Page 2: How long should your tag management system implementation take?

How long should your tag management system implementation take?

ObservePoint Tag Auditing CompanyData Quality Assurance Platform

When it comes to implementing a tag management system, time is of the essence. That said, just like the impatient kids in the backseat in the middle of a long drive, this refrain comes up again and again:Are we there yet? How much further?Well, how much further is it, really? To find out, you’ve got to ask yourself these questions:

Do you have a well-defined tracking plan?

You might think so, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. You’ll have to know—on every page, in every likely scenario—what you want to track and where that data will go.The endgame, for a lot of people in the beginning stages, is only theoretical. You’ve really got to try to see the forest, not just the trees. If you’re not sure what you plan to do with all your new data, you’ll need to put your thinking cap on.

Page 3: How long should your tag management system implementation take?

How long should your tag management system implementation take?

ObservePoint Tag Auditing CompanyData Quality Assurance Platform

Is the implementation on a brand-new site, or are you working with legacy code?

If you’ve got tons of legacy code hanging around, extra care must be taken not to break what already may be working. Older inline code will have to be removed to create an efficient TMS implementation. Dirty code will always be a nightmare to maintain and update.You’ve also got to make sure you have access to your servers/legacy code. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it happens more often than you can imagine. Vendors or staff you’ve previously worked with may have things locked down so tightly that you don’t even have the necessary permissions and/or passwords to modify your existing code.

Page 4: How long should your tag management system implementation take?

How long should your tag management system implementation take?

ObservePoint Tag Auditing CompanyData Quality Assurance Platform

How complex is your site, anyway?The time spent in the implementation stage is directly proportional to the complexity of your site. If your tag management goals are modest, an implementation may be quicker than you think. If you’re managing multiple CMS’s with a huge dataset, it obviously takes a bit longer. The old adage always applies: not all sites are created equal.

Who is doing the implementation?In the best of all possible worlds, you’ve hired a dedicated staff that is completely devoted to the TMS implementation. We don’t usually live in that world. If you’re adding to your existing IT department’s workload, they may have other, more pressing concerns. They may also be inexperienced with TMS. An outside, specialized agency could be a better call. The TMS vendor, the people with the real knowledge and implementation experience, might be an even better choice.

Page 5: How long should your tag management system implementation take?

How long should your tag management system implementation take?

ObservePoint Tag Auditing CompanyData Quality Assurance Platform

This is just a small sampling of the kinds of questions you need to be asking yourself. The beginning steps—arguably the most important ones—are often given little thought (or ignored entirely) in the interest of getting a quick solution.

Rushing into implementing a TMS without a clear plan, defined goals, and the means to implement is never a good thing. If you want to minimize time and save yourself the real delays that come from a poorly executed implementation, you’ll need to pump the brakes and work out the details first.
