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How to find a word, words, or a sentence in this Pdf’s

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If you downloaded all of them in one folder, then you can also look for a word or more in all that Pdf’s at once.

To start a search, you have two possibilities:

1. Searching in one Pdf.

Open the Pdf, on the top you have a menu, click on “Edit” and select “Find” for a word in this Pdf.

Click on next to see the next place in that Pdf.

2. Searching in one or more Pdf’s.

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If you don’t see the folder click on “Browse for location” and find the folder on your computer, then click on it


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Below the definition of the place you can fill in the word, words or even a sentence that you look for in all of

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Click on “Search” button below, another window will open.

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Click on the sentence you want, the Pdf will open automatic and on the page where the word or sentence is



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Political Information

Aug 5, 2012 - Sick Occult Elites Conjure Ceremonial Death


Aug 5, 2012 - Corn-to-Ethanol: US Agribusiness Magic Path To A World Food


Make no mistake about it; the manufacturing of ethanol (grain alcohol) is no different from

burning corn needed for human food in most of the third world. Well-researched reports by

academic and industry sources make it clear that ethanol is counterproductive in a variety of

ways, including economically, and produces a negative result on the environment. - Charles E.


Political Information

Aug 5, 2012 - Peacekeepers gone wild: How much more abuse will the UN ignore in


The girls of the Congo are already among the most exploited and abused in the world. How

much more abuse and exploitation must they continue to endure at the hands of the United

Nations? - Gerald Caplan

Political Information

Aug 5, 2012 - Saudi-drafted Syria resolution mocks UN: Webster Tarpley

True US History

Aug 5, 2012 - UN Vote on Syria Reflects Changing Battlefield

Ron: Much of the propaganda distortion of global consciousness that allows the Anglo-US led

Khazar dominated Allies to plunder and destroy the rest of the world is the general global

acceptance of the Jews' propaganda LIE that Hitler's Germany was a rogue nation that

sought to conquer and destroy other European nations when in truth it was the Anglo-US

allies and the Bolshevik controlled Soviet Union that plotted and connived at attacking,

destroying and genociding Germany - which they did. Humanity has paid the price of that

Jewish defeat of Germany ever since. The failure to uderstand this propaganda technique

has distorted global consciousness ever since WWII. The Jew controlled UK and US

governments caused WWI and WWII and they have remained the AGGRESSORS ever since.

Demonising and blaming Germany for attempting to defend itself distorts public perceptions.

Demonisation is the standard Anglo-US technique for justifying their aggression. Germany

was demonised by the Jew controlled Anglo-US propaganda machine and that successful

technique has been used ever since with the HoloHoax Blood Liable of the German people as

the centre piece. The US demonised the Japanese while dropping atomic bombs on them.

Then they demonised North Koreans and North Vietnamese (while bombing them back to the

Stone Age). Ditto with communists (who were really nationalists) everywhere, the Iranians,

Saddam Hussein, the Taliban, Muammar Gaddafi and all the rest in Africa and Central and

South America etc. NOW they are demonising President Assad and his government in Syria

while funding and arming terrorists who are attacking Syrians. Doesn't anyone NOTICE a

pattern here? Let's face it Pilgrims, its time to drop the bullshit demonisation of Adolf

Hitler and the German people. Only then will you be able to SEE modern history as it really


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Political Information

Aug 5, 2012 - Massacres in Aleppo, Syria

Ron: Sooo, Syrians, Libyans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Nigerians and peoples in many other

Third World countries will keep being tortured, murdered and dispossessed until significant

elements in the USrael and NATO military have a change of heart?! RIGHT! We fat and

happy Westerners have no worries then, as long as our FREE WORLD Leaders are allowed to

continue to pretend that the global financial system is still viable. What I don't understand

is why "karma", the law of cause and effect, never seems to catch up with most of the

military killers let alone the bulk of the Khazar led Anglo-US and European populations that

have enabled the destruction of humanity and the planet since the Jews raped and

genocided Germany.

True US History

Aug 5, 2012 - The Stargate Project : Psychic Warriors and the CIA

True US History

Aug 5, 2012 - U.S. To Start Carving Up Afghanistan's Vast Resources

Phoenix Journals

Aug 5, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 11 & 12.

" What about us? We are to bring the "message", the WORD and show you the way. We will

work WITH you--not FOR you. There is nobody going to be forced to do anything--including

choosing the correct bunch of aliens to watch out for you. We will present in colors to

identify--openly. Believing is YOUR problem, not ours. So don't expect magic shows to prove

to the unbelieving--although the proof will be magnificent for the searching brothers.

Perfection is not your goal, good friends; working TOWARD perfection is your task as you

experience your journey. Reclaiming and creating balance and harmony in a global sense and

society is your responsibility. I did not say your "gift"--I SAID: YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

You cannot do that by sitting on your assets holding unto the physical the things of the

physical. Seems like an unlikely statement? No, because the goal is beyond the physical

illusion holograph you have manufactured--into expression of soul creation. "

Escritos de Otros

Aug 4, 2012 - Spanish: La Terminación de las 30 Órbitas del Gran Ciclo El Mayor

Evento Evolutivo en la Historia de la Humanidad. Pdf.

Political Information

Aug 4, 2012 - Watch what happens when Guns are banned in Australia

There is reason to think the Port Arthur massacre was planned as early 1987 when, after a

specially called Premier's meeting in Hobart in December 1987, the New South Wales Labour

Premier, Mr. Barry Unsworth stated, "there would be no effective gun control in Australia

until there was a massacre in Tasmania". The awesome display of combat marksmanship was

blamed on intellectually impaired Martin Bryant, who was held in illegal strict solitary

confinement for more than 120 days, until he was "ready" to plead guilty. There was no trial.

Within a matter of weeks legislation was passed to removed semi-automatic weapons from

the Australian population and a gun buy-back proceeded. It is now illegal to own any semi-

automatic gun in Australia...The media were totally oriented around sensationalising the

distress and trauma, played the scenes over and over, always cutting to updates on any

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developments and in effect the public were bombarded continuously day in and day out for

weeks over the issue. At the same time a long list of facts or discrepancies were overlooked.

Any calls for a royal commission fell on deaf ears, the media were later instructed not to talk

about the subject anymore and the files have been closed for 30 years. The Port Arthur

massacre occurred on 28 April there was legislation prepared by mid May with plans for a

national buyback of automatic and semi-automatic rifles.- Joe Vialls


Arguably the Port Arthur Massacre was Australia's 911. Martin Bryant didn't have the IQ,

psychological, physical, technical or planning capability to perform ANY PART of the Port

Macquarie Black Op. HE WAS THE PATSY. When the truth is revealed Martin Bryant must

be immediately released and rehabilitated.

Health and Nutrition

Aug 4, 2012 - Pharmaceutical Drugs are 62,000 Times More Likely to Kill You than


The UK-based, international campaign group, the Alliance for Natural Health International

(ANH-Intl) recently revealed data2 showing that compared to supplements, an individual is:

Around 900 times more likely to die from food poisoning

Nearly 300,000 times more likely to die from a preventable medical injury during a UK

hospital stay, which is comparable to the individual risk of dying that active military

face in Iraq or Afghanistan

Additionally, the data shows that adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are:

62,000 times more likely to kill you than food supplements

7,750 times more likely to kill you than herbal remedies- Dr Mercola

Political Information

Aug 4, 2012 - How to become an axis of evil

Ron: The arrogance and stupidity of Anglos, Amerikkans and NATO is such that nothing

short of experiencing the consequences of an overt military attack on Iran or Syria is likely

to shake them out of their mind controlled stupor. M T Keshe states: '... the consequences of

any attack on Iran territorial borders now that Iran is in possession of spaceship

technology... the submariners of any nation contemplating an attack on Iran through the

Straights of Hormoze and any waters across the earth will be faced with instant death due

to an operational failure of all their systems, as was done with the unmanned aircraft in

December of last year. At the same time these craft will maintain their position in the deep

seas and will never resurface for decades, unless they are pulled out of the water through

special operations, so once Iran SSP touches these submarines in the deep waters of the

earth, no mother or son of these submariners will ever know the fate of their loved ones.

Above water, military ships will cease working and become obsolete and they will and can be

caused to join their submariners in seconds, which will leave thousands and thousands of

fathers without their sons and so many mothers without their daughters who are serving on

these ships. Aircraft which are airborne will drop from the skies like heavy metal cast birds

on the borders of Iran or at any point of choosing on earth by the Iranian SSP program, so

that they will not be able to even reach the beautiful borders of the land of peace. This

would lead to more loss of the beautiful lives of men and women of the USA and their

collaborators. Satellite communication will be brought to an absolute halt as Iran has to

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ensure that no nuclear warhead missiles can be controlled and targeted on Iran and hence

most of the intercontinental missiles will fall on Iran’s neighbouring nations or wherever

these missiles are lost due to loss of satellites, and surely none will reach Iran. US

intercontinental missiles will be activated in their berth holes and how many of our cousins

and brothers are to lose their lives in the land of the US by the action of the US military if

the misguided action of a few goes through.

Political Information

Aug 4, 2012 - Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder.

Ron: There would be no wars if people refused to fight and/or finance them. Protesting

against wars is futile because what you oppose you give your energy to.

True US History

Aug 4, 2012 - US war with Iran: Israel written narrative

Back during the late 1970s, the people of Iran overthrew an evil regime and held Americans

there hostage because they believed America had given them 42 years of murderous and

dictatorship by overthrowing their elected government in 1953 at the behest of an oil

company that wanted someone else to deal with. (BP)

The people of Iran were totally correct, the CIA bombed busses, movie theatres and

murdered citizens in false flag terror attacks and then appointed a stooge as dictator who

had his secret police kill tens of thousands of innocent Iranians over the years. - Press TV

True US History

Aug 4, 2012 - Ordinary Citizens: The Silent Victims Of Anti-Iran Sanctions

“When you put on sanctions on a country, it’s an act of war and that’s what this is all about,” -

Ron Paul '... the sanctions have already wreaked havoc on the Iranian economy, leading to

inflation rates of 50 to 100 percent, youth unemployment rate of over 22 percent, drastic

reduction of Iran's domestic production to 40 percent of its capacity, massive closure of

economic enterprises and widespread layoffs, and 40 percent drop in the Iranian oil exports

during 2012, resulting in a loss of $32 billion in oil income since last year alone,' - Veterans

for Peace

The anti-Iranian sanctions clearly run counter to the principles of human rights, but it seems

that those who advocate such values don't believe that Iranians are also "humans" who might

perchance have some "rights" including the right of access to medicine, foodstuff,

employment and above all, respect and human dignity. - Kourosh Ziabari

Political Information

Aug 4, 2012 - The United States of Dumbass open a Can of Whoop-Ass..

Health and Nutrition

Aug 4, 2012 - Why is McDonald’s the Official Restaurant of the Olympics?

McNuggets contain a large list of ingredients, including autolyzed yeast extract (similar to

MSG), dimethylpolysiloxane (a type of silicone being phased out as a breast implant

substance due to safety concern), safflower oil (often genetically modified), and of course

butylhydroquinone (derived from petroleum to ‘preserve freshness’).- Anthony Gucciardi

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Other Spiritual Pieces

Aug 4, 2012 - GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!, chapter 8 & 9.

God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Aug 4, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", Pdf copy.

" Readers, I hereby go on record as telling you that there are "aliens" among you, under the

ground, around you, and working with some of the elders of every government you serve.

Whose side are "they" on? Well, it depends on which side YOU are on as to whom you

consider a friend or enemy. I hope you will read right through this journal--or go to the last

portion about the "Blue Beam" project--and see if my writings seem quite so false and



True US History

Aug 3, 2012 - Central Bankers' Agenda: Obama Sanctions Against Iran Over Gold for

Oil Trades

Ron: The US is applying sanctions to Iran and threatening war unless Iran does what the US

tells it to do BUT Joe Biden says: “The US cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what

they can and cannot do.". Spare me! How FKN stupid does the US government think the rest

of the world is?!

True US History

Aug 3, 2012 - Is al Queda the enemy or arn't they?

Reality Check: Is Al-Qaeda An Enemy Or Not?

This 4' 04" video is by BenSwannRealityCheck made 1 day ago

True US History


Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - Encrypting Xportal Codes

Ron: This fascinating article is well worth a look. Go to for the full


True US History

Aug 3, 2012 - Bomb database useful for past, present wars

Ron: At last! A Bomb Database evidencing the Sheer Magnitude of Destruction Inflicted by

the US and its Allies from the Air in the Last Century. For instance 'From October 1965 to

May 1975, at least 456,365 cluster bombs were dropped on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia,

according to the records analyzed. Cluster munitions, designed to release small bomblets,

often did not explode on impact and still pose a hazard to villagers. This kind of information

— including which of the 28 types of cluster bombs were used and where...'

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Health and Nutrition

Aug 3, 2012 - Vaccines for Deadly Malaria Create Even More Virulent Malaria: PLoS


Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - dispatches - inside Britain's Israel Lobby

This 48' 26" video was uploaded by MyTrueTears on Feb 20, 2011 :

Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - Nations must unite against world's hegemonic Zionism: Ahmadinejad

Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - 'End of capitalism': Bolivia to expel Coca-Cola in wake of 2012 Mayan


Health and Nutrition

Aug 3, 2012 - Why doctors are more dangerous than guns - new Health Ranger

investigation video

According to U.S. government statistics, you are 6200% more likely to be killed by your

doctor than by a homicidal shooter... This mini-documentary by Mike Adams, the Health

Ranger, is based on U.S. government statistics from the Centers for Disease Control,

combined with doctor-caused deaths published in the Journal of the American Medical

Association. These data show that FDA-approved prescription drugs kill 290 Americans

every single day, meaning that for mass shootings to approach that number, you'd have to

see a Colorado Batman movie massacre take place EVERY HOUR of every day, 365 days a

year. - Mike Adams.

Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - The “Jews” Behind the Second Vatican Council

True US History

Aug 3, 2012 - Immigrants prove big business for prison companies

True US History

Aug 3, 2012 - NJ's MetLife Stadium site of Talmud celebration

MetLife Stadium was transformed into what organizers called the world's largest synagogue

Wednesday, as tens of thousands of people gathered to celebrate the completion of the

reading of the Talmud, the book of Jewish laws and traditions.- KATIE ZEZIMA


Aug 3, 2012 - They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain

Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - Part 2: Blood Sacrifice at Aurora, The London Olympics & 007

Political Information

Aug 3, 2012 - 4 August 2012: False Flag: London Olympics (part 1)

Phoenix Journals

Aug 3, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 9 & 10.


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"We will call this Henry Kissinger, "Reflections on Containment", FOREIGN AFFAIRS, PART


True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - The Connection Between London’s 2012 Olympics & The Aurora,

Colorado Blood Sacrifice

Ron: This fascinating article is well worth a look. Discernment is required as regards the

implication that James Holmes killed the 12 sacrifical victims at Aurora. IF as the author

suggests, rightly in my view, that 12 deaths was the predetermined number of victims it

would have been imperative for professional assassins to do the killing to ensure the correct

tally. The implication in the first video that Francis Bacon instigated the current diabolical

masonic illuminati situation is probably not accurate either. The Masons, Rosicruscians and

many other organisations were infiltrated and suborned by the Rothschilds after Bacon's


True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - War crime? Syrian rebels execute POWs (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

Ron: Gosh I'm proud that we Anglos, Americans and Europeans are protecting Syrians from

their government just as we did in Libya. Aren't you? Thank heavens that the Jew controlled

global media mercifully conceals from us these unpleasant scenes related to the necessary

ethnic cleansing of unwanted elements in Syrian (and other) societies. I mean, who wants to

see such crude activities being carried out to ensure our national security and prosperity?


Aug 2, 2012 - God is Always Hiring Kibo keeps adding his running commentary here. latest one

is GOD is ALWAYS Hiring. August 2, 2012. go there to read it and

previous ones. You can log in to his blog and leave comments on each piece also. These are

his writings, not telepathic updates.


Aug 2, 2012 - The Survival Garden, by Chris S.

True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - New Spin: Attack Syria To Fight Al-Qaeda

The mainstream media now admits that Al-Qaeda is behind most of the anti-Assad violence in

Syria and that the Syrian opposition is largely led by Al-Qaeda fighters, backed up by U.S.-

funded rebels. In addition, U.S. officials likeAmbassador Susan Rice and the White House

itself have all but applauded terrorist bombings in Damascus... rebel fighters are routinely

photographed wearing the Al-Qaeda motif. There are also innumerable You Tube videos that

show opposition forces flying the Al-Qaeda flag. The fact that the Guardian report divulges

how closely together Al-Qaeda and the FSA are working is ironic given that for months the

same newspaper has run anonymous Twitter messages claiming the bombings in Syria now

admittedly carried out by Al-Qaeda were in fact false flags carried out by Assad’s forces. -

Paul Joseph Watson

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True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - Wag the Dog: Media Publish Photoshop Forgery to Sell Image of War

Torn Syria

'...these incredible lies and deceptions are not limited to the Syrian conflict, but have

become a mainstay in this age of modern media. From the phony babies in incubators

testimony to demonize Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf war, to the lies about WMDs in Iraq

the next time around, false flag events to start most 20th Century wars, and so much more:

these lies are not crafted to fool fact checkers, critics, historians or true investigative

reporters, but to goad the general public into a wave of hysteria ensuring enough support to

start a war and profit from the destruction.' - Aaron Dykes

Other Spiritual Pieces

Aug 2, 2012 - A Dog’s Purpose (from a 6-year-old).

if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

Never pretend to be something you’re not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently...


Aug 2, 2012 - Genetically modified athletes: Forget drugs. There are even suggestions

some Chinese athletes' genes are altered to make them stronger

Ron: All in all it's just as well that the London Olympics will be the last.

True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - Washington's Aleppo Strategy Failed

Washington's grand scheme failed. "Assad forces were again rooting out and liquidating rebel

forces in Aleppo as they did in Damascus days earlier."

It's taking longer because efforts are made to protect architectural and historic sites.

Minimizing civilian casualties is also prioritized.

Aleppo is Syria's largest city and commercial hub. It's also noted for its beauty. Its history

goes back thousands of years. Militant held areas were retaken. Fighting continues in parts

of the city and surrounding areas.

On July 30, "Saudi and Qatari intelligence officers (were) forced to admit" defeat. Security

forces "smashed their plan for a safe haven in the Aleppo area." - Stephen Lendman

Political Information

Aug 2, 2012 - Turkey gives surface-to-air missiles to Syrian rebels: Report

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According to a July 31 report by the NBC News, nearly two dozen missiles have been

delivered to the rebels in Syria by Turkey... Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told the

Turkish Cumhuriyet daily in an interview in early July that Turkey “has supplied all logistic

support to the terrorists who have killed our people.” ... On Tuesday, the Syrian army cleared

most areas of the northwestern city of Aleppo of armed groups, killing tens of rebels in the

southwestern neighborhood of Salahuddin and the southern district of Sokari... On July 28,

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, “Our Western partners… together with some of

Syria’s neighbors are essentially encouraging, supporting and directing an armed struggle

against [the Syrian government].” - PRESS TV

True US History


At the heart of Talmudic/Kabbalistic ethics lies permission for the Jew to weaken the

Gentile through any means. Such weakening is vital toward Talmudic Judaism's goal of

eventual mastery over the nations. (Zohar I, 60a) As we will see in this article, the

conspiracy is that Jewish liquor moguls have unnaturally stimulated liquor consumption among

Americans for well over a century, just as their Hollywood counterparts, Jewish media

moguls, have stimulated sexual immorality. (See Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish)...The

Jewish Encyclopedia states that ‘The establishment of the government liquor monopoly (in

Russia in 1896) deprived thousands of Jewish families of a livelihood.’ They controlled the

liquor traffic, the vodka business which undermined Russia. The government made the liquor

business a national monopoly in order to abolish it, which was done. Liquor in Russia was

Jewish, as the Encyclopedia testifies. Anyone reading carefully the article on Russia,

especially pages 527 and 559 in the Jewish Encyclopedia, will be in no doubt as to the fact.

In Rumania the whole ‘Jewish Question’ was the liquor question. The land of the peasants

came into control of the liquor sellers, and the business of handling liquors was a strict

Jewish monopoly for years. In Poland the same was true. It is not surprising, therefore, that

in the United States whiskey also became Jewish. - Rev. Ted Pike

True US History

Aug 2, 2012 - Government Silently Positions for Martial Law as Financial Collapse

Arrives in America

A source in the Deutsche Bank claims that in 2008 our financial and monetary system

completely collapsed, and since that time the banking cartels have been “propping up the

system” to make it appear as if everything was fine. In reality our stock market and

monetary systems are fake; meaning that there is nothing holding them in place except the

illusion that they have stabilized since the Stock Market Crash nearly 5 years ago. .. the

cause for the bailout of the banks was a large sum of cash needed quickly to repay China who

had purchased large quantities of mortgage-backed securities that went belly-up when the

global scam was realized. When China realized that they had been duped into buying

worthless securitized loans which would never be repaid, they demanded the actual property

instead. The Chinese were prepared to send their “people” to American shores to seize

property as allocated to them through the securitized loan contracts. o stave this off, the

American taxpayers were coerced by former President Bush and former US Treasury

Secretary Hank Paulson. During that incident, the US Senate was told emphatically that they

had to approve a $700 million bailout or else martial law would be implemented immediately.

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That money was funneled through the Federal Reserve Bank and wired to China, as well as

other countries that were demanding repayment for the fraudulent securitizations. -

Susanne Posel

Health and Nutrition

Aug 2, 2012 - Chemo and Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant

Phoenix Journals

Aug 2, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 17 & 18,


Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - The Olympics: Jumping Through Hoops

Ron: Given that the City of London banksters run our world and most things in it, this

narrative about the pros and cons and difficulties encountered in London getting the

Olympic Games smacks of sheer fantasy but then again, everything in global politics and

finance is an illusion so what else can we expect. Who wants to see the greedy, sleezy

banksters behind the curtain pulling the strings? Much better to immerse oneself in the

illusion that these matters are all a question of chance and achievement by sweaty, hard

working, politicians and pseudo patriots don'tcha think?


Aug 1, 2012 - Irrefutable Scientific Evidence That We Are All One

True US History

Aug 1, 2012 - UN reduced to tool for attacks on Syria: Webster Tarpley

Ron: Finally, it seems that the Saudi regime - the leaders of the pack of Gulf Muslim

dictatorships that are organising and supporting the terrorists and saboteurs that have

undermined Eqypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Morocco, destroyed Libya and are now

attempting to destroy the Syrian nation, are finally experiencing some "blowback" - the

results of their vicious efforts to destroy other nations at the behest of the US and its

bankster controllers. NOW, all we need is for the same fate to begin to overtake the

political and military leadership in the US, UK, EU and NATO and their media supporters.


Aug 1, 2012 - USA benützen NATO, zum Aufbau der militärischen Präsenz im

Schwarzen Meer

Rick Rozoff, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - The Record of Olympic Economics

The centralization of the global economy is supercharged through the figurative meaning of

the interlocking rings. The five continents Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe wave

their flags under the Olympic banner. These rallies, designed to merge communal

synergism under an international symbol, feed the transnational economy. Breaking down

national pride may not be easy to see through the repetitive media coverage, but the true

intent of holding the Games is to forge a unified system of coordinated financial

inclusion. [Ron: This 'financial inclusion' description really means that the banksters use the

Olympic Games as a propaganda lever to further their New World Order agenda.]. Just as

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the budget overruns [Ron: Paid for by taxpayers NOT the IOC] become the rule for most

Olympic venues, the world economic model runs on unsustainable debt... the Olympics are

useful as a training exercise for programming the thinking of rabid and crazed sports buffs...

The Olympics seeks to instill compliant behavior through more docile means. The

accurate assessment of the economic consequences of holding the Olympics more closely

resembles a contest of the Hunger Games than Chariots of Fire.- James Hall

Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - The Syrian Intelligence War: A Tale of Two Security Headquarters

Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - Libya: the beginning of the end of humanity


True US History

Aug 1, 2012 - China and the Outsourcing of the American Republic

Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - The Amazon’s Chernobyl: Ecuadorian Court Orders Chevron to Pay $19

Billion for Environmental Damages

True US History

Aug 1, 2012 - Turkey Plays NATO Attack Dog, Risks Future

Political Information

Aug 1, 2012 - Australian Government Helps Cover Up Guantanamo Crimes

Ron: Australia has no lawful Constitution and no valid government(s) or judiciaries.

Australians are ruled by fraudulent British puppets masquerading as legitimate political and

judicial leaders. The so called "Australian Constitution" is a merely a portion of a British

Colonial Act which can only be substantively amended by the UK Parliament. ALL Australian

political and judicial offices are fraudulently imposed on the sovereign inhabitants of

Australia. The City of London banksters control the UK parliament and through it (as well as

by more nefarious means) the Australian, US, Canadian and other British ex-colonial

countries. Accordingly. it is to be expected that the "Australian government" will cover up

the crimes of the US Corporation and its servants, minions and agents.

True US History

Aug 1, 2012 - Why Amerikkans are depressed

Ron: Arguably this is the optimistic view ... If you tell the FBI or the CIA that you're suicidal

they'll get excited too; BUT they'll provide the truck driving training...

Other Spiritual Pieces


Beethoven's 9th Symphony

Ron: This will be a normal part of life in the new world coming after stasis. Once usury, wars,

shopping and such are no more; musicians, artists and all positive activities will be encouraged

and sustained by society. See: Som Sabadell (We are Sabadell), a lovely 5' 40" video of a

"flash mob" performance in Sabadell near Barcelona featuring BANC SABADELL,


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Phoenix Journals

Aug 1, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 7 & 8.

" This will be the [H: Oh my gosh...!] landing of ASHTAR, the coming of the Pleiadians,

the Zeta Reticuli and others under the auspices of Ashtar and with the blessing of Lord

Sananda. [H: Well surprising as it may be to the bunches of "channels" who tout good

old Ashtar as a dashing whiffer-awayer--HE WILL ONLY BE INVOLVED IF THE





"ASHTAR". ASHTAR is simply used for entity identification. As to Lord Sananda's

"blessing" "

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Where’s the Outrage: Nobody Seems to Care as America’s Becomes a

Police State

Ron: In my humble opinion the invincible ignorance and apathy of Western societies will not

change until and unless either the Jews' global media, science and education monopoly is

comprehensively broken OR very large swathes of the Western middle and working classes

become destitute and taste some of the economic hardship and misery their elite rulers have

visited upon African and other Third World countries.

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Permanent War - Official US Policy

Ron: Robert Fisk has always been a Western media whore masquerading as a neutral

observer. It is a true sign of the times that he is NOW saying:

"Has there ever been a Middle Eastern war of such hypocrisy? A war of such cowardice and

such mean morality, of such false rhetoric and such public humiliation? I'm referring to the

utter lies and mendacity of our masters and our own public response to the

slaughter, a vicious pantomime more worthy of Swiftian satire than Tolstoy or Shakespeare."

Presumably Fisk is beginning to realise that journalists who publish lies in support of USrael

and NATO's monstrous terrorism in Syria will be seen to be what they are, and suffer

prosecution accordingly.

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jul 31, 2012 - GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!, chapter 5 & 6.

God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Dear AH readers, I was just skimming Chapter 5 of this, and this is a MUST READ. Its

about consciousness of MIND/God its very very good -C

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Translations - Others

Jul 31, 2012 - Italian: Meditazione Globale Domenica 29 Luglio, 2012

Johan / CM, traduzione Ben Boux.

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Refusing To Put A Normal Child On Psych Drugs Results In Swat Teams

and a TANK. This is in America!

Ron: Those who still "mouth" Amerikkan propaganda about the US being "The Home of the

Brave and the Land of the Free" need to do a reality check on their personal paradigm. DO

IT NOW! Before events force YOU, personally, to do it.

True US History




Jul 31, 2012 - The world’s first 3D-printed gun

Political Information

Jul 31, 2012 - India Successfully Test Fires BrahMos Cruise Missile

Ron: One conventionally armed Brahmos missile (and its Russian parent) is said to be able to

cripple a US nuclear aircraft carrier because of its tremendous speed (Mach 2.8) on impact.

Imagine what a similar missile travelling at Mach 5 - Mach 7 will do. US "gun boat diplomacy"

is clearly obsolete. The fact that the US has a number of aircraft carrier task forces

poncing around in and near the Persian Gulf in an attempt to intimidate Iran suggests hubris

to the point of lunacy.

Political Information

Jul 31, 2012 - Hundreds of millions without power in India

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Traffic Stop Goes Bad - Citizens Lose It Over Traffic Stops &

Surveillance - Video

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Significant Legislation Effecting Numismatics

Political Information

Jul 31, 2012 - The Value of Money in Colonial America

Ron: Most governments have legislated to allow banks to commit three levels of fraud on the

community. First, banks are authorised to create fictitious money, that is, banks can create

money out of thin air. Second, banks are licensed to charge borrowers' interest (usury) on

that fictitious money. Third, banks are allowed to issue loans in the form of fiat debt money

upon which they charge interest, without making provision for the creation of the money

necessary to pay that interest. This is not just unconscionable; it is diabolical. It constitutes

a civilisation destroying zero sum game that only banksters can win. Purporting to loan monies

conjured out of thin air also makes these loans void for lack of consideration; that is, the

bank has not actually provided anything of real value to the borrower in return for the

borrower's pledge to pay to the bank the principal sum of money stated in the contract plus

interest thereon. Moreover, governments allow banks to issue mortgages and loan

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agreements that often provide that the bank lender may, at any time, UNILATERALLY alter

the amount of interest payable by the borrower! Under the law of contract accepted in all

other transactions such provisions makes these contracts null and void. Why? Because a valid

contract requires that both parties agree to terms and conditions that are clear and certain.

A condition of a mortgage or loan agreement that specifies that one party may unilaterally

change a fundamental condition of the contract, in this case the amount of interest payable,

is void for uncertainty. BUT the courts routinely fail to advert to this fact in litigation on

these contracts. This unconscionable mechanism is clearly visible in the case of sub-prime

mortgages and loans and is typical in all flexible interest mortgages and loans. The

banksters' manipulation of the LIBOR further compounds this fraud.


Jul 31, 2012 - Russland bereitet seine Truppen auf eine Stationierung in Syrien vor

Clara Weiss, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jul 31, 2012 - Emergency Central Bank Intervention Coming?

Greece is a corpse. It's waiting for its obituary to be written. Spain is on life support.

Portugal and Ireland are wheezing. Italy is breathing hard. Britannia is sinking. America isn't

far behind... Monetary intervention only buys time. Unresolved problems fester and increase.

Paul Craig Roberts calls America's economy and financial system broken. In Europe things are


True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - Syria Jul 29, 2012 The Next Stage in the Destruction of Syria

The United States is using a strategy in Syria that has been perfected over the years,

starting with Afghanistan (in the 1980′s) Yugoslavia, and most recently in Libya: arming small

paramilitary groups loyal to U.S. interests that attack the targeted government — including

terrorist bombings — and when the attacked government defends itself, the U.S. cries

“genocide” or “mass murder,” while calling for foreign military intervention. In each instance

the targeted society is dismembered, mass murder and ethnic/religious violence is

consciously used to gain military advantage that inevitably spirals out of control; refugee

crises are also natural consequences, which inevitably lead to cross border destabilization

and wider regional conflicts. Millions of lives are completely ruined in each instance, if not

ended.[Ron: The US invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan has caused 20 million

deaths in those countries and the genocide and carnage continues. Next to the US and its

Allies Hitler's Germany was a Sunday School.].

True US History

Jul 31, 2012 - USociopaths caught photoshopping events in Syria

Political Information

Jul 31, 2012 - Libor scandal: Barclays executive Jerry del Missier given £8.75m pay-


Mr del Missier revealed how Mr Diamond had clearly told him in October 2008 to “get our

Libor rates down”.

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“I passed the instruction on to the head of the money market desk,” he said. “I relayed the

content of the conversation I had with Mr Diamond and fully expected the Bank of England

views would be fully incorporated in the Libor submission. I expected that they would take

those views into account.” Grilled over whether he knew the action was illegal, he said: “At

the time it did not seem an inappropriate action given that this was coming from the Bank of

England.” - Alistair Osborne

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jul 31, 2012 - GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!, chapter 7.

God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 31, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 15 & 16.


By Walter E. Williams (with permission)

" Philosopher David Hume said, "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once".

Let's apply this idea to our Second Amendment rights but start off talking about anti-

smoking regulations.

The anti-smoking campaign started off attacking property rights, with eminently reasonable

pleas like requiring no-smoking sections on airplanes. Emboldened by that success, tobacco

prohibitionists successfully campaigned for laws banning smoking on flights under two hours,

then a ban on domestic flights altogether, then airports, restaurants and buses. Now,

they're working to have smoking banned at all but residences, and later, no doubt, they'll go

after residences. Their agenda required a propaganda campaign to dupe the public with lies

and distortions about some of the health effects of smoking. Had the tobacco

prohibitionists made their full agenda known at the outset, they never would have succeeded

in even getting no-smoking sections on airplanes. "

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Will The REAL James Holmes Please Stand Up?

Please readers look at this. This happened in MY city and we were going to work it (me and

CM) up but I was not so comfortable at the time and we decided not to drawn too much

attention. I noticed right away when I saw the person called Holmes in court it was likely

NOT the same person as other images on the web. I early compared them once the mug shot

was up, and knew this was not the same person. Poor guy, he doesn't even know what he's

doing in jail, he did not commit this but will be framed for it. The real one is DEAD. Why

they needed to parade a fake before the nation I cannot comprehend yet the purpose. And I

can't comprehend all the local media playing in the coverup, have none of them any

MIND? This is so obvious. -C

And we welcome Ron back, he has been on vacation where there was no internet. He posted

this article, but we have a discussion going on the forum of course about it all.

Political Information

Jul 30, 2012 - Rothschild An MI5/6 Cronie & Sons: Implicated With George Soros In

Some Of The Filthiest Drugs-For-Weapons Operations.

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Political Information

Jul 30, 2012 - Titanic Banks Hit LIBOR Iceberg: Will Lawsuits Sink the Ship?

Ron: Suggesting that lowering the LIBOR rate hurt no one is BULLSHIT. The losers are ALL

the people involved with local governments, hospitals, universities and other nonprofits; and

even local banks that lost interest income on floating rate loans. Why? Because the LIBOR

affected interest rate swaps in which, typically, counterparty A (a city, hospital, etc.) paid a

fixed interest rate to counterparty B (the bank), while receiving a floating rate indexed to

LIBOR. The swaps were entered into to insure against a rise in interest rates; but instead,

interest rates fell to historically low levels because the banks rigged the game. Arguing that

mortgage interest rates were lower thus saving many people from losing their homes is

irrelevant since the big banks that profited from this criminal activity derived most of thier

revenue from derivatives. In the three years after the 2008 crisis the four largest U.S.

banks—BOA, Citi, JPM and Wells Fargo—cut back on small business lending by a full 53

percent. The two largest—BOA and Citi—cut back on local lending by 94 percent and 64

percent, respectively. Their profits now come largely from derivatives. Today, 96% of

derivatives are held by just four banks—JPM, Citi, BOA and Goldman Sachs—and the LIBOR

scam significantly boosted their profits on these bets. Interest-rate swaps compose fully 82

percent of the derivatives trade. Also, rigging the LIBOR enabled the banksters to continue

their criminal activities, futher harming society instead of being forced into liquidation.

THAT was not a benefit to global society because those banks have continued to make the

situation worse. Arguably also, many people able to keep paying lower mortgage rates still

face ultimate loss of their homes as interest rates rise. See:


True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - The US-NATO War on Syria: Western Naval Forces Confront Russia

Off the Syrian Coastline?

Moscow has dispatched to the Mediterranean a flotilla of ten Russian warships and escort

vessels led by the Admiral Chabanenko anti-submarine destroyer. Russia's flotilla is

currently stationed off the Southern Syrian coastline...The US-NATO alliance has retorted

to Russia's naval initiative, with a much larger naval deployment, a formidable Western

armada, consisting of British, French and American warships, slated to be deployed later this

Summer in the Eastern Mediterranean, leading to a potential "Cold War style confrontation"

between Russian and Western naval forces.- Michel Chossudovsky

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - U.S. Uses NATO For Black Sea Military Buildup

Ron: What the US military is doing in Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, the Ukraine and the Black

Sea is equivalent to Russia or China establishing bases throughout Mexico and Cuba and all

around the Gulf of Mexico while holding major military exercises in the Gulf, within 187 miles

of major US naval and military installations. Two major US led military cum naval exercises in

this area have been undertaken since 9 July 2012. Coincidence?

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Aurora: Synchromystic Wonderland

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Ron: It's a nice touch - forcing the "suspect" to wear a face mask so that his face cannot be

sen and compared to that of the real James Holmes. And what about the fact that his

allegedly booby trapped apartment was shared with two other blokes?! Not to mention the

fact that witnesses said there was more than one shooter...

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Flipping The Script: The Western Media's Syria Propaganda Is Falling


"Now, it appears that the West's Arab "foreign legion," Al Qaeda, is about to suffer an

unprecedented defeat - not at the hands of Western anti-terrorism forces, but at the hands

of Syrian troops in the city of Aleppo. In a desperate effort to prevent this, the West is

employing a series of desperate strategies ranging from portraying the trapped foreign-

fighters committing atrocities inside Aleppo as "pending a certain massacre," to using the

very presence of these foreign-fighters as evidence "Al Qaeada" is operating in Syria and

must be "stopped" by Western intervention.- Tony Cartalucci

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - The Shadow Patsy Rises Again: How Mind Control Is Connected To Gun


The U.S. shadow government's love affair with patsies has really gotten out of hand. Oswald

was only a prototype. Washington has created an extraordinary league of shadow patsies.

Holmes could be the next-generation model of mind control assassins; the T-1000 of

government patsies.- Saman Mohammad "The parallels between alleged Colorado shooter

James Holmes and Sirhan Sirhan are staggering. Both appear to have been drugged, both

cannot remember the shootings they were accused of carrying out, and in both cases other

shooters were reported by eyewitnesses."- Paul Joseph Watson


Jul 30, 2012 - Meditation Visions 111 – 113, July 2012




True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Oregon criminalizes permaculture; claims state ownership over all

rainwater - ponds and swales restricted - jail time for violators

Ron: Absent divine intervention, humanity will very "soon" have to fight or die in order to

survive the onslaughts of the Talmudists.

Political Information

Jul 30, 2012 - Mark Dankof’s Interview with Fars News Agency of Iran: Israeli

Suicides, the Culture of Death, and Holocaust in Syria

'... the Zionists and their partners in Central Banking and Energy Consortiums have taken it

upon themselves to carve up that portion of the globe for their own interests, and to use the

United States military and intelligence communities, along with NATO, to achieve it.' - Mark


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Political Information

Jul 30, 2012 - Nero At The 2012 Olympics: Mossad And The Torch of Terror

Ron: There will be no nuclear False Flag at the London Olympics. Star Fleet will prevent what

needs to be prevented and allow what needs to be allowed.

Political Information

Jul 30, 2012 - Putin Foils The Jews In Syria

The one who gave the Zionists a bloody nose in Georgia, Vladmir Putin, can give an even

bloodier one in Syria. - Br Nathanael Kapner


Jul 30, 2012 - Die verblüffenden CIA-Mitgliederausweise der syrischen Opposition, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Bloomberg: An alien mouth without a mind

Our ‘cops’ kill more of the public than all the criminal elements could ever do—and are

rewarded with paid vacations instead of investigations that always find that these ‘officers’

followed a non-existent protocol wherein no one can ever be charged with any crime if the

police are even remotely involved in any torture, harassment or murder of those they were

supposedly created to protect, from the government as well as from other criminals.- Jim


True US History

Jul 30, 2012 - Russia Prepares Armed Forces for Syrian Military Deployment

Phoenix Journals

Jul 30, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", chapter 9 &


". . .Judaism. . .Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Midieval Rabbinism, and

Midieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes in name. . .the

spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered. . .From Palestine to Babylonia; from

Babylonia to North Africa, Italy, Spain, France and Germany; from these to Poland, Russia,

and eastern Europe generally, ancient Pharisaism has wandered. . .demonstrates the enduring

importance which attaches to Pharisaism as a religious movement. . ."

True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - Architect of too-big-to-fail banks says it was a ‘mistake’

Political Information

Jul 29, 2012 - Torturing Children - Official Israeli Policy

True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - Time Banks: Vermont's Onion River Exchange & Others

True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - The Moral Case for Drones

Ron: If you had any doubts about the need for the US to cease to function as the global

policman this should do it.

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True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - Public vigil red alert: Raw milk advocate James Stewart seized by

armed bounty hunters driving unmarked vehicles with no plates

True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - NATO Terrorists Execute Civilians While Waiting for Syrian Army

Ron: Journalists who hide the truth about the identity of the perpetrators of the atrocities

carried out with USrael and NATO support and direction in Syria are not only accomplices

AFTER the fact BUT they are also accomplices BEFORE the fact in respect of future

atrocities facilitated by their lying propaganda reports.

True US History

Jul 29, 2012 - German Intelligence: "al-Qaeda" All Over Syria

Ron: In my opinion the journalists submitting pictures and stories suggesting that the Syrian

government is responsible for the atrocities against the Syrian people being committed by

USrael and NATO supported terrorists should be arrested and prosecuted as TERRORIST



Jul 29, 2012 - THE LESLIE COIL - a James Jaeger Film

Leslie Baird of Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania builds huge Tesla coils and other "exotic" inventions

not blessed for public consumption by TPTW. Reportedly, because she wouldn't work for the

US military she was imprisoned for over a decade, survived several murder attempts and

mercury poisoning. No surprises there. Those who denigrate the efforts of heroic individuals

who seek to bring real cosmic science and technology into human consciousness, like Tesla

and Leslie Baird, are part of the problem not the solution. Some do it for money or power

generated by the military industrial complex, but many just do it to preserve their personal

paradigm and sense of identity developed through prolonged exposure to the Khazar

dominated science and education systems within the global matrix.


Jul 29, 2012 - Global Meditation Sunday July 29, 2012

This is a global 21 utc event. And you should ponder your own feelings and thoughts before

hand around the Olympic games. So read the whole piece -C

Other Channels

Jul 29, 2012 - Méditation mondiale, dimanche 29 juillet 2012

Johan/Christ Michael, traduction Marie-Louise

Phoenix Journals

Jul 29, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 5 & 6.

" [H: This becomes more and more important to ALL OF YOU--EVERY DAY THAT

COMES! What can be done about it? Get your Constitution back into operation and



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Jul 28, 2012 - AH-Sonntagsmeditation 29.7.2012

CM/ Johan, 29.7.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Selections from the Urantia Book

Jul 28, 2012 - UB Downloads Many types of downloads in a variety of

Languages of the Urantia Book. Also I am adding some other links inside


Jul 28, 2012 - Meditación Global Domingo 29 de Julio del 2012

Este es un evento global a las 21:00 UTC. Y deben reflexionar sus propios sentimientos y

pensamientos de antemano sobre los Juegos Olímpicos. Así que lean todo el mensaje-C


Jul 28, 2012 - Auszug aus PJ 98: Weltprotokoll

Gyergos Ceres Hatonn/Christus Michael

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jul 28, 2012 - GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!, chapter 3 & 4.

God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 28, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 13 & 14.

" [H: Oh my gosh, this dastardly man even suggests GOVERNMENT BY AND FOR THE













Jul 27, 2012 - The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits, Pdf.

The Completion of 30 Great Cycle Orbits

The Biggest Evolutionary Event in Earth History, by James, a forum member.

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Really nice will help you understand the cycles of time that involve earth and our solar

system. For we are at the same time in the Photon Belt, the Energies from the Milky Way,

and the lapping Wave. _C

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jul 27, 2012 - GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU!, chapter 1 & 2.

God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 27, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 3 & 4.

" A Jew is permitted to enslave a non-Jew. Indeed, in another part of the TALMUD it

specifies that the reason GOD created non-Jewish humans was so that the Holy Race (Jews)

would "not be served by animals only". [H: Interesting since the very term "Jew" was not

conjugated until the 18th century and along with it came "Zionist" to be used widely in

the 19th--and especially--in the 20th century. The possibly more interesting point,

however, is that the TALMUD is not and never was a supposedly GOD-GIVEN

document--it is written by and touted as the laws of the Elders of the "Jewish" faith.

So you have a man-made book of rules and sume whatever they wish as to race, creed

and color and proclaim themselves to be non-Christian in every manner possible--THE

ANTI-CHRIST! Why am I or any man considered a heretic, hate-monger or otherwise

to restate WHAT THEY HAVE ALREADY STATED? They claim us to be hateful "anti-

Semites" at every political turn. Anti-Semite?? I AM A SEMITE AND MOST OF YOU





Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)


Von Siraya durch Johan - Übersetzung: Harald Kuehn




Jul 26, 2012 - Greenland Ice Melt HUGE amount of

documented ice melt on Greenland over 4 days is July, by satellite imaging. This is official

NASA release.



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This tells the story of a woman who was forced to leave EVERYTHING behind her. How

would you fare in the same situation? How much weight do you give material possessions in

your life? How will your values change when confronted with material loss?

By Others

Jul 26, 2012 - 我是今日好消息的传递者 赛若亚通过约翰传递


Jul 26, 2012 - "Demokratie jetzt" und die "progressiven" alternativen Medien:

Geschätzte Einheizer für Imperialismus und Krieg

Finian Cunningham, Übersetzung Remo Santini


Jul 26, 2012 - WHAT WILL YE DO?, from KiboDabi -- I 2 I, Video.

KiboDabi, video Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 26, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 11 & 12.

" Moreover, analysis reveals that inanimate objects as well as Homo Sapiens and other living

beings have holograms of this kind. [H: Our ships have such halos of light around them

and this is one of the marks of such craft--the "aura" or "light" and the vapor essence

surrounding us in the sky as visualized in the daylight hours. We can easily turn-off the

visual realization as we can manipulate the "energy field" but this is WHY these

phenomena occur. Facts are, everything has an aura and field--some however, are so

dense that they are actually sucked within the being itself and the density itself

becomes a huge vacuum of energy. These persons with such energy fields will literally

suck a lighted aurad person dry, so to speak. It is as with a refrigerator where you

have the heat-cold exchange. It is physics explained but with light--hard to

comprehend.] "

Translations - Others


Siraya tramite Johan, traduzione Lina Capettini.

Other Channels

Jul 25, 2012 - Je suis le messager d'aujourd'hui apportant de BONNES NOUVELLES

Siraya par Johan, traduction Marie-Louise

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen



Siraya via Johan, vertaling Lilian A.


Jul 25, 2012 - Neues vom OITC

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Zusammenfassung v. Karin Juli 2012 - Post v. Candace

Other Spiritual Pieces


God's Great Gifts to Man Are Life

and That Which Man Calls Death.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 25, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", chapter 1 & 2.


" In 1956, the following WORLD PROTOCOL was sent out to Jews world-wide. It was a

confidential notice which went to orthodox, reformed, non-religious and "Christian" Jews:

"We are about to reach our goal. World War II furthered our plans greatly. We succeeded

in having millions of Christians kill each other and returning other millions in such condition

that they can do us no harm.

"There remains little to be done to complete our control of the United States.





Siraya Monday July 23, 2012

Other Channels

Jul 24, 2012 - Méditation de dimanche 22 juillet 2012

CM par Johan, traduction Marie-Louise

Books - eBooks

Jul 24, 2012 - Genero-Radiative Concept, Pdf.

Dr. Walter Russell, transcribed by André V.C. & Christ.L. This paper states he would be

writing 15 more to fully cover the Principles of the Universal One. I don't think that

happened or they are not available anyway.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 24, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", chapter 7 &


" I have so many inquiries about various locations, experiments, bases and other interesting

things as to not be able to wade through them. Are there aliens among you? Yes. Are there

places of great vortex powers? Yes. Are the stories about, say, the Bermuda Triangle, true?

Lots of them ARE! ............

"I can tell you one thing," said Dr. Wright. "I'm never going back to that island in a small

boat and I'm never going to fly across the Bermuda Triangle." [H: Why? I'm sure no self-

respecting alien would want to STUDY this specimen--for he must be one of your more

stupid productions. But, do you see how disinformation propaganda to COVER COVERT

AND TREACHEROUS ACTIVITIES TAKES PLACE? Wake up, sleepyheads, and pay more

attention to things like some of the X-Files--especially the ones about your secret

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facilities, secret research and secret joint-venture technology. Do you suppose he said

"above" to cover what happens UNDER the Caymans and "the Bahamas"? Maybe it is

even to cover what happens in the BANKS "ON" THOSE ISLANDS?--MY MY--JUST



Jul 23, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 27 - CELESTIAL TRUTH.", Part 2 -


Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 23, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 9 & 10.

" Advanced "mind"-controlled craft as we utilize when desirable are NOT angular in shape

unless it is simply for physical holding or interim placement for safety in transit. Our craft,

shuttle and otherwise, are for the most part disc shaped, round or "stacked" in "pancake"

layers. These are present OFTEN in the broad daylight and are easily visualized in vapor

(cloud cover). When not shrouded, the mirror finish will simply reflect "sky" and are invisible

unless we purposely MAKE them visible. We simply bend light rays around the craft to

prevent reflection--unless, again, we wish to be seen. The other presentation is "instant

visibility" but on a very short-span basis for signaling. That means that we have dropped into

the visibility frequency long, enough to be seen but in short enough time span to negate radar

tracking. We can also DISPERSE at will, moving into a state of both invisibility and non-

substance. "


Jul 22, 2012 - Meditation Visions 108 – 110, July 2012





Jul 22, 2012 - Hochrangiger israelischer Rabbi: Die Nichtjuden sind "Mörder, Diebe,


Rev. Ted Pike, Übersetzung Remo Santini

David Crayford and the OITC

Jul 22, 2012 - It’s no more than I expected

This goes with my previous posting tonight and linky to that is included in this. -C

David Crayford and the OITC

Jul 22, 2012 - Neil Kennan Makes Noise As Only He Can Do

I have added some additional material to this since posting.-C


Jul 22, 2012 - Sunday Meditation July 22, 2012

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Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jul 22, 2012 - Sonntagsmeditation, 22. Juli 2012

Von Johan/CM - Jul 22, 2012 – Übersetzung: Harald Kuehn


Jul 22, 2012 - Meditación Domingo 22 de Julio del 2012

Political Information

Jul 22, 2012 - La Batalla de Damasco Ha Comenzado


Jul 22, 2012 - The film BOTTLED LIFE

The Swiss film "Bottled Life" documents the booming business with bottled water, by

focusing on the global leader in this lucrative multi-billion dollar market – namely, the Nestlé

corporation in Switzerland. Nestlé currently controls more than 70 of the world's bottled

water brands, among them Perrier, San Pellegrino and Vittel.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 22, 2012 - PJ #98 " ASCENSION OR NEVER-EVER LAND? ", Intro.

"As with Ezekial--space craft:, (Wheels within wheels, wheels of fire--etc.) Now, HOW did



IF YOU ARE TO BE SAVED? Is this not strange? If, further, the evangelists of the

CHRISTIAN "faith" base everything and need on the NEW TESTAMENT and utilize the

"Jewish" (misnomer) tradition (who did not believe Jesus was the Christ or Messiah) how do

they come up with WRONG answers? Because they are desperately offering YOU A WAY




Will there be some kind of a lift-off, possibly? Yes, probably--but it will not be like you are

told here--it will NOT BE A RAPTURE. Rapture by its definition means a state of emotional

beingness. It does NOT mean physical lift-off to another sphere of wondrous delight with

God--unless, of course, you are DEAD--which you WILL BE, in physical consideration! Dead as

the proverbial doornail!! The point is to get you God-respecting, Christian believers OFF THE





Jul 21, 2012 - Die Schlacht um Damaskus hat begonnen

Thierry Meyssan, Übersetzung Horst Frohlich


Jul 21, 2012 - La bataille de Damas a commencé

Thierry Meyssan

True US History

Jul 21, 2012 - The Battle for Damascus Has Begun

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Very Interesting Read-C


Jul 21, 2012 - Buch enthüllt: Der Mossad manipuliert und rekrutiert französische


Anustup Roy, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Jul 21, 2012 - Radio Fremantle Interview - Johan P. - July 19

David Crayford and the OITC

Jul 21, 2012 - Current Financial exposures ---- how do they affect you??



Jul 21, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter.",

Pdf - Part 14.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.


Jul 21, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter.",

Pdf - Part 13.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 21, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 7 & 8.

" I was a Board Member of "MJ-12". There are programs of human replication going on,

however, "DNA" the human Genome is a little more complex than people of this place and

time WERE aware of. Assistance has been given to certain organizations but what you

suggest is at least 20-50 years away. [H: Sorry Ronn--mechanically, replication is far

advanced of what YOU think it to be. The point is that you DON'T, and neither do the

"assistants" (aliens of course), KNOW HOW TO BRING THESE BEINGS INTO WHAT





SINCE GONE. I only use "Kissinger" as an example because so many top-players are

replications as to be all but unidentifiable by the ordinary human citizen. I note that

YOU do not have any trouble at all in making identification as to WHICH ones are but


Those who have the technology are stupid. [H: Do not confuse this with "dumb",

readers--they are stupid as a fox already within the henhouse with belly full. They

are, however, to say the very least--without any wisdom whatsoever!]

There are several underground FACILITIES. Note I use the term "FACILITIES",

not "BASES". I've been in several. No, the inhabitants have nothing to do with Nazi-Germany

or anyone from Europe. The Phoenix Journals are using information from people such as

myself and I do not profess to know everything that has gone on; however, if I see

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something that is incorrect, I will tell "Hatonn". Most of his information, that I have knowl-

edge of, is very accurate. I have filled in some information. To answer what I believe you are

asking, 1. Yes, there are other living forms from other places and dimensions. 2. Have I seen

them? Yes, and those that I have seen appear to be not unlike you or me. Those that I have

spoken to, that I could not see, were real. 3. I've been inside the North-Pole, under the

Philippines, under two facilities in Egypt, one under one place in South America (and am aware

of many others). "



Daniel Raphael, Ph.D.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 20, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", chapter 5 &



" All "alien" inclusive operations are coming full circle now and you have a LARGE number of

cross-bred aliens among you. There have been YEARS of integrated technology in the

massive underground facilities. The aliens who "didn't" look like you--NOW DO! I don't think

I need to comment on these "people" to any great extent under any circumstances but most

especially not now while I have agreements of silence to keep. I remind you that SPACE


AS ARE YOU. Some have technology to get off the place but THEY HAVE TO COME

THROUGH OUR COMMAND FLEET. That is not possible at this time! "


Jul 19, 2012 - Message 104: DRUNKEN WITH THE DIVINE





Jul 19, 2012 - Dämonisierung der Moslems - die weltweite Hexenjagd Amerikas

Sherwood Ross, Übersetzung Remo Santini




Political Information

Jul 19, 2012 - HSBC exposed: Drug money banking, terror dealings

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jul 19, 2012 - Eine Botschaft von unserer Erde

durch Rosie, 13.6.2012 Übersetzung HaraldZ

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Phoenix Journals - PDF

Jul 19, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", Pdf copy.

"We will win this. We may lose the initial battle, but we, in fact, will win the war."


"Very few people are aware that the intense drama of our twentieth century--the life and

death struggle between capitalism and Communism, freedom and slavery--has its origins in

the late eighteenth century. All Americans are aware that the Declaration of Independence

was written in 1776. Few are aware that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, which provided

the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution, was published in

1776. And fewer still are aware that in that same year, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor

of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, founded the Illuminati Order, a

conspiratorial organization which embodied all of the goals, aims, and methods of what we

now call Communism. All history books will tell you of the first event. A good many will tell

you of the second. But practically none will even allude to the last. Why? When you know the

answer to that question you know history better than the historians."

Translations - Candace

Jul 18, 2012 - Italian: Piccolo aggiornamento sulle attività pre-3dd.

Esu attraverso Candace, traduzione Ben Boux.

Translations - Others

Jul 18, 2012 - Italian: Ciò che succede ora riguarda le Vostre Future Creazioni.

Siraya tramite Johan, traduzione Lina Capettini.


Jul 18, 2012 - Teslas kabelloses Elektroauto erklärt

Übersetzung Matthias

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Jul 18, 2012 - Christ Michael: WHY?

Christ Michael thru Hazel, video Christ.


Jul 18, 2012 - 0.000012345678901...............Entscheidet euch

v. Kibo, 30.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)

Jul 18, 2012 - Ein kurzes Update über Aktivitäten vor den 3 dunklen Tagen

Esu durch Candace, 15.7.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Par Candace

Jul 18, 2012 - Une petite mise à jour sur les activités précédant les 3 jours de


Esu par Candace, traduction Marie-Louise

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Other Channels


Eve/CM, traduction Marie-Louise


Jul 18, 2012 - Dringende Nachricht von Adrian Salbuchi: Sind London, Indonesien,

Nicaragua, Westchina die Nächsten?

Adrian Salbuchi, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Phoenix Journals

Jul 18, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 5 & 6.

" I remind you good readers (and bad readers) that you, if you are of God, have NO

ENEMIES IN SPACE. In fact, you have no enemies IN SPACE even if you are NOT OF GOD.

THEY ARE ALL NOW STATIONED ON YOUR PLACE! I also remind you that, for the facts

of the matter, depending upon WHO you are--the enemies of your government and Elite--are

NOT probably YOUR enemies, at any rate. Your enemies are quite Earth-bound.

You are locked to Earth like a fly to flypaper--you can go up a ways and have to return, you

can dig in a way--but have to return. You cannot sustain selves anywhere off your globe for

any extended period of time--you are prisoners of your own making. It behooves you to

consider being quite friendly with us who come to serve and assist. So be it. "

True US History



Political Information

Jul 17, 2012 - Pro-Palestinian Ads Ignite Firestorm Of Controversy

Ron: Sooo, WHY is it OK for Jews to endlessly spread (and profit enormously from) the

racist Blood Libel FRAUDULENT claim that the German nation holocausted 6 million (or any)

Jews during WWII BUT somehow it is unacceptable and anti-Semitic (whatever that means)

for anyone to publicise the truth about the Jews' ACTUALLY and continuously genociding,

ethnically cleansing and stealing the land and property of SIX million Palestinians? Just


Political Information



Jul 17, 2012 - Una Pequeña Actualización sobre las Actividades Antes de los 3 Días de


Political Information

Jul 17, 2012 - List Of Alternative Currency Systems From Around The World

Health and Nutrition

Jul 17, 2012 - Glaxo whistleblower goes public with shocking details of bribery,

marketing fraud and other pharma crimes

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GlaxoSmithKline employee and whistleblower Blair Hamrick has helped make medical history.

Together with his colleague Gregory Thorpe, Blair blew the whistle on criminal practices

taking place inside GlaxoSmithKline which have now led to the largest criminal admission and

financial settlement in the history of western medicine. GSK is paying a $3 billion fine while

pleading guilty to felony crimes. (

/036416_GlaxoSmithKline_fraud_criminal_char...- Mike Adams


Jul 17, 2012 - ¿POR QUÉ?

Phoenix Journals

Jul 17, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", chapter 3 &


" Sorry about that! What you WANT is a God that fixes everything for YOU--according to

the way YOU want it--or think you want it. GOD IS JUST! GOD HAS GIVEN YOU RULES


JOURNEY--YOU HAVE CAST THEM ASIDE! I am not come to appease you and your wishes--

I AM SENT TO TELL YOU HOW IT IS. I can love you unconditionally while you stumble

along twisting and turning in your DRUTHERS and chosen definitions of how it SHOULD be.

But I cannot, nor will I, interfere in any physical manner whatsoever to FORCE you to do,

believe, or anything else. I will effort to "reason", present facts and tell you how it is and

what are the conditions of God's laws--it is ALL THAT I WILL DO--AND STAND AT



True US History

Jul 16, 2012 - "Democracy Now" and the "Progressive" Alternative Media: Valued

Cheerleaders For Imperialism and War

The major Western mainstream media outlets have been running a “shock and awe”

propaganda offensive against the Syrian government of President Bashar Al Assad for nearly

16 months. The misinformation has been unrelenting, monolithic, unverified, one-sided and,

frankly, increasingly preposterous. With the suppression of mounting facts that Western

governments are waging a covert war of aggression in Syria, the Western public is right to

treat the conventional media sources with skepticism and outright contempt. Such media are

seen as “politicized” and “unreliable”, serving a naked imperialist agenda for Western regime

change. In a word, they are damaged goods. - Finian Cunningham


Jul 16, 2012 - PJ 08 dt. Zusammenfassung AIDS - die letzte große Plage der


Zusammenfassung von Dr. med. B.

By Candace

Jul 16, 2012 - 黑暗三日前的简短更新 伊稣经由坎迪斯传递

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True US History

Jul 16, 2012 - Syrian Opposition's Amazing CIA Credentials

The soft power and political reach of the big foundations and policy bodies is vast, but

scrutiny is no respecter of fancy titles and fellowships and "strategy briefings". Executive

director of what, it asks. Having "democracy" or "human rights" in your job title doesn't give

you a free pass. -

True US History

Jul 16, 2012 - US infesting Middle East in hunt for more wars: Analyst

Political Information

Jul 16, 2012 - BOMBSHELL: Defected Syrian Ambassador Admits Role in Killing US


Nawaf Fares, hailed a "hero" by the West for "defecting" from the Syrian government and

joining the suspect "Syrian National Council," has now admitted he was behind organizing

"Jihadi units" that fought and killed US troops in Iraq. Undoubtedly these units he claims he

created also killed British troops, as well as Iraqi fighters and civilians. His "hero" status is

indicative of the dysfunction and morally depraved state of Western foreign policy.

Unfortunately for Nawaf Fares, who has just admitted to being an international terrorist,

not only does he fail to provide any actual evidence to suggest the Syrian government had

ordered or condoned his terrorist activities during the US occupation of Iraq (as even the

Telegraph notes), nor provide any evidence at all that "Al Qaeda" had coordinated its

bombing campaigns with Syrian security forces, but a myriad of confirmed reports and

evidence already exist contradicting entirely Fares' statements. - Tony Cartalucci


Jul 16, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 4 - Your bodies DO not resurrect to

heaven and other christian misunderstandings", Part 6 Pdf, update.

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 16, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 13 & 14, final.

" Although some information is known about hangar 51; not much is known about area 51. How

about for starters: an entire city is under the area. Below that city about four-and-one-half

miles is a pickup and departure site for the Trans-Continental Transportation System that no

one knows about, or at least, is reluctant to talk about. The second site south of the test

site is a direct link to the transportation system. The last time I used the system, coast to

coast usually took about 10 hours, including the stops. "

Political Information

Jul 15, 2012 - US Agents of Subversion Deride Russian NGO Bill

Photo: Hague hands Suu Kyi the "Chatham House Prize." Nothing quite says "democracy

promotion" like a prize from an organization consisting of Goldman Sachs, Morgan

Stanley, BP, Exxon, Chevron, BAE, Boeing, Lockheed, and many more. This is just the

latest in a long line of self-aggrandizing stunts the global elite use to lend themselves

otherwise non-existent legitimacy and lure in well-intentioned people to serve their cause....

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Educating the pubic and mandating that NGOs exhibit the same transparency and openness

they demand of governments is an essential first step. Instituting severe penalties against

NGOs that willfully deceive, obfuscate their funding or agenda, or misrepresent themselves

to the people they are attempting to influence including charges ranging from fraud to

sedition must also be considered.

CMGSN Pieces

Jul 15, 2012 - Service, Patience & Intelligence

A Lesson on Being in Service- The Beloved thru Lytske

Impatience, So Very Human-Mentori Spokesperson Thru George Bernard

Intelligence-Practical and Spiritual -Ophelius thru Chris


Jul 15, 2012 - A Small Update on Pre 3DD Activities

Esu thru Candace July 14, 2012

Targeted Messages

Jul 15, 2012 - CM ASKS



Jul 15, 2012 - Sunday July 15 Meditation

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jul 15, 2012 - Nederlands: Meditatie Zondag 15 juli

CM door Johan, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace

Jul 15, 2012 - Nederlands: Een kleine Update op Pre 3 DD Activiteiten

Esu via Candace, vertaling Lilian A.

By Others

Jul 15, 2012 - 现在所发生的是关于你们未来的造物 赛若亚通过约翰传递


Jul 15, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 3 - There is NO Nibiru and more topics

", part 3, Pdf

Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 15, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 3 & 4.

" H: This section of your Constitution is just about the most important segment for it

deals with all those things which have been usurped incorrectly, destroyed blatantly and

taken over by the Elite power-brokers under guise of amendments, emergencies, total

lies, executive orders and by letting (causing) the public to cease knowing anything in

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the original set of rules by replacing them with that which seemed sound at the time of

inspiration but later became simply a tool integrated without asking, unlawfully

instituted and perpetuated and, ultimately, rewriting to suit selves for a New World

Order. Each thing in this section deserves so much attention from every aspect but we

will diligently offer only that which is referenced and in the manner referenced by the

persons in point at the writing and debating. Read carefully and weep for your

nation.... Indeed, you have reached "childhood's end" in so many ways as to be lost in

the counting! "


Jul 14, 2012 - Blutbedeckte Banditen und westliche Lügen: Was wirklich in Syrien


Ankhar Kochnewa und "Russia Today", Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jul 14, 2012 - Merck Teams With Gates Foundation to Further Worldwide


Political Information

Jul 14, 2012 - Circumcision ban is the 'worst attack on Jews since Holocaust'

Ron: It is a crime to deliberately inflict pain and mutilation on anyone, let alone a baby.

Justifying such mutilation on the basis of some pseudo-religious and patently racist political

ideology DOES NOT lessen the crime. Male circumcision is a crime against the psychic health

and welfare not only of the male but also of any female with whom that male may seek to

bond. It is a double edged sword. Arguably female cicrumcission has similar anti-bonding

effects. Female and male circumcission are attrocious crimes against both sexes and hence

the human race.



I have a bit of commentary at the end of this-C

Posted July 12, given on July 10th, 2012

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jul 14, 2012 - Nederlands: Wat er nu gebeurt betreft uw toekomstige creaties.

Siraya via Johan, vertaling Lilian A.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 14, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", chapter 1 &


" One of your own circle of people, readers, is a prime example of the LIES and

misadventures of "medicine" and "man" against the insipid system, blunders and

misdiagnoses--then the realization and "oh dod, oh dod--what I do now?" syndrome. I would

ask Paul or Lynn to give us a write-up of the adventures in near-death experience at the

hands of disease (that eats flesh [by whatever stupid name it is labeled]). Lynn has been

there! Expense? Unable to count in pain, agony AND money has been their experience.

Readers, this is SERIOUS! It doesn't matter whether the doctors tell you it is a virus, a

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streptococcus, a staph-infection--it is disastrous. There were times when the very working

organs could be seen through the opening eaten away in Lynn's belly. THIS IS SERIOUS! Ah,


ATTENTION! Oh, and by the way number two: the infection happened FOLLOWING

MEDICAL PROCEDURES! It is a hard road from here on in, chelas--don't get careless. "

Political Information

Jul 13, 2012 - The Road of Ignominy and the Lord's of Parsimony.

Political Information

Jul 13, 2012 - Compound Interest and the Debt Bubble

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he

who doesn't ... pays it. -- Albert Einstein

Political Information

Jul 13, 2012 - London; a fortress or an Olympics host!?


Jul 13, 2012 - Remembering a Genius (Born July 10th, 1856): The 10 Inventions of

Nikola Tesla That Changed The World

Political Information

Jul 13, 2012 - NATO, Russian naval-air buildup in E. Mediterranean, French units to


Health and Nutrition

Jul 13, 2012 - Neurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject

yourselves with all shots you say children should get!

Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, author and expert on “excitotoxins,” has issued a public

challenge to vaccine pushers everywhere... Dr. Blaylock challenged Dr. Paul Offit, vaccine

manufacturer CEOs, U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) scientists, and

others who insist today’s childhood vaccine regimens are safe to publicly receive these same

regimens themselves. You can watch the full interview between Dr. Blaylock and Mike Adams



Jul 13, 2012 - Is A New Race Of Super Earthlings Being Born Or Is This The End Of

The Human Race? – Scientists Ask

Ron: Mainstream science will stop at nothing to pretend that their LYING science is valid.

Won't these smug, old pardigm clinging purveyors of bullshit for the global matrix

controllers get a shock when the truth become apparent.].


Jul 13, 2012 - The world peace invitation and release of technology

These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador

in Belgium in the next two weeks. We will publish the name of the country and the email

address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response. From

now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your

country of origin. Find the info regarding the 2nd International Presentation on

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September the 6th, 2012 here:

center/123-events/312-the-second-international-presentation - Keshe Foundation


Jul 13, 2012 - Globale Zukunftsfähigkeit und Planetares Management.

Monjoronson, Pdf Daniel Raphael, Deutsche Übersetzung Evelyn Kümmerle.

CMGSN Pieces

Jul 13, 2012 - Global Sustainability-Pdf

By Monjoronson, Pdf Daniel Raphael.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 13, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 11 & 12.



Phoenix Journals

Jul 12, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", chapter 1 & 2.






Jul 11, 2012 - Indien: Gratismedikamente - Schlag für "Big Pharma"

Alex Rossi, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Phoenix Journals

Jul 11, 2012 - PJ #99 " USURPERS OF FREEDOM IN CONSPIRACY ", Intro.

" There is no way to stress this critically enough. You had Cecil Rhodes who formulated this

very plan of New World Order--and it was based on operations which would be fulfilled

through the Freemason-type action (which is according to the Zionist Protocols of "do it in

total secrecy"). This PLOT was in fact a major plan to destroy civilization which would, in

result, produce a return to the Dark Ages. Is this a "conspiracy"? Of course--for a single

man may well formulate a plan but it requires other energies in assistance to pull it off.

Further, a conspiracy indicates that there is "something" to be "against". "


Jul 10, 2012 - New Discovery: Infinite Free Energy

Ron: You've heard about the E-Cat: Now for the Real-Cat.


Jul 10, 2012 - Orbital forcing of tree-ring data

A new study measuring temperatures over the past two millennia has concluded that in fact

the temperatures seen in the last decade are far from being the hottest in history. A large

team of scientists making a comprehensive study of data from tree rings say that in fact

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global temperatures have been on a falling trend for the past 2,000 years and they have

often been noticeably higher than they are today - despite the absence of any significant

amounts of human-released carbon dioxide in the atmosphere back then.

"We found that previous estimates of historical temperatures during the Roman era and the

Middle Ages were too low," says Professor-Doktor Jan Esper of the Johannes Gutenberg-

Universität Mainz, one of the scientists leading the study. "Such findings are also significant

with regard to climate policy."

Political Information

Jul 10, 2012 - WikiLeaks “Syrian Files” Obtained by Flame to Set Up Assad

Ron: This article seems credible. Certainly I agree with Webster Tapley. His views are

expressed in the video: IMF Shock Therapist Boris Nemtsov as Wheelhorse of Feeble "Stop

Putin in 2012" Bid at:


Jul 10, 2012 - The Ultimate E-Cat Cold Fusion Transmutation

The mainstream view of reality is that we live in a civilization that has already discovered all

the really significant "big things." According to this tragic mindset, there is really little more

to learn of tremendous practical value. Although there are frequent advances in consumer

products such as computers and cell phones, it is said that we should not fantasize about

true solutions to the energy crisis. We should also not hope for a way to master gravity, and

harness it for the benefit of mankind. In addition, we should be content with tediously slow

rocket based space propulsion that limits us to the exploration of our solar system, because

any hope for something more advanced is science fiction... However, there are some of us

who are not happy with reality. The state of affairs on this planet deeply disturbs us on a

fundamental level. The reality the mainstream espouses just seems too cruel, too limited,

contains too few possibilities, offers almost no hope for the future, and seems to be a

continual source of despair. - Hank Mills


Jul 10, 2012 - HAITI: Hilfsgelder für die Erdbebenopfer wurden zum Bau von

Fünfsternehotels verbraucht

Julie Lévesque, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Books - eBooks


Stefan Denaerde, translation ? from:


Jul 10, 2012 - French: UFO-CONTACT DE PLANÈTE IARGA - Pdf.

De Stefan Denaerde, traduction de version Anglais: Marie-Louise B.

True US History

Jul 10, 2012 - Air Force Drone Pilots Use Civilian Cars As Target Practice

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“The first is the publicly acknowledged program run by the Pentagon that has been operating

in Iraq and Afghanistan. The other two are classified programs run separately by the C.I.A.

and the military’s Joint Special Operations Command, which maintain separate lists of people

targeted for killing.” — Mark Mazzetti, “The Drone Zone”

“’In five or ten years you have 30,000 drones in the airspace,’ Todd Humphreys from the

University of Texas at Austin Radionavigation Laboratory tells Fox News. ‘Each one of these

could be a potential missile used against us.’” — Russia Today, “Police drones to be equipped

with non-lethal weapons?”

Political Information

Jul 10, 2012 - ‘For the sake of humanity’: Read Gandhi’s letter to Hitler

Political Information


True US History

Jul 10, 2012 - Has the normalizing of pedophilia begun?


Jul 10, 2012 - Meditation Visions 105 – 107, July 2012




Phoenix Journals

Jul 10, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 9 & 10.



" The people of the earth having agreed that the advancement of man in spiritual excellence

[H: Oh BARF!] and physical welfare [H: Oh BARF-BARF!] is the common goal of mankind;

that universal peace is the prerequisite for the pursuit of that goal; that justice in turn is

the prerequisite of peace, and peace and justice stand or fall together; that iniquity and war

inseparable spring from the competitive anarchy of the national states; that therefore the

age of nations must end; and the era of humanity begin; the governments of the nations have

decided to order their separate sovereignties in one government of justice, to which they

surrender their arms and to establish, as they do establish, the Constitution as the covenant

and fundamental law of the Federal Republic of the World. [H: No, this is not a joke! This

is the real potato(e)! Here is an excellent example of the way to discern TRUTH from a

presentation from these anti-Christ One Worlders: Turn every statement they make

into its total opposite--and you will find the truth within the opposite result. There is a

conjured humorous "law" set forth by a Dr. Galumbos, an astrophysicist who has labeled

a theory into The Law of the Bureaucracy which states: "If the bureaucracy states an

intent and moves upon that intent toward a stated 'goal' the law is that they will

produce the EXACT OPPOSITE of that which they describe." It is worthy of note and

attention and all productions from that resource should be measured by this LAW!] "

Political Information

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Jul 9, 2012 - The Big Banks are Amateurs When It Comes to Manipulating Interest


Ron: The same people who own the Big banks also own the Central Banks and they co-ordinate

the efforts required to WAG the global population dog.The whole usurious, debt money

creation, fractional reserve banking system MUST be abolished. Humanity needs to begin

again, starting from first principles as regards the creation of a mechanism for facilitating

trade and the exchange of goods and services. Nothing else will do the job. Talking about

"free markets" is a joke unless that is done.

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - NYPD arrests, detains couple for 23 hours for dancing while waiting for

the subway

Ron: Tell me again why you want to be forced to pay taxes to a private corporate "Welfare"

State so that the Corporation can pay Police to use force and violence to assault, arrest,

kidnap and incarcerate you. For mine, wanting to live in such a "Welfare" Police State

evidences masochism to the point of insanity. Tell me why I am wrong...

Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - 'Bloody bandits and Western lies: What’s really going on in Syria'

RT: Why do you keep calling people fighting against the Syrian government bandits? AK:

Because I have seen what they do to the kidnapped people. I have been to the torture

chambers; I have met mothers who saw their children die. The whole country loathes them

as bandits. There is nothing worse than being loathed by your own nation. They killed a

mufti’s son, they kill Christian priests, and they kidnap and torture children. A few days ago

they killed two elder brothers of a five-year-old boy to take vengeance on him for reciting

poems at rallies to support Syria. They massacred the whole family of an MP. I have been to

homes turned into bandit hideouts. I have seen empty liquor bottles; how does it square with

Islam? I have been to churches destroyed by bandits in Homs. I have been under their fire,

with grenades dropping right next to me. I have been targeted by snipers who could

perfectly see I am a woman, not a soldier. In the bustling street where I lived, near the

marketplace, they blew up a few cars. Why blow up civilians shopping for food? - Ankhar


True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - Demonizing Muslims. America's Worldwide Witch Hunt

The Pentagon has unleashed a major propaganda and public relations campaign with a view to

upholding the use of nuclear weapons for the 'defense of the American homeland',"

Chossudovsky believes. He says it is "utterly twisted logic" that nuclear weapons are being

presented as a means to building peace and preventing "collateral damage." "The Pentagon

has intimated, in this regard, that the ‘mini-nukes’ (with a yield of less than 5,000 tons) are

harmless to civilians because the explosions 'take place under ground,'" he writes. Yet each

of these ‘mini-nukes’, nonetheless, constitutes -- in terms of explosion and potential

radioactive fallout -- between one-third and six times the force of the atom bomb dropped

on Hiroshima in 1945." - Sherwood Ross [Ron: Those who accept that the fire bombing of

Dresden et al; and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified will no doubt

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have no problems with the notion that using NUKES, DU and other WMDs on foreign

populations is necessary to protect Amerikkans and their "way of life."

Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - Book reveals: Mossad manipulates, recruits French Jews

“All this pushed me to write two books [on] how the Mossad manipulates a lot of Jews, who

live in France, in the United States, in everywhere to help them in their propaganda,” - Jacob


Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - India Free Drugs Policy Blow To 'Big Pharma'


Jul 9, 2012 - Plants May Communicate by Sound

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - 'Jews Don't have To Go Through TSA': Homeland Security's Janet


Ron: WARNING! BULLSHIT ALERT! Apart from the first 1.5 minutes of Jew propaganda

implying that Jews were hard done by at Auschwitz (they were forced to work for g-d's

sake!), this video treats us to Janet Napolitano regaling us with efforts by the US

Department of Homelamd Security to safeguard the Jewish community in Amerika and her

reasons for exempting Jews from search and scanning proceedures at US airports. Don'tcha

just wish you were Jewish?! After all, let's face it, THEY OWN AMERIKA.

Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - MAYAN'S REVEAL THE TRUTH - holy cow!!


Posted at RMN By: Nemesis

Date: Sunday, 8-Jul-2012 12:39:53




HERE'S THE HOLY COW:;read=245163

Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - An Urgent Message from Adrian Salbuchi: Are London, Indonesia,

Nicaragua, West China next?

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - The Collapsing US Economy and the end of the world

A government, whose military was unable with the help of the UK to occupy Iraq after eight

years and was forced to end the conflict by putting the “insurgents” on the US military

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payroll and to pay them to stop killing American troops, and a government whose military has

been unable to subdue a few thousand lightly armed Taliban after 11 years, is over the top

when it organizes war against Iran, Russia, and China.- Paul Craig Roberts

Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - Banking is a cartel where prices are fixed twice

Ron: Usury is a scam. Governments should NOT licence banksters to issue money at interest

but should issue it themselves, free of interest, as the National Socialists did in Germany in

the 1930s. The reason that most governments don't do that is because the banksters

organise the Anglo-US; and NATO since WWII, to make war on those who do. That happened

to Germany and Japan resulting in WWII. See eg: Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of

Interest-Servitude. See:

and-the-Banksters-The-Abolition-of-Interest-Servitude.shtml And: Japan in WWII: A

Casualty of Usury? Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers? See:


Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - Nightmare Scenario (Michael Rivero)

Ron: Michael Rivero presents a very plausible scenario by means of which TPTW plan to wipe

out lots of "useless eaters" who are no longer needed because automation and robots can do

the work for the elites today. this thoughtful article is well worth a read OR, if you prefer, a


Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - German Court Ban on Circumcision Opens Sluice-Gate for Anti-Semitism

Circumcision is a gross physical and emotional assault not only on the infant male but on ALL

females that that individual male may subsequently seek to bond with. See eg: Circumcision:

Male Genital Mutilation.-


Political Information

Jul 9, 2012 - Moscow May Hand Iran S-300, Thereby Breaching Arms Embargo if

Assad Ousted

Ron: If this report is true it is difficult to see why Russia would seemingly leave Syria ill

prepared to resist an air attack from USrael and NATO under the guise of a free fly zone.

Combined with sanctions that ploy has killed millions of mothers, old people and children in

Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Isn't it time that Russia just said "NO" and meant it?

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - UN Bureaucracy Just a Formality Before US Military Attack On Syria

Preparatory air strikes against Syria have been planned by the Obama administration. Both

the US Navy and Air Force, participating in the no-fly zone with the British and French

armed forces have “Their mission to knock out Assad’s central regime and military command

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centers so as to shake regime stability and restrict Syrian army and air force activity for

subduing rebel action and wreaking violence on civilian populations.” - Susanne Posel

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - The Libyan Election Farce

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - America’s Doomed Economy

This 2' 59" video was published on Jul 8, 2012 by zionget:

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - Not ‘if’ but ‘when’: US intervention in Syria on countdown


Jul 9, 2012 - Ni vu, ni connu... EUROPE, on t'embrouille!

David Icke, traduction Marie-Louise


Jul 9, 2012 - La Conspiration Musique Rap

Par anonyme, traduction Marie-Louise

True US History

Jul 9, 2012 - The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...

Ron: Wanta see some excellent disinfomative manipulation? THIS is such. This is gold plated

bullshit! This TV "hero" says things like: Canada, Japan, the UK, France, Italy, Germany,

Spain, Australia, Belgium 'HAS FREEDOM'. 'So, of 207 sovereign states in the world... 180

of them have FREEDOM'. Really? No shit, Sherlock?! ALL of the contries mentioned are

Rothschilds' Central bankster dominated, controlled and enslaved. ALL of them are paying

income taxes and those taxes are channeled via their governments TO the IMF which is a

private corporation owned by the banksters. ALL the citizens of ALL of those nations also

pay to global Jewish banksters usurious interest (a hidden tax) on ALL the (fiat debt) money

conjured out of thin air for them by those banksters who have a monopoly on creating and

controlling the money supply.

Phoenix Journals

Jul 9, 2012 - PJ #97 " HEAVE-`EM OUT Phase three, part 1 ", Intro.

" Readers, I hereby go on record as telling you that there are "aliens" among you, under the

ground, around you, and working with some of the elders of every government you serve.

Whose side are "they" on? Well, it depends on which side YOU are on as to whom you

consider a friend or enemy. I hope you will read right through this journal

--or go to the last portion about the "Blue Beam" project--and see if my writings seem quite

so false and amusing to you--it is YOUR CHARACTERS WHO PLAN THESE CUTE GAMES AT


True US History

Jul 8, 2012 - Agenda 21: How Globalist Domination Happens on a Local Level

True US History

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Jul 8, 2012 - Kofi Annan: International Community Has Failed Syria


Jul 8, 2012 - Seabirds study: 90 percent swallowed plastic

The new study found that more than 90 percent of 67 fulmars had ingested plastics such as

twine, Styrofoam and candy wrappers. An average of 36.8 pieces of plastic were found per

bird. On average, the fraction of a gram in each bird would equate to a human packing 10

quarters in his stomach, the scientists figure. According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium,

globally, up to 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles die each year

from eating plastic. [ Video of plastic-entangled sea lions ]- LiveScience Staff


Jul 8, 2012 - Die RAP Musik Verschwörung

Übersetzung Laura Karán

True US History

Jul 8, 2012 - "Fictitious Enemies" and "Combat Scenarios": The Pentagon and NATO

Rehearse for War against Russia?

Ron: I sometimes wonder why Russia allows the US to transport troops and war materials

across its territory to Afghanistan which the US has unlawfully invaded and continues to

occupy at the cost of millions of Afghani lives. If Russia won't tell USrael and NATO to

PISS OFF who will? In effect Russia is aiding and abetting a massive war crime and crimes

against humanity in Afghanistan. Surelythe Russian government knows that USrael and

NATO intend to eventually attack Russia regardless of what Russia does? Appeasement

never works.


Jul 8, 2012 - MAKING NEWS: Hemp has a home on the Range

By the third millennium BC, at least 80% of the world’s textiles were hemp. For the first few

hundred years into the second millennium, most countries in Europe were utilising it for fibre

and medicine. In the 16th century it was brought to the Americas and, later, Australia was

settled partly as a hemp colony. The turning point in hemp’s fortunes began in the 1920s,

when new materials began to be developed based on petroleum rather than plants. Plastic,

nylons and polyester became the basis for a new wave in fashion, and took the place of old,

traditional, rustic materials in both the markets and the minds of the populace. Hemp’s public

relations nightmare continued throughout the 20th century: of the one-and-a-half billion

cannabis plants found and destroyed by U.S. drug agents between 1993 and 1997, only

fourteen million (or 0.9 per cent) were marijuana. - Julie Shelton

True US History

Jul 8, 2012 - Blockade of the Strait of Hormuz. Iran’s Options A Historical


Contrary to conventional wisdom, the United States and not the oil-producing countries has

used oil as a weapon. Some examples include the pressure the United States put on Britain in

the 1920s to share its oil concessions in the Middle East with U.S. companies. Post World

War II, the United States violated the terms of the 1928 Red Line Agreement freezing the

British and the French out of the Agreement. - Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

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Jul 8, 2012 - Der sorgfältig organisierte Paraguay-Putsch

Nil Nikandrov, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Phoenix Journals

Jul 8, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 7 & 8.

" Please, readers, do not just browse through this material and toss it aside as a bother. IT








Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - It's Not Libor Stupid, Central Banks Are The Problem

Ron: What we MUST aim for is a global money creation and usage system that doesn't

require interest (usury) at all. Money is, or should be, only a tool used to facilitate trade and

exchange of goods and services, and if the process is properly done BY communities FOR

communities, there is no need for it to be provided as debt ie with a requirement that



deserve to live in the bankster manipulated world you are now in. In which event I suggest

that you stop whinging about it since it is obviously what you want.

True US History

Jul 7, 2012 - Death toll from Pakistan drone attack rises to 19

Ron: Every drone bombing attack is an ACT OF WAR. The US does this regularly in Pakaistan,

Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and anywhere else its military feels like bombing

someone. Can you even begin to imagine what the world would have said had Germany done

this sort of thing EVEN DURING WWII? The truth is that only USRAEL and NATO commit

such acts of war regularly and with impunity. Don't believe me? ASK the Libyans, the

Iranians or the Syrians... then go back to sleep.

True US History

Jul 7, 2012 - Bill Clinton's (Alleged) Criminal History: The Clinton Chronicles

Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - Are you United with Israel? (must watch)

Ron: If you have a strong stomach I recommend that you watch this superb piece of Jewish

propaganda which exposes just how the Jews "INFORM & EMPOWER" ignorant goyim (non-

Jews) using Jew controlled social media like Twitter & Facebook. As the voice over says: "An

idea can be spread with just one click". What he doesn't say though, is that the ideas

insinuated by Yid hasbara to their hosts of virtual friends on the internet are Talmudic

distortions that only invincibly ignorant or congenital idiots would accept without rational

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consideration. Unfortunately the world is full of such people. Sooo, if one of your virtual

Jewish friends incites you to "UNITE WITH ISRAEL" don't forget to review the history of

what the Jews have done (and are doing) to the Palestinian and Lebanese people before you


Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - Another Domino Falls in the LIBOR Banking Scam: Royal Bank of


Libor manipulation is a crime that already robs the public to create bonuses for bankers. By

artificially lowering interest rates, the banks caused cities, towns, countries, and other

public entities to receive smaller returns on their variable-rate investment holdings. If it

turns out that taxpayers end up paying the fine for RBS's crime of robbing taxpayers, how

perfect would that be? - Matt Taibbi

Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - Senior IDF officer: Israel is preparing for the next Lebanon war

"The Goldstone report will pale in comparison to what will be here next time. There is

no choice but to fight against the enemy where he is, and that is in the heart of a

populated area. " - Brigardier-General Hertzi Halevy [Ron: Really?! In't it about time that

when Israel attacks Lebanon the Lebanese SHOULD START FIGHTING THE ISRAELIS

WHERE THEY LIVE, ie in Israel's populated areas instead of in Lebanon's cities? No? Why

not? Arguably the Jews will not stop killing Lebanese (and others) until THEY get killed in

equal or greater numbers in return. DITTO for Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and all the

rest. The meek are not gonna inherit the Earth. That's a LIE planted in the Bible by


Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - Israel Likely Killed Arafat

True US History

Jul 7, 2012 - America's Farmers Fight Monsanto's Scorched Earth Legal Campaign Of

Threats And Intimidation

Every year Monsanto investigates over 500 farmers for patent infringement with their now

notorious "seed police". To date, 144 farmers have had lawsuits brought against them by

Monsanto without a binding contract with the multinational corporation, while another 700

farmers have been forced to settle out of court for undisclosed sums. -

Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - The Largest Banking Scandal of the 21st Century

Both Citigroup (NYSE: C ) and Swiss bank UBS (NYSE: UBS ) join London-based giant HSBC

Holdings (NYSE: HBC ) among those explicitly implicated by U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer

George Osborne. U.K. periodical Daily Mail reports the list may grow to more than 20 banks

involved in these efforts to rig the LIBOR and EURIBOR rates, and it lists JPMorgan Chase

(NYSE: JPM ) , Germany's Deutsche Bank (NYSE: DB ) , and Japan's Bank of Tokyo

Mitsubishi among "others under scrutiny." This is a global banking scandal, with potential

victims equally widespread... "Because mortgages, student loans, financial derivatives, and

other financial products rely on LIBOR and EURIBOR as reference rates, the manipulation

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of submissions used to calculate those rates can have significant negative effects on

consumers and financial markets worldwide." Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi reminds us

that "almost every city and town in America has investment holdings tied to Libor." -

Christopher Barker

Political Information

Jul 7, 2012 - LIBOR: the 'mega-scandal of all mega-scandals' is upon us

The London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, scandal is growing by the minute and is

shaping up to be one of the largest, if not the single largest, financial scandals of all time.

This has the potential to make the massive conflicts of interest at the Federal Reserve and

the $16 trillion in “emergency loans” given out by the Federal Reserve look reasonable. -

Madison Ruppert

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Jul 7, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", Pdf copy.

"A lot of people are WAKING UP America! From Fed-Up American: "It is time that all of us

Fed-Up Americans come face to face with reality and fully understand that government at

the highest level desires us to be their sex slaves to the fullest extent."

"Indeed, the sleepyheads are beginning to stir...! First you are going to find it helpful to

`heave-up', then perhaps you can `heave-ho' and then maybe, just maybe, you can `heave

the bastards OUT!' " -HATONN "

True US History

Jul 6, 2012 - The hand that spurs Iran sanctions

A report carried by the Reuters titled “Iranians feel the pain as West tightens sanctions”

details the “financial and social woes” exacerbated by these sanctions in Iran and succeeds in

faking a larger-than-life image of the woes the Iranian society encounters in the face of the

sanctions. That the oil sanctions exercise a detrimental effect on the financial issues of the

Iranian society is a bitter reality which shamefully strikes right in the face of Washington ...

the sanctions are an invasion of justice, a tacit declaration of war and a brutal tactic of

breaking down a determined nation who sees no point in bowing down to Washington’s

imperialist lust or capitulating to the thieving Zionist regime which has stolen the dreams of

a nation.- Ismail Salami

True US History

Jul 6, 2012 - If the US Loses Syria, the US Loses its Empire

The US' increasingly unhinged rhetoric reached a new level of absurdity this week as US

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Western nations and their Arab proxies to

"make it clear that Russia and China will pay a price because they are holding up progress" in

regards to the US' premeditated campaign of terrorism and violent regime change in Syria...

The global hegemony of Wall Street and London has been built behind a facade of "human

rights," "freedom," and "democracy." As these principles are eroded back home in the West,

their use for dressing up otherwise naked imperialism, corporate monopolization, and military

aggression abroad has become overt and increasingly ineffective. - Tony Cartalucci

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Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - It's over for the banking cabal. 4.jul.2012

The business model of the banks is not LIBOR, its 'LIE MORE' - Dennis Kelleh.

LIBOR is like the centre of the universe... playing with this rate affects everything in the

world... essentially they (the 16 giant global banks) have been faking their credit scores... the

entire business model is corrupt and rotten to its core... This is a cartel operation. - Matt



Jul 6, 2012 - Global Villager 10: SINCERITY

What self-imposed barriers have so far prevented you from living life fully? What will

change when you release your ideas of right and wrong in favour of what works for you and

for humanity as a collective? Is it possible to insult someone who is totally centred,

confident of their own worth and governed by love? How would you act differently if you

were convinced that you have access to divine knowledge? How would the world change if

everyone discovered their connection to the divine?

Download attachment(s): [ GV._10_Reality.jpg ]

[ Card_10_Sincerity.jpg ]

True US History

Jul 6, 2012 - IRS Exposed: IRS is a privately owned Puerto Rican trust.

Ron: Here is another piece of the puzzle which makes up the global matrix. The IRS is a

private corporate collection service for the IMF which is a fictive private corporation ie it

has no real substance - unlike a flesh and blood human being. BOTH corporations are owned

and operated by the banksters.

Political Information


Merry and Serge Bromberger, both admirers of Monnet, described the covert plan in their

book, Jean Monnet and the United States of Europe:

‘Gradually, it was thought, the supranational authorities, supervised by the European Council

of Ministers at Brussels and the Assembly in Strasbourg, would administer all the activities

of the Continent. A day would come when governments would be forced to admit that an

integrated Europe was an accomplished fact, without their having had a say in the

establishment of its underlying principles. All they would have to do was to merge all these

autonomous institutions into a single federal administration and then proclaim a United

States of Europe.’

Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - Wake up and Smell the Bodies Burnin

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Jul 6, 2012 - Radio Fremantle Interview - Johan P.

Political Information

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Jul 6, 2012 - Hidden Rare Earth Elements War Heats Up

Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - Unprecedented: Class Action Lawsuit against Church, State and Big

Pharma given Green Light

Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - Getting my Mind Right and Shaking it here, Boss.

Human/Animal Rights

Jul 6, 2012 - The Wonderful World Of Animal Kindness


Jul 6, 2012 - Utah Garden Challenge for Suckers

True US History

Jul 6, 2012 - TPP: A Trade Deal from Hell

Health and Nutrition

Jul 6, 2012 - drug GlaxoSmithKline admits to criminal pharma fraud in 3 billion dollar


Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - Meet China's new leader : Pon Zi


Jul 6, 2012 - More eerie 'ghost cities' popping up

Back in 2005, the Financial Times published excerpts from an interview with Chinese General

Zhu Chenghu, who stated that "We... will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all cities

east of Xian." Xian is located in Central China, perhaps halfway between the Chinese coast

and Mongolia. Virtually every major Chinese city currently exists East of Xian, including the

capital, Beijing, and it's largest city, Shanghai. If all of these cities were to be destroyed,

hundreds of millions of Chinese refugees would need a new place to live... and these new

'built from scratch cities' might be just what is needed. See:


Ron: In any event building new cities for the Chinese people to live in at some time in the

future has to be a better use of Chinese labour and resources that making gadgets and

shipping them to Amerikka in return for soon to be hyper inflated valueless US dollars.

Link to a speculative future map of the world after Earth changes:

Political Information

Jul 6, 2012 - LONDON 7/7: an introductory guide

According to statements made by the Australian government, the number of dead has risen

to 52. Further deaths are feared, said Australia's Prime Minister, John Howard. In Great

Britain, 37 deaths have so far been confirmed. - DER SPIEGEL,1" ... 53,00.html In fact, the first BBC report to

mention a death toll of 52 was not released until three days later, on July 11:" John Howard did not just beat the BBC to the

52 figure. He also beat the UK police, emergency services, coroners and forensic experts

who still had much work to do on the morning of July 8. Why would John Howard in Australia

be allowed to know, and to announce this information, before the UK police?... John Howard's

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letter gives his best 'response' to this epic cock-up as: "I'm sorry that I cannot precisely

source that advice".

Phoenix Journals - PDF

Jul 6, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", Pdf copy.

" As we move quickly along with offerings of information regarding the unfolding of proven

corruption in your market places, your governments, your religions and the incredible

corrupted control over you-the-people by the INJUSTICE SYSTEM, I can only say that,

here in the beginning, we are just WINGING IT... As ones "with" are willing to share with

those "without" so that strides can be made in reclaiming that which was yours, we will move

quickly in offering that which is pertinent in the changing times. "



SEPT" ", Pdf.

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - 7/7 London Bombing Anniversary: Kollerstrom and Farrell Are Dead.

Ron: If you are not familiar with farcical UK government conspiracy theory about the 7/7

London Bombings you should watch this video. Even if you are familiar with the debunking of

this ridiculous government fairy tale you will find this video useful. I did. The 7/7 Inside Job

is Britian's equivalent of 911 and Australia's Bali Bombing. The official narratives of these

events are all unbelievabe but they have all enabled the respective governments to

institutionalise State Terrorism. Incidentally why would anyone blow themselves up during an

attack like 7/7 or 911 when the result can (and was) easily achieved by planting the

explosives and leaving without endangering oneself?



SEPT" ", chapter 23, final.

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - Gates Foundation Depopulation Summit Demands Global Approval

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - Exposure of Banker Corruption

Ron: Please read this article and make an effort to understand its implications. This is the

beginning of the end of the Kali Yuga epoch and once the truth emerges humanity can be

liberated. IF a critical mass of humans understand the truth in these matters and desire

that our world cease to be plagued with the corruption and misery involved, their wish will be



Jul 5, 2012 - Oregon’s Monster Mushroom is World’s Biggest Living Thing

The largest living organism ever found has been discovered in an ancient American forest.

The Armillaria ostoyae, popularly known as the honey mushroom, started from a single spore

too small to see without a microscope. It has been spreading its black shoestring filaments,

called rhizomorphs, through the forest for an estimated 2,400 years, killing trees as it

grows. It now covers 2,200 acres (880 hectares) of the Malheur National Forest, in eastern

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Oregon. The outline of the giant fungus stretches 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometres) across, and it

extends an average of three feet (one metre) into the ground. It covers an area as big as

1,665 football fields. - Jeff Barnard

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - Australia awards Jewish schools $4.7 million in aid

Ron: So, Australians are required to pay $16 million to 17 Jewish schools for "security".

That's almost a million dollars a school. My question is: "WHY?"

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - Western banks 'reaping billions from Colombian cocaine trade'

The most far-reaching and detailed analysis to date of the drug economy in any country – in

this case, Colombia – shows that 2.6% of the total street value of cocaine produced remains

within the country, while a staggering 97.4% of profits are reaped by criminal syndicates,

and laundered by banks, in first-world consuming countries... "Colombian society has suffered

to almost no economic advantage from the drugs trade, while huge profits are made by

criminal distribution networks in consuming countries, and recycled by banks which operate

with nothing like the restrictions that Colombia's own banking system is subject to."... "The

whole system operated by authorities in the consuming nations is based around going after

the small guy, the weakest link in the chain, and never the big business or financial systems

where the big money is."... prohibition is a transfer of the cost of the drug problem from the

consuming to the producing countries."- Ed Vulliamy

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - The Declaration of Total Dependence upon The Spawn of Satan.

Health and Nutrition

Jul 5, 2012 - 500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

Ron: Go to the original article for an informative 17 minute video/audio on this subject,

including how to research this and other herbs.

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - Roger Hayes Arrested, Tried In Secret Court, Imprisoned

Ron: Of course it's all our own fault. Humanity should somehow just KNOW that the global

matrix is ratshit and just refuse to support it... like Roger Hayes. Never mind that there are

3.5 billion robots roaming around enforcing the will of the millions of psychopathic thugs and

fallen angels deposited here for the purposes of this experiment. I'm reminded of the old

saying: "With one bound Jack was free...

True US History

Jul 5, 2012 - ObamaCare… Chief Justice Roberts Is A Traitor

what Roberts has bequeathed to the youth of Amerika is the quashing of all legitimate

DISSENT by IMPOSING A TAX on any American citizen who protests against what the

Jewish-run Congress demands he or she should do. In a 5-4 vote ushering in the totalitarian-

inspired ObamaCare, Roberts sided with the 4 Jews who sit on Amerika’s highest bench:

Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor. - Br Nathanael


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True US History

Jul 5, 2012 - Balochistan: Crossroads of Another US Proxy War?

Ron: Notice the similarities in the destabilisation techniques in Balochistan, Pakistan, Iran,

Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Nigeria and everywhere else that the US and NATO

think that people need to change their forms of governance.

True US History

Jul 5, 2012 - Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters”

Ron: The atrocities being committed upon the Syrian people are vry similar to those

committed upon Libyans last year as these videos demonstrate. No doubt very few people will

read this article and even fewer will watch the videos. As these pictures are never shown on

global mainstream TV and even the snippets that are shown are attributed to the Syrian

government these so-called wars are not going to be much help in "demonstrating" to

humanity just why we need to change our world.

Political Information

Jul 5, 2012 - NATO tied to Muslim slaughter at Srebrenica

"The Ratko Mladic trial at the farcical International Criminal Court - that travesty of justice

and insult to international law which kidnaps people, illegally detains them and does not apply

the principles of due process - has been interrupted indefinitely after the prosecution

"forgot" to deliver thousands of pages of evidence to the defense."... Documents were

discovered that categorically proved the most fear mass murderers of recent years were not

only not under Mladic's control, they never heard of him. They were part of NATO. -

Gordon Duff

Phoenix Journals

Jul 5, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 19 & 20, final.

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - The Talmud and double standards

'...there is a double standard now regnant throughout the entire world which prohibits the

goyim from mentioning what the Jews freely say to each other. The less obvious answer is

that we have all become subject to the same rabbinic tyranny which subjugated the Jews in

the shtetl. The new name for that Talmudic tyranny is world finance or banking, or to put it

simply, usury... we’re all little Jews now, who are not allowed to say in public what the big

important money-lending Jews say to each other in private. - E. Michael Jones


Jul 4, 2012 - Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire

This 5' 22" video was uploaded by stephenwiltshire on Apr 7, 2007 :!

Artist Stephen Wiltshire draws Rome. For more details, visit

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Jul 4, 2012 - NATO-Mitglied Türkei beherbergt Terroristenarmee

Tony Cartalucci, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - Barclays blames 'senior Whitehall figures' for Libor scandal as Bob

Diamond resigns - live

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - The City of London Banking Cabal Implodes

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - 'The mob learned from Wall Street': Eliot Spitzer on the 'cartel-style

corruption' behind Libor scam

The business model of the banks is not LIBOR, its 'LIE MORE' - Dennis Kelleh.

LIBOR is like the centre of the universe... playing with this rate affects everything in the

world... essentially they (the 16 giant global banks) have been faking their credit scores... the

entire business model is corrupt and rotten to its core... This is a cartel operation. - Matt


True US History

Jul 4, 2012 - Lady Gaga's new perfume created using blend of human blood, semen,

and poisonous extract

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - Big Banks Have Criminally Conspired Since 2005 to Rig $800 Trillion

Dollar Market

Because banks’ submissions aren’t based on real trades, academics and lawyers say they are

open to manipulation by traders. At least a dozen firms are being probed by regulators

worldwide for colluding to rig the rate, the benchmark for $350 trillion of securities. “I

don’t see a significant enhancement to the reputation of Libor without basing it on actual

transactions,” said Rosa Abrantes-Metz - WashingtonsBlog

Political Information

Jul 4, 2012 - Finance sector in shock as banker takes responsibility for actions

Executives at Barclays have sought to distance themselves from Agius, following rumours

that a conscience can be spread by close contact. “I know one currency trader who caught

empathy from a toilet seat”, claimed a shadowy rate setter, who wished to remain ominous.

“To this day, he still can’t kick a puppy in the face.” - Waylandsmithy

Phoenix Journals

Jul 4, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 15, final.


Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Government by the Banks, for the Banks: The ESM Coup D'Etat in


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The ESM is now a permanent bailout fund for private banks, a sort of permanent "welfare

for the rich." There is no ceiling set on the obligations to be underwritten by the taxpayers,

no room to negotiate, and no recourse in court. Its daunting provisions were summarized in a

December 2011 YouTube video originally posted in German, titled "The shocking truth of the

pending EU collapse!":

The treaty establishes a new intergovernmental organization to which we are required to

transfer unlimited assets within seven days if it so requests, an organization that can sue us

but is immune from all forms of prosecution and whose managers enjoy the same immunity.

There are no independent reviewers and no existing laws apply. Governments cannot take

action against it. Europe's national budgets [are] in the hands of one single unelected

intergovernmental organization. - Ellen Brown








Jul 3, 2012 - Death of the Birds and the Bees Across America

If governments in the EU, USA and other countries fail to impose a total ban on certain

chemical insecticides, not only could bees become a thing of the past. The human species

could face staggering new challenges merely to survive. The immediate threat comes from

the widespread proliferation of commercial insecticides containing the highly-toxic chemical

with the improbable name, neonicotinoids. Neonicotinoids are a group of insecticides

chemically similar to nicotine. They act on the central nervous system of insects. But also on

bees and small song birds. Recent evidence suggests they could also affect human brain

development in newborn. - F. William Engdahl

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Terrorism, Mass Murder and Aliens: Plans of the Global Elite for the

2012 Olympic Games

To protect London during the Games, six missile sites will be armed to stave off a 9/11 style

attack. These missiles are pointed at strategic places, like a nearby playground in Wattham

Forest in London. - Susanne Posel

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - HRW Report on "Syrian Torture" Nonsensical, Hypocritical

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - The Anti-Empire Report 3/7/12

Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai said recently that he had had an argument with Gen.

John Allen, the top US commander in Afghanistan, about the issue of American drone

attacks in Afghanistan, following yet another deadly airstrike that killed a number of

civilians. Karzai asked Allen an eminently reasonable question: "Do you do this in the United

States?" The Afghan president added: "There is police action every day in the United States

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in various localities. They don't call an airplane to bomb the place."2 ... the answer to that

question is that it can be imagined because they've already done it. In Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania. On May 13, 1985, a bomb dropped by a police helicopter burned down an entire

block, some 60 homes destroyed, 11 dead, including several small children. The police, the

mayor's office, and the FBI were all involved in this effort to evict an organization called

MOVE from the house they lived in. The victims were all black of course. So let's rephrase

our question. Can it be imagined that American officials would bomb a house in Beverly Hills

or the upper east side of Manhattan? Stay tuned. - William Blum

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Tensions Boil as Israeli Oil Riches Grow

It turns out that Israel has the second-biggest oil shale deposits in the world, outside the


"We estimate that there is the equivalent of 250 billion barrels of oil here. To put that in

context, there are proven reserves of 260 billion barrels of oil in Saudi Arabia, says Dr.

Harold Vinegar, the former chief scientist of Royal Dutch Shell." Let’s do the math. That’s

250 billion in shale oil, 3.2 billion in conventional oil in estimated reserves, or enough oil to

match that of Saudi-Arabia. Plus, that’s 50 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, giving it about

10% of the entire world’s gas reserves -- all while Israel’s exploration activities are just

beginning. - Ed DeShields

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - US ramps up covert operations overseas: Report

Data released by the British not-for-profit news organization, the Bureau of Investigative

Journalism, shows that the United States has ramped up its covert operations in Yemen,

Pakistan, and Somalia, killing scores of civilians.. Data also revealed that, from January to

June 2012, between 140 and 176 people lost their lives in 18 confirmed US operations in

Yemen... The bureau noted that the true extent of the US drone strikes in Somalia, where

US covert operations have a much lower profile in comparison with the ones carried out in

Yemen and Pakistan, remains unclear. The US military also uses assassination drones in

Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq.

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - 10,000 armed men enter Syria for civil war

Informed sources in the Qusayr village in Homs say the terrorists crossed into Syria from

the Lebanese border and that they have taken positions in the suburbs of the restive city...

Syrian authorities say while the Joret al-Shayyah neighborhood in Homs has been cleared of

armed groups and calm has been restored in the area, clashes are still ongoing in al-Hamidiye,

al- Khalidiya and Homs’ old neighborhood. - PRESS TV

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - U.S. Adds Forces in Persian Gulf, a Signal to Iran

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - Tab for alternate Afghan supply route hits $2.1 billion

Pakistan's refusal to let NATO access its ports and roads into Afghanistan has cost the

Pentagon more than $2.1 billion in extra transportation costs to move supplies and equipment

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in and out of the country. Pakistan closed the ground route to NATO supplies after a U.S.

airstrike mistakenly killed 24 of its soldiers last November. The only other access to land-

locked Afghanistan is through the Northern Distribution Network, a series of roads through

Russia and Central Asia. - Marcus Weisgerber

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - U.S. building Afghanistan a huge $92 million military headquarters

U.S. building Afghanistan a new $92 million 'Pentagon' 01 Jul 2012 The United States is

spending $92 million to build Afghanistan a new "Pentagon," a massive five-story military

headquarters with domed roofs and a high-tech basement command center that will link

Afghan generals with their troops. Even with American troops beginning their withdrawal,

the U.S. government is still working its way through a $10 billion menu of construction

projects. The United States is also building a $54 million Kabul headquarters for the

Interior Ministry, which oversees the Afghan police, and a $102 million base for the

military's 201st Corps in eastern Afghanistan. [See also: State Dept. planning to spend

$115 million to 'upgrade' $700 million U.S. Embassy in Baghdad 27 Jun 2012.]

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Iran reports long-range missile launch

The powerful Revolutionary Guard's acting commander told state TV that the tests, aimed at

mock enemy bases in a war games exercise, were a response to refusal by Israel and the U.S.

to rule out military strikes to stop Iran's nuclear program. "It is a response to the political

impoliteness of those who talk about all options being on the table," Gen. Hossein Salami said.

Books - eBooks

Jul 3, 2012 - THE UNIVERSAL ONE, Pdf.

Dr. WALTER RUSSELL, transcribed by Christ.


Jul 3, 2012 - Libyen nach NATO-Art: Eine schöne Schweinerei

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - GlaxoSmithKline to pay $3billion fine after pleading guilty to healthcare

fraud - the biggest in U.S. history

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film


Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police discovered they had

been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years old from

Russian orphanges, raping the children, and then murdering them on film... Jewish officials in

a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up, but were circumvented by Italisn

news reporters, who broadcasts scenes from the films live at prime time on Italisn television

to more than 11 million Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives

responsible, claiming they were spreading "blood libel."

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True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - Mother Who Questions Vaccine at Hospital Has Newborn Taken Away

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Brain Dead Acquiescence, Mephistopheles and Faust.

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Kali Yuga and the Brotherhood of the Golden Calf.

Political Information

Jul 3, 2012 - Australians Desert the Carbon Tax

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - Setting the Agenda

“J Pierpont Morgan invested $150,000 in Tesla’s idea to build a gigantic radio

transmitter – but then refused to invest any further after it was revealed that Tesla

was instead trying to transmit electrical power wirelessly. (Without the need for wires

electricity could have been directly accessible for anyone, anywhere) – But that would be

anti-capitalistic.- Jim Kirwan

True US History

Jul 3, 2012 - 50 Years of Gutting America's Middle Class

Small, family-owned retail businesses likewise closed in droves as Walmart grew. Between

1992 and 2007, the number of independent retailers fell by over 60,000, according to the

U.S. Census. Their demise triggered a cascade of losses elsewhere. As communities lost their

local retailers, there was less demand for services like accounting and graphic design, less

advertising revenue for local media outlets, and fewer accounts for local banks. As Walmart

moved into communities, the volume of money circulating from business to business declined.

More dollars flowed into Walmart's tills and out of the local economy. In exchange for the

many middle-income jobs Walmart eliminated, all we got in return were low-wage jobs for the

workers who now toil in its stores. To get by, many Walmart employees have no choice but to

rely on food stamps and other public assistance.- Stacy Mitchell

Phoenix Journals

Jul 3, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 5 & 6.


" [H: I am responsible for any emphasis in these writings other than occasional italics.

I cannot let this pass without interjection. This looks pretty sick and pretty bad,

doesn't it? Well, that's because IT IS BAD and it IS SICK. MAN has never been

noted for his compassion and desire for true equality. He doesn't even consider GOD

his "equal". How do I know this? Because all MAN really wants from GOD is to give him

what he wants--enslave other men (and hopefully, God, as well) and he breaks every

law as given forth from GOD to suit his own whims and wishes. But, readers, it is far

worse than that--far worse. As regards the Negroes, one day you are going to have to

accept the fact that Negroes were first brought to your planet as SLAVES--to work

the mines, etc., in Africa. You don't believe me? You will! They started out as

genetically altered species for that specific purpose and now look what a sad state of

affairs you of humanity have wrought upon selves. YOU will never rectify the miserable

treatment of these beloved brothers and sisters--NEVER!

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Next, consider ALL of your plights as you re-read the above paragraph--YOU ARE

ALL ALREADY ENSLAVED--and paying for it. When a man's property can be taken by

force FROM him by rules and regulations--AND TAXES, YOU ARE ENSLAVED AS





Do you see other relativities, perchance? Look at the relationship (comparison) between

the slaves and slave communities--with or against TODAY! You have brought the slaves

of color into a worse enslavement--with far more insult to his being. You CALL him

FREE and yet he is, as a race, totally enslaved worse than any other one grouping in

the world. You have reduced the black to the most collectively representative of the

heinous abuse of the WELFARE system. The little black girl children are baby factories

and you treat them like chaff--not even chattel. Is it different from "slave days"?

How? You cause them to work at menial tasks and in the lower end of all wage scales,

saying they are either not bright enough or ill-trained. You place them on welfare which

fully represents the slave-owner's responsibility to HIS SLAVES. The only thing is that

NOW you have all races and creeds sucked into the Evil Empire's trap--YOU ARE ALL


Political Information


Ron: The ads for the Olympics and the soccer championships in the Ukraine are unbelievably

violent. Have a look at these videos.The Jews are nothing if not arrogant. They must luv using

Black and coloured people to portray their genocidal messages. Presumably Star Fleet will

prevent the atrocities programmed for the London Olympics. If they don't, surely they must

trigger the Three Days of Darkness.


Jul 2, 2012 - The New Solid State E-Cat

Peter B: The E-Cat , Andrea Rossis cold fusion reactor, has now reached temperatures

higher that 600 degrees Celsius, without any cooling.

This is getting REALLY interesting.

The device can now be called a solid state device.

Political Information

Jul 2, 2012 - The Rap Music Conspiracy


Jul 2, 2012 - Verstärkter Medienkrieg gegen Syrien

Stephen Lendman, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jul 2, 2012 - Relentless is as Relentless Does.

True US History

Jul 2, 2012 - Economic Sanctions portray West's Duplicity on Iran

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True US History

Jul 2, 2012 - Three Faces Of The Anti-Christ

This 3 minute video was published on Jul 1, 2012 by zionget:

True US History

Jul 2, 2012 - ‘Israel master of puppets in Syria unrest’

True US History

Jul 2, 2012 - Wall Street analyst - One group behind financial collapse

Financial Analyst Joachim Martillo says Jews behind financial collapse: See:;read=244374 'In turns out that

90% of the people who were convicted with regard to the S & L meltdown were Jewish... If

anything, the percent that shoul've gone to goal was higher than the 90% that we saw in the

S&L meltdown. But these people were all shielding one another. And therefore they're

protected and its quite possible that they will get away with it totally'.- Joachim Martillo

Phoenix Journals

Jul 2, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 15, 16, 17 & 18.

" He knew the family but the Kennedys knew just about everybody in the higher level of

Organized Crime. Lanky had nothing to do... If you remember all those people that I covered,

Rigano, Giancana--those people had nothing to do with Kennedy's assassination--they weren't

smart enough. Very few people had the mental capacity that Earl Warren had. Earl

Warren and the Committee are the people who assassinated Kennedy. It's as simple as

that. You can use and speculate the CIA, you can say Organized Crime, you can do

anything you want to and they have nothing whatsoever to do with it, and everything

goes right back to the currency that he put out of the Treasury; that's the reason he

was killed. "

Political Information

Jul 1, 2012 - Mainstream Economics is a Cult: Neoclassical Economics Is Based on


Ron: It is strange that this article which purports to debunk neoclassical economics should

fail to even mention fiat money creation, usury, fractional reserve banking and banksters.

The article makes no mention of the Rothschilds or other banksters, nor is there any

mention of Marx and his studies of political economy. These fragrant omissions must be

deliberate since the author concludes his argument by endorsing free market capitalism.

Thus this author’s position is as one eyed and absurd as the positions he criticises.

Political Information

Jul 1, 2012 - What's Really Going On In The Multi-Billion Dollar Bank Hacking World

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Ron: IF the massive HACKING of Jew controlled banks around the world is an "Inside Job"

and part of a False Flag scenario wouldn't the Jew controlled global mainstream media be

featuring it in some way? Just askin'...

True US History

Jul 1, 2012 - A new nightmare on Wall Street? U.S. banks face criminal probe into

global interest rate-fixing scheme as Barclays blows the whistle on America's financial




Political Information

Jul 1, 2012 - The carefully organized Paraguay coup

Political Information

Jul 1, 2012 - The Mythos of J. R. R. Tolkien

Tolkien may be judged as an ardent supporter of monetary reform. He understood that

money is not a form of wealth, but a medium for the exchange of goods and services. He

sought social justice through the adoption of an honest money system, which would

distribute the benefits of the technological age to all mankind, and provide a secure basis

for a future of progress and prosperity.- Stephen Goodson

Phoenix Journals

Jul 1, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 13 & 14.


A Declaration by the Sovereign Citizens

of the Several States

Within the United States of America

" When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the

Political Bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of

the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God

entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare

the causes which impel them to the Separation. "

True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - US Kairos committee slams lobby and Christian Zionists, calls on

Christians to ‘pay price’ of anti-Semitism charge so as to speak out

Ron: Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism (under Rothschild

direction), maintained that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely

understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes. Arguably he

would know. The limp wristed, snivelling rhetoric in this Christian "religious" document

typifies humanity's problem with the Jews. Talmudism IS the problem folks. And Talmudism

IS the religious ideology of the Jews. Pretending that you can solve humanity's current

problems by criticising Zionists or Israel won't do it. Jews believe that non-Jews are cattle

or worse, to be exploited and killed at whim, DEAL WITH THAT! Don't pretend that people

who live by the Talmud are like non-Jews. They aren't. STOP making excuses for what Jews

do. One day they will come for YOU.

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True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - Taliban releases video showing 17 beheaded Pakistani army men

Ron: This is just another aspect of the covert US war on Pakistan. WHY would Muslims in

Afghanistan intrude into Pakistan to murder and behead Muslim Pakistani soldiers? The short

answer is that they are mercenaries paid, armed and organised by the CIA as are the Al

Queda and other Muslim terrorists doing much the same thing in Syria. The CIA organised

the same Muslim terrorists to invade and destroy Libya last year. And so the Anglo-US WAR

OF TERROR goes on ... and on and on.

True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - Footage shows US Marine vehicles destroying Afghans' homes

Ron: It makes ya proud don't it! The WHITE MAN'S burden is sooo heavy - we've been doin'

this to Afghanis for 10 years but we won't quit until the job's done. "SUPPORT THE

TROOPS!" Make the world safe for Jews and their New World Order!

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 30, 2012 - AH SONNTAGSMEDITATION, 1. JULI 2012

von CM durch Johan


Jun 30, 2012 - 0.000012345678901...............

[i'm posting yet another one...but i like this one and i've been wanting to say this in public for


And shit happens

Because cause and effect is all around you and within you

And deep down inside -Kibo

Selections from the Urantia Book

Jun 30, 2012 - UB Quotes of the Day

True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - HAITI: Humanitarian Aid for Earthquake Victims Used to Build Five

Star Hotels

Western governments have insisted that aid money for Haiti be given to NGOs and

foundations... Foreign “aid” often benefits NGOs of the donor country as well as the local

business elites in the recipient country.The Council on Hemispheric Affairs has blamed both

Bill Clinton as well previous U.S. presidents for having maintained Haiti in conditions of

"endemic poverty through a self-serving U.S. rice export policy […] By 2003, approximately

80% of all rice consumed in Haiti was imported from the United States.” (Leah Chavla, Bill

Clinton’s Heavy Hand on Haiti’s Vulnerable Agricultural Economy: The American Rice Scandal,

Council on Hemispheric Affairs, April 13, 2010.)... According to [U.S] government figures,

1,537 contracts had been awarded [to U.S. Companies] for a total of $204,604,670, as of

last fall. Only 23 of the contracts went to Haitian companies, totaling $4,841,426. (Marjorie

Valbrun, Haitian firms few and far between on reconstruction rosters, iWatch News,

January 11, 2012.)... There is a fine line between slavery and an average $2 a day salary,

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which ousted president Jean Bertrand Aristide wanted to abolish prior to his overthrow in a

US-French-Canadian sponsored Coup d'Etat. (La Société Financière Internationale (IFC)

investit dans un projet hôtelier en Haiti pour supporter les efforts de reconstruction, IFC,

June 30, 2010.) - Julie Lévesque

Political Information

Jun 30, 2012 - Of Royal Bondage and the Hierarchy of Blood


True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - Netanyahu to Obama on election: When we say jump, you say how


According to long time Israeli diplomat, Abba Eban, President Truman would not have

supported a Jewish state were it not for “a crucial $25,000 gift made by Jews to Truman's

vice presidential aspirations in 1944 and that in 1948 American Jews helped Truman again,

this time to finance his campaign at a "desperate time”. According to Eban,"No historian

would question the judgment that without the support of, and political pressure from,

American Jewry, Israel's emergence could not have been conceived." Eban concluded that

the Zionist’s lobby’s “extraordinary solidarity and tactics” enlarged Israel's power beyond

the limited dimensions of its space and size." - Franklin Lamb

True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - Duplicitous Human Rights Council Report On Syria

And remember Americans, Europeans, and Canadians, YOU ARE BEING USED to aid

KHAZAR Control of the whole region, with liie of the DIASPORA which never happened. The

original folks from there did not spread out to the world. They are NOW, as they are being

forced OUT, so the FOREIGN Khazars can have the so called olden borders of

"israel." Which includes IRAQ to the Tigris River, SW Turkey, Cyrus, NE egypt, the

northern portion of Saudi bordered by and including Kuwait, plus Jordon, Syria, Lebanon, and

The Sinai. -C

True US History

Jun 30, 2012 - Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric

On June 23, a Washington Post editorial headlined "The West lags behind on Assad," saying:

Debate in Washington "is being overtaken by developments on the ground. For months the

Obama administration has been resisting" more aggressive steps.

"(G)rowing rebel strength is welcome news...."

Post writers worry about Syria "tumbling into chaos" or fighting spilling across borders to

neighboring countries. Perhaps Israel is most on their mind.

They're unconcerned about insurgent killings and other atrocities. The editorial ignored

them. WP editors focus solely on winning. Mounting deaths and destruction don't matter. Nor

does ravaging another country for wealth, power, and imperial dominance.

WP urges more aggressive efforts "to shape and support" insurgent fighters. Hastening

Assad's removal matters most. "(R)emaining passive (is not) an option."

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Post writers barely stopped short of declaring war. Expect a future editorial to cross the

line and endorse it. - Stephen Lendman

Political Information

Jun 30, 2012 - Row erupts as 'Miss Holocaust Survivor' pageant is held in Israel

Ron: Laugh of the Day! Do you get the feeling that the Jews are laughting at the SEVEN

BILLION non-Jews in the world today? I do.


Jun 30, 2012 - Rice researchers develop paintable battery

Political Information


Ron: Although Australians will be particularly interested in this article, it has wider

implications. Clearly the Australian mainstream media is concealing this story and the

necessary implications are that ALL organs of the mainstream media in Australia are

complicit in the corruption. That is not really news but the fact that the truth cannot be

suppressed for much longer, IS.

Political Information

Jun 30, 2012 - AFP BOOK REVIEW: The Holocaust Hoax Exposed

Ron: If some of your best friends are Jews get them to read this book.

Phoenix Journals

Jun 30, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 3 & 4.

" Why do you spend hours and days, weeks and months--and on into infinity REWRITING





was enough are amply covered, errors of intent were offered and justness was returned

where it was totally missing in such manner that, had you continued to USE the guidebook,

you would have rectified errors. For instance, had you HONORED and adhered to the LAWS,


broke all the laws and, then, put men into high places to continue to break, misuse, abuse and

grab, for their own greed, the very life-blood of your selves and your nation. No, brothers,

you do not need MORE--you need to take that which WAS and USE IT. "

True US History

Jun 29, 2012 - Murder in the dark? New claims of war crimes in Iraq come to light

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jun 29, 2012 - All Thoughts Are Energy, Project Love and See What Happens

As evidenced by the above video, plants have consciousness and feelings, too. This is further

proof of how we are all connected as living organisms though thoughts and energy, yet we

have been taught to be detached from this evidence through our educational facilities and

through the main stream media. Please also understand that vegetables and fruit are

honored to be consumed by you, just as the grass that you walk on is grateful for being able

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to supply you with comfort and beauty. This is part of their ascension process! - Gregg



Jun 29, 2012 - Top DNA Researcher Says Patenting Human Genes is "Lunacy"

Life’s instructions ought not to be controlled by legal monopolies created at the whim of

Congress or the courts.” - Dr. James Watson

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Propagandists Sell "Vigilante" Solution for Syria

Ned Dobos of Australia's University of New South Wales, Canberra [Ron: Actually this

university is in Sydney] has given a presentation, served up in the form of an op-ed in the

Sydney Morning Herald titled, "Syria needs a vigilante to save its people," that can only be

described as a new benchmark in Western duplicity. Dobos conducts a rambling pedantic

philosophical defense of what is essentially a unilateral act of war built on patently false

pretenses, as NATO has already done in Libya, and as the US has done in Iraq and

Afghanistan at the cost of millions of innocent lives... The "murder, torture, and rape" Dobos

claims unilateral military intervention will stop, was in fact premeditated, planned, staged,

funded, and the forces carrying it out entirely armed by the West in an effort not for

"preventing human rights abuses," but to admittedly overthrow the government of Syria and

install a compliant, pro-Western client regime, as the West has done in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt,

and is attempting to do elsewhere from Northern Africa to Southeast Asia and beyond.-

Tony Cartalucci

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Jersey's 'secrecy culture' led to my suspension, says former police


Ron: Those who reckon that humanity can, without divine assistance, fix it's endemic

political, economic and social corruption are ignorant, deluded or complicit. Here is just

another example of why unaided light workers and persons of integrity are unable to ensure

justice and freedom for all and especially for the most vulnerable individuals in human


Translations - Others

Jun 29, 2012 - Italian: Momenti di Silenzio

CM tramite Eve, traduzione Lina Capettini.

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - THE ‘SILENT WEAPONS’ ...

Silent Weapons was dated May, 1979, and was apparently found in July, 1986 in an IBM

copier purchased at a surplus sale by an employee of Boeing. It appears to be one of a series

of such manuals explaining how the few control the many. I can’t say for sure if it is genuine,

but (a) it lays out the strategy in considerable detail and (b) what it describes is blatantly

happening by the hour. - David Icke

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Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Latest banking scandal arrests expected to total 0

Mr Diamond also responded to claims by former City minister Lord Myners that it was the

most corrosive failure of moral behaviour he had seen in a major UK financial institution in

his career. “Really?!” he said

“If he thinks this is bad, he should wait until all the other stuff comes out.”

“Seriously, it’s going to blow his mind!”

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - 20 more banks were rigging interest rates: British bankers now facing

criminal inquiry over scandal that was kept secret for years

On the blackest day for Britain’s finance industry since the 2008 economic crisis:

Serious Fraud Office investigators were revealed to be in talks with financial

watchdogs over the scandal

David Cameron and Ed Miliband piled pressure on Mr Diamond to resign

Barclays and other banks were braced for a damning verdict today in an official report

on mis-selling of complex loans to 28,000 small firms

Mr Osborne promised new criminal sanctions for those guilty of market abuse

Downing Street faced a growing clamour for a judge-led public inquiry into the ethics

of Britain’s banks

David Crayford and the OITC

Jun 29, 2012 - The G20 Meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico.

From WhistleBlower! Nice to see he is doing well enough to pay attention to this world and

write about it! -C


Jun 29, 2012 - The Final Agreement

Contains also some teaching by me at the end from the forum. -C

True US History

Jun 29, 2012 - Kagan’s ObamaCare Vote & US Jewry


Jun 29, 2012 - NTU’s new loo turns poo into power

Ron: Clearly current 3d science and associated engineering technologies are capable of

greatly reducing humanity's ecological "footprint" on the planet and our use of energy and

resources. All that is needed is action to remove the dead hand of the hidden global matrix

controllers. So let's all sing: 'Michael "row" the boat (ship) ashore, or at least into the

appropriate position...'

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - ‘Israel persuaded Russia not to sell Syria missiles’

Ron: In all the circumstances President Putin's acceding to Israel's wishes in this matter

seems strange. Hopefully there are wheels within wheels which we are not permitted to see.

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But if the Syrian people's interests are not being effectively safeguarded, Putin would seem

to bear some responsible for any increased bloodshed that results from this action.

True US History

Jun 29, 2012 - The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia

Ron: If Amerikkans ever wake up from their slumber the case of USA v. Carollo should finally

move the sheeple into action against the banks and their enablers.BUT how will they ever

even hear about it, let alone understand its implications.

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Alawi Republic of Latakia Saves Syria

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - NATO Member Turkey Harboring Terrorist Army

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Europe & America's central banks destroying the world now

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - NATO's Libya: A fine mess

Health and Nutrition

Jun 29, 2012 - Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - Ed Miliband demands CRIMINAL probe into Barclays interest rate

rigging scandal as £3.2bn is wiped off bank in share plunge

Barclays chief executive Bob Diamond today faced demands for his resignation as shares in

the bank slumped after it was fined a record £290million for rigging interest rates. Labour

leader Ed Miliband called for a criminal investigation into the scandal which is set to engulf a

number of other top British banks.

Political Information

Jun 29, 2012 - German newspaper Die Welt compares Eurozone crisis with 1930s

slump that ushered in Hitler

True US History

Jun 29, 2012 - Inside Job, Narrated by Matt Damon (Full Length HD)

Ron:Those who don't understand why humanity is going to hell in a handbasket should watch

this excellent film and so should those who think humanity cannot live without a money

economy. Inequality of wealth is now higher in the US than in any other developed country

and the latest US generation has less education and less wealth than their parent's

generation. This 1 hour 48 minute film tells you why.

True US History

Jun 29, 2012 - Supreme Court's Obamacare decision hands federal government

unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don't even


Phoenix Journals

Jun 29, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 13 & 14.

" In Scotland, Ireland, Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Russia,

Nicaragua, Palestine, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos--the list goes on and on and we do not

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want to forget the butchered babies who never even had a chance to be born!! What would

they say to us if they had the opportunity? I think they would all shout in unison:

"Murderers, ruthless unregenerate mankind!" What else could they say? There was no mercy,

no compassion! [H: Ah, but dear friend, if your very nation is run by Satanists who revel

in DEATH--what more can you expect? And, as you said above, Virginia--would you too

wave us off as a statement that it could not be...?] "

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Helmets Found But No Pilots, Mystery Deepens in Plane Crash

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 28, 2012 - Nederlands: Momenten van Stilte.

CM/Eve, vertaling Lilian A.

Translations - Others

Jun 28, 2012 - Italian: Tornate a Casa

CM, traduzione: Ben Boux.

Translations - Candace

Jun 28, 2012 - Italian: Oggi non è stata una buona giornata, vero?

David Righter attraverso Candace, traduzione Ben Boux.

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Bank for International Settlements on Big Banks

True US History

Jun 28, 2012 - Juicy Financial News


Jun 28, 2012 - World's first GM babies born

Ron: Just the tip of the iceberg...

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Constitutional Court Desecrates Our Rights And Undermines The Will

Of The People

Once again we have been denied to be heard by a panel of judges, who listen to our

arguments and actually cross-examine the bank, which has not yet happened in three

Supreme Court hearings. Our rights have been desecrated by the court that should uphold

these inalienable rights”- Michael Tellinger

True US History

Jun 28, 2012 - Stop the Extradition of Richard O'Dwyer

Other Channels

Jun 28, 2012 - Le test décisif et le message d'obtention du diplôme

La Source par Hazel, traduction Marie-Louise


Jun 28, 2012 - Roboter drängen auf den Arbeitsmarkt

Randy Rieland, Übersetzung Remo Santini

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Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - The suppressed History of Crimes committed on German soldiers in

WWII. The last part.

Ron: The Jews controlling the Soviet Union, the US, UK, France during and after WWII, and

ALL of the European countries involved in WWII in the years after WWII, were monsters,

inciting the enslaving, killing and committing of unspeakable crimes against 70 million

Germans for a period longer that WWII itself. BUT what really nauseates me is the fact

that the Jews have managed to reverse the historical truth narrative such that virtually the

whole FKN world blames the German people for causing WWII and for crimes actually

commtted against them, NOT by them. ANYONE who STILL accepts the Holocaust Blood

Libel and its propaganda narrative IS PART OF HUMANITY'S CURRENT NEAR TERMINAL

DEBACLE. There is NO excuse for any intelligent human today to continue to believe the

lying Jews and their political, media, corporate and academic whores. Those who DO, deserve

to accompany them to their next destination. And many will.

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Lawful Head of State of Libya, Dr Baghdadi, Beaten Says Lawyer

True US History

Jun 28, 2012 - Texas college hacks government drone

Ron: Now all they have to do is return them to sender. Especially the ones with hellfire

missiles aboard.

Health and Nutrition

Jun 28, 2012 - Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists

According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 -- a

complaint which has just now been unsealed -- vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly

falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies, sold a

vaccine that actually promoted mumps and measles outbreaks, and ripped off governments

and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was "95% effective." - Mike Adams

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Putin accuses Bolsheviks of treason

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - WWII history revisionism intolerable – Putin

Ron: These statements by President Putin are despicable and inexplicable. The Soviet

Bolshevik Jews committed the genocidal atrocities gainst the Polish elite in the Katyn Forest

and they murdered millions of Germans and Russians during and after WWII. Their crimes

were heinous. Moreover there was NO Holocaust AND the Soviet Bolshevik JEWS pretended

that there was by building the faux gas chambers at Auschwitz in 1946 and concealing the

German records captured at the end of WWII until after 1990. Those records tell the true

story. see: Official German Record of all Prisoners in Auschwitz Concentration Camp from

May of 1940 through December of 1944.-



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Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Russia won’t allow threats against it – Putin

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Nothing safe, nothing sacred: Syrian rebels desecrate Christian

churches? (PHOTOS)

Ron: Explain to me why the US, NATO and the global media support this sort of behaviour.

And while you're at it, explain why so-called Syrians allegedly protesting against President

Assad's Syrian government are desecrating Christian churches. President Assad is an

Allawite Muslim so WHY are Christians being attacked?

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - German court bans circumcision of young boys

According to the court ruling, "the fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity

outweighs the fundamental rights of the parents"... "The child's body is permanently and

irreparably changed by the circumcision. This change runs counter to the interests of the

child, who can decide his religious affiliation himself later in life," it said. The Central Council

of Jews in Germany called the ruling an "unprecedented and dramatic intrusion" of the right

to religious freedom, and an "outrageous and insensitive" act. - ABC News

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Journalists shot dead as rebels storm TV station

Ron: Sooo, WHY does the ABC (Australia's publicly owned media organisation) not condemn

outright this US orchestrated terrorist attack on a Syrian TV station. CAN YOU IMAGINE


Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - Palestinians in Negev accuse Israel of using thirst as a weapon to

displace them

Political Information

Jun 28, 2012 - NATO Loses Plane Violating Syrian Airspace

The F-4 fighter jet, the newest of which are already around 30 years old, has a top speed of

mach 2.2, or 1,600 mph/2,500 kph. That means in one minute it can travel 26 miles - or

nearly one mile ever 2 seconds...Turkey's claim of being "a mile" within international airspace

may seem reasonable to the average reader accustomed to traveling at speeds where a mile

is relatively far, but in terms of air combat, a mile equates into seconds. -


Jun 28, 2012 - Meditation Visions 102 – 104, June 2012




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True US History

Jun 28, 2012 - US Order To Shutdown Millions Of Christian Websites Shocks World

Ron: If this is true it is significant. So much for free speech in the US.

True US History

Jun 28, 2012 - Verichip Corp. RFID Microchip - First Official TV Commercial

Ron: It won't be long now folks. Get chipped before they come for ya! Don'tcha just luv

thses videos of sheeple bleating about how they need to be chipped. These people deserve to

spend another lifetime on a planet with the Jews. this is a 1' 03" propaganda video:

Phoenix Journals

Jun 28, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 11 & 12.

[H: Protocols of Zion: (not to even introduce the Kol Nidre [vow of all vows], let us

consider Protocol number 15 as listed in the shortened version in Rabbi Reichhorn in

1869: "...If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst

the Christians or Goyims, we must rush to help him: find as many witnesses AS HE

NEEDS (with all evidence he might need to set him free, to save him from his judges

(who might be Goyim or Christian) UNTIL WE BECOME JUDGES OURSELVES !!]


Jun 27, 2012 - La Prueba de Fuego y mensaje de Graduación desde la Fuente



Another Kibo special. Not a telepathic message. ENJOY!-C


Jun 27, 2012 - Going Condo on Rent Day

I forgot to post this one a few days ago. so here it is. He is very prolific lately! And os much


Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - UFO’s Originate in Nazi Antarctic Bases?

Ron: In the 1930s and during WWII the German nation did develop flying saucer

technologies and many other very advanced technologies including jet aircraft, the blueprint

for the Boeing 707 and the atom bomb - which, in effect, the US stole when General

Patton's army overran southern Germany. AND the US used the captured atom bomb

material in its bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The fact that Germany actually developed

the atom bomb and didn't use it and Amerikka DID, tells you that all of the Jew created

demonising propaganda about Hitler and the German people is FALSE as is the racist anti-

German Holocaust Blood Libel narreative that has almost destroyed our world. And US

Admiral Byrd's naval expedition to Antarctica to defeat the Germans there WAS bloodily

repulsed, probably by flying saucers. BUT the Germans living there and elsewhere have not

invaded anyone and have acted honourably as they did during WWII. It is the Jew infested

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Anglo-US, EU and Israel who have invaded and destroyed country after country for the last

70 years, all but destroyed humanity and the planet since WWI.

True US History

Jun 27, 2012 - NATO War Council To Target Syria

Ron: What I don't understand is why Russia and China put up with this war mongering shit

from the US, NATO and Israel, year after year. Are they under instructions from Star

Fleet not to resist? Are their much vaunted space and other weapons not up to the job?

WHAT? Apart from anything else, if they continue their limp wristed response to the US,

NATO and Israel they will eventually find that they too, will hang seperately along with

Libya, Syria, Sudan, Iran et al. Meanwhile, while they are letting the US and EU bankrupt

themselves bombing Third World nations and wasting trillions of dollars on military spending

and banksters, whole nations are being put to the sword, bit by bit.

Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - THE JEWISH RELIGION Its Influence Today Formerly Titled THE



Jun 27, 2012 - Israel. Mossad und USA arbeiteten beim Mord an über 500 irakischen

Wissenschaftlern zusammen, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - Karl Marx addressing German Communists (ie Jews) in the 1840s

Ron: Nothing ever is as it seems. The problem with "Regionalism" as promulgated today is

that it is just another method of "divide and conquer" devised by the Jews to confuse goyim

thinking and fragment nations and societies. It goes hand in glove with the Jews' AGENDA

21 initiatives. On its face, it appears to be diametrically opposed to the concentration of

power in a unitary system (the dictatorship of the New world Order) but actually it is just a

mechanism designed to fragment and divide societies so that the Jews can more easily

control each seperated segment of the whole. Look at what's been done in Yugoslavia, Iraq,

Libya, Somalia, Sudan and on and on. The ultimate aim was enunciated by Karl Marx back in

the 1840s.

Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - Furious Turkey mobilizes tanks, troops to Syrian border

Ron: Sooo, now Turkey, with the fourth largest military in the world and backed by the US,

Israel and NATO, is ready to pretend it is justified in invading Syria. So, as the CIA, Al

Queda and other NATO led mercenary rabble having been unable to do what they did in

Libya, now we get WWIII. OR are the Russians and Chinese gonna just let NATO,

spearheaded by Turkey, do to Syria what was done to Libya? Either way, the Jews'

stranglehold on the global mainstream media will prevent the Western masses from waking

up. Presumably the Syrians will just hafta accept their fate unless there is a global financial

collapse very bloody "soon." But it's fun to watch, isn't it? If you are not involved...

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True US History

Jun 27, 2012 - Senator Joseph McCarthy's Charges 'now accepted as fact'

Ron: In his Audio Leters Dr Peter Beter made it very clear that the Rothschllds and

Rockefellers funded and set up Lenin's Bolshevik Jewish revolution in Russia and supported

and were in secret collusion with the Bolshevik government of the Soviet Union from the

time of its inception in 1917 until a Russian Christian sect managed to oust the Bolshevik

Jews from control of the Soviet Union in 1977. The Rockefellers then unwisely welcomed the

expelled Bolsheviks into the US where they killed and replaced the Rockefeller brothers

with doubles and almost took over the US government from the Rockefeller Cartel.So of

course Joe McCarthy was right, although he didn't know the whols truth.

True US History

Jun 27, 2012 - Family Guy' Offends Hollywood Jews in Attempt to Win Emmy:

Reaction from Brentwood, Los Angeles

Ron: Never a truer word said in jest ... BUT it's funny when Jews do it to goyim:

Do-It.shtml And God forbid that anyone should censure Jewry for calling blacks "schwartsas

and shooks" or for calling Gentile women, "shiksas," which means in Yiddish, "unclean animals".

Also, who can resist the humour in How yo cook a Gentile: And who can forget the laughs in

Good Christian Bitches: My

heart bleeds for these poor victimised Jews...

True US History

Jun 27, 2012 - The Bone Yard‚ near Davis Monthan Air Force Base - Tucson ,

Arizona USA

Ron: Try to imagine what a different world this would be if Amerikkans had not spent their

productive effort and the wealth of the rest of the world extracted by force and duress, on

THIS weaponry and all the rest like it. To say that this and the bombing and invasion of

other countries it evidences, is for the purposes of US national security is not just

laughable, its TOTALLY INSANE. And the Amerikkans and others who mouth the "National

Security" and "support the troops" bullshit that supports it, deserve to experience the

results that their bovine stupidity and cupidity has inflicted upon billions of human beings all

over this planet. REFLECT upon this during the THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS brothers and

sisters, you won't be able to do much else.

Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - Syria and Turkey's phantom war

'Sure, let England and France, the colonial criminals of the past, together with their puppet

Turkey send their planes on bombing missions to Syria and watch their planes drop out of sky

like dead locusts, their pilots’ bodies being cut to pieces by the angry people when they

parachute on the ground. That ought to give them a second thought next time around. Syria

is not Libya.' - Saila Peneman

'European warmongering poodles of the William Hague kind have already stepped in, blaming

Syria because Turkey violated Syrian airspace. Yet there's no evidence - so far - that

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Ankara warned the Syrian government and military they would be conducting some sort of

reconnaissance very close to a by now very explosive border. Whether the F-4 (or the pair

of F-4s) was armed or not is, to quote Davutoglu, "irrelevant"; try telling the Pentagon,

for instance, that an unknown, low-flying, fast-moving, unidentified object entering your air

space is not a threat. If this was a military reconnaissance mission, as Davutoglu himself

argues, the F-4 had to be armed. And imagine if this was a Syrian jet flying over Turkish

or Israeli territory.' - Pepe Escobar


Jun 27, 2012 - New Intelligent Biometric Security Program Can Adapt to Human


Ron: Russia, the US, the Rothschilds (and hence Israel) and no doubt other nations have long

had the abiliy to create biological computers far suprerior to this technology. Presumably

publication of these developments are meant to prepare humanity for the reality coming

AND to condition society to accept control by machines.

Human/Animal Rights

Jun 27, 2012 - If Slaughter Houses Had Glass Walls – A Plea for Animal Rights

'... beef cattle are the largest predators of the oceans due to the fact that the amount of

fish harvested for cattle feed exceeds that used for human consumption, and that the

amount of resources required to produce beef is outrageously out of balance... If slaughter

houses had glass walls, would we even be having this debate?' – Philip Wollen


Jun 27, 2012 - Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Up to 20,000 Genetically Engineered

Mosquitoes Released in Australian Towns

Two towns in Northern Australia have recently been gifted with 10-20 thousand genetically

engineered mosquitoes – almost completely replacing mosquitoes naturally occurring in the

outdoors... Mosquitoes can develop resistance to the lethal gene inputted by Oxitec. In fact,

3.5 percent of the insects survived to adulthood in laboratory tests despite carrying the

lethal gene, according to Todd Shelly, an entomologist for the Agriculture Department in

Hawaii.0.5 percent of the released insects are female (the gender which bites humans); what

happens to humans if bitten by the female mosquitoes?Who regulates releases, and who will

be responsible in the event of complications – to any degree? - Anthony Gucciardi


Jun 27, 2012 - Quantum Researchers Able to Stop and Restart Light

Political Information

Jun 27, 2012 - Why Israel Is A Threat To World Peace

This 3' 17" video was published on Jun 26, 2012 by zionget: http://www.thebrothernathanaelfoundation.or

Phoenix Journals

Jun 27, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", chapter 1 & 2.

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" Secondly: Jackie Kennedy is a holder of a massively VALUABLE and LAWFUL debt

document (gold certificate) which is not "wanted" to be brought forward. The Committee and

others in the insipid Government set up by the impostors are right now having to deal with

gold certificates, i.e.: Buckley's holdings of "Treasurygate" fame, Cosmos and "Big Red" and

others--of which one "missing" one to "Sadam Husein", we printed in the paper. Well, there

is another one of massive value--from the Shah of Iran who was brought to your

country years ago (as you will remember) and was murdered for his own participations,

or "non"-participations as the case may be. JACKIE HAS (HAD) THAT CERTIFICATE! "

Political Information

Jun 26, 2012 - What We Can Learn From Iceland? They said NO to the banksters

and it worked.

Political Information

Jun 26, 2012 - The BP Hell Bitch and the Fukushima Slut do Lunch.

Political Information

Jun 26, 2012 - 109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250

on December 17, 1862, General Ulysses S. Grant issued General Orders No. 11. This order

banished all Jews from Tennessee's western military.

General Orders No. 11 declared: "1. The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade

established by the Treasury Department, are hereby expelled from the Department.

"2. Within 24 hours from the receipt of this order by Post Commanders, they will see that all

of this class of people are furnished with passes required to leave, and anyone returning

after such notification, will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs

of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permits from these headquarters.

"3. No permits will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making

personal application for trade permits.

"By order of Major Gen. Grant.

True US History

Jun 26, 2012 - Obama's War On Democracy

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jun 26, 2012 - Breaking the Cult of Passivity

Political Information

Jun 26, 2012 - Transition Towns: Agenda 21 Comes to Life

Phoenix Journals

Jun 26, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 11 & 12.

" Although the "Holy" Inquisition started by Pope Gregory XI in 1374 was instituted to

stop the foul deeds of the witch cults and save children from brutal deaths at the

hands of Satanists, it became perverted into the most pitiless and ferocious institution of

its kind until the rise of Communism and Nazism over five hundred years later. The

Inquisition indiscriminately condemned men, women, and children to the flames after

submitting them to the most ghastly tortures. [H: In this manner the "saviours" became

worse than the original offenders. Will you, too, cause the same as you turn over the

evil-mongers? If YOU are no better than the evil that sets its hand upon you--you too

shall perish in like manner as YOU are overthrown.] Not only were practising witches and

black magicians burnt at the stake, but also innocent children whose parents had dedicated

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them to Satan, wandering Bohemians (gypsies) whose clairvoyance seemed suspicious, and

even lonely old women whose only crime was that they appeared to fit the popular description

of a witch. [H: Again, upon your place it will be a bad show-and-tell for those who

proclaim themselves to be Satanists and witches, etc., for the masses of human,

ordinary men shall pull you apart in their urge to destroy the demons you have created

and represent in yourselves--no matter how tiny the participation or degree. This is

the nature of the human--to destroy that which he despises and does not understand.

I suggest you who ponder these things in your "unconditional allowances" of all things--

give careful thought to this for the "mob" has NO RULE.] "

True US History

Jun 25, 2012 - Worst case of ethnic cleansing in western history: The European

Atrocity You Never Heard About

Ron: Don'tcha just love the way that euphemism riddled Anglo-US historians pander to the

Jews in their work? This is typical mealy-mouthed euphemistic propaganda speak. This book

is part of the problem NOT the solution. If this is the best English historians can do, 65

years after the event, there is no hope for them. The Holocaust never happened Pilgrims!

Get used to it! Once you understand this fact, what is happening to our world becomes


Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 25, 2012 - Kommt heim

von CM an seine dunklen Söhne, 23.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

True US History

Jun 25, 2012 - Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of 'Widespread Abuse of Human Rights'

"Instead of making the world safer, America's violation of international human rights abets

our enemies and alienates our friends," Carter wrote.


Jun 25, 2012 - 回家 基督迈克

By Others

Jun 25, 2012 - 在第四天的早上(黑暗三日之后)

基督迈克通过 DS传递

By Others

Jun 25, 2012 - 来自源头的最后检验与毕业信息 源头通过黑兹尔传递

Targeted Messages

Jun 25, 2012 - Come Home

Come Home

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June 23, 2012

To my Beloved Sons of the Dark Nature. Ponder carefully this short final period. Some of

you have chosen your uncreation and it seems fixed in your nature, but there is still a short

time to experience ME before it is over and you are returned to cosmic energy. In doing so,

you might, in the experiencing of my LOVE for you, change of your minds. For there is no

changing when this is done.

Come unto ME. Feel my warmth and love. Do you really want to abandon that? Don't you

wish to consider it could be otherwise? Eternal life is a wondrous undertaking and you will be

tossing the eternal wonder down the drain, never to be experienced again..

I want you to feel MY AGE. I was first created beloveds nearly 2 trillion years ago. Image

that! And here I stand today with a Universe of my own creation. There are no limits ever,

placed on where you can go. I took over the reins of Nebadon, but only a short 300 billion

years ago, when mostly it was still clusters of nebulas, but the Central Creation, the Central

Worlds of Salvington were done with the making of them. The abode of the Gods had been

"finished" enough for myself and teams to come and set forth our creation of MAN. And of

course a lot of the angels, of necessity created for this creating endeavor.

Many of you here are my direct sons and others of you are Nebadonia's direct

daughters. FEEL My Grace, Feel MY LOVE, FEEL her LOVE, Feel OUR LOVE and come

home! For Glory always will await thee. I am Michael of Nebadon.

Political Information

Jun 25, 2012 - The Final Battle of the Iron Age

Ron: Please READ this article carefully. Corporations and our acceptance of them are the

crux of the curent predicament of humanity and the planet. It is time to think outside the

square (the global matrix) pilgrims! Limited liability and no liability corporations are the

spawn of the devil. Believe it! Every sovereign spark of Creator Source is, and must be,

responsible for all s/he does or fails to do when under a duty to act. Corporations are NOT

responsible for what is done in their name. Corporations are nothing - figments of the

imagination of their owners who hide behind "the corporate veil" and rape and pillage

humanity and the planet with impunity..

Political Information

Jun 25, 2012 - Israeli strike on Iran would end Jewish state – Iran’s top brass

Ron: For an obvious reason for Iran's confidence see:


Political Information

Jun 25, 2012 - Israel To Put Its African Immigrants In Concentration Camps

"We must make sure that when the tall towers of our greatest cities have crumbled to dust

in the turnings of time, the Jewish people will still be on this earth to cast their blessings." -

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President Ronald Reagan in his 1988 speech to dedicate the cornerstone of the taypayer-

financed, U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.


Jun 25, 2012 - The Campaign To Fluoridate America


Jun 25, 2012 - History of Medicine Fact #8: U.S. water fluoridation began in 1945

and continues today, despite the fact that the FDA has never approved it


Jun 25, 2012 - Pineal Gland – Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History

True US History

Jun 25, 2012 - John Stockwell: The Third World War

'The CIA has mounted some 3,000 major operations and 10,ooo minor operations in Third

world countries - every one of them illegal and every one of them disruptive of the lives and

societies of other people; And many of them bloody and gory beyond comprehension

almost.Extensively we manipulated and organised the overthrow of functioning constitutional

democracies in other countries. We organised secret armies and directed them to fight in

just about every continent in the world.' - John Stockwell [Ron: Tell me again why you think

that the US is such a boon to humanity and why its citizens deserve to live fat and happy

lives on the backs of the rest of the world. Given the invincible greed and ignorance of

USans it's no wonder that divine intervention is needed to remove US boots from the necks

of the rest of humanity.].

True US History

Jun 25, 2012 - CIA Supported Syrian Opposition Massacres Civilians

Political Information

Jun 25, 2012 - UK gov’t authorized 'war crimes' in Iraq

Political Information

Jun 25, 2012 - Syria arrests over 40 Germans for smuggling arms: Report

Phoenix Journals

Jun 25, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 9 & 10.

Political Information

Jun 24, 2012 - Myanmar Learns The Lesson Of Libya

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jun 24, 2012 - A Special Message for the New Age Prophets


Jun 24, 2012 - Global AH Meditation Sunday June 24, 2012

By Jess

Jun 24, 2012 - 伊稣公开谈及即将到来的转变


By Candace

Jun 24, 2012 - 争战已获胜


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By Others

Jun 24, 2012 - 终极之语 基督迈克通过鲁本斯传递

By Candace

Jun 24, 2012 - 亘古常在者们的发言 亘古常在者通过坎迪斯传递

By Others

Jun 24, 2012 - 终局 赛若亚通过鲁本斯传递

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 24, 2012 - Globale AH-Meditation, Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012

Von Johan/CM - Jun 24, 2012 – Übersetzung: Harald Kuehn

Other Spiritual Pieces

Jun 24, 2012 - It’s Time to Wake Up – We Are All One

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~

Niels Bohr - "It's just a ride". - Bill Hicks

Political Information

Jun 24, 2012 - Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue of the Elite Agenda

Ron: As I understand it, this is a free will world and clearly those who currently control it

exercise their free will to the detriment of the planet, humanity and the cosmos. The

ultimate exercise of an individual's free is the deliberate choice to refuse to change and to

prefer uncreation rather than curtailment of their exploition, enslavement and destruction

of humanity and the planet. Those who make that choice have the right to make it and to

have their wish manifest. What they do not have though, is the right to continue to destroy

the lives and free will of others and the planet. After all, THAT is a denial of the freewill of


True US History

Jun 24, 2012 - Washington’s hypocrisy over Russian arms in Syria

Ron: US perfidy, hypocrisy and propaganda as evidenced in this aricle could not occur IF

Amerikkan's were NOT sooo invincibly ignorant and/or complicit. Mind controlled human

individuals are an ugly phenomenon. They are also the reason our world is ratshit. Stand by

for the shock waves as the fat and ignorant US and Western middle classes are confronted

by the unavoidable truth.

Political Information

Jun 24, 2012 - British media confused over Turkish fighter incident

the same paragraph that was printed in The Guardian was also printed in the Israeli

Haaretz newspaper word for word namely “With the second biggest army in NATO, a

force hardened by nearly 30 years of fighting Kurdish rebels, Turkey would be a

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formidable foe for the Syrian army which is already struggling to put down a 16-

month-old revolt………what more proof do you want to show of their total control of the

British media. - Peter Eyre

True US History

Jun 24, 2012 - Experts Find 30 Trillion Tons of Toxic Liquid Injected into Earth

Poisons Ground Water

Phoenix Journals

Jun 24, 2012 - PJ #96 " HEAVE - HO (Phase Two) ", Intro.

" I am not, at this time, going to do more than offer the "Introduction" to this volume. More

and more homework is falling into YOUR responsibility. I have other "fish to fry"! We will

offer more of this as we move along because I think you will have a time getting the book--it

is being ordered from the shelves as we write. However, there is nothing "new" in a 200 year

old book so first things first--and you need to learn about your own Constitution which you no

longer have in use. "

True US History

Jun 23, 2012 - Cold War Politics Redux

' ...with 64.7% support, he [Putin] won reelection by a landslide. His closest rival finished a

distant second with 17%. Putin is Russia's most popular leader... His electoral majority

topped every US president since James Monroe. In 1820, he ran virtually unopposed. -

Stephen Lendman

Political Information

Jun 23, 2012 - ICC: What Was Melinda Taylor Doing in Libya?

Perhaps less well known, is that the regime in Canberra, Australia, is an outlaw regime, not a

democratic government, which Australians are forced to vote for or against, in restrictive

elections, and has no moral nor historic legitimacy being based on territory seized by force...

Also less well known may be the genocide which brought white power to Australia, although

today's white population would very much argue that they do not have power, the regime

merely the formal power house for the Queen of England and her many allied corporations.

But what will certainly be even less known, is that this outpost of the "international

community" of thieves, was the only regime to use tax-payers money to pay openly $70

million (and unknown additional amounts) to it's ground rats, the al-Qaida infested so-called

TNC. Although given ostensibly as "humanitarian" aid to these rats, foreign mercenaries,

Zionist agents... -


Jun 23, 2012 - Today has NOT been a good day has it?

David Righter (S333) to our Banking brothers. Provided June 22, about 1900 UTC

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 23, 2012 - Der Lackmus Test und die Botschaft über die Graduation von der


Von der Quelle durch Hazel - 23. Juni 2012 - Übersetzung Bernd

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Par Candace

Jun 23, 2012 - Aujourd'hui n'a pas été une bonne journée, n'est-ce pas?

David Righter (S333), traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Jun 23, 2012 - Le matin du quatrième jour

Christ Michael par DS, traduction Marie-Louise

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 23, 2012 - Nederlands: Wereldwijde AH Meditatie, Zondag 24 juni 2012.

Johan/CM, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 23, 2012 - Nederlands: Kom naar Huis

Michael van Nebadon, vertaling Lilian A.


Jun 23, 2012 - The Litmus Test and Graduation message from Source

From Creator Source thru Hazel Published June 22,2012


Jun 23, 2012 - Meditación Global de AH, Domingo 24 de Junio del 2012

Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace

Jun 23, 2012 - Nederlands: Vandaag is GEEN goede dag, is het ?

David Righter via Candace, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 23, 2012 - Nederlands: De Lakmoesproef en Promotie boodschap van de Bron.

de Bron via Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.


Jun 23, 2012 - Italian: 3 messages Jun-3.

20 Jun - Ancients of the Days/--, 20 Jun - Siraya/Rubens, 21 Jun - CM/Rubens, traduzione

Lina Capettini.

Translations - Others

Jun 23, 2012 - Italian: La Prova del Nove e il Messaggio di Laurea dalla Sorgente.

la Sorgente tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.


Jun 23, 2012 - Italian: 3 messages Jun-2.

Jun 22 - Sanat Kumara/Candace, Jun 22 - CM/DS, Jun 23 - Esu/Jess, traduzione Ben Boux.

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Translations - Others

Jun 23, 2012 - Italian: 3 messages Jun.

18 Jun - Siraya/Johan, 19 Jun - CM/---, 19 Jun - Monka--, traduzione Ben Boux.


Jun 23, 2012 - Robots Enter the Job Market

Earlier this month, Forbes, in an article titled, “Is Your Job Robot-Proof?” noted that,

“Today America needs 5 million fewer workers to produce a greater value of goods and

services than it did in December 2007 when the recession began.” [Ron: At the core of our

so-called Capitalist global economic system are two mechanisms. First, the usurious monetary

mechanism. Second, and symbiotically co-dependent with that money mechanism, is the

labour for income mechanism. The global economic system is based on human beings selling

their labour as a commodity in the open market so that they can then buy and consume the

production of that market. The reason the matrix controllers have concealed the true

meaning and implications of the rapid uptake of mechanisation, automation and electronics

(robots) in human workplaces is that the steady decline in available paid employment for

people heralds the end of the fictional fiat money creation and usurious fractional reserve

banking systems that have held humanity in thrall and enslavement to the matrix controllers

for centuries. If people do not have the option to work for a living because paid employment

is unavailable, then the monetary system, as we know it, is finished, and the capitalist

economic system based on it must implode also. No one can buy goods if they don’t earn

money or are given money by the welfare state. Similarly, companies and businesses cannot

afford to produce goods and services if consumers have no purchasing power to buy them.

Lastly, governments will cease to be able to collect income, sales and other taxes and

charges if only a minority of people are working, earning money, paying taxes and consuming.

Sooo, as the need for workers declines below the “tipping point” at which the state ceases to

be able to take enough money from those in paid employment to provide adequate “welfare”

payments to the unemployed and their dependants, this jerrybuilt system breaks down. As

that happens those who control the corporations that own the robots and machines will

decide who lives and who dies and whether the process will be quick or not.].

True US History

Jun 23, 2012 - USA and Israel Extortion Croatia

the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in which the USA assassinated children,

women and elders without distinction. Within the first four months of the bombings, the

radiation killed 90,000–166,000 people in Hiroshima and 60,000–80,000 in Nagasaki. Half of

the deaths occurred on the first day... Not only did [the US] not compensate them, but it

continued performing savage medical studies on the survivors. Documentaries on the topic—

many produced by your country—are chilling, and easily compare to the [Ron: Ashken]Nazi

Dr. Mengele. - Roy Tov

Political Information

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Jun 23, 2012 - UK Follows America's Lead by Testing Drones in Civilian Airspace

Phoenix Journals

Jun 23, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 9 & 10.

" I purposely saved this opening copy to allow you to be fresh as you start into a new reading

for it will refer of witchcraft and such as a big "thing". The facts are that most NEW AGE

crafters will draw from the craft in one way or another in chanting, rituals and thus and so. I

have spoken on this subject several times--each time offending many listeners who believe

themselves to simply be reaching "higher consciousness" and other states of ecstasy while

piddling about in something they think to be some sort of magic and without cause for alarm.

The "white" witches, for instance, will say that they are totally in search of fulfilling

goodness. I think you can see by this that is written over and over again and by the fact that

"witches" are honored on Halloween and NOT as holy-goodness participants that it lends one

to realize that there is danger to the moth who flies into and around this particular flame.

Again, it is a practice of spiritual stuff in the most base of PHYSICAL antics. "


Jun 22, 2012 - On the morning of the fourth day

CM thru DS

Click the link above to read the piece. To view in video version click:


Jun 22, 2012 - The Battle is Won

Sanat Kumara thru Candace

Jess Anthony

Jun 22, 2012 - Esu Speaks Publicly on Coming Changes

This is a period of change unlike any the world has witnessed before. The universe itself is

adapting to a new vibrational frequency of energy that brings with it many revelations of

insight into the truth of the Creator's plan.


Click the link above to read the piece. To view in video version



Jun 22, 2012 - Ultimate and Final Words

CM thru Rubens. There was a meeting of the big three a number of days ago, Siraya, the

Ancient of Days and CM. Each has now given a statement. In the case of the Ancient of

Days, all Three were involved in the input. All came to a finality of conclusion. -C


Jun 22, 2012 - The Ancients of Days Speak

Behold cometh the darkness upon your world

The darkness that shall in the end cause the great shining of light

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For those that have found their light, shall come the opportunity to perceive great


For those who made the final rejection shall come the loss of glory and for most, the

lost of who they be, as they are returned to the great uncreated to become again

remade in the light, but not as their former selves

It is but the cycling of the universe. For old to new to old to new, to brighter even

then the last new and so it shall be for those on earth.

After the days of no light, the planet will come forth in the beginning of its new

glory. The Mother has won her great battle.


Jun 22, 2012 - FINALITY

Siraya thru Rubens

True US History

Jun 22, 2012 - Tax cut for Romney's horse; reduction in food stamp for poor

Mitt Romney was allowed a $77,000 write-off(deduction) on his 2010 income for the upkeep

of his horse.

The senate defeated a motion to add back the $4.5 billion for the food stamp (SNAP)

program by 33-66 thereby effecting a $90/month per family reduction - impacting up to

15% of what a family of four receives. - InfiniteThoughts

Political Information

Jun 22, 2012 - David Icke Newsletter Preview: EMBEDDED IN HUMAN DNA ...

True US History

Jun 22, 2012 - Press TV – West Point Caught Teaching Genocide Classes…for 12 Years

Ron: The truth is finally emerging. Given that the whole US military, industrial security

complex is a gigantic criminal enterprise it's just as well that God is finally stepping in to

rectify the situation and bring ALL who are criminally involved in war crimes and crimes

against humanity to justice. Clearly humanity as a whole, let alone Amerikkans, is/are

incapable of doing the job.


Jun 22, 2012 - PJ 40 " DIE BILLIONEN-DOLLAR-Lüge " TEIL 2 - Pdf

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, Übersetzung Melanie Rieder.


Jun 22, 2012 - PJ 09 Die Trommler Satans Kapitel 19 u. 20

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Auszug aus PJ 09 Die Trommler Satans Kapitel 19 u. 20 ACHTUG NICHT FÜR INSTABILE



Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 22, 2012 - Nederlands: Op de Ochtend van de vierde dag.

CM via niet genoemde auteur, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Candace

Jun 22, 2012 - Nederlands: De Strijd is Gewonnen.

Sanat Kumara via Candace, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess

Jun 22, 2012 - Nederlands: Esu spreekt publiekelijk over de Komende Veranderingen.

Jess Anthony, vertaling Lilian A.


Jun 22, 2012 - Heute ist kein guter Tag gewesen, nicht wahr?

S333 / David Righter durch Candace, 22.6.2012 ... v- 22-6-2012


Jun 22, 2012 - En la mañana del cuarto día


Jun 22, 2012 - La Batalla se ha Ganado

Sanat Kumara a través de Candace


Jun 22, 2012 - PJ 39 " DIE BILLIONEN-DOLLAR-Lüge " Pdf

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, Übersetzung Melanie Rieder.



SEPT" ", chapter 21 & 22.

Spirituelle Schätze

Jun 22, 2012 - Ein Brief für alle – für die Zeit der 3 dunklen Tage

von Rosie


Jun 22, 2012 - Future of Construction Process: 3D Concrete Printing

Ron: It seems that 3D printing technology is set to revolutionise building construction as well

as almost everything else including food and body part reproduction, tool making and solar

cell manufacture. Better yet, 3D printing technolgy makes possible the decentralisation of

many industries (other than construction where it could have the reverse effect) thus

overcoming the tyranny created by the centralisation of most activities in our excessively

globalised current society.

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Jun 22, 2012 - Nederlands: Een Brief voor Hen in de Duisternis.

Rosie, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 22, 2012 - Nederlands: 3 Berichten

Siraya thru Rubens, Finaliteit

CM thru Rubens, Ultieme en Laatste Woorden.

Candace, De Ouderen van Dagen spreken.

Vertalingen, Lilian A.

Phoenix Journals

Jun 22, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 7 & 8.

" [H: No, this is not a joke! This is the real potato(e)! Here is an excellent example of

the way to discern TRUTH from a presentation from these anti-Christ One Worlders:

Turn every statement they make into its total opposite--and you will find the truth

within the opposite result. There is a conjured humorous "law" set forth by a Dr.

Galumbos, an astrophysicist who has labeled a theory into The Law of the Bureaucracy

which states: "If the bureaucracy states an intent and moves upon that intent toward a

stated 'goal' the law is that they will produce the EXACT OPPOSITE of that which

they describe". It is worthy of note and attention and all productions from that

resource should be measured by this LAW!] "

True US History

Jun 21, 2012 - BREAKING: "Private Security Companies" in Syria, Supporting Rebels:

Foreign Mercenaries Detained

Ron: Well knock me down with a feather! Christoph R. Hörstel says Syria has captured at

least 200-300 private security company employees and hundreds of foreign military and

service personnel during the last 14 months of foreign terror provocation. Among them are

Portuguese nationals, who are paratroopers – and about whom Syria is asking itself how they

entered the country. During interrogation they claimed to have retired from army duty,

which somehow contradicts in some cases how old they look. Also 40-60 Germans are in

Syrian custody, said the officials. The Germans were caught red-handed on the Syrian

coastline as they were smuggling weapons supplies for the insurgents into Syria.

True US History

Jun 21, 2012 - UN Monitors Spy for Washington

Ron: Today should be the last day we have to report continuing perfidy and crimes against

humanity by the Anglo-Amerikkans, NATO, Mossad and their Ashkenazi masters. So be it.

True US History

Jun 21, 2012 - CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria

For the United States to claim Syria has "failed" to protect it population while

simultaneously fueling the very armed conflict it claims it is seeking to end is not only

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hypocrisy of the highest order, but a crime against world peace - punishable under the

Nuremberg precedent. - Tony Cartalucci [Ron: KNOW also, that these crimes against world

peace and all crimes against humanity however and whenever perpetrated, are crimes against

Divine Law and punishment for them will commmence shortly after the coming Solar Eclipse.

Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)

Jun 21, 2012 - Esu spricht öffentlich über die kommenden Veränderungen

Esu durch Jess - 21.6.2012 - übersetzung Jaya

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 21, 2012 - Am Morgen des vierten Tages

CM durch DS 20.6.2012 Übersetzung Daniela


Jun 21, 2012 - Esu Habla Públicamente Sobre los Cambios Por Venir


Jun 21, 2012 - Palabras Últimas y Finales

CM a través de Rubens

Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)

Jun 21, 2012 - Die Schlacht ist gewonnen

Sanat Kumara durch Candace, 22.6.2012 Übersetzung Eve


Jun 21, 2012 - Los Ancianos de los Días Hablan

He aquí que viene la oscuridad a vuestro mundo

La oscuridad que al fin causará el gran resplandor de la luz.

Para aquellos que han encontrado su luz, vendrá la oportunidad de percibir gran gloria.

Para los que hicieron el rechazo definitivo vendrá la pérdida de la gloria y para la

mayoría, la pérdida de quienes son, ya que vuelven a lo gran increado para volver a ser

rehechos en la luz, pero no como lo que fueron.

No es más que el ciclo del universo. De lo viejo a lo nuevo a lo viejo a lo nuevo, más

brillante incluso que el último nuevo y así será para aquellos en la tierra.

Después de los días sin luz, el planeta saldrá a la luz en el comienzo de su nueva gloria.

La madre ha ganado su gran batalla.


Jun 21, 2012 - FINALIZACIÓN

Siraya a través de Rubens

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Jun 21, 2012 - Message 102: HOW DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?



AND IDEAL FOR SOCIETY SIMULTANEOUSLY. Your situation is very acute: prepare your

minds for change much greater than your minds can imagine. Know that you will learn to

extend yourselves in great leaps and bounds if you are prepared to SURRENDER YOUR



Other Channels

Jun 21, 2012 - Mots ultimes et définitifs

Christ Michael par Rubens, traduction Marie-Louise

Other Channels

Jun 21, 2012 - Les anciens des jours parlent

Messages ciblés

20 juin 2012 - Les anciens des jours parlent

Voici venir l'obscurité sur votre monde

L’obscurité qui, à la fin provoquera le grand éclat de lumière

Pour ceux qui ont trouvé leur lumière, viendra la possibilité de

percevoir une grande gloire.

Pour ceux qui l’ont définitivement rejetée, viendra la perte de la gloire

et pour la plupart, la perte de qui ils sont, car ils retourneront à la grande masse

de ce qui est incréé pour retourner dans la lumière mais plus comme ce qu’ils étaient


Ceci n’est que le cycle de l'univers. Car l'ancien devient nouveau puis ancien

et nouveau encore,

plus lumineux, même alors, au dernier renouveau et il en sera ainsi

pour ceux de la Terre.

Après les jours sans lumière, la planète se trouvera au début de sa gloire nouvelle.

La mère a gagné sa grande bataille.

Other Channels

Jun 21, 2012 - FINALITE

Siraya par Rubens, traduction Marie-Louise

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 21, 2012 - Endgültige und abschließende Worte

Von CM durch Rubens - 21. Juni 2012 - Übersetzung Bernd

Vor ein paar Tagen hat ein Meeting der "Großen 3" stattgefunden, zwischen Siraya, den

Ältesten der Tage und CM. Jeder hat nun sein Statement abgegeben. Im Fall der Ältesten

der Tage waren alle 3 an den Eingaben beteiligt. Alle kamen zu einer endgültigen

Schlußfolgerung. C.

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Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 21, 2012 - Die Ältesten der Tage sprechen

gezielte Botschaft Die Ältesten der Tage sprechen

Seht es kommt die Dunkelheit über Eure Welt

Die Dunkelheit die am Ende das große scheinende Licht hervorbringt.

Für jene, die ihr Licht gefunden haben wird die Gelegenheit kommen die große

Herrlichkeit zu erkennen.

Für jene, die ihre letztendliche Ablehnung getätigt haben wird der Verlust der

Herrlichkeit kommen und für viele der Verlust dessen wer sie sind, wenn sie

zurückkehren in die große Nichtschöpfung, um erneut im Licht wiedererzeugt zu werden,

aber nicht als ihre früheren Selbste.

Es ist nur der Kreislauf des Universums - für das Alte zu Neuen zu altem zu neuem -

um das letzte neue heller zu machen und so wird es für jene auf der Erde geschehen.

Nach den Tagen ohne Licht wird der Planet sich vorwärts bewegen zum Beginn seiner

neuen Herrlichkeit. Die Mutter hat ihren großen Kampf gewonnen.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 21, 2012 - Die Endgültigkeit

Von Siraya durch Rubens - 20. Juni 2012 - Übersetzung Bernd


Jun 21, 2012 - Hinter die MEME sehen

Autor nicht angegeben, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Jun 21, 2012 - Chronicle 2 If you have not seen the first two Video's

by Rubens, look under the section this is posted in for the other two. Enlarge the screen for

more impacton the video and use headphones to listen.


Jun 21, 2012 - PJ 28 " OPERATION SHANSTURM " Pdf

GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, Übersetzung Melanie Rieder.

Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - Discovering Absurdistan The Deterioration of Civil Rights under the

Influence of Wartime Propaganda

Ron: This excellent analysis is sooo depressing. Everyone should read it.

Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - The Melinda Taylor Affair: ICC, Libya, Australia

True US History

Jun 21, 2012 - Wall Street's Protection Racket of Covert Derivatives: JPMorgan

Derivatives Prop Up U.S. Debt

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The derivatives casino itself is just a last-ditch attempt to prop up a private pyramid scheme

in fractional-reserve money creation, one that has progressed over several centuries through

a series of “reserves”—from gold, to Fed-created “base money,” to mortgage-backed

securities, to sovereign debt ostensibly protected with derivatives... If we the people are

funding the banks, we should own them; and our national currency should be issued, not

through banks at interest, but through our own sovereign government.- Ellen Brown

Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - Oh Canada! Imposing Austerity on the World’s Most Resource-rich


Political Information



“I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create

and destroy money. The amount of money in existence varies only with the action of the

banks in increasing or decreasing deposits and bank purchases. We know how this is

effected. Every loan, overdraft or bank purchase creates a deposit, and every repayment of

a loan, overdraft or bank sale destroys a deposit.” - Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna, former

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Political Information



Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - A Mother Confronts The Australian Government About Framing and

Cover-Up in the Schapelle Corby Case

Ron: Why would Schapelle Corby transport marajuana from Australia to Indonesia where

that drug is MUCH cheaper?! Presumably the baggage handlers at Sydney airport made a

mistake and put drugs intended for some Australian destination into her bag. The actions of

the Australian government and mainstream media in this case are despicable. Remember

Schapelle Corby in your prayers. She is a magnificent Star Child taking the load for all of us.

Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - Monsanto Faced with Paying 7.5 Billion Back to Farmers


Jun 21, 2012 - Globalists Switching Gears: Royal Society Lecturer Says CO2 Not

Affecting Earth’s Temperature

Political Information

Jun 21, 2012 - The Futility Of American Elections

Phoenix Journals - PDF



" R. James Woolsey said a Russian "criminal politburo" could emerge as a powerful adversary

with the network and resources to deal in nuclear warheads, while violent drug traffickers

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and other criminal groups are spreading and coordinating activities throughout the world. [H:

Please realize that this is coming forth AND IS VERY IMPORTANT, READERS. This is

actually saying that there is a FACTION which is now in competition with that which

has been totally controlled by the "COMMITTEES" of power up to this point and now is

setting up even stronger "arms" against the traditional power-brokers. You are simply

witnessing a rising-up of one of the "Titans" of power who will be confronting the other

"Titanic" powers that already "be". It is for this focus and confirmation of that which

we have brought you prior to this that causes me to choose to offer this bit of press.]


True US History

Jun 20, 2012 - Financial panic button for younger Americans - Saw 59% Decline in

Net Worth from 2007 to 2010

Over 90 percent of Americans have been crushed through this recession if we examine net

worth data. They have seen their wealth decline from a net worth perspective but also their

incomes have fallen...

“(LA Times) Household heads ages 35 to 44 — the group usually saddled with a mortgage and

college-bound kids — have watched their median net worth slump 59% from before the

recession. It’s the most painful decline among age groups studied by the Census Bureau.

Overall, American net worth took a 35% dive from 2005 to 2010, according to data tables

released Monday.”

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - Israel Mossad & US Collaborate in the Murder of Over 500 Iraqi

Scientists & Academics

Ron: Forgive me for posting an anti-Semitic article...



A letter to distribute during the darkness. Can be used as it is, if appropriate, or

adapted/changed by you, if desired or necessary. Hoping this inspires you to go within in

mediation and come up with the ESSENCE of what you will say to your

friends/family/contacts at that time. As well as asking the Divine Mind for content, ask for

the words/images which will best communicate the essence to your particular audience. -


Other Channels

Jun 20, 2012 - French: Vous avez mis en place, dans votre temps et l'espace Les

mécaniciens de votre côté.

Monka, canal non communiqué, Traduit par Marie-Louise.

Other Channels

Jun 20, 2012 - French: Nous avons brisé vos poignards

CM, canal non indiqué, Traduit par Marie-Louise.

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True US History

Jun 20, 2012 - Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Christ: I have replaced the text with 2 pdf files for easier reading and storage!

1 - Secrets of the Federal Reserve.


True US History

Jun 20, 2012 - Ahmadinejad Did NOT Threaten to "Wipe Israel of the Map Excellent

short you tube on the topic.


Jun 20, 2012 - Wladimir Putin, Erzfeind der Neuen Weltordnung

Sartre, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History

Jun 20, 2012 - Iraq: War Crimes, Lies and Statistics

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - Chemical Countdown: Israel vs. Syria

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - Turkish party: CIA, Mossad responsible for Syria massacres

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - Armed groups in Syria receive weapons from Israel: Reports

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - Google Is Evil

Who gave these new media companies the right to invade our privacy without our permission

or knowledge and then secretly store the data until they can figure out how to profit from it

in the future? That possibility came into sharper focus recently when fed-up European

regulators gave the company an ultimatum — change your lying ways about your

anticompetitive practices in search, online advertising and smartphone software or face the

consequences. - Rory O'Connor

Political Information

Jun 20, 2012 - The golden snitch: how the Globalists stole the Greek election

Roughly speaking, New Democracy and Syriza speak for about 3.4 million voters in Greece.

Yet thanks to the grand bonus pile up, New Democracy bags 129 seats in the Vouli (the state

parliament) while Syriza, which scored statistically close to the same tally of votes won a

measly tally of 72. - Richard Cottrell


Jun 20, 2012 - Silent Spring For Us?

By Others

Jun 20, 2012 - 你们需要释放的仅是耐心 赛若亚通过约翰传递

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True US History

Jun 20, 2012 - Our Enemy, The State


Jun 20, 2012 - Huge mushroom cloud over Beijing sky

Ron: A bad day at the fireworks factory?

Candace: NO. We get these every summer in Colorado during thunderstorm season!

Phoenix Journals

Jun 20, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 5 & 6.

" Part of your own journey responsibility and growth--must be in your own ability to be flexi-

ble, find service needs and fill them no matter what they might be and do so within the

gracious goodness of GOD's expectations. GOD WILL RARELY BE "FAIR" IN THE PERCEP-






Targeted Messages


Targeted message Inside.

Click the link above to read the piece. To view in video version click:

Targeted Messages

Jun 19, 2012 - You have set in place, In your time and space The mechanics of your


Long Target message, see inside.

Click the link above to read the piece. To view in video version


Translations - Jess

Jun 19, 2012 - Italian: Esu parla per Christ Michael Aton

Jess Anthony, traduzione Ben Boux.

Translations - Others

Jun 19, 2012 - Italian: Oggi è il giorno

CM da Johan, traduzione Ben Boux.

Translations - Others

Jun 19, 2012 - Italian: E' diventata una contingenza di secondo per secondo.

Esu, canale non rivelato, traduzione Ben Boux.

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Jun 19, 2012 - I Tried to Ignore it....can you?

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 19, 2012 - Ihr habt in eurer Zeit und eurem Raum die Mechanik eures Endes


Monka, 19.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald K.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 19, 2012 - Wir haben eure Dolche zerbrochen

CM v. 19.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald K.

Books - eBooks

Jun 19, 2012 - THE MESSAGE OF THE DIVINE ILIAD, Vol. 1 & 2, Pdf's.

Dr. Walter Russell, transcribed by Christ.

These are WONDROUS. Walter Russell was a "messiah" or great messenger/teacher of his

times to prepare for this world coming and its still going to be a while before the world will

receive it. This is his Divine Illiad with accompanying teachings to understand. Put these on

your computer. -C

Political Information

Jun 19, 2012 - Media wars - Putin to Obummer: Mess with Syria, and we will hand

you your butt...

Ron: If this report isn't true is SHOULD be. One of the intrinsic truths about life on

Urantia is that IF you do not effectively confront and stop aggression and bad behaviour

YOU ENCOURAGE IT. Similarly, endlessly warning those responsible for bad behaviour that

they must stop or there will be severe consequences becomes a meaningless joke IF the

consequences never seem to eventuate. It is the same with raising children. The one thing

children cannot tolerate is not being given limits and not knowing where the boundaries to

bad behaviour are.

True US History

Jun 19, 2012 - Economic bummer: 6.9 million homes ditch cable TV

Ron: It's a start but progress is painfully slow and mostly due to cost cutting not cord

cutting. And while the masses keep consistently watching any TV, the mind control effects

will persist.

Books - eBooks

Jun 19, 2012 - THE SECRET OF LIGHT, Pdf.

Dr. Walter Russell, transcribed by Christ.

Jesus said, GOD IS LIGHT," and no man of that day knew what he meant. The day is now

here when all men must know what Jesus meant when He said "GOD IS LIGHT".

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For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge yet unrevealed to man. Light is all there is;

it is all we have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is. The purpose of this message

is to tell what it is.

Other Channels

Jun 19, 2012 - Bonne fête des pères

Papa Source par Johan, traduction Marie-Louise



Siraya thru Johan, to Children of the Light, not a target to the dark brothers-C

Other Channels

Jun 19, 2012 - Vous n'avez pas grand chose à perdre si ce n'est votre patience

Siraya par Johan, traduction Marie-Louise

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH

Jun 19, 2012 - Radio Fremantle Interview Urantia book

This radio interview by Ben is of a couple fellows trying to get a UB group going in Western

Australia. They do very well in this!

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 19, 2012 - Nederlands: WIJ HEBBEN UW DOLKEN GEBROKEN.

CM, kanaal NIET gegeven, vertaling Lilian A.




Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 19, 2012 - Ihr habt sehr wenig zu verlieren, ausser eurer Geduld

Von Siraya durch Johan - 18. Juni 2012 – Übersetzung: Harald Kuehn

Political Information

Jun 19, 2012 - The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism!

Ron: Arguably it is a contradiction in terms for anyone to profess Judaism ie Talmudism

and/or the genocidal Torah, and yet maintain that their belief system is compatable with

being a decent human being.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen



SIRAYA via JOHAN, vertaling Lilian A.

Health and Nutrition

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Jun 19, 2012 - Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated


Political Information


'... treasonously mandated imposed Zionist legislation making it a criminal offense to deny or

even play down the so-called “Jewish Holocaust.” Anyone in Germany who publicly denies the

propagandistic narrative upon which the terrorist state of Israel was established or

questions any one of the many anomalies extant in the doctrine of official “history,” faces a

maximum penalty of five years in jail. Indeed, two German scholars, Ernst Zundel and Germar

Rudolf were illegally abducted from the United States and imprisoned for presenting

scientific evidence that a phenomenal hoax called the “Jewish Holocaust” had taken place.

Zundel’s lawyer, Sylvia Stolz, was herself imprisoned for three years in January of 2008

simply for presenting supportive evidence on behalf of her client.' [Ron: When is this shit

gonna STOP?! How bloody "nigh" is the demise of the Jewish domination of the other seven

billion people on this planet?!].

Political Information

Jun 19, 2012 - Game Over - Top German State Atty Backs Mike James, Jews Silent

Ron: A letter from a great light warrior.

True US History

Jun 19, 2012 - Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"


Jun 19, 2012 - Controversial Artifacts No One Wants To Examine Thoroughly - Is

There Something We Are Afraid Of Discovering?

Political Information

Jun 19, 2012 - Forget The Election Results - Greece Is Still Doomed And So Is The

Rest Of Europe

Sadly, it is not only Greece that is doomed.

The truth is that all of Europe is doomed, and when Europe falls the entire globe is going to

feel it. So get ready for the hard times that are coming. The pain is going to be immense and

most people are not even going to see it coming. - Michael Snyder

True US History

Jun 19, 2012 - Profiting From Prisons – American Teens Jailed for Having Sex or

Being Late to School

Ron: Don'tcha just luv welfare government? And its use of force and violence is great too,

don'tcha reckon? I mean who would want to live a sovereign, independent and self-

responsible life in a community of similar souls? Much better to have Big Brother and a pack

of bureaucrat, judicial and thugTARDS do it for you. “The U.S. locks up children at more

than six times the rate of all other developed nations. [with] over 60,000 average daily

juvenile lockups,….. “

Political Information

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Jun 19, 2012 - Proposed international trade rules would give corporations the power to

overrule governments

Political Information

Jun 19, 2012 - Associated Press caught lying about water fluoridation

Phoenix Journals

Jun 19, 2012 - PJ #93 " CRIMINAL POLITBUROS AND OTHER PLAGUES ", chapter

13 & 14, final.

" My husband, Gunther Russbacher v. Esterhaszy, was just arrested at the airport in Wien. I

don't know the reasons, other than traveling without documents. If he is detained without

medical care, I fear he will DIE. He fled the United States to Austria to GET medical care!!!

It is our belief that if he stayed in the United States he would be killed.

Two weeks ago, the Mossad dispatched six agents from Tel Aviv to kill him. I watched them

burn to death in front of me. They were killed by agents within the CIA. One week ago, Tel

Aviv dispatched seven more agents. My husband, my mother and I went into hiding. On

Friday, the 25th of March, we were told by friends within U.S. government agencies that it

was safe for my mother and I to return home, but that Gunther was still in danger. He went

into hiding with several friends. "

Political Information

Jun 18, 2012 - The Forbidden History of Unpopular People

Ron: Chris Field talks a good game. Well worth a watch. BUT he "freely" tells us that

Churchill warned that Hitler was gonna start a war whereas the truth was that Churchill was

a go'fe for the Rothschilds and was spruiking for the Jews who were organising for Britain,

France, the US and the Soviet Union (all of which were secretly controlled by Jews) to make

war on Germany and Japan because both of those nations refused to allow a Rothschilds

controlled Central Bank to impoverish and enslave their peoples. The Jews are still doing it:

Just ask the Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans and Iranians. Frankly Chris would be more helpful if he

told it like it is. Churchill wasn't courageous, he was a coward who fomented WWII in return

for money, power and fame bestowed on him by Jews. And Chris' gratuituous Gestapo

reference fits nicely with the way he DOES NOT sheet home to the Jews this latest

initiative by Finglesteen to further control Australian media and internet "speech". When

throwing in a gratuituous reference to the Gestapo, Chris could have noted that vilification

and hate speech laws are foisted on Anglo-US society by Jews. Simlarly, he could have noted

that it is no accident that the Finglesteen Report recommends that a News Media Council be

established to dictate what can and cannoot be said in the media including the internet.


Jun 18, 2012 - Keshe Space Exploration and habitation systems

Ron: Do yourself a favour and read about the Keshe Foundation and what it plans to help

humanity to achieve. We should have had use of much of this, or similar, technology almost a

century ago but the Jew banksters (notably J P Morgan and his Rothschild masters) and

plutocrats suppressed Nikola Tesla's inventions and appropriated his and all similar

technologies for Black Ops and private use by the Jewish global matrix controllers.


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Jun 18, 2012 - FREEDOM PROJECT: M T KESHE ~ Transfer of Keshe Foundation

Know-how to world governments

Ron: DISCLOSURE has occurred Pilgrims, it's just that world governments and the global

mainstream media haven't bothered to mention it.


Jun 18, 2012 - PATIENCE: The story of Global Villager 76 from Sudan

Questions to ask yourselves in relation to this sotry: In what way are your senses “dulled”?

Does your inability to set a large goal lie in the failure to see that it consists of many small

steps? Given that any dream can be achieved by a gradual step-by-step approach, what will

you do next?

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 18, 2012 - Nederlands: Gelukkige Vaderdag

Papa Bron via Johan, vertaling Lilian A.

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 18, 2012 - Nederlands: Gerichte Boodschappen aan Duistere Broeders.

?, vertaling Lilian A.

Targeted Messages







2:00 UTC June 18








2 :00 UTC le 18 juin


Jun 18, 2012 - US Presidential Decree and Keshe Foundation response

Ron: Arguably humanity IS doing the work needed to evolve. The issue is will the psychopaths

controlling our world allow a peaceful transition into Galactic society or will they continue

their attempt to destroy what they cannot control. Or, as Mehran Tavakoli Keshe puts it:

'Oh men of ignorance, with what language shall I speak that all will carry the love of the

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creator and beware of harming others and yourself. I hope that you will be wise enough and

learn from the mistakes of the past so that you will be able to carry this cup of knowledge

and peace with you into the new realm of creation.'


Jun 18, 2012 - French: DEMANDEZ

KiboDabi, traduit par Marie-Louise.


Jun 18, 2012 - Dr. Mercola on Mobile Phones

the biological impact of your cell phone is not related to its power, which is quite weak, but

rather to the erratic nature of its signal and its ability to disrupt resonance and interfere

with DNA repair... the most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within

about six inches of the emitting antenna. You do not want any part of your body within that

proximity.- Dr Davis

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - Who Will Lead After Ron Paul?

No matter who gets elected, nothing will change: It just gets worse... only with a christ

centred America can the power of Jewry be destroyed.- Br Nathanael Kapner This 3' 10"

video was published on Jun 17, 2012 by zionget:

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - The Technocratization of Public Education

State sanctioned education in the United States has become a type of task-oriented

training, quite apart from what education once involved--the cultivation of the human will and

intellect. Children in most public schools today receive this type of conditioning, while the

more affluent often send their offspring to private institutions or home school. What passes

for education today is to a significant degree the legacy of late-nineteenth-to-early-

twentieth century German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt and the Rockefeller family's

philanthropic project. - Prof. James F. Tracy


Jun 18, 2012 - Samen des Zweifels: Brasilianische Bauern verklagen Monsanto

Russia Today, Übersetzung Remo Santini

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - WHO OWNS THE US MEDIA?

“NOT A SINGLE NEWS ITEM will reach the public without our control,” states the

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

“Even now this is attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies

whose offices are entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them,” the

Protocols continue. - Br. Nathanael Kapner

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Jun 18, 2012 - Swifts live up to their name – project records them flying 3,000 miles

in five days

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship

Ron: Sooo, humanity waits in trepidation and cannot be saved unless and until the US and

NATO finally get around to bombing Syria and starting WWIII? I sometimes wonder why

the psychopaths have the rght to decide everything.

Political Information

Jun 18, 2012 - Telling the Truth About Israel in France

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - Obama Honors Israel’s N-Bomb

True US History

Jun 18, 2012 - JPMorgan Chase on Capitol Hill

Health and Nutrition

Jun 18, 2012 - Big Pharma Continues Drug Experiments in Underdeveloped Nations for


Phoenix Journals

Jun 18, 2012 - PJ #95 " HEAVE-UP ", chapter 7 & 8.

Political Information

Jun 17, 2012 - Seeing Past The Meme

The meme is an illusion. To participate with your own enslavement is either an act of insanity

or ignorance. The system is dependant on our belief that it is real. You only validate the

authority of that which you protest against. The meme cannot survive if we choose to simply

walk away and write our own script. The key to our freedom is peaceful mass non compliance.

Candace: Ron had the wrong link, the film did not match the transcript. I fixed that, and am

redating this so you can watch the one that matches. I invite you to do so, we have covered

the concept of the meme before in our world, and man is caught up a mess of them. It is

time to write yourself out of them.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 17, 2012 - Frohen Vatertag

Papa Source durch Johan, 17.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 17, 2012 - Gezielte Botschaften Nah ist die Zeit / Die Versammlung beginnt

Esu, 17.6.2012 Übersetzung Peter

Targeted Messages

Jun 17, 2012 - Nigh is the Time

Nigh is the Time-Esu

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given at 4 UTC June 17.


Jun 17, 2012 - Expressing your Ideas

Glenn from the AH Forum


Jun 17, 2012 - The Thing Is........

Another of Kibo's wondrous writings.... all about the thing....Kibo's Thing, Your thing, my

thing, John Doe's thing.....

Ok, note added INSIDE this at bottom since posting


Jun 17, 2012 - Nikola Tesla's Wireless Electric Automobile Explained

Tesla took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an 80-

horsepower alternating-current (AC) electric motor with no external power source. At a local

radio supply shop he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires and assorted resistors, and

assembled them in a circuit box 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high, with a pair

of 3-inch rods sticking out. Getting into the car with the circuit box in the front seat beside

him, he pushed the rods in, announced, “We now have power,” and proceeded to test drive

the car for a full week, often at speeds of up to 90 mph. His car was never plugged into any

electrical receptacle for a recharge. As it was an alternating-current motor and there were

no batteries involved, where did the power come from? - Zach Royer


Jun 17, 2012 - Happy Father's Day

Papa Source thru Johan

Political Information

Jun 17, 2012 - Home visits urged for checks on kids

Ron: At this rate there won't be another generation for Star Fleet to save if it doesn't

overcome its shyness "soon".

True US History

Jun 17, 2012 - A Response to: When The Derivatives Market Crashes (And It Will)

U.S. Taxpayers Will Be On The Hook

Ron: Who says the Irish don't know a hawk from a handsaw?!

Political Information

Jun 17, 2012 - When The Derivatives Market Crashes (And It Will) U.S. Taxpayers

Will Be On The Hook


Jun 17, 2012 - AH Sunday Meditation Invitation,June17, 2012

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen

Jun 17, 2012 - Nederlands: AH Zondag Meditatie Uitnodiging.

Johan/CM, vertaling Lilian A.

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Political Information

Jun 17, 2012 - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Fission, Central

Banking, War

Mix in the perpetual debt machine of Rothschild-controlled central banking (Bankula), and if

the biosphere functions long enough, inevitably, Bankula will own everything from the

ionosphere to the Mariana trench. The whole planet. It’s all been set up that way, plans laid

long ago, executed over centuries. Before 9/11, of the 196 nations on Earth, only

Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran were not in Bankula’s fold.

Recent imperialistic wars of aggression, along with “humanitarian interventions” (R2P

stratospheric hypocrisy) have carved that number down from seven, to three: Iran, North

Korea, Cuba. Bankula’s “earth box” is in the City of London, a sanctum not even The Queen

may visit without permission... the Federal Reserve, a private, for-profit corporation serving

the elite global banking cartel. For creating our “money” from nothing, then loaning it to

us...interest paid to the “Fed” on outstanding debt, for fiscal year 2011 alone was:



Jun 17, 2012 - Meditation Visions 99 – 101, June 2012





Jun 17, 2012 - FRAGT

von Kibo aus seinem Blog deutsche Übersetzung Harald Kühn 6.6.2012


Jun 17, 2012 - Die Showbusiness-Analogie

Aus Kibo's Blog Übersetzung Harald K. Vorwort von Peter 23.5.2012


Jun 17, 2012 - Schmetterlinge und Drachen fliegen - und Schiffe wie Sterne

erleuchten den Himmel

Kibo, 13.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)

Jun 17, 2012 - Botschaft 101 Die Pedale in der Luft treten....

Rosie und Seraphin, 11.6.2012 Übersetzung HaraldZ


Jun 17, 2012 - Ich an Ich I2I

Kibo, 14.6.2012 Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information

Jun 17, 2012 - Russia will confront any US-led attack on Syria: Webster Tarpley

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among other things Webster Tapley says Putin has ordered preparations for two Russian

divisions, a paratroop division and an infantry division to be ready to go to Syria, if invited.

This needs to be understood in conjunction with Thierry Meyssan's article 'NATO preparing

vast disinformation campaign' at:


True US History

Jun 17, 2012 - US Attempting to Trigger Full Proxy War in Syria

True US History

Jun 17, 2012 - Dead Horse Wisdom

True US History

Jun 17, 2012 - The Pentagon's Last Frontier: Battle-Hardened Troops Headed To


In April 1,200 U.S. Marines led the annual bilateral African Lion exercise in Morocco. When

AFRICOM achieved full operational capability on October 1, 2008 it became the first U.S.

overseas regional military command established after the Cold War (since U.S. Central

Command was created in 1983). Washington, in its plan to achieve military presence

throughout and superiority over the rest of the world, reserved Africa for last. Now its

hour, too, has arrived. - Rick Rozoff

Phoenix Journals

Jun 17, 2012 - PJ #94 " WINGING IT….. ", chapter 3 & 4.


by Ronn Jackson


Jun 16, 2012 - Invitación a la Meditación Dominical de AH, domingo 17 de junio del


Targeted Messages

Jun 16, 2012 - It is Done Dark Brothers

I sent a message for AH readers 2 hours ago. This one is for the dark

brothers. You have no ability to make your way to underground areas. It serves you

not at this time. We are the ones in charge, I remind you once again and not your

selves. It is done dark brothers, it is done. Esu.

Targeted Messages

Jun 16, 2012 - The Gathering Is Upon You

The gathering is upon you, dear ones! We have warned, warned, and warned again and

again. We have said soon, soon, and soon again and again. We are through warning about

soon. The time is now. Be ready for at any moment the signal can sound. Clear your mind's

and heart's ears to be able to hear with clarity.-Esu
