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How to Build a Powerful Email List (and Use it to Generate Consistent Daily Profits)

Presented by: Anik Singal

Hosted by: Jay Boyer


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© Copyright 2016 JJ Fast Publishing. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.


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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4

My $10 Million Journey ....................................................................................... 13

The 5-Steps to Profitable Email Marketing ........................................................... 21

Are You Ready For Success? ................................................................................. 31

Case Study #1: Making Money with the T.Y.P. Method ..................................... 32

Case Study #2: Making Money with Manual Mailings ....................................... 33

Introducing: Inbox Blueprint ................................................................................ 35

Questions & Answers ........................................................................................... 51


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Anik Singal, Founder & CEO of Lurn, Inc., is so excited to share 3 business strategies with you

today that you can leverage in order to start generating consistent daily income online. Some

of his students have used these very same strategies to generate $10,000 a month (or more)

within a very short period of time. Specifically, here’s what’s going to be covered in this


My Success & Failure – A Jaw-Dropping Story

The Quickest Business Model to Launch

Live Demo: $200,000 Software

The original presentation of this material began with Anik sharing his eye-opening “$10 Million

Story”. He shared the ONE online business that brought him from zero to $10 million+ a year,

only to completely crash, but this same business model saved his business. He made a stupid

mistake, and he wants to make sure that you never do the same. You’re going to leave today

with the simplest model, but there are a lot of lessons to be learned, so make sure you pay

close attention.


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It's likely that you’re just here to learn the steps it takes to build an online marketing business,

and that’s completely understandable. However, the core of what you really want is to have

success. You want your dreams to finally be able to come through, and you’re looking to

achieve that financial breakthrough you’ve been looking for. People always say that money

doesn’t buy happiness, and for the most part, this is true. It sure as heck doesn’t hurt though,

and it definitely makes things easier. You want to make more money, and there’s nothing

wrong with that.

Let’s begin first by looking at the idea of dedication and that of motivation. Think about the

prospect of wanting to succeed so bad that it becomes a passion. Anik loves to communicate

with his student, and meet them when he runs into them. He feels very thankful that he can do

that, but at the same time, a lot of what he has heard over and over are complaints. People

always seem to have reasons why they can’t succeed. Anik understands this because he’s been

there himself, but at the same time, you’re not serving yourself well when you have this


Anik wants to see you inspired, and he wants you to tell yourself, “I’m going to make it happen

no matter what. You’ve got to have that level of dedication and yearning for whatever it is

you’re trying to achieve. When he first got his start, there were “no shortage of people” in

Anik’s life telling him that he couldn’t achieve his dreams. Do you have that “someone” in your

life that may impact you, but does so negatively? It could be your spouse, it could be your

spouse, it could be your closest uncle, or it could even be your kids. If you have these people in

our life, it’s okay. They probably really are just trying to look out for you; they just don’t know

what damage they are creating.

You don’t have to shut these types of people out of your life. Instead of making what they tell

you bring you down, turn that emotion into fuel. Make it inspire you and drive you even more.

Anik got his start when he was still in college, and not only did he have everyone in the world

telling him he’d never make it, he didn’t have really any leaders to follow, or any technical skills,

or even much experience to go on. He basically had to have faith in what he was doing and the

belief that it was going to work.

You hear stories all of the time of people that were able to start their own business, even

though they were living in a car and hardly had a dime to their name. Anik only had $100 when

he started his business, but he did have food on the table and a roof over his head. He had a

great father that provided for him. His father was very diligent and had a desire for success.

Imagine the things that have stopped you in your life. Anik’s father didn’t have electricity

where he grew up, but he wanted to be an engineer, so he would study underneath a

lamppost. He didn’t let anything stop him.


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There are all kinds of stories in the world about people who succeeded in spite having great

obstacles in their lives. For one thing, there’s no replacement for hard work. There’s also no

replacement for having positive beliefs and an open mind. So, as you go through this training

material today, Anik only asks that you have faith, trust, and an open mind. Finally, he wants

you to take action. That’s the biggest thing. You’ll likely see many obstacles along the way, but

you can fight through them all.

Anik has been doing what he does for 13 years now. He wasn’t born to do this though. He

didn’t know anything about technology or being an entrepreneur when he started out. During

school, he thought he was going to end up being a doctor because there were doctors in his

family, and those were the people who got the most praise. So, he started to go to school to

become a doctor, but he quickly realized that wasn’t for him. Have you ever been in a place in

your life where you were tired and fed up, and you decided that you just couldn’t do what you

were doing anymore.

According to Anik, he was that kid that was always hustling to sell giftwrapping paper to his

neighbors. He wasn’t just the kid with the lemonade stand; he was the one who was paying his

friends to run the lemonade stand. The point is that entrepreneurship was always important to

him. Let’s talk for a moment about what it takes to be successful. It’s not just about money,

and it really can’t be just about money.


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Again, Anik’s father is his hero and role model. He is pictured with his father in the screenshot

above. One of the things that Anik always wanted to do was propel their family name further.

This is an example of how you need more than just money to motivate you. You’ve got to want

more. Anik also says that he and his wife are extremely passionate about building schools.

They want to do this for kids all over the world, and in fact, their goal is to impact the lives of

over a million of the world’s children who live in poverty. They already started four schools,

and one of them is near India. These aren’t just any schools either; they are five-star facilities

for these kids.

Anik and his wife are building four more this year, and they just adopted an orphanage school

for the blind in Napal. They also adopted another school which caters to children who are HIV

positive, which have been shunned from other schools. Anik says that sometimes it gets tough

and they have hard days, it’s missions like this that keep him and his wife going. It’s not money.

That’s why you have to have a bigger dream. You’ve got to have a goal that compels you.

When Anik first started, he failed for 18 months. He says that his goal was to, “Create my own

destiny.” He had no resources, no tools, no income workshop, no books to read, and no

systems to follow. You’re really pretty fortunate to have what you have today. Back then, Anik

spent countless hours in forums, and every time he thought he had something figured out, it

ended up that he didn’t. He probably could have made more money working at McDonald’s

than what he was doing at the time, but it was the desire that he had that kept him going.

For 18 months, Anik spent every penny that he had, and yet, he kept at it. That’s the kind of

relentlessness that you will need to have too. It’s no secret that you have to be fighter to get

what you want out of this world, but you also have to know exactly what you’re fighting for.

Here are some examples of people that have had great success, even though they started with

nothing/no advantage, and yet were able to achieve their goals with hard work, diligence, and a


Steve Jobs: Changed the way in which we communicate today. His system revolved

around technology.

Michael Phelps: Greatest all-time Olympian swimmer. His system was athletics as it

related to swimming, specifically.

Warren Buffett: Billionaire investor. He started with nothing and is now one of the

richest men alive, and he followed a system of investing and nothing else.

Oprah Winfrey: The Queen of Television. Her system is self-help and personal



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These people found profound success by following their own systems. Of course, you can’t

really copy their systems, but the screenshot above some people whose systems you can copy.

They include:

Anik Singal

Jimmy Kim

Fred Lam

Willie Laney

Zane, Kane, Sean May

Dr. Ted

The list goes on…

They all used a system that you can start copying today, and that’s exactly what you’re going to

get out of reviewing this material today: The Exact 5 Steps!

You need two things in order to make this work. You’re being given this 5-step system today,

and you’ll be able to run with it as soon as you finish reviewing this material. Secondly, you

need to learn about an investment that Anik made on some amazing automation software.


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This cost him over $200,000, and it took him and his team over 14 months to create it. Why

was this software worth so much time and money? It’s because this software gives you the

ability to build your business in 60 minutes or less.

Anik sent 18 emails over 12-days and was able to generate $1,103,086 in pure net profit. The

screenshot below shows a time period of over 4 months, but that’s only because there was a

payment plan. He only worked for 12 days. Now, remember, he has been doing this sort of

thing for 13 years. He’s not promising that you’re going to wake up tomorrow and make over a

million dollars in just a couple of weeks, but what if you could just do 1% of that in a week or



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Email marketing isn’t just good for promoting other people’s products. The results shown

above displays the profits Anik was able to grow after launching one of his own products. As

you can see, he was able to generate over $11.6 million, and that’s completely through email

marketing. Keep in mind that Anik’s not claiming or making promises that you will make any

money with his system whatsoever. He is just trying to help you understand what is possible

and just how powerful email marketing really is.

These same strategies have allowed Anik to be featured on and included in some of the best

magazines in the world, such as Business Week. They rated Anik as one of the “Top

Entrepreneurs Under 25”. Just last year, he did an event with over 700 people. He even had

the honor of meeting his child role model, Robert Kiyosaki. His book was the first Anik ever

owned, and Robert even said, on video, that Anik was the future of entrepreneurship training.

“It was truly an honor,” Anik said. Then, finally, he was able to meet his idol, Richard Branson,

as well. You can Anik picture with him at the bottom-right of the screenshot below.

All of this was possible for Anik because of the email marketing strategies that he’s been able to

master. He’s been able to train thousands of students from all around the world. Anik wants to

share his system with you too, and you’re going to enjoy this because you are about to walk

away with an awesome amount of power. So, let’s get started.


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It’s not enough that you just get an education. You have to be ready to take action. Start

implanting what you are being given right away. To begin, let’s take a look at the 3 students

that you’ll be learning about today. The man to the far left in the screenshot above is named

Fred Lam. He has been able to generate millions of dollars online in the last year and a half or

so. The one in the middle is Zane Baker. English isn’t even his first language. He’s the best

example of the American dream you can think of. He actually escaped from Baghdad five years

ago, came to America, and he struggled until he found Inbox Blueprint.


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Last but not least, Jimmy Kim is shown to the far right. He also got his start with something as

simple as email marketing. All three of these men are going to share exactly what they did to

become successful, and you’re going to be able to utilize the information you are given right

away. So, make sure you stick around to read about their stories.

Before moving forward, it’s important that you understand that this isn’t a “get rich quick”

scheme. You’re going to see lots of examples, and Anik isn’t trying to make you think that you’ll

wake up tomorrow morning and start having the kinds of results you’re being shown herein.

Just like any other real business, this is going to require time, dedication, and attention. You

are going to have hard days, but those at Lurn Nation will be there to support you through all of

it. The results that people get are never the same for each and every person because everyone

comes from a different place.

The #1 question that people ask Anik is, “How long will I take to make money?” He couldn’t

possibly answer that question. He doesn’t know you. He doesn’t know your level of

experience, what niche you’re going to go into, or how much time you’re going to put in. Most

importantly, he doesn’t know how hard you’re going to work at this. If you are dead serious

about this, the team is willing to work with students who are prepared to give their best for a

matter of 60 days. Anik truly believes that if you can give him and his team a full 60 days and

be completely committed, they will be able to help you achieve success.

Remember, you’re going to get the tools, the training, the coaching, and the hand holding. The

team is committed to providing you with everything you might need. At the end of the day,

however, it’s all going to be up to you and the action that you take. There are no guarantees

though. Only hard work will get you there, and you’ll need to take ownership over your own



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My $10 Million Journey

Throughout this section of the training, Anik will be showing you why and email business is

what you’ve been waiting for. As previously mentioned, when Anik first got is start, he

struggled for months and months. He did everything that he possible could, and he was almost

ready to give up. He even announced in the forum that he was on day after day that he had

tried everything, and in one more hour and he was going to give up. Have you ever felt this way

before, where you try and you try but nothing ever seems to break through? Well, some angel

in the forum, a man that he never talked to again after this, messaged him and said:

“You know what, kid? I’ve been watching you for a while, and I don’t want you to quit. Now,

I’m not one to teach or to give away things to people, but I want to give you enough to get

started. From there, you can figure out the rest.”

In other words, the guy pretty much said the he couldn’t bear to watch Anik quit, so he’s

decided to give him just enough to make him keep moving forward. He ended up giving Anik a

super-simple system, and he asked him to focus on just doing this one thing for the next 24

hours. He didn’t know how to build any pages or anything like that at first, but in spite of that,

he followed this man’s instructions to the letter, and before he knew it, he made his first $320.


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In fact, he generated this amount his very first night! Over that initial 30-day time period, he

went on to make over $10,000.

Anik finally dialed it in, and what he realized was that out of all of the things that he had tried to

do to make money, the very simplest of systems that was shared with him was what he was

supposed to have been doing. The entire time, he had been making a big mistake though. This

guy had laid out a big trap for Anik, and he admits that he fell right into it. He made a massive

mistake that cost him a ton of money, and today Anik is going to share this with you so that you

don’t make the same one.

Email blew Anik’s business up in such a great way, and you will soon know why. First, let’s go

over how Anik was able to make this $10,000 online. To start with, you need traffic. You have

to have traffic to your offer. This is essential to whatever business model you are using. There

are tons of different ways you could go about getting visitors, and you’ve probably heard them

all. There’s:







There are just so many options, and after a while, you become overwhelmed, not knowing what

you’re supposed to do. Well, you don’t have to worry about this today. You’re going to be

given the #1 source of traffic that Anik uses and his students have had the most success with.

Anyway, the guy in the forum had told Anik to drive his traffic to a 1-page website, and there

they find a review of a product which is a few paragraphs long. Now, back then Anik was trying

to market some software. After the paragraphs of review, Anik was to give the visitor a link to

click, and they would end up on a website for the software.

A cool thing about this software was that the company selling it was offering a 75% commission

for affiliate sales. In other words, Anik knew that if he could just get a handful of people to buy

it, he would make great amounts of money. Before he had tried to get traffic directly to the

website of the software, but after he placed this one-page website in the middle of the process,


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and started sending traffic to it, he began making money. That’s how Anik was able to make his

first $10,000 online.

Well, when you send 100 people to a page, maybe two or three of them will go ahead and buy,

typically. So, what happens to the other 97 or 98 people? You lose them for good. So, all you

really end up with is a simple arbitrage business. It took Anik a while, but he did figure out a

quick little change, but actually, it was a mistake. You see, the way that this stranger in the

forum taught him to do this only allowed him one chance to make money. He was always

needing new traffic.

Now, imagine a guy sitting in a room, and every day you give him $1 and he gives you $2.

That’s not a bad deal at all, especially if you can do this each and every day. But, what if you

walk in one day and he’s not sitting there? That’s the problem with arbitrage; you have to

always bring in more traffic. What if Google steals this person from you? That’s what

happened to Anik, essentially.

Anik went out and created tons of review pages for all types of products in an assortment of

different niches. Eventually, he expanded his traffic to Google. This wasn’t his #1 source of

traffic, even back then, but he really started crushing it online. Then, one day Anik woke up,

and his Google account was shut down. All of the income that he had been generating was

gone over night. To this day, he has no idea why they shut it down. The only conclusion he

could come to was that they just didn’t want his account anymore.

Obviously, this was earthshattering, but Anik still didn’t give up. That day he realized that it was

his own fault because he wasn’t building an asset. He wasn’t building anything of value. Today,

Anik has a business of his own, with its own email list, and he could sell this tomorrow if he

wanted to or he could pass it down to future generations. You’ll want to do the same with your

business. Not only did he learn how to build a lasting business from this very serious mistake,

but he also changed his model up a bit, which eventually led to a 100%-500% instant growth.


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The screenshot above depicts the business model Anik was using when he made his first

$100,000 a month online. He still pretty much kept to his #1 traffic source, although he may

have added a few more. This traffic was still being sent to a one-page site with this new model,

but this time, he sent people to an opt-in page from there. This allowed him to capture

people’s email addresses. Nowadays, it’s super-easy to build an opt-in page, in case you don’t

know how, and during this presentation, this will be covered as well.

This was an incredibly valuable change that Anik made. What it meant was that instead of just

having two or three people to click through, he was now getting 40 or 50 people to do so. On

top of that, he didn’t have to keep getting new traffic. Once people visited the lander and

opted in, then and only them, would he send them to the website where they could buy the

product. The only real difference was that now he had a database of people that he could

market to again and again. You see, when you do this, you own your own database. Google

can’t take it away from you, and no one else can either.

This was just a tiny tweak that he made to his system, but it made a huge difference for Anik

and his business. Now let’s look at how he ended up making his first $1,000,000 online.

There’s only one change that Anik made that made to his system this time as well, and it made

another huge difference. The change was that he started marketing and selling his own

product. This is what Anik loves the most about email marketing. You can promote other

people’s products. It’s super-easy to do that, but if you want to scale up tremendously, they

you can start selling your own products. If you are already doing this, then good for you!


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Anik still continued to promote other people’s products, even though he now had a product of

his own. If you know anything about Anik and his business, you’ve probably seen him do this

first-hand. The screenshot above shows what Anik did to get his first million. As you can tell,

it’s a fairly simple system, and yet it is super-effective.

Now, what do you think Anik did to make his first $3 million online? This time he didn’t change

his business strategy up too much. He just began making more products of his own to sell, and

then he started adding upsells, downsells, and cross-sells. If this doesn’t make much sense to

you right now, don’t worry because it will soon. For now, just understand that Anik kept

making more and more money, just by making simple tweaks to his business model.

Next, Anik started to do more upsells, downsells, and cross-sells, and then he added some

continuity programs to the mix. This is how he made his first $10 million online. This system

has become more and more complex, but you don’t have to do all of this to make good money

online. All Anik wants you to learn to do is use the simple system that he used to make his first

$100,000 online. To reach that level, all you need is:

A source of traffic

A 1-page website

A database


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A website to sell a product on

Would it make a difference in your life if you were able to generate $100,000 online? Are you

ready? Do you think that you can do this? There are tons of different ways to make money

online, and you may even become a multi-million-dollar internet marketer, but first you have to

master email because it will be foundation of everything else that you do.

You are so blessed to have everything that you have today. Between the tools that you’ve got

and all of the marketers sharing their systems. These are things that a lot of people didn’t have

when they first got their start. Anik grew his business from nothing to $10,000,000+ a year in

six years, but he didn’t know what he was doing because he was one of the first to be able to

do so. He wasn’t one of those kids that went out and bought sports cars and all sorts of other

shiny objects when he was young. He actually poured his money into his business, but his

expenses there got way too high.

Around this same time, the economy crashed, and Anik realized that he had made a

tremendous mistake. The mistake was that he ventured too far away from the simple system

that was working for him. How many times have you done something, and you were happy to

see it working and doing what it was supposed to do, but then you get a little greedy and you

start to push the threshold? Before you know it, you end up ruining all the good stuff that you

had going for you. This is exactly what happened to Anik.

Anik was only 24 or 25 when he got his business to the point where he was bringing in

$10,000,000 a year. He admits that he had what he refers to as “the golden touch complex”. In

other words, he thought that anything that he did would bring in tons of money, and he really

thought he was unstoppable. He wanted to make billions, so he abandoned the simple system

that he had learned. Again, this was at the same time that the economy crashed, and his

expenses went up at this point too. When all of this happened, Anik went deep, deep into

debt. He ended up being $1.7 million in debt, and he was borrowing from all over the place just

to keep afloat.

According to Anik, his dad saw him at the dinner table distraught one night. He got up and

brought Anik his checkbook. In fact, he brought him his home equity line checkbook, so he

would be drawing a loan against the house, and he said, “Look son, here’s the max amount you

can write on here. It’s the max it allows.” Anik had to take most of it. This was their home that

they had lived in for 15 years, and he had to put that at risk. Furthermore, his employees had

to live on half of what they had been earning before. It hurt him, but he had to take from

everyone that he could. This took its toll on him, and it led to major health problems for Anik.


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No matter what happened, no matter how bad things got, he never quit. People kept telling

him to declare bankruptcy just to get out of it, and to tell his friends and family that he couldn’t

pay them back. He didn’t feel like he could do that, but he was completely down and out. He

wasn’t going to quit, and even when he was in the hospital, he wouldn’t give up. He ended up

going to an underground seminar, and this was a last go for him. He had to shut his offices

down. He was at this wit’s end.

At the Underground Online Seminar, Anik remembers hearing a speaker say that he mails his

list at least three times a day. He normally wouldn’t recommend anyone do that, especially not

these days. The point is that this got Anik thinking about utilizing his email list again. It had

been months since he had mailed his list. Two days later he had to shut his office down, and he

remembers sitting there at night, staring at an empty wall. That’s when he realized that he had

made a stupid mistake. He had a great system, and he abandoned it.

The next day, Anik woke up and he felt good. He was inspired. He went back to the basics.

What had first taken him six years to build, he did again in 16 months. He ended up going

through all of the stages again, and he was able to pay off all of his debt. In 16 months, he was

back to making $10 million a year, simply because he went back to utilizing email.

There are over 4.6 billion email addresses in the world, and 144.8 billion emails are sent every

day. Anik just wants to see you get a tiny sliver of this. This new wave of marketing is

generating $2.47 billion a year in revenue. Did you know for every $1 spent on email $44.25


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are made in return? This is the highest on-average ROI that is out there. Compare this to

banner advertising, which is $4. Email marketing is still king, and that’s why email is Phase #1 in

Anik’s best-selling book, The Circle of Profit. There are three reasons for this:

1. Fast Start – You Don’t Need a Product

2. Long-Term – You’re Building an Asset

3. Fully Automated – You Can Chill on a Beach While Your Business Runs

Mr. Fred Lam has been an online expert in driving traffic for over 10 years. Still, he never

thought that he was credible enough to be a digital publisher and have his own digital

newsletter. Finally, after two years, Anik was able to convince him to do this. Fred put his fears

aside and went for it. Thanks to email marketing, Fred went on to make over $1.5 million in

sales. Today, he’s happier, he’s more confident, and he’s loving life!

Right now, Fred is doing email marketing promotions for other people’s products as well as his

own. He might make $41,000 in a day, and he’s hitting all of the top leader boards. He is

constantly generating $40K-$50K at a time doing these promotions. You’ll be hearing more

about Fred’s business very soon. For now, let’s take a moment to understand why email

marketing is the back-bone of any major internet business.


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The 5-Steps to Profitable Email Marketing

No matter what type of business you are starting online, it should be super-clear by now that

you need to have some kind of website. The question is how complicated that website needs

to be. The second thing that you’re going to need is traffic coming into your site. Let’s say that

you were using just one source to get people to your website. What would traditionally

happen? Normally, you would only be able to get a 1-3% conversion, but not anymore. With

the model that you’re about to learn about, it’s possible to get 35-70% conversion rates. For

the sake of argument, let’s just say you’ll be able to get 50%.

The reason why you can get such high conversions with this system is because you’re going to

use an opt-in page where you offer a free gift. This could be a free PDF, a free video, or

anything else that you can think of that will appeal to your specific audience. You’ll give this

away in exchange for the person leaving their email address. From here, two things are going

to happen.

After a person leaves their email address, they are going to be forwarded to another page. This

is called a “thank you” page. This is going to be the first opportunity that you have to make

money. You’re going to learn more about this in a moment, but first, what happens to the

email address that was submitted? That goes into an auto-responder. Basically, this just means


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that the email address is automatically submitted in a database for you as soon as the person

opts in. Once you have these email addresses gathered in this database, you’ll be able to email

the people that have joined your list anytime you want.

One of the best things about email marketing is that you own your own subscriber’s list. No

one can take it away from you. There are essentially two different ways that you can mail out

to your list. First, you can send them automated messages, and next, you can broadcast to your

list. That’s two more ways that you can make money with this system. Ninety percent of Anik’s

income is generated through broadcasting to his list. He only puts about 10 days of automated

messages in his system. Again, this can be done automatically, on the fly.

Let’s say that you use what Anik has taught you, and you are able to get 1,000 visitors. That’s

super-easy to do, Anik says. If you get 50% of these visitors to opt in, then you’ll be left with

500 email addresses. These people are also going to go to your “thank you” page, where they

will find an offer. The way that you get credit for any sales made is by using an affiliate link to

send people to your “thank you” page.

A potential problem that you may have is choosing an affiliate offer that doesn’t convert. If it

converts, then you can make a ton of money off of your “thank you” page, but if it doesn’t, you

risk losing money. This is an element of Anik’s LaunchPad platform that he’s taken care of for

his students. While all of this is happening, the email addresses that have been submitted are

being processed automatically, which means that once a person submits their email address,

people automatically start receiving emails. By the way, Anik has pre-written emails that he

gives his students to use for their own business.

If at any point in time, you want to send an email out to the people within your database, you

can do so. That’s called a broadcast. You can send a broadcast out to your list, and it doesn’t

matter if there are 10,000 or 10 million people on your list, the amount of time you invest is the

same. That’s exactly why this business model is so easy to scale and grows so quickly. To

reiterate, the five steps are:

1. Traffic

2. Opt-in

3. Automated Emails

4. Broadcasting

5. Thank You Page


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If you can just get these five elements put together, you’re going to be in a great place to start

earning an income. Now, without the right leadership, this all can be a bit more difficult. For

instance, to get an opt-in page designed, you would typically spend about $300, especially if

you didn’t know what you were doing. Another example is that you would have to do some

testing to find the right affiliate offer, and this alone could cost you in excess of $200.

When it comes to your email marketing, you would either have to spend time writing them

yourself or hire someone else to write them for you. Also, you or the person that you hire

would have to know at least a little about marketing or writing sales copy to be able to make

these emails convert. Hiring someone with that kind of skill could cost a lot. The point is that

there’s a lot of potential investment that could happen. It’s very realistic to say that each

business that you put up might cost you about $1,000 to start.

Anik knows that these types of businesses are well-worth investing in, but when you are first

starting out, that’s quite a risk. What if things don’t work out? You’ll have to build another one

and maybe even another. Most people that are just getting a start don’t have that kind of

money to waste trying to find out what works. This is exactly why Anik builds a platform for his

students. They are able to launch their businesses for free, without much of a time investment

either because all of the work has been done for you in an automated fashion.

You don’t have to know much about technology, and you won’t have to make any major

investments to do this. You don’t even have to write, design, or pay for hosting or domains if


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you don’t want to. This has all been simplified for you. In fact, Anik and his team have made

this system incredibly easy by providing their students with everything that they need to get

their start. Now, that being said, the team gives their students the tools, training, and

resources they need to be successful, but they still have to take action themselves.

You have to understand that Anik is giving people the opportunity to essentially build off of his

13+ years of hard work. It’s not just his work either. It took a team of over 23 people 14

months to automate the five steps and give you one guarantee. All in all, Anik invested over

$200K into building this system, and he wanted to think the following team members


Andrew E – Director of Technology

Andrew L – Director of content & his team of 16 writers

o Andrew’s team wrote over 11,500 pieces of content

Coder X – Did an awesome job, but didn’t want his name mentioned

Launch Pad is opened up in the screenshot above. This is going to be the hub for your entire

business, and the screen that’s currently shown is your dashboard. When you click to create a

new funnel, you are brought to the screen shown below. As you can see, this screen gives you

the ability to select a campaign niche. Let’s say that you were excited about body building and


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wanted to do something in that niche. You would select the box that pertains to that, and then

you would scroll down past these until you reached the “Name your funnel” field.

When you type the name of your funnel in, a subdomain for your opt-in page automatically

generates in the next field. You see, you don’t have to host your opt-in page because Anik and

his team will host it for you. This page will also notify you if the subdomain is unavailable.

Now, if you do want to add this to your domain, there are full instructions on how to do so on

this same page. They aren’t shown at first, but they will open up when you click the “Use My

Own URL” option, located down at the bottom of the page.

When you are done with all of these options, click the “Save & Continue” button down at the

bottom of the page. On the next page, you’ll be able to set up your email campaign. Anik and

his team use Sendlane. If you don’t have a Sendlane account, don’t worry. You can get one

through your membership, or you can use other platforms like Aweber and GetResponse, if you

prefer. It’s not hard to do this; you just have to download and upload your list. After you finish

filling out the fields on this page, you’ll be able to click on “Save & Continue” once more in

order to move forward to the next page, where you’ll be setting up you affiliate offer.

This membership is incorporated with the #1 affiliate network on the planet, which is ClickBank.

You can also use your own link if you need to. One thing about this program being affiliated

with ClickBank, however, is that Launch Pad actually pulls in all of the top offers for you. That

means that if you don’t have anything to sell already, or you want to promote affiliate offers on


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top of your own, you can simply select one of the offers on this page. You can see in the picture

below that you don’t have to choose blindly.

Each product card shows the product’s conversion rate, gravity, sales price, and whether or not

there’s an upsell attached to it. You can even click through to look at a sales page for a product.

If you choose one of these offers, all you have to do is paste your ClickBank ID down at the

bottom of the page and hit “Save”. If you don’t have a ClickBank account yet, then simply click

on the “Sign Up” button located on the other side of the page. After you’re done, you can

move on to the next page, which is going to allow you to set up your free report.

As previously mentioned, if you want someone to give you their email address, you have to give

them something in exchange. You can upload your own report by clicking on the “Choose File”

button, but you don’t even have to have that because Launch Pad will actually generate a

report for you. Simply select four different articles to generate one or more of your own from.

You can upload some that you found previously, if you like, but the program will actually look

up articles related to the niche you selected earlier. As you can see in the screenshot below, a

saturation percentage is even shown for each of these reports.


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If you want to look through an article before you preview it, then you can simply move your

mouse over the bottom right of the selection and a preview button will appear. Once you

choose your articles, you’ll be taken to an “About Me” page. You’ll want to write about who

you are, what your mission is, and what people can learn from your report. You’ll be able to

type this into a full editor. You’ll be able to align your text, choose different font sizes, bold and

italicize your letters, add bullet points, and even create headlines within your text.

Furthermore, you can insert links and send people wherever you want them to go.

After you are done writing a couple of paragraphs for your “About Me” section, you’ll reach a

page that gives you the ability to write a title for your report, a subtitle, and the author’s name.

Of course, as you are doing this, you’ll want to take some time and get everything right. Next,

you’ll be able to choose a layout and a cover for your free report. There are tons and tons of

images within the program to choose from. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding something

that will fit your niche and your particular report topic. When you are done, you can preview

your cover, and this previewer also allows you to edit what you see. So, you’ll have full control

over everything.


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As you can see in the picture above, you can choose different font sizes, and different colors for

the text as well as the header and the footer areas. After you have everything exactly the way

that you want it, you can hit “Save” and then the “Close” button to exit this window. When you

are done with all of this, you can move forward to set up your auto-responder messages. The

first thing that you’ll do is select some solo ads from a database.

When you select your solo ads, they will be listed up at the top of the screen. You can simply

click and drag them to rearrange their order, if you want to. You’ll also find that there are

buttons over on the right-hand side that allow you to preview and/or edit each of them

individually. Once again, you have full control and everything is customizable. Do whatever

you need to do to make these solo ads your very own.

On the next page, you’ll have a number of different articles to choose from, but this time,

you’re going to use these for content that you can send out to your email list. You can mix and

match up to 20 articles this way and arrange them any way you wish. When you get to the

page after that, you’ll find that the articles you chose have been converted into email

messages. You’ll be able to choose how often these emails go out to your list.

You can edit the text if you need to, and you can rearrange the order that these emails are to

be sent out. It’s all color coded as well. Your text-only articles will be marked in blue, the solo

ads red, and your initial email in green. In the initial article, there is a link that people can click

on to download their free report. You can view each of these articles individually and edit them


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according to what you want them to say. When you are done with all of this, you’ll be able to

start designing your funnel.

As you can probably tell from the picture above, it’s pretty easy to set up your opt-in page. You

start out by entering your name and your email address. Then, you can choose the layout of

your page. There are tons of these layouts to choose from. Not only can you preview each of

these pages, you can edit them as well. There are options for changing the color, the font, the

image, and the title. You can even imbed a video on a page. It’s all up to you. All of this is

totally customizable, and you can edit this in a very simple, click and drag manner.

Look at the screenshot below. As you can see, you can select various elements on this page,

and if you don’t like something, you can delete it with just the click of a button. One thing that

you may notice is that there’s a button on the side which gives you the ability to add your free

reports image to the page. Once you have it place where you want it, you can resize it to make

it fit better if you need to. You can add an image, and you’ll be able to resize it too.


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Not only can you preview the pages that you create, you can also preview it to see what the

page will look like on a tablet and mobile device. When you’re happy with the changes that you

make, just hit the “Save” button. A window will appear asking you if you want to view your

page live, exit the editor, or continue editing. Now, let’s say that you were happy with your

changes. When you exit the editor, you can click on “Save & Continue” to move on to the next


The page to follow allows you to set up a transition page that will lead the visitor into viewing

your offer. On this page, you’ll want to thank the customer for opting in and tell them that

their free report is on its way. You can select how much time this page should be displayed.

After setting this up, you’ll be able to preview and edit everything that you built. Once you

finish this, your page will be live and anyone that opts in will be added to your list.

Think about the power that’s behind all of this. You can set up an entire business in less than

an hour with this system, and you everything is totally customizable and editable, so you can

create everything and have it just the way you want it. Furthermore, all of this works in a click

and drag type of manner, so even if you aren’t tech savvy, you can do this. The only skills you

have to have is the ability to click, drag, and type. There’s even full step by step videos that you

can view to learn how to use this software.


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Are You Ready For Success?

What do you think? Do you think that this tool could be the big breakthrough that you’ve been

waiting for? This could be your chance, but in order to make this work, you’ll have to commit a

minimum of 60 days to building a serious business. You’ll need to give yourself some time to

learn and educate yourself as well. It’s not just about the tool; Inbox Blueprint includes a ton of

great content, training, and systems, all of which can be found in your membership area.

Within 60 minutes, you can have an online presence. That doesn’t mean that you’ll have a

successful business in that amount of time. If that’s not worth committing 60 days to, then

Launch Pad just isn’t for you. This is the simplest business model you’ll ever see. Your traffic is

going to go to a simple opt-in page, which will be built for you on the fly when you use the

Launch Pad system. The email addresses you get will be sent straight to an auto-responder

database, which again, you can set up and run through your member’s dashboard. In fact, the

emails you’re going to use have already been written for you.

There’s just nothing that needs to be done that’s not already being done for you. Now, let’s

take a look at what other people have been able to accomplish with this system. Here are our 3

case studies:


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Case Study #1: Making Money with the T.Y.P. Method

Forget about the emails for a minute. When you get traffic to come to a page, and the visitors

simply have to put in their email address, you have the opportunity to send them an offer. Anik

shares the following story:

“I was recently promoting something for somebody…I wouldn’t say recently; it was actually a

couple of years ago, and I wanted to win the $12,000 prize. They were doing an affiliate

contest, and the affiliate that got the most sales in the program would win the $12,000 prize.

So, that’s the main thing that I wanted to do. Now, here’s what I did. I didn’t have an email list

yet in this niche, so how was I going to come brand new into a niche and win, and beat some of

the top affiliates. The first thing I did was build an opt-in page. Okay? I built a simple opt-in

page, I chose the affiliate offer, which was already chosen for me because I was competing in

this particular program, and I wrote three emails. That’s all I did; I wrote three emails.”

The page that Anik built is shown above. It’s such a simple page, and today, you could build

something like this in minutes. People had to put their email in it before they could even see

the video, which featured Dr. Joe Vitale. The video page wasn’t Anik’s, so he didn’t have to

build it. Anyway, traffic began coming into his one-page website, they were filling in their email

address, and then they were visiting the “thank you” page. There was an offer on the “thank

you page”, and all Anik had to do was copy and paste the URL. So, he had this whole funnel

complete in a matter of 45 minutes.


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Anik ended up earning $8,800.00 in commissions for this campaign, and he ended up winning.

That means he ended up making over $20,000 on this. On top of that, he walked away with an

email list consisting of 8,000 people. Remember, this is a niche that he never marketed to

before. He didn’t have a list before this, but he did have quite a bit of experience when he did


Zane Baker has over 10 years of experience as a multi-lingual human potential and HR expert.

You might recall that he had to escape Baghdad, and he came here to find The American

Dream. Really, all he wanted to do was build a passion-based business in which he could coach,

teach, and inspire others. He ended up joining Lurn in mid-2014, and in early 2015, he was able

to take his digital career to the next level.

Now Zane has two businesses in two different niches, over 45,000 email subscribers, 122,000

Facebook followers, and over 30,000 monthly visits to his two authority websites. On top of

everything else, Zane is trying to launch his first digital product at the moment. He’s got money

coming in from all kinds of different angles/areas. That’s because he has an email list that he

can promote to. Proof of his earnings is shown below.

Case Study #2: Making Money with Manual Mailings

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine an entire baseball stadium, and the crowd is

cheering loudly. There’s not an empty seat in the stadium, and you get to walk out into the

middle of this stadium with a big microphone. Suddenly, everything goes silent, so silent that


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you could hear a pin drop. You’ve got tens of thousands of people listening to you, and you’ve

got the mic, so you can say anything you want. That’s exactly what you are doing when you

broadcast emails.

Of course, Anik can’t make any promises in terms of how much money you’ll make, but he’s

here to provide you with all of the tools and resources you’ll need to do this. Anik has a list that

contains over 81,000 subscribers, and off of this list, he was able to generate $130,154. In this

case, he only sent out emails for 8 days. Is that not incredible? Anik thinks that this is one of

the most fantastic things he’s ever seen. He can hardly believe sometimes that so much money

can be made just by emailing out to a list like this.

How is this done again? Traffic is sent to a one-page site, and from there they are sent to a

“thank you” page. At the same time, their email is sent to an auto-responder, and then they

are marketed to through automated emails and email broadcasts. These broadcasts allow you

to reach out to your list whenever you want, and you can pretty much mail out to them and

recommend anything you’d like to endorse.

There are probably only two things standing between you and making that first $10,000 online.

The first is your actual business. Well, with Inbox Blueprint, all five steps of this process are

really taken care of for you. Launch Pad allows you to create opt-in pages and generates free

reports. You can build up to 10 businesses using Launch Pad, and you won’t have to pay a

penny extra for any of the businesses that you have built with this program.


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Introducing: Inbox Blueprint

You’re about to have access to a complete “business in a box.” Everything that has been put

together by Anik…the result a $200,000 investment and over 18 months of hard work…is being

handed off to you. No one thought that Anik and his team were actually going to be able to

create this, and nothing out there can even compare. You can build an entire business in 60

minutes or less. The pages are built for you, the auto-responder emails are written for you, and

even your free offer is generated for you. You don’t have to outsource anything.

There’s no way to put a price on this. You’re really getting an opportunity that never existed

before. This is a truly powerful system that focuses on simple goals and tackles them through a

process that’s almost completely automated. One of the most amazing things about this is that

you can create an entire online business even if you have very little technical skills. They

wanted to solve that problem and take it off the table completely by having it all done for you.

No one can guarantee that you will make any money at all with anything, but it is guaranteed

that you are going to have the tools to turn a profit in record time. You can have in an hour

what would normally take you a day, a week, or much longer to build. Anik and his team have

taken the writing and the technical aspects of building a substantial business completely off the

table. What they did was make the process incredibly simple, and all you need is traffic, and

they even show you how to get that. Not only that, but you’ll be able to get quality traffic when

you learn the source that Anik is going to share.


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You’re going to receive this entire system with you sign up today, with full video training. Anik

has spent nearly 14 years perfecting this, and he has refined it down to a science. Your one-

page websites will not only be done for you, they are going to be hosted for you as well, if you

so choose to do it that way. Your free gift and emails are done for you as well. Plus, you’re be

given a tremendous traffic source to start with. At the end of the day, you will be able to create

a business in 60 minutes or less!

Why did the team put so much time and effort into creating this system for you? Anik and the

team have been noticing for years that people are lost. They try and they try and yield no

results, just like Anik did when he almost gave up in the beginning. People don’t have a system,

and they hear different things from different people all of the time. No wonder people struggle

when it comes to piecing this stuff together, and when they lack the technical and/or writing

skills anyways, things prove even more difficult.

Ninety-five percent of people fail, statistically, when it comes to building a business such as this.

They don’t know how to implement it. The fact of the matter is that we all need a bit of help;

no one can do this alone. Someone had to help Anik, and he’s been helping students for years

now. Without some help, and without a system, you are going to lose focus and get frustrated.

The team is bringing this to you so that you can get it done.

When you invest in your business, you’re really investing in yourself. Most of the time, when

people don’t invest in their business, it’s because they are scared to. That’s usually because


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they don’t have a system to follow so they aren’t confident enough to take the leap. Isn’t that

right? If you knew that something was going to work, then investing in your business wouldn’t

be a problem.

Anik and his team don’t want to see you make the same kinds of mistakes so many people do,

including Anik himself. They’ve seen this with their students as well, prior to entering into

Inbox Blueprint. Do you want their help? They have taught 150,000 students, and they’ve

learned a lot from this. They know for a fact that your chance of success is far greater if you

have the help that you need. They know that you need someone to hold your hand, and they

don’t mean this in a demeaning way; they know that everyone needs support.

What you don’t need is someone drilling you and telling you what to do. People thrive when

they have detailed instruction and when they are shown exactly what to do. The team is going

to give you the stuff that works without all of the fluff. They will get straight to the point.

Again, just receiving training is not enough. Students need a way to ask questions, and they

need to have a way to participate and move forward as a team.

You’ve seen the five steps, so now you have a system. Furthermore, this is a proven system

that has been tested. This is based upon his 13+ years of experience, trial and error, and years

of results. He’s made millions upon millions of dollars, and he has millions of email leads. You

don’t do that by accident. Aside from a proven system, you need automation. There’s lots of

technology out there, but does that technology work on its own.


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You don’t want to go get a manual to make a rocket run. You need to have the rocket built so

that you can just jump in and take off. You need a system that’s “plug-and-play”, and it has to

be easy. You shouldn’t have to figure a whole bunch of crazy stuff out all of the time. For most

people, technology is the biggest barrier. If technology is usually a roadblock for you, it’s not

your problem anymore. The team has taken this dilemma away.

You can do this if you’re just starting out, and you can do this if you are an experienced internet

marketer. The system and the tools just make things easier. You’re getting an entire course

backed with complete training. When you join Inbox Blueprint, you will receive:

Hand-Holding Guidance

Step-by-Step Videos

Full Launch Pad Access

Assignment by Assignment

Top Profitable Niches

Done-for-You Business

Access to Successful Students


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11,500+ Content Pieces

Best Affiliate Offers

Auto-Responder – Free Start

World-Wide Expert Access

Top Traffic Sources

Open Office Hours

Fast Start & First Sale

You are getting a Full email marketing system that has been time tested and proven. Most

people think of a franchise when they think of a proven system. The startup cost for a franchise

typically ranges from $100,000-$115,000. That’s just for the opportunity to potentially make

money. You’ve got all kinds of overhead costs to pay for when you have a business such as this.

Obviously, this isn’t the savviest business model.

What about going out and getting an M.B.A.? This will cost you over $120,000. A lot of people

with an M.B.A. are currently unemployed. Statistically, 85% of students do not work within the

field that they majored in. This is yet another investment that’s not guaranteed. Plus, people

typically give away over two years of their lives to be making around $60,000 when they get



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When you join this system, you’re going to be taken through every single step along the way.

This is depicted in the screenshot above. As you can see, you’re going to be take through the

following modules:


Addiction Meter

The Bait

The TYP Method

Email Machine Overview

Emails & List Relationship

Payday Secrets

Easy Traffic

Unlimited Success

Forum & Bonuses

When you join today, you will receive:


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#1 – FULL Video-Based Training – UNLIMITED ACCESS ($2,997)

o Step-By-Step – Copy & Paste Our Instructions

#2 – Assignment Based Training – One Step at a Time! ($997)

o Launch Your Business Without Even Knowing It!

#3 – Live Examples – SEE OUR BUSINESSES ($2,997)

o Look Over Our Shoulders as We Show Our Businesses!

Total Value: $6,991

You are literally going to be able to copy and paste every single thing the team is doing. You’re

going to be led through the process of building a business one step at a time, and you’re going

to be able to watch over their shoulders as they do some of this stuff for you. Without a doubt,

any high-class training like that is going to be worth at least $6,000, if not much, much more.

When it comes to the automation, Launch Pad took 14 months to build with over 23 team

members working on it. This is the first system ever that builds done-for-you unique

businesses. There’s no technical skills or experience necessary to do this. It’s a fully-integrated

system, and your business will be ready to be launched in no time!

It was stated earlier that 11,500+ pieces of content were created to help you market your

growing business. Well, by the end of 2016, this number is expected to grow to 30,000! These

aren’t just articles. These are tried, tested, and true! The team knows that they work. Right

now, there are 25 different niches included in this, and this year the team is expanding it to 50

niches. You are going to get life-time access to this program, with a founding status and

unlimited upgrades!


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The screenshot above shows what you’re going to get. Again, these are done-for-you tools that

cost over $200,000 to develop. When you join today, you’ll receive:

#1 – Build 10 Businesses – As Deep As You Want! ($1,997)

o Click, Click Tech Build, Update, Maintain, Track – All in One Place!

#2 – Over 25 Niches Fully Automated – Growing to 50 in 2016 ($1,997)

o Weight Loss, Personal Development, Internet Marketing…

#3 – 4,000+ Opt-In Page Options (Through Designer) ($1,497)

o Building an Entire New Designer & Adding 100s Templates!

#4 – 10,000 Pieces of Content for PDF & Emails – DONE! ($2,997)

o All American Authors, Talented & Brandable Content – FREE!

#5 – FULL Integration with Sendlane – Business Goes LIVE ($497)

o #1 Email Marketing System for Digital Publishers

Total Value: $8,985

In summary, that’s over $15,976 in REAL Value!


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This is a turnkey system that will allow you to turn your passion into a REAL Business! It’s a

total one-stop shop! The total resource that you need! Starting today you can finally overcome

the barriers. This is designed to allow you to create your first commission within just days.

Also, for the first time ever, Anik is announcing that he will be offering a Lurn email marketing


If you’ve failed before, you’re not a failure as long as you get back up and try again. The team

does want people who are dead serious about getting a real start today, however. If you aren’t

getting started with this opportunity right now, when will it be? No one is asking you to quit

your job today, but the team would like to see you take this seriously and start taking action.

They are officially re-opening this, but it is for a limited amount of time and the class begins


Anik and his team can only take in a handful of students in order to commit the time that they

want to. After all, they can’t service the entire world. All they ask is that if you join, you’ll

commit to this for 60 days, and they are only looking to bring in serious students. The team

wants to invest $200,000 into your business on your behalf, but you have to take action!

Anik and his team have bills to pay themselves and other things they need to do, but they did

want to make this program accessible to people, even if they were just starting out. Anik

started out just like you, as did many of his now-successful students. The team does plan to

invest another $200,000 into building this out for you, so they knew they did have to make their

money back somehow and recover from the time they invest as well. Therefore, the team

decided that it had to be an annual investment.

Here’s what they did. They set the price at $4,997 a year. That way, if they signed 40 students

up, they could at least break-even. The problem with this is that this would keep the program

from being accessible to a lot of people. The team then approached Anik and suggested 50

students at $3,997 a year, and still Anik rejected that proposal. Well, the team members

scratched their heads and thought about it for a while. They decided that $2,997 a year was

the price of a junior college, and those people don’t get promised near what this has the

potential to provide. Still, Anik said “no”.

Anik and the other team members finally decided to cut this price in half. After signing 133

students, they would be able to break even at $1,497. That’s when Anik decided to give

everyone signing up today a break. Those who take action right now and sign up for today’s

offer will be able to join the program and gain lifetime access for only one payment of $1,497,

and you still get to build 10 full businesses at that price point!


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Ready to get started? Great. You can have immediate access to all of the tools, training,

resources and coaching by Anik and his team have put together for you, right now. You can get

started right now. But please note: this offer sill not be available after midnight tonight,

because Anik will be closing the doors to new students so he can devote his time and attention

to helping new Inbox Blueprint members get off to a fast start and have success with this


Click here right now to secure your spot:

Just to be clear, Anik and his team cannot give you an income guarantee. Not only will their

conscience not allow it, they FCC won’t either. They do believe that if you put in the time, the

effort, and the work that they tell you to in the training, you can make a lot of money, and

there are a number of living testaments to this. All you need to do is get the traffic, follow the

email training, and you’re going to make some money.

All of us reach a point in life when we reach a breaking point. Now is the time to break through

because, honestly, opportunities like this do not come about every day. When they do, you

better be sure to snatch them up. So, you need to take decisive action right away. In other

words, you need to decide whether this is right for you or not. If you are ready to start building

a real business right now, then this is your chance.

The best part about all of this is that this carries absolutely no risk. The real risk is not taking

advantage of this opportunity if this is really something that you want to do. Tomorrow you

could be doing the exact same thing as you did today, or you can wake up and start building

something true and lasting for yourself.

This is a truly unfair advantage. They asked Anik what would have made a difference to him 13

years ago, and he said, “Well, an email business can definitely make you a million or more a

year. He’s done this 100 times over. The question is what people need to get those next-level

results.” So, it was decided that the team would add training that solidifies this program as the

#1, very best email marketing system in the world. They are actually going to put their time in

it as a company, and Anik is even going to put his time into it. They have already committed to

adding another $200,000 of value to the program on your behalf. You are the #1 priority.


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Bonus #1 – Annual Platinum Membership ($3,997)

The team wants to give you something special. So, for Bonus #1 you are going to get access to

the Lurn Masters Annual Platinum Membership. This is the cream of the crop concerning the

memberships. You’re going to be a part of the team’s inner circle, basically. You’ll be a part of

this for 12 full months. You’ll have direct access to the team during this time. That’s 24/7

access to the team’s coaches, experts, and successful students. Plus, you’re going to receive

two new trainings with Anik each month, which adds up to 24 extra trainings in all. Also, you’re

going to:

Get Expert Advice & Feedback

Attend Webinars & Q&As

Platinum Access to Forum

Master Level Assistance to Build Your Business

Bonus #2 – Traffic Academy ($1,497)


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The only thing standing between you and your successful business with thousands of

subscribers is traffic. You’re going to get an entire training course on traffic. That’s eight

different training modules. Look what you’re getting:

Guest Blogging

Forum Commenting

Blog Commenting


Email Media

Facebook Ads

Google Ads


In this course, the team dives deep on the top 3 quickest and most effective traffic strategies.

They are also going to bring in some experts to teach this to you. Plus, they will be adding more

traffic source strategies to this training regularly. Traffic should never be an issue for you again.

The team brought in the world’s highest paid traffic experts for this training. They paid some of

these guys $10,000 each to acquire some of their courses as well. Additionally, these experts

have committed 12 months to consistently updating this material. This is 100% free to you

when you join today.

Bonus #3 – 6 Week Fast-Start Program: Over the Shoulder Training ($497)

You’ll be able to follow the teams lead all of the way to your first 1,000 subscribers as well as

your first commissions. You’ll be able to watch over-the-shoulder, step-by-step as team

members follow the Inbox Blueprint business model. If you were to only make $1 per

subscriber with the help of this bonus, you would have a nice payday, wouldn’t you. In fact,

that would almost be worth the total price of the program.

As you can see, you are going to get an immense amount of value when you sign up today. Not

only are you getting Anik’s full system and training, but you’re getting the automation and

done-for-you tools as well. On top of that, you are going to receive all three of these excellent

bonus at a highly-discounted rate. All of this added up has been valued to be worth$21,967.


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You’ve got to get in now if you want to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Get started

now by visiting

Again, if you sign up right now, you are going to get exclusive access with hands-on help.

You’re also going to be able to open up 10 full business, and you can begin building this

immediately. Remember, this is a full system that has been tested and running for 13 years

now. You cannot go wrong with this. It’s everything you need to grow a substantial and highly

successful lasting business.

You’re going to have an entire team behind you with the sole purpose and #1 goal to make you

money. As previously mentioned, this offer carries no risk. If you don’t absolutely love this,

you’ll get 100% of your money back as long as you request it in the first 60 days. The team

knows that you’re not going to end up using this because the system works and carries an

immense amount of value. However, they know that this will make you feel comfortable about

taking this leap, and if there’s the slightest chance you do change your mind, the guarantee is


If you jump in now, you’ll be able to get in on the “Jay Special” pricing being offered. If you

come back in a month looking for this offer, it’s going to be gone, and if they do reopen this

offer one day, then the price will be much higher. The only reason you’re getting this deal right

now is because of a favor they are doing for Jay Boyer and his list. He put his neck out there for

you and opened the door, but it’s up to you to go through that door. Act now to take


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advantage of this amazing offer before it’s too late! If you move fast, you’ll qualify for these

exclusive fast action bonuses as well:

Surprise #1 - $500 Boost in Traffic!

Surprise #2 – My $1 Million Secret!

Surprise #3 – Frankly – I Will Lose Money!

One of these bonuses is going to provide $500 in traffic. This is going to come straight out of

the company’s pocket. Secondly, you are going to be let in on Anik’s million-dollar secret. This

is the exact secret he used to get his business generating that initial million dollars a year. The

team is losing some money on these bonuses, but they want to give you the backing that you

need if you’re a fast decision maker.

For your first fast-action bonus, you’re going to receive $500 in free traffic. The only resource

out there for traffic is You’re going to get a 20% boost of traffic on this site.

This will be in the form of a $500 coupon to Clickonomy Media Buying, and the team will add

20% to your investment for up to $2,500. In other words, if you add $200, they are going to

add another $20.

One of the best courses the team ever provided was called List Academy. It teaches you some

of the most advanced email marketing tactics out there. This course originally sold for $997,

and was eventually retired from the market, so you can’t get access to it anymore. It was so

good that they decided they had to pull it. This, by the way, is the course in which Anik reveals

how he got past 10,000 subscribers, which is something he hardly ever teaches anyone. On top

of that, these are the same strategies that led Anik to making $2 million to $3 million per year.

The third fast action bonus you’ll be receiving is the ability to have unlimited businesses

through the program. That’s right. Anik is removing the 10-business for all of the people who

are first to sign up. You’ll be able to build as many businesses as you like. This will work for

you, for your family, or even your business partner. Anik wouldn’t suggest it, but if you wanted

to, you could build over 50 different businesses, each making you $500 a month, or $1,000 a

month, or much, much more. There’s no predicting what you can make, but there’s no cap.

You can have unlimited businesses, unlimited niches, and unlimited profits.

Take a moment to imagine this. If you wanted 10 franchises, what would you have to pay? If

you wanted 10 M.B.A, you would not only have to dish out all kinds of cash for that, you would

have to invest 2 years of your time for each one. You’re not only going to get 10 businesses

when you sign up right away, you’re going to get an unlimited amount. This is huge! Even if

you had sucky businesses, think about what you could make. If you had 10 businesses only


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making you $1,000 a month, that’s still $10,000 a month. What if you had 50 businesses? That

would be $50,000 per month!

That’s actually a huge understatement because one business could possibly bring in that much.

In any case, the total value for these decision making bonus is $5,494. It’s actually worth much

more than that, but still, this brings the total value of this offer up to $27,461. This is all being

handed over to you today!

It comes down to the question, “If not now, then when?” If you don’t want to succeed now,

when are you going to succeed? If you aren’t going to try right now, when are you going to try?

If you are struggling, why would you keep doing the exact same thing, unless you wanted to

continue to struggle? All Anik and his team are asking you to do is put a little faith in them and

put a little faith in yourself. Make the decision to make a change today! Be the proud owner of

a future business today, or leave this offer and continue with the same circumstances you had

before. It’s all up to you.

Again, the team is only looking for serious individuals that are willing to work, with the team’s

assistance, to change their lives. They do expect you to commit yourself to this system and

work at it for at least 60 days. No one can make up your mind for you. If this is the type of

opportunity you’re looking for, you must take action now. That’s because Anik will be closing

the doors to Inbox Blueprint Sunday at midnight so he can focus his attention on helping new

members get off to the fastest start possible with this system.


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Click here right now to secure your spot:

Even if you’re still on the fence about this offer, visit the page to read more about the value

being delivered with this exclusive opportunity.

There’s one more surprise. The team wanted to do something very special. Anik knows that if

you really want something, you’ll find a way. At the same time, however, he knows that each

of us is only human. Sometimes the situation is just the situation, so just for this offer, he’s

going to give a break to those people that want this but just don’t have the money available to

sign up. You can get started right now for one payment of $597. You’ll pay 3 payments total

and get access to everything! To take advantage of this one-time deal, visit


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Questions & Answers

How do I access my bonuses?

Over on the left-hand side of the membership area, there’s a bonus tab. All of your bonuses

should be there.

How much is Sendlane after 30 days?

It’s not expensive. It’s like $19 a month. Of course, as your list grows, the price will go up a bit.

Are there any additional costs?

That’s one single payment of $1,497. If you sign up right now, that’s a one-time fee, not an

annual fee. You can also get started with three payments of $597. That makes the total price a

little more expensive, but that’s just because you’re making three payments instead of one.

Is this for newbies?

Absolutely, and it will work great for people with experience too. You saw the automation and

how easy it all is. At the end of the day, this is a real-life, legitimate business. No matter who

you are, you can do this.

Will I get additional training?

You’re going to get access to the Q&A for this program too.

What other costs are involved?

You’ll need to get traffic, but that’s one of the reasons why you’re going to get the coupon.

That’s to get you a good start. If you’re a marketer, or if you’re going to sell anything, traffic is

something that you’ll always have to invest in. Then, you have to pay for Sendlane after the


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first 30 days, but if you’re making money by that time, you won’t even notice that. Anyway, the

costs involved are minimal.

What if we really don’t have the money on-hand right now?

If you don’t have the money right now, you can still get on with the payment plan. That would

get you in the door. It’s very possible that you could get your business up and start making

money right away, then you’ll have more money before the next payment. At the same time,

this isn’t for everyone. If this isn’t your opportunity, we apologize. The team really hopes to

see you on the inside. Sometimes things just don’t work out, but this is a great chance to build

a business successfully if you can make it happen.

What if I have to wait and talk to my spouse?

If you need to talk to your spouse, that’s fine. Keep in mind that this is a limited-time offer,

however. There’s just so many people that the team that can devote their time to and help.


By now, you have all the information you need about whether this powerful system is right for

you. If you’re ready to get started, great! But you must take action now, because will not be

accepting new members after midnight tonight.

Click here to lock in your spot: