who is owed what. Safe Labor seats

are a valuable form of internal union currency. - Larry Pickering

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - GILLARD FIGHTS TO THE BITTER END... but no way out now

So, which way does Gillard want it? “I was already acting for the AWU via Bruce Wilson and

therefore I didn’t need to inform the AWU Executive” of the potential fraud or, “It ought

NOT be construed as a union” in order to convince the Commission to incorporate the slush

fund? It seems these two points cannot be easily explained. Neither the media nor the

Opposition have broached this most serious case of misleading the Press and the Parliament

Gillard’s position is now untenable simply because it is patently clear that she has lied and

she has committed a crime. - Larry Pickering

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - GILLARD: The story she tried to kill

Recently appointed News Ltd, CEO, Kim Williams proclaimed at the SA Press Club last week

that the public's right to know is sacrosanct. It appears the public's right to know is

sacrosanct until it conflicts with media's own interests, although there are recent signs Kim

Williams is moving in the right direction. 'The Australian' is now revisiting this sordid tale.

The problem Williams will have to deal with is the phone-hacking that his, and Fairfax's,

staff have been engaging in. We have spoken to victims. An exposure of this was the threat

that Gillard used against the then News Ltd CEO, John Hartigan, to kill the Wilson story. -

Larry Pickering

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - The Smoking Gun We Weren't Supposed To Find....

True US History

Nov 30, 2012 - Israel’s Holy War: Triggering the Palestinian Exodus?

The number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank has almost doubled in the past 12 years,

with more than 350,000 residing illegally under international law. [3] While Israel’s Foreign

Minister Avigdor Lieberman asserts Tel Aviv’s unwillingness to permit Palestinians any right

to return to their lands, emphasizing, “not even one refugee,” apartheid enforced on ethnic

and religious lines has become a ratified part of Israeli government policy. [4] Far-right

political discourse that was once considered extremism is now the status quo in Israel. (Nile

Bowie, Gaza and the Politics of “Greater Israel”, November 17, 2012.) While the Jewish

state is blamed for its repeated brutal attacks on Gaza, the crimes committed against the

people of Gaza would not be possible if it weren’t for the broad international support of

Israel, mostly from the US, but also from other Western and Middle Eastern countries.

Political Information

Nov 30, 2012 - Hungary Begins Backlash Against Jews

According to Brian Harring at

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Prisoners_in_Auschwi_2737.shtml the Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz

Concentration Camp from May of 1940 through December of 1944 states that the total

number of Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz in May-October, 1944 was 23,117. However,

the Number of Hungarian Jews claimed to have been sent to Auschwitz in May-October,

1944 (by Lucy Dawidowicz in her book The War Against the Jews, New York, 1975) was

450,000. And Raul Hilberg in The Destruction of the European Jews, New York, 1985 claimed

that 180,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz in that period. Neither of those authors

substantiated their claim. Moreover, the Official German Record of all Prisoners in

Auschwitz notes that the total number of Hungarian Jews transferred from Auschwitz,

May-October, 1944 was 21, 527 Thus the Total number of Hungarian Jews remaining in

Auschwitz after October, 1944 was 1,590. NO Jews were holocausted at Auschwitz.

Hungarian Jews fared MUCH better than Germans did in 1944 and thereafter. See eg:

GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany.



True US History

Nov 30, 2012 - CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to

Discredit Factual Information

Petraeus is seeking to better the CIA’s ability to create online identities for undercover

spies. Currently, each internet user has a digital footprint that can trace the movements

online to the person on the other end of the screen. Petraeus wants to utilize technology

that will essentially erase a digital footprint; erasing all traces of anyone at the whim of the

CIA. - Susanne Posel

Phoenix Journals

Nov 30, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 5 & 6.









True US History

Nov 29, 2012 - McCain, Lévy Openly Conspire Against World Peace

Ron: Want to be thoroughly nauseated? Then watch Robert Kagan, John McCain and Bernard

Levy gloating about what they did TO Libya and whinging about being unable to do the same

thing; ie what they want to do, TO Syria. Apparently this isn't enough, they want more: These

individuals are absolute neo-Pharisees ie total Canaanites.

See: Anyone

who really wants to understand these neo-Pharisees and why they are sooo absolutely

hypocritical and evil; and why the "Jews" have the whole world by the throat should read

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Eustace Mullins' book: 'The Curse of Canaan' at:



Nebadonia a través de Rosie

True US History

Nov 29, 2012 - URGENT: NATO Preparing Psy-Op in Syria

Other Spiritual Pieces

Nov 29, 2012 - Bolivian President Evo Morales' Address in the UN General Debate,

67th Session - 26 September 2012

Ron: I understand that because of a miscalculation relating to the birth year of Esu (Jesus

the Christ) the Gregorian Calendar gives us a date for the Mayan Long Count which is seven

years too late. That means that we are already almost seven years beyond the 21 December

2012 Mayan Long Count date. In effect we are well into the beginning of "time" - "the Pacha"

referred to in President Evo Morales' speech.

True US History

Nov 29, 2012 - Organizing Chaos, Chapter 1 of Propaganda by Edward Bernays

The dirty little secret of Edward Bernays is that he learned that the masses could be

manipulated to want to buy stuff what they don’t need.- Mitch Santell

As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been

increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which

opinion may be regimented.

With the printing press and the newspaper, the railroad, the telephone, telegraph, radio and

airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly and even instantaneously over the whole of America. -

Edward Bernays

True US History

Nov 29, 2012 - Propaganda (1928)



Nebadonia says: "My words are words of LOVE IMPRINTED ON YOUR SOUL, PERVADING


leave you. I live on in you even as you “die”, leaving your physical body behind". She offers us

a "rich tapestry of experience" if we accept her invitation to walk with her.

Political Information

Nov 29, 2012 - Australian PM under fire for stance on Palestine UN upgrade

Ron: Talk about the tail wagging the dog! What other country has a miniscule minority (well

under one percent) of its population vociferously telling the government and the rest of the

population what it must do in international relations. "YES" I know the Jews do it everywhere

even though they invariably have only miniscule FIFTH COLUMN populations in those

countries too. I am just indulging in a bit of Hyperbole...

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Political Information

Nov 29, 2012 - The Australian Dollar: A Global Currency?

Ron: Good luck with that Australia...

True US History

Nov 29, 2012 - At Abuse Trial, Support for Orthodox Jewish Girl

This time, people said that they came because they had read on victims’ advocacy blogs that

the victim needed support or heard about her case through publicity surrounding a fund-

raiser for Mr. Weberman in May.Though the young woman’s parents had asked her to drop

the case as recently as this spring, the victim testified, about 20 members of her family

came to show their support in court. “The anger has reached a level where people have

decided to put an end to making the victim into the villain,” said Judy Genut, an advocate for

abuse victims in Williamsburg. The testimony of the young woman, who turns 18 next week,

lasted for hours. - SHARON OTTERMAN


Nov 29, 2012 - Decisiones Importantes que Empezarán a Afectar Seriamente la Vida

en la Tierra

Siraya a través de Johan


Nov 29, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 9.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 29, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 5 & 6.

[H: Remember that men such as Hitler, Stalin, and any considered "bad" men WROTE

SOME FINE THINGS AS WELL. But to ban the speaking of or reference to these

historically "important" (not famous, important) people is a worse COVER-UP OF THE




Targeted Messages

Nov 28, 2012 - Syria

Back out of Syria NOW. There will be Consequences

Michael of Nebadon

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - Secular Jews

Ron: This Jew says he doesn't believe in any of the tenets or holy books of Judaism; and his

professing Judaism is not about associating with a community of like-minded people. He

doesn't know why it is important for him to be a Jew. YET he is a Professor in the

Department Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago, has written a book about his

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AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 27-- Page 87

belief in evolution and boasts that Jews have produced "way more than their share of

academics, comedians, songwriters, and Nobel Laureates." Could he really be sooo THICK?

Does he really contend that being a Jew has nothing to do with his getting his academic

status? Since he believes in Darwinian Evolution his vocational status cannot be based on

rational thought and research in this day and age. Jews get academic jobs and Nobel Prizes

because Jews "own" the universities and decide who gets the jobs and the Prizes. DITTO re

jobs in Hollywood and TV.

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - BBC inquiry into Jimmy Savile scandal 'to stay secret'

Thousands of pages of emails, interview transcripts and submissions obtained for the Pollard

inquiry will not be made public, according to The Times, despite the BBC promising to be

transparent over its findings.The inquiry, which is being led by former head of Sky News

Nick Pollard, has already cost £200,000 of licence-fee payers money...Although around 20

interviews have been conducted with witnesses, including former directors-general Mark

Thompson and George Entwistle, head of BBC News Helen Boaden and her deputy, Steve

Mitchell, these will not be included in the report...The investigation will also be much more

limited than previously thought. The BBC will not focus in detail on the 10-month period after

the Newsnight investigation was axed, when a number of senior executives failed to

intervene despite being warned the corporation's reputation could be at risk.- Alice Philipson

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - Samsung production line staff 'forced to work 16 hours a day and are

given just one day off a month'

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - The minister who thinks that lessons in porn are acceptable: MP says

schools are free to teach children despite impact of images on youngsters


Nov 28, 2012 - Scientists Discover New Technique to Remove Fluoride from Drinking


Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - Breaking: Western-backed Terrorists in Syria Slaughter Christians in


Associated Press (AP) attempted to spin and downplay the act of terrorism, claiming in its

report, "Twin car bombs kill 20 in Syria, hospitals say," that:

"Syrian hospital officials say twin car bombs have killed at least 20 people in a Damascus

suburb that is mostly loyal to President Bashar Assad."Excusing egregious acts of terrorism

aimed at Syria's civilian population by claiming those targeted were "mostly loyal to

President Bashar Assad" has been a favorite tactic of AP, BBC, CNN, Fox News, and others.

In reality, the vast majority of Syrians, from Christians to Druze, from Shia'a Muslims to

moderate Sunnis, are targets of the sectarian extremist, Saudi-Wahhabi indoctrinated

terrorists the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have been funding, arming, importing from across

the region, and arraying against the people of Syria since at least 2007. -

True US History

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Nov 28, 2012 - Academy of Pediatrics Push Abortion Pill For Teens Without Parental


Other Channels

Nov 28, 2012 - BROADCAST o=8=1=I

Papa Source par Kibo

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Brzezinski: “Populist Resistance” is Derailing the New World Order


Nov 28, 2012 - Giant 100-meter sarcophagus constructed at Chernobyl nuclear plant


Ron: Alongside the main article posted here is an article rubbishing Germany's decision to

stop using nuclear power. Ignoring for the moment the huge cost in death, disease and having

to evacuate the neighbouring city and the whole district for an indefinite period, the

Chernobyl nuclear plant breakdown has cost untold billions in decontamination, shielding and

reconstruction efforts aimed at making the site safe in the future. YET here we have stupid

article entitled Ideology trumps reason as Germans pay the price for abandoning nuclear

power which denigrates and criticises Germany's decision to CEASE using and constructing

nuclear power plants. How FKN dense are the journalists who write this crap? Look at the

cost of this construction designed to make Chernobyl safe which is said to cost 1.54 billion

euros and is not scheduled to be completed until almost 30 years after the .Chernobyl

nuclear plant melt down occurred. WHY is a similar COST NOT FACTORED INTO THE COST


bankster controlled MSM article doesn't advert to the recent cold fusion power

development by Andrea Rossi and others let alone the Keshe Foundation's plasma

technologies which will deliver virtually free energy from space without any pollution or risks


By Others

Nov 28, 2012 - 将会开始严重影响地球上生命的重要决定 赛若亚通过约翰传递

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Petraeus Under Jewry's Thumb

This 4' 09" video was published by Brother Nathanael on Nov 27, 2012:

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Brzezinski to US: Stop following Israel on Iran like a stupid mule

Ron: Given that Brzezinski was almost certainly a Rothschilds agent and then a clone that

passed its "use by" date and is presumably now a double, what does this mean? Have the

Rothschilds lost their grip on Israel? Have they lost control of their current political

puppets in Israel such that Netanyahu is no longer following orders and has to be thrown

under the bus? Perhaps the controllers of Brzezinski and Obama KNOW that Iran's Keshe

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Foundation technologies will make it military and political suicide for the US to be associated

with an attack on Iran? We live in interesting times...

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - Aussie Zionists training to fight for Israel

Ron: Why do Jews call themselves Zionists instead of Jews? Imagine what would happen to a

Muslim Australian who attended "camps" in order to train to go to Gaza or the West Bank to

fight for the Palestinians. Doya think he'd get laudiatory positive primr time news coverage

from the Australian Broadcasting Commission - Australia's government TV and media

network as these Jews do? Or would he be accused of terrorism training, prosecuted and

gaoled? Those who doubt that Jews constitute a Fifth Column in whatever country they live

in need to explain why they find it acceptable for Jews to proclaim primary loyalty to a

foreign country as these Jews do. If these young Jews aren't example of Talmudic mind

control I don't know what is. Take this for example: 'It's a nice sense of connection to be

with your own people... Are you Jewish first or are you Australian first type thing?

And I guess for me I'm Jewish first.' - Ben Milston

Political Information

Nov 28, 2012 - Campaign for Iraq war inquiry gathers momentum


Nov 28, 2012 - 3D Printing “Photo Booths” Popping Up Across The World

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Army mom: Military suicides ‘out of control’

Ron: When will they ever learn ... The answer

is blowin in the wind:

Health and Nutrition

Nov 28, 2012 - 3D Printing New Body Parts

'... a Dutch medical researcher, Ernst Jan Bos, who is using the Ultimaker 3D printer to

create "scaffolding" upon which new human body parts may one day be grown. Using adult

stem cells taken from a patients, new body parts can be grown and then grafted onto the

patient.' - Ernst Jan Bos

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Walmart & 112 Dead Factory Workers

Boycotting Walmart must be done in tandem with a concerted local effort to create citizen-

networks, clubs, hackerspaces, and makerspaces to pool resources together and begin

replacing permanently, large multinationals like Walmart, not through mere protests or policy

changes, but through local innovation and entrepreneurship. These local networks will

produce small businesses and jobs, leveraging technology while giving local communities

exactly what they want, and a direct hand in the manufacturing process, not merely a chance

to "belly up" to the corporate-consumerist troughs filled daily at Walmart.

Developing this local infrastructure will not happen overnight, and it will not cause Walmart

to shutter its doors tomorrow, or even this week. But technology is already negating the

massive, centralized, scale of economy business models employed by Walmart and other

mega-multinationals. And while a handful of friends and family getting together after work,

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pooling their resources to leverage modern technology to create a workspace within which

they can create, design, invent, and produce, may seem like a small drop in a very large

bucket to fill, people pursuing this solution in parallel around the country, and around the

world will quickly gain momentum collectively, creating local supply chains that directly

benefit local people - in the United States and in Bangladesh - no disparity required.-

landdestroyer. blogspot

True US History

Nov 28, 2012 - Humanitarian Coverup: Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo


Ron: Sooo, why are Congolese less important than Syrians? If the last war caused 5.4 million

deaths there, or anything like that number, haven't they suffered enough?


Nov 28, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 8.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Nov 28, 2012 - PJ #225 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX, Vol.4 ", Pdf copy.

Hope And Hopis; The Hopi Prophecies-Basis Of The Fabian Society-A Protocol of 1869, The

Fatal Discourse Of Rabbi Reichhorn-Jason Brent's Mensa-Sananda: Balance Shall Be

Restored Upon The Earth!-Sananda: Critical Lessons On The Antichrist Pharisees-Sananda:

The Truth Is Out There If You Look-P. Kawaja: Why The U.S. Will Go To War And Will Bomb

Iraq-Reminder About Executive Orders And Talmudic Noachide Laws-What Are The

Noachide Laws?


Nov 27, 2012 - Important Decisions that Will Begin to Affect Life on Earth Seriously

Siraya thru Johan November 26, 2012

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Raul Hilberg and telepathy

“If everyone who claims to be a Holocaust survivor actually

is one, who did Hitler kill?” — Norman Finkelstein’s mother,

quoted in Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry:

Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Sir Cyril Smith: Former MP sexually abused boys, police say

Ron: Why is it that no VIP is ever considered to be a child sexual abuser until after death?

And why are Police and prosecutors NEVER responsible for decisions to NOT prosecute VIPs

for sexually abusing children?

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Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Nov 27, 2012 - Wichtige Entscheidung, die das Leben auf der Erde anfangen wird,

ernstlich zu beeinflussen

Von Siraya durch Johan

27. Nov. 2012 - Übersetzung: Harald Kühn

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - George Galloway in Canada !!!

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Nov 27, 2012 - Nederlands: Belangrijke Beslissingen zullen beginnen het leven ernstig

te beïnvloeden.

Siraya via Johan, vertaling Lilian A.

Par Candace

Nov 27, 2012 - La nouvelle guerre est une opération sous faux pavillon d’Israël

Christ Michael par Candace

17 novembre 2012 - Traduction Kathy

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Nov 27, 2012 - BROADCAST 0=8=1=I (deutsch)

Von Papa Source durch Kibo

23. Nov. 2012 - Übersetzung: Harald Kühn


Nov 27, 2012 - A Revolution in Consciousness

The Internet has been an even better training ground for expanding our conceptual

frameworks, because it transmits information from multiple points that work like inner

dimensions. The notion of cyberspace and virtual reality accustoms us to entire dimensions of

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activity where space is collapsed and distances do not exist -- you are at most only one page

away from where you want to be -- which is analogous to the nonphysical, no-space nature of

the afterlife. Like telepathy, information and communication are everywhere at once and

respect no barriers. - Julia Assante


Nov 27, 2012 - Stone Builders, Mound Builders and the Giants of Ancient America |

Jim Vieira at TEDx

Ron: Jim Vieira has compiled masses of evidence of giant humans up to 11 feet tall having

lived and produced massive earthern pyramids and intricate stone structures in Eastern

North America. Skeletal evidence of these humans and remnants of their structures were

and to some extent still are, everywhere. Moreover, they were well known and even featured

in newspapers until the Jew banksters bought the Reuters and AAP news services in the 19th

century and started suppressing this information. Dunno about you but I'm fed up with the

distorted and grossly truncated histories our Jew controllers have foisted upon us during my

lifetime. Schooling and university "education" has been worse than a waste of time since

before I was born. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a free global society in which every

individual and community could live, love, work and seek truth in any way they choose

provided that they do not infringe upon the rights of others?! To do that we are going to

have to eliminate bankers, usury, corporations and centralised governments.


Nov 27, 2012 - The crimson tide: Tourists in Australia flee as Bondi Beach turns into

the 'Red Sea' because of rare algae bloom

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Dairy of Mad Men: Angry farmers spray milk on riot police in Brussels

Ron: At least these European farmers are sharing the milk of human kindness with the

European Union bureaucrats which is more that the bureaucrats are doing.

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Goldman's Global Domination Is Now Complete As Its Mark Carney

Takes Over Bank Of England

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - What Hitler Did Good And Why I believe the Holocaust Was “Fake”.

Ron: This is a bit simplistic but hey, at least this author knows that the Jews are the


Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Rogue Terrorism for a Greater Israel

Health and Nutrition

Nov 27, 2012 - Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to Aluminum and

Acetaminophen Exposure

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - Zionism in Politics and Media

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“In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without

encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world

republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for

the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources

of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the

Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their


– Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1,1928

The video entitled 'Creation of the Modern Day State of Israel' accurately outlines the way

the Rothschilds created Israel:

Political Information

Nov 27, 2012 - The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany The Economic

Boycott of 1933 - Repost

Ron: Please read this article folks. It tells you the truth about who started WWII and when.

- 'Few people know the facts about the singular event that helped spark what ultimately

became known as World War II - the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany

shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German government

sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out. The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily

Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful

international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express

purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new

Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response. Thus, if truth be told,

it was the worldwide Jewish leadership - not the Third Reich - that effectively fired the

first shot in the Second World War. Prominent New York attorney Samuel Untermyer (above

right) was one of the leading agitators in the war against Germany, describing the Jewish

campaign as nothing less than a "holy war."'- M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D.

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Nov 27, 2012 - PJ #228 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 2 ", Pdf copy.

" This Journal concludes the Rise Of Antichrist Essays begun in Vol. 1 of this series and

introduces a 30part series entitled Plot and Plotters, Anti-Gentilism. Also in this Journal we

begin the series entitled GLOBAL PARASITES-reprinting the information presented in The

Dearborn Independent in the 1920's entitled The International Jew. "

Political Information

Nov 26, 2012 - Banker Nation's, Thug-life Brutalization of Civilization.

The agony of the irony, that these mercenary thugs have no actual connection to the land

they squat upon and which actually belongs to the people they are destroying, is matched by

their ridiculous claims of Semitic heritage, which they are not in possession of but... their

victims are. Their victims are...the internationally scattered, but linked, bankers put forth

the proposition to Money Central,that this collection of Ashke-NAZI bankers, should be

allowed to return to their non existent homeland, presently occupied by the original

inhabitants, in order to create a Central Banker Nation, Crime Syndicate from which to rule

the entire world (although, they might not have put it exactly like that)... a bunch of Mongol

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Turks, or Turkish Mongols, as you prefer, were permitted to mislabel themselves into world

culture, with a false gene marker that identified them as Semitic, which they were not. It's

a lot like that HIV thing, in more ways than one... This international banker, crime nation has

been exterminating the lawful occupants of the land they seized for some decades. They are

now quite impatient because, as far as they are concerned, they have a right to everything

from the Nile to the Euphrates... We are in discovery mode! Unless you have your head up

your ass AND I suspect, you will discover that soon enough as well - Les Visible

Political Information

Nov 26, 2012 - UN Speaking With US and France to Acquire Drones to Spy on the


Health and Nutrition

Nov 26, 2012 - It’s Official! The UN Merging of Human and Veterinary Medicine

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the

animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor

your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly

upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." Samuel Adams,

(1722-1803) U.S. Founding Father and Public Enemy #1

Political Information

Nov 26, 2012 - Palestine, Just Telling It As It Is

Ron: Do you ever wonder why our world is as it is? I do. Today I had a gentle man tell me in

effect, that discernment consists in publishing every view point he receives. Moreover, he

boasts that on his web site: 'all sorts of things are presented here, often without the

poster's trying to tell the Readers "what to think"'. That sounds very politiclly correct so I

guess it must be a good thing, mustn''t it? Sooo, if someone accompanied this video clip with

one showing hundreds of cadavers of naked German POWs alleged to be Jews killed by

demonic Germans he'd put it up next to this video - for balance you understand ...

Other Channels

Nov 26, 2012 - BROADCAST oX8X1XI

Ainsi Dieu le Seigneur (Papa Source) a dit

Papa Source, par Kibo

21 novembre 2012 - Traduction Kathy

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Nov 26, 2012 - BROADCAST 0X8X1XI - SENDUNG 0X8X1XI

Von Papa Source durch Kibo

23. Nov. 2012

Übersetzung: Harald Kühn

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Nov 26, 2012 - Der richtige Gebrauch der Gedanken

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von Jesus/CM - 23 Nov 2012 - Übersetzung: Christina

Political Information

Nov 26, 2012 - The Visible Darkness of the Unyielding Night.


Nov 26, 2012 - Five Reasons Why Urban Farming is the Most Important Movement of

our Time

Political Information

Nov 26, 2012 - Confusion surrounds ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas as

Ahmadinejad congratulates ‘victory’

Phoenix Journals

Nov 26, 2012 - PJ #225 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX, Vol.4 ", chapter 13, 14 & 15,



John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University in 1963, said it perfectly: "The high office of the

President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave

office, I must inform the citizens of their plight." Ten days later, John F. Kennedy was




Nov 25, 2012 - Sunday Global Meditation November 25, 2012

This is a repeat of Last Weeks Meditation. Please super focus on GAIA as the

PERSON she is!

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Nov 25, 2012 - Globale Sonntags-Meditation, 25. November 2012

Die Sonntagsmeditation für den 25. November ist eine Wiederholung von letzter Woche.

Political Information

Nov 25, 2012 - CARE HOME ABUSE VICTIM -Tells of Sex Parties "Exclusive Personal


By Others

Nov 25, 2012 - 来自源头的广播 0=8=1=I 天父源头通过基博传递

Political Information

Nov 25, 2012 - Twitter Warzone: Israel losing battle of words on social media

Ron: Despite having a million HASBARA tweeting around the world humanity isn't buying the

Jews' message about their existential need to bomb Gaza.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Nov 25, 2012 - Nederlands: UITZENDING 0=8=1=I

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Papa Bron via Kibo, vertaling Lilian A.

Political Information

Nov 25, 2012 - Darkness of Western media over Gaza

Over the period that most in the West believe there has been “peace,” the Israeli Air Force

has flown thousands of sorties over Gaza and their record of hitting targets they feel

“justified” to go after is even worse than the American drone record. A good set of

estimates, depending on definitions can go between 85% and 98% “collateral damage,” based

on definition. Eighty five percent of casualties have been women and children and the

remainder could be classified as “militants,” a combination of police, legally constituted

militia, members of local and foreign press (needing silencing) and members of government

that Israel opposes. A reminder for those unfamiliar with the democratic realities of Gaza

and the West Bank, during the elections of January 25, 2006, Hamas won 74 of 132 seats on

the Palestinian Legislative Council. This made Hamas the chosen and democratically elected

government of what United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 of November 22, 1967

designated an independent state. There is a second more serious problem, the one-sided

point of view as to what it means to invade and occupy, the definition of “apartheid” and,

more specifically, when stealing land from rightful owners because they are of the wrong

religion is allowed. This is technically a war crime by every imaginable definition.- Gordon


True US History

Nov 25, 2012 - Surveillance Grid Moves Ahead With VoIP Spy Technology

Ron: If the magnetic Pole reversal doesn't happen "soon" we are all toast.

Health and Nutrition

Nov 25, 2012 - The Healing Power of Marijuana Has Barely Been Tapped

True US History

Nov 25, 2012 - Thai Protesters Confront US-backed Regime

Political Information

Nov 25, 2012 - Al Qaeda "Virtue Police" Show up Along NATO Protected Turkish-

Syrian Border

True US History

Nov 25, 2012 - Obama & Netanyahu Use Egypt to Gain Strategic Position Against


Books - eBooks

Nov 25, 2012 - Home Study Course - 12, Walter and Lao RUSSELL, Pdf, final.

WALTER and Lao RUSSELL, transcribed by AH members.


Nov 25, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 7.

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Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 25, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 3 & 4.

" In the Protocols there are two forms of declaration. One is, "we have". The other is, "we

shall". If somewhere in the world this summer the high secret spokesman of the World

Program is addressing his class of International Initiates, he will have to say "we have" in

many places where the spokesman of 1896 said "we shall". Things have been accomplished.

"We will represent ourselves as the saviours of the laboring classes". That has been and is

being done. "We will deflect the thoughts of the Gentiles to industry and commerce". That

has been done. "We will create a strongly centralized administration so as to grasp all the

social forces strongly in our hands". That has been done. "We will adopt for ourselves the

liberal side of all parties and all movements and provide orators". That has been done. "We

will at the same time cause a rise in the price of prime necessities". That has been done. "We

will also undermine the sources of production by instilling in the workmen ideas of anarchy".

That has been done.

"To demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments of Europe, we shall show our

power to one by crimes of violence, that is, by a reign of terror".--Protocol 7. "

(The PROTOCOLS: Pdf - Link)

Political Information

Nov 24, 2012 - Russia Sending Warships To Gaza

Political Information

Nov 24, 2012 - Big rise in children missing from care homes - by NINETEEN per cent

By Others

Nov 24, 2012 - 来自源头的广播 天父源头通过基博传递


Nov 24, 2012 - People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

True US History

Nov 24, 2012 - Are Black Friday Riots A Preview Of The Civil Unrest That Is Coming

When Society Breaks Down?

"Black Friday: because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one

day after being thankful for what they already have." - Twitter Tweet

But in recent years Black Friday has started to become even a bigger event than

Thanksgiving itself. Millions of Americans have become convinced that it is fun to wait in long

lines outside retail stores in freezing cold weather in the middle of the night to spend money

that they do not have on things that they do not need... When I watch my fellow Americans

trample one another to get a deal on a television or a video game, it makes me wonder what

they would be willing to do if they went to the store someday and all the food was gone.



Nov 24, 2012 - Disposability Consciousness

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One of the biggest examples of separation syndrome in our lives is how we have such a

profound DISPOSABILITY CONSCIOUSNESS in this culture. When you say you are going

to throw someyhing away, where is AWAY? There's no such thing. and whare "away" actually

is, is a social justice issue... and environmental justice issues. - Julia Butterfly Hill

True US History

Nov 24, 2012 - Forrestal, Skippy Creator Shared Similar Fate

True US History

Nov 24, 2012 - Roosevelt's Revenge? II

Health and Nutrition

Nov 24, 2012 - 30 Years of Breast Screening: 1.3 Million Wrongly Treated

The breast cancer industry's holy grail (that mammography is the primary weapon in the war

against breast cancer) has been disproved. In fact, mammography appears to have CREATED

1.3 million cases of breast cancer in the U.S. population that were not there. - Sayer Ji


Nov 24, 2012 - Scientists develop 3D tissue printer that prints cartilage

American scientists have developed a hybrid printer that prints cartilage, which could one

day be implanted into injured patients to help re-grow cartilage in areas such as the

joints.The 3D tissue printer, featured in a study published in the journal Biofabrication by

the Institute of Physics, is a mix of a traditional ink jet printer and an electrospinning

machine. -

Political Information

Nov 24, 2012 - The Psychology of Tyranny vs. the Nature of Conformity

Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part,

can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive

effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions

incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the

resources needed to resist authority. – Stanley Milgram, “The Perils of Obedience,” 1974

Ron: For an example of how undridled authority dehumanises perpetrators and their

controllers as well as victims see 'The Standford Prison Experiment'


Political Information

Nov 24, 2012 - Scientist that Discovered GMO Health Hazards Immediately Fired,

Team Dismantled

Arpad Pusztai, who is considered to be one of the world’s most respected and well-learned

biochemists, had for three years led a team of researchers from Scotland’s

prestigious Rowett Research Institute (RRI) in studying the health effects of a novel GM

potato with built-in Bt toxin. Much to the surprise of many, the team discovered that,

contrary to industry rhetoric, Bt potato was responsible for causing severe health damage in

test rats, a fact that was quickly relayed to the media out of concern for public hearing. But

rather than be praised for their honest assessment into this genetically-tampered potato,

Pusztai and his colleagues were chastised by industry-backed government authorities,

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including British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose office was discovered to have secretly

contacted RRI just hours after Pusztai and his team announced the results of their study on

television. For speaking the truth, Pusztai was immediately fired from his position, and his

team dismissed from their positions at the school.-

True US History

Nov 24, 2012 - Biometric Gunshot Surveillance Net Will I.D. Shooters in Real-Time

Across America

Ron: Sooo, once the "authotities (police et al) have eliminated the "gunmen" in the community

what will they DO with this technology? To be explicit: 'Clearly, the United States and the

rest of the world is moving toward the point of no return in regards to the surveillance state

that is no longer creeping but rushing forward with lightning speed. While gunshot detector

technology represents a disastrous encroachment upon the right to privacy and the fourth

amendment, it is also an unfortunate reality that this technology is just one of many.The

entire world is fast reaching a point of do or die (literally) where the people who inhabit it

will have to make some hard choices soon or they will be forever unable to do so.' - Brandon



Nov 24, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 6.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 24, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 3 & 4.

" [H: How many of you readers are even yet informed (by the time you get this paper)

about the cute games of yesterday and the day before BY YOUR U.S. GOVERNMENT



Spielberg at his finest, or what? WAG THE DOG, PEOPLE; THIS IS SICKER THAN









Nov 23, 2012 - BROADCAST 0=8=1=I

Papa Source thru Kibo

I give you life in What I Am

And ye cannot determine the source of it all

And so you ignore all but your own musings

And seek ME not

Though I Am with and within you always……

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I Am closer to you than you are to your self

Yet you converse with Me not

And seek me not within

But from without

Video version:

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Nov 23, 2012 - Nederlands: UITZENDING 0X8X1XI.

Papa Bron via Kibo, vertaling Lilian A.


Nov 23, 2012 - PJ #05 " D’ICI À L’ARMAGEDDON ", ANNEXE II & III.

ASHTAR, traduit de par G. AKUÉ.

Political Information

Nov 23, 2012 - Morsi & the Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt

The Muslim Brotherhood is a faux-theocratic sectarian extremist movement - a regional

movement that transcends national borders. It is guilty of decades of violent discord not

only in Egypt, but across the Arab World and it has remained a serious threat to secular

systems from Algeria to Syria and back again. -

True US History

Nov 23, 2012 - Meet Peter Thiel: How Bilderberg Controls Ron Paul & The Libertarian


Headed by Dimitry Itskov, the Avatar Project, an off-shoot of 2045, will house human brains

in disembodied vehicles. They will initially be transplanted into robots, then humans by 2045

with the advancement of reverse-engineering; an effective “downloading” of human

consciousness onto a computer chip. The globalists at the 2045 Program assert that

humanity “is in need of a new evolutionary strategy” consisting of a balance between the

complexity of technological advances and the acceleration of informational processes to

expand the “limited, primitive human” into a “highly self-organized” and technologically

“higher intelligence”. Technology can organize society and integrate unification of a super

collective consciousness – a superbeing. - Susanne Posel

True US History

Nov 23, 2012 - China a Military Threat? No Wonder China is Nervous as Obama


Ron: The declared military posture of the Us is absurd to the point of insanity. Nuclear

weaponsare not viable because Star Fleet will prevent their use. Even if they could be used

they would amount to US and probably global suicide. Particle beam and scalar weapons are

more effective anyway and Russia has had substantial superiority in relation to these space

based weapons since September 1977. Given that the Keshe Foundation's technologies are

now available not only to Iran but to every country in the world, spending money and effort

on armamanets has become futile as is talking about them and pretending they can have real

strategic effects.

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Political Information

Nov 23, 2012 - Australia: America’s Puppet State

The insidious, merciless, life-long damage of war taught many of us to recognise the

difference between the empty symbolism of war and the actual meaning. “Does it matter?”

mocked the poet Siegfried Sassoon at the end of an earlier slaughter, in 1918, as he grieved

his younger brother’s death at Gallipoli. I grew up with that name, Gallipoli. The British

assault on the Turkish Dardanelles was one of the essential crimes of imperial war, causing

the death and wounding of 392,000 on all sides. The Australian and New Zealander losses

were among the highest, proportionally; and 25 April, 1915 was declared not just a day of

remembrance but the “birth of the Australian nation”. This was based on the belief of

Edwardian militarists that true men were made in war, an absurdity about to be celebrated

yet again. - John Pilger


Nov 23, 2012 - BROADCAST 0X8X1XI

Papa Source, First Source and Center, the Father:

For truly you know little of nothing

Of the works of your surroundings

Yet presume yourselves to be important to the whole of creation….but why?

What is your singular distinction in all of creation

That ye should feel so favored?

Know ye not that ye are known far and wide

As the planet that murdered God?

Video version:

True US History

Nov 23, 2012 - Puppet State America

The United States government and its subject peoples think of the US as “the world’s only

superpower.” But how is a country a superpower when its entire government and a majority

of the subjects, especially those members of evangelical churches, grovel at the feet of the

Israeli Prime Minister? How is a country a superpower when it lacks the power to determine

its own foreign policy in the Middle East? Such a country is not a superpower. It is a puppet

state.- Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Nov 23, 2012 - Russia Warns Of Catastrophic 21 December 2012 “Event Horizon”

Ron: Sorcha Faal is a Black Ops Disinformatuion source and so discernment is required when

reading this material. However, this source often provides significant truths. I think that

this information does that, not necessarily as to timing and detail but certainly as to general

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AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 27-- Page 102

content. Machine intelligence is a real danger to humanity as we lack the knowledge and

awareness to control it.

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Nov 23, 2012 - Make this World a Better ONE

How owns this world? the Banksters et all. NOPE, GOD.


Nov 23, 2012 - “Proper Use of the Mind.”

From Jesus thru Lytske


Nov 23, 2012 - Putin ist der neue globale Ölschah

Marin Katusa, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Nov 23, 2012 - You are overcooking the pudding, McAlpine, and more and more people

are starting to see it

Tell us McAlpine why you and Thatcher did nothing to expose and remove known paedophile

Morrison from the inner circle - that would do more to 'clear your name'.Tell us why you

didn't sue Scallywag magazine over shocking North Wales paedophile allegations against you

in the 1990s when sitting Prime Minister John Major, a man you know very well, sued them

for simply printing rumours of an affair when it turned out later that he was actually having

one. Explaining that - credibly - would do more to 'clear your name'. Tell us why the man who

'never told a lie' published a book explaining how to manipulate the media for your own ends -

'Spread false defeat to gain public sympathy; or false accusation and then arrange for it to

be exposed as such – so the accuser will forever be treated with suspicion.' Explaining that

would do more to 'clear your name'.

So far McAlpine has been awarded £185,000 by the BBC for an interview that did not name

him and he is reported to be seeking some £500,000 from ITV for an interview that did not

mention his name! - David Icke


Nov 23, 2012 - Mensaje 98: ELIMINANDO EL VIENTO FRÍO

Political Information

Nov 23, 2012 - Jews shooting fish in a barrel: Nov 19, 2012 3:02am

Ron: Does it really have to happen to YOU before you feel it?

Political Information

Nov 23, 2012 - Jews Against Humans

Ron: This author is correct in his assessment of what Jews have done and the absolute

danger they present to humanity. However, he is misguided in assuming that humanity must

destroy them to save itself. In seeking to slaughter Jews humanity would become

indistinguishable from them and that outcome would destroy humanity anyway. Moreover

there is no need to fight Jewry at this late stage. The Creator has decreed that ALL

negative energies will be removed from this planet very soon and in any event that is a

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natural consequence of the magnetic pole reversal which is overdue and about to occur.

Arguably many Jews are not demonic but simply ignorant, venal and mind controlled just like

most of humanity. ALL must be given a chance to "see the light" which is now flooding into

the planet. To seek to do violence to Jews or anyone is to consign oneself to a continuation of

a 3d existence somewhere else after the coming magnetic pole reversal. Focus on love and

peace and rejoice in the knowledge that humanity and the planet will be free and truly self

responsible once the Sun rises in the West. So be it.


Nov 23, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 5.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 23, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", chapter 1 & 2.

" I must keep mentioning these two things over and over for if you are a recent reader you

may miss the punch-line. There are a LOT of new readers among Arabs, Islamic and other

religions outside any "White" populations, but THEY, TOO, ARE GENTILES. The Jew has

only two categories of people: JEW and GENTILE(S). No matter what your color, your creed,

your nationality, your race, your origin; YOU ARE GENTILE if you are not JEW--PERIOD. No

slack is cut for any of you--but a "Jew" can be from any of these categories above. How nice

to set your own rules and definitions for a world you plan to RULE and ENSLAVE. "


Nov 22, 2012 - IKEA to sell cars

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IKEA to sell cars


SOME OF US ARE GOING TO BE IN DEEP TROUBLE....Just as I Figured the Battery is not

Included (lol)

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - 5 Year old brave Girl Speaks Truth to Israeli Soldiers! She deserves

the Highest Women4Truth Award!

Ron: Out of the mouths of babes and little children ...

Thanks to you tuber women4truth for this 2' 02" video:

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Exactly What Does The ‘"Free’" In Free Market Mean?

The Libor was rigged, the wholesale gas market is a fix, the biggest of multinationals pay

next to no tax on their profits but bleat that they pay payroll on their minimum wage

workers, insisting that this is both responsible and, probably, humble. Several UK water

companies spend a great deal of money to ensure that supplying life’s essential is the only

socially responsible thing they do. Having bought the infrastructure built by our forefathers

for pennies in the pound, and then left it leaking like a Government enquiry, they presumably

justify their position by pointing out that they have enough crap coming down their pipes to

deal with already. So be grateful, pleb. So why are they called free markets? In what

world can monolithic corporate monsters dominate everyday life, to the absolute

exclusion of any meaningful competition, and still be called free? - Henry Harding

True US History

Nov 22, 2012 - Malaysia: Victim of America’s “Irregular Warfare” Ops?


(a leaked copy has been made available and can be viewed by clicking here). [1] The document

is significant because it provides a step-by-step definition of Washington’s “irregular

warfare” and unconventional warfare tactics. The manual illustrates the sheer impunity with

which the United States conducts its foreign policy, aimed at illegally interfering into the

political affairs of foreign nations with an aim to destabilize and reorder them to further

American economic interests; Dr. Christof Lehmann describes the manual as:

“…a step by step guide of how to create, manipulate, co-opt and make use of a countries

population, persons of special interest inside the country as well as expatriates,

organizations inside as well as outside the country, towards a subversion. Beginning with

manipulating dissent into demonstrations, the polarization of a population, riots and armed

insurgencies that require action by security forces, and psychological warfare by means of

media, step by step, in logical sequence, towards a full scale war, based on humanitarian

principles and the pretext of bringing democracy and freedom.” [2]

The targets of the above mentioned irregular warfare operations are those states that have

been unwilling to align themselves with American diplomatic and economic interests or semi-

compliant states that are strategically located and abundant in natural resources. The manual

describes meticulously orchestrated covert operations that are conducted in phases;

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beginning with psychologically influencing the target population through foreign-funded

dissident news media organizations. Subsequently, targeted nations are infiltrated to provide

training and equipment to dissident groups, until a political transition is forcibly imposed by

force if necessary. - Nile Bowie

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Jesus was born years earlier than thought, claims Pope

Ron: For those who don't believe anything unless it appears in the MSM... Incidentally, as Esu

was born in August 7 BC the Mayan Calander date stated to be 21 December 2012 actually

occurred almost seven years ago. Sooo, don't go placing any special significance upon the

upcoming 21/12/12 date folks. For the Mayans it happened back in 2005.

True US History

Nov 22, 2012 - Video: Woman Tasered For Exercising 4th Amendment Rights Has

Heart Attack

Ron: These police officers had NO right to cross examine this woman. At most they might be

excused for checking to see that she was not ill or in need of any assistance. They had no

lawful right to demand that she exit her vehicle and their demand (with menaces) to search

her personal belongings was a criminal act as was their attempt to prevent her getting back

into her vehicle. Tasering her three times constituted aggravated assault and battery. Had

she died, they ought to have been charged with murder like any other robber would have

been in similar circumstances. Moreover, they should be held personally liable for damages

as a result of their actions. UNTIL citizens begin to understand these things and start to

hold individual police and their superiors accountable for their actions, no improvement in our

world is possible. Police and ALL government officials and bureaucrats are TRUSTEES

responsible for performance of administrative functions that are or should be specified (and

limited) BY those who appoint them, NOT functions that those appointed TRUSTEES decide

or legislate themselves, irrespective of what the beneficiaries of their trust activities

require of them.


Nov 22, 2012 - PJ #05 " D’ICI À L’ARMAGEDDON ", chapter 9 & ANNEXE I.

ASHTAR, traduit de par G. AKUÉ.

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Death of a Vampire

Other Spiritual Pieces

Nov 22, 2012 - Change Ain’t What It Used To Be

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Political Formality and Truth

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Israeli Attack on Gaza Excuse to Test US – Funded Death Ray Called

The Iron Dome


Nov 22, 2012 - Message 120: LIFE IN THE HOTHOUSE

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ONENESS. For soon shall all artificial walls of this nature fall in one abrupt episode, enabling

communication and touch and contact BETWEEN ALL"

Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - 29 Signs That The Elite Are Transforming Society Into A Total

Domination Control Grid

Ron: Freedom means total self responsibility. Governments are fictional figments of the

human imagination conjured into existance AS fictive corporate legal entities that have

PRIVATE SHAREHOLDERS not disclosed to so-called electors, ie those appointing the

fiduciary trustees (legislative representatives) who operate governments ostensibly for the

beneficiaries who appoint them but who usually run governments for the owners of the

government corporations. Humanity will not be free until a critical mass of people understand

their true human identity and power, start living in their heart space, and as beneficiaries of

the TRUSTS that constitute governments, demand that government representatives and

officials ACT in accordance with their fiduciary trustee obligations in relation to ALL the

citizens who have appointed them to act as trustees. Understanding THAT, is the self

education task facing humanity if it wants to survive.




Political Information

Nov 22, 2012 - Woman in India is Arrested for Clicking “Like” on Facebook

True US History

Nov 22, 2012 - Black Friday Madness: Tent Cities Set Up to Buy Consumer Crap

The real strength of any nation lies in cooperating with one another in mutually beneficial

ways. This survival of the individual, and a framework wherein they can thrive at the highest

levels, demands that individuals uplift and empower other individuals to attain their fullest

capabilities. This is not a progressive, socialist, or New Age notion; when you help your

neighbor, you help yourself.

Any time you can lend your skills to strengthen those of another within your community, you

have just increased the likelihood that your community will weather literal and figurative

storms. Conversely, when you ignore your struggling fellow citizen -- by forming a retail tent

city instead of visiting a real one, for example -- you pave the way for your own possible

destitution. - John Galt


Nov 22, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 4.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 22, 2012 - PJ #229 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 3 ", chapter 1 & 2.


While speaking of murders, let us consider--AGAIN--the murder of Dodi and Di.

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Just some questions to remind you there ARE things you haven't thought about and probably

neither has Daddy al Fayed. Why was Mr. Jones the ONLY one in the car with a seat belt on?

WHO DROPPED THE "MICKEY" IN MR. PAUL'S DRINK? If you can't believe this then

where are you on the topic of Date Rape and Ruffles? Come on people, you-the-people are not

THAT asleep. Why has Mr. Jones joined the "adversaries" to sue Mohammed? And why does

Mr. Jones have bodyguards and keep as far removed and retired as is possible? Conspiracy?

It is so obvious how and who that I marvel at your sleepy observations of chanting the Rose

of London without doing anything about the killers of that ROSE. Di was going to marry Dodi

and BECOME A MOSLEM! Can you imagine what that would do to the CROWN OF ENGLAND?

Does anyone remember that Royal Church of England where even the priests wear the coat

of arms of the Windsors? And, while YOU mourn and play with Billy's zipper--the culprits


Now, I've done it: I've ruined your day? Why didn't I just keep talking about the Jews and

let the guilty get away? Because I am weary of God's people being unconscious.


Nov 21, 2012 - Video: CREATING OUR FUTURE STEP BY STEP , a 6 minute video.

We choose our future step by step – OUR PEACE AND OUR WAR – like painting a picture,

deciding what we wish to create, what we wish to show, which aggression or vision we

illustrate. We decide what tools to use, what scenes to depict, what to leave out, what

colours to convey what emotions, what to emphasize, what to gloss over, what to hide and

what to highlight. What is clear is that we start with a blank white canvas and take it from

there … the greatest secret is that we are powerful, sovereign and divine creators.

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Nov 21, 2012 - Radio Fremantle Interview with Max Igan

Max Igan, talks about his 'Trance-Formation' Film and other things.


Nov 21, 2012 - Human Clones Are Real Said Time Magazine.

Ron: For those who don't believe anything unless it's featured in the Mainstream Media.

True US History

Nov 21, 2012 - Syria - The REAL Story -- MUST SEE -- CIA & MOSSAD Death

Squads Exposed

Ron: The CIA, MI6, NATO et al organise, fund, arm and resupply terrorists DEATH

SQUADS to kill, maim and terrorise people of all religions and ethnicities indiscrimiatly

throughout Syria. The preferred method being snippers shooting people at random on the

streets. And Aljazeera, the BBC and the global MSM generally, pretend that the Syrian

government is killing tens of thousands of its own people. The really stupid part about this

process though, is that the zombi Western audiences believe this media propaganda shit.


Nov 21, 2012 - Portuguese: 2 Messages 17-11

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A Nova Guerra é uma operação de Bandeira Falsa de Israel.

Cristo Miguel através de Candace, tradução Lucia G.


Arcanjo Uriel através de Hazel, tradução Lucia G.

Other Spiritual Pieces

Nov 21, 2012 - But Conscience asks the question: Is it right?

Ron: That time is NOW!

True US History

Nov 21, 2012 - Israel...Butchers Of Gaza

This 5' 25" video was published by Br Nathanael Kapner on 19 Nov 2012:

Political Information

Nov 21, 2012 - Israel metaphorically defeated in Gaza

Political Information

Nov 21, 2012 - World has put up with Zionist apartheid for too long

The Western-dominated United Nations and its puppet general secretary Ban Ki-Moon - also

refusing to condemn Israel or to even visit the suffering victims of Gaza - is an organization

that is clearly way past is expiry date. This institution under Western control is a disgrace

to the vision of a democratic, mutual world. Its inability to reflect the majority concerns of

the world - from the recent overwhelming call by members to put an end to the illegal US

six-decade trade embargo on Cuba, to the latest genocide in Gaza - demonstrates beyond any

doubt that this world body in its present form must be abolished and replaced with a forum

more closely resembling the Non-Aligned Movement. The holocaust in Gaza also exposes the

moral cowardice and bankruptcy of Western mainstream media. These institutions through

their sanitizing banalities and affectations of balance are complicit in covering up crimes

against humanity, and by doing so prolonging the genocide committed by Western

governments and their Israeli war machine. - Finian Cunningham

Political Information

Nov 21, 2012 - It's Palestinians who have the right to defend themselves

Political Information

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Nov 21, 2012 - Israel – The Worlds Most Militarized Nation

Political Information

Nov 21, 2012 - West Savages Gaza - Slowly Burns Syria


Nov 21, 2012 - Italian: 2 messages

La nuova guerra è un "False Flag" da parte di Israele. CM attraverso Candace, traduzione

Ben Boux

Uriel - E' il Tempo della Conclusione. AA Uriel tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini

Political Information

Nov 21, 2012 - World Bank Study: To Avoid Doomsday Reduce CO2, Carbon Taxes &

African Land Grabs

Other Spiritual Pieces

Nov 21, 2012 - The Best Kept Open Secret of Our Time: Individuals Have Power

True US History

Nov 21, 2012 - The US-Israeli Attack on Gaza


Nov 21, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 48 - I have had I think a prophetic

dream.", Part 3.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Nov 21, 2012 - PJ #230 " RISE OF ANTICHRIST VOL. 4 ", Intro.
