Page 1: How to Answer a Work Email Like a Pro

to Answer


universal guide for all those who want to manage their inbox better


Like a Pro


Page 2: How to Answer a Work Email Like a Pro

We all know how to answer a work email, don’t we? But

do we all do it the right way? I think there is always some

place for improvement. I have written many posts on how

to manage your inbox, I have even advocated the idea of

not replying to all the messages you get. Here’s some tips

on how to answer a work email like a pro. Get to the point


!I know you want to express how happy you are you got the

email and you want to flood the first paragraph of the

email with courteous words as poetic as the sunset over

Tahiti beaches, but let me tell you one thing – not only no

one expects that from you but they actually might not have

time for that. Don’t waste sentences to blow someones

ego or to be overly polite. Seriously! Get. To. The. Point.




Like a Pro

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Use bullet points and text formatting

Our attention span at work is constantly challenged making it difficult to read dense paragraphs of text. Use bullet points where possible to summarise ideas, data, or conclusions and to provide succinct answers.

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Let the others reply first

If you’re CCed on an email, and someone else CCed would be better suited to provide an answer, let them do it first.

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Forward emails sent to you by mistake

Instead of replying with a long explanation saying how and why this and that does not concern you anymore, forward the email by replying and including the correct person on the thread.

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Don’t speculate on intent

Words are just words – what drives communication is very often our interpretation. Believe me, it’s hard to read emotions in emails. So don’t do that. Don’t speculate on intent.

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Answer promptly in you scheduled time

If you can answer something promptly (under two minutes) do it. If you have to take time to answer thoroughly, plan that time. Don’t create an awful backlog in your inbox, and frustrate the sender.

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Don’t answer at all

Some emails are not meant to be replied to. If someone informs you about something that does not require your comment or answer then you really do not have to answer with, “Ok, thx” or “Great, got that.”

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UNMESS YOUR LIFEstarting with your inbox

Email overload has got to you? You feel like the inbox is controling you and not the other way around. It’s time to unmess your life and learn to manage your inbox better. We want you to give UNMESS App a try. For those who want to reach mailbox zero without changing the habits and tools, UNMESS is an app that saves time daily organising your mailbox organically. Unlike other solutions, UNMESS doesn't require changes in account or learning new habits. It changes so that you don't have to.


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ABOUT UNMESSan app to help you manage your inbox

UNMESS app helps you manage your inbox daily without changing your habits or settings of your inbox. Use your Gmail account to sign up for best to get exclusive access & benefits. Unmess is compatible with any Gmail account by one-click integration. It works with any email client, operating system and device. We take your privacy seriously and make sure your data stays secure. We never get and store your password and we do not store any of your emails. To learn more visit our blog.


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By Daniel Kulinski via Compfight cc By Diogo Tavares By Snaps via Compfight cc By Walt Stoneburner via Compfight cc By Vee-O By Katerha via Compfight cc By Namphuong Van By Taylor Leopold By Diogo Tavares
