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How to do more SEO by doing less?

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Search Engine Optimization is being broad with everyday! Every business owners are having a team for Search Engine Optimization. When you are sleeping your competitors are working! So what should you do? How became successful with minimum effort and investment?

In this white paper, I am thinking I should talk more to reduce the stuffs. No doubt Search Engine Optimization is essential but in the era of eminence I would say to work with shrewdly, and use Pareto Principle for your SEO stuffs.

Let’s talk what are the essential points to do more SEO by doing less.

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Build a great


Search Engine Optimization is something about the user experiences in now days. Build the Great websites with high quality Content. Now the question is how to build a website? Well, few points are listed down, and I hope these will help you.

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Make it responsive: Responsive websites are the need of the time. Mobile has become the sell place. So make sure your website should work for every platform.

Navigation should Be clear: Clear navigation always helps users to travel one place to another; Navigation should be clear and easy.

Use Proper Color combination: The Color Combinations should be based on the audience. It should be eye catching

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Work with the


Content is something which represents the brand, work with the content (it could be graphics, Videos, Text, PDF slide shares). Make it sharable and reach to your

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audience. A striking and useful content always gets the natural shares, and it eventually enhances the number of links.

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Optimize the

Landing pages

Landing page optimization is the key of any successful Business. A landing page should have the main heading, content part, information collection, CTA and offers. Apart from these a Landing page should be optimize for the users. Make it attractive, Put the real information, and convince the users to perform the operation. Few things are listed downside where you should focus

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1. Title optimization

2. Page description

3. Heading Tag Optimizations

4. Image Optimization

• Size of image

• Alt attribute

• Format Of Image

1. Content Optimization

2. Use Bold, Italic and underlines

3. Outbound Links Optimization

4. Internal Links distribution

5. Remove Duplicate content or use Canonicalization

6. Page structure

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Speed Up the website

Download time is an important part of user experience. As a user hate waiting long for a piece of information. Website visitors tend to care more about speed than another thing we want to add to our websites. Page loading time is becoming a

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more important factor when it comes to search engine rankings. Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions.

Where to check the Speed?

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URL structure

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Moz has written in details about the URL structure, how URL Structure should be.

1. Use hyphens to separate words when necessary for readability. They should not use underscores, spaces, or any other characters to separate words. Overuse of hyphens in URLs can be seen as spammy, so it’s best to use caution and limit hyphen use in URLs when possible.

2. Never be longer than 2,048 characters; otherwise Internet Explorer won’t be able to load the page.

3. Avoid the use of parameters, if possible. If parameters need to be used, they should be limited to two or less.

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Submit the sitemap

Create the Sitemap for your Users (html) as well as for Robots (xml). Google is friendly with xml sitemaps and it is the fastest method for indexing. After Creating your sitemap upload it into the Google webmaster.

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Use structured data :

Structured data has designed to give sense to the search results. Structured data normally appears in SERPs.

Google is friendly with microdata, but there are two other acceptable.. Structured Data Markup Helpera tool from Google can show you how to add microdata to your site.

Microdata (recommended)



Remove Broken Links

Do not ignore the broken links at your webpage. These broken links will not only effect on the ranking but also effect on the reputation of your website and the trust. There are several tools which can help you to identify on site errors, few of them are listed down.

1. SEO tool Kit

2. Website auditor

3. Broken Link Checker

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Do branding instead of

Link building

There is a misconception about SEO, people are still building links for their domains! Well I would recommend doing the branding Instead of focusing on link building.

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Google is working hard to make the internet spam free, and if you are still in link building, I would say it is not very far that your website get punished.

Build Public relations

Public relations are something which pays for long. Communicate with your followers, listeners and with those who are appreciating your efforts.

How to build Public Relations?

1. Talk to your followers

2. Connect with the Geeks

3. Take interviews

4. Write PRs

5. Talk about the growing trends

Get subscribers

The rate of returning visitors is one of the most important indicators of a great website. People use to revisit a website only if they like it, and if you are getting returning visitors at your website it usually means that the website is doing something good. To engage your audience, I would suggest using the subscriber forms so that your users can be in relay.

Use Long tail keywords:

Long tail Keywords produces higher conversion rate and high return on Investments although they are not trendy.

So How to get the Log Keywords:

1. There are several tools available on internet by which one can easily track the Long tail keywords.

2. Apart from these tools you can use Auto suggest from Google

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3. Look For Related search results

Control the Out Bound links :

Probably your website can have few outbound links. Check them and optimize them. (Use rel=”Nofollow”)

Response Code Optimization

Sometime it can happen that your website may return an error. (4xx, 5xx,). Optimize these errors for UX.

Keep Blogging :

Keep writing blogs about your product, services and the recent trends. This will not only help you to enhance the SERP but also drive the unique traffic and will help you in branding.

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Build Links Intelligentl


Finally I would say that link building is not dead yet, but of course the spam links are dead. If you are working for Linkbuilding, try to build the links with quality.

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What you should follow when you are building links ?

I) Links should be related

II) It should not be paid

III) Don’t ignore the No-follow Links

IV) Use proper content

V) Ignore the spam websites

VI) Do not do Forums and blog comments (Until it is not related)

VII) Go social

VIII) Do articles

IX) Share White papers

X) Take interviews

XI) Check broken Links

XII) Reverse engineering

I hope this article is going to help you, No matter if you are a website owner or a digital Marketing expert! If you like the article please shares it with other too. If I am missing anything please feel free to write us. Absolutely, I will add those points too. Thank you for your time and reading this article. You are the source, why I am writing! I would thank to all of my readers who are reading me.
